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Jiao Niang’s Medical Record Chapter 69

Ask You

The old man descended the mountain slowly, taking the handkerchief handed to him by the old servant to wipe his sweat, while gazing at the mysterious temple in the distance.

People kept coming in and out of the temple.

“Master, you’ve really done them a great favor,” the old servant couldn’t help but say.

If it weren’t for the old master’s gifts to everyone in the city, who would have known about this temple? Even if they did, no one would have paid it much attention.

“A favorable wind can only be harnessed,” the old man said while wiping his sweat. “How far it can go still depends on one’s own true abilities.”

The pastries made by this temple were indeed exquisite, and their way of doing things was also meticulous. It seems that this favorable wind might carry them straight to success.

Fortune and mystery, indeed.

“Master, we’re heading back to the capital. How about we get some mooncakes or something to take with us?” the old servant asked.

“I’m afraid we might not be able to get any now,” the old man replied with a smile, pointing at the people coming out of the temple. “Look, they all seem quite disappointed. Clearly, Abbess Sun is focused solely on her cultivation and is unmoved by worldly matters.”

The old servant glanced over and chuckled as well.

“She is indeed very discerning,” he said. “However, others don’t have it doesn’t mean we won’t be able to get it.”

The old man did not respond, and the two of them continued down the mountain. When they arrived at the donkey cart, they were both taken aback to see someone standing by the cart.

“Ban Qin?” the old servant exclaimed. “You…?”

Hadn’t she left already?

“Master,” the maid greeted, her eyes red and swollen, but with a smile on her face.

The old man looked slightly surprised.

“This journey is quite a long one,” he said.

“Yes, I’ve already informed Miss earlier, and she was very pleased,” the maid replied. “At that time, I left directly from home without telling Miss. I was so worried and couldn’t ease my mind. I didn’t dare to say anything, fearing you might misunderstand and think I was unwilling to come. I didn’t expect you to be so wise, sending me to see Miss. I am deeply grateful.”

The old man looked at her with a meaningful smile.

“From what you say, it seems I misjudged you. It’s not that you’re reluctant to leave your mistress, but that you felt uneasy about parting without seeing her one last time?” he said with a smile, lifting his robes and sitting in the cart.

The maid’s expression flickered with a hint of sadness.

“I am just a maid. Before serving Miss, I did chores and laundry. Whatever the master asked me to do, I did it diligently; that’s my duty,” she said, looking up at the old man with a smile. “The master asked me to serve Miss, I served her with all my heart. If Master ask me to serve you, I will naturally serve you with all my heart as well. Though reluctant, I cannot forget my duty.”

The old man smiled but remained silent.

“Miss was also very pleased and happy for me,” the maid continued, looking at the Tai Ping Palace on the mountain. “She said that the greatest joy in the world is finding the right person for the job. If I stayed at home, I would have spent my whole life as a maid. But since the master appreciates my skills, I will certainly improve even more. When I advance, she will also enjoy the benefits. Miss asked me to thank you on her behalf, and please don’t be stingy when it comes to food.”

The old man laughed heartily.

“Good, good,” he said. “Mutual benefit and happiness.”

The old servant also looked pleased and picked up the whip.

“In that case, Master, there’s no need to ask Abbess Sun for dried fruits and snacks,” he said with a smile. “We have plenty at home.”

The old man and the maid both laughed.

“Oh, there’s one more thing,” she said, suddenly remembering, and quickly added, glancing at Tai Ping Palace again. “I hope you won’t mind my audacity in making this request.”

The old man responded with a thoughtful “Oh.”

“As you know, my mistress is ill and has difficulty moving. She enjoys listening to stories, so I was wondering if you could find a literate maid who can read to her,” the maid said, her voice tinged with nervousness. Before the old man could respond, she hurriedly added, “I should have brought this up directly with my master, but I was afraid he might think I was causing trouble intentionally, and that not only would I not get such a maid, but my mistress might also unfairly bear the blame.”

The old man laughed again.

“Are you not afraid that I might think you’re causing trouble on purpose?” he asked with a smile.

“Master, you’re not like that,” the maid quickly replied. “You saw my sadness and not only refrained from scolding me or sending me away but even took the trouble to bring me here to see Miss. Thank you, Master. You’re a good person, and it’s a blessing for me to serve you.”

The old man looked at her with some admiration.

“Your mistress is indeed fortunate to have a maid like you,” he said.

No matter how thorough he was, this matter would have been unsolvable. If he didn’t take the maid with him, the master of the Cheng family would surely be enraged. Although with his instruction, the maid wouldn’t be mistreated for the time being, he would eventually leave, and while he could protect the maid for a while, he couldn’t ensure her safety indefinitely.

He hadn’t expected that the maid’s attitude would change. Was it possible he had misunderstood her? Was she truly not reluctant to leave her mistress but simply wanted to say goodbye in person, as she claimed? Or perhaps someone had instructed her to say these things?

The old man looked toward Tai Ping Palace.

Interesting, very interesting.

Cheng Jiao-niang gazed down the mountain, remaining motionless for a long time.

“Miss, don’t be sad,” Abbess Sun couldn’t help but say. “The weather is getting cooler; let’s go back.”

“I’m not sad,” Cheng Jiao-niang replied, turning her head to look at her with a slight smile. “This is quite nice.”

Abbess Sun’s expression was one of sadness as she looked at her with a bitter smile.

This child must have grown accustomed to finding joy even in hardship.

“For her, as long as I’m here, this is how it will be. But if she goes there, those people, will be shocked, delighted, and will value her greatly,” Cheng Jiao-niang said.

A person who could enjoy an orange crab that didn’t even meet basic standards as if it were an extraordinary delicacy must have led a sheltered life, easily entertained.

Abbess Sun seemed to understand, but not entirely.

“Moreover, as I’ve said, among eating, wearing, living, and traveling, eating is the simplest. Anyone can take care of me, and besides, I can now look after myself,” Cheng Jiao-niang continued.

Abbess Sun responded with a congratulatory remark.

“Your health is improving,” she said. “But it’s not suitable for you to handle everything personally. That’s what we are here for.”

Cheng Jiao-niang nodded.

“Right now, I simply want a maid who can read and write,” she said, looking down the mountain. “I want to read and write myself. Since the old man wants to enjoy some delicacies, let’s make an exchange. Isn’t this a good thing for everyone? It’s beneficial for all parties.”

She finished speaking and looked at Abbess Sun.

Abbess Sun’s expression was a mix of emotions.

So that’s how it is. Indeed, it’s not something to be sad about.

The two turned and began walking toward the mountain gate when suddenly laughter echoed behind them.

“Please, hold on.”

They turned around and were somewhat surprised to see the old man coming up the path. However, only one person was surprised.

Abbess Sun handed over a cup of water and then knelt and sat down beside them.

Since the beginning, Abbess Sun had not said a word more, and even in serving tea and pouring water, she showed respect for the lady.

Old Master Zhang was certain in his mind.

“At first, I thought this place was exquisite, but now it seems even more refined,” Old Master Zhang said with a smile, retracting his gaze and focusing on Cheng Jiao-niang.

“That’s because you have a discerning eye, Old Master,” Cheng Jiao-niang said, slightly lowering her head in gratitude.

“Your words are rather flattering,” Old Master Zhang said with a meaningful shake of his head. “I am the one with poor eyesight. I just told Ban Qin that a gentleman does not take away what others cherish. When I said that taking care of you was Ban Qin’s strength, I didn’t realize that, in fact, it was you taking care of Ban Qin.”

Abbess Sun nodded.

Finally, someone understood who was truly in charge here.

“It’s human nature; you are being too modest, Old Master,” Cheng Jiao-niang said.

Old Master Zhang nodded.

People often make assumptions based on first impressions. Who would have thought that a fool could regain their wits?

“Thank you for your understanding,” he said, turning the water bowl in his hands and frowning slightly. “I just don’t understand—Is your action out of helplessness or heartlessness?”

These words suddenly emerged like a stone thrown into water, creating ripples that disrupted the previously calm and serene surface.

A person driven by helplessness elicits sympathy, while a person driven by heartlessness provokes disdain.

So, which one are you?

Jiao Niang’s Medical Record

Jiao Niang’s Medical Record

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
Cheng Jiaoniang’s mental illness was cured, but she felt both like and unlike herself, as if her mind now held some strange memories. As the abandoned daughter of the Cheng family, she had to return to them. However, she was coming back to reclaim her memories, not to endure their disdain and mistreatment.


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