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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 147

Chapter 147: Victory is Assured, Radiant on Her Own

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“It’s impossible!” Huo Fanjin was the first to voice opposition.

Soon, others joined in agreement.

“Exactly! Jiang Fuyue’s answers for each small question are different from Huo Fanjin’s. Huo Fanjin got 8 points, she got 10 points. Why?”

“Yeah! Why? Just because you, old man, like her, you openly favor her… we’re all watching, you know.”

Yan Zhenfeng’s brow jumped!

These little brats dared to question Xu Lao?

Even Ren Xinghe below the stage was puzzled because Jiang Fuyue’s answers were indeed different from Huo Fanjin’s.

However, Ling Xuan, looking at the draft paper beside him, seemed contemplative.

Because his answers were the same as Jiang Fuyue’s.

Yet, Huo Fanjin’s thought process and calculation steps seemed correct from start to finish.

Giving everyone enough time for discussion and questioning, Xu Kaiqing spoke unhurriedly when the voices gradually subsided.

“Student Jiang, from the beginning, used the International Unit method, while Huo used the domestic method and converted it to international units in the final step. Logically, it’s correct, but there’s a difference in accuracy.”

“In physics, especially in measurements, a slight deviation can lead to a huge difference in results. Many times, preserving several decimal places can make a significant impact on the outcome. If this could be avoided from the beginning, the result would be much more accurate.”

“Huo’s answer is not wrong, but it lacks precision, so I deducted two points. Jiang’s answer is no different from the reference answer, so I gave her full marks. Any objections?”

The entire hall fell into a deathly silence.

Xu Kaiqing smiled as he scanned the crowd, his eyes as kind as ever, showing no displeasure due to the earlier doubts.

“Since there are no objections, let’s continue to the second question.”

Huo Fanjin: 5 points, Jiang Fuyue: 10 points.

Having learned from the previous lesson, no one impulsively refuted this time. Even if they had doubts, they chose to listen to Xu Kaiqing first.

Huo Fanjin, whose complexion wasn’t great upon seeing her score, didn’t rush to protest again.

“For the second question, Jiang used the TUP algorithm and TAIKUN model, also proving the third-order formula under the Kan-C theorem…”

Xu Kaiqing spoke about these theorems and models that none of the students present fully understood. Some had a vague understanding, while most were utterly clueless.

They didn’t know how Jiang Fuyue knew about them or how she applied them. In any case, they looked utterly confused.

“As for the last question…” Xu Kaiqing paused, teasing a bit.

Then, he relaxed his features and smiled, “I think it should be explained by two students personally.”

Jiang Fuyue nodded, indicating no problem.

However, Huo Fanjin hesitated.

She knew very well that she had hastily completed the last question, or rather, she hadn’t found the key points at all. Just in the last minute, to avoid leaving it blank, she forced herself to write something she doubted.

In fact, when Jiang Fuyue quickly finished the first two questions, Huo Fanjin had a premonition. But she persisted until the last second, making every effort to complete each sub-question.

She felt it had nothing to do with winning or losing but was a kind of courage and responsibility.

Just because victory was assured, did that mean she could slack off without any scruples?


At least, in her life dictionary, it was not allowed.

Xu Kaiqing asked, “Who wants to go first?”

Taking a deep breath, Huo Fanjin raised her head with a firm and straightforward look, “I’m sorry; I didn’t figure out this question. There’s probably no need for an explanation.”

Xu Kaiqing’s smile remained unchanged, and there was even some approval in it.

“You are very honest.”

Huo Fanjin, rarely blushing, quickly pursed her lips, appearing to have a shy smile.

Then, she stepped down and returned to her original seat.

“Wow! Miss Huo actually conceded on her own?”

“The result is clear. What else can she do? Besides, she can’t beat Jiang Fuyue anyway.”

“Is Jiang Fuyue this amazing?”

“A legendary bumpkin from a small place? Is this it?”

“Hey, I heard you’re from the same school as Jiang Fuyue?” Someone nudged Ling Xuan.

The latter sneered and evaded, leaving the person with a proud profile.

“Tch, showing off for what?”

“But I really want to know, is Jiang Fuyue always this awesome?”

“Too bad; she doesn’t even acknowledge you.”

“Heh, like anyone cares…”

Inner thoughts: Actually, quite a few people care.

With the withdrawal of the competitors, Jiang Fuyue’s victory was certain.

However, she still chose to explain the third question, showing a sense of completion.

Also, it was an affirmation and respect for her own efforts.

The girl took the microphone handed over by Xu Kaiqing, stood in the middle of the stage, and Yan Zhenfeng and two coaching staff each brought a whiteboard on stage.

Facing the audience, Jiang Fuyue had three “whiteboard walls” densely covered with numbers behind her, and on the edge stood the three most outstanding physics professors from Q University, guarding her like escorts.

At that moment, it seemed like the girl was carrying a radiant glow.

Unconsciously, everyone’s eyes were drawn to her, including those who had targeted, belittled, and mocked her.

Only a clear and refreshing voice flowed gently in the quiet lecture hall, waking up the boy who had been dozing off with his headphones on…

Another beautiful boy appears~ Actually, there was one before, I wonder if you guys still remember?

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 147

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 147

Chapter 147: Victory is Assured, Radiant on Her Own

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

"It's impossible!" Huo Fanjin was the first to voice opposition.

Soon, others joined in agreement.

"Exactly! Jiang Fuyue's answers for each small question are different from Huo Fanjin's. Huo Fanjin got 8 points, she got 10 points. Why?"

"Yeah! Why? Just because you, old man, like her, you openly favor her... we're all watching, you know."

Yan Zhenfeng's brow jumped!

These little brats dared to question Xu Lao?

Even Ren Xinghe below the stage was puzzled because Jiang Fuyue's answers were indeed different from Huo Fanjin's.

However, Ling Xuan, looking at the draft paper beside him, seemed contemplative.

Because his answers were the same as Jiang Fuyue's.

Yet, Huo Fanjin's thought process and calculation steps seemed correct from start to finish.

Giving everyone enough time for discussion and questioning, Xu Kaiqing spoke unhurriedly when the voices gradually subsided.

"Student Jiang, from the beginning, used the International Unit method, while Huo used the domestic method and converted it to international units in the final step. Logically, it's correct, but there's a difference in accuracy."

"In physics, especially in measurements, a slight deviation can lead to a huge difference in results. Many times, preserving several decimal places can make a significant impact on the outcome. If this could be avoided from the beginning, the result would be much more accurate."

"Huo's answer is not wrong, but it lacks precision, so I deducted two points. Jiang's answer is no different from the reference answer, so I gave her full marks. Any objections?"

The entire hall fell into a deathly silence.

Xu Kaiqing smiled as he scanned the crowd, his eyes as kind as ever, showing no displeasure due to the earlier doubts.

"Since there are no objections, let's continue to the second question."

Huo Fanjin: 5 points, Jiang Fuyue: 10 points.

Having learned from the previous lesson, no one impulsively refuted this time. Even if they had doubts, they chose to listen to Xu Kaiqing first.

Huo Fanjin, whose complexion wasn't great upon seeing her score, didn't rush to protest again.

"For the second question, Jiang used the TUP algorithm and TAIKUN model, also proving the third-order formula under the Kan-C theorem…"

Xu Kaiqing spoke about these theorems and models that none of the students present fully understood. Some had a vague understanding, while most were utterly clueless.

They didn't know how Jiang Fuyue knew about them or how she applied them. In any case, they looked utterly confused.

"As for the last question…" Xu Kaiqing paused, teasing a bit.

Then, he relaxed his features and smiled, "I think it should be explained by two students personally."

Jiang Fuyue nodded, indicating no problem.

However, Huo Fanjin hesitated.

She knew very well that she had hastily completed the last question, or rather, she hadn't found the key points at all. Just in the last minute, to avoid leaving it blank, she forced herself to write something she doubted.

In fact, when Jiang Fuyue quickly finished the first two questions, Huo Fanjin had a premonition. But she persisted until the last second, making every effort to complete each sub-question.

She felt it had nothing to do with winning or losing but was a kind of courage and responsibility.

Just because victory was assured, did that mean she could slack off without any scruples?


At least, in her life dictionary, it was not allowed.

Xu Kaiqing asked, "Who wants to go first?"

Taking a deep breath, Huo Fanjin raised her head with a firm and straightforward look, "I'm sorry; I didn't figure out this question. There's probably no need for an explanation."

Xu Kaiqing's smile remained unchanged, and there was even some approval in it.

"You are very honest."

Huo Fanjin, rarely blushing, quickly pursed her lips, appearing to have a shy smile.

Then, she stepped down and returned to her original seat.

"Wow! Miss Huo actually conceded on her own?"

"The result is clear. What else can she do? Besides, she can't beat Jiang Fuyue anyway."

"Is Jiang Fuyue this amazing?"

"A legendary bumpkin from a small place? Is this it?"

"Hey, I heard you're from the same school as Jiang Fuyue?" Someone nudged Ling Xuan.

The latter sneered and evaded, leaving the person with a proud profile.

"Tch, showing off for what?"

"But I really want to know, is Jiang Fuyue always this awesome?"

"Too bad; she doesn't even acknowledge you."

"Heh, like anyone cares..."

Inner thoughts: Actually, quite a few people care.

With the withdrawal of the competitors, Jiang Fuyue's victory was certain.

However, she still chose to explain the third question, showing a sense of completion.

Also, it was an affirmation and respect for her own efforts.

The girl took the microphone handed over by Xu Kaiqing, stood in the middle of the stage, and Yan Zhenfeng and two coaching staff each brought a whiteboard on stage.

Facing the audience, Jiang Fuyue had three "whiteboard walls" densely covered with numbers behind her, and on the edge stood the three most outstanding physics professors from Q University, guarding her like escorts.

At that moment, it seemed like the girl was carrying a radiant glow.

Unconsciously, everyone's eyes were drawn to her, including those who had targeted, belittled, and mocked her.

Only a clear and refreshing voice flowed gently in the quiet lecture hall, waking up the boy who had been dozing off with his headphones on...

Another beautiful boy appears~ Actually, there was one before, I wonder if you guys still remember?

Want to show your support? Go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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