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Did The Young Prince’s Kingdom Get Destroyed Today? Chapter 57

After Ah Wu said he was taking a bath, the little one hesitated and asked, “Does Ah Wu need to take a bath?”

He wasn’t asking a redundant question; he was asking if Ah Wu needed to focus on bathing.

Ah Wu understood his meaning and replied, “I can talk to you while bathing.”

Hearing this, the little one was happy.

But he didn’t talk to Ah Wu for long before Ah Wu asked, “Does your head hurt?”

Ling Rui instinctively touched his head.

Using his foresight too many times made his little head hurt.

In the past, Ah Wu would have stopped him long ago, but knowing he was anxious this time, Ah Wu hadn’t spoken up early.

“Does it hurt?” Ah Wu asked again.

Ling Rui honestly replied with a “yes,” then listened to Ah Wu telling him not to use his foresight anymore.

He had already seen that Third Young Master Li was safe, so, following Ah Wu’s coaxing, he obediently stopped using his foresight: “Ah Wu, I won’t use it.”

“Good, little one.”

Their connection ended, and Ling Rui opened his eyes, looking at the guard holding him and his already asleep sixth brother and companion. He tugged on Fourth Young Master Li’s hand and whispered, “Let’s sleep for a while.”

Fourth Young Master Li shook his head, stubbornly refusing to sleep.

But the little one yawned several times in front of him, and yawns seemed contagious. Seeing him yawn made Fourth Young Master Li want to yawn too.

After a few yawns, Fourth Young Master Li also fell asleep.

They were now in a small, temporary tent. Ling Rui and the other kids had not gone home; they all slept in the small tent.

After seeing that the little prince had fallen asleep, the guard carefully laid him down next to the other children.

It was a whole night of searching, covering a large area.

When dawn broke and Ling Rui opened his eyes, he immediately asked about the results: “Did they find him?”

He was still rubbing his eyes with his small hands, feeling a bit drowsy but struggling to stay awake, unwilling to sleep any longer.

The guard held him up and, though not very skilled, helped him change clothes and wash his face. Though the guard’s movements were clumsy, and he rubbed Ling Rui’s little face a bit too hard, the good-tempered child didn’t complain.

After the guard had tidied him up, Ling Rui finally heard the guard’s reply: “Little Prince, we are still searching for Third Young Master Li. We will definitely find him.”

“And we will also find the bad people who attacked you.”

There were many people gathered outside the tent. Given that someone had attacked the prince, their first priority should have been to move the prince.

However, the little prince had made a fuss last night, making it impossible to move him.

“Little Prince, His Majesty has ordered that you and the Sixth Prince must return today.”

The guard emphasized Emperor Ling’s command.

Emperor Ling and Noble Consort Yi had stated that if the two princes didn’t cooperate, they could be taken back by force.

Even if they cried, they had to be taken back.

Ling Rui keenly sensed the seriousness in the guard’s tone. He looked up, slightly bewildered, and softly asked, “Do we really have to go back?”

The guard firmly nodded. “If you don’t go back, I will be punished.”

Ling Rui: “…”

As expected, hearing this, the soft-hearted little prince immediately nodded.

He didn’t want anyone to be punished because of him.

“Guard brother, we’ll go back.”

Ling Rui shook the guard’s large hand.

The guard, who had been with the little prince for many days, naturally knew his kind nature. He lowered his head and smiled at the little prince: “Thank you, Little Prince, for your understanding.”

Though they had to take the two princes back, it didn’t have to be immediately. They stayed for most of the day.

With the guards watching over him, Ling Rui took the opportunity to search for more herbs.

Shuishui had been eager to go home since yesterday, but even today, he still hadn’t left.

He was very anxious but insisted on staying with Ling Rui.

“Little Seven, let’s go.”

Even with so many people around, Shuishui still wanted Ling Rui to leave.

Ling Rui squatted on the ground, looking at Shuishui urging him to leave. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him, and he asked, “Shuishui, do you know there are bad people in the mountain?”

Shuishui shook his head.

He held Ling Rui’s small hand, looking anxious but speaking slowly: “Dangerous, there’s danger.”

He only mentioned danger but didn’t admit knowing about the bad people.

Ling Rui felt something was off.

He pulled his hand out of Shuishui’s and cupped his little face: “Shuishui, are you a good kid or a bad kid?”

Shuishui: “…”

A look of confusion appeared on Shuishui’s delicate face.

He seemed to seriously consider the answer to this question. After a while, he replied, “They say I’m a bad kid, nobody wants me.”

Ling Rui: “…”

Ling Rui’s heart was instantly touched.

His hands shook as he held Shuishui’s face: “You, you’re not a kid nobody wants.”

Hearing this made Ling Rui sad.

He immediately stopped questioning whether Shuishui was a good kid or a bad kid and tried to comfort him: “You’re a kid someone wants!”

Shuishui could feel his intention to comfort him.

The two kids looked into each other’s eyes, and Shuishui nodded, showing he understood.

Ling Rui, distracted by this, didn’t continue his previous questioning.

He let go of Shuishui’s face and sighed heavily: “I just want to find the medicine.”

He just wanted to find the medicine to treat his fourth brother’s arm.

He didn’t want to encounter any bad people.

In the adult world, there always seemed to be many bad people, and the bad deeds of adults often affected the little ones like them.

Like the bad people deep in the mountain who didn’t know Third Young Master Li’s identity. They chose to kill the child who wandered in.

They talked about upholding justice and standing up for the people, giving them a way to survive.

But Third Young Master Li was also one of the people, and they didn’t hesitate to kill him.

“Medicine can be found,” Shuishui said slowly. “Now, go back.”

Ling Rui patted his head and agreed: “We’ll go back later.”

They searched for another whole day. Emperor Ling sent more people into the mountain this time.

By dusk, they found Third Young Master Li.

But the person who had attacked Ling Rui was also found by the guards, a “wild man” who didn’t seem quite sane.

With both found, Emperor Ling naturally thought the matter was resolved.

But Ling Rui’s eyes widened, not accepting this “wild man”: “It’s not him; he didn’t attack me.”

“There are more, more bad people!”

Ling Rui was so anxious he started pacing in circles, wanting to make his father understand that there were very bad people in the mountain.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the wild man, seeing him, rushed at him again, trying to attack.

The guards quickly pinned the dirty wild man to the ground.

The wild man, with a scraggly beard, stared intently at Ling Rui, muttering, “Child, child.”

This behavior clearly indicates that he is a madman.

Third Young Master Li was found at the bottom of a steep slope, having hit his head and remaining unconscious.

It was impossible to get any information from Third Young Master Li about whether there were others in the mountains.

After hearing the report, Emperor Ling prepared to recall everyone.

Unable to accept this, Ling Rui glanced at the nearby carriage and, in a moment of desperation, collapsed to the ground.

The little one lay down resolutely: “The bad guys inside want to kill me.”

By flopping down like that, he managed to temporarily hold Emperor Ling at bay.

It was hot, and the little one lying on the ground soon had his face turning red.

Upon receiving news of this, Emperor Ling, not wanting him to suffer or risk heatstroke, dispatched more troops to continue the thorough search of the mountain.

Seeing that his father was still sending people into the mountain, Ling Rui finally got up and had the guards carry him to the carriage.

The carriage was cool, with ice blocks inside.

Ling Rui, along with Ling Fu and a few other children, squeezed into the same carriage.

Fourth Young Master Li, no longer crying, thanked Ling Rui, “Little Seven, if it weren’t for you… I would have sneaked into the mountain last night to find my brother.”

If he couldn’t find his brother, Fourth Young Master Li had resolved not to return himself.

Ling Rui, remembering the vision of Fourth Young Master Li lying in a pool of blood, frowned and lectured him, “Going in last night wouldn’t have helped.”

“We are just children; we need to find adults when something happens.”

Ling Rui was constantly reminded by the adults and Ah Wu to ensure his own safety first and then notify the adults.

Having been taught this many times, he remembered it well.

Fourth Young Master Li, still downcast, said, “I’m afraid of getting scolded by the adults.”

Ling Rui shook his head, “You can’t think like that. Adults might scold you a bit, but after that, they’ll take care of things.”

“We are kids; getting scolded or even spanked a bit is no big deal.”

Ling Rui’s words diverted Fourth Young Master Li’s attention.

“Little Seven, do you get spanked too?”

Fourth Young Master Li had heard that the little prince was deeply loved and even the emperor treated him differently.

Such a cherished little prince surely wouldn’t get spanked.

Ling Rui, blushing and clutching his clothes, confessed, “Yes, I do.”

The supposedly pampered little prince admitted, “I get spanked on the butt, and it hurts. I cry.”

Though his butt was chubby, his mother’s hand was strong, and it hurt when she spanked him.

Father’s spankings didn’t hurt much, as he feared mother’s displeasure if he hurt Ling Rui.

However, Father would still report his mischief to Mother.

Last time, after causing trouble in Father’s study, Father reported him to Mother, who spanked him until he cried.

Fourth Young Master Li was shocked to hear he cried from being spanked.

“I thought you never got spanked.”

Feeling embarrassed about his confession, Ling Rui tried to save face, “Being a kid means getting spanked sometimes.”

Mother had even said that a childhood without spankings was incomplete.

“My mother doesn’t spank,” Shui Shui interjected slowly.

All the kids instantly admired Shui Shui’s mother.

A mother who didn’t spank was rare indeed.

While they were feeling envious, Ling Fu, who got spanked the most, pointed out the truth, “Shui Shui doesn’t get spanked because he’s well-behaved.”

Shui Shui didn’t misbehave, so he didn’t get spanked. The rest of the kids, on the other hand, were less obedient.

The children sat in the carriage, which also had some snacks.

The guards returned each child to their respective homes.

Third Young Master Li needed a doctor. Ling Rui, knowing he was not in mortal danger, wasn’t too worried.

Back at the palace.

Ling Fu waved to Ling Rui and happily ran to his residence, “I haven’t eaten properly in over a day!”

Although he had brought his own food and drink, it couldn’t compare to the freshly prepared palace food.

Joyfully, he parted ways with Ling Rui and went to eat.

Ling Rui returned to Noble Consort Yi’s quarters, where Emperor Ling was also present.

“Little Seven, come here.”

Emperor Ling called him over and inspected him thoroughly, “Knowing there were bad people attacking you, why didn’t you come back?”

“Your courage is getting out of hand.”

Emperor Ling’s face darkened as he spoke.

He should have forcibly brought back Ling Rui and Ling Fu yesterday, but considering Ling Rui’s reluctance and that the missing child was from the Li family, he allowed it.

Seeing how devoted Ling Rui was to finding Third Young Master Li, the Li family wouldn’t blame him for losing Third Young Master Li.

“My courage isn’t big,” Ling Rui honestly said, “Now I’m a bit scared.”

Emperor Ling: “…”

Noble Consort Yi: “…”

This child wasn’t afraid of the bad people outside, but was scared in front of his parents.

Noble Consort Yi, face dark, picked him up and gave him a stern lecture.

Thankfully, considering he had been outside for a day and night, Noble Consort Yi, feeling sorry for him, didn’t spank him this time.

“Ji Yan, take him to rest for a while.”

Noble Consort Yi instructed Ji Yan to take Ling Rui to rest and also ordered the small kitchen to prepare his favorite dishes.

The little one obediently followed the arrangements and soon fell asleep on the soft, comfortable bed.

His little head indeed needed rest, but he ended up sleeping for quite a while.

“Niang Niang, the young prince still won’t wake up.”

After two hours, Ji Yan reported softly to Noble Consort Yi, “When we try to wake him, he just cries and refuses to get up.”

Upon hearing this, Noble Consort Yi went to check on him herself.

She pulled the little one out of the blankets and felt his forehead to check for a fever.

His forehead was not hot, so he didn’t have a fever.

“Little Seven.”

Noble Consort Yi rubbed his little belly and said, “Wake up, let’s eat a bit and then you can go back to sleep.”

Ling Rui laid on the bed, showing no reaction.

Noble Consort Yi called him several more times.

After a while, the little one started to whimper, looking like he was about to cry, and covered his ears, not wanting anyone to call him.

Seeing his stubborn refusal to get up, Noble Consort Yi frowned but let him sleep for another half hour.

After the additional half hour, she felt his empty little belly and, without further ado, insisted on waking him up.

“Want to sleep.”

As expected, the little one, who was forcibly woken up, had tears in his eyes and his mouth was puckered, looking as if he had suffered a great grievance.

Noble Consort Yi wiped his little face and carried him to the dining table.


Noble Consort Yi placed his favorite dishes in front of him and said, “Once you finish eating, you can go to sleep.”

Ling Rui was genuinely exhausted.

He had overused his foresight abilities. At the time, he hadn’t felt anything, but now the aftereffects were hitting him. His little head was buzzing as if there were many little bees buzzing around inside.

Seeing his lack of energy, Noble Consort Yi took the spoon and fed him.

After feeding him, Ji Yan took the little prince to wash up, and then put him back in bed.

Emperor Ling came to check on him twice.

Each time, the little one was sound asleep.

“Your Majesty, how is the situation in the mountains?” Noble Consort Yi rarely asked about such matters, but this time it involved her child. “Little Seven said there are still bad people. I heard him muttering about it in his sleep. He must have been scared.”

“I sent people to search, but they haven’t found anything yet.”

Emperor Ling spoke, wrapping his arm around Noble Consort Yi’s shoulder and gently patting her. “Yi Er, don’t worry. If there are still people in the mountains, I will find them.”

“Hmm, I believe you.”

Noble Consort Yi leaned against his shoulder, gently closing her eyes to calm her fatigue.

Seeing her close her eyes, Emperor Ling raised his hand to massage her temples to help her relax a bit.

That night, the little one slept soundly.

Noble Consort Yi and Emperor Ling, however, did not stay with him in the main palace but went to the side hall instead.

The next day.

Ling Rui finally slept enough. When he woke up, he saw the equally refreshed Emperor Ling.


Ling Rui stretched out his small hands, asking to be held.

Emperor Ling picked him up and took him to have breakfast.

“Where’s Mama?”

“She’s sleeping.”

Emperor Ling said briefly, then changed the topic, “Little Seven, you can’t run around today. You and Little Six are going somewhere.”

Ling Rui, at his young age, had his attention easily diverted.

Hearing this, he immediately asked, “Where are we going?”

“To a good place.”

As Emperor Ling spoke of this good place, he couldn’t help but smile, clearly pleased with it.

Seeing his father’s expression, Ling Rui became excited about this good place as well.

He ate his breakfast in big bites, eager to finish quickly so he could go to this good place.

Because he ate too quickly, his little face was soon covered in food.

“Daddy, hurry up!”

Even while eating eagerly, the little one didn’t forget to urge his father to eat faster.

Emperor Ling, however, remained unhurried, “No rush, the good place won’t run away.”

“We’ll go after finishing breakfast; it won’t be too late.”

Despite Emperor Ling’s words, Ling Rui was still in a hurry.

Since coming to the palace in Luocheng, he hadn’t had a chance to go out and play with his father.

“Daddy, let’s change clothes.”

Excited to go out with his father for the first time, the little one wanted to dress up. He trotted back to the bedroom, asking Noble Consort Yi to find him the best-looking clothes.

Noble Consort Yi brought out a bunch of clothes, and he picked the most colorful set to wear.

The flashy outfit looked especially good on him.

“Daddy, do I look good?”

“You look great.”

Emperor Ling, in a good mood, praised the flashy little one.

Noble Consort Yi glanced at the cheerful child and then at the pleased Emperor Ling, her mouth twitching slightly.

“Yi Er, do you want to come with us?” Emperor Ling asked.

Noble Consort Yi shook her head and declined, “No, you go ahead. I don’t want to go.”

“Alright, we’re off then.”

Emperor Ling picked up the little one and walked out.

Inside the sedan chair, Ling Fu was already seated.

A few young attendants were also inside. Seeing Emperor Ling, they quickly bowed.

Emperor Ling waved his hand, allowing them to sit without formalities, and joined them in the sedan chair.

“Daddy, is the good place fun?” Ling Rui asked curiously, his little face eager.

If it was a fun place, he wanted to bring his friends along next time.

Emperor Ling looked at him and nodded, “It’s fun.”

Hearing this, Ling Rui happily swung his short legs.

Ling Fu glanced at Ling Rui and then at their father. He didn’t know where they were going either. But seeing how happy both his father and Little Seven were, he guessed it must be a good place.

Shortly after, the curtain of the sedan chair was opened.

A few little ones were bundled in by Emperor Ling.

Upon seeing that it was a school and that there were also teachers inside, the little one, who hadn’t been in the mood to study lately, turned and ran.

“This place is no good.”

The little one ran without looking back, shouting, “I want to go home!”

Did the Young Prince’s Kingdom Get Destroyed Today?

Did the Young Prince’s Kingdom Get Destroyed Today?

Score 8.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The divine beast cub living in the Classic of Mountains and Seas opened its eyes and became the little prince of the Qichao royal family. The little prince had no mother, and no one to love him. —-It seemed like he wouldn’t live past the age of three. —— The cub who transmigrated in didn’t want to die like this. He struggled to move his short legs, stumbling out to find food for himself. Bang! The cub bumped into the most favored but ruthless noble consort in the harem. Cub: “Fin, finished.” —— Later, the most arrogant and impatient noble consort, seeing the mischievous cub climbing trees, spent the whole afternoon coaxing him gently. “Cub, be good, mother loves you the most. Come down, mother won’t scold you.” —— The cub, favored and spoiled by the noble consort, had the ability to foresee the future. He saw the beautiful but lovesick noble consort mother, ultimately executed by the ruthless dog emperor. The eldest brother, who had the greatest talent for governing the country, died wrongly due to human error The bright and passionate second sister was offered to the aging emperor of Great Qing for reconciliation. The gentle and smiling third brother, the year after the eldest brother’s death, followed him. The domineering fourth brother, the reserved and shy fifth sister… None of them had a good ending. Their country was also destroyed by the cruel young crown prince of Great Qing. —— The cub, who foresaw the ending, looked at his beloved mother and siblings. He puffed up his cheeks and changed everyone’s fate one by one! For the lovesick noble consort, the cub helped her. For the brothers and sisters who were to be sacrificed to Great Qing, the cub packed his little bag and went himself! —— Seeing the cub being sent away, the royal brothers, sisters, and noble consort looked at the palace gate, their eyes red with tears. The noble consort mother was completely cured of her lovesickness and began to reform the ruthless dog emperor. The princes no longer fought internally but tearfully swore— For the cub’s humiliation today, they would repay it in the future! —— In the eyes of relatives, the cub would surely be humiliated when he arrived at Great Qing. However, no one expected. The most ruthless crown prince of Great Qing was now half-kneeling by the bed, coaxing the drunken cub. “I won’t destroy your country, I won’t let you be the fallen country’s little prince.” “Whatever you say, goes.” —— *Childhood sweethearts, collectively pampered cub *Very sweet Tags: Court Nobility, Devoted Love, Sweet Story, Ancient Fantasy, Light-hearted One-sentence Summary: The cub is working hard to save the country today! Intention: Strive to live in adversity! The little divine beast Ling Rui transmigrates to a country on the verge of destruction and becomes the youngest prince. He conquers the Niangniangs, princes, and princesses in the palace one by one. Using his foresight ability, Ling Rui changes the painful fate of his loved ones one by one, and while healing his loved ones, he is also loved by them. This story is light-hearted and warm, witnessing the process of a country’s decline to revival through the perspective of little Ling Rui. The characters created by the author are lovely, and the story is very healing.


  1. Clara says:

    Obrigada pelo capítulo

  2. O says:

    …honestly, I’m with Lin Rui on this one. There’s nothing wrong with him experiencing the outside world – he can catch up on studying when they get back to the palace hahaha

    Thanks for the chapters!

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