Forced to Become My Amnesiac Arch-Rival’s Fake Dao Companion Chapter 22

Chapter 22: The White Phoenix Nest, Wutong Tree. (9)

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Bai Chunsheng, who had always been known as a small overlord within the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, never imagined that one day he would be advising someone to do good, and that someone would be none other than the famous Little Immortal Lord Yan Jingqiu in the cultivation world.

Isn’t this a reversal?

What on earth is going on?

For the first time in his life, Bai Chunsheng felt an unparalleled admiration for the Yan family. He hadn’t expected Yan Jingqiu to be the result of enlightenment after being educated in the past.

Truly unbelievable.

Yan Yi thought for a moment and said, “Alright, since you put it that way, next time.”

“You’re planning on there being a next time?” Bai Chunsheng was astonished.

Bai Chunsheng couldn’t help but wonder, if Yan Jingqiu had been born in the demonic realm, he probably would have become a Demon Sovereign by now.

Then it wouldn’t be a problem to unify the three realms.

It had been only a short time since he’d lost his memory, but if anyone went to the pitiable Yuwen family, they would almost certainly think this man was born evil.

Who would think of him as the upright Little Immortal Lord?

Those demonic creatures in the demonic realm would probably shed tears.

Yan Yi: “Who can predict the future?”

Bai Chunsheng: “…”

Considering that after losing his memory, Yan Jingqiu had completely forgotten his normal sense of propriety and honor, and his true nature had been exposed, Bai Chunsheng really couldn’t be bothered to correct him.

Let’s put this matter aside for now. If the sky falls, Yan Yi can handle it himself.

The two walked along the pedestrian street, and people passed by them.

Suddenly, Bai Chunsheng, who had agreed not to care about Yan Yi, involuntarily thought of the Lian Guang Secret Realm.

The inheritance set up by Lian Guang Daoist encourages cultivators to kill each other. From its operation mechanism, when one party kills another, the victor not only obtains everything the deceased had but also receives a portion of rewards. However, if there is no death, the victor will only get a reduced portion of the reward, and the next opponent encountered will be even stronger.

If Yan Jingqiu, after losing his memory and before interacting with many normal people, entered the Lian Guang Secret Realm, under such stimulating environment, he might have come to see killing and arson as commonplace, leading to his moral compass becoming distorted, which would be quite normal.

Looking at it this way, perhaps Yan Yi can’t be blamed either.

Thinking like this, Bai Chunsheng tactfully asked Yan Yi, “Did you immediately enter the Lian Guang Secret Realm after losing your memory?”

Yan Yi didn’t understand why Bai Chunsheng asked this way. He tilted his head slightly and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Bai Chunsheng thought that after losing his memory, Yan Yi should be naive and innocent. Perhaps he was caught off guard and attacked head-on by those in the Lian Guang Secret Realm, who fought fiercely for minor gains.

Thinking about this, Bai Chunsheng found it amusing and almost chuckled. After all, the person in question was right in front of him, so Bai Chunsheng didn’t dare to be too arrogant. He had to suppress the corners of his mouth and pretend to be sad for Yan Yi’s misfortune.

Bai Chunsheng: “… I’m curious about how you communicated with the first person after entering the Lian Guang Secret Realm after losing your memory.”

Yan Yi responded tactfully, “I lost my memory, not my intelligence.”

Since awakening in Yunhai Small World, even though he had lost his memory, Yan Yi still retained his basic knowledge of life.

At the very least, he could tell if someone harbored ill intentions towards him. Moreover, fighting was instinctual, and Yan Yi could still respond to attacks.

In the Yunhai Small World, Yan Yi spent some time killing fierce beasts for survival. Later, seeing that there was no one with whom he could communicate in the Yunhai Small World, he cut down trees to make a canoe and floated downstream to reach the Ancient Forest Spirit Realm.

Coincidentally, the Lian Guang Secret Realm opened up its inheritance, and Yan Yi went in to take a look.

After entering the Lian Guang Secret Realm, there was a spiritual artifact that introduced the complete mechanism of rewards and punishments within the secret realm. With his exceptional learning ability, he quickly understood and mastered it.

After losing his memory, Yan Yi’s sense of good and evil was like a jumbled puzzle, whether complete or incomplete, it was all chaotic.

He didn’t have much psychological burden to begin with. Induced by the mechanism of the Lian Guang Secret Realm, he thought the entire cultivation world followed these rules, so he naturally struck without mercy.

His first opponent was the mist beast within the secret realm, followed by people he didn’t recognize.

If he didn’t strike first, someone else would. As long as his sword was fast enough, killing an enemy was like cutting vegetables.

Even after losing his memory for so long, Yan Yi had yet to taste defeat.

Bai Chunsheng couldn’t help but wonder if Yan Jingqiu had deliberately lost his memory.

Bai Chunsheng: “That’s true.”

He didn’t ask properly then.

Inside the Fuyu Market, compared to the market, it was more like a small city. The road surface was clean and tidy, and the shops on both sides displayed a dazzling array of goods. Ten steps away, there was a tall restaurant, seemingly a temporary resting place for travelers passing through.

Pedestrians on the street were bustling about. Bai Chunsheng glanced around; most of them were casual cultivators, with only a few people wearing sect disciple tokens on their waists, and their attire was more elegant.

As Bai Chunsheng walked, he probed into the Crow Puppets with his divine sense, carefully studying them.

After a thorough investigation, he learned quite a bit of interesting information.

He temporarily named the Crow Puppets as “One Line Connector,” because one of their greatest functions was enabling mutual communication between the two, and they could indirectly transmit messages to others through each other. This principle was exactly the same as the one behind the voice he heard in the Fuyu Market earlier, which should conceal his true identity when speaking.

What’s most wonderful is that Bai Chunsheng’s guesses were indeed correct. He tested these two Crow Puppets and found that they didn’t require any spiritual power. However, he still didn’t know how far the distance limit of these Crow Puppets was. Bai Chunsheng planned to test it after leaving the market.

This item should have some other uses, but Bai Chunsheng only found this one for now.

After several inspections, he couldn’t find a place where the author’s name was signed.

The only place that looked like a signature might be a red seal burned on the right wing of the crow. Because it was blurry, he couldn’t see the characters on it clearly. Bai Chunsheng thought that when he returned to the Middle Realm, he could ask the Fairy Hongtao in the Cuiwei Palace.

Bai Chunsheng returned one of the Crow Puppets to Yan Yi.

Coming back to his senses, the two walked to the restaurant they had seen before. People were resting and drinking in an extra tent set up in front of the restaurant with bamboo poles and awnings.

They said they should leave quickly, but neither of them was in a hurry or anxious.

Bai Chunsheng was waiting for the owner of the Crow Puppets to come looking for him. He wanted to ask about the origin of these items. Even if he couldn’t find out their history, he hoped to learn where this person had obtained them.

In the worst case scenario, his whereabouts would be exposed, but with the Middle Realm currently in chaos, sending someone to investigate would take at least half a month, leaving him enough time to maneuver.

For the sake of a Mahayana inheritance, taking a little risk was worthwhile.

“Let’s eat first,” Bai Chunsheng said, smelling the delicious aroma of food coming from the restaurant.

Naturally, they wouldn’t sit with the Qi Refining cultivators. Although their cultivation levels were only Foundation Establishment, the manager of the restaurant quickly came out to greet them and arranged a room for them on the third floor.

The room had an open window facing the street corner, and Bai Chunsheng sat by the window, able to see the scene downstairs.

The restaurant served food very quickly. Within a few minutes, a dozen or so dishes were brought to their table.

Bai Chunsheng closed the door and, following the example of Bai Jianghan, used a technique to ensure their conversation wouldn’t be overheard.

Bai Chunsheng was puzzled. “You took the Crow Puppet at the entrance. Normally, the cultivators at the Fuyu Mountain would have definitely caused a commotion. They should have noticed something was wrong long ago. Why haven’t they come looking for us?”

Yan Yi was not surprised at all. “That person is dead. Perhaps everyone is busy trying to figure out who killed him.”

“He’s dead?!!” Bai Chunsheng nearly jumped out of his seat. “You knew this all along?”

Yan Yi nodded. “Yes. When I took the Crow Puppet just now, he was already dead. His body was covered in small wounds, blood was everywhere.” Yan Yi recalled the scene he saw when he arrived at the original owner’s room. “The blood was cold but not dry. Given the cold weather, he must have been dead for two or three hours.”

“There should be others dead in the other rooms, but that’s none of my concern. I took the remaining Crow Puppet and left,” Yan Yi said calmly.

It was none of his business!

Bai Chunsheng was furious. “Why didn’t you say so earlier? Just now you even said you would pay next time…”

He and Yan Yi locked eyes, and Bai Chunsheng instantly understood Yan Yi’s implication. “You despicable Yan Yi! What accident? Bah, I am a demon destined to live as long as the heavens!”

Yan Yi sighed. “I didn’t say it was you. Besides, the world is unpredictable, and who can predict the future? Those who cultivate must be mentally prepared that one day they may die. Only those who are indifferent can be invincible.”

“You’re talking nonsense! Stop babbling nonsense to me. It’s either you or me. You can’t afford to have an accident either. You have to escort me back to the Wutong Tree Sea!” Bai Chunsheng was getting angrier the more Yan Yi spoke.

The more Yan Yi spoke, the angrier Bai Chunsheng became. He didn’t even eat his meal. He jumped off his chair and paced around the table in anger.

“You’re heinous, unforgivable, and your crimes are countless!” Bai Chunsheng was so angry that he started blurting out idioms.

After pacing around the table twice, seeing that Yan Yi was calmly eating, Bai Chunsheng’s anger subsided by half, and he became much calmer.

He remembered the voice he had heard when he was transported to the Fuyu Market, the voice that said, “No spells allowed in the market, no fighting, free trade, no coercion.”

Bai Chunsheng thought for a moment. “Who was the person who used this Crow Puppet to transmit sound to us earlier?”

“Could it be the murderer?”

“Did you hear any voices?” Yan Yi replied, “I don’t know, I didn’t hear anything. When I jumped over following the spatial fluctuations, the person on the ground was already dead, and the other Crow Puppet used for indirect sound transmission to conceal its true form was lying there.”

Bai Chunsheng realized, “This is bad. We took these two Crow Puppets. They will definitely consider us as the murderers!”

He turned to see Yan Yi with no reaction at all. “Are you even listening to me?”

Yan Yi nodded slightly.

He asked, “Is being considered as murderers a serious matter?”

Bai Chunsheng was taken aback. He remembered that he was no longer the Pavilion Master of the Starview Pavilion of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect. Both he and Yan Yi were now well-known wanted criminals. Even if there were a couple more accusations, it wouldn’t make much difference.

Yan Yi pointed to the braised lamb tendons in front of them. “Eat more, don’t starve yourself.”

“Okay,” Bai Chunsheng replied obediently.

Huge shoutout to @_nyanmaru_ on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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