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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Calculated Well, No Evidence 

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Teacher Sun’s eyelids twitched, unable to endure any longer: “So, can someone tell me what exactly happened?”

“…” The entire room fell silent.

“Who made the call?”

Su Qing’s movements stiffened for a moment, and after a while, she responded, “… It was me.”

Sun Qun asked, “Jiang Fuyue is trying to kill someone?”

“… At that time, we almost got suffocated. It’s not entirely wrong to say she was trying to kill us.”

“Suffocated by what?”

“A plastic bag! After it burst, it was really, really stinky!”

Sun Qun questioned, “And where is the smell now?”

Su Qing said, “It’s gone… but Chen Sichang and Liu Ling can testify!”

“Yes! I’m a victim too,” Chen Sichang immediately stood up and declared, “That plastic bag burst right on us!”

Liu Ling pursed her lips but remained silent.

Seeing the two so firm in their statements, Sun Qun started to doubt. He turned to the other party involved, “Student Jiang, is what they’re saying true?”

“Of course not!”


“That plastic bag was just an ordinary packaging bag. If you don’t believe me, take a look…” She bent down, picked it up from the ground, and handed it to Sun Qun.

Seeing her taking the initiative, Su Qing and Chen Sichang immediately felt a sense of foreboding.

Sure enough—

After Sun Qun inspected it, his expression remained unchanged, “This is just an ordinary plastic bag, nothing special.” He even leaned closer to smell it a bit, and there was a faint odor, but it wasn’t the terrible stench described by the two.

“Impossible!” Su Qing, agitated, pulled it over, her expression increasingly losing control. “Why is it gone? It was clearly very stinky… it can’t just disappear!”

Chen Sichang suppressed her shock, suddenly looked up at Jiang Fuyue.

But she saw the latter frowning slightly, her face a bit pale, and she was hiding behind Teacher Sun, appearing pitiful and innocent.

“Pretending! Still pretending! Today, I’ll peel off your skin!” After speaking, Su Qing rushed up like a shrew, reaching for Jiang Fuyue’s hair.

The latter, like a slippery fish, had already moved away before she could act.

Unfortunately, Sun Qun, who was in front of her, became the scapegoat.

Chen Sichang looked at the wig she had pulled off in horror, her expression shocked. Rationality returned in an instant, realizing the foolish thing she had done. She wilted like a punctured balloon.

As for Teacher Sun… his face was so dark it was unbearable to look at.

“Nonsense!” He snatched back his wig, hurriedly put it on, trembling all over. “You’re here for competition training to bring glory to the country, not to form cliques and create small groups! Isolating someone today, excluding someone tomorrow!”

Sun Qun’s words completely leaned towards Jiang Fuyue, accusing Su Qing and Chen Sichang.

“Teacher! It was wrong for me to tear off your wig, but you can’t ignore the facts…”

As soon as the word “wig” was mentioned, Sun Qun instinctively gripped his toes.

“I’m ignoring the facts?” He laughed angrily, “Where’s your evidence? Do you have any evidence?” 

The two fell silent.

He looked at Su Qing, “You said Jiang Fuyue wanted to kill you. How did she plan to do it? Where’s the murder weapon?” Then he turned to Chen Sichang, “You said she threw something smelly on you. Where is it? Don’t tell me it’s this plastic bag. Even if there’s nothing, the smell should still be there, right?”

His words left the two speechless.

Until this moment, Su Qing and Chen Sichang finally understood where Jiang Fuyue’s inexplicable confidence came from in the first place.

She had already figured out that they had no evidence. That’s why she didn’t stop them from making the call when they dialed the teacher, and now, facing the questioning, she continued to act like an innocent white lotus without blushing or breathing heavily.

She had calculated everything early on, coldly watching them struggle and jump around like fools.

Too scheming!

At that moment, Su Qing hated with her eyes turning red. She glanced at the plastic bag discarded nearby and suddenly thought of something. Her eyes burst open with astonishing brilliance.

“Teacher! I have a way to prove it!”

Sun Qun showed a look of doubt.

“Really! I know of a prank toy called ‘Stink Bomb.’ It contains sodium sulfide powder and oxalic acid in a plastic bag. After shaking it, a chemical reaction occurs between the oxalic acid and sodium sulfide, producing hydrogen sulfide. This gas is very stinky, causing symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and tearing when people smell it, just like what we’re experiencing now!”

Su Qing had never been so grateful for her good chemistry grades.

She looked up at Jiang Fuyue, hoping to see a panicked or fearful expression on her face.

But there was none.

She still had that look of self-pity, representing a different kind of subtle calmness, confident and fearless!

How could she still hold up?

Clearly, those little tricks had already been exposed…

Su Qing thought she would at least refute or deny it.

Unfortunately, before Jiang Fuyue could speak, Sun Qun spoke, “Student Su, it’s heartening to see you apply what you’ve learned. But—”

He changed the subject, “It’s not interesting if you don’t master it. First, sodium sulfide and oxalic acid are both powders. If these two things were in the bag, it wouldn’t be so clean now.”

Saying that, he picked up the plastic bag and handed it to Su Qing.

She reached in and wiped it, clean and without any powdered substances.

Sun Qun continued, “Moreover, hydrogen sulfide, this irritating-smelling gas, is hard to dissipate so cleanly in a short time without external help.”

And only ten minutes had passed from when he received the call to appearing in Room 202.

“Any other questions?”

Su Qing was dumbfounded.

She couldn’t believe that Jiang Fuyue’s actions could be wiped away so cleanly, without a trace.

No, there must be a way!

She caught a glimpse of Liu Ling. “Teacher! Liu Ling was also there at the time. She can testify!”

In an instant, all eyes focused on Liu Ling, including Jiang Fuyue.

Sun Qun asked, “Student Liu, what do you say?”

“I…” Liu Ling stammered, her eyes unfocused.

Su Qing was anxious. “Say something! Did you see Jiang Fuyue throw a plastic bag at us, and then the bag exploded, and the whole dorm was filled with a bad smell?”

Liu Ling nodded, not daring to look at Jiang Fuyue. “Y-yes, that’s right.”

“Teacher, you hear that? It was Jiang Fuyue who did it!”

Sun Qun scanned the three of them, then turned back to look at Jiang Fuyue. Somehow, it felt like three against one, bullying a student from another place.

And she was an outstanding student.

In just two days since entering the camp, Jiang Fuyue’s remarkable performance had already become a topic among the teachers.

Her powerful thinking ability, computational skills, language proficiency, and the astonishing speed of solving problems were topics discussed among the coaching staff.

Although Sun Qun was only responsible for managing the daily lives of these students and not involved in training work, being a professor in the chemistry department at Q University, he naturally paid more attention to good seedlings. This favoritism followed.

Which teacher wouldn’t like a good student?

At this moment, Jiang Fuyue spoke up—

“Teacher Sun, your timing is perfect. I also have something to report.”

“What happened?”

“They spat mouthwash on my bed, and now the blanket is still wet.”

“What?! How could something like this happen?” Sun Qun’s sharp gaze instantly fell on the three of them.

Su Qing’s face turned pale, vehemently denying, “I didn’t do it!”

Chen Sichang quickly followed, “Mouthwash? I don’t know.”

Liu Ling also shook her head.

Sun Qun immediately looked at Jiang Fuyue’s bed, and there was indeed a large wet stain on it.

The facts were right in front of them.

“Do you have anything else to say?”

Su Qing argued, “Her bedsheet is wet, but it doesn’t prove that we did it! What if it was her doing it herself…”

Sun Qun remained expressionless, “Would she purposefully pour water on her own bed for no reason?”

Su Qing muttered quietly, “It’s not impossible. Who knows if she’s trying to frame and set us up.”

Chen Sichang’s eyes rolled, “Teacher, I suspect she’s diverting the topic. Liu Ling just stood up to testify, and now she’s jumping out. Not saying anything earlier, waiting until now to speak, there must be a problem!”

Suddenly, a sobbing sound echoed.

Everyone turned to see Jiang Fuyue, who had been silent until now, with a pale face. Shock and disappointment were interwoven in her eyes, and her body trembled slightly due to her overly agitated emotions.

It made people unconsciously think of pear blossoms being ruthlessly battered in a torrential rain.

So wronged, so pitiful, it evoked sympathy.

“For the sake of being classmates and roommates, I endured your bullying over and over again, thinking that over time, as we got to know each other more, our relationship would slowly improve.”

“But, I underestimated the extent of your shamelessness and overestimated the quality of students in the capital. It turns out that wanton defamation and oppression are your true colors!”

Jiang Fuyue spoke with aching bitterness, each word seemed to bleed, “Originally, bad behavior knows no age or gender. Just because your family is affluent, can you trample on others so recklessly?”

Sun Qun’s eyes turned red as he listened. He looked at what could have been a great student, suffering such unfair treatment.

This had escalated onto the surface. How many more incidents, not publicly exposed or deliberately erased, were there?

Su Qing and the others’ faces alternated between pale and flushed, as if burning with anger.

She retorted angrily, “It wasn’t us! Jiang Fuyue is spouting nonsense! If you have the guts, bring out some evidence!”

The reasons Jiang Fuyue had used to trap them before had now become their protective shield.

“This…” Sun Qun looked troubled.

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 152

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Calculated Well, No Evidence 

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Teacher Sun's eyelids twitched, unable to endure any longer: "So, can someone tell me what exactly happened?"

“...” The entire room fell silent.

"Who made the call?"

Su Qing's movements stiffened for a moment, and after a while, she responded, "... It was me."

Sun Qun asked, "Jiang Fuyue is trying to kill someone?"

"... At that time, we almost got suffocated. It's not entirely wrong to say she was trying to kill us."

"Suffocated by what?"

"A plastic bag! After it burst, it was really, really stinky!"

Sun Qun questioned, "And where is the smell now?"

Su Qing said, "It's gone... but Chen Sichang and Liu Ling can testify!"

"Yes! I'm a victim too," Chen Sichang immediately stood up and declared, "That plastic bag burst right on us!"

Liu Ling pursed her lips but remained silent.

Seeing the two so firm in their statements, Sun Qun started to doubt. He turned to the other party involved, "Student Jiang, is what they're saying true?"

"Of course not!"


"That plastic bag was just an ordinary packaging bag. If you don't believe me, take a look..." She bent down, picked it up from the ground, and handed it to Sun Qun.

Seeing her taking the initiative, Su Qing and Chen Sichang immediately felt a sense of foreboding.

Sure enough—

After Sun Qun inspected it, his expression remained unchanged, "This is just an ordinary plastic bag, nothing special." He even leaned closer to smell it a bit, and there was a faint odor, but it wasn't the terrible stench described by the two.

"Impossible!" Su Qing, agitated, pulled it over, her expression increasingly losing control. "Why is it gone? It was clearly very stinky... it can't just disappear!"

Chen Sichang suppressed her shock, suddenly looked up at Jiang Fuyue.

But she saw the latter frowning slightly, her face a bit pale, and she was hiding behind Teacher Sun, appearing pitiful and innocent.

"Pretending! Still pretending! Today, I'll peel off your skin!" After speaking, Su Qing rushed up like a shrew, reaching for Jiang Fuyue's hair.

The latter, like a slippery fish, had already moved away before she could act.

Unfortunately, Sun Qun, who was in front of her, became the scapegoat.

Chen Sichang looked at the wig she had pulled off in horror, her expression shocked. Rationality returned in an instant, realizing the foolish thing she had done. She wilted like a punctured balloon.

As for Teacher Sun... his face was so dark it was unbearable to look at.

"Nonsense!" He snatched back his wig, hurriedly put it on, trembling all over. "You're here for competition training to bring glory to the country, not to form cliques and create small groups! Isolating someone today, excluding someone tomorrow!"

Sun Qun's words completely leaned towards Jiang Fuyue, accusing Su Qing and Chen Sichang.

"Teacher! It was wrong for me to tear off your wig, but you can't ignore the facts..."

As soon as the word "wig" was mentioned, Sun Qun instinctively gripped his toes.

"I'm ignoring the facts?" He laughed angrily, "Where's your evidence? Do you have any evidence?" 

The two fell silent.

He looked at Su Qing, "You said Jiang Fuyue wanted to kill you. How did she plan to do it? Where's the murder weapon?" Then he turned to Chen Sichang, "You said she threw something smelly on you. Where is it? Don't tell me it's this plastic bag. Even if there's nothing, the smell should still be there, right?"

His words left the two speechless.

Until this moment, Su Qing and Chen Sichang finally understood where Jiang Fuyue's inexplicable confidence came from in the first place.

She had already figured out that they had no evidence. That's why she didn't stop them from making the call when they dialed the teacher, and now, facing the questioning, she continued to act like an innocent white lotus without blushing or breathing heavily.

She had calculated everything early on, coldly watching them struggle and jump around like fools.

Too scheming!

At that moment, Su Qing hated with her eyes turning red. She glanced at the plastic bag discarded nearby and suddenly thought of something. Her eyes burst open with astonishing brilliance.

"Teacher! I have a way to prove it!"

Sun Qun showed a look of doubt.

"Really! I know of a prank toy called 'Stink Bomb.' It contains sodium sulfide powder and oxalic acid in a plastic bag. After shaking it, a chemical reaction occurs between the oxalic acid and sodium sulfide, producing hydrogen sulfide. This gas is very stinky, causing symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and tearing when people smell it, just like what we're experiencing now!"

Su Qing had never been so grateful for her good chemistry grades.

She looked up at Jiang Fuyue, hoping to see a panicked or fearful expression on her face.

But there was none.

She still had that look of self-pity, representing a different kind of subtle calmness, confident and fearless!

How could she still hold up?

Clearly, those little tricks had already been exposed...

Su Qing thought she would at least refute or deny it.

Unfortunately, before Jiang Fuyue could speak, Sun Qun spoke, "Student Su, it's heartening to see you apply what you've learned. But—"

He changed the subject, "It's not interesting if you don't master it. First, sodium sulfide and oxalic acid are both powders. If these two things were in the bag, it wouldn't be so clean now."

Saying that, he picked up the plastic bag and handed it to Su Qing.

She reached in and wiped it, clean and without any powdered substances.

Sun Qun continued, "Moreover, hydrogen sulfide, this irritating-smelling gas, is hard to dissipate so cleanly in a short time without external help."

And only ten minutes had passed from when he received the call to appearing in Room 202.

"Any other questions?"

Su Qing was dumbfounded.

She couldn't believe that Jiang Fuyue's actions could be wiped away so cleanly, without a trace.

No, there must be a way!

She caught a glimpse of Liu Ling. "Teacher! Liu Ling was also there at the time. She can testify!"

In an instant, all eyes focused on Liu Ling, including Jiang Fuyue.

Sun Qun asked, "Student Liu, what do you say?"

"I..." Liu Ling stammered, her eyes unfocused.

Su Qing was anxious. "Say something! Did you see Jiang Fuyue throw a plastic bag at us, and then the bag exploded, and the whole dorm was filled with a bad smell?"

Liu Ling nodded, not daring to look at Jiang Fuyue. "Y-yes, that's right."

"Teacher, you hear that? It was Jiang Fuyue who did it!"

Sun Qun scanned the three of them, then turned back to look at Jiang Fuyue. Somehow, it felt like three against one, bullying a student from another place.

And she was an outstanding student.

In just two days since entering the camp, Jiang Fuyue's remarkable performance had already become a topic among the teachers.

Her powerful thinking ability, computational skills, language proficiency, and the astonishing speed of solving problems were topics discussed among the coaching staff.

Although Sun Qun was only responsible for managing the daily lives of these students and not involved in training work, being a professor in the chemistry department at Q University, he naturally paid more attention to good seedlings. This favoritism followed.

Which teacher wouldn't like a good student?

At this moment, Jiang Fuyue spoke up—

"Teacher Sun, your timing is perfect. I also have something to report."

"What happened?"

"They spat mouthwash on my bed, and now the blanket is still wet."

"What?! How could something like this happen?" Sun Qun's sharp gaze instantly fell on the three of them.

Su Qing's face turned pale, vehemently denying, "I didn't do it!"

Chen Sichang quickly followed, "Mouthwash? I don't know."

Liu Ling also shook her head.

Sun Qun immediately looked at Jiang Fuyue's bed, and there was indeed a large wet stain on it.

The facts were right in front of them.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Su Qing argued, "Her bedsheet is wet, but it doesn't prove that we did it! What if it was her doing it herself..."

Sun Qun remained expressionless, "Would she purposefully pour water on her own bed for no reason?"

Su Qing muttered quietly, "It's not impossible. Who knows if she's trying to frame and set us up."

Chen Sichang's eyes rolled, "Teacher, I suspect she's diverting the topic. Liu Ling just stood up to testify, and now she's jumping out. Not saying anything earlier, waiting until now to speak, there must be a problem!"

Suddenly, a sobbing sound echoed.

Everyone turned to see Jiang Fuyue, who had been silent until now, with a pale face. Shock and disappointment were interwoven in her eyes, and her body trembled slightly due to her overly agitated emotions.

It made people unconsciously think of pear blossoms being ruthlessly battered in a torrential rain.

So wronged, so pitiful, it evoked sympathy.

"For the sake of being classmates and roommates, I endured your bullying over and over again, thinking that over time, as we got to know each other more, our relationship would slowly improve."

"But, I underestimated the extent of your shamelessness and overestimated the quality of students in the capital. It turns out that wanton defamation and oppression are your true colors!"

Jiang Fuyue spoke with aching bitterness, each word seemed to bleed, "Originally, bad behavior knows no age or gender. Just because your family is affluent, can you trample on others so recklessly?"

Sun Qun's eyes turned red as he listened. He looked at what could have been a great student, suffering such unfair treatment.

This had escalated onto the surface. How many more incidents, not publicly exposed or deliberately erased, were there?

Su Qing and the others' faces alternated between pale and flushed, as if burning with anger.

She retorted angrily, "It wasn't us! Jiang Fuyue is spouting nonsense! If you have the guts, bring out some evidence!"

The reasons Jiang Fuyue had used to trap them before had now become their protective shield.

"This..." Sun Qun looked troubled.

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