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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Five Perfect Scores, She’s Quite Something 

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The exam was scored out of fifty points, all in English, with three theoretical questions and two experimental questions.

Each question was worth ten points.

The five sets of papers had different topics and varying difficulties, which could be assigned within the group as needed.

Yan Zhenfeng stood at the platform, sweeping his gaze slowly over the crowd. “The results are out.”

A stir began in the audience, accompanied by whispers.

“There are five perfect scores, one for each paper.”


“Getting a perfect score on this test wasn’t easy, considering the difficulty of the questions.”

“Who are they? Five perfect scores, shouldn’t our group have at least one?”

“I think our group should have one.”

“… “

Everyone was talking at once.

At this moment, Yan Zhenfeng added, “It’s quite a coincidence that these five perfect scores come from the same group.”

“Oh my! Everyone got perfect scores?”

“Isn’t that a bit too stimulating?”

“It can’t be our group then. I couldn’t answer the last question of the third problem…”

Yan Zhenfeng smiled and suddenly turned his gaze to the last row.

“Could it be what I’m thinking?” Someone followed his gaze and saw Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo sitting in the corner.

“That would be terrifying.”

“Two people? Five perfect scores? How is that possible? Is this a fantasy novel?”

“As long as I don’t listen or believe, sadness won’t catch up to me.”

But the next moment—

Yan Zhenfeng: “Congratulations to Teacher Sun’s group. Two students scored five perfect scores, totaling 50 for the group. Including individual scores, Jiang Fuyue received 60 points, for a total of 110, and Lin Shumo received 40 points, for a total of 90.”

The classroom fell into a strange silence. Five seconds later, it erupted into chaos.

“D*mn! Sadness caught up to me.”

“This is like a fantasy novel.”

“It’s a bit puzzling.”

“If I remember correctly, didn’t they finish the exam in less than an hour? Five sets of papers, in less than an hour? I dare not even dream about it.”

“I didn’t even finish one set, and they completed all five.”

“Is it too late to join Teacher Sun’s group now?”

“I suspect they planned this in advance, eliminating everyone else first and then secretly teaming up. This way, they ensure that no one holds them back!”

If it was only Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo, and if both could guarantee perfect scores on all five sets of papers, then the group score would be a perfect score as well.

But if others were added, and if they didn’t reach a perfect score, even by just 0.01 point, it would be meaningless for them.

It’s like a pot of priceless orchids appearing alongside a bunch of wildflowers.

Isn’t that lowering one’s own value?

Yan Zhenfeng had long anticipated that the release of the results would spark a series of questions. He cleared his throat and said bluntly—

“When I formed the groups, did I ever say it would be five people per group? The first few groups were formed quickly, leaving Teacher Sun’s group as the last. Some people weren’t happy about it and came to me to reason it out. Fine, I made an exception and let them choose again. Now, suddenly, you find that Teacher Sun’s group is doing well, and you’re unhappy again?”

His words were direct and sharp, leaving everyone blushing with embarrassment.

Yes, when they were forming the groups, they complained that Teacher Sun was from the Department of Chemistry and wasn’t professional enough. Now that they see the formidable power of Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo, they regret it and want to benefit from it.

Ha, where in the world does such a good thing happen?

In the end, Yan Zhenfeng concluded, “The current groupings will remain unchanged, and no one can change or swap anymore. Since you’ve made your choice, you must stick with it until the end. That’s the attitude we should have in a competition.”

Subsequently, the scores of other groups were announced one after another.

At present, Sun Qun’s group was leading with an absolute advantage, followed by Yan Zhenfeng’s group, Qin Libin’s group…

After class, someone asked, “Teacher, can we take a look at Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo’s answer sheets?”

They still couldn’t let go?

Yan Zhenfeng smiled, “Of course.”

After speaking, he directly took out the test papers from under the teaching materials and handed them over.

Five minutes later.

“Sorry, pretend I was never here.”

“I’m leaving, can’t afford to offend.”

“Please give me a song’s worth of time, I can hypnotize myself and forget that I ever did something so stupid.”

“Thank you, sorry for the interruption.”

A group of people left with their heads hung low.

Five sets of papers, twenty-five major questions, and nearly a hundred small questions, not a single mistake.


“Oh, the weather is so nice today!” Sun Qun sipped his tea, his face full of smiles.

Qin Libin’s mouth twitched. “Old Sun, that’s enough. Since the results came out, you’ve praised the weather ten times, the tea’s fragrance twelve times, and the lushness of the potted plants sixteen times. Can you please spare our ears from further torture? Thanks.”

Sun Qun didn’t mind at all. He covered his tea cup and crossed his legs, swaying casually. “Ah, I’m just happy.”

Qin Libin: “…”

“Do you know the feeling of turning from a wilted vegetable leaf into a jade cabbage? Have you experienced the dramatic transformation from being worthless to being highly sought after?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t experienced it,” Professor Qin said expressionlessly.

Sun Qun adjusted his hairpiece on the top of his head. “Well, let me tell you responsibly, that feeling—it’s freaking awesome!”

“Come on, if it weren’t for Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo accidentally falling into your hands, you might be hiding in some corner crying right now. Don’t be so smug, you’ve profited from their fortune. Shameless!”

Sun Qun chuckled, “You’re good. But why didn’t those two end up in your hands?”

Qin Libin: “?”

A killer blow.

When Yan Zhenfeng returned after class, took a sip of water, and sat down, he said, “Oh, Old Qin, why is your face darker than coal?”

Qin Libin rolled his eyes, not bothering to answer.

Sun Qun chimed in, “Hehe…” Laughing with a wide grin.

Yan Zhenfeng: “?”

Sun Qun: “Aren’t my two group members amazing?”

Yan Zhenfeng: “?”

“Are you envious?”

Yan Zhenfeng: “…” Knock!

Qin Libin’s tone was deep, “I told you during the opening ceremony to assign Jiang Fuyue to me, but you refused. Now, look what’s happened. You’ve ended up with a big pot of trouble.”

Sun Qun, pot and all: [Keeps smiling] JPG

It’s okay if he’s bitter; I’m happy.

Yan Zhenfeng’s mouth twitched uncontrollably. “Why, is it only you, Old Qin, who wants good seedlings? What about me?”

Everything that happened in the office was unknown to Jiang Fuyue, the person involved.

And those who tried to cozy up to her because of her grades were ruthlessly rejected, including Su Qing, Liu Ling, and Chen Sichang.

Don’t ask, just one sentence: She’s too busy to deal with them, flying high.


The NOI summer camp was about to start.

Jiang Fuyue first reported to Yan Zhenfeng and obtained a pass.

In principle, participants were not allowed to leave the camp during training, but Jiang Fuyue had special circumstances and approval from the higher authorities, allowing her to participate in two subject competitions simultaneously.

Even if Yan Zhenfeng wanted to stop her, he couldn’t.

Out of selfishness, he still wanted this excellent seedling to focus on one thing rather than taking the risk of spreading herself too thin.

But how did Jiang Fuyue respond?

She said, “I originally had nothing. Even specializing in the physics competition could lead to nothing. So why not put the extra effort into something else where I can make an impact?”

“Investing in studying teaches us not to put all our eggs in one basket. This principle also applies to investing in ourselves.”

Is it better to go all in on one path, or are all paths equally viable?

I believe smart people know how to choose.

Yan Zhenfeng was dumbfounded after hearing this and blurted out, “Don’t you think you’re quite something?”

Jiang Fuyue remained calm. “Oh.” Don’t love me, there’s no future in it.

So, just five days after the start of the physics camp, Jiang Fuyue openly skipped the training class and turned to another camp’s embrace.

“Teacher, where’s Jiang Fuyue?” a student asked.

Since the shocking news of the five perfect scores, Jiang Fuyue’s every move had attracted unprecedented attention.

Some admired her, some respected her, some envied her, some were jealous of her, and of course, there were those who were constantly waiting to catch her making a mistake.

Yan Zhenfeng wanted to retort with “She’s gone wandering,” but reason kept him sober—

“She’s gone to participate in the NOI summer camp. We will communicate and arrange accordingly with them in the future. Of course, this will not affect our original training schedule.”

Yes, there was quite a stir when Jiang Fuyue qualified for two summer camps, and everyone knew she was “riding two boats.” But no one expected her to actually continue down that path.

“Is she brave, or just naive? Two competitions, does she think it’s a joke? Don’t end up losing both the watermelon and the sesame seeds.”

“She’s happy, why do you care? Do you live by the seaside? Let’s just wait and see.”

“Uh… wait for what?”

“How the boat flips!”

“Hahaha… that’s a good one! Front row seats, everyone.”

Not far away, Lin Shumo looked up from his books and frowned at the empty seat beside him…

Sister Yue: Am I quite something?

Xie 99: Yes! You’re quite something.

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 163

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Five Perfect Scores, She's Quite Something 

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

The exam was scored out of fifty points, all in English, with three theoretical questions and two experimental questions.

Each question was worth ten points.

The five sets of papers had different topics and varying difficulties, which could be assigned within the group as needed.

Yan Zhenfeng stood at the platform, sweeping his gaze slowly over the crowd. "The results are out."

A stir began in the audience, accompanied by whispers.

"There are five perfect scores, one for each paper."


"Getting a perfect score on this test wasn't easy, considering the difficulty of the questions."

"Who are they? Five perfect scores, shouldn't our group have at least one?"

"I think our group should have one."

"... "

Everyone was talking at once.

At this moment, Yan Zhenfeng added, "It's quite a coincidence that these five perfect scores come from the same group."

"Oh my! Everyone got perfect scores?"

"Isn't that a bit too stimulating?"

"It can't be our group then. I couldn't answer the last question of the third problem..."

Yan Zhenfeng smiled and suddenly turned his gaze to the last row.

"Could it be what I'm thinking?" Someone followed his gaze and saw Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo sitting in the corner.

"That would be terrifying."

"Two people? Five perfect scores? How is that possible? Is this a fantasy novel?"

"As long as I don't listen or believe, sadness won't catch up to me."

But the next moment—

Yan Zhenfeng: "Congratulations to Teacher Sun's group. Two students scored five perfect scores, totaling 50 for the group. Including individual scores, Jiang Fuyue received 60 points, for a total of 110, and Lin Shumo received 40 points, for a total of 90."

The classroom fell into a strange silence. Five seconds later, it erupted into chaos.

"D*mn! Sadness caught up to me."

"This is like a fantasy novel."

"It's a bit puzzling."

"If I remember correctly, didn't they finish the exam in less than an hour? Five sets of papers, in less than an hour? I dare not even dream about it."

"I didn't even finish one set, and they completed all five."

"Is it too late to join Teacher Sun's group now?"

"I suspect they planned this in advance, eliminating everyone else first and then secretly teaming up. This way, they ensure that no one holds them back!"

If it was only Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo, and if both could guarantee perfect scores on all five sets of papers, then the group score would be a perfect score as well.

But if others were added, and if they didn't reach a perfect score, even by just 0.01 point, it would be meaningless for them.

It's like a pot of priceless orchids appearing alongside a bunch of wildflowers.

Isn't that lowering one's own value?

Yan Zhenfeng had long anticipated that the release of the results would spark a series of questions. He cleared his throat and said bluntly—

"When I formed the groups, did I ever say it would be five people per group? The first few groups were formed quickly, leaving Teacher Sun's group as the last. Some people weren't happy about it and came to me to reason it out. Fine, I made an exception and let them choose again. Now, suddenly, you find that Teacher Sun's group is doing well, and you're unhappy again?"

His words were direct and sharp, leaving everyone blushing with embarrassment.

Yes, when they were forming the groups, they complained that Teacher Sun was from the Department of Chemistry and wasn't professional enough. Now that they see the formidable power of Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo, they regret it and want to benefit from it.

Ha, where in the world does such a good thing happen?

In the end, Yan Zhenfeng concluded, "The current groupings will remain unchanged, and no one can change or swap anymore. Since you've made your choice, you must stick with it until the end. That's the attitude we should have in a competition."

Subsequently, the scores of other groups were announced one after another.

At present, Sun Qun's group was leading with an absolute advantage, followed by Yan Zhenfeng's group, Qin Libin's group...

After class, someone asked, "Teacher, can we take a look at Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo's answer sheets?"

They still couldn't let go?

Yan Zhenfeng smiled, "Of course."

After speaking, he directly took out the test papers from under the teaching materials and handed them over.

Five minutes later.

"Sorry, pretend I was never here."

"I'm leaving, can't afford to offend."

"Please give me a song's worth of time, I can hypnotize myself and forget that I ever did something so stupid."

"Thank you, sorry for the interruption."

A group of people left with their heads hung low.

Five sets of papers, twenty-five major questions, and nearly a hundred small questions, not a single mistake.



"Oh, the weather is so nice today!" Sun Qun sipped his tea, his face full of smiles.

Qin Libin's mouth twitched. "Old Sun, that's enough. Since the results came out, you've praised the weather ten times, the tea's fragrance twelve times, and the lushness of the potted plants sixteen times. Can you please spare our ears from further torture? Thanks."

Sun Qun didn't mind at all. He covered his tea cup and crossed his legs, swaying casually. "Ah, I'm just happy."

Qin Libin: "..."

"Do you know the feeling of turning from a wilted vegetable leaf into a jade cabbage? Have you experienced the dramatic transformation from being worthless to being highly sought after?"

"I don't know, I haven't experienced it," Professor Qin said expressionlessly.

Sun Qun adjusted his hairpiece on the top of his head. "Well, let me tell you responsibly, that feeling—it's freaking awesome!"

"Come on, if it weren't for Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo accidentally falling into your hands, you might be hiding in some corner crying right now. Don't be so smug, you've profited from their fortune. Shameless!"

Sun Qun chuckled, "You're good. But why didn't those two end up in your hands?"

Qin Libin: "?"

A killer blow.

When Yan Zhenfeng returned after class, took a sip of water, and sat down, he said, "Oh, Old Qin, why is your face darker than coal?"

Qin Libin rolled his eyes, not bothering to answer.

Sun Qun chimed in, "Hehe..." Laughing with a wide grin.

Yan Zhenfeng: "?"

Sun Qun: "Aren't my two group members amazing?"

Yan Zhenfeng: "?"

"Are you envious?"

Yan Zhenfeng: "..." Knock!

Qin Libin's tone was deep, "I told you during the opening ceremony to assign Jiang Fuyue to me, but you refused. Now, look what's happened. You've ended up with a big pot of trouble."

Sun Qun, pot and all: [Keeps smiling] JPG

It's okay if he's bitter; I'm happy.

Yan Zhenfeng's mouth twitched uncontrollably. "Why, is it only you, Old Qin, who wants good seedlings? What about me?"

Everything that happened in the office was unknown to Jiang Fuyue, the person involved.

And those who tried to cozy up to her because of her grades were ruthlessly rejected, including Su Qing, Liu Ling, and Chen Sichang.

Don't ask, just one sentence: She's too busy to deal with them, flying high.


The NOI summer camp was about to start.

Jiang Fuyue first reported to Yan Zhenfeng and obtained a pass.

In principle, participants were not allowed to leave the camp during training, but Jiang Fuyue had special circumstances and approval from the higher authorities, allowing her to participate in two subject competitions simultaneously.

Even if Yan Zhenfeng wanted to stop her, he couldn't.

Out of selfishness, he still wanted this excellent seedling to focus on one thing rather than taking the risk of spreading herself too thin.

But how did Jiang Fuyue respond?

She said, "I originally had nothing. Even specializing in the physics competition could lead to nothing. So why not put the extra effort into something else where I can make an impact?"

"Investing in studying teaches us not to put all our eggs in one basket. This principle also applies to investing in ourselves."

Is it better to go all in on one path, or are all paths equally viable?

I believe smart people know how to choose.

Yan Zhenfeng was dumbfounded after hearing this and blurted out, "Don't you think you're quite something?"

Jiang Fuyue remained calm. "Oh." Don't love me, there's no future in it.

So, just five days after the start of the physics camp, Jiang Fuyue openly skipped the training class and turned to another camp's embrace.

"Teacher, where's Jiang Fuyue?" a student asked.

Since the shocking news of the five perfect scores, Jiang Fuyue's every move had attracted unprecedented attention.

Some admired her, some respected her, some envied her, some were jealous of her, and of course, there were those who were constantly waiting to catch her making a mistake.

Yan Zhenfeng wanted to retort with "She's gone wandering," but reason kept him sober—

"She's gone to participate in the NOI summer camp. We will communicate and arrange accordingly with them in the future. Of course, this will not affect our original training schedule."

Yes, there was quite a stir when Jiang Fuyue qualified for two summer camps, and everyone knew she was "riding two boats." But no one expected her to actually continue down that path.

"Is she brave, or just naive? Two competitions, does she think it's a joke? Don't end up losing both the watermelon and the sesame seeds."

"She's happy, why do you care? Do you live by the seaside? Let's just wait and see."

"Uh... wait for what?"

"How the boat flips!"

"Hahaha... that's a good one! Front row seats, everyone."

Not far away, Lin Shumo looked up from his books and frowned at the empty seat beside him...

Sister Yue: Am I quite something?

Xie 99: Yes! You're quite something.

Want to show your support? Go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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