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Did The Young Prince’s Kingdom Get Destroyed Today? Chapter 60

After Ling Rui and Ling Fu left, the room had only Shui Shui. He sat on a chair, initially motionless.

After sitting for a while without anyone coming in, he looked towards the door and called out softly, “Little Seven.”

His voice was so soft that Ling Rui didn’t hear it at all.

After calling out and getting no response, Shui Shui cautiously stood up from the chair, walked to the table, and poured himself a glass of water.

He was thirsty and wanted to drink some water.

Alone in the room, Shui Shui drank the water. After drinking, he felt sleepy, so he kicked off his little shoes, climbed onto the bed, took off his outer clothes, and snuggled under the covers, falling asleep.

The quilt carried a medicinal smell that might be unpleasant to others, but Shui Shui found it quite comforting.

Inhaling the medicinal scent, he slowly drifted into sleep.

Outside, Ling Rui and Ling Fu waited for a long time without seeing Third Brother return.

Ling Rui hadn’t eaten yet, and Ling Fu, who was waiting with him, rubbed his stomach several times.

“Little Seven.”

Hearing his stomach growl, Ling Fu looked at Ling Rui and asked, “Shall we go back? We’ve delivered Shui Shui; Third Brother will take care of him.”

Since coming to the palace, Third Brother loved tending flowers and plants, so taking care of Shui Shui shouldn’t be a problem.

Ling Rui, with his filter of admiration for Third Brother, nodded and stood up, “Yes! Let’s go back and eat.”

“Okay, I’ll go back to my palace. See you tomorrow.”

Ling Fu, eager to eat, ran back to his palace with his companion.

Luocheng had so many delicious foods that he wished he could eat five meals a day!

However, before leaving, his older brother had instructed his attendants not to let him eat so many meals.

His royal mother had also strictly forbidden him from having too many extra meals.

Under the dual orders of his brother and mother, he now could only eat three meals a day, though the palace desserts were still plentiful.

Watching Sixth Brother run off without looking back, Ling Rui also returned with Jiang Yan and Chen Zhou.

Once back, Ling Rui immediately asked for food, “Mother, I want to eat!”

Noble Consort Yi glanced at him, “Didn’t you eat anything on the way?”

“A little bit.”

Ling Rui ran over, hugged Noble Consort Yi’s leg, and looked up with a sweet face, “Give Zaizai some food, please.”

Noble Consort Yi bent down, touched his little belly, and then instructed Ji Yan to set the dinner.

After dinner, Ling Rui didn’t rush to do his homework. He wore loose pajamas, sat on the bed, and played with wooden swords and wooden figures with Noble Consort Yi.

He held the wooden figure while Noble Consort Yi held the wooden sword, which would come to poke his figure.

He had to move the figure to dodge.

The big and small pair played on the bed, and little Ling Rui laughed so hard he almost fell over.

Noble Consort Yi played with him for a long time until his energy was nearly exhausted, then cuddled him to sleep.

They both slept soundly, while Emperor Ling, alone in his palace, glanced at the door several times.

“Little Seven didn’t come today?”

“Your Majesty, the young prince has just received a holiday and is probably excited. He will come to see you after his holiday.”

After hearing this, Emperor Ling snorted.

“He only thinks of me after he’s done playing. I don’t care.”

Lu Guang smiled and didn’t respond.

Once Emperor Ling’s mood improved, Lu Guang stepped forward and asked, “Without the young prince disturbing you today, Your Majesty, would you like to summon Beauty Su?”

Beauty Su was a newly selected beauty from Luocheng.

Emperor Ling thought for a moment. He could recall Beauty Su’s face, which was indeed beautiful and somewhat resembled Noble Consort Yi in her youth.

This slight resemblance had initially caught his eye.

But with the real gem in front of him, Beauty Su only briefly piqued his interest.

He never indulged in having substitutes.

Since Noble Consort Yi was still by his side, it would be foolish to favor someone who looked like her.

“No need.”

Emperor Ling pressed his temples, “Without having to help Little Seven with homework today, I can finally sleep peacefully.”

He instructed Lu Guang to come in and extinguish the lights, then went to sleep.

As the light dimmed in the palace, Emperor Ling closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

Everyone slept well, except for Third Prince Ling Yi, who had just returned from the Empress’s palace.

Ling Yi, upon returning, checked the door carefully.

Today, there were no flowers, no frogs, and no half-eaten cakes at his door.

He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Little Seven had finally come to his senses.

Perhaps Little Seven finally realized that his Third Brother was still ill and couldn’t handle his antics.

Ling Yi felt relieved and also a bit sympathetic towards the little rascal.

This little guy comes to bring him something every day, with good intentions.

As an older brother, sometimes he needs to be more patient with the little one.

Thinking this, Ling Yi pushed open the door.

The room was unlit, only illuminated after he entered.

He didn’t like having people watch over him at night. Since childhood, due to his health, his royal mother always arranged for many people to be around him.

Under their watchful eyes, he felt he had no privacy.

Now, taking advantage of his royal mother’s absence, he ordered no one to keep vigil in his room at night.

He had a bell in his room; if he needed anything, he would ring it.

After lighting the lamp, Ling Yi didn’t notice anything unusual. The room was dimly lit, and having soaked in a medicinal bath earlier, he didn’t need to bathe again.

He took off his outer robe and walked to the bed, lifting the covers and lying down with a yawn.

The next second.

His body sprang up from the bed, and the heavy drowsiness vanished instantly.

“Who’s there?!”

Ling Yi’s eyes widened as he looked at the quilt, filled with shock.

His voice startled the child in the quilt, who frowned but still didn’t want to wake up.

Ling Yi stood by the bed for a few seconds, slowly realizing, “Little Seven?”

Recalling the touch, it felt like a child, but seemed older than Little Seven.

He muttered to himself by the bed, but the child on the bed didn’t move.

Ling Yi’s eyebrows furrowed as he leaned in to look at the bed.

He saw that it was an unfamiliar child.

He shook the child awake, asking, “Who are you?”

The awakened Shui Shui yawned, unhappy.

He kept his mouth tightly shut, not answering no matter how Ling Yi questioned him.

It wasn’t until Ling Yi threatened to throw him out that he finally spoke, “Don’t throw me out.”

He added, “Little Seven sent me.”

Ling Yi: “?”

Ling Yi: “What?”

Shui Shui, speaking more slowly, pointed to himself and repeated, “Little Seven sent me.”

Ling Yi: “…”

Ling Yi finally understood.

This little guy was today’s gift from Little Seven.

He twitched his mouth, thinking if it weren’t so late, he’d drag the little one over and give him a good spanking.

After speaking, Shui Shui flopped back down on the bed.

Seeing Shui Shui fall asleep, Ling Yi decided to sleep in another room, not used to sleeping with unfamiliar children.

But before he could leave, Shui Shui called out to him.

Shui Shui patted the bed, inviting him to sleep together.

Ling Yi declined, “You sleep. I’ll sleep elsewhere.”

He had more than one room.

Seeing Ling Yi about to leave, Shui Shui knelt up and wouldn’t let him go.

After a stalemate, Ling Yi ended up sleeping on the bed while Shui Shui massaged his head.

Shui Shui rarely spoke on his own.

Ling Yi had to ask several questions to get a response.

Through this difficult communication, Ling Yi figured out that Shui Shui could give massages.

Shui Shui said Ling Yi was ill and he could massage him.

Ling Yi, initially reluctant, let him do it after seeing his persistence.

Surprisingly, the little one, who didn’t seem much older than Little Seven, could actually give a good massage.

Ling Yi, who had been uncomfortable for a long time, felt significantly better.

Under Shui Shui’s massage, he fell asleep peacefully.

When Shui Shui saw him asleep, he immediately stopped massaging, pulled up the quilt, and fell asleep too.

The next day.

Ling Rui woke up late. He had dreamt several times, with Ah Wu appearing in his dreams, making him reluctant to wake up.

In the end, it was Noble Consort Yi who heard his stomach growling and woke him up.

“I was eating meat with Ah Wu.”

The little one, still groggy from sleep, looked a bit downcast, “Ah Wu’s roasted meat was delicious.”

“Alright, you can eat Ah Wu’s roasted meat another time. Now get up and have breakfast.”

With only one day off, Ling Rui cherished every moment after waking up.

He devoured his breakfast, wiped his face, kissed Noble Consort Yi, and ran out to play.

He didn’t look for Ling Fu but went to find Third Brother first.

In Third Brother’s room, Shui Shui was still eating.

Ling Rui watched for a while and couldn’t help but ask, “Doesn’t your tummy get full?”

Shui Shui shook his head.

Ling Rui looked at the voracious Shui Shui, then thought of his equally voracious Sixth Brother. Both ate a lot, but Shui Shui was thin, and Sixth Brother was chubby.

“Little Seven, come here.”

Ling Yi had some snacks brought in and quietly talked to Ling Rui about Shui Shui.

“Does his family know you brought him here?”

“I, I left a note.”

Ling Yi didn’t believe him, “You can’t even write, what note?”

“I drew a picture.”

Ling Rui then drew the note he left for Third Brother.

He drew a little stick figure made of circles and sticks, and a door with an arrow pointing outwards.

That was it.

A note like that would likely be incomprehensible to Shui Shui’s mother.

“This is nonsense.”

Ling Yi scolded him softly, “Taking Shui Shui away like that, how worried do you think his mother must be?”

“Take Shui Shui back today, understand?”

If Shui Shui were an orphan without parents, Little Seven bringing him over would be a good deed.

But Shui Shui has a mother, so bringing him here is not a good deed.

Ling Rui was scolded by his third brother.

He lowered his little head, nodded gloomily, and promised to take Shui Shui back.

Ling Yi glanced at Shui Shui, who was still eating, and thought of the massage Shui Shui gave him last night. He hesitated and asked, “Have you met Shui Shui’s mother? Can she heal people?”

“No, I haven’t met her.”

Ling Rui answered honestly, “Little Seven said she can heal people.”

But not many people seek her for treatment.

Hearing this, Ling Yi’s expression paused. Then he said, “I’ll go with you to take him back.”

Ling Rui looked surprised.

He looked up at his third brother and asked, “Can you go out?”

“Of course I can.”

Ling Yi ruffled his head, annoyed, “You and Little Six can run around and play every day. Why can’t I go out?”

Just because he didn’t go out often didn’t mean he couldn’t.

Ling Yi said they would take Shui Shui back, but it was evening by the time they left.

Shui Shui didn’t really want to go.

He had eaten a lot, and after eating, without looking at Ling Rui or Ling Yi, he wiped his hands and climbed onto Ling Yi’s bed to sleep.

At first, Ling Rui and Ling Yi didn’t have the heart to rush him.

The brothers watched this little one, who wasn’t shy at all, eat and sleep, and after watching for who knows how long, Ling Rui quietly nudged his third brother’s arm.

“Third Brother, don’t you really want to keep Shui Shui? I think he wants to stay here.”

Ling Yi: “…”

Ling Yi calmed himself and rationally said, “I can’t.”

This is someone else’s child; it’s not his place to keep him.

By evening, Ling Yi no longer let Shui Shui continue eating and sleeping. He took Shui Shui and Ling Rui, got into a carriage, and left the palace.

They didn’t call Ling Fu when they left.

“Third Brother, should we call Sixth Brother?”

“No need, we’ll be back after taking Shui Shui home.”


On the way back, Shui Shui was very quiet.

In Ling Yi’s room, he had been constantly eating and sleeping, looking like he enjoyed being there.

But when Ling Yi took him away, he didn’t make a fuss.

“Shui Shui, I’ll visit you again when I have a break.”

Ling Rui felt he had lost some weight recently, “You should eat more and grow taller.”

Shui Shui nodded.

Although one of the little ones didn’t like to talk, the other was a chatterbox. With the chatterbox leading the way, the quiet Shui Shui ended up saying quite a bit on the journey.

After a while, they arrived at their destination.

Ling Yi got out of the carriage first, then lifted the curtain to carry the two little ones out.

Shui Shui’s house didn’t even have a decent lock.

It was easy for them to get in.

As soon as Ling Rui entered, he went to find Shui Shui’s mother.

But she wasn’t there.

She seemed to have come back and then left again.

She had tidied up the note on the table and left some new corn buns in the kitchen.

Shui Shui saw the buns but didn’t eat them.

“Third Brother, let’s wait.”

Ling Rui held his brother’s hand, not wanting him to leave in a hurry, “Shui Shui will be sad alone.”

If he had to stay alone in the house without anyone to accompany him, he would be sad too.

Ling Yi came out intending to meet Shui Shui’s mother, so he didn’t plan to leave immediately anyway.

The brothers planned to stay a bit longer, but as they waited, they ended up staying until it was dark.

Seeing them waiting so long, Shui Shui went to the kitchen, brought out the buns, and offered them to them.

Ling Rui looked at the buns and then at Shui Shui, asking, “Aren’t you going to eat?”

Shui Shui touched his stomach, a satisfied expression appearing on his delicate face, “I ate a lot, I don’t need to eat for many days.”

His words were somewhat incoherent, but Ling Rui understood instantly.

He meant that he had eaten a lot and could go for a long time without eating.

Understanding this, Ling Rui’s heart felt sour. He put the buns away for Shui Shui.

“Shui Shui, I want to talk to your mother.”

Ling Rui felt that Shui Shui’s mother didn’t know how to take care of children properly.

He wanted to meet her and discuss this.

The three of them continued waiting in the house. Ling Rui was stubborn and didn’t want to leave until he met Shui Shui’s mother.

Since he wasn’t leaving, Ling Yi naturally wouldn’t leave either.

Seeing they weren’t going to leave, Shui Shui led them to his small bedroom. The small room had only one bed, but it was very clean.


Shui Shui invited them to sleep on his bed.

Squeezed onto the small bed, with Ling Yi in the middle, holding one little one on each side, he couldn’t fall asleep.

Ling Rui couldn’t sleep either. Trapped in his third brother’s arms, the tighter he was held, the more he wanted to move.

The brothers kept this up for a while.

Before long, the little one, who had just won the struggle, fell off the bed with a loud “thud.”

Did the Young Prince’s Kingdom Get Destroyed Today?

Did the Young Prince’s Kingdom Get Destroyed Today?

Score 8.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The divine beast cub living in the Classic of Mountains and Seas opened its eyes and became the little prince of the Qichao royal family. The little prince had no mother, and no one to love him. —-It seemed like he wouldn’t live past the age of three. —— The cub who transmigrated in didn’t want to die like this. He struggled to move his short legs, stumbling out to find food for himself. Bang! The cub bumped into the most favored but ruthless noble consort in the harem. Cub: “Fin, finished.” —— Later, the most arrogant and impatient noble consort, seeing the mischievous cub climbing trees, spent the whole afternoon coaxing him gently. “Cub, be good, mother loves you the most. Come down, mother won’t scold you.” —— The cub, favored and spoiled by the noble consort, had the ability to foresee the future. He saw the beautiful but lovesick noble consort mother, ultimately executed by the ruthless dog emperor. The eldest brother, who had the greatest talent for governing the country, died wrongly due to human error The bright and passionate second sister was offered to the aging emperor of Great Qing for reconciliation. The gentle and smiling third brother, the year after the eldest brother’s death, followed him. The domineering fourth brother, the reserved and shy fifth sister… None of them had a good ending. Their country was also destroyed by the cruel young crown prince of Great Qing. —— The cub, who foresaw the ending, looked at his beloved mother and siblings. He puffed up his cheeks and changed everyone’s fate one by one! For the lovesick noble consort, the cub helped her. For the brothers and sisters who were to be sacrificed to Great Qing, the cub packed his little bag and went himself! —— Seeing the cub being sent away, the royal brothers, sisters, and noble consort looked at the palace gate, their eyes red with tears. The noble consort mother was completely cured of her lovesickness and began to reform the ruthless dog emperor. The princes no longer fought internally but tearfully swore— For the cub’s humiliation today, they would repay it in the future! —— In the eyes of relatives, the cub would surely be humiliated when he arrived at Great Qing. However, no one expected. The most ruthless crown prince of Great Qing was now half-kneeling by the bed, coaxing the drunken cub. “I won’t destroy your country, I won’t let you be the fallen country’s little prince.” “Whatever you say, goes.” —— *Childhood sweethearts, collectively pampered cub *Very sweet Tags: Court Nobility, Devoted Love, Sweet Story, Ancient Fantasy, Light-hearted One-sentence Summary: The cub is working hard to save the country today! Intention: Strive to live in adversity! The little divine beast Ling Rui transmigrates to a country on the verge of destruction and becomes the youngest prince. He conquers the Niangniangs, princes, and princesses in the palace one by one. Using his foresight ability, Ling Rui changes the painful fate of his loved ones one by one, and while healing his loved ones, he is also loved by them. This story is light-hearted and warm, witnessing the process of a country’s decline to revival through the perspective of little Ling Rui. The characters created by the author are lovely, and the story is very healing.


  1. O says:

    Tch. Hard hearted parents, still sending him to school 🤣
    Who’s betting that Shui Shui’s… Father (though possibly mum) is the miracle doctor?
    Thanks for the chapter!

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