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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 176

Before the game, the opposing team’s captain smiled and suggested, “How about a penalty for the losing team?”

The captain of Gu Yuanbai’s team appeared calm and confident. “What kind of penalty?”

In reality, his legs were trembling slightly.

The girls gradually surrounding the court excitedly suggested, “The losing team has to do push-ups while being pinned down by the winners!”

The opposing captain was about to speak, but the girls’ excited murmurs made him agree with a sigh, “How about that?”

Gu Yuanbai’s captain, “…Alright.”

Who was this penalty really for? No matter which side won or lost, the real winners were the spectators.

Xue Yuan, the opposing team’s power forward, was crucial for defense and positioning. Gu Yuanbai faced him several times, initially trying to use his skill to win. But when his teammates either couldn’t pass the ball or he got surrounded, Gu Yuanbai decided to change tactics. In a hidden corner, he winked and smiled at Xue Yuan.

Faced with his lover’s smile, Xue Yuan hesitated. The next moment, cheers erupted from the sidelines as Gu Yuanbai scored.

Gu Yuanbai smiled at Xue Yuan five times, causing him to miss five plays. The opposing captain finally noticed something was wrong and changed Xue Yuan’s position, which stabilized their defense and allowed Xue Yuan to play more aggressively.

The sports students had incredible stamina and dazzling skills. They quickly caught up, and some of Gu Yuanbai’s teammates were exhausted. In the end, they narrowly lost to the other team.

However, the score wasn’t too bad, saving face for both sides. Their captain cheerfully shook hands with the opposing team, and cheers erupted again from the sidelines.

Amidst the cheering, Xue Yuan’s teammates approached him curiously. “Brother Yuan, you were off at the start of the game.”

Xue Yuan, always cold and aloof to others, simply hummed, hands in his pockets, focusing intently on Gu Yuanbai.

His focused, serious demeanor made others feel his intimidating presence. Without saying a word, he could make people leave him alone. Some people just naturally had that kind of charm—looking more attractive and authoritative when serious, attracting others with an adult man’s quiet dominance.

It made men respect him and women swoon.

But only when facing Gu Yuanbai did Xue Yuan act like a lovestruck youth. Others, unfamiliar with how he treated Gu Yuanbai, found his current coldness normal. “You used to be really intense.”

Men loved being praised for their intensity, so Xue Yuan finally spoke, though evasively. “That guy looks really good.”

His teammate looked over. “Which guy?”

Xue Yuan pointed at Gu Yuanbai. His teammate nodded in recognition. “Oh, that’s Gu Yuanbai, the political science genius from the neighboring department. Professors say he’s a master of politics. His family background isn’t simple, and he’ll probably follow a political path. He’s handsome but looks unapproachable, not someone to mess with.”

Xue Yuan thought to himself, they really couldn’t mess with him. Gu Yuanbai had ruled for a lifetime, with skills and vision far beyond ordinary people. If he really wanted to play, there’d be few opponents.

But knowing him well, Xue Yuan understood that in this peaceful society, Gu Yuanbai would choose a freer, more thrilling path.

“Brother Yuan, do you want to be friends with him?” Another teammate, well-informed, whispered, “Many have tried to get close to him, but he’s not easy to approach. If you annoy him, he could end your career with a wave. We should keep our distance from such a big shot.”

Xue Yuan raised an eyebrow. Was his wife’s reputation that fierce?

“Can’t keep my distance,” he admitted, every hair on his body trembling with excitement at revealing his true feelings. “I want to be his husband.”

His teammate fell silent, staring at him in shock.

Xue Yuan felt great but maintained his composure. “You think it’s impossible?”

His teammate, dazed by the bombshell, stammered, “Possible, possible…”

They pulled themselves together. “We’ll keep your secret.”

No need for that; Xue Yuan wished the whole world knew his feelings for Gu Yuanbai. But he appreciated their goodwill. “Thanks.”

When it was time for the penalty, his kind teammates gave him the chance to pair up with Gu Yuanbai for the push-ups.

With the two most attractive people together, the crowd grew, and the cheers intensified. As Gu Yuanbai laid down and Xue Yuan positioned himself on top, the cheers reached a fever pitch.

The sound of the camera clicked, varying in volume, suppressing and releasing excitement. Xue Yuan propped himself up with his arms, adjusting his posture, his legs inevitably brushing against Gu Yuanbai’s. Gu Yuanbai’s face was sweaty, and Xue Yuan’s face was also damp with sweat.

“This looks good when you’re hard,” Gu Yuanbai chuckled softly. “Boyfriend.”

Xue Yuan decided to show his lover his prowess. As soon as the whistle blew, he started moving vigorously up and down. Gu Yuanbai felt his hot breath repeatedly on his face and, when he turned his head slightly, he met the excited faces of the crowd.

Their posture was definitely intimate, evident from the audience’s hoarse cheering.

Xue Yuan moved quickly, his motions bringing a breeze. Sweat dripped from his chin, and a few times his lips hovered just above Gu Yuanbai’s, a slight tilt away from a kiss.

At the next whistle, everyone else stood up. Xue Yuan remained still, his arms braced beside Gu Yuanbai’s ears. Gu Yuanbai’s lips were slightly parted, his gaze fixed on Xue Yuan.

Among the sports students, those who had just learned about Xue Yuan’s feelings for Gu Yuanbai were nervous. “Brother Yuan can’t hold back?”

“Isn’t this too obvious? We never heard that Gu Yuanbai likes men. If he’s straight, wouldn’t this be disastrous?”

They didn’t move, drawing the attention of the whole crowd.

Xue Yuan suddenly said, “Classmate Gu, my arms are numb.”

He seriously asked, “Do you mind if I lie on you for a bit?”

Gu Yuanbai: “…”

The crowd shouted in unison, “Oh oh oh!”

“Press him down! Press him down!!”

Without waiting for Gu Yuanbai to answer, Xue Yuan seemed to collapse, his lips brushing past Gu Yuanbai’s cheek to his ear.

Gu Yuanbai wasn’t startled by his sudden move but was surprised by the crowd’s explosive reaction. Listening carefully, he even heard someone shout, “He fainted; needs a kiss to recover!”

“Xue Jiuyao,” he threatened by Xue Yuan’s ear, “that’s enough.”

Xue Yuan shivered and wisely got up, pulling his lover up with him. The surrounding people cast curious glances their way, but both remained calm, showing nothing out of the ordinary.

A roommate brought over water, hesitantly asking, “Want a drink?”

Gu Yuanbai took it first. “Thanks.”

He drank a few sips, then tossed the bottle back to his roommate. “I need to go to the restroom.”

The roommate was about to offer Xue Yuan some water, but Xue Yuan shook his head and followed. “I need to go too.”

Left behind, the others exchanged looks. Little Four scratched his head. “Their relationship is so good they go to the restroom together.”

Old Zhu thought for a moment. “What’s that handsome guy’s name again?”

“Their team called him Huo Yuan,” Old Three smacked his lips. “Sounds like a big shot’s name.”

In the restroom.

Xue Yuan pulled Gu Yuanbai into a single stall by the window. The intense kissing made the door panel tremble slightly, the sounds of their lips and teeth intermingling growing louder.

“Going out tonight?” Xue Yuan rubbed his nose against his lover’s high-bridged nose. “I checked; you don’t have classes tomorrow morning.”

Gu Yuanbai panted, leaning back. “I’m having dinner with my roommates tonight.”

Xue Yuan frowned. “I’ll pick you up after dinner.”

They tidied themselves up and walked out of the restroom. Gu Yuanbai glanced back, scolding this passionate man who didn’t care about time or place. “Doesn’t it stink?”

Xue Yuan hooked his hand suggestively. “How can I care about anything else when I see you?”

“You’re like a bewitching potion, making me lose my bearings.”

This guy… he’s getting better at this.

During dinner with his roommates, Gu Yuanbai was a bit distracted until Old Zhu mentioned Xue Yuan. “Brother Bai, the sports department invited us to their party next week. That Huo Yuan you’re close with is also going. Are we going?”

“Party?” Gu Yuanbai snapped back, narrowing his eyes. “We’re going.”

Xue Yuan is attending a party?

And he hasn’t told him yet?


Xue Yuan picked up his part-time pay for the afternoon and sneezed twice on his way to pick up Gu Yuanbai. He rubbed his nose and booked a hotel near the restaurant where his lover was dining.

Gu Yuanbai had no classes the next morning, so tonight could be a bit more indulgent.

Seeing a flower shop nearby, Xue Yuan had an idea and walked in. When he came out, his afternoon’s earnings were gone.

As Gu Yuanbai was eating, the doorbell of the restaurant rang, and a flower shop employee walked in holding a bouquet of roses. She looked around. “Is Mr. Gu Yuanbai here?”

Gu Yuanbai looked up, surprised, while his roommates whistled. “Here, over here!”

The flower shop employee walked over, shyly smiling at Gu Yuanbai under their direction. “Mr. Gu, these are for you.”

Gu Yuanbai’s heart softened as he smiled. “Thank you.”

He reached out to take the flowers, but his quick-handed roommate grabbed them first. Old Three took out the card from the roses and read loudly, “You’re always so charming, making my heart race. Love, Jiuyao.”

Gu Yuanbai tried to keep a straight face but couldn’t hide his smile. His roommates began to tease, “Is sister-in-law called Jiuyao?”

“Brother Bai! You’re a terrible boyfriend, making sister-in-law send you flowers?”

They suddenly had a revelation and looked around. “Wait, isn’t sister-in-law nearby? This flower shop seems to be from around here.”

Gu Yuanbai couldn’t sit still any longer. He snatched the roses and card from his roommate, gracefully showing off to the group of single friends. “I’m full. You guys continue. I’m going to meet your sister-in-law.”

Leaving behind a chorus of wails, he walked out quickly.

Outside, the sky was already dark. Amid the lights, Gu Yuanbai didn’t see Xue Yuan. Checking his phone, he found a message from Xue Yuan.

“XX Hotel, Room 3062. Take your time; I’ll be waiting.”

This kind of tacit understanding, where the other person sends a message just as you take out your phone, is addictive. Gu Yuanbai sniffed the fragrance of the flowers and headed towards the hotel.

As soon as the door opened, he was pinned against it and kissed deeply. The roses in his hand wobbled precariously, the room dimly lit without even a lamp on.

Xue Yuan’s breathing grew heavier. “Baby, baby.”

“Shower first,” Gu Yuanbai’s desires and rationality were in a tug of war. He bit Xue Yuan’s lip. “Let’s shower together.”

From the bathroom to the bed, it was unclear who started touching first. The bed frame creaked under the weight. Xue Yuan, unable to get enough, said, “Yuanbai, you have such a great body.”

Gu Yuanbai replied, “Do you like it?”

Xue Yuan sincerely said, “I like it.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled, feeling pleased by such a small matter.

After their intimate session, Xue Yuan played with Gu Yuanbai’s fingers. Suddenly, Gu Yuanbai remembered what his roommate had mentioned about the social event.

“I heard you’re attending a social event?” His tone was calm.

Xue Yuan, puzzled, asked, “What’s a social event?”

Seeing that he truly didn’t know, Gu Yuanbai’s slight displeasure faded as he explained what a social event was.

After listening, Xue Yuan felt wronged. “All I do is earn money and stick to you. How would I have time for such a thing?”

After a pause, he added, “They did mention having a meal together and said they’d invite people from the neighboring department. I only agreed because I thought you’d be there.”

Gu Yuanbai, feeling appeased by his lover’s explanation, patted Xue Yuan’s neck and kissed it. “You’re so good.”

“Mm, baby,” Xue Yuan groaned, diving under the blanket, “let’s do it again.”


The next day at noon, Gu Yuanbai and his boyfriend returned to school after lunch.

His boyfriend had classes too. Gu Yuanbai thought they would part for now, but when class started, he realized it was a public lecture shared with the neighboring department.

The class leaders had miscommunicated the time, and Gu Yuanbai’s department arrived fifteen minutes later than the neighboring one. By the time they reached the classroom, the large room’s middle and back rows were already filled by the other department, leaving only the sparse seats in the front rows.

Gu Yuanbai looked around and sighed.

The teacher of this large class liked to keep an eye on the students. Anyone sitting in the first three rows would be closely monitored, unable to play with their phone or sleep, akin to being back in their senior year of high school.

Gu Yuanbai had stayed up late with Xue Yuan last night and still had dark circles under his eyes. He planned to catch up on sleep in the afternoon.

His roommates and classmates around him were also sighing, resignedly taking seats in the front rows. Just as Gu Yuanbai was about to sit down with his roommate, someone in the back corner stood up, tall and straight, and called out loudly, “Gu Yuanbai, over here.”

Gu Yuanbai looked up to see Xue Yuan smiling at him with a satisfied, sexy look in his eyes. There was an empty seat next to him, the quietest spot near the wall.

Gu Yuanbai’s face lit up, and he happily patted his roommate’s shoulder. “You guys sit here. I’m going to the back.”

His roommates were dumbfounded. “… D*mn!”

Gu Yuanbai quickly walked to the back. As soon as he sat down, someone in the front row turned around and teased, “This seat was asked about by at least ten girls, but Brother Yuan didn’t give it up, no matter how beautiful they were. Turns out it was saved for a buddy.”

Gu Yuanbai felt even happier after hearing that. He smiled and said, “Thank you, Brother Yuan.”

Xue Yuan pulled his chair closer to Gu Yuanbai’s, his hand resting possessively on the back of Gu Yuanbai’s chair. He coaxed softly, “Call me Brother Yuan again?”

Gu Yuanbai lifted his eyelids, his black hair brushing his eye corners. “Opportunity knocked and is gone. Not today.”

Xue Yuan chuckled, leaning in closer as if teasing, “So ruthless?”

The people in the front row looked at them, feeling they couldn’t join the conversation, and turned back around, puzzled.

Gu Yuanbai and Xue Yuan whispered to each other for a while before Xue Yuan urged him to lie down on the desk and sleep. Xue Yuan draped a jacket over him and carefully applied mosquito repellent to the bites on Gu Yuanbai’s body from a drawer.

Gu Yuanbai seemed to sense something, opening his eyes sleepily to look at him.

“Sleep,” Xue Yuan said. “Your husband is applying mosquito repellent.”

The author has something to say: Honestly, isn’t this sweetness overwhelming?

While writing, the author grinned from ear to ear.

Xue Yuan (ambitiously): I want to be a husband.

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Peerless Beauty, 我靠美颜稳住天下
Score 9.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2020 Native Language: Chinese
Gu Yuanbai transmigrated into a BL novel as a weak, sickly emperor who barely had any sense of presence in the plot. The novel was a story of the struggle to gain the political power and love between the future regent and the first beauty in the capital, and he was supposed to serve just as a backdrop board. Gu-wildly ambitious-Yuanbai: Don’t make me laugh. He was the emperor—why would he let go of his power instead of expanding the national borders and leaving his name in the annals of history? * Xue Yuan, the son of the current supreme general and the future regent, hiding a burning ambition, accompanied his father into the palace for the first time. That day, he looked up, hidden among the crowd of courtiers, and caught a glimpse of the young emperor’s face. Naturally rebellious, he sneered, thinking contemptuously that the little emperor looked prettier than the palace ladies. With this too-beautiful appearance and weak body, how was he planning to rule the country? By making people take pity on his frailty?


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