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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind

I, The Substitute, Am With The Main Character Chapter 17

After pushing Xueya under the desk, Cui Lingjing realized it wasn’t necessary. However, by that time, Yin Qingxuan had already entered, and calling Xueya out now would seem even more suspicious.

“Minister Yin Qingxuan greets Your Majesty. May Your Majesty live long and prosper.”

“Rise,” Cui Lingjing said as he sat on the dragon throne. “I want to hear your thoughts on the Governor of Dongdan Prefecture.”

Since ascending the throne, Cui Lingjing had been strict about investigating corrupt officials. By the end of the year, a major corrupt official had been uncovered—the Governor of Dongdan Prefecture. This governor had been in office for over thirty years, even before the previous emperor’s reign, and had become a local tyrant. Investigations revealed he had also raised private soldiers, though the exact number was unknown.

Xueya, hiding under the desk, couldn’t understand the conversation between Cui Lingjing and Yin Qingxuan. He was just annoyed that Yin Qingxuan’s sudden arrival had interrupted his big opportunity. He had clearly felt a change in Cui Lingjing’s attitude.

If Yin Qingxuan hadn’t barged in, perhaps he would have…

Peeking out from under the desk, Xueya saw the dragon pattern on Cui Lingjing’s robe and bit his lip before extending his hand.

His hand touched Cui Lingjing’s knee.

This small action made Cui Lingjing glance down. Seeing the audacious hand, he hesitated but didn’t stop it. Yin Qingxuan’s voice droned on in the background.

The soft hand crept up Cui Lingjing’s leg and stopped at his thigh.

Not content to stay hidden, Xueya peeked his head out and rested his chin on Cui Lingjing’s leg, giving a gentle smile. The dim light under the desk made Xueya’s face stand out, especially his lips, red like peach blossom nectar.

Cui Lingjing stared at those lips, momentarily distracted. When he came back to his senses, Yin Qingxuan had raised his voice.

“Your Majesty?”

Cui Lingjing quickly lifted his gaze and covered Xueya’s face with his sleeve. “Hmm?”

Yin Qingxuan’s expression remained unchanged as he repeated, “I am willing to travel to Dongdan Prefecture, but I will need General Lei’s assistance.”

“Oh, okay.” Cui Lingjing felt something brush his hand—it was Xueya’s face.

This d*mn broken rabbit.

Cui Lingjing grabbed Xueya’s cheek, intending to warn him not to move. But finding the touch pleasant, his grip softened, turning into a gentle rub.

“If General Lei’s assistance is needed, the empress’s enthronement ceremony will have to be advanced.”

Yin Qingxuan’s words made Cui Lingjing’s hand freeze. His expression darkened. “Advance it? It’s already scheduled for after the spring. Why sooner?”

Yin Qingxuan remained calm despite Cui Lingjing’s displeasure. “It’s the year-end. If General Lei accompanies me to Dongdan Prefecture, the journey will be long and perilous, making it impossible for him to return to the capital for the new year. If his heart is unsettled, how can we expect him to go?”

Cui Lingjing frowned. After a long silence, he asked, “How much sooner?”

“The Astronomical Bureau says fifteen days from now is an auspicious day.”

Cui Lingjing stared at Yin Qingxuan, his gaze dark. “Since you’ve already consulted the  Astronomical Bureau, fifteen days it is.”

Yin Qingxuan bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty. I will inform the Ministry of Rites. I take my leave.”

As soon as Yin Qingxuan left, Cui Lingjing threw the tea cup on the floor, shattering it. In his foul mood, he snapped at Xueya, “Get out!”

Startled, Xueya scrambled out from under the desk and hurried out of the study. Reflecting on the conversation he overheard, he realized Cui Lingjing was going to marry in fifteen days.

That meant the palace would soon have a female master.

This news was not good for Xueya, and he walked forward unhappily, kicking the small stones on the ground as he went. Suddenly, he kicked a stone a bit too hard, and it rolled far ahead. Following the stone with his gaze, he saw a young man in an official purple robe standing not far away.

Xueya’s small stone happened to roll to the young man’s feet.

Seeing this, Xueya was just about to turn around, but the other person spoke first.


Yin Qingxuan’s sharp eyes were fixed on Xueya.

Xueya had to bow. “Greetings, Lord Prime Minister.” After bowing, he nervously said, “I have duties to attend to. May I leave?”

“I didn’t dismiss you.” Yin Qingxuan’s demeanor was much colder than in the study. “I thought my last punishment would teach you a lesson, but it seems you’ve only gotten worse.”

Xueya hesitated. “I don’t understand, my lord.” Seeing Yin Qingxuan approach, he panicked and tried to flee. But before he could get far, a hand covered his mouth from behind, and another arm wrapped around his waist, dragging him into a corner.

Xueya thought Yin Qingxuan was going to kill him. Terrified, he struggled with all his might, kicking and flailing. One of his kicks made Yin Qingxuan grunt in pain.

Yin Qingxuan dragged him into a rock garden, his face showing displeasure. As soon as Xueya was released, he tried to run, but Yin Qingxuan blocked the exit.

“What…what do you want?” Xueya’s voice trembled with fear.

“Was it you under the desk in the imperial study?” Yin Qingxuan took a step forward.

Xueya stepped back. “No, no, it wasn’t me.”

The rock garden wasn’t large. After a few steps, Xueya had no more room to retreat and found himself pressed against the rock wall, watching Yin Qingxuan approach. Panicking, he shouted, “If you kill me, His Majesty will…will punish you!”

As he spoke, he saw Yin Qingxuan raise his hand and instinctively shut his eyes in fear.

Yin Qingxuan, seeing Xueya’s tightly closed eyes, slowly removed the silver hairpin from Xueya’s hair, letting half of his dark hair cascade down his shoulders.

“Open your eyes,” Yin Qingxuan commanded.

Xueya’s eyelashes fluttered.

“If you don’t open your eyes, I will kill you.”

This threat made Xueya’s eyes snap open, only to shut again in terror when he saw the hairpin close to his face.

“You’re vulgar and morally corrupt, only your looks are passable. If I ruin your face, do you think His Majesty will still punish me for your sake?” Yin Qingxuan pressed the hairpin against Xueya’s cheek.

“Don’t!” Xueya cried out immediately.

He opened his eyes and pleaded with Yin Qingxuan.

Yin Qingxuan remained unmoved, his voice icy. “His Majesty is about to marry, and I won’t allow anyone to ruin this wedding, especially you. If you think you can seduce His Majesty, think again about whether your life is worth the risk.”

The hairpin slid down to Xueya’s neck.

Because of Yin Qingxuan’s movement, Xueya had to tilt his head back. His disheveled hair and tear-filled eyes, combined with his trembling body, painted a pitiful picture. “I won’t ruin…ruin His Majesty’s wedding.”

Yin Qingxuan’s gaze remained hard, as if he saw Xueya as already dead. Xueya trembled more, staring at the handsome face before him, gritting his teeth.

“You think I want to seduce His Majesty? It’s because people like you don’t give me a way out. Do you think I wanted to come to the capital? No! I know people like you, who have had everything handed to them since birth, look down on me. But what choice do I have? I grew up in a brothel, I’m a lowborn. No one would hire me for any decent work.”

He grabbed Yin Qingxuan’s sleeve. “If you don’t want me to seduce His Majesty, then let me leave. I’ll go far away from the capital, far away from His Majesty.”

Yin Qingxuan’s expression was unreadable. “You say you’re lowborn and can’t find work. What will you do to survive if you leave?”

Xueya bit his lip. “I might not find work, but I can probably find a benefactor willing to support me.”

Yin Qingxuan stared at Xueya for a moment, then withdrew the hairpin. “I’ll trust you this time. But if anything goes wrong with His Majesty’s wedding, I’ll hold you accountable.” He lowered his voice, “If you dare seduce His Majesty before the wedding, I’ll make sure you experience something worse than death.”

This threat made Xueya’s face turn pale.

Yin Qingxuan turned and left, while Xueya leaned against the wall for support, his body weak. Once he calmed down, he realized Yin Qingxuan had taken his hairpin.

Xueya managed to tidy his hair and emerged from the rock garden, only to run into Liang Mu.

Recently, Liang Mu had been wanting to talk to Xueya, but whenever Xueya saw him, he would turn away. With people always around, Liang Mu found it difficult to stop him directly. Today, Liang Mu finally saw Xueya alone. He had just smiled when he noticed that he had emerged from behind a rockery and his hair and clothes were a bit disheveled, with traces of tears at the corners of his eyes.

Liang Mu’s smile vanished.

He strode over. “Who? Who bullied you?”

Xueya didn’t expect to see Liang Mu. Seeing him reminded him of He Xulan, which led to thoughts of Yin Qingxuan, who also loved He Xulan and had almost killed him. His mood worsened, and he tried to leave, but Liang Mu grabbed his wrist.

“Xueya, who bullied you?” Liang Mu asked urgently.

Xueya couldn’t break free and looked at Liang Mu. Taking a deep breath, he said, “The Lord Prime Minister, he bullied me. Are you going to avenge me?”

Liang Mu’s expression changed. “That’s impossible. Prime Minister Yin is the most honorable man.”

Hearing this, Xueya thought Liang Mu must be delusional. Yin Qingxuan didn’t seem honorable at all to him; more like a villain. Their first meeting had landed him in prison, and he hadn’t eaten for days. This time, he’d almost been killed.

An honorable man? Yin Qingxuan was anything but.

Not wanting to deal with Liang Mu anymore, Xueya struggled harder to free himself. Liang Mu, not wanting to hurt him, released his grip, and Xueya ran off.

Watching Xueya’s retreating figure, Liang Mu lowered his head. After a moment, he turned and left.


Ningfu Palace.

“I have a request for the Empress Dowager.” Liang Mu knelt down, lifting his robe.

The young man sitting above the chessboard looked up, his voice calm. “Speak standing. Your older brother and I are close friends. There’s no need for such formalities with me.”

Liang Mu hesitated for a moment before standing up. “I… I would like to ask the Empress Dowager to transfer Xueya to Ningfu Palace.”

Upon hearing Xueya’s name, He Xulan’s eyes flickered slightly. He looked back at the chessboard. “Why?”

“Xueya is simple-minded and not good at dealing with people.” Liang Mu said while secretly observing He Xulan’s expression. Seeing that he remained indifferent, Liang Mu steeled himself and continued, “Today, I saw Xueya being bullied in the rock garden. I didn’t see who was bullying him, but Xueya, he…”

He trailed off, leaving much to the imagination.

He Xulan placed a chess piece on the board and looked at Liang Mu. “You didn’t see it, but you must have asked. Who was it?”

Author’s Note:

Did Chacha cry today?


Brother Empress Dowager pulls out the death note: Tell me, who was it?

Prime Minister: It was His Majesty.

Cui Lingjing: ???

Someone who hasn’t officially appeared yet: Uh… when do I get to make my entrance?

We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
I, The Substitute, Am With The Main Character

I, The Substitute, Am With The Main Character

I, the stand-in, am with the real lord, 替身的我跟正主在一起了
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Native Language: Chinese
He Xulan is a heartthrob, adored by everyone. The new emperor likes him, the prime minister and generals in the court admire him, and the late emperor even had the Astronomical Bureau fabricate the absurd lie that marrying He Xulan would cure his illness, just to make him the lord empress. As for Xueya, he is merely a substitute used by those who can’t have He Xulan to amuse themselves. At first, Xueya only wanted to survive, even if it meant wearing clothes meant for women. But then he discovered that his dreams could predict the future. In that future, he meets a tragic end, dying in the palace with his body wrapped in a straw mat. Wanting both life and wealth, Xueya decisively decides to replace He Xulan. Thus, he embarks on various paths of sabotaging He Xulan in various ways, even going so far as to sow discord between He Xulan and others. ** But one day, when he sneaks out of the new emperor’s palace late at night wearing a skirt, he encounters a drunk He Xulan. The next day, Xueya sees the skirt shredded into strips… From that day on, his skirts always end up shredded in He Xulan’s palace, and he no longer needs to fake the marks on his body… [Reading Guide] He Xulan is the top, a heteros*xual man in the face of men other than the shou; facing the shou, he automatically bends like mosquito coils. The top only likes the bottom, with an exceptionally thick arrow, which is not evident in the early stage and has no intimate behavior with others. The bottom is a pretty fool.


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