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Awkward Chapter 40

The sky was overcast, and the cold came suddenly.

The warmth under the covers was comfortable, but the alarm clock kept going off again and again.

Helplessly, with drooping eyelids, he lazily got up and started his busy day.

The company was competing for an IPO project recently, and the employees were highly self-motivated. They arrived early, and by not even eight o’clock, they were already hard at work.

Chen Mo hadn’t been busy for long when there was a knock on the office door.

He looked up and saw Ye Mu.

Tall and slim, with sharp features, the same indifferent personality as before, standing there without saying much.

Chen Mo looked at him for a moment, his expression indifferent, “Here to resign?”

Ye Mu was silent for a long time before his thin lips parted slightly, “They’ve withdrawn the lawsuit.”

Chen Mo lowered his gaze, his voice cold, “Is that so.”

Ye Mu lowered his head, remaining silent for a while, his expression calm, “I don’t know the reason for the withdrawal, but I’ll be coming to work as usual for the time being.”

Chen Mo’s expression remained impassive, “Didn’t you go ask?”

Ye Mu lowered his gaze, pulling his lips into a slight, self-deprecating smile, “I did, but didn’t get any answers, so I’ll just assume they pity me.”

Chen Mo continued reviewing documents, casting a cold glance at him, “Aren’t you curious?”

Ye Mu looked away, “No need, if I go too often, people might think I still have feelings for him.”

Chen Mo’s expression didn’t change, “Don’t you still have feelings for him? Afraid people will find out?”

Ye Mu frowned, “That’s not true.”

Chen Mo curled his lips, “Is there any point in deceiving yourself?”

Ye Mu looked at him, his tone cold, “Then what’s the point of you spouting nonsense?”

Chen Mo shrugged, a smug expression on his face, “Gays are just overly emotional.”

Ye Mu’s face darkened, and he spat out, “Straight guys are just arrogant.”

Chen Mo snorted, his tone disdainful, “I don’t want to argue with idiots.”

Ye Mu bit his lip, retorting slowly and deliberately, “But I do.”

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes, his lips sharp, “Want to fight?”

Ye Mu met his gaze with intense focus, and after about three minutes, he unzipped his black down jacket like a man.

Chen Mo’s expression turned even sourer, “Why are you taking off your clothes?”

Ye Mu stared straight at him, “Aren’t we going to fight?”

Chen Mo frowned tightly, “Who said fighting requires taking off your clothes?”

Ye Mu’s tone was cold as he looked up at him, “If not, then are you planning to take off your pants?”

Chen Mo’s face twitched, and he slapped a stack of documents over to him, “Catch up on the work you’ve missed during this time!”

Ye Mu passively took it and changed the topic indifferently, “I heard you’ve been bidding for an IPO project recently?”

Chen Mo responded sullenly and glanced at him with a scowl, “What, do you have a lead?”

Ye Mu turned his head to look out the window and said with pursed lips, “I have some connections with the project manager at that company.”

Chen Mo looked at him with an indifferent expression, “Oh.”

Ye Mu’s face showed no particular emotion, “Mmm.”

Chen Mo turned his face away, pursing his lips slightly, and said nothing.

The room was filled with a deathly silence.


After a long time, the young man awkwardly turned his head and with a stern expression said, “In that case, you should follow up.”

Ye Mu just stood there, and said calmly, “Apologize.”

Chen Mo’s eye twitched, refusing to compromise, and his voice was cold, “I didn’t say anything wrong.”

Ye Mu glanced at him with indifference and didn’t say more, turning around and leaving with the stack of documents in his hands.


With a heavy slam of the door, the young man’s face inside the room darkened severely.

After Ye Mu left with the documents, he sat back at his desk, lowered his head, and began filling out forms, his dark eyes deep and unfathomable.

In truth, Chen Mo was right; he still had lingering feelings. If he could really forget that person completely overnight, it wouldn’t have dragged on for so many years.

But even though he understood this in his heart, he didn’t want anyone to mention or touch upon it.

It was like a seriously ill patient who knows they are sick but uses forceful means to deceive themselves into thinking they are fully recovered. If someone suddenly came along and calmly and rationally told them they were still sick, it would be hard for anyone to accept and would leave them feeling downcast.

That’s the state he was in now. The only thing he could do was to slowly detach that person from his life, even if it was just a little bit.

An invisible sense of frustration surged. Whenever this happened, he felt that work was a good refuge, allowing him to temporarily forget a lot of things and making time pass quickly. It wasn’t until he looked up at nine o’clock at night that he realized his colleagues had already left.

The room was silent, with only him remaining.


The phone suddenly rang, vibrating on the desk.

It was his mother calling.

Without much thought, he answered it.

“Hello, Ye Mu, have you come home yet?”

“I’m working overtime. Is there something you need, Mom, at this hour?”

On the other end, his mother sighed, “That girl, Ye Chun, said she wanted to see you after the last time she met you. Now she insists on coming to your house to play.”

Ye Mu, feeling tired, said, “It’s too late today. Let’s do it another day.”

“I said the same thing, but she won’t listen to advice.”

His mother was also helpless, “Just help me out, take this little troublemaker to stay over at your place for a night. She’s been making noise all night, and my headache is about to come back because of her.”

Ye Mu didn’t push back any further, and said calmly, “Okay, I’ll go pick her up now.”

Night fell, and with dim streetlights and slow traffic, he picked up Ye Chun around eleven o’clock. By the time he got home, washed up, and settled down, it was already past midnight.

Ye Chun, however, was still energetic and insisted on him telling her a bedtime story in the small bed.

Ye Mu, tired from the day, felt somewhat exhausted and responded perfunctorily, “Once upon a time, there was a person who went to buy vegetables with a sack…”

“No! I want to hear about Ultraman!” The child pouted and sat up from the bed.

Ye Mu gently pressed her back down and said calmly, “Once upon a time, Ultraman went to buy vegetables…”

The child’s brows furrowed tighter, “No, I want to hear about Ultraman fighting monsters!!!”

Ye Mu patted her head, lips slightly curved, “Once upon a time, Ultraman fought monsters while buying vegetables…”

The child got angry, “Uncle, this isn’t a story at all!”

Ye Mu looked at her with a faint voice, “Well, then tell me a story.”

The child grumbled, “Uncle, I’ve noticed you’ve become more boring lately. You used to tell such exciting stories, like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Little Red Riding Hood, and the Big Bad Wolf. But now you only tell stories about buying vegetables!”

Ye Mu slightly pursed his lips, “Everyone knows a limited number of stories. Once they’re told, they’re over.”

The child shook her head, “No, Grandma said you recently broke up with someone. You must be unhappy and lonely, which is why you’re not telling me stories properly.”

Ye Mu forced a smile, “You know quite a lot.”

The child blinked her innocent eyes, “Not only that, I also know you like men.”

Ye Mu fell silent and did not respond.

The child, unaware of her mistake, picked up a photo from the bedside, looked at it, and pointed to a handsome man in the center of the group photo, smiling sweetly, “Uncle, this person looks good. Since the person before broke up with you, let’s find this person to be my aunt.”

Ye Mu glanced down and saw that she was pointing at Chen Mo in a company group photo.

“That person won’t do.” His voice was low, and he spoke dismissively.

The child didn’t understand, “Why? I think he looks good with Little Uncle.”

Ye Mu patted her head lightly, “We’re not suitable.”

The child questioned, “What’s not suitable?”

Ye Mu thought for a moment and replied, “Not suitable in every way.”

The child tilted her head, “Uncle, what kind of person would be suitable for you?”

Ye Mu looked at the photo of Chen Mo and said with a deep and magnetic voice, “At least not this type.”

The child’s questions seemed endless, “What type is that?”

Ye Mu stared at the paper photo for a while and said coldly, “Stingy, arrogant, a typical narcissist.”

Just as he finished speaking, his phone rang again late at night.

Caller ID: Boss



Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
Ye Mu knows Yan Chen doesn’t love him, but he always thinks accompanying him is the longest declaration of his love. Eight whole years, he has been revolving around Yan Chen’s world, thinking he could possibly go on like this. But when Gu Huai returned, everything changed. Yan Chen dumped him, his whole family estate went bankrupt, and his father suffered a heart attack out of anger. He was in a tight spot, he was deeply hurt and under despair decided to give up. In the end, he went to another company and shed his last ounce of strength to work. He unexpectedly met Chen Mo, the boss who hates gay men the most. A lot of interesting things happened between the two. Yan Chen has always been disgusted and tired of Ye Mu, thinking that this is just a b*tch. After breaking up with Ye Mu, he decided to marry Gu Huai. But after marriage, he always recalls every bit of being with Ye Mu. He thinks it must be because he hates this person too much. He started to look for Ye Mu time after time, and Ye Mu always refused. Yan Chen felt that it was nothing, this was merely another cheap trick by the other party to loosen the reins only to grasp him better. But one day, when he found out that Ye Mu no longer loved him and was with Chen Mo, Yan Chen felt strange. Why did he feel so tight in his chest, why did he feel so angry? Then things became very awkward.


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