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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Phoenix Eye Bodhi, Reasons Behind 

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It was still early before lunchtime, and Jiang Fuyue planned to go to the library.

After the final exams, she was preparing a paper. Currently, she was in the stage of simulating experiments, and there was still data collection and analysis to be done later. All of this required the use of laboratory equipment, and some steps could only be performed in a fully enclosed experimental environment.

In short, she needed a laboratory.

Originally, Jiang Fuyue planned to borrow one from Xu Kaiqing, and without surprise, the latter would definitely agree.

But after visiting the lab yesterday, she found it wouldn’t work.

Because her paper topic had a multidisciplinary nature, involving not only physics but also biology and chemistry.

And Xu Kaiqing specialized in the field of quantum computing, with many of the experimental equipment Jiang Fuyue needed not available.

Who should she ask for help then?

As she walked, lost in thought, she unconsciously left the teaching building.

Suddenly, “Junior Sister—”

A voice came from behind.

Jiang Fuyue halted her steps, not waiting to turn around before Shen Qiannan had stopped in front of her.

“I’m not your junior sister,” she corrected.

“I know…” Obviously, Shen Qiannan had already inquired about her identity.

Unexpectedly, he thought she was at least an undergraduate student, but it turned out she hadn’t even graduated from high school yet.

A high school student, not only capable of using the lab equipment but also daring to call Xu Kaiqing “Lao Xu,” and the things she said to Liang Bing…

Jiang Fuyue didn’t miss the scrutiny in the other party’s eyes, her tone becoming even more indifferent, “Is there something?”

Shen Qiannan raised his eyebrows, hands in his pockets, attempting to be humorous, “Can’t I look for you if there’s nothing?”

The charm of a mature man was nowhere to be placed, but unfortunately Jiang Fuyue only glanced at him before turning her gaze away.

Not shy, but rather repulsed.

The next second, she passed by him, walking forward briskly.

Standing still, Shen Qiannan wondered, “?”

“Why did you leave?” he caught up again.

“Didn’t you say there’s nothing?” she replied.

If there was nothing, why should she stay?

The corner of the man’s mouth twitched, suddenly serious, “Yesterday afternoon, Liang Bing went to the hospital, and the test results came out this morning…”

“What did the doctor say?” Jiang Fuyue asked.

“Pituitary tumor.”

As expected…

Patients with pituitary tumors may experience endocrine disorders, which can lead to irritability and easily display aggressive behavior under external stimuli.

This could explain why everyone in the lab said Liang Bing’s mood wasn’t right lately, visibly irritable and easily angered.

Pituitary tumors can also cause intracranial pressure to continuously rise, resulting in severe headaches and nausea.

“Is there anyone in your family studying medicine?” If Shen Qiannan remembered correctly, Jiang Fuyue specifically emphasized letting Liang Bing undergo a full-body examination, especially for the pituitary gland.

Jiang Fuyue shook her head, “No.”

“Have you personally encountered medical knowledge?”

She casually replied, “Just skimmed through a few books while studying.”

Shen Qiannan: “?” Just that?

“Is it serious?” Jiang Fuyue asked.

“The tumor has been present for some time. Liang Bing has been in a high-intensity work state for a long time, and she often stays up late, so it has worsened quickly. It has already caused damage to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Normally, her condition would be considered quite serious, but her body’s various indicators have been maintained at a relatively stable level, without much impact. The doctors don’t know why, they just say this condition is extremely rare and may be related to her own physical condition.”

It was also because of this that Liang Bing still had hope and a very high cure rate.

A hint of depth flashed in Jiang Fuyue’s eyes.

It was not surprising that the doctor didn’t know the reason.

She remembered the string of Phoenix Eye Bodhi beads worn by Liang Bing on her wrist, and her guess became more firm.

“Senior Brother Shen, can you take me to the hospital to see Senior Sister Liang?”

The man raised his eyebrows, smiling ambiguously, “Now you call me Senior?

Jiang Fuyue went along, “Once we enter the Q University campus, besides calling teachers, we can only call seniors, what else would you like me to call you? By your name?”

“Of course,” she shrugged, hands raised, “If you agree, I can also say it.”

Shen Qiannan chuckled.

“Let’s go, Junior Sister, I came here today just to pick you up.”

“To pick me up?”

“Liang Bing wants to see you.”

Q University Affiliated Hospital, Department of Tumor.

When Jiang Fuyue arrived, Liang Bing was having lunch, and a nurse was tidying up her clothes and cleaning the table.

“You’re here,” she put down her chopsticks and smiled at Jiang Fuyue.

The originally sharp eyebrows of the woman had now become calm, her overly high cheekbones showing a bit of thinness, and her entire face exuding an abnormal paleness.

But compared to the “crazy woman” in the laboratory yesterday, she appeared much more normal and pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Fuyue walked to the bedside, placing the Lily perfume she brought on the bedside, the faint fragrance filling the area around the bed.

“I heard from Senior Brother Shen that you like it, so I bought Lilies.”

Liang Bing: “Thank you.” Then she pointed to the chair beside her, “Sit.”

Jiang Fuyue complied, then slowly raised her head, calmly looking at her.

Liang Bing subconsciously fiddled with the Phoenix Eye Bodhi beads on her wrist and asked lightly, “Don’t you have anything to ask?”

“I thought you would ask me questions first.”

“You’ve already guessed I have a pituitary tumor, haven’t you?”

“I wasn’t sure at first, but after seeing the Phoenix Eye Bodhi beads on your wrist, I had a pretty good idea.”

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 174

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Phoenix Eye Bodhi, Reasons Behind 

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It was still early before lunchtime, and Jiang Fuyue planned to go to the library.

After the final exams, she was preparing a paper. Currently, she was in the stage of simulating experiments, and there was still data collection and analysis to be done later. All of this required the use of laboratory equipment, and some steps could only be performed in a fully enclosed experimental environment.

In short, she needed a laboratory.

Originally, Jiang Fuyue planned to borrow one from Xu Kaiqing, and without surprise, the latter would definitely agree.

But after visiting the lab yesterday, she found it wouldn't work.

Because her paper topic had a multidisciplinary nature, involving not only physics but also biology and chemistry.

And Xu Kaiqing specialized in the field of quantum computing, with many of the experimental equipment Jiang Fuyue needed not available.

Who should she ask for help then?

As she walked, lost in thought, she unconsciously left the teaching building.

Suddenly, "Junior Sister—"

A voice came from behind.

Jiang Fuyue halted her steps, not waiting to turn around before Shen Qiannan had stopped in front of her.

"I'm not your junior sister," she corrected.

"I know..." Obviously, Shen Qiannan had already inquired about her identity.

Unexpectedly, he thought she was at least an undergraduate student, but it turned out she hadn't even graduated from high school yet.

A high school student, not only capable of using the lab equipment but also daring to call Xu Kaiqing "Lao Xu," and the things she said to Liang Bing...

Jiang Fuyue didn't miss the scrutiny in the other party's eyes, her tone becoming even more indifferent, "Is there something?"

Shen Qiannan raised his eyebrows, hands in his pockets, attempting to be humorous, "Can't I look for you if there's nothing?"

The charm of a mature man was nowhere to be placed, but unfortunately Jiang Fuyue only glanced at him before turning her gaze away.

Not shy, but rather repulsed.

The next second, she passed by him, walking forward briskly.

Standing still, Shen Qiannan wondered, "?"

"Why did you leave?" he caught up again.

"Didn't you say there's nothing?" she replied.

If there was nothing, why should she stay?

The corner of the man's mouth twitched, suddenly serious, "Yesterday afternoon, Liang Bing went to the hospital, and the test results came out this morning..."

"What did the doctor say?" Jiang Fuyue asked.

"Pituitary tumor."

As expected...

Patients with pituitary tumors may experience endocrine disorders, which can lead to irritability and easily display aggressive behavior under external stimuli.

This could explain why everyone in the lab said Liang Bing's mood wasn't right lately, visibly irritable and easily angered.

Pituitary tumors can also cause intracranial pressure to continuously rise, resulting in severe headaches and nausea.

"Is there anyone in your family studying medicine?" If Shen Qiannan remembered correctly, Jiang Fuyue specifically emphasized letting Liang Bing undergo a full-body examination, especially for the pituitary gland.

Jiang Fuyue shook her head, "No."

"Have you personally encountered medical knowledge?"

She casually replied, "Just skimmed through a few books while studying."

Shen Qiannan: "?" Just that?

"Is it serious?" Jiang Fuyue asked.

"The tumor has been present for some time. Liang Bing has been in a high-intensity work state for a long time, and she often stays up late, so it has worsened quickly. It has already caused damage to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Normally, her condition would be considered quite serious, but her body's various indicators have been maintained at a relatively stable level, without much impact. The doctors don't know why, they just say this condition is extremely rare and may be related to her own physical condition."

It was also because of this that Liang Bing still had hope and a very high cure rate.

A hint of depth flashed in Jiang Fuyue's eyes.

It was not surprising that the doctor didn't know the reason.

She remembered the string of Phoenix Eye Bodhi beads worn by Liang Bing on her wrist, and her guess became more firm.

"Senior Brother Shen, can you take me to the hospital to see Senior Sister Liang?"

The man raised his eyebrows, smiling ambiguously, "Now you call me Senior?

Jiang Fuyue went along, "Once we enter the Q University campus, besides calling teachers, we can only call seniors, what else would you like me to call you? By your name?"

"Of course," she shrugged, hands raised, "If you agree, I can also say it."

Shen Qiannan chuckled.

"Let's go, Junior Sister, I came here today just to pick you up."

"To pick me up?"

"Liang Bing wants to see you."


Q University Affiliated Hospital, Department of Tumor.

When Jiang Fuyue arrived, Liang Bing was having lunch, and a nurse was tidying up her clothes and cleaning the table.

"You're here," she put down her chopsticks and smiled at Jiang Fuyue.

The originally sharp eyebrows of the woman had now become calm, her overly high cheekbones showing a bit of thinness, and her entire face exuding an abnormal paleness.

But compared to the "crazy woman" in the laboratory yesterday, she appeared much more normal and pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Fuyue walked to the bedside, placing the Lily perfume she brought on the bedside, the faint fragrance filling the area around the bed.

"I heard from Senior Brother Shen that you like it, so I bought Lilies."

Liang Bing: "Thank you." Then she pointed to the chair beside her, "Sit."

Jiang Fuyue complied, then slowly raised her head, calmly looking at her.

Liang Bing subconsciously fiddled with the Phoenix Eye Bodhi beads on her wrist and asked lightly, "Don't you have anything to ask?"

"I thought you would ask me questions first."

"You've already guessed I have a pituitary tumor, haven't you?"

"I wasn't sure at first, but after seeing the Phoenix Eye Bodhi beads on your wrist, I had a pretty good idea."

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