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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 96

Chapter 96

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Looking at Chu Lishu’s innocent expression, Lin Qingyang ultimately couldn’t bring himself to scold him.

After all, he ‘knew nothing,’ so what reasons could he find to scold someone?

Should he reprimand him for not refraining from saving the Fourth Prince?

In theory, as the son of a courtier, standing by without helping when a prince was in danger, while he remained unharmed, would indeed be a real problem.

So, from a general perspective, everything Chu Lishu did seemed justified and reasonable.

Knowing the truth, Lin Qingyang really wanted to scold him, to ask whether it was worth it for him to end up lying in a sickbed.

The Fourth Prince’s favor was easily obtainable, and gaining General Zhao’s trust could be achieved slowly in the future through other opportunities.

Did he really have to insist on this course of action?

The more Lin Qingyang thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, and his expression darkened.

Assassins coming from who knows where, indiscriminate killing regardless of the target. The necessity for someone to get injured – looking back now, the variables in this situation were indeed significant. Even if it was just for show, attempting to assassinate the Fourth Prince was not as simple as it seemed.

“Cousin…” Chu Lishu suddenly spoke, “I’m fine.”

Lin Qingyang lowered his gaze to look at Chu Lishu, who had a faint smile in his eyes, clearly quite satisfied with how things had gone – it seemed he had executed his plan perfectly.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qingyang said, “Now we’re both injured in the abdomen; we really are like brothers in adversity.”

Chu Lishu smirked and calmly replied, “It wasn’t as severe as your injury back then.”

Did Lin Qingyang mishear him? Why did Chu Lishu’s tone sound somewhat regretful? Comparing injuries is not something to be nostalgic about, right?

Just as I was thinking, there was a sound at the door— it was the medicine boy delivering medicine.

Accompanying the medicine boy was the Fourth Prince and General Zhao.

Lin Qingyang hurriedly bowed, and on the bed, Chu Lishu put on a fearful expression, preparing to get up with his ailing body, but General Zhao stopped him.

“I’ve come to check on you. Are you alright?” The Fourth Prince asked with some concern, his eyes filled with innocence.

“Reporting to Your Highness, I’m fine. The physician said that with some rest, this injury will be alright in a few days,” Chu Lishu replied gently.

Only then did the Fourth Prince feel relieved, “You have saved my life, I will remember it.”

“Your Highness, please don’t say that. It’s what I should do,” Chu Lishu said gently.

For the first time, the Fourth Prince felt a bit uncomfortable having a lifesaver but looking at Chu Lishu, his gaze was no longer that of a mere playmate. It seemed that he would soon develop into a big brother whom he trusted and loved.

Lin Qingyang, witnessing how the male lead gradually won hearts, sighed inwardly. With Chu Lishu’s current demeanor, anyone would easily develop a favorable impression. His personal charm was just too strong. At the same time, he felt a bit sad. Was it because his character setting wasn’t good enough? He always felt that Chu Lishu, in front of him, was gradually dropping the pretense. Lately, he had been scaring his heart into erratic beats. If Chu Lishu had continued treating him with the soft and innocent bunny image, perhaps this toolman would have felt a bit happier.

After the Fourth Prince finished speaking, General Zhao stepped forward, patted Chu Lishu’s shoulder, and said directly, “Well done, Chu Lishu, right? I remember. You will definitely achieve something in the future.” General Zhao’s words sounded like an invisible promise, indicating that he would repay Chu Lishu in the future.

“I heard that you are all studying at the Imperial Academy. After graduation, you will be assessed for the position of a prince’s study companion. Do you both intend to become a prince’s study companions in the future?”

Initially, the Fourth Prince hadn’t thought much about it, assuming that his study companion would be Xu Wenzhe. However, upon hearing this question, he became excited and exclaimed, “General Zhao, can they also be my study companions?”

General Zhao replied, “A prince can have multiple study companions. If the Fourth Prince likes them, both of them can be summoned to the palace. However, the prerequisite is that they must pass the assessment at the Imperial Academy. If…” General Zhao looked at Chu Lishu and Lin Qingyang and asked, “If you pass, would you be interested in being study companions to the Fourth Prince?”

General Zhao is giving them an opportunity to choose. If they agree, they basically just need to pass the written test, as the connections for the interview are already secured.

Lin Qingyang also understands that he is more of an accessory in this situation. He expresses extreme delight on his face and then looks towards Chu Lishu.

Chu Lishu speaks up, “My cousin and I have always heard of the illustrious reputation of the Fourth Prince from Young Master Xu. We have always hoped that if given the chance, serving by the Fourth Prince’s side would undoubtedly be our good fortune.”

Upon hearing this, the Fourth Prince immediately jumps with joy, “Fantastic! In the future, we can play together… oh no, I mean, study together! You two can rest assured; once you enter the palace, this Prince will protect you!”

Chu Lishu and Lin Qingyang quickly express their gratitude.

General Zhao nodded in satisfaction. In fact, the appearance of these two individuals in Duke Wei Guo’s residence, introduced by Young Master Xu, likely already indicated their intentions. He was merely making it explicit.

General Zhao had a favorable impression of these two, especially Chu Lishu, who willingly risked himself to protect the prince. Having such loyal individuals by the Fourth Prince’s side would bring peace of mind even when the prince was outside the palace.

After some encouraging words, General Zhao left with the Fourth Prince, allowing Chu Lishu to focus on recovering. As soon as they were gone, Lin Qingyang excitedly grabbed Chu Lishu’s hand and exclaimed, “We made it! We can go to the palace together.”

Seeing Lin Qingyang so thrilled, Chu Lishu felt a warmth in his heart. He temporarily pushed aside the awkwardness from earlier. Shortly after, Chu Lishu drank the medicine brought by the medicine boy and quickly fell asleep under its effects.

As Lin Qingyang heard the delightful notification in his mind:

【 Ding! Main Mission 1, Mission 5: Help the male lead gain favor with the Fourth Prince, earn General Zhao’s trust. Completed. Reward: 50 points, total: 60 points. Plot progress: 20%.】

He became wealthier again!

The joy of a nouveau riche was to explore the mall, but… well, maybe not now. He needed to reserve some points for the ginseng pill, just in case.

With so many points, Lin Qingyang suddenly became determined. He hoped for more missions to come so he could earn even more points. This way, he wouldn’t have to be so cautious when using them in the future.

Outside, chaos was unfolding, but no one disturbed them, probably thanks to the efforts of the Fourth Prince and General Zhao. Given their circumstances, no one could easily connect them to the assassination attempt.

Using his brain too much left Lin Qingyang feeling exhausted, so he leaned aside to rest and soon drifted off to sleep.

He only woke up when Xu Wenzhe came to check on them.

“Why are you sleeping here? There’s a room reserved for you next door. There’s also a medicine boy waiting in the outer room,” Xu Wenzhe said.

“No worries. I feel uneasy if I’m not around to keep watch,” Lin Qingyang replied with a yawn.

This statement is unintentional, but the listener reads into it with intention.

Xu Wenze, seeing the two of them, sighed and expressed remorse, “I apologize. The intention was to repay your kindness, but it resulted in both of you facing such danger and getting injured. I truly…”

“Don’t say that. You’re the innocent one here. You’ve had a string of misfortunes from morning till night. Isn’t your health more important? Why don’t you go back and rest?” Lin Qingyang, seeing Xu Wenze’s almost bloodless face, genuinely felt sympathy for the unlucky fellow.

Everyone around him was using him, scheming against him. It was quite pitiful.

Xu Wenze shook his head, “I’m fine. It’s just superficial wounds. On the other hand, Brother Lishu is not lightly injured. You were really scared, weren’t you? Are you sure you’re not hurt?”

Lin Qingyang shook his head, “I’m fine. Fortunately, I happened to be in a safe place at that time.”

Xu Wenze breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, “But I heard that the Fourth Prince and the others are already favoring you. It’s a blessing in disguise.”

Lin Qingyang smiled, expressing agreement.

“In the future, the three of us can continue to be study companions together,” Xu Wenze said, relaxing for a rare moment.

“Well, we’ll have to rely on you to take care of us in the future. You’re definitely more familiar with the palace than we are.”

Xu Wenze nodded subtly and then said, “I’ve understood Brother Lishu’s situation. I suggest letting him recover in the residence for now. His injuries require a few days of rest. When he can move, he can come and go freely. Since he was injured in our residence, we should take responsibility. Please agree to this.”

Lin Qingyang thought for a moment and said, “Let’s see what he says when he wakes up. I won’t make decisions for him.”

Xu Wenze was somewhat surprised but didn’t dwell on it, continuing, “And what about you? What are your plans?”

Lin Qingyang directly replied, “If my cousin stays, I’ll stay to take care of him. If he decides to leave, I’ll go with him.”

This time, Xu Wenze was genuinely stunned. “You really are…”

Lin Qingyang felt a bit awkward. “I… I just can’t help but worry. After all, he’s my cousin.”

Xu Wenze smiled faintly, as if he didn’t need much explanation, and said, “Brother Lishu is very fortunate to have you as a cousin, always putting him first and worrying about him.”

Lin Qingyang rubbed his head and said, “I can’t really help much, just staying by his side. It’s not much luck.”

“No, having someone genuinely caring and guarding is the greatest fortune, something many envy,” Xu Wenze said.

Lin Qingyang looked at Xu Wenze, who seemed somewhat nostalgic. It seemed that today’s events had left him quite helpless.

Lin Qingyang wasn’t good at comforting people, especially when it involved private matters of their family. It wouldn’t be appropriate to disclose family secrets, so he could only offer reassurance, saying, “You have many friends; there will surely be someone to guard you in times of injury and disappointment.”

“Do you think so? Perhaps there will be someone in the future. I just fear… I’ve missed it without realizing…”

Lin Qingyang was taken aback, feeling that Xu Wenze’s words carried deeper meaning. Just as he was pondering this, a sudden groan and moan reached their ears. It seemed that Chu Lishu in the bed was in pain.

Both of them stopped their conversation and hurried to check on him. They heard Chu Lishu murmuring in pain. Lin Qingyang quickly examined the wound, but the bandaged area showed no signs of abnormalities.

Lin Qingyang was somewhat startled; previously, even when Tianxuan Pill’s side effects occurred, he hadn’t heard Chu Lishu utter a word of pain. Yet now, he seemed to be groaning in pain even in his sleep. This was unusual, wasn’t it? Could there be other conditions in his body?

He thought to himself that Chu Lishu’s health was originally not good, and he shouldn’t have taken such risks.

However, Lin Qingyang suddenly realized that without Chu Lishu’s daring actions, his own mission would not have been accomplished.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Qingyang took out a small round pill from his hand and leaned over the bed to feed it to Chu Lishu.

“What is this?” Xu Wenze asked, puzzled.

“Candy! Eating candy helps alleviate pain,” Lin Qingyang explained.

Xu Wenze couldn’t help but find Lin Qingyang’s approach somewhat amusing. Wasn’t this just fooling a child? However, he didn’t interfere. Lin Qingyang seemed extremely serious, and perhaps doing this brought him some comfort.

Lin Qingyang persistently administered the pain-relief pill that cost him three points. Soon, Chu Lishu stopped groaning and slowly opened his eyes, gazing at Lin Qingyang with a dazed expression.

Thinking he had awakened Chu Lishu, Lin Qingyang felt embarrassed. “Uh, the thing I gave you is a painkiller. How do you feel now?”

Xu Wenze couldn’t hold back a smile but chose not to expose the situation. Chu Lishu, still a bit groggy, responded, “Mm… it doesn’t hurt as much now.”

How could a piece of candy possibly relieve pain? Chu Lishu’s rational knowledge told him that it was improbable. However, after swallowing it, he surprisingly felt less pain after a short while. He wasn’t sure if it was a psychological effect or if the painkiller was starting to take effect.

In fact, he didn’t feel much pain to begin with. He was accustomed to pain, so such a level didn’t bother him much; it only made him feel weaker.

If it weren’t for just now…

Chu Lishu glanced at Xu Wenze, a lingering unpleasant feeling in his heart.

Seeing Chu Lishu looking at Xu Wenze, Lin Qingyang remembered the matter Xu Wenze had brought up earlier.

“I’m fine with either. Cousin, make decisions for me.” Although Chu Lishu appreciated Lin Qingyang’s non-interference stance, hearing him say that made Chu Lishu uncomfortable. His initial reaction was that Lin Qingyang should be able to make some decisions for him.

He allowed Lin Qingyang to do so, but only for trivial matters. Lin Qingyang wouldn’t control or influence him in any significant way.

Lin Qingyang didn’t think much about it and said, “Then stay here. You need to recover faster. It’ll be more convenient when you return to Imperial Academy. Just don’t follow my example. It’s better if you don’t move too much starting now.”

Chu Lishu suddenly laughed, “You do know you’re contradicting yourself, right?”

Lin Qingyang cleared his throat, “Yes, I’ve learned my mistake. So, you should obediently learn from my experience and take good care of your injuries.”

“Alright,” Chu Lishu agreed readily.

Seeing the harmonious interaction between the two, Xu Wenze smiled openly and said, “It’s settled then. This courtyard is reserved for you two guests. We’ve arranged the staff outside, feel free to use them. Brother Lishu, by saving the Fourth Prince, you’ve also saved our Duke Wei Guo’s residence. So, if there’s anything you need, just let us know.”

Lin Qingyang and Chu Lishu expressed their gratitude. Then Chu Lishu asked, “Can they find out who sent those assassins?”

At this point, Xu Wenze’s expression turned serious, “Have you heard of the Blood Abyss Pavilion?”

“I have heard of it. It seems to be a professional… assassin?” Chu Lishu responded.

Lin Qingyang: Heh, too familiar.

Xu Wenze nodded, “Indeed. When one of them escaped, they used a special substance called ‘Mist Dispersal,’ which is often used by the Blood Abyss Pavilion’s assassins. That’s why our first suspicion falls on the Blood Abyss Pavilion. Someone might have hired their assassins to kill the Fourth Prince. However… it’s strange because the Blood Abyss Pavilion rarely dares to target members of the royal family. Assassinating a royal member involves too much risk, and it’s a deal with no return. They are in the business, not fanatics. Taking such a risky job is really abnormal. So… whether it’s the Blood Abyss Pavilion or not, we cannot conclude at the moment. It’s just based on the evidence.”

Xu Wenze was actually very intelligent, so he wouldn’t easily jump to conclusions like those outside. Whenever there was a doubt, he would question it. He had an intuition that things behind the scenes were not as simple as they appeared.

“Well, if it’s really the Blood Abyss Pavilion, can we find out who assigned the task?” Chu Lishu asked curiously.

Xu Wenze shook his head, “The Blood Abyss Pavilion doesn’t have a fixed headquarters. They operate with a set way of assigning tasks, making it difficult to eliminate them. The royal family tried it years ago… In short, they are like rats in a tunnel. Even with the most powerful force, it’s impossible to capture them all. Moreover, it’s said that they have a rule: they won’t record the employer of a task. As long as a task is deemed acceptable and someone is willing to take it, that’s it.”

“It seems that we won’t be able to catch the real culprit behind this,” Chu Lishu regretfully remarked.

Xu Wenze hesitated, there were many things he couldn’t say. Who would want to harm the Fourth Prince? There were only a few forces involved, but determining who genuinely wanted to act and who was prepared to shift the blame to others was a difficult task.

Lin Qingyang was filled with questions by now.

Is it really the Blood Abyss Pavilion? It probably isn’t. The male lead must know that the Blood Abyss Pavilion has a complicated background. It’s unlikely that they would hire the Blood Abyss Pavilion for such a covert operation. Therefore, there are only two possibilities.

There are two possibilities. First, those individuals might not be members of the Blood Abyss Pavilion. The ones using the Mist Dispersal Powder could be Lu Yi or Lu Shi. Acquiring Mist Dispersal Powder wouldn’t be difficult for them. If there’s no other evidence proving the origin of those assassins, then Lu Yi and Lu Shi might be using Mist Dispersal Powder to confuse the investigators and make them think that all of them are members of the Blood Abyss Pavilion.

The second possibility is that they are indeed members of the Blood Abyss Pavilion, and someone has genuinely hired them to assassinate the Fourth Prince. The male lead knows about this, so he is using them as a tool. Lu Yi and Lu Shi are just playing along to muddy the waters.

Within these two backgrounds, there are many different scenarios. Lin Qingyang’s head is getting tied up in knots with all these possibilities, so he can only put aside his questions and continue listening to the conversation.

Just as they were discussing this, a servant delivered a message, informing them that Yue Chen and Huo Luo had arrived.

Lin Qingyang was quite curious about the condition of Huo Luo’s poisoning. When the two of them entered, he maintained a natural expression and refrained from asking about it in front of Xu Wenze.

Xu Wenze was also curious about why they had left so abruptly.

Yue Chen spoke openly, “To save you, Huo Luo got a bit poisoned too. There’s only one detoxification pill, so I had to take him to see the physician.”

Xu Wenze looked apologetically at Huo Luo, “I’ve troubled Brother Huo.”

Huo Luo’s voice sounded somewhat hoarse as he replied, “It’s nothing.”

Lin Qingyang looked at Huo Luo and felt that his usually stern face seemed even more tense now. Could it be that he was feeling uncomfortable from holding back earlier?

Here, Yue Chen and Chu Lishu were likely the only ones fully aware of the entire situation. The two exchanged a silent glance, and Yue Chen uncommonly looked away first.

“We heard about the situation here upon our return and came to check on you,” Yue Chen said.

Huo Luo immediately added, “How are your injuries?”

After a brief explanation of their injuries by Xu Wenze, he quickly said, “Your arrival is timely. Could you help investigate this matter? It happened in Duke Wei Guo’s residence, and I’m afraid…”

“It seems we may not have the chance to get involved this time. Prime Minister Li has personally arrived,” Yue Chen interjected directly.

Xu Wenze immediately turned to leave, concerned that Prime Minister Li might blame them, potentially causing a rift between the two families.

However, before Xu Wenze could exit, Yue Chen grabbed his arm and reminded him, “Just take responsibility for the lapse in protection. I believe Prime Minister Li won’t blame you. Don’t worry too much.”

Xu Wenze was momentarily puzzled, sensing that Yue Chen’s words carried more meaning, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it and hurriedly left.

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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 96

I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 96

Chapter 96

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Looking at Chu Lishu's innocent expression, Lin Qingyang ultimately couldn't bring himself to scold him.

After all, he 'knew nothing,' so what reasons could he find to scold someone?

Should he reprimand him for not refraining from saving the Fourth Prince?

In theory, as the son of a courtier, standing by without helping when a prince was in danger, while he remained unharmed, would indeed be a real problem.

So, from a general perspective, everything Chu Lishu did seemed justified and reasonable.

Knowing the truth, Lin Qingyang really wanted to scold him, to ask whether it was worth it for him to end up lying in a sickbed.

The Fourth Prince's favor was easily obtainable, and gaining General Zhao's trust could be achieved slowly in the future through other opportunities.

Did he really have to insist on this course of action?

The more Lin Qingyang thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, and his expression darkened.

Assassins coming from who knows where, indiscriminate killing regardless of the target. The necessity for someone to get injured – looking back now, the variables in this situation were indeed significant. Even if it was just for show, attempting to assassinate the Fourth Prince was not as simple as it seemed.

"Cousin..." Chu Lishu suddenly spoke, "I'm fine."

Lin Qingyang lowered his gaze to look at Chu Lishu, who had a faint smile in his eyes, clearly quite satisfied with how things had gone – it seemed he had executed his plan perfectly.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qingyang said, "Now we're both injured in the abdomen; we really are like brothers in adversity."

Chu Lishu smirked and calmly replied, "It wasn't as severe as your injury back then."

Did Lin Qingyang mishear him? Why did Chu Lishu's tone sound somewhat regretful? Comparing injuries is not something to be nostalgic about, right?

Just as I was thinking, there was a sound at the door— it was the medicine boy delivering medicine.

Accompanying the medicine boy was the Fourth Prince and General Zhao.

Lin Qingyang hurriedly bowed, and on the bed, Chu Lishu put on a fearful expression, preparing to get up with his ailing body, but General Zhao stopped him.

"I've come to check on you. Are you alright?" The Fourth Prince asked with some concern, his eyes filled with innocence.

"Reporting to Your Highness, I'm fine. The physician said that with some rest, this injury will be alright in a few days," Chu Lishu replied gently.

Only then did the Fourth Prince feel relieved, "You have saved my life, I will remember it."

"Your Highness, please don't say that. It's what I should do," Chu Lishu said gently.

For the first time, the Fourth Prince felt a bit uncomfortable having a lifesaver but looking at Chu Lishu, his gaze was no longer that of a mere playmate. It seemed that he would soon develop into a big brother whom he trusted and loved.

Lin Qingyang, witnessing how the male lead gradually won hearts, sighed inwardly. With Chu Lishu's current demeanor, anyone would easily develop a favorable impression. His personal charm was just too strong. At the same time, he felt a bit sad. Was it because his character setting wasn't good enough? He always felt that Chu Lishu, in front of him, was gradually dropping the pretense. Lately, he had been scaring his heart into erratic beats. If Chu Lishu had continued treating him with the soft and innocent bunny image, perhaps this toolman would have felt a bit happier.

After the Fourth Prince finished speaking, General Zhao stepped forward, patted Chu Lishu's shoulder, and said directly, "Well done, Chu Lishu, right? I remember. You will definitely achieve something in the future." General Zhao's words sounded like an invisible promise, indicating that he would repay Chu Lishu in the future.

"I heard that you are all studying at the Imperial Academy. After graduation, you will be assessed for the position of a prince's study companion. Do you both intend to become a prince's study companions in the future?"

Initially, the Fourth Prince hadn't thought much about it, assuming that his study companion would be Xu Wenzhe. However, upon hearing this question, he became excited and exclaimed, "General Zhao, can they also be my study companions?"

General Zhao replied, "A prince can have multiple study companions. If the Fourth Prince likes them, both of them can be summoned to the palace. However, the prerequisite is that they must pass the assessment at the Imperial Academy. If..." General Zhao looked at Chu Lishu and Lin Qingyang and asked, "If you pass, would you be interested in being study companions to the Fourth Prince?"

General Zhao is giving them an opportunity to choose. If they agree, they basically just need to pass the written test, as the connections for the interview are already secured.

Lin Qingyang also understands that he is more of an accessory in this situation. He expresses extreme delight on his face and then looks towards Chu Lishu.

Chu Lishu speaks up, "My cousin and I have always heard of the illustrious reputation of the Fourth Prince from Young Master Xu. We have always hoped that if given the chance, serving by the Fourth Prince's side would undoubtedly be our good fortune."

Upon hearing this, the Fourth Prince immediately jumps with joy, "Fantastic! In the future, we can play together... oh no, I mean, study together! You two can rest assured; once you enter the palace, this Prince will protect you!"

Chu Lishu and Lin Qingyang quickly express their gratitude.

General Zhao nodded in satisfaction. In fact, the appearance of these two individuals in Duke Wei Guo's residence, introduced by Young Master Xu, likely already indicated their intentions. He was merely making it explicit.

General Zhao had a favorable impression of these two, especially Chu Lishu, who willingly risked himself to protect the prince. Having such loyal individuals by the Fourth Prince's side would bring peace of mind even when the prince was outside the palace.

After some encouraging words, General Zhao left with the Fourth Prince, allowing Chu Lishu to focus on recovering. As soon as they were gone, Lin Qingyang excitedly grabbed Chu Lishu's hand and exclaimed, "We made it! We can go to the palace together."

Seeing Lin Qingyang so thrilled, Chu Lishu felt a warmth in his heart. He temporarily pushed aside the awkwardness from earlier. Shortly after, Chu Lishu drank the medicine brought by the medicine boy and quickly fell asleep under its effects.

As Lin Qingyang heard the delightful notification in his mind:

【 Ding! Main Mission 1, Mission 5: Help the male lead gain favor with the Fourth Prince, earn General Zhao's trust. Completed. Reward: 50 points, total: 60 points. Plot progress: 20%.】

He became wealthier again!

The joy of a nouveau riche was to explore the mall, but... well, maybe not now. He needed to reserve some points for the ginseng pill, just in case.

With so many points, Lin Qingyang suddenly became determined. He hoped for more missions to come so he could earn even more points. This way, he wouldn't have to be so cautious when using them in the future.

Outside, chaos was unfolding, but no one disturbed them, probably thanks to the efforts of the Fourth Prince and General Zhao. Given their circumstances, no one could easily connect them to the assassination attempt.

Using his brain too much left Lin Qingyang feeling exhausted, so he leaned aside to rest and soon drifted off to sleep.

He only woke up when Xu Wenzhe came to check on them.

"Why are you sleeping here? There's a room reserved for you next door. There's also a medicine boy waiting in the outer room," Xu Wenzhe said.

"No worries. I feel uneasy if I'm not around to keep watch," Lin Qingyang replied with a yawn.

This statement is unintentional, but the listener reads into it with intention.

Xu Wenze, seeing the two of them, sighed and expressed remorse, "I apologize. The intention was to repay your kindness, but it resulted in both of you facing such danger and getting injured. I truly..."

"Don't say that. You're the innocent one here. You've had a string of misfortunes from morning till night. Isn't your health more important? Why don't you go back and rest?" Lin Qingyang, seeing Xu Wenze's almost bloodless face, genuinely felt sympathy for the unlucky fellow.

Everyone around him was using him, scheming against him. It was quite pitiful.

Xu Wenze shook his head, "I'm fine. It's just superficial wounds. On the other hand, Brother Lishu is not lightly injured. You were really scared, weren't you? Are you sure you're not hurt?"

Lin Qingyang shook his head, "I'm fine. Fortunately, I happened to be in a safe place at that time."

Xu Wenze breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "But I heard that the Fourth Prince and the others are already favoring you. It's a blessing in disguise."

Lin Qingyang smiled, expressing agreement.

"In the future, the three of us can continue to be study companions together," Xu Wenze said, relaxing for a rare moment.

"Well, we'll have to rely on you to take care of us in the future. You're definitely more familiar with the palace than we are."

Xu Wenze nodded subtly and then said, "I've understood Brother Lishu's situation. I suggest letting him recover in the residence for now. His injuries require a few days of rest. When he can move, he can come and go freely. Since he was injured in our residence, we should take responsibility. Please agree to this."

Lin Qingyang thought for a moment and said, "Let's see what he says when he wakes up. I won't make decisions for him."

Xu Wenze was somewhat surprised but didn't dwell on it, continuing, "And what about you? What are your plans?"

Lin Qingyang directly replied, "If my cousin stays, I'll stay to take care of him. If he decides to leave, I'll go with him."

This time, Xu Wenze was genuinely stunned. "You really are..."

Lin Qingyang felt a bit awkward. "I... I just can't help but worry. After all, he's my cousin."

Xu Wenze smiled faintly, as if he didn't need much explanation, and said, "Brother Lishu is very fortunate to have you as a cousin, always putting him first and worrying about him."

Lin Qingyang rubbed his head and said, "I can't really help much, just staying by his side. It's not much luck."

"No, having someone genuinely caring and guarding is the greatest fortune, something many envy," Xu Wenze said.

Lin Qingyang looked at Xu Wenze, who seemed somewhat nostalgic. It seemed that today's events had left him quite helpless.

Lin Qingyang wasn't good at comforting people, especially when it involved private matters of their family. It wouldn't be appropriate to disclose family secrets, so he could only offer reassurance, saying, "You have many friends; there will surely be someone to guard you in times of injury and disappointment."

"Do you think so? Perhaps there will be someone in the future. I just fear... I've missed it without realizing..."

Lin Qingyang was taken aback, feeling that Xu Wenze's words carried deeper meaning. Just as he was pondering this, a sudden groan and moan reached their ears. It seemed that Chu Lishu in the bed was in pain.

Both of them stopped their conversation and hurried to check on him. They heard Chu Lishu murmuring in pain. Lin Qingyang quickly examined the wound, but the bandaged area showed no signs of abnormalities.

Lin Qingyang was somewhat startled; previously, even when Tianxuan Pill's side effects occurred, he hadn't heard Chu Lishu utter a word of pain. Yet now, he seemed to be groaning in pain even in his sleep. This was unusual, wasn't it? Could there be other conditions in his body?

He thought to himself that Chu Lishu's health was originally not good, and he shouldn't have taken such risks.

However, Lin Qingyang suddenly realized that without Chu Lishu's daring actions, his own mission would not have been accomplished.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Qingyang took out a small round pill from his hand and leaned over the bed to feed it to Chu Lishu.

"What is this?" Xu Wenze asked, puzzled.

"Candy! Eating candy helps alleviate pain," Lin Qingyang explained.

Xu Wenze couldn't help but find Lin Qingyang's approach somewhat amusing. Wasn't this just fooling a child? However, he didn't interfere. Lin Qingyang seemed extremely serious, and perhaps doing this brought him some comfort.

Lin Qingyang persistently administered the pain-relief pill that cost him three points. Soon, Chu Lishu stopped groaning and slowly opened his eyes, gazing at Lin Qingyang with a dazed expression.

Thinking he had awakened Chu Lishu, Lin Qingyang felt embarrassed. "Uh, the thing I gave you is a painkiller. How do you feel now?"

Xu Wenze couldn't hold back a smile but chose not to expose the situation. Chu Lishu, still a bit groggy, responded, "Mm... it doesn't hurt as much now."

How could a piece of candy possibly relieve pain? Chu Lishu's rational knowledge told him that it was improbable. However, after swallowing it, he surprisingly felt less pain after a short while. He wasn't sure if it was a psychological effect or if the painkiller was starting to take effect.

In fact, he didn't feel much pain to begin with. He was accustomed to pain, so such a level didn't bother him much; it only made him feel weaker.

If it weren't for just now...

Chu Lishu glanced at Xu Wenze, a lingering unpleasant feeling in his heart.

Seeing Chu Lishu looking at Xu Wenze, Lin Qingyang remembered the matter Xu Wenze had brought up earlier.

"I'm fine with either. Cousin, make decisions for me." Although Chu Lishu appreciated Lin Qingyang's non-interference stance, hearing him say that made Chu Lishu uncomfortable. His initial reaction was that Lin Qingyang should be able to make some decisions for him.

He allowed Lin Qingyang to do so, but only for trivial matters. Lin Qingyang wouldn't control or influence him in any significant way.

Lin Qingyang didn't think much about it and said, "Then stay here. You need to recover faster. It'll be more convenient when you return to Imperial Academy. Just don't follow my example. It's better if you don't move too much starting now."

Chu Lishu suddenly laughed, "You do know you're contradicting yourself, right?"

Lin Qingyang cleared his throat, "Yes, I've learned my mistake. So, you should obediently learn from my experience and take good care of your injuries."

"Alright," Chu Lishu agreed readily.

Seeing the harmonious interaction between the two, Xu Wenze smiled openly and said, "It's settled then. This courtyard is reserved for you two guests. We've arranged the staff outside, feel free to use them. Brother Lishu, by saving the Fourth Prince, you've also saved our Duke Wei Guo's residence. So, if there's anything you need, just let us know."

Lin Qingyang and Chu Lishu expressed their gratitude. Then Chu Lishu asked, "Can they find out who sent those assassins?"

At this point, Xu Wenze's expression turned serious, "Have you heard of the Blood Abyss Pavilion?"

"I have heard of it. It seems to be a professional... assassin?" Chu Lishu responded.

Lin Qingyang: Heh, too familiar.

Xu Wenze nodded, "Indeed. When one of them escaped, they used a special substance called 'Mist Dispersal,' which is often used by the Blood Abyss Pavilion's assassins. That's why our first suspicion falls on the Blood Abyss Pavilion. Someone might have hired their assassins to kill the Fourth Prince. However... it's strange because the Blood Abyss Pavilion rarely dares to target members of the royal family. Assassinating a royal member involves too much risk, and it's a deal with no return. They are in the business, not fanatics. Taking such a risky job is really abnormal. So... whether it's the Blood Abyss Pavilion or not, we cannot conclude at the moment. It's just based on the evidence."

Xu Wenze was actually very intelligent, so he wouldn't easily jump to conclusions like those outside. Whenever there was a doubt, he would question it. He had an intuition that things behind the scenes were not as simple as they appeared.

"Well, if it's really the Blood Abyss Pavilion, can we find out who assigned the task?" Chu Lishu asked curiously.

Xu Wenze shook his head, "The Blood Abyss Pavilion doesn't have a fixed headquarters. They operate with a set way of assigning tasks, making it difficult to eliminate them. The royal family tried it years ago... In short, they are like rats in a tunnel. Even with the most powerful force, it's impossible to capture them all. Moreover, it's said that they have a rule: they won't record the employer of a task. As long as a task is deemed acceptable and someone is willing to take it, that's it."

"It seems that we won't be able to catch the real culprit behind this," Chu Lishu regretfully remarked.

Xu Wenze hesitated, there were many things he couldn't say. Who would want to harm the Fourth Prince? There were only a few forces involved, but determining who genuinely wanted to act and who was prepared to shift the blame to others was a difficult task.

Lin Qingyang was filled with questions by now.

Is it really the Blood Abyss Pavilion? It probably isn't. The male lead must know that the Blood Abyss Pavilion has a complicated background. It's unlikely that they would hire the Blood Abyss Pavilion for such a covert operation. Therefore, there are only two possibilities.

There are two possibilities. First, those individuals might not be members of the Blood Abyss Pavilion. The ones using the Mist Dispersal Powder could be Lu Yi or Lu Shi. Acquiring Mist Dispersal Powder wouldn't be difficult for them. If there's no other evidence proving the origin of those assassins, then Lu Yi and Lu Shi might be using Mist Dispersal Powder to confuse the investigators and make them think that all of them are members of the Blood Abyss Pavilion.

The second possibility is that they are indeed members of the Blood Abyss Pavilion, and someone has genuinely hired them to assassinate the Fourth Prince. The male lead knows about this, so he is using them as a tool. Lu Yi and Lu Shi are just playing along to muddy the waters.

Within these two backgrounds, there are many different scenarios. Lin Qingyang's head is getting tied up in knots with all these possibilities, so he can only put aside his questions and continue listening to the conversation.

Just as they were discussing this, a servant delivered a message, informing them that Yue Chen and Huo Luo had arrived.

Lin Qingyang was quite curious about the condition of Huo Luo's poisoning. When the two of them entered, he maintained a natural expression and refrained from asking about it in front of Xu Wenze.

Xu Wenze was also curious about why they had left so abruptly.

Yue Chen spoke openly, "To save you, Huo Luo got a bit poisoned too. There's only one detoxification pill, so I had to take him to see the physician."

Xu Wenze looked apologetically at Huo Luo, "I've troubled Brother Huo."

Huo Luo's voice sounded somewhat hoarse as he replied, "It's nothing."

Lin Qingyang looked at Huo Luo and felt that his usually stern face seemed even more tense now. Could it be that he was feeling uncomfortable from holding back earlier?

Here, Yue Chen and Chu Lishu were likely the only ones fully aware of the entire situation. The two exchanged a silent glance, and Yue Chen uncommonly looked away first.

"We heard about the situation here upon our return and came to check on you," Yue Chen said.

Huo Luo immediately added, "How are your injuries?"

After a brief explanation of their injuries by Xu Wenze, he quickly said, "Your arrival is timely. Could you help investigate this matter? It happened in Duke Wei Guo's residence, and I'm afraid..."

"It seems we may not have the chance to get involved this time. Prime Minister Li has personally arrived," Yue Chen interjected directly.

Xu Wenze immediately turned to leave, concerned that Prime Minister Li might blame them, potentially causing a rift between the two families.

However, before Xu Wenze could exit, Yue Chen grabbed his arm and reminded him, "Just take responsibility for the lapse in protection. I believe Prime Minister Li won't blame you. Don't worry too much."

Xu Wenze was momentarily puzzled, sensing that Yue Chen's words carried more meaning, but he didn't have time to dwell on it and hurriedly left.

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