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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 166

Chapter 166: He Wants to See Her, Makes a Call to the Hospital 

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Jiang Fuyue paused at her fingertips, neither accepting nor immediately hanging up. Instead, she returned to the chat interface and typed: “Is there something you need?” 

The response came instantly: “Some parts of the photos are not very clear. I want to see the blackboard.” 

Jiang Fuyue accepted the call and switched the front camera to the rear one. 

So, in the split second after the call connected, Ling Xuan caught a glimpse of Jiang Fuyue’s face. 

In that brief moment, his gaze fixated on her before the rear camera showed the blackboard. 

Jiang Fuyue adjusted the angle of her phone. “Can you see it?” 

Ling Xuan replied, “…Yes.” 

After about three or four minutes, he typed, “I’m good now. Can you—” speak to me a bit?

Before he could finish, a faint “Hmm” came from the other end, followed by the call ending abruptly. 

Ling Xuan: “?” 

It was quite sudden. 

A breeze blew in from the terrace at the end of the corridor, carrying a hint of evening warmth, making people inexplicably restless. 

Ling Xuan shook his head, a hint of helplessness in his smile, as he pocketed his phone and turned to enter the hospital room. 

Inside, Ling Qingzhou sat leaning against the bedhead, with a laptop open on the small table in front of him, displaying a pile of financial report data, which he was patiently going through. 

Focused and serious. 

He subconsciously raised his eyelids at the sound of the door opening and closing. 

Ling Xuan called out, “Dad.” 


“Mom said she’s on her way. It’ll take about twenty minutes.” 

Ling Qingzhou replied, “No rush.” 

With that, his gaze returned to the screen. 

Ling Xuan silently refilled the empty cup in front of him with water. Just as he put it down, he heard his father’s question. 

“What about your training in Linhuai since you’re back?” 

“I’ve taken a leave of absence,” Ling Xuan replied. 

Ling Qingzhou asked, “Can you keep up with the progress?” 

“It’s fine. I asked a classmate to send me the daily course content and notes.” It seemed that this classmate wasn’t very fond of talking to him. 

The young man rubbed his nose, couldn’t help but reflect on where he might have gone wrong. 

Like father, like son. Ling Qingzhou asked, “Encountering difficulties?” 

Ling Xuan snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head. “No.” 

“If it’s not about academics, then it must be about interpersonal relationships.” 

He remained silent, tacitly agreeing. 

Ling Qingzhou raised an eyebrow, his gaze falling on his son’s face, which was tinged with a hint of melancholy. 

He ventured a guess, “Is it a girl?” 

“Dad!” Ling Xuan was startled, his gaze flickering slightly. 

“A girlfriend?” 


“Do you like her?” 

Ling Xuan didn’t answer, his thoughts racing. 

Did he like Jiang Fuyue? 

Was that feeling liking her? 

He wasn’t sure. 

But he couldn’t help but secretly keep an eye on her. The colder she became, the more he wanted to get closer, even if he risked getting frostbite in the process. 

Ling Qingzhou watched his son’s ever-changing expression, outwardly calm but inwardly surprised. 

This demeanor clearly showed longing and reluctance, unable to obtain yet unwilling to let go.

Being able to push his usually proud son to this point, Ling Qingzhou suddenly became very curious about what kind of magic that girl possessed. 

“…Dad, have some water.” Ling Xuan held a cup in his hands and brought it to his father’s lips. 

Naturally, his father appreciated the gesture but also saw through his intention of changing the subject. 

Ling Qingzhou drank the water, didn’t expose it, and didn’t ask further questions, continuing to review the financial reports. 

Ling Xuan sighed softly. He didn’t want to think about his relationship with Jiang Fuyue for the time being. Everything could wait until the barriers between them were resolved. 

Let’s take it slow, he thought. 

After the father and son finished their conversation, the large hospital room returned to its quiet state. 

Ling Xuan sat down on a chair with a small glass table in front of him. He took out paper and pen, then pulled out the few photos Jiang Fuyue had sent him. 

In fact, the photos were quite clear, and there was nothing unclear about them. 

He just… wanted an excuse to see her. 

He saw her, but only with a glance, and couldn’t see more. 

Ling Xuan sighed, suddenly feeling that Jiang Fuyue was quite stingy. 

He had no doubt that if he hadn’t found a suitable reason like “looking at the blackboard,” she would have hung up the video call directly. 

The young man looked at the questions in the photos, and suddenly, the pen in his hand left a long mark on the clean draft paper. 

Jiang Fuyue wanted to avoid him, but he wouldn’t let her! 

He would look at the blackboard tomorrow. 

One glance a day, and two glances the next day, slowly but surely. 

Twenty minutes later, Zhou Qin arrived. 

Carrying two insulated flasks, she greeted the father and son as she entered the room. “Time for dinner.” 

Ling Xuan stood up. 

Ling Qingzhou was on the phone, gesturing for the mother and son to go ahead and eat first. 

Zhou Qin had already eaten at home. She took out the meal and neatly arranged the bowls and chopsticks. “Ah Xuan, you go ahead and eat first. Who knows when your dad will finish.” 

Although she said so, Ling Xuan still didn’t touch his chopsticks until ten minutes later when Ling Qingzhou finished his call, and the father and son finally sat down to eat together. 

Zhou Qin pushed the bowl of soup in front of her husband and said softly, “You’ve injured your leg bone. It’s said that bone broth is good for supplementing calcium.” 

Ling Qingzhou glanced at it, not very appetized, but still gave Zhou Qin face in front of their son. He drank half a bowl and then set it aside, not touching it again. 

Zhou Qin seemed to ignore it, getting up to tidy up the bedding for him. 

She replaced the withered flowers with fresh ones, bustling about silently without making any noise. 

Just like her, she had always been gentle and soft, and slow and steady.

Ling Qingzhou finished eating and laid back on the hospital bed. 

Zhou Qin called the doctor to examine him. 

“…Doctor, how is my husband?” 

“Injured tendons and bones will take about a hundred days to heal. It’s best not to walk for the first half month, and avoid secondary injuries within three months. In short, rest well.” 

Zhou Qin nodded, escorted the doctor out, then turned back and sat by Ling Qingzhou’s bedside, suddenly grabbing his hand. 

The man was taken aback, feeling a slight softness in his heart. His voice softened involuntarily, losing some of its usual sharpness: “What’s wrong?” 

Zhou Qin sighed, “You, how old are you? Yet you still make people worry, actually fighting publicly with Yi Hansheng…” 

This hit Ling Qingzhou where it hurt, and his face immediately darkened. 

“It’s because he went too far!” 

Seeing that the contract with No. 1 High School was about to be signed, that b*stard Yi Hansheng unexpectedly barged in alone and caused a scene on the spot, acting unreasonably and causing trouble. 

As a result, the school couldn’t afford to offend either side and was afraid of Yi Hansheng, so they simply announced on the spot— 

Forget about the “Mingyue Building,” they didn’t want it anymore! 

This left Ling Qingzhou dumbfounded. 

Seeing his duck (opportunity) taken away, he couldn’t bear it anymore and punched Yi Hansheng in the face. 

But Yi Hansheng wasn’t easy to deal with either. He had been enduring Ling Qingzhou for a long time and had long wanted to make a big scene. 

So the two CEOs, regardless of their identities and faces, fought openly on the spot. 

One with a punch, the other with a kick, they fought fiercely. 

Employees from both sides rushed forward to stop them, but somehow got involved in the fight. 

Suddenly, the whole conference room was in chaos, like a world war. 


The two CEOs ended up in the hospital, one with a broken leg, the other with a broken hand, and their hospital rooms were next to each other. 

This d*mn smelly monkey sh*t. 

Zhou Qin saw the anger on her husband’s face, and with half-lowered eyes, her eyelashes trembled lightly. 

“Is this really that important?” she murmured softly. 

The man frowned. 

“Is building the school really that important to you?” He even risked his life for it. 

After twenty years of marriage, Zhou Qin knew this man too well. Gentle, refined, and very concerned about his reputation. 

And Yi Hansheng, despite his rough exterior, had been in power for so many years, how could he easily let others see him as a joke? 

But it was these two men who, in front of everyone, fought like twenty-year-old hotheads! 

When Zhou Qin heard the news, her first reaction wasn’t worry or anger; she actually felt like laughing because the situation was so ridiculous. 

Ridiculous to the point where she couldn’t believe it was happening to these two men. 

All for the right for a building? 

Heh… in the end, it was still for that dead woman. 

Zhou Qin couldn’t suppress her curiosity once again. 

What kind of charm did Lou Mingyue have that could make living men fight for her with fists and feet, even after more than twenty years of her death? 

Hearing these words, his previously mild expression suddenly turned dark. 

Is it really that important? 

He coldly curled his lips, enunciating each word: “I thought that was our tacit agreement.” 

Zhou Qin’s heart was pierced by his words, causing her to bleed internally. 

Unfortunately, this man couldn’t see it. 

So all these years of compromise, tolerance, and suppression had become an accepted “agreement” in his eyes? 

She got up abruptly, turning away in panic. “I’ll go back first.” 

After speaking, she fled in a panic, afraid that her tears would burst out of her eyes if she was a moment too late. 

In the corner, Ling Xuan witnessed the whole process, his brow furrowed tightly. 

It seemed like there was something he didn’t know, but it was about to come out…

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 166

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 166

Chapter 166: He Wants to See Her, Makes a Call to the Hospital 

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Jiang Fuyue paused at her fingertips, neither accepting nor immediately hanging up. Instead, she returned to the chat interface and typed: "Is there something you need?" 

The response came instantly: "Some parts of the photos are not very clear. I want to see the blackboard." 

Jiang Fuyue accepted the call and switched the front camera to the rear one. 

So, in the split second after the call connected, Ling Xuan caught a glimpse of Jiang Fuyue's face. 

In that brief moment, his gaze fixated on her before the rear camera showed the blackboard. 

Jiang Fuyue adjusted the angle of her phone. "Can you see it?" 

Ling Xuan replied, "...Yes." 

After about three or four minutes, he typed, "I'm good now. Can you—" speak to me a bit?

Before he could finish, a faint "Hmm" came from the other end, followed by the call ending abruptly. 

Ling Xuan: "?" 

It was quite sudden. 

A breeze blew in from the terrace at the end of the corridor, carrying a hint of evening warmth, making people inexplicably restless. 

Ling Xuan shook his head, a hint of helplessness in his smile, as he pocketed his phone and turned to enter the hospital room. 

Inside, Ling Qingzhou sat leaning against the bedhead, with a laptop open on the small table in front of him, displaying a pile of financial report data, which he was patiently going through. 

Focused and serious. 

He subconsciously raised his eyelids at the sound of the door opening and closing. 

Ling Xuan called out, "Dad." 


"Mom said she's on her way. It'll take about twenty minutes." 

Ling Qingzhou replied, "No rush." 

With that, his gaze returned to the screen. 

Ling Xuan silently refilled the empty cup in front of him with water. Just as he put it down, he heard his father's question. 

"What about your training in Linhuai since you're back?" 

"I've taken a leave of absence," Ling Xuan replied. 

Ling Qingzhou asked, "Can you keep up with the progress?" 

"It's fine. I asked a classmate to send me the daily course content and notes." It seemed that this classmate wasn't very fond of talking to him. 

The young man rubbed his nose, couldn't help but reflect on where he might have gone wrong. 

Like father, like son. Ling Qingzhou asked, "Encountering difficulties?" 

Ling Xuan snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head. "No." 

"If it's not about academics, then it must be about interpersonal relationships." 

He remained silent, tacitly agreeing. 

Ling Qingzhou raised an eyebrow, his gaze falling on his son's face, which was tinged with a hint of melancholy. 

He ventured a guess, "Is it a girl?" 

"Dad!" Ling Xuan was startled, his gaze flickering slightly. 

"A girlfriend?" 


"Do you like her?" 

Ling Xuan didn't answer, his thoughts racing. 

Did he like Jiang Fuyue? 

Was that feeling liking her? 

He wasn't sure. 

But he couldn't help but secretly keep an eye on her. The colder she became, the more he wanted to get closer, even if he risked getting frostbite in the process. 

Ling Qingzhou watched his son's ever-changing expression, outwardly calm but inwardly surprised. 

This demeanor clearly showed longing and reluctance, unable to obtain yet unwilling to let go.

Being able to push his usually proud son to this point, Ling Qingzhou suddenly became very curious about what kind of magic that girl possessed. 

"...Dad, have some water." Ling Xuan held a cup in his hands and brought it to his father's lips. 

Naturally, his father appreciated the gesture but also saw through his intention of changing the subject. 

Ling Qingzhou drank the water, didn't expose it, and didn't ask further questions, continuing to review the financial reports. 

Ling Xuan sighed softly. He didn't want to think about his relationship with Jiang Fuyue for the time being. Everything could wait until the barriers between them were resolved. 

Let's take it slow, he thought. 

After the father and son finished their conversation, the large hospital room returned to its quiet state. 

Ling Xuan sat down on a chair with a small glass table in front of him. He took out paper and pen, then pulled out the few photos Jiang Fuyue had sent him. 

In fact, the photos were quite clear, and there was nothing unclear about them. 

He just... wanted an excuse to see her. 

He saw her, but only with a glance, and couldn't see more. 

Ling Xuan sighed, suddenly feeling that Jiang Fuyue was quite stingy. 

He had no doubt that if he hadn't found a suitable reason like "looking at the blackboard," she would have hung up the video call directly. 

The young man looked at the questions in the photos, and suddenly, the pen in his hand left a long mark on the clean draft paper. 

Jiang Fuyue wanted to avoid him, but he wouldn't let her! 

He would look at the blackboard tomorrow. 

One glance a day, and two glances the next day, slowly but surely. 

Twenty minutes later, Zhou Qin arrived. 

Carrying two insulated flasks, she greeted the father and son as she entered the room. "Time for dinner." 

Ling Xuan stood up. 

Ling Qingzhou was on the phone, gesturing for the mother and son to go ahead and eat first. 

Zhou Qin had already eaten at home. She took out the meal and neatly arranged the bowls and chopsticks. "Ah Xuan, you go ahead and eat first. Who knows when your dad will finish." 

Although she said so, Ling Xuan still didn't touch his chopsticks until ten minutes later when Ling Qingzhou finished his call, and the father and son finally sat down to eat together. 

Zhou Qin pushed the bowl of soup in front of her husband and said softly, "You've injured your leg bone. It's said that bone broth is good for supplementing calcium." 

Ling Qingzhou glanced at it, not very appetized, but still gave Zhou Qin face in front of their son. He drank half a bowl and then set it aside, not touching it again. 

Zhou Qin seemed to ignore it, getting up to tidy up the bedding for him. 

She replaced the withered flowers with fresh ones, bustling about silently without making any noise. 

Just like her, she had always been gentle and soft, and slow and steady.

Ling Qingzhou finished eating and laid back on the hospital bed. 

Zhou Qin called the doctor to examine him. 

"...Doctor, how is my husband?" 

"Injured tendons and bones will take about a hundred days to heal. It's best not to walk for the first half month, and avoid secondary injuries within three months. In short, rest well." 

Zhou Qin nodded, escorted the doctor out, then turned back and sat by Ling Qingzhou's bedside, suddenly grabbing his hand. 

The man was taken aback, feeling a slight softness in his heart. His voice softened involuntarily, losing some of its usual sharpness: "What's wrong?" 

Zhou Qin sighed, "You, how old are you? Yet you still make people worry, actually fighting publicly with Yi Hansheng..." 

This hit Ling Qingzhou where it hurt, and his face immediately darkened. 

"It's because he went too far!" 

Seeing that the contract with No. 1 High School was about to be signed, that b*stard Yi Hansheng unexpectedly barged in alone and caused a scene on the spot, acting unreasonably and causing trouble. 

As a result, the school couldn't afford to offend either side and was afraid of Yi Hansheng, so they simply announced on the spot— 

Forget about the "Mingyue Building," they didn't want it anymore! 

This left Ling Qingzhou dumbfounded. 

Seeing his duck (opportunity) taken away, he couldn't bear it anymore and punched Yi Hansheng in the face. 

But Yi Hansheng wasn't easy to deal with either. He had been enduring Ling Qingzhou for a long time and had long wanted to make a big scene. 

So the two CEOs, regardless of their identities and faces, fought openly on the spot. 

One with a punch, the other with a kick, they fought fiercely. 

Employees from both sides rushed forward to stop them, but somehow got involved in the fight. 

Suddenly, the whole conference room was in chaos, like a world war. 


The two CEOs ended up in the hospital, one with a broken leg, the other with a broken hand, and their hospital rooms were next to each other. 

This d*mn smelly monkey sh*t. 

Zhou Qin saw the anger on her husband's face, and with half-lowered eyes, her eyelashes trembled lightly. 

"Is this really that important?" she murmured softly. 

The man frowned. 

"Is building the school really that important to you?" He even risked his life for it. 

After twenty years of marriage, Zhou Qin knew this man too well. Gentle, refined, and very concerned about his reputation. 

And Yi Hansheng, despite his rough exterior, had been in power for so many years, how could he easily let others see him as a joke? 

But it was these two men who, in front of everyone, fought like twenty-year-old hotheads! 

When Zhou Qin heard the news, her first reaction wasn't worry or anger; she actually felt like laughing because the situation was so ridiculous. 

Ridiculous to the point where she couldn't believe it was happening to these two men. 

All for the right for a building? 

Heh... in the end, it was still for that dead woman. 

Zhou Qin couldn't suppress her curiosity once again. 

What kind of charm did Lou Mingyue have that could make living men fight for her with fists and feet, even after more than twenty years of her death? 

Hearing these words, his previously mild expression suddenly turned dark. 

Is it really that important? 

He coldly curled his lips, enunciating each word: "I thought that was our tacit agreement." 

Zhou Qin's heart was pierced by his words, causing her to bleed internally. 

Unfortunately, this man couldn't see it. 

So all these years of compromise, tolerance, and suppression had become an accepted "agreement" in his eyes? 

She got up abruptly, turning away in panic. "I'll go back first." 

After speaking, she fled in a panic, afraid that her tears would burst out of her eyes if she was a moment too late. 

In the corner, Ling Xuan witnessed the whole process, his brow furrowed tightly. 

It seemed like there was something he didn't know, but it was about to come out…

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