Forced to Become My Amnesiac Arch-Rival’s Fake Dao Companion Chapter 19

Chapter 19: The White Phoenix Nest, Wutong Tree. (6)

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Arriving at a new place and mingling with the crowd to gather information was a standard procedure. Yan Yi nodded, “Sure.” Come to think of it, since waking up with amnesia, he hadn’t had much normal interaction with cultivators. This could be an opportunity.

Bai Chunsheng nodded towards Zhang Yishu with his chin. “What about this mortal?”

In theory, even if Daoist Changping’s death caused chaos in the cultivation world, they couldn’t let their guard down until their wanted status was lifted. They should erase her memory clearly to prevent anyone from tracking them through the eyes of mortals.

Zhang Yishu faintly understood that Bai Chunsheng was referring to her as the mortal. She nervously glanced at the other handsome man who didn’t seem to talk much.

Yan Yi shrugged, “Doesn’t matter.” He truly didn’t care.

In Bai Chunsheng’s words, it was because he hadn’t encountered any decent opponents for the time being, so he didn’t have much of a sense of the world’s vastness and complexity.

Bai Chunsheng smiled, “Let’s just send her back.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yishu, who had been sitting on the ground, felt herself standing up uncontrollably. While her hands still tightly gripped the hoe, her feet seemed to move with a mind of their own, heading in a completely new direction.

When Zhang Yishu regained control of her body, she realized she seemed to be walking on a mountain path. The road ahead was familiar to her.

Looking at the fresh cliff ginger in her basket, still moist with soil, her heart pounded. She mumbled in a daze, wondering what kind of people those two men really were. Had she truly seen immortals or monsters?

Of course, all of this paled in comparison to the importance of the cliff ginger in her hands. That was the thing that could fill her stomach.

This mortal was just an unexpected encounter during their descent. Bai Chunsheng put away the Immortal Spirit Scroll and walked towards the Fuyu Mountain with Yan Yi.

Yan Yi asked, “Did you really send her back?”

“I don’t know,” Bai Chunsheng said, “I just sent her to a place where there are people. Whether she’s truly back, I have no idea.”

Bai Jianghan had a secret technique that could trace all the paths someone had taken within a certain period of time. However, Bai Chunsheng was young and had a penchant for powerful and aggressive spells. He only liked spells that could cause significant damage and was always eager to spar with others. Spells like the one that Bai Jianghan had mastered, which were difficult to learn and might not even be useful, were completely disregarded by him.

Bai Chunsheng muttered softly to himself, “I should have learned it earlier. Damn it.”

As the saying goes, one regrets the lack of books when they are needed, and the same goes for spells. If he knew that spell and used it now, Yan Yi would surely be greatly shocked and admire him even more. Instead, he seemed to be just a half-baked cultivator.

Yan Yi heard him muttering but asked, “What are you talking about?”

Bai Chunsheng wouldn’t tell Yan Yi. He changed the subject, saying, “I’m saying she’s lucky.”

“Because the weather is nice today, so I’m in a good mood, and that’s why I spared her life.”

Yan Yi glanced at the misty forest, clearly not considering this as good weather.

But since Bai Chunsheng following behind him was a strange duck, maybe he liked this misty weather.

Bai Chunsheng started muttering again, “But this kind of forest should be very dangerous for these weak mortals. Why would she come into the mountains alone?”

“Well, forests like this are not only dangerous for mortals but also for some cultivators…” As he spoke, Bai Chunsheng couldn’t help but drift into his thoughts. His mind wandered, recalling something from a long time ago.

Perhaps the most embarrassed Bai Chunsheng had ever been was during his first solo trip out of the mountains, during that time in the Mountain Life Realm.

The scene was just like that dense forest, except instead of the gray haze that surrounded him back then, it was now white mist. For Bai Chunsheng, the two seemed almost identical, or even exactly the same.

He considered himself unfortunate to have been dragged out of a pit by Yan Jingqiu back then.

Dreams were just dreams, and while the earlier parts seemed realistic and normal, once it involved Yan Jingqiu, things started to deviate slightly.

In reality, Bai Chunsheng wasn’t as composed as he seemed in his dreams. Four hundred years ago, he was terrified.

Bai Chunsheng had heard plenty of stories about killing for treasures. True, his identity had brought him many conveniences, but at the same time, it had also made him a target for desperate individuals looking to strike it rich. Killing Bai Chunsheng would definitely be a foolish endeavor, more trouble than it was worth. But there might be fools out there who thought they were clever.

Trying to reason with fools was a futile endeavor. Bai Chunsheng could only hope that whoever caught him wouldn’t recognize him due to their lack of knowledge and wouldn’t be interested in eating a demonic beast like him, with little meat and mostly bones and fur.

It would be best if they just left him alone. Whatever the case, they mustn’t kill him under any circumstances.

Closing his eyes, Bai Chunsheng thought he was trembling in fear, pretending to be dead, but in reality, he couldn’t stop shaking uncontrollably.

At that moment, Yan Jingqiu deliberately remarked, “What a plump duck.”

A scholar could be killed but not humiliated. How could Bai Chunsheng tolerate such insult? He was so angry that he forgot to play dead and opened his eyes to see Yan Jingqiu.

Bai Chunsheng immediately retorted with anger, “What a despicable Yan Jingqiu!”

Yan Jingqiu: “…”

He thought to himself, truly a foolish beauty.

On the side, the frightened sheep, Yang Haozhi, exclaimed, “He’s alive, he’s actually alive!”

Of all the people present, only Yang Haozhi couldn’t grasp the situation. He was originally kneeling on the ground, now he was even more overwhelmed, tears streaming down his face as he exclaimed in joy, “The Earth Deity has manifested! I don’t have to die!”

Bai Chunsheng couldn’t keep up the act anymore and snapped, “Shut your mouth and get lost!”

Amidst Yang Haozhi’s joy, he glanced at Yan Jingqiu cautiously, wondering if he had any objections. But before he could look carefully, he felt a tremendous force coming towards him, and he was thrown out.

Yang Haozhi was overjoyed and quickly ran off.

Now only Yan Jingqiu and Bai Chunsheng were left, and they remained silent for a moment.

Bai Chunsheng broke the silence first, “Long time no see, Yan Jingqiu!” he said, each word almost gritted through his teeth.

Yan Jingqiu raised an eyebrow, seeming puzzled, “Have we met before?”

This question infuriated Bai Chunsheng to the point of losing his mind. Luckily, the lingering pain from Yan Jingqiu’s grip on his flesh served as a reminder, reminding Bai Chunsheng that his life was currently at the mercy of Yan Jingqiu.

Yan Jingqiu asked again, “Who are you?”

Bai Chunsheng initially thought that Yan Jingqiu must have a poor memory due to his confused question. He was about to say that he was Bai Jianghan’s grandson.

But then he thought of the enmity between Bai Jianghan and Yan Jianhang, and now that he was in Yan Jingqiu’s hands, Yan Jingqiu wouldn’t harm him outright for the sake of superficial harmony between their sects, but sparing him would still be a painful process.

How could he tell the truth? Bai Chunsheng began to mumble, “My surname is Bai…”

Yan Jingqiu chuckled softly, pinching Bai Chunsheng’s cheek. Bai Chunsheng’s cheek squished like that of a little duck’s.

Bai Chunsheng was furious. Without a second thought, he stretched his neck and tried to bite. Unfortunately, he missed, and Yan Jingqiu took the opportunity to pat his head.

Yan Jingqiu said, “You were quite talkative just now. Why so quiet all of a sudden?”

Bai Chunsheng replied with a deflective tone, “You, an eminent person has short memory. This forgetfulness is not my fault.”

Yan Jingqiu, not bothered by Bai Chunsheng’s sarcastic remark, simply said, “True.”

Bai Chunsheng punched the cotton beside him in frustration and said, “I’m an inner disciple of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. If I reveal my master’s name, it would scare you to death. You better let me go! Harming the relationship between our sects is not wise, especially in the current state of the demonic realm. If you ruin the friendship of the Orthodox Alliance, it would be a grave sin in the immortal cultivation world!” Bai Chunsheng threw a big accusation and waited for Yan Jingqiu’s response.

Yan Jingqiu responded, “You speak the truth. However…”

But there was a twist to follow.

Bai Chunsheng heard Yan Jingqiu say, “I am actually commissioned by the Orthodox Alliance to find a rare medicine in the Mountain Life Realm. I didn’t expect Brother Bai to be here too. This is great! Please lend me a hand.”

Bai Chunsheng: “?” Is Yan Jingqiu speaking human language now? Why can’t he understand?

Huge shoutout to @_nyanmaru_ on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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