Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Dead Men Tell No Tales

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Under the tranquil night sky of Changchun Peak, a gentle breeze rustled, while the distant forest echoed with the sound of waves.

Meng Xueli stood by the pond with a friend, reminiscing about the past.

Moonlight spilled onto the water, casting swaying shadows of the trees, and the myriad of flowers and delicate leaves seemed to dance on the surface.

Three koi fish swam carefreely, oblivious to the fact that beneath the mud and sand lay a divine weapon coveted by all.

On the day when Meng Xueli begged Ji Xiao for help, amidst fierce winds and heavy snow, he poured out a lifetime’s worth of pleas. He didn’t maintain a stubborn attitude of refusing to yield even in the face of death; instead, he was quite yielding when it came to life and death situations, willing to bend rather than break.

Ji Xiao was his last hope.

Taking refuge under Ji Xiao’s cloak, all dangers dissipated, leaving only a warm embrace, like the lake water on a spring afternoon.

Afterwards, they never got this close again. Once he recovered from his injuries, Ji Xiao returned to being the aloof and unapproachable Sword Sovereign.

Qiao Xianming asked, “Do you think he kept the sword to suppress you? Any evidence?”

Meng Xueli admitted, “After my injuries healed, I started practicing human cultivation techniques. Three days of breathing exercises, one layer of Qi cultivation per month. During that time, Ji Xiao always frowned. I guess my progress was too fast, which made him wary…”

Qiao Xianming looked at him with a dumbfounded expression, “So you deliberately suppressed your cultivation, spending three years refining your Qi to perfection?!”

In fact, even after Meng Xueli reincarnated as a human, he still retained the instinctive combat abilities of the demon clan and had his own unique understanding of cultivation. Ji Xiao was pleased with his progress and deliberately refrained from teaching him in the usual manner, hoping that he would adapt to natural circumstances, integrate the strengths of both humans and demons, and explore his own path.

While others in their cultivation reached the stage of overcoming obstacles before considering “establishing the Dao,” Ji Xiao knew Meng Xueli was different from normal cultivators. The path to enlightenment for him was destined to be longer and more rugged.

On the other hand, Ji Xiao also worried that Meng Xueli, in his youth and success, might become arrogant and underestimate the challenges ahead. Human hearts are more complex than those of demons, capable of manipulating intrigues and schemes that demons cannot comprehend.  


He set up the formation on Changchun Peak for two purposes: to resist external enemies and protect the still weak Dao companion, and to prevent Dao companion from sneaking out and causing trouble unnoticed.

Under the protection of the formation, if Meng Xueli wanted to leave the mountain to travel, he had to come to Ji Xiao. Ji Xiao could then accompany him to prevent him from taking risks.

However, three years passed, and Meng Xueli never came to him once. He even seemed to slack off in his cultivation, spending his days leisurely feeding fish and tending to flowers.

Ji Xiao initially intended to advise him to be diligent, but upon second thought, cultivation was measured in centuries. He was there to support him, so why rush for immediate progress? It wouldn’t hurt for this demon, who had suffered greatly in the past, to enjoy a few peaceful years.

However, Meng Xueli was unaware of the twists and turns behind the scenes. He only felt that since he was originally a demon, Ji Xiao’s vigilance, lack of trust, and the use of formations to confine him were all justified.  


“He is a good person, and he has been kind and righteous to me. I am content with that,” Meng Xueli said.

As for more, Meng Xueli had never thought about it, nor dared to.

In his heart, Qiao Xianming thought, “I hardly recognize the term ‘good person’ anymore.”

He had a vague intuition: Meng Xueli’s attitude toward Ji Xiao was strange. It was indifferent, neither like love nor like resentment, yet he insisted on taking risks to stay in the human world and uncover the truth behind Ji Xiao’s demise.

Does becoming human make things this complicated? Demons couldn’t understand.

“Ji Xiao is already dead. You should think about the future,” Qiao Xianming said.

Why did that person leave the ‘Endless Sky’ behind, and now there’s no evidence of his death.

Meng Xueli took out a handful of pine nuts and threw them into the pond. “Future? In four months, I’ll be entering the Hanhai Secret Realm to fight to the death with a group of human cultivators. It’s still dark out, so you’d better hurry back down the mountain.”

Qiao Xianmingglared at him angrily. “I’ll go by myself! Don’t say you’re sending me off; it’s bad luck!” This place in the Han Shan was sinister. Last time, after Meng Xueli said “send you off,” a little Daoist suddenly appeared halfway and escorted him away, leaving him unable to leave.

Meng Xueli waved his hand with a smile. There was a bamboo bed by the pond, and he leaned lazily against it, taking out a scroll from his pocket. In the bright moonlight, he unfolded it. “I don’t have time to deal with you. From now on, I have to sharpen my sword before battle and make every second count.”  


Qiao Xianming curiously leaned over, thinking it was some powerful secret manual. But the book was thin, with less than a thousand characters, and the cover read “Introduction to Dao.”

—”The foundational scripture for human cultivators, the basics of basics.”

“How long have you been reading this book?”

“Three years.”

“Hahaha, you’re really going backward the longer you live.”

Entering the Han Shan through the main gate, at the foot of the main peak, there was a dense pine forest.

In the early morning, white mist floated among the towering green pines. The sound of books could be heard from deep within the dense forest. Unlike the extreme cold at the mountain top, small animals roamed the pine forest, and the chirping of insects and birds accompanied the sound of turning pages.

A group of sparrows hopped on the branches, and Meng Xueli watched their fine and dense feathers, feeling that these birds must be very warm.

“Elder Meng, ahead is the Hall of Legal Principles,” a young attendant beside him said, “The disciples are in morning study, and the morning class has not yet begun.”

Meng Xueli nodded politely, “Thank you. Please lead the way.”

Milky-white gravel paved the path, winding through the pine forest, leading to the Hall of Hall of Legal Principles in Han Shan.

At the end of the road, the true appearance of the study halls emerged. Amidst the pine trees, with black tiles and white walls, the buildings had simple lines, reflecting Han Shan’s consistent style.

Most of those studying and attending lectures in the Hall of Legal Principles were outer disciples. Only after passing the assessment could they apprentice themselves and ascend the steep jade steps in the clouds to meet the true Han Shan. 


Meng Xueli was different. He was the only elder who came to listen to lectures instead of giving them since the establishment of Han Shan Sect.

Because of his status as Ji Xiao’s Dao companion, his seniority was slightly higher than those elder lecturers.

When the young attendants escorted him into the study hall, the sound of reading abruptly stopped, and pairs of eyes curiously stared at Meng Xueli.

The disciples wore white robes issued by the sect, but he wore a snow-blue brocade robe with a silver cloak draped over it. With inner disciples assisting in pulling chairs and preparing ink, it was obvious he was not an ordinary disciple.

The attendant cleared his throat, “This is Elder Meng from Changchun Peak, your… classmate from now on. Bow to the elder.”

“Wow! He’s Meng Xueli! The Dao companion of Ji Xiao! What’s he doing here with us?”

“They said he’s here to listen to lectures…”

“I heard he’s going to participate in the Hanhai Secret Realm next year. Is he just now attending the basic classes?”

“He’s really handsome!”

At this moment, with the senior lecturers not yet arrived, the disciples were left unsupervised, gathering together to whisper and gossip, with only sporadic and scattered greetings.

“Greetings, Elder Meng.” “Good day, Elder Meng.”

The young attendant felt a bit awkward, casting a worried glance at Meng Xueli, “The juniors don’t know their manners.”

Meng Xueli didn’t feel constrained at all, “Hello, everyone. It’s okay, you don’t need to bow when you see me in the future.”

Since he arrived at Han Shan, Meng Xueli had only seen the elders, all mature and composed. The novices were timid and cautious, and he hadn’t seen lively and spirited children for a long time. 


As soon as Meng Xueli said this, the discussions grew louder, and some bold individuals even wanted to strike up a conversation with him. Suddenly, a disciple by the window stood up, staring outside and shouting, “They’re here! They’re here!”

Immediately, someone rushed to the window, exclaiming, “They really are!”

The rest of the disciples followed suit, scattering papers and pens, and tables and chairs clattered to the ground, leaving the classroom empty in an instant.

Meng Xueli peeked outside and saw crowds pouring out of each classroom, all heading in the same direction, creating a vast procession. Amidst the noisy chatter, the usually solemn Han Shan now buzzed with activity, resembling the bustling streets of the mortal world.

Seeing the commotion, Meng Xueli couldn’t help but wonder if someone was giving away money over there.

The attendant, equally puzzled, stopped a disciple to inquire briefly, then returned to explain: “A few days ago, three senior brothers from Chongbi Peak came down the mountain to recruit disciples and brought back a junior brother. He has an innate sword spirit body and looks quite handsome. Since his arrival, the disciples of the Hall of Legal Principles have been waiting for him to attend classes, and now he has finally arrived.” The young attendant gestured towards the direction of the crowd and said, “See, everyone is going to join the excitement. Outer disciples are young and lively, they like something new.”

Meng Xueli nodded.

The attendant was somewhat intrigued but found that Meng Xueli was unexpectedly uninterested. “Elder Meng may not be aware, but that person is a rare genius, comparable to Ji Xiao Zhenren. Shall I accompany you to take a look?”


Meng Xueli chuckled inwardly. Comparable to Ji Xiao?


“No, thank you.”

Huge shoutout to @_nyanmaru_ on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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