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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 44

Chapter 44

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Afraid that the alpha didn’t hear clearly, Rong Qiu stared at the alpha in front of him and repeated seriously, “I have always been the one on top. Even if I’m looking for a… bed partner, I won’t settle for being beneath someone.”

With this statement, a long silence fell between the two.

Rong Qiu thought Qin Muye might be displeased with his rejection, but in reality, Qin Muye was just too shocked to say anything.

After meeting again for the third time, the surprises and even shocks that Rong Qiu brought to him were too numerous.

Rong Qiu learned to smoke, went to beta bars, got a bed partner, erased memories, and forgot about him.

Now what left Qin Muye speechless was that Rong Qiu had even changed his position.

From bottom to top.

Imagining Rong Qiu in bed with other men was undoubtedly a kind of torture for Qin Muye. But the complex emotions of surprise and suspicion drove Qin Muye to think involuntarily.

When Rong Qiu was with that alpha… did Rong Qiu take the dominant role?

It’s not that he didn’t trust Rong Qiu.

It’s just that the difference between Rong Qiu and the alpha he saw at the time was too great. That alpha, although not as tall and strong as him, looked more like the one on top compared to Rong Qiu.

This kind of shock made the pupils of the alpha’s eyes a bit unfocused.


Rong Qiu wasn’t joking.

In his understanding, he was definitely not the one beneath.

This was also why he liked his beta lover so much.

Rong Qiu remembered very clearly that he and Ah Ye’s first time was on Ah Ye’s birthday. That day, he carefully prepared a birthday feast for Ah Ye. As he wasn’t good at drinking, he watched Ah Ye nod and took the initiative to kiss him.

That was their first kiss.

Finally, they went to a hotel.

What an outstanding beta, entrusting everything to him.

On the question of who’s on top or bottom, Ah Ye didn’t have too much dispute with him. Even though both positions were fine. Among betas, exchanging positions was a common occurrence.

Ah Ye was truly an excellent boyfriend, whether in school or on missions, he was the most outstanding beta among them, often able to overshadow alphas.

Even now, after being hypnotized, he couldn’t forget the radiant glow of his beta lover from the beginning.

Thinking about his beta lover, Rong Qiu’s gaze softened.

Qin Muye had recovered, he restrained his emotions, and calmly said, “Little Qiu, take your time to consider. You don’t need to rush.”

Rong Qiu:?

Consider what? Hearing the man’s concession, Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow.

He thought the man would give up now because his rejection was quite clear in his words.

He didn’t need it.

He didn’t need a bed partner.

But from the beginning, Qin Muye had misunderstood him as having a bed partner.

Because their first meeting wasn’t pleasant, even if Qin Muye misunderstood that he had a bed partner, he didn’t care. They worked in different departments in the military district, and unless there were special schedules, the two of them wouldn’t have a chance to meet again. So, Qin Muye’s misunderstanding continued.

In his over twenty years of career, being misunderstood has become a common occurrence, especially being misunderstood by alphas.

However, things are different now.

Qin Muye has helped him several times, and it’s not appropriate to not clarify the matter of bed partners.

He can’t stand an alpha persistently wanting to be his bed partner.

“Actually, there’s something I’ve wanted to clarify with Commander Qin for a long time.”

Rong Qiu turned his left hand, revealing a silver ring on his ring finger. He presented the warm ring to the man, the bright light shining on his handsome profile, enhancing the charm of the beta.

“Commander Qin, have you seen this?”

“Yeah, a ring.”

“Yes, this is the one my deceased lover personally made for me. And now, what I want to tell Commander Qin is, I don’t have a bed partner, only a lover. Barring any accidents, this ring and I will eventually be buried together with my deceased beta lover.”

After explaining, Qin Muye’s sharp lips slightly parted.

His mind echoed with Rong Qiu’s words – “I don’t have a bed partner, only a lover.”

Qin Muye should be happy.

There’s no alpha bed partner around Rong Qiu, only a deceased beta lover.

But he didn’t feel that joyful.

The departed has departed. What can he possibly fight for against a deceased beta?


The alpha didn’t know when he clenched his fist again. Rong Qiu clearly saw fresh red blood oozing from the hand that was injured just now. He raised his eyebrows and looked up at the cold and stern man, who had a face as usual, but his gaze wasn’t focused, appearing somewhat absent-minded.

Rong Qiu sighed silently in his heart.

He once again retrieved the temporary first aid kit from his home.

Preparing a first aid kit was a habit he developed during his school years. Such things were best left unused. 

In these five years, except for changing the medications every three months, he had never used it for himself. Now, there were two occasions where he had to use it, and both times were for the same alpha.

Rong Qiu cleaned the bloodstains for him and lightly pressed around the wound, asking Qin Muye if there was any pain. If there was, it meant there were porcelain shards, and they needed to be removed before applying medicine.

Fortunately, there were none.

Qin Muye’s hand just looked severely injured.

After disinfection, Rong Qiu wrapped a medical bandage around him.

The pure white elastic strip in Rong Qiu’s hands was as flexible as the most delicate silk. In a few breaths, Qin Muye’s palm was perfectly professionally bandaged. After cutting off the excess bandage with scissors, Rong Qiu closed the first aid kit with a “click.”

“It’s all taken care of.”

“Thank you.”

Qin Muye slightly retracted his fingertips and sincerely said, “I’ll compensate you for your TV and the white porcelain vase.”

Hearing him say this, Rong Qiu finally noticed the mess in the living room.

He never liked adding things to his home, and the living room was empty except for a sofa and coffee table, without even a carpet. Now, the coffee table had been kicked to a new position, and things on it and in the middle compartment were scattered everywhere. However, the worst part was Rong Qiu’s oversized TV, displaying a spider-web pattern of cracks, looking uncomfortable even if it didn’t break.

“No need for compensation. If anyone should compensate, it should be Chu Ming.”

Even though he felt distressed, Rong Qiu wouldn’t blame Qin Muye for the mistake. On the contrary, now that Chu Ming had been taken to the police station, and everything was almost settled, his remaining fear finally arrived.

Wealth is external.

Consider it spending money to dispel bad luck.

Qin Muye just wanted a reason to continue contacting Rong Qiu. Now, being rejected by Rong Qiu, although he felt disappointed, he didn’t show anything on his face.

His bed partner application was rejected tonight.

And he found out that after Rong Qiu left him, he became a “1.”

These pieces of information were enough to occupy his thoughts for the whole night.

Qin Muye glanced at the clock on the wall; it was already 9:20.

This time wasn’t late for Qin Muye, who often worked late into the night. However, Rong Qiu was already yawning. Bright tears formed at the corners of his beta eyes, but Rong Qiu didn’t notice. He blinked uncomfortably, causing his naturally curly lashes to gather some wetness, making them appear even darker and denser.

Qin Muye politely took his leave.

“It’s getting late; I’ll head back now.”


Rong Qiu wanted to see him off, but Qin Muye stopped him.

“No need to see me off; I’ll drive myself.”

“Your hand?”

“It’s okay, doesn’t affect driving.”

“Alright, take care on your way.”

Closing the door and turning back, Rong Qiu gave another glance at the messy living room, especially at the TV.

He sighed for a long time looking at the crack on his TV.

When he chose this TV in the mall, the home appliance salesperson repeatedly emphasized its screen’s durability, boasting about how it wouldn’t leave any marks even if a meteorite hit it.

But now, with a bit of effort from an S-rank alpha, his TV was sent for repairs.


On the other side, driving back to the villa, the alpha stepped out of the car quickly.

When he opened the door, Rong Qin was drinking water in the living room.

Rong Qin was wearing a sleep shirt from Qin Zexi, a bit oversized, and the tightly fastened collar had many red marks on it.

Qin Muye only glanced at it and looked away.

He wasn’t a naive alpha oblivious to the world; naturally, he understood what the marks on Rong Qin meant.

But Rong Qin put down the water cup, walked to his side with a slight frown, and asked, “It’s so late; did you come from Little Qiu’s place?”

Qin Muye didn’t deny it. “Yeah.”

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Rong Qin was even more puzzled.

Just a few days ago, Qin Muye’s mood was so low that it exploded, and now it has adjusted?

But that’s not the most important thing. Rong Qin questioned him, “Why did you go to Little Qiu when you’re fine?”

Qin Muye lowered his head to change into shoes, looking at the ordinary black slippers on his feet. He felt that Little Qiu’s pair with grey little wolves embellishments was better.

He ignored Rong Qin.

Rong Qin continued to follow him and asked, “Little Qiu doesn’t even remember you. Why bother him?”

“Because you were in a hurry to explain?”

“If it’s because you’re carrying Chu Ming’s blame, afraid of Little Qiu misunderstanding, wait until your brother’s matter is resolved, I’ll personally help you explain.”

Rong Qin buzzed around Qin Muye like a bee, and it gave Qin Muye a headache.

Qin Muye stopped at the corner of the stairs, “Chu Ming’s matter has been resolved.”

Rong Qin: “Ah? Just like that?”

What about the details?

But Qin Muye thought he wanted to know something else and said coldly, “I applied to be his bed partner tonight, got rejected. That’s it, nothing else.”

As for the matter of Chu Ming drugging Little Qiu, he didn’t mention it to Rong Qin. It wasn’t convenient for him to say. If it had to be mentioned, it should be Little Qiu saying it himself.

After saying this, Qin Muye left Rong Qin with a lonely figure going upstairs.

Rong Qin was dumbfounded.

What’s going on? Did he hear it wrong?

Qin Muye, this S-rank alpha, actually condescended to want to be Little Qiu’s bed partner.


It’s really a turn of fortune.

After all the twists and turns, the bed partner turned out to be Qin Muye himself.


Even if Rong Qin wasn’t a person who liked to make fun, at this moment, he couldn’t wait to go to Little Qiu immediately to find out. Because he couldn’t imagine that Qin Muye would have such a day.

But it seems not that unexpected.

Rong Qin pinched the sore back of his neck, where the sharp canine marks were left.

Qin Zexi was originally a proud alpha who held his head up high, and now, without him, he became a crying alpha who easily turned his eyes red.


The next day, Rong Qiu took a day off.

The work at the research institute wasn’t urgent lately, and the project he was working on had always been a solo effort. So, the institute head cleanly approved it.

But considering that Rong Qiu rarely took days off, Director Qian came over with official concern, “Why did you take leave? Are you sick?”

The leave email Rong Qiu sent mentioned taking leave due to personal matters.

But he didn’t specify the reason.

Rong Qiu replied with a grip on his phone: “My house got smashed by a dog, and now I’m rearranging everything.”

Director Qian: “Little Qiu, you keep a dog? I really can’t tell. But disobedient dogs need training. They’re smart; they can understand.”

Rong Qiu: “No need.”

Rong Qiu: “I’ve already sent it to the police station.”

Director Qian on the other side was left in a cloud of confusion.

Is the police station so versatile? They even handle dog training?

After Director Qian spoke again, Rong Qiu didn’t reply. He spent the whole day cleaning the living room in the morning. Zhao Nanchen came back for a visit, not knowing what had happened. Just as Rong Qiu warned him to put away his things separately, he saw Rong Qiu calling a group of people. They quickly moved all of Chu Ming’s belongings outside.

Zhao Nanchen, with a puzzled expression, asked, “What happened, Brother Little Qiu? Did Chu Ming move out?”

But why move out and not into a car, but stacked outside the villa?

Rong Qiu, paying the moving workers, responded, “More or less. Anyway, he moved out, and we won’t see each other again.”

Chu Ming, who was taken to the police station last night, was interrogated overnight. With evidence and witnesses, and combined with the footage from the surveillance cameras installed in Rong Qiu’s home, the police, along with the photos and videos on Chu Ming’s phone, concluded the same results Rong Qiu had stated.

An alpha living in a beta’s house.

Attempting to use drugs for sexual assault.

Reconciliation was out of the question.

Rong Qiu would report Chu Ming to the Federation Court.


Busy for a few days, three days passed.

Rong Qiu’s villa finally became empty.

Chu Ming’s things were all thrown outside by Rong Qiu, later collected and temporarily placed by the property management. Zhao Nanchen was closely watched by Zhao Dongqi. He worked as a security guard in the research institute during the day and was scolded by Zhao Dongqi at night.

Rong Qiu’s life returned to calm.

Because now, it was just him alone.

On this night, Rong Qin invited him to a beta bar for a drink.

It had been a long time since he had relaxed. Rong Qiu, who had just taken a shower, grabbed his car keys, changed into casual clothes, and went out.

The bar owner, perhaps afraid of Rong Qin, who used to personally come over and say a few words to Rong Qiu, only waved from afar at the bar counter this time. He also instructed a young bartender to bring drinks over.

Rong Qin poured the drinks and downed a whole glass vigorously.

Rong Qiu was afraid just looking at this momentum.

Rong Qin had a tough time outside these few days. His complexion was sallow, and his eyes were dark. It was clear he was physically exhausted.

Indeed, he was exhausted.

Today, he drove, got out of the car, and walked to the bar. A walk of less than two hundred meters made him feel sore in his lower back.

An S-rank alpha is not to be easily messed with.

Anyway, he was fed up with the just-recovered Qin Zexi.

He wouldn’t even say a word of compromise.

If he doesn’t say it, he won’t. Who cares to hear?

If he’s capable, he can be stubborn for a lifetime.

After several drinks, Rong Qin’s mood improved slightly.

He looked at Rong Qiu, who was holding a glass with one hand, and propped his chin, asking, “Did Qin Muye say he wants to be your bed partner?”

Rong Qiu almost choked on the sip of alcohol in his mouth.

He awkwardly swallowed the drink, “You also know, Brother Rong Qin?”

But as soon as the words came out, Rong Qiu knew he had asked a stupid question. Rong Qin’s partner is Qin Muye’s brother, so Rong Qin and Qin Muye must be very familiar.

Rong Qin’s expression became more serious, “So, what’s your plan?”

Rong Qiu thought for a moment and said, “Let it pass by, people will forget after hearing.”

Rong Qin asked, “What if he’s serious?”

Rong Qiu was taken aback, “What?”

Rong Qin whispered, “From my perspective, he’s really interested in you.”

Rong Qiu composed himself and said lightly, “Interest is the easiest thing to come by. So, I just treat what Qin Muye said that night as a joke.”

Rong Qin sat back, “I understand. You do whatever you want.”

He wouldn’t interfere with Little Qiu’s decisions. 

Whether it was when Rong Qiu wanted to erase memories or now, maintaining distance from Qin Muye, he supported Rong Qiu’s choices.

Tonight, he didn’t say these things to assist Qin Muye; he just wanted to break down the possible situations Rong Qiu might face and let him decide.

Although in his view, Qin Muye had changed a bit.

But a scumbag alpha is still a scumbag alpha. Qin Muye can’t just sit back and say nothing to win back Rong Qiu.

The nature of alphas is pride and arrogance. This is not something that can be changed overnight. He has been with Qin Zexi for almost ten years, and a scumbag alpha is still the same scumbag alpha.

Unbeknownst to the two betas, those two alphas were already waiting outside Rong Qiu’s villa.

They waited for an hour.

Qin Muye was in the driver’s seat, calm and composed. In this situation where they had been waiting for so long, he simply opened his neural interface to check military documents. Qin Zexi, in the passenger seat, showed more impatience, frowning and looking at his watch countless times.

Now, Qin Zexi glanced at his watch and then looked at the dark villa of Rong Qiu.

Qin Zexi: “It’s already eight o’clock. Why haven’t they come back yet?”

Qin Muye did not lift his head from the documents and said indifferently, “Maybe they’re taking a long time to eat.”

Qin Zexi, looking at the chat box that showed “You have been blocked by the other party”. No matter how many messages he sent, hd was restless. It was like he was still in the susceptible period. If he had known, he should have pretended for a couple more days.

But there’s no ‘if’.

The two brothers waited until half-past nine, but Rong Qiu and Rong Qin had not returned.

Qin Muye’s hands finally stopped typing on the keyboard.

At this point, Rong Qiu should be feeling tired.

But Rong Qiu had not returned yet.

He opened the chat app, where Rong Qiu was at the top. Unlike his brother, who could repeat the same words with just a change in wording, he paid attention to the appropriateness of the words used in the conversation.

Lowering his head in contemplation for a moment, he used his brother’s name to politely inquire about their whereabouts.

Five minutes later.

A neat message from the beta was sent—

“We’re at Beta Bar, not going home tonight.”

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After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 44

After the Breakup, He Washed Away the Memories Chapter 44

Chapter 44

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Afraid that the alpha didn't hear clearly, Rong Qiu stared at the alpha in front of him and repeated seriously, "I have always been the one on top. Even if I'm looking for a... bed partner, I won't settle for being beneath someone."

With this statement, a long silence fell between the two.

Rong Qiu thought Qin Muye might be displeased with his rejection, but in reality, Qin Muye was just too shocked to say anything.

After meeting again for the third time, the surprises and even shocks that Rong Qiu brought to him were too numerous.

Rong Qiu learned to smoke, went to beta bars, got a bed partner, erased memories, and forgot about him.

Now what left Qin Muye speechless was that Rong Qiu had even changed his position.

From bottom to top.

Imagining Rong Qiu in bed with other men was undoubtedly a kind of torture for Qin Muye. But the complex emotions of surprise and suspicion drove Qin Muye to think involuntarily.

When Rong Qiu was with that alpha... did Rong Qiu take the dominant role?

It's not that he didn't trust Rong Qiu.

It's just that the difference between Rong Qiu and the alpha he saw at the time was too great. That alpha, although not as tall and strong as him, looked more like the one on top compared to Rong Qiu.

This kind of shock made the pupils of the alpha's eyes a bit unfocused.


Rong Qiu wasn't joking.

In his understanding, he was definitely not the one beneath.

This was also why he liked his beta lover so much.

Rong Qiu remembered very clearly that he and Ah Ye's first time was on Ah Ye's birthday. That day, he carefully prepared a birthday feast for Ah Ye. As he wasn't good at drinking, he watched Ah Ye nod and took the initiative to kiss him.

That was their first kiss.

Finally, they went to a hotel.

What an outstanding beta, entrusting everything to him.

On the question of who's on top or bottom, Ah Ye didn't have too much dispute with him. Even though both positions were fine. Among betas, exchanging positions was a common occurrence.

Ah Ye was truly an excellent boyfriend, whether in school or on missions, he was the most outstanding beta among them, often able to overshadow alphas.

Even now, after being hypnotized, he couldn't forget the radiant glow of his beta lover from the beginning.

Thinking about his beta lover, Rong Qiu's gaze softened.

Qin Muye had recovered, he restrained his emotions, and calmly said, "Little Qiu, take your time to consider. You don't need to rush."

Rong Qiu:?

Consider what? Hearing the man's concession, Rong Qiu raised an eyebrow.

He thought the man would give up now because his rejection was quite clear in his words.

He didn't need it.

He didn't need a bed partner.

But from the beginning, Qin Muye had misunderstood him as having a bed partner.

Because their first meeting wasn't pleasant, even if Qin Muye misunderstood that he had a bed partner, he didn't care. They worked in different departments in the military district, and unless there were special schedules, the two of them wouldn't have a chance to meet again. So, Qin Muye's misunderstanding continued.

In his over twenty years of career, being misunderstood has become a common occurrence, especially being misunderstood by alphas.

However, things are different now.

Qin Muye has helped him several times, and it's not appropriate to not clarify the matter of bed partners.

He can't stand an alpha persistently wanting to be his bed partner.

"Actually, there's something I've wanted to clarify with Commander Qin for a long time."

Rong Qiu turned his left hand, revealing a silver ring on his ring finger. He presented the warm ring to the man, the bright light shining on his handsome profile, enhancing the charm of the beta.

"Commander Qin, have you seen this?"

"Yeah, a ring."

"Yes, this is the one my deceased lover personally made for me. And now, what I want to tell Commander Qin is, I don't have a bed partner, only a lover. Barring any accidents, this ring and I will eventually be buried together with my deceased beta lover."

After explaining, Qin Muye's sharp lips slightly parted.

His mind echoed with Rong Qiu's words - "I don't have a bed partner, only a lover."

Qin Muye should be happy.

There's no alpha bed partner around Rong Qiu, only a deceased beta lover.

But he didn't feel that joyful.

The departed has departed. What can he possibly fight for against a deceased beta?


The alpha didn't know when he clenched his fist again. Rong Qiu clearly saw fresh red blood oozing from the hand that was injured just now. He raised his eyebrows and looked up at the cold and stern man, who had a face as usual, but his gaze wasn't focused, appearing somewhat absent-minded.

Rong Qiu sighed silently in his heart.

He once again retrieved the temporary first aid kit from his home.

Preparing a first aid kit was a habit he developed during his school years. Such things were best left unused. 

In these five years, except for changing the medications every three months, he had never used it for himself. Now, there were two occasions where he had to use it, and both times were for the same alpha.

Rong Qiu cleaned the bloodstains for him and lightly pressed around the wound, asking Qin Muye if there was any pain. If there was, it meant there were porcelain shards, and they needed to be removed before applying medicine.

Fortunately, there were none.

Qin Muye's hand just looked severely injured.

After disinfection, Rong Qiu wrapped a medical bandage around him.

The pure white elastic strip in Rong Qiu's hands was as flexible as the most delicate silk. In a few breaths, Qin Muye's palm was perfectly professionally bandaged. After cutting off the excess bandage with scissors, Rong Qiu closed the first aid kit with a "click."

"It's all taken care of."

"Thank you."

Qin Muye slightly retracted his fingertips and sincerely said, "I'll compensate you for your TV and the white porcelain vase."

Hearing him say this, Rong Qiu finally noticed the mess in the living room.

He never liked adding things to his home, and the living room was empty except for a sofa and coffee table, without even a carpet. Now, the coffee table had been kicked to a new position, and things on it and in the middle compartment were scattered everywhere. However, the worst part was Rong Qiu's oversized TV, displaying a spider-web pattern of cracks, looking uncomfortable even if it didn't break.

"No need for compensation. If anyone should compensate, it should be Chu Ming."

Even though he felt distressed, Rong Qiu wouldn't blame Qin Muye for the mistake. On the contrary, now that Chu Ming had been taken to the police station, and everything was almost settled, his remaining fear finally arrived.

Wealth is external.

Consider it spending money to dispel bad luck.

Qin Muye just wanted a reason to continue contacting Rong Qiu. Now, being rejected by Rong Qiu, although he felt disappointed, he didn't show anything on his face.

His bed partner application was rejected tonight.

And he found out that after Rong Qiu left him, he became a "1."

These pieces of information were enough to occupy his thoughts for the whole night.

Qin Muye glanced at the clock on the wall; it was already 9:20.

This time wasn't late for Qin Muye, who often worked late into the night. However, Rong Qiu was already yawning. Bright tears formed at the corners of his beta eyes, but Rong Qiu didn't notice. He blinked uncomfortably, causing his naturally curly lashes to gather some wetness, making them appear even darker and denser.

Qin Muye politely took his leave.

"It's getting late; I'll head back now."


Rong Qiu wanted to see him off, but Qin Muye stopped him.

"No need to see me off; I'll drive myself."

"Your hand?"

"It's okay, doesn't affect driving."

"Alright, take care on your way."

Closing the door and turning back, Rong Qiu gave another glance at the messy living room, especially at the TV.

He sighed for a long time looking at the crack on his TV.

When he chose this TV in the mall, the home appliance salesperson repeatedly emphasized its screen's durability, boasting about how it wouldn't leave any marks even if a meteorite hit it.

But now, with a bit of effort from an S-rank alpha, his TV was sent for repairs.


On the other side, driving back to the villa, the alpha stepped out of the car quickly.

When he opened the door, Rong Qin was drinking water in the living room.

Rong Qin was wearing a sleep shirt from Qin Zexi, a bit oversized, and the tightly fastened collar had many red marks on it.

Qin Muye only glanced at it and looked away.

He wasn't a naive alpha oblivious to the world; naturally, he understood what the marks on Rong Qin meant.

But Rong Qin put down the water cup, walked to his side with a slight frown, and asked, "It's so late; did you come from Little Qiu's place?"

Qin Muye didn't deny it. "Yeah."

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Rong Qin was even more puzzled.

Just a few days ago, Qin Muye's mood was so low that it exploded, and now it has adjusted?

But that's not the most important thing. Rong Qin questioned him, "Why did you go to Little Qiu when you're fine?"

Qin Muye lowered his head to change into shoes, looking at the ordinary black slippers on his feet. He felt that Little Qiu's pair with grey little wolves embellishments was better.

He ignored Rong Qin.

Rong Qin continued to follow him and asked, "Little Qiu doesn't even remember you. Why bother him?"

"Because you were in a hurry to explain?"

"If it's because you're carrying Chu Ming's blame, afraid of Little Qiu misunderstanding, wait until your brother's matter is resolved, I'll personally help you explain."

Rong Qin buzzed around Qin Muye like a bee, and it gave Qin Muye a headache.

Qin Muye stopped at the corner of the stairs, "Chu Ming's matter has been resolved."

Rong Qin: "Ah? Just like that?"

What about the details?

But Qin Muye thought he wanted to know something else and said coldly, "I applied to be his bed partner tonight, got rejected. That's it, nothing else."

As for the matter of Chu Ming drugging Little Qiu, he didn't mention it to Rong Qin. It wasn't convenient for him to say. If it had to be mentioned, it should be Little Qiu saying it himself.

After saying this, Qin Muye left Rong Qin with a lonely figure going upstairs.

Rong Qin was dumbfounded.

What's going on? Did he hear it wrong?

Qin Muye, this S-rank alpha, actually condescended to want to be Little Qiu's bed partner.


It's really a turn of fortune.

After all the twists and turns, the bed partner turned out to be Qin Muye himself.


Even if Rong Qin wasn't a person who liked to make fun, at this moment, he couldn't wait to go to Little Qiu immediately to find out. Because he couldn't imagine that Qin Muye would have such a day.

But it seems not that unexpected.

Rong Qin pinched the sore back of his neck, where the sharp canine marks were left.

Qin Zexi was originally a proud alpha who held his head up high, and now, without him, he became a crying alpha who easily turned his eyes red.


The next day, Rong Qiu took a day off.

The work at the research institute wasn't urgent lately, and the project he was working on had always been a solo effort. So, the institute head cleanly approved it.

But considering that Rong Qiu rarely took days off, Director Qian came over with official concern, "Why did you take leave? Are you sick?"

The leave email Rong Qiu sent mentioned taking leave due to personal matters.

But he didn't specify the reason.

Rong Qiu replied with a grip on his phone: "My house got smashed by a dog, and now I'm rearranging everything."

Director Qian: "Little Qiu, you keep a dog? I really can't tell. But disobedient dogs need training. They're smart; they can understand."

Rong Qiu: "No need."

Rong Qiu: "I've already sent it to the police station."

Director Qian on the other side was left in a cloud of confusion.

Is the police station so versatile? They even handle dog training?

After Director Qian spoke again, Rong Qiu didn't reply. He spent the whole day cleaning the living room in the morning. Zhao Nanchen came back for a visit, not knowing what had happened. Just as Rong Qiu warned him to put away his things separately, he saw Rong Qiu calling a group of people. They quickly moved all of Chu Ming's belongings outside.

Zhao Nanchen, with a puzzled expression, asked, "What happened, Brother Little Qiu? Did Chu Ming move out?"

But why move out and not into a car, but stacked outside the villa?

Rong Qiu, paying the moving workers, responded, "More or less. Anyway, he moved out, and we won't see each other again."

Chu Ming, who was taken to the police station last night, was interrogated overnight. With evidence and witnesses, and combined with the footage from the surveillance cameras installed in Rong Qiu's home, the police, along with the photos and videos on Chu Ming's phone, concluded the same results Rong Qiu had stated.

An alpha living in a beta's house.

Attempting to use drugs for sexual assault.

Reconciliation was out of the question.

Rong Qiu would report Chu Ming to the Federation Court.


Busy for a few days, three days passed.

Rong Qiu's villa finally became empty.

Chu Ming's things were all thrown outside by Rong Qiu, later collected and temporarily placed by the property management. Zhao Nanchen was closely watched by Zhao Dongqi. He worked as a security guard in the research institute during the day and was scolded by Zhao Dongqi at night.

Rong Qiu's life returned to calm.

Because now, it was just him alone.

On this night, Rong Qin invited him to a beta bar for a drink.

It had been a long time since he had relaxed. Rong Qiu, who had just taken a shower, grabbed his car keys, changed into casual clothes, and went out.

The bar owner, perhaps afraid of Rong Qin, who used to personally come over and say a few words to Rong Qiu, only waved from afar at the bar counter this time. He also instructed a young bartender to bring drinks over.

Rong Qin poured the drinks and downed a whole glass vigorously.

Rong Qiu was afraid just looking at this momentum.

Rong Qin had a tough time outside these few days. His complexion was sallow, and his eyes were dark. It was clear he was physically exhausted.

Indeed, he was exhausted.

Today, he drove, got out of the car, and walked to the bar. A walk of less than two hundred meters made him feel sore in his lower back.

An S-rank alpha is not to be easily messed with.

Anyway, he was fed up with the just-recovered Qin Zexi.

He wouldn't even say a word of compromise.

If he doesn't say it, he won't. Who cares to hear?

If he's capable, he can be stubborn for a lifetime.

After several drinks, Rong Qin's mood improved slightly.

He looked at Rong Qiu, who was holding a glass with one hand, and propped his chin, asking, "Did Qin Muye say he wants to be your bed partner?"

Rong Qiu almost choked on the sip of alcohol in his mouth.

He awkwardly swallowed the drink, "You also know, Brother Rong Qin?"

But as soon as the words came out, Rong Qiu knew he had asked a stupid question. Rong Qin's partner is Qin Muye's brother, so Rong Qin and Qin Muye must be very familiar.

Rong Qin's expression became more serious, "So, what's your plan?"

Rong Qiu thought for a moment and said, "Let it pass by, people will forget after hearing."

Rong Qin asked, "What if he's serious?"

Rong Qiu was taken aback, "What?"

Rong Qin whispered, "From my perspective, he's really interested in you."

Rong Qiu composed himself and said lightly, "Interest is the easiest thing to come by. So, I just treat what Qin Muye said that night as a joke."

Rong Qin sat back, "I understand. You do whatever you want."

He wouldn't interfere with Little Qiu's decisions. 

Whether it was when Rong Qiu wanted to erase memories or now, maintaining distance from Qin Muye, he supported Rong Qiu's choices.

Tonight, he didn't say these things to assist Qin Muye; he just wanted to break down the possible situations Rong Qiu might face and let him decide.

Although in his view, Qin Muye had changed a bit.

But a scumbag alpha is still a scumbag alpha. Qin Muye can't just sit back and say nothing to win back Rong Qiu.

The nature of alphas is pride and arrogance. This is not something that can be changed overnight. He has been with Qin Zexi for almost ten years, and a scumbag alpha is still the same scumbag alpha.

Unbeknownst to the two betas, those two alphas were already waiting outside Rong Qiu's villa.

They waited for an hour.

Qin Muye was in the driver's seat, calm and composed. In this situation where they had been waiting for so long, he simply opened his neural interface to check military documents. Qin Zexi, in the passenger seat, showed more impatience, frowning and looking at his watch countless times.

Now, Qin Zexi glanced at his watch and then looked at the dark villa of Rong Qiu.

Qin Zexi: "It's already eight o'clock. Why haven't they come back yet?"

Qin Muye did not lift his head from the documents and said indifferently, "Maybe they're taking a long time to eat."

Qin Zexi, looking at the chat box that showed "You have been blocked by the other party". No matter how many messages he sent, hd was restless. It was like he was still in the susceptible period. If he had known, he should have pretended for a couple more days.

But there's no 'if'.

The two brothers waited until half-past nine, but Rong Qiu and Rong Qin had not returned.

Qin Muye's hands finally stopped typing on the keyboard.

At this point, Rong Qiu should be feeling tired.

But Rong Qiu had not returned yet.

He opened the chat app, where Rong Qiu was at the top. Unlike his brother, who could repeat the same words with just a change in wording, he paid attention to the appropriateness of the words used in the conversation.

Lowering his head in contemplation for a moment, he used his brother's name to politely inquire about their whereabouts.

Five minutes later.

A neat message from the beta was sent—

"We're at Beta Bar, not going home tonight."

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  1. FireFoxWinterWolf says:

    Thank you for the double update~

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