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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 208

Chapter 208: She is Like the Sun, Illuminating Heaven and Earth

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Jiang Fuyue glanced at the online comments, filled with either righteous indignation or regret.

They portrayed Jiang Ke as a “fallen genius” and a “lone hero”. The more outstanding this young man had been in the past, the more furious they were now.

But four years ago, it was precisely these netizens who, during the investigation phase of the case, had already condemned Jiang Ke using public opinion. The insults and vicious words they had hurled seemed to be forgotten.

The internet remembers, yes; but forgetfulness is also a fact.

Niu Chunhua sneered. Even though she hadn’t been there on the day of the operation, she had dug up all the information about Jiang Ke and sent it to Niu Rui.

So she was very clear about the whole affair.

“…In my opinion, the one who installed the camera is both foolish and malicious. Unfortunately, the legal sanctions are too lenient, and the moral condemnation is too weak.” 

Jiang Fuyue, “Even if Jiang Ke hadn’t been there back then, he still wouldn’t have made it into the national team, and he hasn’t developed well in recent years…”

Not developed well? That’s an understatement.

After failing to enter the national team, that person fell into a state of mild depression, whether out of guilt, regret, or some other reason. Unable to cope, they had to take a year off from school.

The following year, after recovering from their illness, they took the college entrance examination but didn’t even meet the requirements for an ordinary undergraduate degree.

Those who could qualify for the NOI summer camp wouldn’t have had poor academic performance. Yet, they couldn’t even get into an ordinary undergraduate program, leaving their parents utterly disappointed.

Last year, after graduating from a second-tier college, they rashly started a business with the startup capital provided by their family, without any work experience. The result? They were cheated by their business partners, leaving them with nothing.

Now, they were stuck in a low-paying job at a power company, earning a meager salary, and had fallen into the trap of gambling.

“I checked it out casually,” Niu Chunhua said. “His colleagues knew his parents had some savings, so they set him up and encouraged him to gamble. In just half a month, he owed two million, and the worst part is, he actually thought of that colleague as a good friend. Tsk…”

Back then, when he had schemed against Jiang Ke as a roommate, he now had his own nemesis.

Justice is clear, and retribution is unavoidable.

Niu Chunhua rested her chin on her hand, looking at her with a straight face.

Jiang Fuyue looked puzzled. “What’s with that look?”

“Seriously, Moon, you just handed him the video like that. Aren’t you afraid Jiang Ke will back out and change his mind?” Niu Chunhua asked.

“If he really intends to go back on his word, no matter how vigilant we are, it won’t help,” Jiang Fuyue replied.

Niu Chunhua nodded. “That’s true. After evading capture for so many years, you can’t underestimate his ability to escape, and besides, that kid is ruthless…”

After hiding for four years, Jiang Ke had finally survived. How could he not have some means of survival when the tide turned in his favor?

Even a rabbit bites when it’s cornered.

Niu Chunhua tapped her chin. “When you think about it, aren’t we taking a huge risk? Losing both money and people, this isn’t a joke.”

Money is not the issue; the problem lies in losing face.

Jiang Fuyue smiled calmly. “Even if he takes the video and refuses, it doesn’t matter.”

“Do you have another plan?” Niu Chunhua asked.

What Jiang Fuyue said next left Niu Chunhua dumbfounded for a moment—

She said, “Innocent people should never be treated like this.”

“In this world, if someone pushes him into the abyss, there must be someone to pull him out of despair.”

She also said, “Genius should be cherished, not trampled upon.”

At that moment, Niu Chunhua felt that she was radiating light all over her body.

Not like the moon, but like the sun—able to illuminate the heavens and the earth!

As public opinion fermented, its momentum became unstoppable.

In the end, the police and the prosecutor’s office jointly announced a statement, declaring Jiang Ke innocent and initiating the national compensation process. Jiang Ke’s side would submit a compensation application to the provincial high court.

“The most golden five years of a genius have been wasted like this.”

“Take a look at Jiang Ke’s student ID photo [picture].”

“So handsome!”

“There’s a touch of arrogance between his brows and eyes, clearly a boy with exceptionally high intelligence, who could easily come first without trying hard, with a slightly bad temper but a particularly good-looking smile, and a particularly pure personality.”

“The world is too cruel to him.”

“Compensation! There must be hefty compensation! But unfortunately, no amount of money can buy back the youth he lost.”

“He’s twenty this year, just turned sixteen four years ago. It’s hard to imagine how terrified and desperate he must have felt when he heard the judge pronounce the death sentence.”

“I’m sorry, I cursed you back then, and now I feel sorry for you.”

“Feeling sorry +1. If it were my child going through all this, I might collapse and die.”


The discussion continued, and netizens across the country seemed to have touched upon a sensitive nerve, with unprecedented attention.

Jiang Ke became the focus of attention for mainstream media.

Surprisingly, he refused all of it.

Taking advantage of the hype, gaining attention, and then harvesting a wave of sympathy—this was the most common and effective tactic in the era of internet traffic.

If Jiang Ke wanted to get more compensation, he would inevitably have to leverage the power of public opinion.

Several large self-media outlets with huge fan bases reached out to him.

But even Jiang Ke’s phone calls weren’t getting through.

This was awkward.

And the person the whole world was paying attention to right now was standing in front of the bulletin board of a power company. A notice had just been posted: “Notice of Termination of Employment”.

“Our employee Jin Mingyu has behaved improperly, violating morals and causing extremely negative social impacts, thereby damaging the image of the company…”

Effective immediately, the labor contract is terminated. This notice is hereby given!

The date of signing was one day ago.

“Has he packed up his things?” Beside a van used for moving, a well-dressed, fat man was directing two young men to load things into it.

“Director, rest assured, everything has been packed up. We guarantee that not a single hair of his, Jin Mingyu’s, has been left behind!”

“That’s good. I’ve informed him that he’s been fired, and he’s dragging his feet and refusing to collect his belongings. Does he really think I can’t do anything to him? Huh!”

Jin Mingyu…

Hearing this name, Jiang Ke raised an eyebrow. Even though only half of his face could complete this action, it didn’t affect his expression.

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After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 208

After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All The Big Brothers Chapter 208

Chapter 208: She is Like the Sun, Illuminating Heaven and Earth

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Jiang Fuyue glanced at the online comments, filled with either righteous indignation or regret.

They portrayed Jiang Ke as a "fallen genius" and a "lone hero". The more outstanding this young man had been in the past, the more furious they were now.

But four years ago, it was precisely these netizens who, during the investigation phase of the case, had already condemned Jiang Ke using public opinion. The insults and vicious words they had hurled seemed to be forgotten.

The internet remembers, yes; but forgetfulness is also a fact.

Niu Chunhua sneered. Even though she hadn't been there on the day of the operation, she had dug up all the information about Jiang Ke and sent it to Niu Rui.

So she was very clear about the whole affair.

"...In my opinion, the one who installed the camera is both foolish and malicious. Unfortunately, the legal sanctions are too lenient, and the moral condemnation is too weak." 

Jiang Fuyue, "Even if Jiang Ke hadn't been there back then, he still wouldn't have made it into the national team, and he hasn't developed well in recent years..."

Not developed well? That's an understatement.

After failing to enter the national team, that person fell into a state of mild depression, whether out of guilt, regret, or some other reason. Unable to cope, they had to take a year off from school.

The following year, after recovering from their illness, they took the college entrance examination but didn't even meet the requirements for an ordinary undergraduate degree.

Those who could qualify for the NOI summer camp wouldn't have had poor academic performance. Yet, they couldn't even get into an ordinary undergraduate program, leaving their parents utterly disappointed.

Last year, after graduating from a second-tier college, they rashly started a business with the startup capital provided by their family, without any work experience. The result? They were cheated by their business partners, leaving them with nothing.

Now, they were stuck in a low-paying job at a power company, earning a meager salary, and had fallen into the trap of gambling.

"I checked it out casually," Niu Chunhua said. "His colleagues knew his parents had some savings, so they set him up and encouraged him to gamble. In just half a month, he owed two million, and the worst part is, he actually thought of that colleague as a good friend. Tsk..."

Back then, when he had schemed against Jiang Ke as a roommate, he now had his own nemesis.

Justice is clear, and retribution is unavoidable.

Niu Chunhua rested her chin on her hand, looking at her with a straight face.

Jiang Fuyue looked puzzled. "What's with that look?"

"Seriously, Moon, you just handed him the video like that. Aren't you afraid Jiang Ke will back out and change his mind?" Niu Chunhua asked.

"If he really intends to go back on his word, no matter how vigilant we are, it won't help," Jiang Fuyue replied.

Niu Chunhua nodded. "That's true. After evading capture for so many years, you can't underestimate his ability to escape, and besides, that kid is ruthless..."

After hiding for four years, Jiang Ke had finally survived. How could he not have some means of survival when the tide turned in his favor?

Even a rabbit bites when it's cornered.

Niu Chunhua tapped her chin. "When you think about it, aren't we taking a huge risk? Losing both money and people, this isn't a joke."

Money is not the issue; the problem lies in losing face.

Jiang Fuyue smiled calmly. "Even if he takes the video and refuses, it doesn't matter."

"Do you have another plan?" Niu Chunhua asked.

What Jiang Fuyue said next left Niu Chunhua dumbfounded for a moment—

She said, "Innocent people should never be treated like this."

"In this world, if someone pushes him into the abyss, there must be someone to pull him out of despair."

She also said, "Genius should be cherished, not trampled upon."

At that moment, Niu Chunhua felt that she was radiating light all over her body.

Not like the moon, but like the sun—able to illuminate the heavens and the earth!


As public opinion fermented, its momentum became unstoppable.

In the end, the police and the prosecutor's office jointly announced a statement, declaring Jiang Ke innocent and initiating the national compensation process. Jiang Ke's side would submit a compensation application to the provincial high court.

"The most golden five years of a genius have been wasted like this."

"Take a look at Jiang Ke's student ID photo [picture]."

"So handsome!"

"There's a touch of arrogance between his brows and eyes, clearly a boy with exceptionally high intelligence, who could easily come first without trying hard, with a slightly bad temper but a particularly good-looking smile, and a particularly pure personality."

"The world is too cruel to him."

"Compensation! There must be hefty compensation! But unfortunately, no amount of money can buy back the youth he lost."

"He's twenty this year, just turned sixteen four years ago. It's hard to imagine how terrified and desperate he must have felt when he heard the judge pronounce the death sentence."

"I'm sorry, I cursed you back then, and now I feel sorry for you."

"Feeling sorry +1. If it were my child going through all this, I might collapse and die."


The discussion continued, and netizens across the country seemed to have touched upon a sensitive nerve, with unprecedented attention.

Jiang Ke became the focus of attention for mainstream media.

Surprisingly, he refused all of it.

Taking advantage of the hype, gaining attention, and then harvesting a wave of sympathy—this was the most common and effective tactic in the era of internet traffic.

If Jiang Ke wanted to get more compensation, he would inevitably have to leverage the power of public opinion.

Several large self-media outlets with huge fan bases reached out to him.

But even Jiang Ke's phone calls weren't getting through.

This was awkward.

And the person the whole world was paying attention to right now was standing in front of the bulletin board of a power company. A notice had just been posted: "Notice of Termination of Employment".

"Our employee Jin Mingyu has behaved improperly, violating morals and causing extremely negative social impacts, thereby damaging the image of the company..."

Effective immediately, the labor contract is terminated. This notice is hereby given!

The date of signing was one day ago.

"Has he packed up his things?" Beside a van used for moving, a well-dressed, fat man was directing two young men to load things into it.

"Director, rest assured, everything has been packed up. We guarantee that not a single hair of his, Jin Mingyu's, has been left behind!"

"That's good. I've informed him that he's been fired, and he's dragging his feet and refusing to collect his belongings. Does he really think I can't do anything to him? Huh!"

Jin Mingyu...

Hearing this name, Jiang Ke raised an eyebrow. Even though only half of his face could complete this action, it didn't affect his expression.

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