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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 135

Chapter 135

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After returning home, Xue Yao spent the entire night wide awake, replaying in his mind where the situation took a wrong turn.

The tyrant’s fluttering heart quest, he recalled, sprouted before meeting A’Zhu.

What did he do back then?

He, according to his own imagination, presented a tender version of A’Zhu in front of Lu Qian.

The final answer shocked him. Did Lu Qian mistake him for A’Zhu? Hence, he misunderstood his object of affection?

In reality, Lu Qian’s fluttering heart quest erupted at that moment due to accumulated emotional tremors. It was the first collision with physiological reactions, marking the official commencement of the fluttering heart quest progress.

It wasn’t because Xue Yao wiggled his hips a couple of times that he fell for him. If any other man had done the same, Lu Qian might have thrown a punch.

Xue Yao thought he gained the female lead role through despicable means of script snatching.

This wasn’t what he wanted. He only wanted to be lifelong buddies with Lu Qian, growing old together. He wasn’t willing to turn their relationship into that kind of nature.

Was he willing?

Lips that had been kissed warmed slightly, and the second Xue Yao hidden within his being brought about an unconscious self-disgust.

He could imagine future people mocking Emperor Long Aotian of Great Qi on the smartphone encyclopedia, saying he was a cheat with a diverse harem, male and female, joking about his rich sex life. Was he gay? Could gay people have so many kids? Maybe he just enjoyed experimenting with different tastes, having some fun with men for a change. Haha, ancient emperors were really chaotic.

Xue Yao clenched his fist tightly, wishing to punch the future people who mocked Lu Qian.

Suddenly pounding the bed board, Xue Yao furrowed his brow, restless and annoyed. He rolled over, covering his head with the blanket.

He couldn’t wish for it, or Lu Qian would go from the Eternal Emperor to eternal ridicule.


Back in the palace, Lu Qian thought he would be confronted by Sixth Brother, but to his surprise, Sixth Brother nodded and returned to his own chambers with a heavy heart.

Lu Xiao didn’t intentionally ignore Seventh Brother. His recent sinful actions stirred up all his emotions, momentarily overshadowing A’Yao’s matters.

He had just committed an unforgivable act.

Right in the elegant room, in front of that man in green, he devoured the meal, used the excuse of using the restroom… and ran away!

Lu Xiao fled without settling the bill.

Initially, he truly was going to the restroom, but as he left the elegant room, catching a glimpse of the carefree figure in green, a wicked idea arose: “If I slip away, he’ll be stuck with the bill for this table of dishes, costing three or two silver coins.”

Bold and daring, Lu Xiao descended to the first floor, seized the moment when the innkeeper wasn’t paying attention, and slipped out through the window.

The guilt of committing mischief for the first time propelled Lu Xiao’s lightness skill from three to seven. He raced back to the palace, face flushed with breath and a fierce aura.

Safety awaited him upon entering the palace. Lu Xiao now felt an exhilarating excitement he hadn’t experienced before, along with a heavy moral burden.

Three or two silver coins, could that man afford it? Would this deplete all his possessions? Would he be left wandering the streets, begging for a living?

As he cooled down, Lu Xiao felt increasingly uneasy.

Though the man in green exuded a roguish charm, he hadn’t committed any major offense. Lu Xiao, however, vented all the anger and frustration of losing A’Yao onto this innocent man, directly causing him to become a beggar.

Lu Xiao tossed and turned, unable to sleep, feeling as if his hands were already stained with fresh blood, on the brink of becoming a demon.


Early the next morning, Xue Yao, sporting two dark circles under his eyes, had breakfast with his grandfather and mother.

Seeing his son not in good spirits, Zhou Rui suggested he take a day off at home.

Grandfather glared at Zhou Rui, sternly saying that without illness or calamity, how could one casually take leave? It was not allowed.

After the meal, Grandfather asked Xue Yao to talk privately in the back hall.

Xue Yao thought Grandfather wanted to counsel him about not being lazy, but it turned out to be for another matter.

Something that surprised him.

“A’Yao, during the late Emperor’s personal expedition, did you ever claim that he would encounter danger on the other side of Baisu Trench?” Grandfather asked with deep concern in a hushed tone.

Xue Yao was startled, a shiver running through his entire body.

How could such words spread?

Calming down, he thought carefully. It couldn’t be true. He had only mentioned this to the Crown Prince at that time, and the Crown Prince wasn’t someone who gossiped.

“No, how could I utter such disruptive rumors that would undermine military morale? Grandfather, why do you ask?” Xue Yao asserted firmly.

Zhou Chong sighed, furrowing his brow. “I don’t know who is spreading these rumors in the court.”

Xue Yao anxiously asked, “How could rumors like that be pinned on me?”

“Now, who doesn’t know you’re a favorite by Prince Ning’s side?” Zhou Chong said with emphasis and concern. “Some people obtained information from Prince Rui not long ago. In a few months, when Prince Ning turns eighteen, the Emperor will abdicate immediately in favor of Prince Ning. Many in the court tried to flatter Prince Ning but failed. Recently, they attempted to win my favor by presenting gifts under the pretext of showing filial piety. I turned them away, but it seems these people are harboring resentment, causing trouble for you.”

“Grandfather, there’s no need to worry,” Xue Yao reassured. “Prince Ning won’t believe baseless rumors like this.”

“This matter is not entirely baseless,” Zhou Chong responded.

Xue Yao’s heart skipped a beat. “What evidence do they have?”

“It’s said that the foreign oracle advised the late Emperor on the eve of the expedition. After several victorious battles, the late Emperor even joked about the oracle’s predictions. Now, someone is using this information, privately questioning and intimidating the oracle.

“Before the late Emperor’s passing, he changed the heir to Prince Ning. It’s truly puzzling. Some suspect the oracle may have been influenced by Consort Xi, placing a curse on the late Emperor. After being threatened and questioned, the oracle tried to distance herself from Consort Xi. She claimed that all these actions were orchestrated by a young attendant in Prince Ning’s entourage.”

Xue Yao’s mind buzzed with shock!

Zhou Chong continued, “However, there’s no concrete evidence. After all, the oracle was personally appointed as the divine priestess by the late Emperor. Many requested to interrogate her, but both the Emperor and Prince Rui rejected these requests. Even if they privately interrogated her, they wouldn’t dare openly reveal it, or they’d be condemned themselves.”

Xue Yao’s temples throbbed, momentarily forgetting to respond to his grandfather.

Unaware of his grandson’s changed expression, Zhou Chong continued with some concern, “Even if we eliminate the remnants of the Tong family, the court won’t be clear for a day. The late Emperor kept the Tong family to constrain this group of people. Now that the Tong family’s supporters have fallen, those who used to compete with the Tong family are now exerting their influence on His Majesty. Even someone as inconspicuous as you, a minor attendant, cannot be won over. They all want to completely eradicate any potential threats.”

In that moment, Xue Yao, for the first time, vividly understood why ancient emperors were so fond of playing political games.

Many emperors tolerated a group of corrupt officials and the clean-stream faction contending for power. They even involved eunuchs. Whichever side became weak, they would let the eunuchs intervene, always keeping the two factions evenly matched. This prevented anyone from having extra strength to challenge the emperor.

For instance, when an emperor wanted to build a palace or a garden, officials had to speculate.

Where did corrupt officials with poor judgment come from, insisting on wasting people’s money, leaving a stench for centuries? All were trying to interpret the emperor’s thoughts, presenting themselves as loyal followers, hoping for a share of imperial favor and a lifetime of glory.

Eunuchs were also the emperor’s people. Some even referred to themselves as “our family,” similar to the meaning expressed by monks and priests. Seeing through worldly affairs and renouncing worldly desires, eunuchs were deprived of the enjoyment in that aspect. They could only rely on the emperor as their main support, making them the most trusted by the emperor.

Both these factions were the emperor’s pawns.

Xue Yao had always disapproved of Emperor Linan favoring the Tong family’s faction and the Eunuch Offices. Now, with the Eldest Prince in power, he swiftly eradicated both factions, paving the way for Lu Qian’s ascent.

It seemed like clearing the court for his youngest brother, but in reality, it was making Lu Qian struggle against the officials on his own.

At such a critical juncture, one could see that experience mattered. Emperor Linan wasn’t a clueless ruler. That big oaf understood more than anyone.

Xue Yao felt utterly bewildered. If this so-called clean-stream faction in the court couldn’t tolerate even him, a mere reader-in-waiting, how challenging would it be for Lu Qian, who hadn’t cultivated his right-hand man yet, with so many eyes scrutinizing him in the future?

It was strange. At a time like this, Xue Yao wasn’t worried about the possibility of losing his head due to these rumors. He was solely concerned about Lu Qian facing tough times ahead.

Coming back to his senses, Xue Yao realized his grandfather was calling him.

Xue Yao hastily responded, “What did you say?”

“Why are you standing there stupefied?” Zhou Chong urged, “This matter is of great importance. Today, when you enter the palace, quickly have Prince Ning handle the situation with the oracle. If Prince Ning finds it inconvenient, seek assistance from Prince Rui. It’s a delicate matter, so don’t leave behind troubles. The night is long, and dreams are many.”

“A’Yao understands. Grandfather, rest assured.”

In truth, Xue Yao wasn’t quite sure what Grandfather meant by “handling the blessing practitioner.” Surely it couldn’t involve silencing her? Consort Xi wouldn’t accept that either.

How should he explain this to Lu Qian?

To Lu Qian, the blessing practitioner was almost like a grandmother. Even if something was to be done, at most, they could send her back to Consort Xi’s hometown. However, even that might be hard for Consort Xi to accept. She had too few people she considered family in Great Qi.

After much consideration, Xue Yao decided to visit the blessing practitioner personally, advising her not to let private matters become public due to intimidation.

Lu Qian was about to become the Emperor. What did she have to fear?

When the blessing practitioner saw Xue Yao coming to find her, she was so frightened that she dared not lift her head, continuing to embroider as if in an ostrich-like self-defense.

“I have something important to discuss with you today.”

The blessing practitioner played deaf, tilting her head and leaning her ear toward him. “Eh?”

Xue Yao became a bit anxious. “This matter is crucial. You must cooperate with me. Can you recall who pressured you about the prophecy before the expedition? Do you remember them all?”

The blessing practitioner’s embroidery frame dropped to the ground. Trembling, she stood up and knelt in front of Xue Yao. “I’m old. It would be easier for you if I entered the coffin sooner. I just can’t let go of my mistress and the little prince.”

“Don’t speak of such things.” Xue Yao helped her up, trying to ask questions with a gentle demeanor.

Soon, he got the information he was after. Contrary to his initial suspicion that the Xue family sought revenge through the blessing practitioner, it was actually a fourth-rank official from the Ministry of Revenue.

This implied that the mischief might be orchestrated by the Minister of Revenue.

Xue Yao couldn’t figure out when he had offended an official from the Ministry of Revenue. After careful consideration, he recalled that the Minister of Revenue was a student of Master Li, a cabinet minister.

It wasn’t a genuine teacher-student relationship. Rather, Master Li had served as the chief examiner during the imperial examination when the Minister of Revenue took the test.

In Great Qi, examinees often addressed the chief examiner as their “teacher.” After successfully entering officialdom, many sought to form connections with the chief examiner, creating a community of shared interests. The Minister of Revenue might have interrogated the blessing practitioner risking everything for the sake of Master Li.

Master Li was initially set to become the next Prime Minister, but his position was taken by Zhou Chong, which had some connection to Xue Yao.

Now, with Prince Ning about to ascend the throne, the correct target to remove Zhou Chong from power would naturally be Xue Yao.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 135

The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 135

Chapter 135

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After returning home, Xue Yao spent the entire night wide awake, replaying in his mind where the situation took a wrong turn.

The tyrant's fluttering heart quest, he recalled, sprouted before meeting A'Zhu.

What did he do back then?

He, according to his own imagination, presented a tender version of A'Zhu in front of Lu Qian.

The final answer shocked him. Did Lu Qian mistake him for A'Zhu? Hence, he misunderstood his object of affection?

In reality, Lu Qian's fluttering heart quest erupted at that moment due to accumulated emotional tremors. It was the first collision with physiological reactions, marking the official commencement of the fluttering heart quest progress.

It wasn't because Xue Yao wiggled his hips a couple of times that he fell for him. If any other man had done the same, Lu Qian might have thrown a punch.

Xue Yao thought he gained the female lead role through despicable means of script snatching.

This wasn't what he wanted. He only wanted to be lifelong buddies with Lu Qian, growing old together. He wasn't willing to turn their relationship into that kind of nature.

Was he willing?

Lips that had been kissed warmed slightly, and the second Xue Yao hidden within his being brought about an unconscious self-disgust.

He could imagine future people mocking Emperor Long Aotian of Great Qi on the smartphone encyclopedia, saying he was a cheat with a diverse harem, male and female, joking about his rich sex life. Was he gay? Could gay people have so many kids? Maybe he just enjoyed experimenting with different tastes, having some fun with men for a change. Haha, ancient emperors were really chaotic.

Xue Yao clenched his fist tightly, wishing to punch the future people who mocked Lu Qian.

Suddenly pounding the bed board, Xue Yao furrowed his brow, restless and annoyed. He rolled over, covering his head with the blanket.

He couldn't wish for it, or Lu Qian would go from the Eternal Emperor to eternal ridicule.


Back in the palace, Lu Qian thought he would be confronted by Sixth Brother, but to his surprise, Sixth Brother nodded and returned to his own chambers with a heavy heart.

Lu Xiao didn't intentionally ignore Seventh Brother. His recent sinful actions stirred up all his emotions, momentarily overshadowing A'Yao's matters.

He had just committed an unforgivable act.

Right in the elegant room, in front of that man in green, he devoured the meal, used the excuse of using the restroom... and ran away!

Lu Xiao fled without settling the bill.

Initially, he truly was going to the restroom, but as he left the elegant room, catching a glimpse of the carefree figure in green, a wicked idea arose: "If I slip away, he'll be stuck with the bill for this table of dishes, costing three or two silver coins."

Bold and daring, Lu Xiao descended to the first floor, seized the moment when the innkeeper wasn't paying attention, and slipped out through the window.

The guilt of committing mischief for the first time propelled Lu Xiao's lightness skill from three to seven. He raced back to the palace, face flushed with breath and a fierce aura.

Safety awaited him upon entering the palace. Lu Xiao now felt an exhilarating excitement he hadn't experienced before, along with a heavy moral burden.

Three or two silver coins, could that man afford it? Would this deplete all his possessions? Would he be left wandering the streets, begging for a living?

As he cooled down, Lu Xiao felt increasingly uneasy.

Though the man in green exuded a roguish charm, he hadn't committed any major offense. Lu Xiao, however, vented all the anger and frustration of losing A'Yao onto this innocent man, directly causing him to become a beggar.

Lu Xiao tossed and turned, unable to sleep, feeling as if his hands were already stained with fresh blood, on the brink of becoming a demon.


Early the next morning, Xue Yao, sporting two dark circles under his eyes, had breakfast with his grandfather and mother.

Seeing his son not in good spirits, Zhou Rui suggested he take a day off at home.

Grandfather glared at Zhou Rui, sternly saying that without illness or calamity, how could one casually take leave? It was not allowed.

After the meal, Grandfather asked Xue Yao to talk privately in the back hall.

Xue Yao thought Grandfather wanted to counsel him about not being lazy, but it turned out to be for another matter.

Something that surprised him.

"A'Yao, during the late Emperor's personal expedition, did you ever claim that he would encounter danger on the other side of Baisu Trench?" Grandfather asked with deep concern in a hushed tone.

Xue Yao was startled, a shiver running through his entire body.

How could such words spread?

Calming down, he thought carefully. It couldn't be true. He had only mentioned this to the Crown Prince at that time, and the Crown Prince wasn't someone who gossiped.

"No, how could I utter such disruptive rumors that would undermine military morale? Grandfather, why do you ask?" Xue Yao asserted firmly.

Zhou Chong sighed, furrowing his brow. "I don't know who is spreading these rumors in the court."

Xue Yao anxiously asked, "How could rumors like that be pinned on me?"

"Now, who doesn't know you're a favorite by Prince Ning's side?" Zhou Chong said with emphasis and concern. "Some people obtained information from Prince Rui not long ago. In a few months, when Prince Ning turns eighteen, the Emperor will abdicate immediately in favor of Prince Ning. Many in the court tried to flatter Prince Ning but failed. Recently, they attempted to win my favor by presenting gifts under the pretext of showing filial piety. I turned them away, but it seems these people are harboring resentment, causing trouble for you."

"Grandfather, there's no need to worry," Xue Yao reassured. "Prince Ning won't believe baseless rumors like this."

"This matter is not entirely baseless," Zhou Chong responded.

Xue Yao's heart skipped a beat. "What evidence do they have?"

"It's said that the foreign oracle advised the late Emperor on the eve of the expedition. After several victorious battles, the late Emperor even joked about the oracle's predictions. Now, someone is using this information, privately questioning and intimidating the oracle.

"Before the late Emperor's passing, he changed the heir to Prince Ning. It's truly puzzling. Some suspect the oracle may have been influenced by Consort Xi, placing a curse on the late Emperor. After being threatened and questioned, the oracle tried to distance herself from Consort Xi. She claimed that all these actions were orchestrated by a young attendant in Prince Ning's entourage."

Xue Yao's mind buzzed with shock!

Zhou Chong continued, "However, there's no concrete evidence. After all, the oracle was personally appointed as the divine priestess by the late Emperor. Many requested to interrogate her, but both the Emperor and Prince Rui rejected these requests. Even if they privately interrogated her, they wouldn't dare openly reveal it, or they'd be condemned themselves."

Xue Yao's temples throbbed, momentarily forgetting to respond to his grandfather.

Unaware of his grandson's changed expression, Zhou Chong continued with some concern, "Even if we eliminate the remnants of the Tong family, the court won't be clear for a day. The late Emperor kept the Tong family to constrain this group of people. Now that the Tong family's supporters have fallen, those who used to compete with the Tong family are now exerting their influence on His Majesty. Even someone as inconspicuous as you, a minor attendant, cannot be won over. They all want to completely eradicate any potential threats."

In that moment, Xue Yao, for the first time, vividly understood why ancient emperors were so fond of playing political games.

Many emperors tolerated a group of corrupt officials and the clean-stream faction contending for power. They even involved eunuchs. Whichever side became weak, they would let the eunuchs intervene, always keeping the two factions evenly matched. This prevented anyone from having extra strength to challenge the emperor.

For instance, when an emperor wanted to build a palace or a garden, officials had to speculate.

Where did corrupt officials with poor judgment come from, insisting on wasting people's money, leaving a stench for centuries? All were trying to interpret the emperor's thoughts, presenting themselves as loyal followers, hoping for a share of imperial favor and a lifetime of glory.

Eunuchs were also the emperor's people. Some even referred to themselves as "our family," similar to the meaning expressed by monks and priests. Seeing through worldly affairs and renouncing worldly desires, eunuchs were deprived of the enjoyment in that aspect. They could only rely on the emperor as their main support, making them the most trusted by the emperor.

Both these factions were the emperor's pawns.

Xue Yao had always disapproved of Emperor Linan favoring the Tong family's faction and the Eunuch Offices. Now, with the Eldest Prince in power, he swiftly eradicated both factions, paving the way for Lu Qian's ascent.

It seemed like clearing the court for his youngest brother, but in reality, it was making Lu Qian struggle against the officials on his own.

At such a critical juncture, one could see that experience mattered. Emperor Linan wasn't a clueless ruler. That big oaf understood more than anyone.

Xue Yao felt utterly bewildered. If this so-called clean-stream faction in the court couldn't tolerate even him, a mere reader-in-waiting, how challenging would it be for Lu Qian, who hadn't cultivated his right-hand man yet, with so many eyes scrutinizing him in the future?

It was strange. At a time like this, Xue Yao wasn't worried about the possibility of losing his head due to these rumors. He was solely concerned about Lu Qian facing tough times ahead.

Coming back to his senses, Xue Yao realized his grandfather was calling him.

Xue Yao hastily responded, "What did you say?"

"Why are you standing there stupefied?" Zhou Chong urged, "This matter is of great importance. Today, when you enter the palace, quickly have Prince Ning handle the situation with the oracle. If Prince Ning finds it inconvenient, seek assistance from Prince Rui. It's a delicate matter, so don't leave behind troubles. The night is long, and dreams are many."

"A'Yao understands. Grandfather, rest assured."

In truth, Xue Yao wasn't quite sure what Grandfather meant by "handling the blessing practitioner." Surely it couldn't involve silencing her? Consort Xi wouldn't accept that either.

How should he explain this to Lu Qian?

To Lu Qian, the blessing practitioner was almost like a grandmother. Even if something was to be done, at most, they could send her back to Consort Xi's hometown. However, even that might be hard for Consort Xi to accept. She had too few people she considered family in Great Qi.

After much consideration, Xue Yao decided to visit the blessing practitioner personally, advising her not to let private matters become public due to intimidation.

Lu Qian was about to become the Emperor. What did she have to fear?

When the blessing practitioner saw Xue Yao coming to find her, she was so frightened that she dared not lift her head, continuing to embroider as if in an ostrich-like self-defense.

"I have something important to discuss with you today."

The blessing practitioner played deaf, tilting her head and leaning her ear toward him. "Eh?"

Xue Yao became a bit anxious. "This matter is crucial. You must cooperate with me. Can you recall who pressured you about the prophecy before the expedition? Do you remember them all?"

The blessing practitioner's embroidery frame dropped to the ground. Trembling, she stood up and knelt in front of Xue Yao. "I'm old. It would be easier for you if I entered the coffin sooner. I just can't let go of my mistress and the little prince."

"Don't speak of such things." Xue Yao helped her up, trying to ask questions with a gentle demeanor.

Soon, he got the information he was after. Contrary to his initial suspicion that the Xue family sought revenge through the blessing practitioner, it was actually a fourth-rank official from the Ministry of Revenue.

This implied that the mischief might be orchestrated by the Minister of Revenue.

Xue Yao couldn't figure out when he had offended an official from the Ministry of Revenue. After careful consideration, he recalled that the Minister of Revenue was a student of Master Li, a cabinet minister.

It wasn't a genuine teacher-student relationship. Rather, Master Li had served as the chief examiner during the imperial examination when the Minister of Revenue took the test.

In Great Qi, examinees often addressed the chief examiner as their "teacher." After successfully entering officialdom, many sought to form connections with the chief examiner, creating a community of shared interests. The Minister of Revenue might have interrogated the blessing practitioner risking everything for the sake of Master Li.

Master Li was initially set to become the next Prime Minister, but his position was taken by Zhou Chong, which had some connection to Xue Yao.

Now, with Prince Ning about to ascend the throne, the correct target to remove Zhou Chong from power would naturally be Xue Yao.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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