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Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Morning Breeze, Lingering Moon

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The Sect Leader Zhenren said, “Please, could you clarify, Realm Master?”

Hu Si chuckled, “You don’t understand? Then just go with the flow.”

At this moment, the sky was still dark, and the ice-blue twilight filtered through the window, mingling with the flickering candlelight and the rising smoke from the incense burner.

He walked toward the slim young man who was sitting quietly, looking down at him:

“If you can’t get used to living in Han Shan, you can come to Tianhu Vast Realm to find me.”

The young man responded calmly, “I dare not accept such kindness, Realm Master.”

Hu Si was dressed in a loose white robe, but his inner garment was a lavish deep red, revealing his snow-white bare feet as he moved. He resembled a night-blooming red lotus, both frivolous and noble.

Daring to poach someone right in front of Han Shan. Liulan Peak Master coldly said, “Why are you looking for him? To have him switch to cultivating the ‘Dao of Romance’?”

Hu Si answered seriously, “If he wishes, of course. There are three thousand paths to the Dao, all leading to the same destination. Each method has its own strengths; the sword has its advantages, and so does the Romance.”

With younger disciples present, the sect master truly didn’t want to continue this conversation. He led the group in bowing and taking their leave, “We thank you, Realm Master, for your hospitality.”

Hu Si waved nonchalantly, “It was a mere trifle, no need for thanks. Chun Shui, Qiu Guang, see our guests out.”

From behind the curtains, two graceful beauties responded sweetly.

The peak masters seemed to simultaneously recall some terrible memories, their faces turning pale.

The Sect Leader Zhenren quickly said, “No need for that! We shall take our leave, Ting Yun, let’s go.”

The strong members of Han Shan hastily took their leave, resembling a group of embarrassed old scholars or bumpkins fleeing a brothel.

After leaving the cloud ship, five flying swords streaked across the sky, flashing like lightning as they sped towards the main peak of Han Shan.

“Hu Si has become increasingly indulgent over the years!” Sect Leader Jianwei Zhenren sighed.

Ziyan Peak Master deeply felt, “Meeting him shortens one’s life by ten years. It’s truly more exhausting than a duel.”

Yueque Peak Master said, “I can’t understand how Ji Xiao can tolerate him.”

Ji Xiao thought, senior brother always restrains himself a bit in front of me, afraid I might hurt his beauties.

Ji Xiao remained silent from start to finish, sitting when told to sit, walking when told to walk. To anyone observing, he was a disciplined and respectful outer disciple.

Hu Si did not suspect him. The term ‘junior brother’ was not used to deceive him but to test Han Shan. If any of the peak masters from Han Shan had reacted inappropriately when the words were spoken, Hu Si would have known that Ji Xiao was still alive.

Because if Ji Xiao were alive, he would definitely send a secret message to the sect—this was what all the big figures in the cultivation world believed, including Ji Xiao’s senior brother.

After the people of Han Shan left, the vermilion treasure ship passed through the sea of clouds, slowly heading south.

Hu Si threw off his outer robe for meeting guests, dressed in his deep red inner garment, and leaned against the couch while two beauties poured him wine.

He gently asked, “Chun Shui, why are you so absent-minded?”

The delicate woman in a blue dress, as soft as spring water, blushed at his question, “Han Shan went through so much trouble to invite you here, just to see that young man? I’m too foolish to understand.”

Hu Si turned his head and smiled, “Qiu Guang, what do you think?”

The woman in a green dress named Qiu Guang was evidently more bold and lively, “Our cloud ship flew from the South Sea to the northern land, causing such a commotion. In less than half a day, the whole continent will know—Han Shan invited Realm Master to cast a divination for someone, and that person is a genius with an innate sword spirit. Han Shan wants to make a name for the ‘successor of Ji Xiao,’ what could be simpler and more effective?”

Chun Shui furrowed her delicate brows, “What does ‘avoid snow’ mean?”

Qiu Guang proudly replied, “Where in Han Shan is there no snow? That Changchun Peak formation was personally designed by Realm Master. Besides our Tianhu Vast Realm’s cloud formation, it’s the one that cost Realm Master the most effort. ‘Reverse the seasons, eternal spring,’ what a magnificent creation! Wouldn’t it be a pity if it were abandoned? Realm Master, am I right?”

Hu Si just smiled without speaking.

“Junior brother, with you leaving like this…”

He raised his wine cup, as if to toast the heavens, but uttered a phrase familiar to countless market women, the most straightforward complaint:

“How can I manage, being left as your lonely widow?”

Meng Xueli indeed did not want to continue living.

He stood by the cold pool on the west side of the Sword Training Platform, with a group of inner disciples with swords at their waists and cold eyes in front of him, led by the same four from yesterday.

Behind him was a group of outer disciples from the Hall of Legal Principles, some looking bewildered, others visibly nervous.

Under the ice-blue sky, thin snowflakes were falling.

The sky was about to lighten, with a fading moon and morning breeze, snow accumulating by the cold pool.

Meng Xueli, holding a small hand warmer, sighed:

“I refuse to do as you say because this sword formation is fundamentally wrong.”

Huge shoutout to @_nyanmaru_ on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed Chapter 18

Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Morning Breeze, Lingering Moon

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The Sect Leader Zhenren said, “Please, could you clarify, Realm Master?”

Hu Si chuckled, “You don’t understand? Then just go with the flow.”

At this moment, the sky was still dark, and the ice-blue twilight filtered through the window, mingling with the flickering candlelight and the rising smoke from the incense burner.

He walked toward the slim young man who was sitting quietly, looking down at him:

“If you can't get used to living in Han Shan, you can come to Tianhu Vast Realm to find me.”

The young man responded calmly, “I dare not accept such kindness, Realm Master.”

Hu Si was dressed in a loose white robe, but his inner garment was a lavish deep red, revealing his snow-white bare feet as he moved. He resembled a night-blooming red lotus, both frivolous and noble.

Daring to poach someone right in front of Han Shan. Liulan Peak Master coldly said, “Why are you looking for him? To have him switch to cultivating the 'Dao of Romance'?”

Hu Si answered seriously, “If he wishes, of course. There are three thousand paths to the Dao, all leading to the same destination. Each method has its own strengths; the sword has its advantages, and so does the Romance.”

With younger disciples present, the sect master truly didn’t want to continue this conversation. He led the group in bowing and taking their leave, “We thank you, Realm Master, for your hospitality.”

Hu Si waved nonchalantly, “It was a mere trifle, no need for thanks. Chun Shui, Qiu Guang, see our guests out.”

From behind the curtains, two graceful beauties responded sweetly.

The peak masters seemed to simultaneously recall some terrible memories, their faces turning pale.

The Sect Leader Zhenren quickly said, “No need for that! We shall take our leave, Ting Yun, let’s go.”

The strong members of Han Shan hastily took their leave, resembling a group of embarrassed old scholars or bumpkins fleeing a brothel.

After leaving the cloud ship, five flying swords streaked across the sky, flashing like lightning as they sped towards the main peak of Han Shan.

“Hu Si has become increasingly indulgent over the years!” Sect Leader Jianwei Zhenren sighed.

Ziyan Peak Master deeply felt, “Meeting him shortens one’s life by ten years. It’s truly more exhausting than a duel.”

Yueque Peak Master said, “I can't understand how Ji Xiao can tolerate him.”

Ji Xiao thought, senior brother always restrains himself a bit in front of me, afraid I might hurt his beauties.

Ji Xiao remained silent from start to finish, sitting when told to sit, walking when told to walk. To anyone observing, he was a disciplined and respectful outer disciple.

Hu Si did not suspect him. The term ‘junior brother’ was not used to deceive him but to test Han Shan. If any of the peak masters from Han Shan had reacted inappropriately when the words were spoken, Hu Si would have known that Ji Xiao was still alive.

Because if Ji Xiao were alive, he would definitely send a secret message to the sect—this was what all the big figures in the cultivation world believed, including Ji Xiao's senior brother.


After the people of Han Shan left, the vermilion treasure ship passed through the sea of clouds, slowly heading south.

Hu Si threw off his outer robe for meeting guests, dressed in his deep red inner garment, and leaned against the couch while two beauties poured him wine.

He gently asked, "Chun Shui, why are you so absent-minded?"

The delicate woman in a blue dress, as soft as spring water, blushed at his question, "Han Shan went through so much trouble to invite you here, just to see that young man? I'm too foolish to understand."

Hu Si turned his head and smiled, "Qiu Guang, what do you think?"

The woman in a green dress named Qiu Guang was evidently more bold and lively, "Our cloud ship flew from the South Sea to the northern land, causing such a commotion. In less than half a day, the whole continent will know—Han Shan invited Realm Master to cast a divination for someone, and that person is a genius with an innate sword spirit. Han Shan wants to make a name for the 'successor of Ji Xiao,' what could be simpler and more effective?"

Chun Shui furrowed her delicate brows, "What does 'avoid snow' mean?"

Qiu Guang proudly replied, "Where in Han Shan is there no snow? That Changchun Peak formation was personally designed by Realm Master. Besides our Tianhu Vast Realm's cloud formation, it’s the one that cost Realm Master the most effort. 'Reverse the seasons, eternal spring,' what a magnificent creation! Wouldn't it be a pity if it were abandoned? Realm Master, am I right?"

Hu Si just smiled without speaking.

"Junior brother, with you leaving like this..."

He raised his wine cup, as if to toast the heavens, but uttered a phrase familiar to countless market women, the most straightforward complaint:

"How can I manage, being left as your lonely widow?"


Meng Xueli indeed did not want to continue living.

He stood by the cold pool on the west side of the Sword Training Platform, with a group of inner disciples with swords at their waists and cold eyes in front of him, led by the same four from yesterday.

Behind him was a group of outer disciples from the Hall of Legal Principles, some looking bewildered, others visibly nervous.

Under the ice-blue sky, thin snowflakes were falling.

The sky was about to lighten, with a fading moon and morning breeze, snow accumulating by the cold pool.

Meng Xueli, holding a small hand warmer, sighed:

"I refuse to do as you say because this sword formation is fundamentally wrong."

Huge shoutout to @_nyanmaru_ on Discord for commissioning this! The chapter will be posted regularly, show your support for Ciacia at Kofi.

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