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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 202

Chapter 202: Another Perfect Score, On-the-Spot Questioning 

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After finishing the experiment and returning to training, Jiang Fuyue still maintained an absolute advantage over everyone else in scores.

For instance, at the scene where the results of the second NOI training mini-test were announced, it was like a public execution broadcast.

“Oh my! How did she get another perfect score? Did Jiang Fuyue sneak into the examiner’s mind and turn it inside out? Damn!”

“Bro, your metaphor… cough… it’s too vivid, a bit terrifying.”

“The second round of the exam was extremely difficult. I checked, and all the questions were previous IOI exam questions. How did she get them all right? And she even handed in the paper early? I can’t take it, I’m going to swear!”

“Why is everyone talking about Jiang Fuyue? Didn’t Lin Yuan also get a perfect score?”

“Wow! I remember she also got a perfect score on the last mini-test.”

“That’s right, it’s her. She’s unremarkable usually, but once she gets into the exam room, she soars. It’s really strange!”

“Is she deliberately hiding her abilities?”

“I’ve worked on group assignments with her before, to be honest, it doesn’t seem like it.”

“This time, Fan Ye only scored 590, and she quietly got a perfect score, on par with Jiang Fuyue?”

“Jiang Fuyue took three days off and still got a perfect score, but Lin Yuan didn’t.”

“That’s a point.”

After the scores were announced, the next step was the review.

Coach: “…It can be said that the main difficulty of this mini-test comes from the second set of questions because they are all IOI past questions. Some students, even if they have practiced, may not necessarily remember the answers.”

“Cough! That should be me,” someone muttered under their breath in the audience. “I did the questions after class, even went through the answers once, and had no problems at the time. But when it came to the actual exam, my mind went blank, I forgot everything…”

Coach: “Everyone should be familiar with the difficulty of D country’s exam questions every year, so I won’t go into detail. Although the questions this time were very difficult, two students still got perfect scores. Now, I would like these two students to stand up and explain their problem-solving methods. Don’t rush to take notes, listen carefully, focus on the thought process, this is more useful than memorizing ten thousand times!”

“Which one of you wants to go first?” the coach asked the audience.

Jiang Fuyue didn’t mind, either was fine for her.

But Lin Yuan didn’t even have time to feel happy about her perfect score again before the coach’s move caught her off guard.

She dodged the eyes, afraid of being chosen.

But the more one fears, the more it comes; the coach said, “Then let’s start with Lin Yuan.”


Suddenly, all eyes fell on her.

A person who usually enjoys being the center of attention, at this moment, was so panicked that cold sweat dripped, and her breath was hesitant.

“Why isn’t she reacting? Is she stupid?”


“She probably didn’t hear…”

Whispering buzzed around.

In the end, it was a girl next to her who pushed Lin Yuan, making her react and stand up abruptly. “Sorry, teacher, I have a cold and feel a bit unwell. Can Jiang Fuyue go first?”

The coach didn’t doubt her and agreed.

Under everyone’s attention, Jiang Fuyue calmly explained her thought process and algorithm.

She didn’t play around; every word she said was substantial, and there were quite a few problem-solving techniques.

“…That’s about it.”

Two seconds of silence, then thunderous applause.

Even the coach couldn’t help but applaud, secretly admiring.

“Lin Yuan, it’s your turn.”

“I…” Her eyes glanced around, seeming much calmer than before. “Actually, my train of thought is similar to Jiang Fuyue’s. She has already explained it, so I don’t need to repeat, right?”

Others didn’t say anything.

But the coach suddenly frowned, “Are you sure your train of thought is similar to Jiang Fuyue’s?”

Lin Yuan’s gaze flickered, but it lasted only a fraction of a second before she nodded firmly, “Yes, I’m very sure.”

“No, I’ve seen your papers. You used completely different methods, not a single step was repeated, and your thought structures were completely different.”

Lin Yuan shivered, her pupils constricted.

Let’s have a prize Q&A: How did Lin Yuan get a perfect score? (Single choice)

A. Got the exam questions in advance; B. Had someone else take the exam for her online; C. Implanted a Trojan virus to copy Jiang Fuyue’s answers; D. Hacked the system and directly modified the scores.

(It’s time to test everyone’s deduction abilities. All the clues are within this chapter, so it’s a process of elimination!)

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 202

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 202

Chapter 202: Another Perfect Score, On-the-Spot Questioning 

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

After finishing the experiment and returning to training, Jiang Fuyue still maintained an absolute advantage over everyone else in scores.

For instance, at the scene where the results of the second NOI training mini-test were announced, it was like a public execution broadcast.

"Oh my! How did she get another perfect score? Did Jiang Fuyue sneak into the examiner's mind and turn it inside out? Damn!"

"Bro, your metaphor... cough... it's too vivid, a bit terrifying."

"The second round of the exam was extremely difficult. I checked, and all the questions were previous IOI exam questions. How did she get them all right? And she even handed in the paper early? I can't take it, I'm going to swear!"

"Why is everyone talking about Jiang Fuyue? Didn't Lin Yuan also get a perfect score?"

"Wow! I remember she also got a perfect score on the last mini-test."

"That's right, it's her. She's unremarkable usually, but once she gets into the exam room, she soars. It's really strange!"

"Is she deliberately hiding her abilities?"

"I've worked on group assignments with her before, to be honest, it doesn't seem like it."

"This time, Fan Ye only scored 590, and she quietly got a perfect score, on par with Jiang Fuyue?"

"Jiang Fuyue took three days off and still got a perfect score, but Lin Yuan didn't."

"That's a point."

After the scores were announced, the next step was the review.

Coach: "...It can be said that the main difficulty of this mini-test comes from the second set of questions because they are all IOI past questions. Some students, even if they have practiced, may not necessarily remember the answers."

"Cough! That should be me," someone muttered under their breath in the audience. "I did the questions after class, even went through the answers once, and had no problems at the time. But when it came to the actual exam, my mind went blank, I forgot everything..."

Coach: "Everyone should be familiar with the difficulty of D country's exam questions every year, so I won't go into detail. Although the questions this time were very difficult, two students still got perfect scores. Now, I would like these two students to stand up and explain their problem-solving methods. Don't rush to take notes, listen carefully, focus on the thought process, this is more useful than memorizing ten thousand times!"

"Which one of you wants to go first?" the coach asked the audience.

Jiang Fuyue didn't mind, either was fine for her.

But Lin Yuan didn't even have time to feel happy about her perfect score again before the coach's move caught her off guard.

She dodged the eyes, afraid of being chosen.

But the more one fears, the more it comes; the coach said, "Then let's start with Lin Yuan."


Suddenly, all eyes fell on her.

A person who usually enjoys being the center of attention, at this moment, was so panicked that cold sweat dripped, and her breath was hesitant.

"Why isn't she reacting? Is she stupid?"


"She probably didn't hear..."

Whispering buzzed around.

In the end, it was a girl next to her who pushed Lin Yuan, making her react and stand up abruptly. "Sorry, teacher, I have a cold and feel a bit unwell. Can Jiang Fuyue go first?"

The coach didn't doubt her and agreed.

Under everyone's attention, Jiang Fuyue calmly explained her thought process and algorithm.

She didn't play around; every word she said was substantial, and there were quite a few problem-solving techniques.

"...That's about it."

Two seconds of silence, then thunderous applause.

Even the coach couldn't help but applaud, secretly admiring.

"Lin Yuan, it's your turn."

"I..." Her eyes glanced around, seeming much calmer than before. "Actually, my train of thought is similar to Jiang Fuyue's. She has already explained it, so I don't need to repeat, right?"

Others didn't say anything.

But the coach suddenly frowned, "Are you sure your train of thought is similar to Jiang Fuyue's?"

Lin Yuan's gaze flickered, but it lasted only a fraction of a second before she nodded firmly, "Yes, I'm very sure."

"No, I've seen your papers. You used completely different methods, not a single step was repeated, and your thought structures were completely different."

Lin Yuan shivered, her pupils constricted.

Let's have a prize Q&A: How did Lin Yuan get a perfect score? (Single choice)

A. Got the exam questions in advance; B. Had someone else take the exam for her online; C. Implanted a Trojan virus to copy Jiang Fuyue's answers; D. Hacked the system and directly modified the scores.

(It's time to test everyone's deduction abilities. All the clues are within this chapter, so it's a process of elimination!)

Want to show your support? Go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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  1. Whimsy says:

    Considering the MC was able to do it online before, I think B is the most likely. Hiring someone else to do the test by screen sharing or something.

    It could be a Virus (A), but Top hacker types in this type of novel tend to notice viruses immediately through the slight drop in computer performance. Additionally, their answers are completely different.

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