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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 87

Chapter 87

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Lin Qingyang got out of bed on the third day with the physician’s permission and immediately went to see County Princess Yawen.

County Princess Yawen’s health had worsened since the last life-threatening incident, and she looked just as frail as when Lin Qingyang first saw her. Her complexion was pale, lacking any rosy tint, and her whole demeanor seemed ailing.

Lin Qingyang hadn’t informed County Princess Yawen about the injuries, so she assumed he had returned to his studies. However, upon seeing him again, she immediately sensed that something was wrong with his health.

After coming up with a plausible excuse to explain his condition, Lin Qingyang began discussing the matter of moving. County Princess Yawen had probably heard about the plan from Lin Qinglan and Nanny Ding a few times during this period. At first, she thought they were just casual remarks, but now that she heard it from her son, County Princess Yawen realized that there was indeed a serious intention to relocate.

In response, County Princess Yawen naturally didn’t refuse. She had no desire to face Lishi anymore and harbored considerable disappointment towards Marquis An Nan. Perhaps leaving would allow her to breathe a sigh of relief and give her daughter some respite.

With County Princess Yawen’s approval, Lin Qingyang planned to go and find Marquis An Nan.

Lin Qinglan, upon seeing this, wanted to accompany him. Lin Qingyang thought that more people meant greater strength, which was a good idea. However, upon closer inspection, he noticed that Lin Qinglan’s eye makeup was a bit heavy today, which was unusual. As he looked more closely, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

“Eldest sister, what’s wrong with you?”

Lin Qinglan was taken aback, shook her head, and said, “What? I’m fine.”

“You cried, and your eyes are still swollen? Are you worried about mother?” Lin Qingyang asked in confusion.

Lin Qinglan’s complexion changed slightly. “Yes, I’m worried about mother. Let’s go.”

Lin Qingyang noticed the hesitant expression on Qiu Qing next to Lin Qinglan.

“Eldest sister, don’t hide anything from me. It can easily lead to misunderstandings and troubles. What’s going on?”

Perhaps because Lin Qingyang had been acting very calmly recently, gaining people’s trust, Lin Qinglan felt that once he became serious, she had to listen to him like the ‘head of the family.’ That’s when she shared the recent grievances she had experienced.

Living in the house, Lin Qinglan naturally had to pay respects to her grandmother every day.

The second day after his mother recovered, Lin Qingyang reluctantly went to face the situation. As expected, Lishi vented all her anger on this obedient daughter for blocking the door. Lishi accused her of disrespecting her elders, making her kneel in the cold wind for an hour. As a result, she caught a chill and developed a fever that night. To take care of her mother and younger brother, she pretended nothing was wrong and endured the illness.

However, this morning was even more excessive. Lishi brought up the matter of marrying Cousin Li again. She fabricated stories, exaggerating the situation, and even decided to arrange for people to come directly and inspect her. In both words and implications, Lishi made it clear that she was in charge of this matter.

She also hinted that if Lin Qinglan wanted to infuriate the County Princess of Yawen again, she should go to Yawen and complain. Naturally, Lin Qinglan dared not. She didn’t want to give Lishi another handle at this critical juncture, which could complicate the moving plans. Therefore, she planned to avoid the situation. After all, Lishi couldn’t forcefully place Cousin Li in the backyard and pressure her to comply, right?

Upon hearing this, Lin Qingyang was infuriated, his face turning livid. Having read so many ancient novels, he thought his grandmother might actually be capable of such actions. He couldn’t believe she had almost driven County Princess Yawen to death and still thought she could control Lin Qinglan’s marriage.

Suppressing his anger, Lin Qingyang said, “Rest assured, we’ll move immediately, not giving her any chance. Go and accompany Mother; I’ll handle Father alone.”

Lin Qingyang went straight to Marquis An Nan’s study. Upon hearing the proposal for Lin Qinglan to go out to recuperate, the Marquis’s first reaction was anger.

“Are you not done yet? Must you continue to disrupt the family, making a mockery for outsiders to laugh at? Since you’re physically fine, hurry back to the Imperial Academy, and prepare for the assessment after the New Year. Now that your third brother is no longer dependable, do you also intend to give up? Don’t waste time here with a group of women causing trouble.”

“Father, I just suggested letting Mother go out for recuperation. How can you say it’s causing trouble?” Lin Qingyang smirked and said, “If you ask me if grandmother provokes mother again and something happens, our Marquis’s residence will become a laughingstock.”

“I’ve told you about your grandmother; she won’t.” Marquis An Nan showed no signs of backing down. “If your mother moves out now, it will truly raise suspicions!”

“Grandmother won’t? I didn’t expect Father to understand Grandmother even less than I do. She’s your mother; can you control her?” Lin Qingyang chuckled.

“What kind of talk is that? You learned about filial piety in the Imperial Academy, yet you dare to speak ill of your grandmother like this?” Marquis An Nan spoke sternly.

Lin Qingyang’s mouth twitched. Whenever these people couldn’t argue logically, they would resort to moral coercion.

“Father, what if grandmother uses eldest sister’s marriage to upset mother again?”

Marquis An Nan replied confidently, “Your grandmother surely knows the limits. After all that has happened, it’s impossible for her to go that far. In any case, going out for recuperation is not an option.”

Lin Qingyang sneered silently and turned to leave.

Back at home, when Lin Qinglan heard the news, her eyes dimmed. Lin Qingyang patted Lin Qinglan’s hand reassuringly and said, “Don’t worry; I have a plan.”

Soon, Lin Qingyang instructed Shuncai and Qiu Qing to handle some matters outside.

They returned that night, excitedly telling Lin Qingyang that everything had been taken care of. Now, they just had to wait for the news.

Lin Qingyang was relieved. When he went to visit his mother in the evening, he encountered Lin Qingwei. Lin Qingwei probably heard about their intention to move out, and angrily approached Lin Qingyang, questioning, “You want to move away for recovery and didn’t bother to tell me? Only you guys will be leaving, without taking me? Did Father agree?”

Lin Qingyang straightforwardly replied, “Father did not agree.”

“Humph, I knew it.” Lin Qingwei seemed satisfied.

Lin Qingyang couldn’t be bothered to argue with her and was about to leave.

Unable to hold back, Lin Qingwei said, “I’m asking you, are you intentionally excluding me when taking your family away?”

Lin Qingyang frowned and said, “Then let me ask you, if we really move to the other courtyard, live far away from the Marquis’s residence, and never come back. Would you be willing to go with us?”

“What do you mean never come back? Are you crazy? This is our home. Even if you want to split the family, and you still ask me if I’m willing? Of course, I’m not willing. Can the life of a young lady who has always lived in the other courtyard be the same as that of a young lady who has always lived in the Marquis’s residence?”

Lin Qingyang looked at Lin Qingwei’s resolute expression and only left with the words “Makes sense.”

Lin Qingwei was furious, but watching Lin Qingyang’s departing figure, she felt a bit uneasy. However, being proud, she didn’t want to say more. After all, her father wouldn’t agree anyway.

Once inside, County Princess Yawen asked what they were talking about so loudly outside.

Lin Qingyang directly said, “Nothing much, just that Lin Qingwei doesn’t plan to move with us. She wants to stay in the Marquis’s residence and continue as the legitimate daughter of the Marquis.”

County Princess Yawen’s expression changed a bit, “She… is still young.”

“She’s not young anymore, and she has the right to decide her own life.”

County Princess Yawen sighed, “Well, staying in a quiet place with me, a patient, is probably not what she wants.”

Lin Qingyang didn’t want to dwell on it and started discussing future arrangements as if the matter had already been settled.

The next day, after Marquis An Nan finished morning court, he returned to the residence and was told that a matchmaker had come, expressing an interest in proposing a marriage for Lin Qinglan.

Marquis An Nan was somewhat puzzled but still met with the matchmaker. To his surprise, as soon as the matchmaker entered, without revealing who had sent her, she immediately discussed the dowry as if they had already reached an internal agreement, negotiating the details of the future marriage.

Marquis An Nan’s face darkened, and he sternly questioned the purpose of her visit.

The matchmaker then disclosed that it was the Li family’s cousin who had sent her, claiming that they had already discussed and agreed upon Lin Qinglan’s marriage. Therefore, she was there just as a formality, and there was no need for any formal betrothal gifts. They suggested choosing a date for Lin Qinglan to discreetly move in with her dowry.

Upon hearing this, Marquis An Nan’s face turned green. He hadn’t expected that Li’s family would agree to such a matter without consulting him. Moreover, considering Li’s family’s status, which relied on some farmland and shops with the support of the Marquis’s residence, if it weren’t for their association with the Marquis’s residence, who knows what state they would be in. Such an attitude towards the marriage of his family was not only insulting to Lin Qinglan but also a direct affront to him, the marquis. If this news spread, it would be a blow to his reputation. How could he continue to maintain his standing?

Marquis An Nan erupted in anger, scolding the matchmaker for spreading baseless rumors, and he even threatened her. If she dared to leak a single word outside, he promised to make her regret it.

The matchmaker, fearing the wrath of the marquis, could only leave in a subdued manner.

Marquis An Nan was about to confront Li’s family, but before he could catch his breath, someone else arrived at the door.

This time, it was representatives from the gambling house, who had come to collect debts owed by Cousin Li of the Li’s family. It was reported that Cousin Li had lost money and wanted to borrow from the gambling house. He repeatedly claimed to be the future son-in-law of the Marquis’s residence, already engaged, and upon investigation, it was found that he did have a distant relative relationship with the Marquis’s residence. The claim of being the future son-in-law seemed plausible, so the gambling house agreed to lend him money.

He borrowed five hundred taels at once but lost it all in gambling. Concerned that he might flee, the gambling house sent representatives to the Marquis’s residence to collect the debt.

Marquis An Nan, infuriated by the arrogance of Li’s family member who acted as if he were at his own home, was so angry that he wanted to have the person beaten to death on the spot. He categorically denied any involvement, stating that the person was just a distant relative, and the Marquis’s residence would not bear such a stain. He ordered them to go back to Li’s family to collect the debt.

The cousin from the Li family continued to make a scene, claiming relationships such as father-in-law, uncle, and cousin to imply a closer connection. He insisted that he and Lin Qinglan were already engaged, asserting that Li’s family matriarch had verbally agreed, and they couldn’t back out.

These consecutive blows pushed Marquis An Nan to the edge of his patience. However, for the sake of the Marquis’s residence’s reputation, he decided to compensate the money for this person. He made it clear that if this person dared to borrow money again using the Marquis’s residence’s name, he would not acknowledge it, and the gambling house wisely decided not to trust this individual any longer. After receiving the money, they left.

This series of incidents not only strained the relationship between Li’s family and Marquis An Nan’s residence but also highlighted the complexities and challenges Lin Qinglan faced in her family’s house.

Marquis An Nan confronted Cousin Li of the Li’s family in front of Lishi. Although Lishi had boasted that everything would work out, she was caught off guard by the fact that this young man had already spread false information. However, Cousin Li  immediately denied the involvement of a matchmaker, insisting that it was merely about gambling.

Despite his denial, Marquis An Nan no longer believed him. He expressed his anger vehemently, and Lishi, realizing the trouble she had caused, hurriedly tried to placate him and even attempted to promote the marriage alliance.

Marquis An Nan, however, engaged in a heated argument with Lishi. The events of today shattered the promises he had made to Lin Qingyang just yesterday. Moreover, the prospect of becoming a laughingstock for the Marquis’s residence before the marriage had even taken place was unacceptable.

Without uttering a word, Marquis An Nan had Cousin Li restrained and administered a severe beating right in front of Lishi. He received twenty lashes and was then sent back to the Li residence. Marquis An Nan declared that if he dared to cause trouble using the Marquis’s residence’s name again, their familial ties would be severed, and the five hundred taels given earlier would have to be repaid.

Lishi was stunned by Marquis An Nan’s firm response. She feigned fainting and crying, threatening to end her own life. However, Marquis An Nan, exasperated by her theatrics, did not bother calling a physician for her. Witnessing her antics, he found her behavior both ridiculous and exasperating. He wearily retired to his study, seeking a moment of peace.

Soon, Lin Qingyang approached him, stating, “I heard about today’s events. Father, I cannot let my eldest sister and mother stay here any longer.”

Marquis An Nan reluctantly agreed, no longer maintaining his initial stance of refusal.

As Lin Qingyang stepped out of Marquis An Nan’s study, he instructed Shuncai and Qiu Qing, who were waiting outside, “Go, move today! Also, each of you is entitled to twenty taels of reward silver for a job well done.”

Shuncai and Qiu Qing immediately smiled and set out to handle the task.

Lin Qingyang leisurely made his way back.

Understanding that Marquis An Nan initially had no strong opinions on Lin Qinglan’s marriage, considering he didn’t want to defy his own mother and Lin Qinglan was deemed lacking in marriage prospects, Lin Qingyang surmised that after the incident with County Princess Yawen, Marquis An Nan would likely prefer not to get involved in troublesome matters like this.

However, if Lin Qingyang left and his mother fell seriously ill again, with the possibility of his grandmother staging another melodramatic scene, employing some schemes from the back courtyard to pressure Lin Qinglan, Marquis An Nan would likely go along with the flow. In that case, things would truly be in jeopardy. Since Marquis An Nan didn’t agree to their departure, Lin Qingyang had to think of alternative ways to achieve his goal.

Lin Qingyang directly arranged for Qiu Qing and Shuncai to pretend to be servants from the Li family, hiring a matchmaker to visit under the guise of seeking a match for the Li family’s younger son. Simultaneously, he found the Li family’s younger son, who had lost money in gambling and was planning to return home. Encouraging him to continue gambling by using his status, the Li family’s younger son quickly remembered the promise made by Lishi. As his gambling addiction took hold, the situation escalated, leading to today’s uproar.

Upon receiving the news that they could move, Nanny Ding, who had already planned the moving process, immediately got to work with their loyal servants. In almost no time, a line of carriages formed at the entrance of the Marquis’s residence.

Marquis An Nan probably didn’t expect that in the short time he spent contemplating in his room, the entire situation in the Marquis’s residence would change. When he received the notification and rushed over after County Princess Yawen’s departure, his face contorted with anger.

“What are you doing, rebelling?”

“Father, didn’t you agree to let me send Mother for recuperation? Eldest Sister will go along to take care of her. I’m about to return to the academy tomorrow, and departing from there is more convenient. So, I’ll go ahead.”

“Have you all thought this through?” Marquis An Nan couldn’t believe that they acted so swiftly and decisively as if it had been premeditated.

“We’ve thought it through long ago,” Lin Qingyang said deliberately, “It’s better to act sooner rather than later. Besides, I’m still at home and can help with the moving.”

Marquis An Nan suddenly felt a sense of anger as if he were being played, but for the moment, he couldn’t easily change his stance.

Suddenly, Nanny Ding stepped forward and said, “Marquis, the County Princess has something to tell you. Please go to the side of the carriage for a moment.”

Marquis An Nan glared fiercely at Lin Qingyang, then walked forward and stood by the carriage window, saying, “Yawen, you’re leaving in such a hurry. Why not wait for a few more days?”

“Since the Marquis has agreed, let’s keep it simple. Do you want me, a sick person, to travel back and forth? Besides, I don’t have much time left. I just want to live a few more days, and watch the children settle down. I won’t be of much help in the Marquis’s residence. Marquis, please spare me. Besides, I’m going for recuperation, there won’t be any gossip outside.”

Marquis An Nan looked complex, muttering, “I’ll find time to visit you.”

“No need to trouble the Marquis,” County Princess Yawen said coldly.

Marquis An Nan sighed, “Don’t forget to bring the Guanyin painting that Concubine Liu gave you. I hope Guanyin can bless you.”

County Princess Yawen paused for a moment, “Thank you, Marquis. I will remember.” Then she lowered the curtain.

Marquis An Nan’s expression dimmed, a sense of sadness flickering in his eyes, but it quickly vanished.

Lin Qinglan and Lin Qingyang greeted him before getting on the carriage. The grand procession almost seemed to flaunt as it left. After inquiring, people learned that the County Princess Yawen had gone to another residence for recuperation. Some even joked that although the County Princess had fallen on hard times, her lifestyle was still luxurious. It seemed extravagant to bring so many things just to recover from an illness, making others envy her life.

In reality, they were unaware that what they saw was only one-third of the truth. To avoid arousing rumors, the other two carriages were secretly prepared and left through the back gate.

At this moment, the Second Courtyard’s Madam, responsible for managing the household, rushed over, supporting Lishi who was stumbling, “We can’t let them go! They took away all our family property. They’re emptying our Marquis’s residence!”

Marquis An Nan simply watched the procession silently, “They didn’t take anything belonging to our Marquis’s residence.”

The Second Courtyard’s Madam couldn’t help but approach, “Marquis, County Princess Yawen, Lan’er, and Yang’er have emptied their private storerooms. It’s like taking away half of the Marquis’s residence! It’s not about recuperation; they’re clearly dividing the family.”

“If we were to divide the family, the legitimate daughter and son could take away a portion of the Marquis’s residence’s assets.” Marquis An Nan said coldly, “We couldn’t control what was in their private storerooms anyway.”

The Second Courtyard’s Madam stiffened, feeling utterly frustrated, and Lishi had already started cursing.

Marquis An Nan continued, “Stop making a scene. Whether they leave or not, sooner or later… they will come back.”

Lishi paused, immediately turned fierce, and declared, “Yes, as long as Yawen dies from her illness, sooner or later, they’ll have to come back to me!”

Marquis An Nan, frowning at her words, sighed and turned back to the residence.

Only Lin Qingwei was the last to rush out. She looked almost lost, staring at the tail of the procession. She wanted to cry but couldn’t, wanted to curse but couldn’t find her voice. She stood there like a statue, unable to move for a long time.

They really left, truly… leaving her alone?


About four hours later, approaching evening, they finally arrived at their new home.

By this time, the estate already had gatekeepers and servants in place, and everything was prepared, almost like a move-in-ready treatment.

Everyone looked at Lin Qingyang in disbelief, not expecting him to have done so much even while being bedridden.

Lin Qingyang couldn’t help but look proud and said, “It’s all arranged by Chu Lishu. Isn’t he amazing? Let’s go, take a look at our new home! Tonight, we’ll have a hearty meal to celebrate.”

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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 87

I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 87

Chapter 87

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Lin Qingyang got out of bed on the third day with the physician's permission and immediately went to see County Princess Yawen.

County Princess Yawen's health had worsened since the last life-threatening incident, and she looked just as frail as when Lin Qingyang first saw her. Her complexion was pale, lacking any rosy tint, and her whole demeanor seemed ailing.

Lin Qingyang hadn't informed County Princess Yawen about the injuries, so she assumed he had returned to his studies. However, upon seeing him again, she immediately sensed that something was wrong with his health.

After coming up with a plausible excuse to explain his condition, Lin Qingyang began discussing the matter of moving. County Princess Yawen had probably heard about the plan from Lin Qinglan and Nanny Ding a few times during this period. At first, she thought they were just casual remarks, but now that she heard it from her son, County Princess Yawen realized that there was indeed a serious intention to relocate.

In response, County Princess Yawen naturally didn't refuse. She had no desire to face Lishi anymore and harbored considerable disappointment towards Marquis An Nan. Perhaps leaving would allow her to breathe a sigh of relief and give her daughter some respite.

With County Princess Yawen's approval, Lin Qingyang planned to go and find Marquis An Nan.

Lin Qinglan, upon seeing this, wanted to accompany him. Lin Qingyang thought that more people meant greater strength, which was a good idea. However, upon closer inspection, he noticed that Lin Qinglan's eye makeup was a bit heavy today, which was unusual. As he looked more closely, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Eldest sister, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Qinglan was taken aback, shook her head, and said, "What? I'm fine."

"You cried, and your eyes are still swollen? Are you worried about mother?" Lin Qingyang asked in confusion.

Lin Qinglan's complexion changed slightly. "Yes, I'm worried about mother. Let's go."

Lin Qingyang noticed the hesitant expression on Qiu Qing next to Lin Qinglan.

"Eldest sister, don't hide anything from me. It can easily lead to misunderstandings and troubles. What's going on?"

Perhaps because Lin Qingyang had been acting very calmly recently, gaining people's trust, Lin Qinglan felt that once he became serious, she had to listen to him like the 'head of the family.' That's when she shared the recent grievances she had experienced.

Living in the house, Lin Qinglan naturally had to pay respects to her grandmother every day.

The second day after his mother recovered, Lin Qingyang reluctantly went to face the situation. As expected, Lishi vented all her anger on this obedient daughter for blocking the door. Lishi accused her of disrespecting her elders, making her kneel in the cold wind for an hour. As a result, she caught a chill and developed a fever that night. To take care of her mother and younger brother, she pretended nothing was wrong and endured the illness.

However, this morning was even more excessive. Lishi brought up the matter of marrying Cousin Li again. She fabricated stories, exaggerating the situation, and even decided to arrange for people to come directly and inspect her. In both words and implications, Lishi made it clear that she was in charge of this matter.

She also hinted that if Lin Qinglan wanted to infuriate the County Princess of Yawen again, she should go to Yawen and complain. Naturally, Lin Qinglan dared not. She didn't want to give Lishi another handle at this critical juncture, which could complicate the moving plans. Therefore, she planned to avoid the situation. After all, Lishi couldn't forcefully place Cousin Li in the backyard and pressure her to comply, right?

Upon hearing this, Lin Qingyang was infuriated, his face turning livid. Having read so many ancient novels, he thought his grandmother might actually be capable of such actions. He couldn't believe she had almost driven County Princess Yawen to death and still thought she could control Lin Qinglan's marriage.

Suppressing his anger, Lin Qingyang said, "Rest assured, we'll move immediately, not giving her any chance. Go and accompany Mother; I'll handle Father alone."

Lin Qingyang went straight to Marquis An Nan's study. Upon hearing the proposal for Lin Qinglan to go out to recuperate, the Marquis's first reaction was anger.

"Are you not done yet? Must you continue to disrupt the family, making a mockery for outsiders to laugh at? Since you're physically fine, hurry back to the Imperial Academy, and prepare for the assessment after the New Year. Now that your third brother is no longer dependable, do you also intend to give up? Don't waste time here with a group of women causing trouble."

"Father, I just suggested letting Mother go out for recuperation. How can you say it's causing trouble?" Lin Qingyang smirked and said, "If you ask me if grandmother provokes mother again and something happens, our Marquis's residence will become a laughingstock."

"I've told you about your grandmother; she won't." Marquis An Nan showed no signs of backing down. "If your mother moves out now, it will truly raise suspicions!"

"Grandmother won't? I didn't expect Father to understand Grandmother even less than I do. She's your mother; can you control her?" Lin Qingyang chuckled.

"What kind of talk is that? You learned about filial piety in the Imperial Academy, yet you dare to speak ill of your grandmother like this?" Marquis An Nan spoke sternly.

Lin Qingyang's mouth twitched. Whenever these people couldn't argue logically, they would resort to moral coercion.

"Father, what if grandmother uses eldest sister's marriage to upset mother again?"

Marquis An Nan replied confidently, "Your grandmother surely knows the limits. After all that has happened, it's impossible for her to go that far. In any case, going out for recuperation is not an option."

Lin Qingyang sneered silently and turned to leave.

Back at home, when Lin Qinglan heard the news, her eyes dimmed. Lin Qingyang patted Lin Qinglan's hand reassuringly and said, "Don't worry; I have a plan."

Soon, Lin Qingyang instructed Shuncai and Qiu Qing to handle some matters outside.

They returned that night, excitedly telling Lin Qingyang that everything had been taken care of. Now, they just had to wait for the news.

Lin Qingyang was relieved. When he went to visit his mother in the evening, he encountered Lin Qingwei. Lin Qingwei probably heard about their intention to move out, and angrily approached Lin Qingyang, questioning, "You want to move away for recovery and didn't bother to tell me? Only you guys will be leaving, without taking me? Did Father agree?"

Lin Qingyang straightforwardly replied, "Father did not agree."

"Humph, I knew it." Lin Qingwei seemed satisfied.

Lin Qingyang couldn't be bothered to argue with her and was about to leave.

Unable to hold back, Lin Qingwei said, "I'm asking you, are you intentionally excluding me when taking your family away?"

Lin Qingyang frowned and said, "Then let me ask you, if we really move to the other courtyard, live far away from the Marquis's residence, and never come back. Would you be willing to go with us?"

"What do you mean never come back? Are you crazy? This is our home. Even if you want to split the family, and you still ask me if I'm willing? Of course, I'm not willing. Can the life of a young lady who has always lived in the other courtyard be the same as that of a young lady who has always lived in the Marquis's residence?"

Lin Qingyang looked at Lin Qingwei's resolute expression and only left with the words "Makes sense."

Lin Qingwei was furious, but watching Lin Qingyang's departing figure, she felt a bit uneasy. However, being proud, she didn't want to say more. After all, her father wouldn't agree anyway.

Once inside, County Princess Yawen asked what they were talking about so loudly outside.

Lin Qingyang directly said, "Nothing much, just that Lin Qingwei doesn't plan to move with us. She wants to stay in the Marquis's residence and continue as the legitimate daughter of the Marquis."

County Princess Yawen's expression changed a bit, "She... is still young."

"She's not young anymore, and she has the right to decide her own life."

County Princess Yawen sighed, "Well, staying in a quiet place with me, a patient, is probably not what she wants."

Lin Qingyang didn't want to dwell on it and started discussing future arrangements as if the matter had already been settled.

The next day, after Marquis An Nan finished morning court, he returned to the residence and was told that a matchmaker had come, expressing an interest in proposing a marriage for Lin Qinglan.

Marquis An Nan was somewhat puzzled but still met with the matchmaker. To his surprise, as soon as the matchmaker entered, without revealing who had sent her, she immediately discussed the dowry as if they had already reached an internal agreement, negotiating the details of the future marriage.

Marquis An Nan's face darkened, and he sternly questioned the purpose of her visit.

The matchmaker then disclosed that it was the Li family's cousin who had sent her, claiming that they had already discussed and agreed upon Lin Qinglan's marriage. Therefore, she was there just as a formality, and there was no need for any formal betrothal gifts. They suggested choosing a date for Lin Qinglan to discreetly move in with her dowry.

Upon hearing this, Marquis An Nan's face turned green. He hadn't expected that Li's family would agree to such a matter without consulting him. Moreover, considering Li's family's status, which relied on some farmland and shops with the support of the Marquis's residence, if it weren't for their association with the Marquis's residence, who knows what state they would be in. Such an attitude towards the marriage of his family was not only insulting to Lin Qinglan but also a direct affront to him, the marquis. If this news spread, it would be a blow to his reputation. How could he continue to maintain his standing?

Marquis An Nan erupted in anger, scolding the matchmaker for spreading baseless rumors, and he even threatened her. If she dared to leak a single word outside, he promised to make her regret it.

The matchmaker, fearing the wrath of the marquis, could only leave in a subdued manner.

Marquis An Nan was about to confront Li's family, but before he could catch his breath, someone else arrived at the door.

This time, it was representatives from the gambling house, who had come to collect debts owed by Cousin Li of the Li's family. It was reported that Cousin Li had lost money and wanted to borrow from the gambling house. He repeatedly claimed to be the future son-in-law of the Marquis's residence, already engaged, and upon investigation, it was found that he did have a distant relative relationship with the Marquis's residence. The claim of being the future son-in-law seemed plausible, so the gambling house agreed to lend him money.

He borrowed five hundred taels at once but lost it all in gambling. Concerned that he might flee, the gambling house sent representatives to the Marquis's residence to collect the debt.

Marquis An Nan, infuriated by the arrogance of Li's family member who acted as if he were at his own home, was so angry that he wanted to have the person beaten to death on the spot. He categorically denied any involvement, stating that the person was just a distant relative, and the Marquis's residence would not bear such a stain. He ordered them to go back to Li's family to collect the debt.

The cousin from the Li family continued to make a scene, claiming relationships such as father-in-law, uncle, and cousin to imply a closer connection. He insisted that he and Lin Qinglan were already engaged, asserting that Li's family matriarch had verbally agreed, and they couldn't back out.

These consecutive blows pushed Marquis An Nan to the edge of his patience. However, for the sake of the Marquis's residence's reputation, he decided to compensate the money for this person. He made it clear that if this person dared to borrow money again using the Marquis's residence's name, he would not acknowledge it, and the gambling house wisely decided not to trust this individual any longer. After receiving the money, they left.

This series of incidents not only strained the relationship between Li's family and Marquis An Nan's residence but also highlighted the complexities and challenges Lin Qinglan faced in her family's house.

Marquis An Nan confronted Cousin Li of the Li's family in front of Lishi. Although Lishi had boasted that everything would work out, she was caught off guard by the fact that this young man had already spread false information. However, Cousin Li  immediately denied the involvement of a matchmaker, insisting that it was merely about gambling.

Despite his denial, Marquis An Nan no longer believed him. He expressed his anger vehemently, and Lishi, realizing the trouble she had caused, hurriedly tried to placate him and even attempted to promote the marriage alliance.

Marquis An Nan, however, engaged in a heated argument with Lishi. The events of today shattered the promises he had made to Lin Qingyang just yesterday. Moreover, the prospect of becoming a laughingstock for the Marquis's residence before the marriage had even taken place was unacceptable.

Without uttering a word, Marquis An Nan had Cousin Li restrained and administered a severe beating right in front of Lishi. He received twenty lashes and was then sent back to the Li residence. Marquis An Nan declared that if he dared to cause trouble using the Marquis's residence's name again, their familial ties would be severed, and the five hundred taels given earlier would have to be repaid.

Lishi was stunned by Marquis An Nan's firm response. She feigned fainting and crying, threatening to end her own life. However, Marquis An Nan, exasperated by her theatrics, did not bother calling a physician for her. Witnessing her antics, he found her behavior both ridiculous and exasperating. He wearily retired to his study, seeking a moment of peace.

Soon, Lin Qingyang approached him, stating, "I heard about today's events. Father, I cannot let my eldest sister and mother stay here any longer."

Marquis An Nan reluctantly agreed, no longer maintaining his initial stance of refusal.

As Lin Qingyang stepped out of Marquis An Nan's study, he instructed Shuncai and Qiu Qing, who were waiting outside, "Go, move today! Also, each of you is entitled to twenty taels of reward silver for a job well done."

Shuncai and Qiu Qing immediately smiled and set out to handle the task.

Lin Qingyang leisurely made his way back.

Understanding that Marquis An Nan initially had no strong opinions on Lin Qinglan's marriage, considering he didn't want to defy his own mother and Lin Qinglan was deemed lacking in marriage prospects, Lin Qingyang surmised that after the incident with County Princess Yawen, Marquis An Nan would likely prefer not to get involved in troublesome matters like this.

However, if Lin Qingyang left and his mother fell seriously ill again, with the possibility of his grandmother staging another melodramatic scene, employing some schemes from the back courtyard to pressure Lin Qinglan, Marquis An Nan would likely go along with the flow. In that case, things would truly be in jeopardy. Since Marquis An Nan didn't agree to their departure, Lin Qingyang had to think of alternative ways to achieve his goal.

Lin Qingyang directly arranged for Qiu Qing and Shuncai to pretend to be servants from the Li family, hiring a matchmaker to visit under the guise of seeking a match for the Li family's younger son. Simultaneously, he found the Li family's younger son, who had lost money in gambling and was planning to return home. Encouraging him to continue gambling by using his status, the Li family's younger son quickly remembered the promise made by Lishi. As his gambling addiction took hold, the situation escalated, leading to today's uproar.

Upon receiving the news that they could move, Nanny Ding, who had already planned the moving process, immediately got to work with their loyal servants. In almost no time, a line of carriages formed at the entrance of the Marquis's residence.

Marquis An Nan probably didn't expect that in the short time he spent contemplating in his room, the entire situation in the Marquis's residence would change. When he received the notification and rushed over after County Princess Yawen's departure, his face contorted with anger.

"What are you doing, rebelling?"

"Father, didn't you agree to let me send Mother for recuperation? Eldest Sister will go along to take care of her. I'm about to return to the academy tomorrow, and departing from there is more convenient. So, I'll go ahead."

"Have you all thought this through?" Marquis An Nan couldn't believe that they acted so swiftly and decisively as if it had been premeditated.

"We've thought it through long ago," Lin Qingyang said deliberately, "It's better to act sooner rather than later. Besides, I'm still at home and can help with the moving."

Marquis An Nan suddenly felt a sense of anger as if he were being played, but for the moment, he couldn't easily change his stance.

Suddenly, Nanny Ding stepped forward and said, "Marquis, the County Princess has something to tell you. Please go to the side of the carriage for a moment."

Marquis An Nan glared fiercely at Lin Qingyang, then walked forward and stood by the carriage window, saying, "Yawen, you're leaving in such a hurry. Why not wait for a few more days?"

"Since the Marquis has agreed, let's keep it simple. Do you want me, a sick person, to travel back and forth? Besides, I don't have much time left. I just want to live a few more days, and watch the children settle down. I won't be of much help in the Marquis's residence. Marquis, please spare me. Besides, I'm going for recuperation, there won't be any gossip outside."

Marquis An Nan looked complex, muttering, "I'll find time to visit you."

"No need to trouble the Marquis," County Princess Yawen said coldly.

Marquis An Nan sighed, "Don't forget to bring the Guanyin painting that Concubine Liu gave you. I hope Guanyin can bless you."

County Princess Yawen paused for a moment, "Thank you, Marquis. I will remember." Then she lowered the curtain.

Marquis An Nan's expression dimmed, a sense of sadness flickering in his eyes, but it quickly vanished.

Lin Qinglan and Lin Qingyang greeted him before getting on the carriage. The grand procession almost seemed to flaunt as it left. After inquiring, people learned that the County Princess Yawen had gone to another residence for recuperation. Some even joked that although the County Princess had fallen on hard times, her lifestyle was still luxurious. It seemed extravagant to bring so many things just to recover from an illness, making others envy her life.

In reality, they were unaware that what they saw was only one-third of the truth. To avoid arousing rumors, the other two carriages were secretly prepared and left through the back gate.

At this moment, the Second Courtyard's Madam, responsible for managing the household, rushed over, supporting Lishi who was stumbling, "We can't let them go! They took away all our family property. They're emptying our Marquis's residence!"

Marquis An Nan simply watched the procession silently, "They didn't take anything belonging to our Marquis's residence."

The Second Courtyard's Madam couldn't help but approach, "Marquis, County Princess Yawen, Lan'er, and Yang'er have emptied their private storerooms. It's like taking away half of the Marquis's residence! It's not about recuperation; they're clearly dividing the family."

"If we were to divide the family, the legitimate daughter and son could take away a portion of the Marquis's residence's assets." Marquis An Nan said coldly, "We couldn't control what was in their private storerooms anyway."

The Second Courtyard's Madam stiffened, feeling utterly frustrated, and Lishi had already started cursing.

Marquis An Nan continued, "Stop making a scene. Whether they leave or not, sooner or later... they will come back."

Lishi paused, immediately turned fierce, and declared, "Yes, as long as Yawen dies from her illness, sooner or later, they'll have to come back to me!"

Marquis An Nan, frowning at her words, sighed and turned back to the residence.

Only Lin Qingwei was the last to rush out. She looked almost lost, staring at the tail of the procession. She wanted to cry but couldn't, wanted to curse but couldn't find her voice. She stood there like a statue, unable to move for a long time.

They really left, truly... leaving her alone?


About four hours later, approaching evening, they finally arrived at their new home.

By this time, the estate already had gatekeepers and servants in place, and everything was prepared, almost like a move-in-ready treatment.

Everyone looked at Lin Qingyang in disbelief, not expecting him to have done so much even while being bedridden.

Lin Qingyang couldn't help but look proud and said, "It's all arranged by Chu Lishu. Isn't he amazing? Let's go, take a look at our new home! Tonight, we'll have a hearty meal to celebrate."

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  1. KCC says:

    Tysm for translating!! Your translations what keep me waking every morning ❤️

    1. Ciacia says:

      Aww <33 glad to be of help!

  2. Roi says:


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