Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 98

Chapter 98 (^^) <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> “If I’m not bombing it; the people from ‘Eden’ would have done it themselves.” When Gu Yunli and Xiao Chen reached the ship’s side and descended down the rope ladder, they heard explosions coming from inside the cruise ship. “You see, what did I say? They bombed … Read more

Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 97

Chapter 97: I Am Your Godfather <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Other mercenaries attempting to resist were all taken down by the sniper. The special police team boarded the deck, subdued the person in charge of the cruise ship, and used him to open the interior of the cruise ship. Gu Liyu pulled An Lan … Read more

Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 96

Chapter 96 (^_^) <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> An Lan stood there, stunned, as he clearly heard the explosion from Coach Lin’s walkie-talkie. What’s going on? Where did the explosion happen? And Gu Liyu? They said they were chasing Liang Hao. Did Liang Hao’s speedboat explode? A buzzing sound rang in An Lan’s ears, and … Read more

Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 95

Chapter 95 (^_^) <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Coach Lin sighed regretfully, “An Lan is still too soft. Come a few more times, and he’ll understand… the importance of a single precise shot.” “Now, let’s go retrieve Liang Hao and An Lan.” “No, I’ll go retrieve An Lan.” “What about Liang Hao?” Coach Lin smiled, … Read more

Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 94

Chapter 94 (^^) <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Repeated many times, he finally assembled it within one minute. “I did it!” An Lan exclaimed loudly. His back was covered in sweat, and his heart was beating hard. It had been so long; he didn’t know how Xiao Chen was doing. Coach Lin looked up and … Read more

Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 93

Chapter 93 (^_^) <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Liang Hao’s gaze turned cold, “What do you want?” “Do you hear the sirens?” An Lan turned his face slightly, “When the police arrive, it will be…” Liang Hao suddenly approached without hesitation. An Lan sensed that he wanted to press the gun against him and, without … Read more

Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 92

Chapter 92 (^^) <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Xu Xingran started the car in silence. “Now we can only hope that Uncle Xu and Uncle Shen will hand over the password, and the people from ‘Eden’ will release Xiao Chen,” Gu Liyu said. “They probably won’t release Xiao Chen,” Gu Liyu added. “What do you … Read more

Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 91

Chapter 91 (^^) <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> “But if not everyone who received help from the ‘Yunshuang Foundation’ turned to ‘Eden’… can I assume that we still have allies? For example, there are some surprising names on the list Uncle Gu gave us…” Xu Xingran looked at Xu Zhongshuang.  “Who knows? The human heart … Read more

Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 90

Chapter 90 (o^^o) <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Xiao Nan was indeed an impatient guy. Combined with various online rumors, different versions of events were woven. However, regardless of the version, everyone both openly and secretly believed that the evidence theft incident at the Alpha Management Committee was the handiwork of ‘Eden.’ Police cars continued … Read more

Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 89

Chapter 89 (o^^o) <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> After saying that, Xu Xingran hung up the phone before returning to the classroom. By this time, the English class had already been going on for ten minutes. An Lan looked at Xu Xingran, mouthing a question: How did it go? Xu Xingran whispered back, “I don’t … Read more

Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 88

Chapter 88 (o^^o) <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> “An Lan! An Lan! Look quickly! The financial director of KWS Group is suspected to be a member of ‘Eden’! Oh my god, I was still thinking of working at KWS after graduation! D*mn, even the president of DN Bank… is actually a member of ‘Eden’! They … Read more

Who On Earth Bit Me? Chapter 87

Chapter 87: I Really Love You <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> “That is the Gu family’s property, but did you underestimate the relationship between the Xu and Gu families? With just one phone call from me, they will change the number of your safe to another one,” Xu Zhongshuang smiled faintly.  A thought flashed through … Read more