Jiao Niang’s Medical Record Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Baffling

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Although First Madam Cheng was responsible for raising Cheng Jiao-niang on behalf of Second Madam Cheng, she still went to ask Second Madam Cheng personally.

“Big Sister-in-law, if you have your eye on any of my maids, just go ahead and take her. Besides, Jiao-niang is now being raised by you,” Second Madam Cheng said.

Fulfilling one’s duties doesn’t always align with what is reasonable. Saying an extra word won’t cause any harm, but it can prevent misunderstandings.

This was the experience that First Madam Cheng had gained from her decades of marriage.

“Since she is a maid of your household, I should mention it,” she said. With that, she ended the topic, knowing that the second household wouldn’t have any objections. Saying more would be unnecessary and insincere. She changed the subject, “I’ve asked for that maid to come over to ask about her cooking skills.”

Second Madam Cheng wasn’t interested in meeting a maid, especially one serving a fool, but since First Madam Cheng brought it up, she agreed.

“If you eat the food made by that maid, you’ll become dumb,” Cheng Qi-niang said.

While their mothers were talking, the two sisters sat behind the screen playing backgammon.

“That maid isn’t dumb,” Cheng Liu-niang scoffed at the childish remark. She then pushed the game board and said, “I won. I ate all those fried snacks, and look, I still beat you.”

Cheng Qi-niang pouted in frustration, shaking the game board noisily.

“Could it be that I’ve really become dumb?” Cheng Liu-niang said, shaking her small fan and pretending to be serious. “How did I still beat you, Qi-niang? Does that mean you’re even dumber than a fool?”

She then covered her mouth with the small fan and giggled.

Cheng Qi-niang, both embarrassed and angry, burst into tears.

“Liu-niang! You’re bullying your sister again!” First Madam Cheng’s angry voice came from in front of the screen.

The nursemaids also hurried in, knelt down, scolded Liu-niang, and comforted Qi-niang. This was nothing new and was clearly a common occurrence between the two sisters.

In the midst of the commotion, Ban Qin was brought in.

“What is your mistress doing?” Second Madam Cheng asked as a matter of duty.

Ban Qin was overjoyed.

“She is sleeping,” she answered cheerfully.

Sleeping at this hour? Second Madam Cheng pursed her lips. Indeed, a fool will always be a fool.

“Did you make this?” First Madam Cheng didn’t bother with niceties when speaking to a maid, getting straight to the point.

The maid nudged the leftover fried snacks that Cheng Liu-niang had left towards Ban Qin for her to see.

Ban Qin gasped in surprise, clearly taken aback.

It was only then that she realized someone had taken her food. The maid and First Madam Cheng exchanged glances, silently noting Ban Qin’s reaction.

“Miss doesn’t usually eat regular meals, so I made some snacks,” Ban Qin quickly explained, lowering her head.

When the maid informed her that Second Madam Cheng was looking for her, Ban Qin eagerly assumed it was them wanting to meet her mistress.

“Snacks,” Cheng Jiao-niang simply uttered.

Initially misunderstanding, Ban Qin thought Jiao-niang wanted snacks and was about to fetch them herself. However, urged by the maid, she hastily instructed a young maid to bring the snacks to her mistress.

To her surprise, the snacks were here!

So, Miss’s mention of “snacks” meant Madam wanted to see her for snacks?

How did Miss know?

Goodness, Miss truly was an enlightened person, incredibly sharp!

Ban Qin raised her head once more, showing a look of pleasant surprise and excitement.

This expression was familiar to First Madam Cheng, Second Madam Cheng, and the maids. Whenever a maid in the household received appreciation and was summoned for questioning, it often sparked an eager anticipation of unexpected good fortune.

No doubt, this maid had already sensed that some stroke of luck was heading her way.

First Madam Cheng smiled faintly.

“You did a good job,” she praised, then turned to a maid standing in the hallway. “Tao Niangzi, have her work with Zhu Niangzi in the kitchen.”

The maid promptly agreed.

“Don’t forget to thank Madam,” she reminded Ban Qin.

Zhu Niangzi was renowned in the household for her skill in pastry-making, and many maids were eager for the opportunity to learn from her.

Ban Qin was a bit puzzled, seemingly not entirely sure what was happening.

“Thank you, Madam,” she obediently bowed in gratitude, then raised her head. “What does Madam want me to do?”

“See, she is also a fool, can’t even understand simple words!” Cheng Qi-niang remarked from behind the screen.

Cheng Liu-niang stood up and walked out.

“I want you to come and make some snacks for me to eat,” she looked at Ban Qin, tilting her head slightly as she spoke.

Ban Qin finally understood.

“But, I still need to serve my mistress,” she said hesitantly.

“Assign two more maids to Jiao-niang,” First Madam Cheng intervened, adding, “And one more to the cook.”

That should be sufficient.

“Does she really need so many?” Second Madam Cheng questioned.

“She’s still unwell, having more people will be helpful,” First Madam Cheng replied.

Ban Qin felt a bit dazed.

“So I won’t be serving my mistress anymore?” she asked.

Cheng Qi-niang stood up and walked out, looking at Ban Qin with a mocking laugh.

“You really are quite foolish, can’t even understand simple words. Those who follow fools become fools themselves,” she confidently remarked, glancing at Cheng Liu-niang. “Sister, do you really want to eat things made by this maid? Think carefully.”

Before Cheng Liu-niang could respond, Ban Qin spoke up.

“Madam, my mistress is no longer foolish,” she hastily explained.

Both Cheng Qi-niang and Cheng Liu-niang shared a mocking expression this time, both letting out a derisive chuckle.

“Really. My mistress has recovered,” Ban Qin continued, pointing to the snacks. “And these, I didn’t make them myself; they were taught to me by my mistress.”

While not everyone present fully grasped her words, the gist of her statement was clear to everyone.

“Sister, looks like she doesn’t want to serve you,” Cheng Qi-niang laughed.

Cheng Liu-niang’s expression turned stern.

“Don’t you want to come and make snacks for me?” She took a step forward, arching her eyebrows in question.

Ban Qin felt a bit flustered.

“I…I don’t actually know how to make snacks,” she stuttered, “It was all taught by my mistress…”

Before she could finish, Cheng Qi-niang burst into giggles, a laughter that immediately triggered Cheng Liu-niang.

“Slap her!” she yelled, throwing her fan forcefully and stomping her feet. “Slap her! Slap her!”

Ban Qin was anxious, and the maids were momentarily stunned. But soon, one of the maids stepped forward as instructed and delivered two sharp slaps to Ban Qin’s face.

“That’s enough,” First Madam Cheng finally intervened.

The maid immediately stopped and stood with her hands at her sides.

Ban Qin’s cheeks swelled from the blows, and she felt completely bewildered.

Since being purchased and trained by Old Madam Zhou for a period before being sent to serve Cheng Jiao-niang at the Daoist temple, life had been austere. However, thanks to Old Madam Zhou’s financial support, they were treated fairly at the temple. Cheng Jiao-niang, being simple-minded, led a quiet and uneventful life, with little daily activity. Moreover, there was no mistress overseeing them. This was the first time in her life she had ever been struck.

“If you don’t want to, it’s fine. You may go now,” First Madam Cheng said indifferently.

Ban Qin remained bewildered.

“Thank Madam before you leave!” a maid whispered sharply.

Ban Qin hurriedly bowed in gratitude, clumsily got up, and hastily ran off.

“Mother, get her out, get her out! I don’t want to see this maid in our house!” came Cheng Liu-niang’s voice from behind.

Watching Ban Qin rush over in a state of panic, maids passing by glanced and whispered among themselves.

Ban Qin felt a burning sensation on her cheeks, unsure if it was from embarrassment or pain.

With her head lowered, she felt disoriented and nearly tripped over her own feet. It was then she realized, in her hurried attempt to get up, she had left her clogs at Second Madam Cheng’s and didn’t dare to retrieve them. She hurried along in socks, head bowed and flustered.

Each step on the gravel path caused her feet to ache.

Ban Qin kept her head down, tears falling heavily down her cheeks.

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