The Shadow Guard is also the White Moonlight [Rebirth] Chapter 110

Chapter 110 – Extra 3 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Fu Nian never dared to report the incident of helping Chu Zhaoyi seize the evidence of rebellion and dispose of the stolen goods to the Emperor. Even if it was unintentional, it was a capital offense. More importantly, he was certain that his master would … Read more

The Shadow Guard is also the White Moonlight [Rebirth] Chapter 112

Chapter 112 – Final extra <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents> This year, winter came early to the capital. It wasn’t even October yet, but fur coats were already in use. After the morning court session, just like usual, he changed into heavy ceremonial robes. He concealed the scars on his face and struggled with the inconvenient … Read more

The Shadow Guard is also the White Moonlight [Rebirth] Chapter 108

Chapter 108 – Extra 1 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> With a “pa” sound, the porcelain teacup shattered, making a crisp sound as it broke into several pieces. Hearing the sound, Fu Nian, as if accustomed to it, emerged from the shadows, bent down, patiently picked up the fragments of the teacup, and made sure … Read more

The Shadow Guard is also the White Moonlight [Rebirth] Chapter 109

Chapter 109 – Extra 2 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> “This is your own doing; I didn’t force you…” “Slow down? As long as you let go, I promise to slow down…” “Thunder and rain are all your grace…” The demonic whispers echoed incessantly in Fu Nian’s ears, and he suddenly sat up from his … Read more

The Shadow Guard is also the White Moonlight [Rebirth] Chapter 107

Chapter 107: The Main Story Concluded <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> “Little Royal Uncle, tidy up the false evidence; we’ll burn it later.” After the morning court session ended, Chu Zhaoyi had just seen off the Northern Frontier Governor and Little General Dou. He was flexing his wrist in his study. No matter how he … Read more

The Shadow Guard is also the White Moonlight [Rebirth] Chapter 104

Chapter 104 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> “So, you’re saying that the recent rodent plague and epidemic in the northern regions were intentionally introduced by those barbarians?” In the court, Chu Zhaoyi examined the documents in his hand, his brows furrowed.  “Yes, Your Majesty. I have thoroughly investigated and can confirm it without a doubt.”  … Read more

The Shadow Guard is also the White Moonlight [Rebirth] Chapter 105

Chapter 105 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Chu Zhaoyi glanced at Fu Nian’s anxious expression and added, “Don’t worry, we will never send Zhoushu for a political marriage. She is our only child, and we will never let her endure such hardships.”  Hearing these words, Fu Nian breathed a sigh of relief.  As long as … Read more

The Shadow Guard is also the White Moonlight [Rebirth] Chapter 106

Chapter 106 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> “Sir, the dishes have cooled. Shall I take them to warm them up for you?” Gao Gonggong’s voice was heard at the door while Fu Nian was lost in thought. Fu Nian raised his head, restrained his ferocious expression, and said, “There’s no need to warm them.” After … Read more

The Shadow Guard is also the White Moonlight [Rebirth] Chapter 101

Chapter 101 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> The persistent dull pain made Fu Nian feel like his lower lip had been bitten until it bled profusely. The taste of rusty liquid mixed with saliva filled his mouth. The water in the bathtub had been changed multiple times, and Fu Nian had lost count of how … Read more

The Shadow Guard is also the White Moonlight [Rebirth] Chapter 102

Chapter 102 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> “If you… if you’re hungry, I’ll go inform the kitchen,” Fu Nian hurriedly got up after realizing what was happening, distancing himself from Chu Zhaoyi, and quickly walked toward the hall. “What’s the matter, Lord Fu?” “Li Gonggong, His Majesty says he’s hungry…” “This servant will go inform … Read more

The Shadow Guard is also the White Moonlight [Rebirth] Chapter 103

Chapter 103 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> “Nothing,” Fu Nian replied in a low voice. He picked up the bowl and stirred the osmanthus sauce in the almond tea. When no one was looking, he suddenly opened his mouth as wide as he could, wishing he could make the bowl disappear. But before he could … Read more