The Great Collision of Yin and Yang Chapter 63 Part 2

Chapter 63.2 Deserted Village 05 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> While most people never encounter ghosts in their lifetime, it was often easier to believe in their existence rather than dismiss them entirely. The lingering doubt stemmed from the lack of firsthand experience. If ghosts were to be undeniably revealed to the world, skepticism would … Read more

The Great Collision of Yin and Yang Chapter 62 Part 2

Chapter 62.2 Deserted Village 04 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> By the well, Du Shuo’s gaze fell upon a bloodstained wooden knife. He called Chen Yang over, “This wooden knife wasn’t here yesterday.” Chen Yang picked up the wooden knife, finding it sharp, almost as sharp as a steel knife. The wooden surface was encrusted … Read more

The Great Collision of Yin and Yang Chapter 62

Chapter 62.1 Deserted Village 04 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> There were countless burial customs, with earth burial being the most common and not considered strange. However, in some regions, many strange and eerie burial practices emerged, such as the well-known sky burial and hanging coffin burial. Water burial, on the other hand, was less … Read more

The Great Collision of Yin and Yang Chapter 61 Part 2

Chapter 61.2 Deserted Village 03 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> The voodoo doll’s round, watery eyes suddenly widened. Its bizarre face twisted in anger as it snarled in a certain direction at the doorway. The abrupt movement made everyone present tense, but Chief Witch Yi calmly stated, “A cat ghost is approaching.” Chen Yang: “Chonky?” … Read more

The Great Collision of Yin and Yang Chapter 61

Chapter 61.1 Deserted Village 03 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Chief Witch Yi said, “Our initial plan was to prepare well before entering the deserted village to investigate the situation. However, we discovered a group of young adventurers sneaking into the deserted village. They managed to send a distress signal, and our team outside received … Read more

The Great Collision of Yin and Yang Chapter 60 Part 2

Chapter 60.2 Deserted Village 02 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Chen Yang moved his foot and looked down, “What is this? Dried animal corpse?” Under his foot was a black-brown piece resembling a dried-up carcass, likely a cat based on its shape. The voodoo doll whispered in his ear, “A cat corpse without breath.” “Hmm?” … Read more

The Great Collision of Yin and Yang Chapter 60

Chapter 60.1 Deserted Village 02 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> The deserted village, initially known as Bimen Village, stood on the outskirts of K City within the Egui Mountains, previously dubbed the Starving Ghost Mountains. This name reflected the unfortunate feng shui of the area, leading to prolonged periods of famine and widespread starvation that … Read more

The Great Collision of Yin and Yang Chapter 58 Part 2

Chapter 58.2 Ominous Steps 05 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> “Oh.” The owner understood, suddenly recalling the incident in the elevator where the elevator vengeful spirit entangled his neck with intestines. He described it to Chen Yang and said, “Didn’t you say it wouldn’t harm me?” “Is that so?” Chen Yang tapped the dice with … Read more

The Great Collision of Yin and Yang Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Ominous Steps 05 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Around midnight, Chen Yang and the owner headed towards the elevator. The area outside the elevator was cordoned off with caution signs, prohibiting its use. Chen Yang removed the caution tape and entered. The owner hesitated for a moment before following. Chen Yang pressed the … Read more