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Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 81

Chapter 81

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Once Father Tang disappeared from their sight, Wu Zhu let out a big sigh of relief.

“Are you that scared of my father?”

Wu Zhu nodded vigorously, “Of course, he’s the village chief.”

Tang Feng couldn’t help but shake his head, “If you have a clear conscience, you won’t be afraid of anyone.”

“I don’t have anything to hide, but compared to my father, the village chief is much more intimidating. Aren’t you scared?” After asking, Wu Zhu felt foolish; Tang Feng was both a Xiucai and a doctor, so no matter how strict Father Tang was, he must be fond of Tang Feng.

“No matter how strict a father is or how bad his temper, he’ll always protect his children.”

Wu Zhu stared at his toes, not saying anything.

With the lingering pain on his face, Wu Zhu thought of the expressions on Wu Amo and Father Wu’s faces when he left home, and a strange sadness welled up in his heart.

“Go to bed; it’s late.”

Wu Zhu nodded blankly and followed Tang Feng to the guest room. “The quilts are in the cabinet, take as many as you need.”


Wu Zhu’s voice sounded unenthusiastic.

Tang Feng closed the door for him, looked at the sky, put on the clothes he had draped over himself, and walked out of the courtyard.

Not long after, Tang Feng returned home.

When he lay down beside Lin Yu, Lin Yu could feel the chill on his body.

“Did I wake you?”

Tang Feng asked apologetically.

“It’s okay, I wasn’t asleep. Where did you go?”

Tang Feng pulled the quilt over Lin Yu. “I went to the Wu family. Wu Zhu ran off suddenly, and Wu Amo and Father Wu must be worried. I went to let them know so they could be at ease.”

In the darkness, Lin Yu nodded. He sat up and checked Dou Dou’s little bottom on the small bed. It was dry; no mess.

Dou Dou was sleeping soundly, completely unaware that his bottom had been checked.

The next morning, when Tang Feng got up, Tang Amo told him that Wu Zhu had already gone home, and the quilt on the bed was neatly folded.

“That child just needs some time to figure things out. Once he does, he’ll be fine.”

Father Tang said. He had heard about the Wu family’s situation from Tang Amo the previous night. He wasn’t particularly worried; everyone has their youthful mistakes. He himself had made plenty of mistakes at that age.

Tang Feng put on his shoes and noticed the sky wasn’t too overcast. It wouldn’t rain today, so he needed to go up the mountain again.

“You’re going up the mountain again?”

Tang Amo turned her head to see Tang Feng already putting on his shoes.

“While the weather isn’t too cold yet, I need to gather all the necessary herbs. Otherwise, it’ll be inconvenient when we need them later.”

In winter, the elderly and children are most prone to illness, and with so many people in the village, it would be troublesome if he didn’t prepare enough herbs.

“Make sure you come back early. The weather may not look like it’ll rain, but you never know.”

Tang Feng nodded, slung his basket on his back, and left.

“The Xie family is starting their construction today. I’m going to help.”

Starting a construction just means building a new home.

Father Tang held a hoe and got ready to leave.

“They chose today? It’s a good day,” Tang Amo remarked, thinking for a moment and then smiling.

When Wu Zhu returned home, Father Wu had also gone to help the Xie family, so only Wu Amo was at home.

Seeing Wu Zhu return, Wu Amo didn’t even spare him a glance.

Wu Zhu, rarely treated this way, scratched his head in frustration. He wanted to apologize to Wu Amo several times, but every time he opened his mouth, no words came out.

It wasn’t until Wu Amo was about to head out that Wu Zhu finally spoke in a low voice, “Amo.”

“What do you want? You’ve grown up and become independent, making your own decisions now. Us old folks worry too much and meddle in your affairs. Since you don’t want us meddling anymore, I won’t. You handle your own matters,” Wu Amo said, looking ashamed. “It’s just a pity about that innocent Ger. I only hope this doesn’t ruin their reputation.”

Wu Zhu’s face turned pale.

A Ger’s reputation was something that couldn’t be tarnished—it was a lifelong matter.

Understanding this deeply, Wu Zhu found himself speechless.

Wu Amo cast him a glance before opening the courtyard gate and heading out to his own tasks.

Around midday at the Tang household, guests arrived.

Lin Yu brought tea to the elderly Chen couple, who had come to thank Tang Feng. “Amo, Uncle, please have some water.”

“Thank you, thank you.”

Chen Amo and Uncle Chen didn’t know what to say. They had come to thank the Tang family, yet here they were being served tea by the doctor’s Fu Lang.

“Guests are guests; there’s no need to stand on ceremony. We’re not formal here. How is your health?”

Tang Amo smiled as he asked Chen Amo, whose face had regained much of its color.

“I’m much better. This has been a long-standing ailment of mine. If it weren’t for Doctor Tang, I wouldn’t have survived.”

Chen Amo replied, his face soft with a gentle smile. He looked at Lin Yu and the chubby Dou Dou in his arms, his eyes filled with affection. “This child is really well-grown.”

Chen Amo and Uncle Chen had no children of their own. Due to his illness, he seldom left his home, so he rarely had the chance to see children.

Seeing the longing in his eyes, Lin Yu brought Dou Dou closer to him. “Amo, would you like to hold Dou Dou?”

Chen Amo hesitated, looking at his slightly dirty clothes. He was afraid of dirtying Dou Dou.

“Our Dou Dou loves being held. Try it; he’ll smile!”

Tang Amo knew about the Chen family’s situation from Tang Feng, so he chimed in, encouraging him.

“Why don’t you give it a try?”

Uncle Chen said gently on the side.

Chen Amo nodded, a bit nervously taking Dou Dou from Lin Yu’s hands.

Dou Dou, now in someone else’s arms and missing the familiar scent, blinked his big eyes at Chen Amo, his little face expressionless.

Tang Amo and Lin Yu feared he might start crying any moment.

But to their surprise, Dou Dou wasn’t scared at all. He continued to blink his eyes sleepily and soon fell asleep.

Tang Amo breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Amo and Uncle Chen, “See? Our Dou Dou is really easy to take care of.”

Chen Amo was delighted. This was the first time someone had willingly let him hold their child, and he cherished the opportunity. But after just a moment, he handed Dou Dou back to Lin Yu.

“This child only sleeps soundly in familiar arms.”

Lin Yu looked down and saw that although Dou Dou’s eyes were closed, his little brows were slightly furrowed. It took a while for the frown to disappear.

“This is the money for last time.”

Chen Amo handed over the silver coins to Tang Amo, who immediately dodged, saying, “He already accepted payment; there’s no need to give more.”

Uncle Chen and Chen Amo blushed. Last time, Tang Feng had only accepted a copper coin, which hardly covered the cost.

“My son has a temper. If he finds out that we accepted more money after he already did, who knows how he might scold us? You should keep it and use it to take care of yourself.” (Tang Feng: ……..)

Seeing Tang Amo so adamant, the Chen couple reluctantly gave up.

Tang Feng usually returned from collecting herbs by dusk.

Since he wasn’t home, the Chen couple didn’t stay long. They had originally come to thank Tang Feng, but seeing he wasn’t there, they didn’t linger. After politely declining Tang Amo’s offer to stay for a meal, the couple, not so young anymore, slowly walked home hand in hand.

“It’s not so easy ah.”

Tang Amo watched their retreating figures and sighed deeply.

“Tang Amo.”

A pleasant voice sounded in Tang Amo’s ear.

“Oh, it’s Qing Ger. Xiao Yu and Dou Dou are in the main hall.”

“Is Dou Dou awake?”

“No, he’s still sleeping.”

Wen Qing looked a bit disappointed but brightened up at the thought of seeing the chubby Dou Dou. After exchanging a few words with Tang Amo, he went inside.

Tang Amo was about to close the courtyard door when he suddenly saw Wu Amo passing by the Tang family’s entrance.

“Where are you off to?”

Wu Amo was startled by Tang Amo’s voice. “You nearly scared me to death! I was just pulling some weeds from the field. Are you at home with Dou Dou again?”

“Dou Dou is asleep. Do you want to come in and chat?”

Wu Amo shook his head. “I didn’t sleep well last night because of Zhuzi. I’d better head home, get everything in order, and take a nap.”

“Alright, another time then.”

Just then, the sound of Wen Qing playing with the now-awake Dou Dou carried from the main hall, reaching Wu Amo’s ears as he was about to leave.

“Whose voice is that?”

Tang Amo smiled. “With such a lovely voice, who else but Wen Qing?”

Wu Amo knew that Wen Qing had been spending a lot of time with Lin Yu lately. Hearing the voice from the house and recalling Wu Zhu’s words from last night, he suddenly felt a headache coming on.

Wu Zhu had been thinking all day, and after dinner at the Tang house, he came to find Tang Feng.

“I’ve thought it over. Since the marriage is already arranged, I can’t just call it off casually. The Ger is innocent.”

Tang Feng nodded. “At least you have some conscience.”

“Cousin, what do you mean by that?” Wu Zhu was a bit displeased with Tang Feng’s words.

“What? Isn’t it true? You yourself said the Ger is innocent. If you cancel the engagement without a good reason, it’s indeed wrong. Now you realize you can’t just call it off, doesn’t that show some conscience?”

Tang Feng’s series of questions left Wu Zhu at a loss. “Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes! You’re right, cousin! You’re right!”

Satisfied, Tang Feng said no more.

After a while, Wu Zhu hesitated and asked, “Do you think I could express my feelings to Wen Qing before the wedding?”

Author’s Note: <<Cheating?!>>

After Tang Feng and Lin Yu got their same-sex marriage certificate in Country D, they became a legally married couple.

One night after their wedding, Tang Feng was browsing Taobao, looking for things to buy for Lin Yu. Suddenly, a chat window from a seller popped up on Wangwang, saying, “Dear, I’m pregnant.”

Tang Feng was startled, thinking to himself if he had caused any trouble in his younger days.

At that moment, Lin Yu happened to walk by and saw the message. His face instantly darkened as he stared at the screen.

Tang Feng swallowed hard and was about to reply when the seller sent another message: “Going to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow.”

“What does that have to do with me?! Xiao Yu, I swear I haven’t done anything to betray you! You’re the only man I’ve ever been with!”

Lin Yu squinted his eyes, about to say something when Wangwang chimed again. The screen showed another message from the seller: “So, I can only ship your order the day after tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

Tang Feng: …Scared me to death…

Lin Yu: …

(Background: In modern times, before meeting Lin Yu, Tang Feng was a playboy but never had any relationships.)

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can’t wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 81

Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 81

Chapter 81

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Once Father Tang disappeared from their sight, Wu Zhu let out a big sigh of relief.

"Are you that scared of my father?"

Wu Zhu nodded vigorously, "Of course, he's the village chief."

Tang Feng couldn't help but shake his head, "If you have a clear conscience, you won't be afraid of anyone."

"I don't have anything to hide, but compared to my father, the village chief is much more intimidating. Aren't you scared?" After asking, Wu Zhu felt foolish; Tang Feng was both a Xiucai and a doctor, so no matter how strict Father Tang was, he must be fond of Tang Feng.

"No matter how strict a father is or how bad his temper, he'll always protect his children."

Wu Zhu stared at his toes, not saying anything.

With the lingering pain on his face, Wu Zhu thought of the expressions on Wu Amo and Father Wu's faces when he left home, and a strange sadness welled up in his heart.

"Go to bed; it's late."

Wu Zhu nodded blankly and followed Tang Feng to the guest room. "The quilts are in the cabinet, take as many as you need."


Wu Zhu's voice sounded unenthusiastic.

Tang Feng closed the door for him, looked at the sky, put on the clothes he had draped over himself, and walked out of the courtyard.

Not long after, Tang Feng returned home.

When he lay down beside Lin Yu, Lin Yu could feel the chill on his body.

"Did I wake you?"

Tang Feng asked apologetically.

"It's okay, I wasn't asleep. Where did you go?"

Tang Feng pulled the quilt over Lin Yu. "I went to the Wu family. Wu Zhu ran off suddenly, and Wu Amo and Father Wu must be worried. I went to let them know so they could be at ease."

In the darkness, Lin Yu nodded. He sat up and checked Dou Dou's little bottom on the small bed. It was dry; no mess.

Dou Dou was sleeping soundly, completely unaware that his bottom had been checked.

The next morning, when Tang Feng got up, Tang Amo told him that Wu Zhu had already gone home, and the quilt on the bed was neatly folded.

"That child just needs some time to figure things out. Once he does, he'll be fine.”

Father Tang said. He had heard about the Wu family's situation from Tang Amo the previous night. He wasn't particularly worried; everyone has their youthful mistakes. He himself had made plenty of mistakes at that age.

Tang Feng put on his shoes and noticed the sky wasn't too overcast. It wouldn't rain today, so he needed to go up the mountain again.

“You’re going up the mountain again?”

Tang Amo turned her head to see Tang Feng already putting on his shoes.

“While the weather isn’t too cold yet, I need to gather all the necessary herbs. Otherwise, it’ll be inconvenient when we need them later.”

In winter, the elderly and children are most prone to illness, and with so many people in the village, it would be troublesome if he didn’t prepare enough herbs.

“Make sure you come back early. The weather may not look like it’ll rain, but you never know.”

Tang Feng nodded, slung his basket on his back, and left.

“The Xie family is starting their construction today. I’m going to help.”

Starting a construction just means building a new home.

Father Tang held a hoe and got ready to leave.

“They chose today? It’s a good day,” Tang Amo remarked, thinking for a moment and then smiling.

When Wu Zhu returned home, Father Wu had also gone to help the Xie family, so only Wu Amo was at home.

Seeing Wu Zhu return, Wu Amo didn’t even spare him a glance.

Wu Zhu, rarely treated this way, scratched his head in frustration. He wanted to apologize to Wu Amo several times, but every time he opened his mouth, no words came out.

It wasn't until Wu Amo was about to head out that Wu Zhu finally spoke in a low voice, “Amo.”

“What do you want? You’ve grown up and become independent, making your own decisions now. Us old folks worry too much and meddle in your affairs. Since you don’t want us meddling anymore, I won’t. You handle your own matters,” Wu Amo said, looking ashamed. “It's just a pity about that innocent Ger. I only hope this doesn’t ruin their reputation.”

Wu Zhu’s face turned pale.

A Ger’s reputation was something that couldn't be tarnished—it was a lifelong matter.

Understanding this deeply, Wu Zhu found himself speechless.

Wu Amo cast him a glance before opening the courtyard gate and heading out to his own tasks.

Around midday at the Tang household, guests arrived.

Lin Yu brought tea to the elderly Chen couple, who had come to thank Tang Feng. “Amo, Uncle, please have some water.”

“Thank you, thank you.”

Chen Amo and Uncle Chen didn’t know what to say. They had come to thank the Tang family, yet here they were being served tea by the doctor’s Fu Lang.

“Guests are guests; there’s no need to stand on ceremony. We’re not formal here. How is your health?”

Tang Amo smiled as he asked Chen Amo, whose face had regained much of its color.

"I'm much better. This has been a long-standing ailment of mine. If it weren't for Doctor Tang, I wouldn't have survived.”

Chen Amo replied, his face soft with a gentle smile. He looked at Lin Yu and the chubby Dou Dou in his arms, his eyes filled with affection. "This child is really well-grown."

Chen Amo and Uncle Chen had no children of their own. Due to his illness, he seldom left his home, so he rarely had the chance to see children.

Seeing the longing in his eyes, Lin Yu brought Dou Dou closer to him. “Amo, would you like to hold Dou Dou?"

Chen Amo hesitated, looking at his slightly dirty clothes. He was afraid of dirtying Dou Dou.

"Our Dou Dou loves being held. Try it; he’ll smile!"

Tang Amo knew about the Chen family’s situation from Tang Feng, so he chimed in, encouraging him.

"Why don't you give it a try?"

Uncle Chen said gently on the side.

Chen Amo nodded, a bit nervously taking Dou Dou from Lin Yu's hands.

Dou Dou, now in someone else’s arms and missing the familiar scent, blinked his big eyes at Chen Amo, his little face expressionless.

Tang Amo and Lin Yu feared he might start crying any moment.

But to their surprise, Dou Dou wasn’t scared at all. He continued to blink his eyes sleepily and soon fell asleep.

Tang Amo breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Amo and Uncle Chen, "See? Our Dou Dou is really easy to take care of."

Chen Amo was delighted. This was the first time someone had willingly let him hold their child, and he cherished the opportunity. But after just a moment, he handed Dou Dou back to Lin Yu.

"This child only sleeps soundly in familiar arms."

Lin Yu looked down and saw that although Dou Dou's eyes were closed, his little brows were slightly furrowed. It took a while for the frown to disappear.

"This is the money for last time.”

Chen Amo handed over the silver coins to Tang Amo, who immediately dodged, saying, "He already accepted payment; there's no need to give more."

Uncle Chen and Chen Amo blushed. Last time, Tang Feng had only accepted a copper coin, which hardly covered the cost.

"My son has a temper. If he finds out that we accepted more money after he already did, who knows how he might scold us? You should keep it and use it to take care of yourself.” (Tang Feng: ……..)

Seeing Tang Amo so adamant, the Chen couple reluctantly gave up.

Tang Feng usually returned from collecting herbs by dusk.

Since he wasn't home, the Chen couple didn't stay long. They had originally come to thank Tang Feng, but seeing he wasn’t there, they didn’t linger. After politely declining Tang Amo’s offer to stay for a meal, the couple, not so young anymore, slowly walked home hand in hand.

“It’s not so easy ah.”

Tang Amo watched their retreating figures and sighed deeply.

"Tang Amo.”

A pleasant voice sounded in Tang Amo’s ear.

"Oh, it's Qing Ger. Xiao Yu and Dou Dou are in the main hall."

"Is Dou Dou awake?"

"No, he's still sleeping."

Wen Qing looked a bit disappointed but brightened up at the thought of seeing the chubby Dou Dou. After exchanging a few words with Tang Amo, he went inside.

Tang Amo was about to close the courtyard door when he suddenly saw Wu Amo passing by the Tang family's entrance.

"Where are you off to?"

Wu Amo was startled by Tang Amo’s voice. "You nearly scared me to death! I was just pulling some weeds from the field. Are you at home with Dou Dou again?"

"Dou Dou is asleep. Do you want to come in and chat?"

Wu Amo shook his head. "I didn’t sleep well last night because of Zhuzi. I’d better head home, get everything in order, and take a nap."

"Alright, another time then."

Just then, the sound of Wen Qing playing with the now-awake Dou Dou carried from the main hall, reaching Wu Amo’s ears as he was about to leave.

"Whose voice is that?"

Tang Amo smiled. "With such a lovely voice, who else but Wen Qing?"

Wu Amo knew that Wen Qing had been spending a lot of time with Lin Yu lately. Hearing the voice from the house and recalling Wu Zhu's words from last night, he suddenly felt a headache coming on.

Wu Zhu had been thinking all day, and after dinner at the Tang house, he came to find Tang Feng.

"I've thought it over. Since the marriage is already arranged, I can't just call it off casually. The Ger is innocent."

Tang Feng nodded. "At least you have some conscience."

"Cousin, what do you mean by that?" Wu Zhu was a bit displeased with Tang Feng's words.

"What? Isn't it true? You yourself said the Ger is innocent. If you cancel the engagement without a good reason, it’s indeed wrong. Now you realize you can't just call it off, doesn't that show some conscience?"

Tang Feng's series of questions left Wu Zhu at a loss. "Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes! You're right, cousin! You're right!"

Satisfied, Tang Feng said no more.

After a while, Wu Zhu hesitated and asked, "Do you think I could express my feelings to Wen Qing before the wedding?"

Author’s Note: <<Cheating?!>>

After Tang Feng and Lin Yu got their same-sex marriage certificate in Country D, they became a legally married couple.

One night after their wedding, Tang Feng was browsing Taobao, looking for things to buy for Lin Yu. Suddenly, a chat window from a seller popped up on Wangwang, saying, "Dear, I'm pregnant."

Tang Feng was startled, thinking to himself if he had caused any trouble in his younger days.

At that moment, Lin Yu happened to walk by and saw the message. His face instantly darkened as he stared at the screen.

Tang Feng swallowed hard and was about to reply when the seller sent another message: "Going to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow."

"What does that have to do with me?! Xiao Yu, I swear I haven’t done anything to betray you! You’re the only man I've ever been with!"

Lin Yu squinted his eyes, about to say something when Wangwang chimed again. The screen showed another message from the seller: "So, I can only ship your order the day after tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Tang Feng: ...Scared me to death...

Lin Yu: ...

(Background: In modern times, before meeting Lin Yu, Tang Feng was a playboy but never had any relationships.)

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can't wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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