Rebirth of a Star General Chapter 207

Chapter 207 – Peculiar <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> On the way down the mountain, He Yan was quieter than when she first arrived. Xiao Jue asked, “Still thinking about what happened earlier?” Afraid of being discovered, He Yan casually lied, “Just feeling a bit upset after hearing what that young lady said.” Xiao Jue … Read more

Rebirth of a Star General Chapter 205

Chapter 205: Yuhua Temple <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> The second young master of the Xiao family has a fiancée now. His Majesty personally granted the marriage, and the fiancée is a girl who disguises herself as a boy. She and Xiao Jue fought side by side on the battlefield, achieved remarkable military exploits, and … Read more

Rebirth of a Star General Chapter 203

Chapter 203 – Sensation <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> While He Yan was tossing and turning in bed, grappling with her own confusion, back at the Xiao residence, Xiao Jue ran into Xiao Jing and his wife, who were waiting at the main gate with questions in their eyes.  Bai Rongwei hadn’t even had time … Read more

Rebirth of a Star General Chapter 199

Chapter 199: Pleasing the Emperor’s Heart <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> The night shrouded the wilderness.  Inside a thatched cottage, someone huddled in the corner, lips moving, whispering words that were unclear.  “Young Master, we’ve found them. Xu Jingfu’s men are chasing them, and the two brothers are now somewhat disoriented. We may need to … Read more

Rebirth of a Star General Chapter 197

Chapter 197: Mutual Understanding <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Lin Shuanghe, who was searching for a house for He Yan, had no news for several days. Since returning to Shuojing, Lin Shuanghe seemed to have disappeared, and He Yan hesitated to visit him directly. Pushing the intermediaries too hard might not be a good idea. … Read more