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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 182

Chapter 182 Calculating Senior Brother, NOI Mini Test 

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First of all, this question was extremely unprofessional.

For a research topic, especially in physics, experiments are the foundation. There’s no way to encompass all the various experiments, big and small, under a general experiment name.

Shen Qiannan’s question was like asking a chef how to prepare a full-course meal.

It didn’t specify a particular dish or focus on a specific step, such as how to thicken the sauce or the temperature the water should be heated to. Should sugar be added first, or salt?

In theory, he shouldn’t have asked such a question. Either his brain had a lapse, or he looked down on the other party.

Jiang Fuyue leaned towards the second possibility.

She smiled, “Bacteria form a complex biological system that includes strong couplings from molecules to macroscales, encompassing rich biological and physical phenomena at every spatiotemporal scale. For example, bacteria exhibit strong stress responses to oxygen and many compounds; signal transduction networks within bacteria affect the rotation of bacterial flagellar motors; nanoscale rotations of bacterial flagellar motors affect bacterial movement, chemotaxis, aggregation, adhesion, and rapid rotation near interfaces; the active state of individual bacteria and the physical and chemical properties of the environment affect the growth process of bacterial colonies; the expansion of microbial films in space forms diverse macroscopic self-organized patterns, and so on.”

“Bacterial motion involves mechanics, fluid dynamics, and statistical physics,” Jiang Fuyue tilted her head, “So, which discipline or aspect of the experiment are you interested in? Hmm?”

Her tone was gentle, unhurried, leaving a faint sense of doubt and sarcasm in the slight rise of her final tone.

Shen Qiannan was speechless, his smile frozen.

Realizing belatedly that his attitude was indeed disrespectful, he felt embarrassed. But he couldn’t bring himself to soften in front of a girl nearly ten years his junior, feeling awkward.

“Senior Brother, if you don’t speak, I’ll take it as your agreement.”

Agreement to what?

Shen Qiannan couldn’t quite catch up.

Jiang Fuyue had already walked to the door, turning back to give him a playful smile, “Then I’ll wait for Senior Brother’s good news. Hopefully, there’ll be a reply by tomorrow.”

With that, her figure disappeared at the door frame.

The rustling breeze tousled the ends of the girl’s hair, swaying with a flirtatious curve in the air.

Shen Qiannan suddenly realized.


But at this point, denying it was clearly not possible and not dignified enough. It didn’t fit his image of being a gentle senior brother.

But Lab A1…

D*mn it! Isn’t Xie Dingyuan using it?

Convincing him to share it with Jiang Fuyue?

Shen Qiannan rubbed his forehead. Before this, he had never even dared to think about it.

Let alone trying to sneak a woman in, even if it were himself, that old dog Xie Dingyuan wouldn’t agree.

The junior sister was putting him in a difficult position.

Wait a minute…

Why did he agree? With such a request involving the fundamental principles, he couldn’t just nod, right?

Shen Qiannan frowned, lost in thought.

Five seconds later, his brain completely woke up—d*mn! He got played!

Jiang Fuyue came and immediately asked to borrow the laboratory without specifying what she needed to do or explaining the necessity for borrowing it.

Under such circumstances, he naturally would be led astray, doubting the legitimacy and feasibility of the matter itself, and questioning Jiang Fuyue as well.

After adding her identity as a high school student, being relatively young, and lacking any academic achievements, the feeling of “disdain” or rather “underestimation” emerged.

When that sentence slipped out, Shen Qiannan admitted that he was in a relaxed state overall.

But he quickly realized it was inappropriate.

Yet again, he treated Jiang Fuyue as an easily fooled young girl, attempting to bluff his way through.

But she wasn’t just anyone. Her lengthy explanation left him speechless. Now he thought about how fluent and authoritative she sounded. Could she have prepared a script in advance and ambushed him here?


He felt embarrassed, awkward, wanting to apologize but couldn’t bring himself to do it. If Jiang Fuyue made another request at this moment, could he refuse?

Clearly, he couldn’t.

Even out of guilt, he had to handle this matter for her.

And he had to handle it exceptionally well!

Seeing how one thing led to another, trapping himself at each step, Shen Qiannan sighed heavily: High schoolers these days, you can’t afford to mess with them!

After Jiang Fuyue left, walking a considerable distance away, she smirked mischievously.

Instead of returning to the dormitory, she went straight to University B.

Today was the first mini-test of the NOI training camp, and everyone was gathering in the computer room.

When she arrived, a spot had already been saved for her by Fan Ye—

“Sister Yue! Over here!”

Lin Yuan was sitting diagonally ahead. Upon hearing Fan Ye’s voice, she turned, somewhat impatient, “Don’t you know the exam room needs to be quiet? Your loud voice disturbs everyone.”

Fan Ye was a bit younger, but she wasn’t one to back down, “The exam hasn’t started yet. The teacher hasn’t even entered. How does my normal-volume speech affect everyone?”

“Huh, indeed from a backwater place, no manners at all.”


Fan Ye got angry. She didn’t mind being attacked herself, but she couldn’t stand hearing bad things said about Duofu.

What backwater place? Has she ever been there? Seen the scenery on the island?

Alright, even though poverty was a fact, there was no need to deliberately humiliate.

Lin Yuan provocatively curled her lips.

Fan Ye, feeling annoyed, was about to speak up but was stopped by Jiang Fuyue, “She’s just a city native without any manners. Even though you’re classmates, try to understand her mood. Don’t get angry.”

Fan Ye immediately smiled, nodding earnestly at Lin Yuan, “Hmm, I understand you, and I pity you a bit. Since that’s the case, let’s just forget about it. But next time, you can’t act like this again, or everyone will think you’re getting angry for having a bad brain.”

Lin Yuan’s face instantly turned red and green.

But it was a fact that her homework scores were not as high as Fan Ye’s.

A bumpkin from a remote corner, where did she learn about informatics competitions?

Her English was surprisingly good (she wouldn’t admit it even if it was excellent). After switching to the international competition standard format, she took two days to adapt, but Fan Ye had no obstacles.

As for Jiang Fuyue…

This woman was even scarier than that bumpkin, never getting less than a perfect score on her homework.

But who doesn’t have a trump card?

Lin Yuan seemed to think of something. Her angry expression gradually calmed down, and her eyes became calm, as if she had some extra reliance.

“It sounds like only you guys can get high scores, and everyone else is like an idiot. Yes, my homework scores are indeed lower than yours, but the national team selection is based on the scores of five mini-tests. In the end, it’s not guaranteed who will stay or leave. Don’t be too happy too soon. I’m afraid you’ll cry later.”

After saying that, she turned away, put on her headphones, and ignored the two.

Fan Ye puffed up her cheeks in anger but had no way to deal with her.

On the other hand, Jiang Fuyue remained calm throughout, even when Lin Yuan showed her certainty.

“Sister Yue, aren’t you angry?” Lin Yuan’s words were not only directed at Fan Ye but also implied Jiang Fuyue.

“Angry about what?”

“Lin Yuan! She’s so nasty.” Fan Ye stamped her foot, displaying all her emotions on her face without hiding anything.

Jiang Fuyue asked, “Do you know how to observe a crab?”

“Huh?” A crab? Fan Ye was a little confused.

Weren’t they talking about Lin Yuan? How did it become about crabs?

But she was also quite interested in the topic: “How do you observe it? With your eyes? Using your hands? Or steam it to eat?”

Jiang Fuyue gently curved her lips, “Observe it with a cold eye and see how long it can run rampant.”

Fan Ye hadn’t reacted yet when the invigilator entered the computer room.

2:00 PM.

The first mini-test since the NOI summer camp training began.

This mini-test score would be one of the five scoring mini-tests for the IOI national team selection, directly affecting the final selection results.

This wasn’t like usual homework. All examinees were on high alert.

The questions were distributed in two rounds, each with 3 questions, totaling 6, simulating the IOI two-day competition mode.

Using C, C++, and Pascal programming languages.

Each question is worth 100 points, with a total of 600 points, and the exam lasts for five hours. 

The first set of questions was issued, consisting of three routine questions, well within the scope of the IOI syllabus and not particularly difficult. 

Jiang Fuyue completed them in twenty minutes, and after submission, the system automatically issued the second set of questions. 

Again, there were three questions, but this time they were much more challenging. Still, Jiang Fuyue only took twenty minutes to complete them. 

Then— With a click of the mouse, she submitted her paper. In an instant, the mechanical prompt sounded in the quiet exam room: “Ding! Candidate has submitted the paper.”

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 182

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 182

Chapter 182 Calculating Senior Brother, NOI Mini Test 

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First of all, this question was extremely unprofessional.

For a research topic, especially in physics, experiments are the foundation. There's no way to encompass all the various experiments, big and small, under a general experiment name.

Shen Qiannan's question was like asking a chef how to prepare a full-course meal.

It didn't specify a particular dish or focus on a specific step, such as how to thicken the sauce or the temperature the water should be heated to. Should sugar be added first, or salt?

In theory, he shouldn't have asked such a question. Either his brain had a lapse, or he looked down on the other party.

Jiang Fuyue leaned towards the second possibility.

She smiled, "Bacteria form a complex biological system that includes strong couplings from molecules to macroscales, encompassing rich biological and physical phenomena at every spatiotemporal scale. For example, bacteria exhibit strong stress responses to oxygen and many compounds; signal transduction networks within bacteria affect the rotation of bacterial flagellar motors; nanoscale rotations of bacterial flagellar motors affect bacterial movement, chemotaxis, aggregation, adhesion, and rapid rotation near interfaces; the active state of individual bacteria and the physical and chemical properties of the environment affect the growth process of bacterial colonies; the expansion of microbial films in space forms diverse macroscopic self-organized patterns, and so on."

"Bacterial motion involves mechanics, fluid dynamics, and statistical physics," Jiang Fuyue tilted her head, "So, which discipline or aspect of the experiment are you interested in? Hmm?"

Her tone was gentle, unhurried, leaving a faint sense of doubt and sarcasm in the slight rise of her final tone.

Shen Qiannan was speechless, his smile frozen.

Realizing belatedly that his attitude was indeed disrespectful, he felt embarrassed. But he couldn't bring himself to soften in front of a girl nearly ten years his junior, feeling awkward.

"Senior Brother, if you don't speak, I'll take it as your agreement."

Agreement to what?

Shen Qiannan couldn't quite catch up.

Jiang Fuyue had already walked to the door, turning back to give him a playful smile, "Then I'll wait for Senior Brother's good news. Hopefully, there'll be a reply by tomorrow."

With that, her figure disappeared at the door frame.

The rustling breeze tousled the ends of the girl's hair, swaying with a flirtatious curve in the air.

Shen Qiannan suddenly realized.


But at this point, denying it was clearly not possible and not dignified enough. It didn't fit his image of being a gentle senior brother.

But Lab A1...

D*mn it! Isn't Xie Dingyuan using it?

Convincing him to share it with Jiang Fuyue?

Shen Qiannan rubbed his forehead. Before this, he had never even dared to think about it.

Let alone trying to sneak a woman in, even if it were himself, that old dog Xie Dingyuan wouldn't agree.

The junior sister was putting him in a difficult position.

Wait a minute...

Why did he agree? With such a request involving the fundamental principles, he couldn't just nod, right?

Shen Qiannan frowned, lost in thought.

Five seconds later, his brain completely woke up—d*mn! He got played!

Jiang Fuyue came and immediately asked to borrow the laboratory without specifying what she needed to do or explaining the necessity for borrowing it.

Under such circumstances, he naturally would be led astray, doubting the legitimacy and feasibility of the matter itself, and questioning Jiang Fuyue as well.

After adding her identity as a high school student, being relatively young, and lacking any academic achievements, the feeling of "disdain" or rather "underestimation" emerged.

When that sentence slipped out, Shen Qiannan admitted that he was in a relaxed state overall.

But he quickly realized it was inappropriate.

Yet again, he treated Jiang Fuyue as an easily fooled young girl, attempting to bluff his way through.

But she wasn't just anyone. Her lengthy explanation left him speechless. Now he thought about how fluent and authoritative she sounded. Could she have prepared a script in advance and ambushed him here?


He felt embarrassed, awkward, wanting to apologize but couldn't bring himself to do it. If Jiang Fuyue made another request at this moment, could he refuse?

Clearly, he couldn't.

Even out of guilt, he had to handle this matter for her.

And he had to handle it exceptionally well!

Seeing how one thing led to another, trapping himself at each step, Shen Qiannan sighed heavily: High schoolers these days, you can't afford to mess with them!


After Jiang Fuyue left, walking a considerable distance away, she smirked mischievously.

Instead of returning to the dormitory, she went straight to University B.

Today was the first mini-test of the NOI training camp, and everyone was gathering in the computer room.

When she arrived, a spot had already been saved for her by Fan Ye—

"Sister Yue! Over here!"

Lin Yuan was sitting diagonally ahead. Upon hearing Fan Ye's voice, she turned, somewhat impatient, "Don't you know the exam room needs to be quiet? Your loud voice disturbs everyone."

Fan Ye was a bit younger, but she wasn't one to back down, "The exam hasn't started yet. The teacher hasn't even entered. How does my normal-volume speech affect everyone?"

"Huh, indeed from a backwater place, no manners at all."


Fan Ye got angry. She didn't mind being attacked herself, but she couldn't stand hearing bad things said about Duofu.

What backwater place? Has she ever been there? Seen the scenery on the island?

Alright, even though poverty was a fact, there was no need to deliberately humiliate.

Lin Yuan provocatively curled her lips.

Fan Ye, feeling annoyed, was about to speak up but was stopped by Jiang Fuyue, "She's just a city native without any manners. Even though you're classmates, try to understand her mood. Don't get angry."

Fan Ye immediately smiled, nodding earnestly at Lin Yuan, "Hmm, I understand you, and I pity you a bit. Since that's the case, let's just forget about it. But next time, you can't act like this again, or everyone will think you're getting angry for having a bad brain."

Lin Yuan's face instantly turned red and green.

But it was a fact that her homework scores were not as high as Fan Ye's.

A bumpkin from a remote corner, where did she learn about informatics competitions?

Her English was surprisingly good (she wouldn't admit it even if it was excellent). After switching to the international competition standard format, she took two days to adapt, but Fan Ye had no obstacles.

As for Jiang Fuyue...

This woman was even scarier than that bumpkin, never getting less than a perfect score on her homework.

But who doesn't have a trump card?

Lin Yuan seemed to think of something. Her angry expression gradually calmed down, and her eyes became calm, as if she had some extra reliance.

"It sounds like only you guys can get high scores, and everyone else is like an idiot. Yes, my homework scores are indeed lower than yours, but the national team selection is based on the scores of five mini-tests. In the end, it's not guaranteed who will stay or leave. Don't be too happy too soon. I'm afraid you'll cry later."

After saying that, she turned away, put on her headphones, and ignored the two.

Fan Ye puffed up her cheeks in anger but had no way to deal with her.

On the other hand, Jiang Fuyue remained calm throughout, even when Lin Yuan showed her certainty.

"Sister Yue, aren't you angry?" Lin Yuan's words were not only directed at Fan Ye but also implied Jiang Fuyue.

"Angry about what?"

"Lin Yuan! She's so nasty." Fan Ye stamped her foot, displaying all her emotions on her face without hiding anything.

Jiang Fuyue asked, "Do you know how to observe a crab?"

"Huh?" A crab? Fan Ye was a little confused.

Weren't they talking about Lin Yuan? How did it become about crabs?

But she was also quite interested in the topic: "How do you observe it? With your eyes? Using your hands? Or steam it to eat?"

Jiang Fuyue gently curved her lips, "Observe it with a cold eye and see how long it can run rampant."

Fan Ye hadn't reacted yet when the invigilator entered the computer room.

2:00 PM.

The first mini-test since the NOI summer camp training began.

This mini-test score would be one of the five scoring mini-tests for the IOI national team selection, directly affecting the final selection results.

This wasn't like usual homework. All examinees were on high alert.

The questions were distributed in two rounds, each with 3 questions, totaling 6, simulating the IOI two-day competition mode.

Using C, C++, and Pascal programming languages.

Each question is worth 100 points, with a total of 600 points, and the exam lasts for five hours. 

The first set of questions was issued, consisting of three routine questions, well within the scope of the IOI syllabus and not particularly difficult. 

Jiang Fuyue completed them in twenty minutes, and after submission, the system automatically issued the second set of questions. 

Again, there were three questions, but this time they were much more challenging. Still, Jiang Fuyue only took twenty minutes to complete them. 

Then— With a click of the mouse, she submitted her paper. In an instant, the mechanical prompt sounded in the quiet exam room: "Ding! Candidate has submitted the paper."

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