Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Want Some Pine Nuts?

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Yu Qishu turned his head, not saying another word to him.

On this day, Meng Xueli did not see the new talented junior brother, but already knew his name was Xiao Tingyun, physically frail yet handsome, and reserved.

If it weren’t for the diversion caused by the attention of others, the one discussed all day today would surely be Ji Xiao’s Dao companion coming for the basic class.

The disciples of the Hall of Legal Principles came from different backgrounds; some came from prominent families in the cultivation world, like the one with the lengthy title, Yu Qishu, while others came from rural areas, having never attended a private school and unable to recognize big characters.

The six schoolhouses were lined up in the pine forest, with Meng Xueli in the first house and the junior brother Xiao assigned to the last.

“I guess he’ll be coming to us soon,” said a student in the first house.

Attending classes was a novel experience for Meng Xueli. He followed a group of young students, reading and writing alongside them, listening to the elder instructors elongate their tones while interpreting the scriptures, and even standing up to answer questions.

After the class ended, during the question-and-answer session, which was both the most anticipated and feared time for everyone.

The elder instructor leaned back in his wicker chair, lifting his eyes lightly. “Ask away!”

After a brief silence in the schoolhouse, someone stood up and bowed, saying, “Teacher, when I was meditating, I felt like I was flying in the sky, passing through Han Shan, flying over the South Sea. Have I attained enlightenment?”  


The elder scolded, “Foolish! You’ve fallen into delusion! Wake up quickly!”

The embarrassed disciple sat back down, and another person stood up to ask, “Teacher, every time I meditate, I can only maintain my concentration for less than a quarter of an hour, but it feels like an eternity of torment. How can I meditate all night like others?”

The elder rebuked, “Your mind is restless, filled with distracting thoughts! Tonight, copy the ‘Sutra of Reflection’ twenty times!”

The disciples nodded repeatedly.

Many such questions, regarding how to perceive the fleeting spiritual energy between heaven and earth and how to extend the duration of meditation, were currently the most troublesome issues for the students in the first house.

The beginning of all things is difficult, and so it is with cultivation. From the inhalation of qi to the refinement of qi into true essence, one can only continuously explore and experiment.

“Teacher, if I may ask boldly, what does it feel like when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth fills the body and transforms into condensed true essence?”

The elder hesitated; after seventy years, he had long forgotten that subtle sensation.

“Is there anything else you wish to ask today?” the elder inquired, as the students exchanged glances, but none responded.

“It seems there isn’t,” the elder remarked. Then his gaze turned to Meng Xueli, with a slightly gentler expression. “Meng Elder, would you be willing to answer one final question?”


Meng Xueli replied, “Of course, Teacher.”

The elder nodded approvingly. Meng Xueli had cultivated to the stage of refining qi in the past three years, making him well-equipped to discuss such experiences with these disciples.

He continued, “The sensation of spiritual energy filling the body is like the morning mist drifting through the mountain forest. As the sun rises, the mist condenses into dewdrops on the leaves, akin to how spiritual energy transforms into refined true essence.”

The elder pondered for a moment, then smiled and nodded. “Well put,” he remarked before strolling out of the classroom. “Class dismissed.”

However, no one in the classroom moved to leave. The person who asked the question hurriedly inquired, “So, spiritual energy is like ethereal mist, and true essence is like tangible water?” 


Meng Xueli added, “That’s about right. True essence flows through the meridians, much like water coursing through a riverbed.”

The disciples pondered his words thoughtfully.

He continued, “Coming out of a meditative state is like when you’re about to wake up from a dream, faintly sensing the outside world but convincing yourself that it’s still early and you can sleep a little longer.”

The disciple who had been tasked with copying the scripture twenty times earlier exclaimed, “Ah, I see! I’ll try that tonight!”

Encouraged by his gentle demeanor, the disciples, who had previously been intimidated by the stern elder, now felt emboldened to ask Meng Xueli questions they had hesitated to ask before.

Meng Xueli shared his knowledge freely, holding nothing back.


The young man in fine clothes, Yu Qishu, seemed hesitant to speak, as if he had something on his mind, but in the end, he simply walked away silently.

The next morning, Meng Xueli walked alone through the pine forest towards the Hall of Legal Principles.

By the side of the white stone path, stood a young man in ornate clothing, his splendid robes already dampened by the morning mist, looking somewhat listless.

It was Yu Qishu.

Meng Xueli smiled. “Were you waiting for me?”

Yu Qishu nodded, as if wrestling with some great dilemma, remaining silent for a long time. He simply walked alongside Meng Xueli in silence.

As they neared the Hall of Legal Principles, the black eaves faintly appeared behind the pine branches. Finally, he spoke, “You’re different from what I imagined.”

Meng Xueli took out a small bag of pine nuts, eating as he listened. “How so?”

“Your reputation in the world outside of the Han Shan is quite poor. They all say that you…” He hesitated to speak in front of Meng Xueli, finding it difficult to articulate, “Well, they say you’re not good.”

Though he had never said it before, he deeply believed it.

Meng Xueli replied, “Crude taste, arrogant due to favoritism, using seduction, unworthy of virtue?”

“And even worse.”

“Yeah, I know.” 


“Are you not angry at all?” Yu Qishu found it unbelievable.

“What’s there to be angry about? I live on Changchun Peak, with food and drink without having to work.” Meng Xueli shrugged indifferently. “I’ve already gained great benefits. Can’t I let others say a few words?”

Yu Qishu wondered, could it be that every time he woke up, just thinking ‘my Dao companion is Ji Xiao’, he could forget all troubles? But if it were him, being secretly despised and reviled by millions of people, he definitely couldn’t be this carefree.

Meng Xueli spread out his palm. “Want some pine nuts?”

He wasn’t used to eating by himself but made others watch. Every time a junior disciple came to report to him, he would ask this question.

However, in the eyes of the young Yu Qishu, this was a signal of the other party’s initiative to make friends and seek reconciliation.

The young man in brocade remained silent, his expression undergoing complex changes, until he solemnly said, “Sure!”

The reputation of Meng Xueli for answering questions and dispelling doubts spread, and gradually, disciples from neighboring classrooms also came to consult him.

From being a useless elder, Meng Xueli transformed into an outstanding student.

“Elder Meng, I brought you some candied fruits.” “Elder Meng, I asked someone to buy crab-flavored melon seeds from the market below the mountain!”

In gratitude, the juniors often brought him snacks and sweets, packed in small sachets and oil-paper bags.


Meng Xueli’s life as a student was fulfilling.

Sitting in the classroom, he pondered that cultivators pursue different goals at each stage of their cultivation journey.

When first entering the realm of immortality, they are eager to improve their strength and learn a few life-saving skills to avoid being bullied by others. As they age and reach a bottleneck in their cultivation, with breakthrough seeming hopeless, they seek to cultivate younger disciples and pass on their knowledge.

If fortunate enough to become strong, they can support their sects and protect their regions, working for the welfare of millions.

For those rare individuals like Ji Xiao, who rarely meet opponents, their lifelong pursuit is singular—ascension.

The cultivation path of the demon clan is similar, starting from the opening of their spiritual intelligence to the cultivation of demon cores. Then, they strive to overcome other powerful demons and become the rulers of certain mountains or rivers.  


Meng Xueli used to pursue unifying the demon realm, aiming to become the sole Demon King. Now, reincarnated as a human, he had to start learning from the most basic techniques. No wonder Qiao Xianming mocked him for regressing the more he lived.

Meng Xueli had a thought: if Ji Xiao were to start cultivation from scratch again, he wondered what records he would set. Because one’s perspective, state of mind, and comprehension of the Dao would not disappear.

There was only one thing in the Hall of Legal Principles that made him slightly uncomfortable.

“As expected of someone with the innate talent of the sword spirit, a genius in understanding the Dao just like Ji Xiao Zhenren…”

Whenever that disciple Xiao was praised by any elder, it would inevitably spread throughout the Hall of Legal Principles, with people commenting on how he was “just like Ji Xiao.”

Meng Xueli didn’t particularly like hearing that.  

It seemed like Ji Xiao had become a thing of the past, and anyone could now be compared to him.

The reaction from Yu Qishu was even more intense.

He took it upon himself to “uphold the reputation of Ji Xiao Zhenren and oppose the comparison of junior disciple Xiao to the Sword Sovereign,” founding the Pro-Ji Party and appointing himself as its leader.

Meng Xueli chuckled inwardly at how absurd this was, resembling an inexperienced rogue who just entered the world, self-proclaiming as a dynamic duo or a certain combination.

He quickly shook his head, but Yu Qishu misunderstood: “Alright, alright, I’ll be the leader for you!”

Just then, a group of disciples entered, laughing and joking. Passing by their table, one of them exclaimed:

“Elder Meng, do you know? Junior disciple Xiao has already reached the stage of Qi Condensation and will be joining our schoolhouse tomorrow!” 

“This kind of rapid progress in cultivation is almost on par with Ji Xiao Zhenren’s achievements back in the day…”

Before the sentence could be completed, Meng Xueli turned to Yu Qishu and declared, “Count me in!”

Thus, the “Pro-Ji Party” developed in secret, with only two members—Yu Qishu, who habitually sneered, and Meng Xueli, who appeared gentle and obedient.

The party’s activities were limited to one thing: whenever someone mentioned junior disciple Xiao, the two would exchange a glance and share a knowing, quirky smile.

Author’s Note:

Ji Xiao: Are my fellow disciples secretly dissing me behind my back? Can you translate what kind of plot this is?

Huge shoutout to @_nyanmaru_ on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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