Disobedient Minister Against Favors Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Taming the Wild

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“Yu Zhen… Is that really you?”

At the corner of the palace alley, a man in white slowly emerged, followed by a group of unconscious guards with swords. His eyes, as dark as obsidian, stared piercingly at the man who had casually dashed out of the palace. Despite the familiarity of his features, the man before him seemed different, not the Liu Yu Zhen he knew. No, it couldn’t be!

Liu Yu Zhen suddenly felt a murderous gaze behind him and quickly turned around, but the alley was empty, devoid of any presence. Was there a ghost? Palace legends were abundant with such tales, sending shivers down his spine and urging him to quicken his pace.

It was him…

The identical face.

It was him…

The one he deeply loved.

Yu Ling took a deep breath, his handsome and refined face now contorted with anger and gloom.

Purple flower petals littered the corridor. Compared to what Liu Yu Zhen had seen on TV, standing here gazing at the sky invoked a different sensation – the majestic palace, the romantic floral scenery, the gentle breeze lifting silk garments.

After spending quite some time, Liu Yu Zhen finally stood outside the walls of the Peace Pavilion. The last time he was here, it was anything but peaceful. This place, too, carried a scent of blood, though not as heavy as the cold palace he once dwelled in, it still made him uneasy.


For the second visit to the Peace Pavilion, Liu Yu Zhen still opted for the method of scaling the wall.

Last time he entered through the kitchen, but this time, sensing too much activity there, he chose a different spot to climb over. He had learned in the military that by listening carefully while pressed against the wall, one could estimate the approximate number of people inside. This time, he chose a location where there should only be one person.

With precise landing, he steadied himself on one foot and without hesitation, covered the mouth and nose of the person there. In the next moment, he swiftly dragged them into the narrow gap beside the room.

The slender man was startled, trembling uncontrollably in Liu Yu Zhen’s arms, too scared to even turn around.

Liu Yu Zhen immediately recognized the owner of this figure—it was the effeminate Young Master Ning Xiang. He couldn’t help but grin and whispered, “Shh, no need to speak. I have no sympathy for you whatsoever. Begging for mercy won’t help. Listen to me, young man. Before the sun sets, make sure King Yan returns to the palace. If he doesn’t, then what I’m going to do to you today, I’ll do it every day from now on.”

Though Ning Xiang had his back to him, his body was drenched in cold sweat, his fearful trembling entirely under Liu Yu Zhen’s control. He whimpered, perhaps wanting to know what Liu Yu Zhen intended to do to him.

Liu Yu Zhen pressed Ning Xiang against the wall, making his hands adhere to the cold surface. Ning Xiang turned back in astonishment, only to meet with a sturdy fist that had been prepared long ago! It nearly knocked him unconscious right then and there. 


Unlike his educated colleagues, Liu Yu Zhen believed in violence as a solution to many problems. Despite being a detective, he couldn’t shake off the wildness instilled in him from growing up in the desert.

After giving poor Ning Xiang a beating, he was surprised at how weak the guy was. He didn’t think he needed much strength to handle him! How did he knock him out so quickly? “Tsk, pathetic.”

Unexpectedly, a voice came from the thin-walled room to his left. The man sounded so arrogant that Liu Yu Zhen clenched his fists. “Heh, Liu Yu Zhen, you’ve finally decided to come find me? With your skills, escaping from my palace shouldn’t be difficult at all, right?”

Liu Yu Zhen drew in a sharp breath. It wasn’t his technique that was at fault. From what he learned from Zipei, this world had concepts like internal energy, true qi, and martial arts techniques, and Yan Tenghua excelled in martial arts and internal energy. Although he didn’t know the true significance of the statement, the fact that he could conceal his aura meant he wasn’t an ordinary person!

What did he mean by that? He couldn’t quite understand.

Looking around, there was no one here. The two shaded rooms were exquisite. So, this was where those two scoundrels rendezvoused.

Did that mean King Yan heard everything he just said?

King Yan said again, “Prime Minister Liu, by treating my favorite this way, can I assume you’re jealous?”

“Jealous my foot! Why would I be jealous of you?” Liu Yu Zhen couldn’t help but curse. “Get out of here! If I don’t beat you up today, I’ll itch to death.”

“Hehe.” King Yan’s chuckle was chilling, sending a shiver down Liu Yu Zhen’s spine.

Liu Yu Zhen knew well that his ability to freely enter and leave King Yan’s chambers wasn’t due to lax security but because King Yan allowed it. He couldn’t fathom King Yan’s intentions.

At this moment, all Liu Yu Zhen felt was anger, and the pain in his abdomen intensified, fueling his rage.

Seeing King Yan refusing to come out, Liu Yu Zhen was about to charge in when suddenly, a golden figure darted out of the room. Before he could even react, he instinctively made a defensive move, but he was still caught off guard by a palm strike to his chest.

He tasted blood, feeling a nauseating sensation rising in his throat.

This person dared to attack him upon first meeting? Did he just hit him?!

The blow left his chest throbbing, making it impossible for him to stand, let alone speak, as a suffocating sensation overwhelmed him.

“Liu Yu Zhen, I’ll teach you obedience once again. I don’t like being interrupted while speaking, and if I say you’re jealous, then you should be. Understand?” King Yan’s cold yet handsome face loomed before him.


Liu Yu Zhen staggered, but firmly nestled himself into the embrace of King Yan. Those strong arms seemed ready to receive him, as if they had been anticipating his arrival. As he collided into King Yan’s embrace, King Yan immediately wrapped his arms around him, looking rather pleased, his large hands roaming recklessly over Liu Yu Zhen’s body.

Would Liu Yu Zhen just accept this fate? Who did he think he was?!

He refused to believe that he would always end up in his hands. If he thought he could fool around with him, he had another thing coming!

With a sharp bite on his thin lips, Liu Yu Zhen suddenly threw his head back, swiftly and forcefully slamming his forehead into King Yan’s.

With a resounding “thud,” both parties suffered.

“Liu Yu Zhen!” King Yan was startled by this sudden impact, his head spinning from the blow. Not only did Liu Yu Zhen resist him, but he also dared to use such force?! Where did he find the strength?

Seeing King Yan’s face turn ugly, Liu Yu Zhen decided it was best to leave for now. It seemed it was too early to torment him, but he vowed silently: Just you wait, one day I’ll get back at you. You arrogant, tyrannical King Yan with questionable sexual preferences!

“You… you better not return to the palace! This Prime Minister seriously warns you, do not go back!” Liu Yu Zhen clutched his chest, stumbling to the wall before swiftly scaling it and disappearing.

He never expected King Yan to greet him not with words but with violence. It was unfair!

This jerk was seriously messed up…



A mouthful of blood finally couldn’t be held back and sprayed from his mouth. Even when sparring with his instructors, he had never experienced the sensation of being shaken to his core by a single palm strike. And King Yan definitely hadn’t exerted full force. Prime Minister Liu’s body was already in poor health; if King Yan had truly used his strength, he would undoubtedly be dead.

“Damn it, underestimated him. Looks like I’ll have to practice a few more days before coming back to beat him up.”

There were originally soldiers patrolling outside the wall, but when he emerged, they were all gone. The guards of the Great Yan were indeed strange, but it was for the better. No one would see him in such a sorry state. He had gone to discipline Young Master Ning Xiang, but ended up severely injured himself.

As he took a step forward, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps.

Another lightning-fast figure, dazzling to the eyes, but this time he was prepared. If it wasn’t for seeing that the figure was snow-white, he would have resisted.

But as the figure approached, it didn’t stop.

Feeling a tightness around his waist, he was swept away by the person, flying a hundred steps in an instant.

Huge shoutout to @denkoumaru on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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