After Being Abducted by the General Chapter 157

Chapter 157

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Becoming a vassal of Yuan Li is not an easy task. 

Yuan Li rarely accepts recommendations from others; instead, he personally recruits officials. Numerous influential clans have tried to align with him but found it difficult. They gradually noticed something: most of the valued officials in Yuan Li’s circle are from humble origins, with few coming from prestigious families.

Some perceptive individuals began to realize that Yuan Li seemed to prefer individuals from humble backgrounds compared to those from prestigious families. Perhaps it was because of Yuan Li’s own modest origins that he empathized with those from humble backgrounds. This made it even more challenging for prestigious families to send their offspring to serve under Yuan Li. Now, with the opportunity to openly send their children to Yuan Li’s side, prestigious families saw it as crucial.

Jingzhou, Xiangyang.

The Wang family gathered in the inner hall. The patriarch informed Wang Qianzhi and his brothers about Yuan Li’s upcoming talent selection through the Imperial Examination, asking if they wanted to give it a try.

The brothers exchanged excited glances and readily agreed. The patriarch turned his gaze to Wang Qianzhi, who had remained silent, and asked, “Qianzhi, what about you?”

Wang Qianzhi was the most intelligent among the young generation of the Wang family, and the patriarch had always held him in high regard. After Wang Qianzhi completed his studies, the family planned to use their connections to recommend him for an official position. However, the outbreak of war changed everything, and Wang Qianzhi spent the years since then studying, playing chess, and tending to plants, achieving nothing significant.

“Patriarch, I also want to give it a try,” said Wang Qianzhi, who was in his early twenties but displayed a mature and composed demeanor. “I’m not young anymore, and my wife is pregnant. While those slightly older than me, like Yuan Li, have become the rulers of two states, commanding respect from all corners of the world, I am still a nobody. I feel ashamed and believe it’s time for me to leave the family and strive for accomplishments.”

The patriarch pondered for a moment and replied, “You gained fame at a young age and studied under great scholars. If you want an official position, your brothers can arrange it for you in Chen Wang’s court. They have worked hard for many years and have opened doors for you. Your journey will be much smoother. Qianzhi, are you sure you want to go to Yuan Li’s side? I must clarify; Yuan Li is not Chen Wang. There aren’t many scholars by his side, and he seems to value those from humble backgrounds. If you go to Yuan Li, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will gain his favor.”

Wang Qianzhi smiled gently and replied, “The current situation is clear. Yuan Li and the Grand General are one entity now. Although Chen Wang has the Emperor, it doesn’t mean he can stabilize the entire country. Having a few brothers by Chen Wang’s side are enough. For the sake of our family’s long-term prosperity, I should go to Yuan Li’s side. As for whether I’ll gain his favor, you need not worry. Since Yuan Li organized this examination solely based on talent and knowledge, it shows his broad-mindedness and fairness toward scholars. He thirsts for talent and, as long as we have the ability, there’s no need to fear being valued.”

The brothers listened attentively, nodding in agreement. “”In the past, I’ve never heard of such a selection method; it’s quite innovative. All scholars from across the land gather together, and we’re only compared based on our knowledge. It’s quite interesting.” 

They were even a bit eager to see for themselves what kind of results they could achieve among the crowds of scholars. 

Without much hesitation, the patriarch nodded and sighed, “Since that’s the case, we’ll prepare your belongings, and you should set off as soon as possible. However, before you leave, I have a few words of advice for you.” 

The group listened attentively. 

“This imperial examination is a fair and just competition based on knowledge, a true gathering of friends through literary pursuits. I can already imagine how many scholars will be heading to Ji Zhou for this examination—there could be as few as a thousand or as many as tens of thousands, with the majority being scholars from the northern regions. Though scholars and commoners can participate in the imperial examination, you need not worry too much. Most of those who pass will undoubtedly be scholars,” the patriarch spoke confidently, “If there are candidates from Jingzhou among those who pass, you must go and make acquaintances. When you’re away from home, students from the same region must support each other. With more scholars from Jingzhou present, our scholars from Jingzhou can also gain recognition in Duke Wen’s entourage.” 

The patriarch wasn’t worried about the possibility of commoners surpassing scholars in the imperial examination. 

Scholars received elite education and had access to resources far beyond the reach of commoners. Among those who could pass the imperial examination and enter Duke Wen’s residence, most would be scholars. 

The group agreed to the patriarch’s words, and the patriarch continued, “Though Duke Wen’s entourage consists of people from humble backgrounds, there are also scholars from Jingzhou among them.” 

Wang Qianzhi pondered and asked, “Are you referring to the collateral branch of the Zhou family, namely Zhou Gongdan, Zhou Wenning, whom Duke Wen values highly?” 

“Yes, that’s correct,” the patriarch stroked his beard and nodded slowly, “I’ve had some interactions with the Zhou family. I’ll write a letter of introduction for you, and once you arrive in Ji Zhou, you can present this letter when paying your respects to Zhou Gongdan. Be sure to speak politely and respectfully, ideally leaving a favorable impression on him.” 

The group responded again, and the patriarch didn’t elaborate further, waving them off to leave. 

However, Wang Qianzhi and his fellow clansmen didn’t part ways just yet. Instead, they gathered in Wang Qianzhi’s room to discuss what topics might be included in the imperial examination. 

As they were discussing, a servant came in to inform Wang Qianzhi that his good friend had arrived.

Wang Qianzhi promptly said, “Please invite them in.”

Soon, three young men in blue robes walked in, smiling. 

They were Wang Qianzhi’s close friends. The tall one was Xu Kang, and the other two were a pair of brothers with similar appearances, Xiang Feijin and Xiang Feizhang.

The three friends appeared eager, and after exchanging greetings, Xu Kang asked directly, “Brother Wang, are you going to participate in Yuan Li’s Imperial Examination?”

Wang Qianzhi smiled and nodded, “Are you guys going as well?”

Xu Kang exclaimed with delight, “Exactly! We are originally from the northern regions. You know I’m from Ji Zhou, and the Xiang brothers are from Bingzhou. We came to Jingzhou to avoid the turmoil, and now that we have the opportunity, it’s time to go back and make some progress.”

The Xiang brothers nodded in agreement.

Although they were born into noble families, after the outbreak of the White Rice Gang’s plague, many prominent families and scholars from the northern regions fled to places like Jingzhou, Jiaozhou, Yizhou, and Jiangdong to escape the chaos. Their family was no exception. However, once they left their original stronghold, their lands and connections fell apart. As outsiders, it was difficult for them to integrate into the upper echelons of Jingzhou. If they didn’t find a solution, they would gradually decline and eventually become part of the humble class.

Now, Yuan Li’s Imperial Examination provided them with a chance to return to the northern regions. The decision to return required an unimaginable determination. Having made up their minds to return, they wanted to explore Wang Qianzhi’s plans. If Wang Qianzhi also chose to go to Ji Zhou, they could take care of each other.

After listening to their thoughts, Wang Qianzhi praised, “You guys have thought it through. Duke Wen just recently captured Ji Zhou, and he must be in need of talented individuals. This is the time for prosperity. If you perform well, you’ll gain recognition quickly. Moreover, Duke Wen is already one of the top magnates in the north. Achieving such greatness before the age of thirty is beyond our imagination. I’ve inquired about his subordinates, and it seems Duke Wen takes good care of them. Many ordinary individuals have achieved extraordinary fame under his tutelage. If you become Duke Wens vassals, your future will be promising. Although he is recruiting for Wen officials and not North Zhou officials, you should not underestimate this opportunity.”

Xu Kang laughed and patted Wang Qianzhi’s shoulder, saying in a carefree manner, “Brother Wang, how can we not realize this? Don’t worry; if we are fortunate enough to become Duke Wen’s vassals, being a Wen official might be even more desirable than being a North Zhou official.”

Xiang Feijin raised his finger and whispered, “Shh! Xu Kang, you shouldn’t say that out loud!”

Realizing his mistake, Xu Kang hurriedly slapped his own mouth and apologized to everyone in the room.

The others pretended not to hear and, after setting their departure time, Xu Kang and his two friends left.

Five days later, the group set off for Ji Zhou in horse carriages.

As they had never traveled far before, the young people felt excited. They chatted and laughed, admiring the scenery, and a day passed in this manner. They felt there was nothing wrong with this, but as more scholars joined the journey, they noticed that these scholars were reading books during breaks.

Initially not feeling anxious, Wang Qianzhi and his friends became somewhat impatient when they saw this. In the following days, they stopped playing around and instead buried themselves in books, reading diligently in the bumpy carriage.

The carriage ride was uncomfortable, and after a few days, they felt backaches and dizziness.

Xu Kang stretched lazily, in great pain, and said, “I thought our knowledge would be enough, and the journey would be easy. Who knew we would have to read books the whole way?”

Wang Qianzhi, still reading attentively, was not affected at all. He straightened up and massaged his sore neck, smiling wryly, “I was confident too, but seeing other scholars reading along the way, I felt uneasy if I don’t read.”

Everyone nodded and, after resting for a while, continued reading.

In September, scholars from nearby provinces arrived in Ye County.

When Wang Qianzhi and the others got off the carriage, they were amazed by the bustling city of Ye County.

The streets were teeming with people, most of them wearing long robes, and various goods were being sold by vendors with their loud calls echoing throughout. The scene was lively, and the roads were clean and tidy. For a moment, they felt as if they had returned to the Luoyang of years ago.

They looked up at the tall and imposing city walls behind them. The magnificent and formidable walls were awe-inspiring. They were amazed by the grandeur of Ye County, the capital of Wuke Wen’s state.

Xu Kang and the Xiang brothers decided to find a place to stay and asked Wang Qianzhi and his companions, “Brother Wang, are you joining us?”

Wang Qianzhi smiled apologetically and replied, “I won’t be staying with you. My clan and I want to visit an important person.”

The Xiang brothers and Xu Kang exchanged glances, and Xu Kang smirked, testing the waters, “Brother Wang, do you know someone important in Ye County? Who is it?”

There was nothing to hide, so Wang Qianzhi answered, “He is also from Jingzhou and currently holds the position of Shangshu in Yuan Li’s court. His name is Zhou Gongdan, also known as Lord Zhou.”

Xu Kang and his friends gasped, their eyes brightening as they stared at Wang Qianzhi.

He is an influential figure in Yuan Li’s court!

Excited by this opportunity, the three of them couldn’t resist giving it up. They gathered the courage to ask, “Brother Wang… We also admire Lord Zhou. Can you take us to meet him?”


Yuan Li and Chu Hechao had just been sent off by Zhou Gongdan when they saw the group of students coming to visit him.

The students didn’t know who they were, but they understood that anyone who could enter and exit Zhou Gongdan’s residence must be either wealthy or noble. They respectfully bowed, “Greetings to the two gentlemen.”

Yuan Li looked at them, unfamiliar faces, but he noticed their horse carriage and the dusty clothes they wore. He realized they were scholars coming to Ji Zhou. Having never seen Zhou Gongdan’s relatives, he was curious and stopped to ask, “Who are you?”

Despite Yuan Li’s youthful appearance, Xu Kang and his friends were somewhat apprehensive. Wang Qianzhi took the initiative and said, “We are students coming from Jingzhou to take the Imperial Examination. Our father has an old relationship with Lord Zhou, and he entrusted us to pay a visit to Lord Zhou.”

As they didn’t know who he was and guessed he must be a relatively recent official, Wang Qianzhi maintained a modest and composed attitude, not overly friendly but also preserving the prestige of the Wang family of Jingzhou.

Oh, it’s scholars from Jingzhou coming to see a senior fellow Jingzhou native.

Yuan Li nodded knowingly.

It was a common custom in ancient times. When scholars from a certain region came to the capital for the Imperial Examination, they would pay a visit to the senior officials from the same region.

Zhou Gongdan behind them curiously asked, “Oh, you have an old relationship with me? May I know who your father is?”

The moment he spoke, everyone realized that he was Zhou Gongdan. They immediately bowed to him again, “Greetings to Lord Zhou. My father is Wang Zixi, from Xiangyang in Jingzhou.”

Seeing they had something to say, Yuan Li smiled, nodded to Zhou Gongdan, and leisurely walked away.

Chu Hechao nonchalantly tapped the handle of his large blade and scanned the scholars before leaving together with Yuan Li.

Wang Qianzhi watched their departing figures and asked hesitantly, “May I ask, who are those two?”

Zhou Gongdan chuckled, “Just my two colleagues. Come, let’s talk inside.”

As Zhou Gongdan had said so, Wang Qianzhi stopped pondering further and quickly agreed. He instructed his servants to bring the gifts and followed Zhou Gongdan into his residence.

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