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Matryoshka Off-Limits Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Real World

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The rough road was full of mud, and the bus driver drove without saying a word.

Wen Shi got on the bus and sat at the front, watching the bus driver’s side profile.

Zhou Xiaochun, sitting next to him, couldn’t believe it. “No way… You’re also thinking about this?”

Wen Shi almost coughed because of the air. He was only concerned that the game might trick players in the end. Like when they first arrived, there could be an unexpected attack in the tunnel.

With only the dim light from the tunnel entrance, one could still see the monsters lingering inside.

Zhou Xiaochun’s hair was almost standing up, “This world is hopeless.”

“Is that so?” Wen Shi actually didn’t think so.

The tunnel’s lights were still broken. The bus was gradually swallowed by the dark, until the last part entered the shadow, and the whole bus vanished suddenly.


Virtual world.

Exit of instance 1629. Since the instance upgrade, more players have been gathering here.

In just over two days, they witnessed the instance upgrade. Several players, including Tu Bianxi, had their player IDs in black—ending the instance.

Initially, there were many who came to watch, but as the Puppet Guild’s representatives’ expressions turned grim, those without strength didn’t dare to provoke them and quietly left.

“The Puppet Guild lost a high-ranking member. It’s truly heartbreaking,” a member of the Tenth Commandment said sarcastically. In the past two years, the Puppet Guild’s progress had been rapid, almost pushing them down. Losing Tu Bianxi now directly weakened the guild’s top power.

They wished they could set off fireworks to celebrate this good news on the spot.

Compared to the Tenth Commandment and the Puppet Guild’s confrontation, the Starry Moon Guild, where Zhou Xiaochun belonged, was much more low-key. They stood quietly in a corner of the square, seeming to have no presence at all.

This was exactly the kind of organization that didn’t seek the limelight. The Puppet Guild wouldn’t easily provoke them. The Starry Moon Guild’s members had average overall strength, but they all had mysterious skills. In the instance, they could play a critical role. Apart from them, there was also the Shield Card Guild, where Liu family’s Big Sis and Little Sis belonged, Zhang Suihe’s Blood Pigeon Guild, and… the hastily arriving Cold Caller Bird Guild.

The Cold Caller Bird Guild consisted of players specializing in attack skills. They were numerous and diverse. They thought Lv Tang would have been eliminated from the S-level instance early on, but unexpectedly, he had made it.

As the light dispersed, a few figures appeared at the exit, and the noise on the square temporarily quieted down.

Zhou Xiaochun and Wen Shi exchanged communicator contact numbers and immediately headed towards their respective guilds. The same went for Liu Yun and the others.

“Hurry,” the Cold Caller Bird Guild urged Lv Tang.

Lv Tang saw that it was actually one of the high-ranking members from the guild coming to personally fetch him. He was taken aback. Since when did he gain such respect?

“If you don’t want to be captured and interrogated, stop dawdling.”

The Cold Caller Bird Guild members surrounded Lv Tang. The person involved finally realized the seriousness of the situation. Beneath the calm appearance of the square, there were already hidden organizations that didn’t want to be seen. They were trying to catch a witness and force them to reveal what had happened in the S-level instance.

This was where the advantage of being in a guild lay. If he were a lone wolf, he would probably have been captured by now.

As a freelance player, Wen Shi, under Ji Yuanzhi’s protection, walked calmly all the way, taking in the surroundings. Across the street at the café, a group of people was staring at them. A few individuals were leaning against a tree, occasionally glancing their way.

The dangers in the shadows were increasing. It wasn’t until they returned to the hotel and officially entered the Second Commandment’s territory that those unpleasant prying eyes gradually disappeared.

Ji Yuanzhi smiled and said, “The invitation I extended is still valid.”

He was strongly inviting Wen Shi to join the Second Commandment.

Wen Shi nodded briefly and then changed the topic, saying that he wanted to go to his room to rest.

Due to severe injuries and transformations, Wen Shi’s body hadn’t fully recovered from the numerous hardships in the instance.

Ji Yuanzhi didn’t stop him, just watched as Wen Shi entered the elevator.

Right as the elevator doors closed, his communicator rang—it was the leader of the Second Commandment.

Ji Yuanzhi gestured for the hotel staff not to approach and then headed to an empty staircase to organize the information he had gained this time. “When guild members enter the instance, pay special attention to hospital scenes. Pei Wenwei gained a ‘Doctor’ identity in the ancient castle instance, and he can continuously use it. His health isn’t the same as normal players. After his first death, he seems to have the ability to revive on the spot. At the same time, Pei Wenwei can have an extra assistant in the instance. Currently, it’s unclear whether it’s just specific instances or if all instances will be like this.”

Ji Yuanzhi paused for a moment. “I suspect the final 3S instance is related to the hospital.”

Instance triggers had inherent advantages, and Pei Wenwei’s doctor identity was quite advantageous.

There was a brief silence on the other end of the communicator, then a question came, “Do you have any other information about the hospital?”

“The main hospital is called Frank Hospital. They have branch hospitals in other instances.”

After Wen Shi left the elevator shaft, Ji Yuanzhi went to the dormitory where the sanatorium staff were. The computer was still on and was paused at the point where the staff were checking Wen Shi’s identity online.

“One more thing,” Ji Yuanzhi’s tone was less serious than before. He took off his glasses, wiped them, and said, “Tu Bianxi triggered the ‘inevitable death’ rule, but that guy was never really human or ghost. He might not be completely dead.”

“Whether he lives or dies doesn’t matter much,” the voice on the communicator sounded indifferent. “How do you assess Pei Wenwei?”

“Smart, likes to take unconventional approaches with a sword…” Ji Yuanzhi hesitated slightly, “He’s good at rallying people, a reliable teammate. But his thoughts are hard to figure out, you have to be cautious around him.”

“I understand.”

The communicator beeped with busy signals, and both sides ended the call.

Hotel, luxury suite.

Steam filled the bathroom as the young man’s semi-long hair stuck damply to the side of his neck. He tilted his head back, letting the shower water cascade down his body. After a while, he let out a gentle sigh.

The frosted glass door became fogged up, reflecting the silhouette of the young man’s enticing figure.

After closing his eyes for a moment to relax, and feeling somewhat refreshed, Wen Shi opened the attribute panel. His current points were 15,695.

S-level instances were quite generous, settling at around seven thousand points. He clicked into the details to see that it included a 1.5 times bonus for achieving a one hundred percent role-play score. Combining this with the first instance, Wen Shi finally grasped the pattern of role-play. Unlike other players, he needed to play the role of the “Doctor” well.

“2B luck, don’t let me down.”

Wen Shi took a deep breath and proceeded to open the three surprise mystery boxes in a row.

“Congratulations on obtaining Beauty Serum*1; Hair Growth Tonic*1; Stamina Pill*1.”

【Beauty Serum: A concoction from the failed Beauty Soul Elixir, has no side effects, instantly eliminates wrinkles.】

【Hair Growth Tonic: After use, you’ll have glossy, black hair.】

【Stamina Pill: Something a man can’t do without.】

“……” Wen Shi closed the showerhead with an expressionless face, slowly spitting two words, “Trash items.”

He should have realized that the miserly factory manager wouldn’t provide anything good.

The single transaction value on the trading platform had to be no less than a thousand points. These kinds of items might not necessarily sell well. Wen Shi directly bundled the three items and threw them into the in-game store, scheduling an auction for 3:00 PM automatically.

The game would deduct ten percent as a fee for the three-way transaction, but spending a little money to have fun in the game wasn’t a loss either.

After opening the mystery boxes, he wasn’t too disheartened. What Wen Shi truly cared about was the special reward for being a team leader, “Gotta keep my spirits up!”

This time, at least it wasn’t something related to appearance.

【Key: A mortuary key.】

The surface of the antique bronze key was a mix of blood stains and rust, emitting a faint smell of gasoline.

After checking it, not finding anything else special, Wen Shi stored the item in the safe. He speculated that this key might be related to a scene in the 3S instance.

He casually grabbed a robe from the shelf and walked out of the shower. At the same time, he checked the final attribute: skills.

Previously, due to the instance not being completed, the inherited skills from the teenager were only in their basic state.

Wearing the loose robe, Wen Shi didn’t even bother to dry his hair. As he was about to lie on the bed, he noticed his exposed skin in the mirror.

“Putting a mirror above the bed, the designer of Ji Yuanzhi’s hotel must be quite bold…”

He didn’t know if it was because of the hotel attack incident, but the presidential suite floor hadn’t been fully renovated yet. All the other luxury suites were fully booked, leaving only two themed suites.

Under the companion skill section,【Drunken Reverie】had been perfected. Aside from the beginner, Cat’s Temptation, two more levels had been added.

【Intermediate Drunken Reverie—Homeward Bound: In difficult terrain, you can always find your way home. Requires four hundred points for a single use, lasts for 30 minutes.

Advanced Drunken Reverie—Feigned Corpse: You can make the deceased alive for thirty seconds. Requires five hundred points for a single use, can’t be used more than twice in a single instance.】

[T/N: the whole meaning is feigned corpse that suddenly sits to scare people]

Wen Shi pondered for a moment. These abilities were mostly derived from the cat’s characteristics. He’d probably also unlock a cat transformation when using them. 【Homeward Bound】could be useful in mazes or complex terrains, but as for【Feigned Corpse】, he hadn’t thought of a specific use yet.

Glancing at the wall clock, thirty minutes had passed since he came out of the instance.

“It’s been quite a while. Ji Yuanzhi has enough time to report to the guild leader of Second Commandment.”

Being able to manage such a large industry in the virtual world meant Ji Yuanzhi’s real-world identity wasn’t simple either. He probably had offline interactions with many players. Wen Shi had never come across any news about him online… Low-profile, possessing special skills, coming from a prominent family—it was as if he had all the necessary elements.

His finger tapped on the edge of the bedframe as Wen Shi contemplated for a moment, then he called Ji Yuanzhi, getting straight to the point, “I want to visit the real world. Are you up for it?”

Ji Yuanzhi, upon receiving the call, sounded somewhat surprised. “Aren’t you afraid I might take action in the real world?”

“I trust your character,” Wen Shi said. “I’ll send you the address. You go out first and then pick me up when I’m there.”

After saying that, he hung up and sent his current real-world location to Ji Yuanzhi.

The “Virtual World Guide” had mentioned that the time flow rate between the real world and the virtual world wasn’t too different. Ji Yuanzhi quickly messaged back, saying he would arrive in Tianhai City in about three hours.

Wen Shi got dressed and calculated the time to purchase a travel permit. In an instant, he felt like he was being consumed by intense flames.

“Thumbs down…”

Wen Shi tried to find something to hold onto for stability, but his hand grasped nothingness. In the next moment, the person in the hotel mirror transformed from a complete figure into a mottled mosaic, until eventually disappearing altogether.

Unlike the virtual world, shrouded in mist year-round, the real world occasionally revealed a clear blue sky.

The dilapidated path remained deserted even during the daytime.

A lengthened luxury car, standing out from the surroundings, was parked by the roadside. Trained and sturdy men sat inside, clearly not ordinary bodyguards.

In the single rear seat, a high-fashion man donned a duckbill cap and sunglasses, resting his hand outside the car window.

Ji Yuanzhi was still pondering the reason for Pei Wenwei’s proactive request to meet. He had his people check ahead of time—this path was safe, no ambushes or dangerous explosives were hidden.

Movement at the front of the wall caught their attention. A bodyguard was about to step out of the car to take a look, but a head appeared over the wall before him.

“Rotten game, what kind of teleportation point is this?” The young man cursed as he scrambled over the wall.

It wasn’t entirely the game’s fault, though. It would ensure players were teleported to an empty place when they returned. Ji Yuanzhi had positioned himself on the path early, and unfortunately, Wen Shi was teleported to the dog hole at the wall’s edge.

One person, unarmed, looked exactly like he did in the virtual world… Ji Yuanzhi glanced at his fully armed self and felt a bit foolish.

When Wen Shi saw the luxury car, he tentatively called out, “Ji Yuanzhi?”

Ji Yuanzhi stepped out of the car, “It’s me.”

Wen Shi hopped off the wall, dusting his hands, “I was worried about getting ambushed by players in the real world. You’re a veteran player, surely you have a solid strategy.”

He laughed, “Do you mind being my bodyguard for a change?”

Ji Yuanzhi was used to calculating things. Seeing him standing there without any defenses, he hesitated and said, “No problem.”

Once Wen Shi got into the car, he saw that the bodyguards didn’t ask many questions. He sunk into the comfortable leather seats, the electric lumbar support felt great.

Ji Yuanzhi asked, “Where to?”

Wen Shi replied, “Pipiweng Theme Park.”

After Ji Yuanzhi nodded, the driver started the car again.

Pipiweng Theme Park had only been open for less than a week, a distinctive amusement park created by Century Dome Games.

The park almost fully replicated most of the classic game scenes. Staff members dressed in the popular protagonist Pipiweng doll costumes roamed around, adding a lively atmosphere. Tickets sold out every morning, but Ji Yuanzhi managed to get a few through his connections.

Laughter and cheers echoed throughout, with floats showcasing various cartoon characters. Even the ground was made of unique colorful tiles.

Wen Shi and Ji Yuanzhi walked at the forefront, while the bodyguards followed not too far behind.

After experiencing a few attractions, Wen Shi glanced at a themed restaurant, “Want to grab something to eat?”

Ji Yuanzhi had no objections.

Wen Shi randomly ordered two set meals. Soon, the servers brought colorful and playful food, but it didn’t look very appetizing.

Finally, Ji Yuanzhi couldn’t resist and asked Wen Shi about his purpose for coming here today.

“Offline meet-up,” Wen Shi broke apart his chopsticks, saying it as a matter of course.


The TV looped footage of the grand opening of the park, featuring Century Dome Games’ chairman Pei Hongxin personally cutting the ribbon. His legendary business career was also part of the publicity.

Ji Yuanzhi glanced at the scene where Pei Hongxin confidently answered reporters’ questions. “A decade ago, when holographic games were just introduced, they quickly dealt a fatal blow to the traditional gaming industry. Century Dome Games was on the brink of bankruptcy at one point. It’s quite a business miracle that Pei Hongxin managed to pull through and now the company is thriving.”

Wen Shi’s smile remained. “Not just that, Pei Hongxin is also charitable and has a good reputation in Tianhai City.”

“That’s true, but his wife, Madam Wei…” Ji Yuanzhi’s action of breaking a disposable chopstick paused.

Wen Shi: “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing much, just a problem with the chopsticks,” Ji Yuanzhi switched to a new pair, “Madam Wei Yue specifically established the Le You Charity Fund. I heard she’s been doing good deeds, helping a lot of underprivileged children.”

While eating, the two hardly communicated. Midway through, Ji Yuanzhi got up, “I’ll use the restroom.”

After checking that the restroom was empty, he dialed a number, “As quickly as possible, help me investigate Pei Hongxin and his wife, especially during the time when their group had issues ten years ago.”

Upon his return, Ji Yuanzhi asked, “Shall we continue exploring?”

Wen Shi had no objections.

The park remained open until 10 PM. A fireworks show was planned for tonight, but due to the late hour, it wasn’t safe, so they left early.

Players could not be away for more than twenty-four hours. Ji Yuanzhi didn’t return to the neighboring city. He stayed in a villa on a estate, and Wen Shi managed to tag along.

After almost two nights of no sleep in the game, he went to bed early tonight.

On the other hand, Ji Yuanzhi was researching Century Dome Games’ information after returning.

Pei Hongxin had been married for years without any scandal. He and his wife Wei Yue were very affectionate. They once had a child, but the child accidentally died ten years ago. It was said that due to the company’s financial troubles, they couldn’t pay salaries, and an employee retaliated by kidnapping the child and setting a fire. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough evidence, and the suspect was released after serving a few years in prison for arson.

The child was never found again. At that time, the Pei couple was hiding from debt and living in a self-built house without surveillance. The only clue was a drunk man claiming to have seen someone carrying a blood-covered child and throwing them near a garbage bin in an alley.

The area was chaotic, with frequent incidents of robberies involving knives. He didn’t dare to chase after to take a look.

Of course, the drunk man wasn’t certain if it was a hallucination from drinking too much. Just like how he distinctly remembered going back home later, but ended up climbing a tree and sleeping on its branches for the whole night.

At 4 AM, a person arrived at the villa where Ji Yuanzhi was staying. This person was responsible for collecting information on competing companies and had been serving Ji Yuanzhi’s family for years.

Seeing Ji Yuanzhi browsing through documents, the newcomer spoke directly, “The child was adopted. I visited the former director of the orphanage this afternoon.”

As he spoke, he took out a recording pen with a conversation from his meeting in the afternoon. A hoarse woman’s voice could be heard, recounting memories as she spoke.

“… I have a deep impression of it. That couple wanted to adopt the most beautiful child in the orphanage. Our children all have ‘Wen’ as their last name. They told that child, ‘How about you be called Pei Wenwei from now on? My last name is Pei, my wife’s last name is Wei, and yours will be Wen. When you put our three last names together, we’ll be a family.'”

“… More than one person wanted to adopt that child back then, but he was indifferent to it. However, in the end, that child was moved by that sentence from the couple…”

After listening to the recording, Ji Yuanzhi asked, “What’s your take on this?”

The newcomer knew he was asking about the arson case and his smile was sarcastic, “Insurance money.”

Ji Yuanzhi remained silent for a moment, then said, “The arson happened four years after the adoption, and missing persons’ insurance claims typically need to wait for two years after the incident occurs.”

“If it was a murder case, you wouldn’t have to wait,” the person shrugged, “As for the disappearance, it’s probably an accident. I’m not sure what complications arose in between.”

Without evidence, he naturally wouldn’t jump to conclusions. The newcomer continued, “Pei Hongxin did indeed purchase a high-value insurance policy for the child back then. However, the person who later lent money to him wasn’t a good person either. At that time, his debts were towering, so why should someone lend money to a person without the ability to repay?”

Ji Yuanzhi took off his glasses. “Don’t always assume the worst in people.”

“Except for the first year, this couple didn’t make any effort to find the child after their success. As soon as the time limit was up, they reported the child as deceased,” the person said with a sneer, “You asked me to investigate, which proves you’re already thinking negatively.”

Ji Yuanzhi didn’t deny this. Pei Wenwei’s deliberate choice to visit the amusement park, along with the fact that his name conveniently included the last names of the park’s founders, wasn’t just a simple coincidence.

Ji Yuanzhi had conducted a preliminary investigation into Pei Wenwei a few hours before leaving the game. During the interview, Pei Wenwei mentioned receiving a Citizen’s Bravery Award. Ji Yuanzhi had specially asked around and found that a university student had received this award multiple times, claiming not to want fame and refusing any recognition. Ji Yuanzhi also inquired about the monetary reward for such an award from the police station, asking about taxes and such. It seemed like the actions of a financially struggling university student.

“I need to further investigate the specific details of what happened.” The recording pen happened to loop back to the part where the woman mentioned “a family.” The newcomer said with a meaningful tone, “Blood relations might not always be reliable, especially when it’s an adopted son.”

Ji Yuanzhi didn’t get up to see him out, instead he resumed staring at the documents, lost in thought.


The following day was overcast and rainy.

Six thirty in the morning.

Wen Shi was awakened by the alarm clock. He had slept quite well last night, and the redness in his eyes had subsided. He walked to the sink, splashed water on his face to wake up, and stared at his wet reflection in the mirror. He muttered to himself, “I wonder where Ji Yuanzhi has found out.”

Wen Shi took the initiative to open up, aiming to completely dispel Ji Yuanzhi’s suspicions. Only when the other person felt they truly understood him would they let go of unnecessary caution. A person with a tragic past, capable of seeking revenge at any moment, was easier to control.

This was an important step in building a good relationship.

More and more forces in the virtual world were becoming interested in him. Wen Shi needed a capable gaming partner and assistance to deal with Pei Hongxin.

Ji Yuanzhi was also up early and came over. “Are you heading back?”

There wasn’t much time left.

Wen Shi replied, “I’ll go home to change clothes and then leave.”

The car drove to the old city district. The bodyguard went upstairs to check for any potential ambushes inside the house, while Wen Shi sat quietly in the car.

The overall environment of this area could be described as dirty and chaotic. The narrow alleyways had become a haven for stray cats, dogs, and drug addicts.

It was raining outside. Out of the corner of his eye, Ji Yuanzhi noticed a small black cat shivering by the garbage bin. Thinking of the drunkard’s testimony he somehow felt pity stirring in his heart.

He was well aware that Pei Wenwei had deliberately taken him to the amusement park, leading him to investigate further. Just like how Pei Wenwei chose to save Jian Qingrong, everything was premeditated.

However, unlike most people with hidden intentions, all of Pei Wenwei’s calculations were for exchanges. He gambled his life to earn Jian Qingrong’s favor and used his painful past to gain Ji Yuanzhi’s trust. It was as if a person with nothing came into the world, using his meager possessions to trade for the right to survive.

After a moment, Ji Yuanzhi let out a soft sigh.

Once the bodyguard finished checking, Wen Shi went upstairs. The entire process took just five minutes.

When he came out again, he was dressed in a simple shirt and long pants. Under the umbrella, his figure seemed blurred by the rain.

Ji Yuanzhi dismissed the bodyguard, drove the car to a secluded spot, and then, one after the other, they tore open their travel permits to return to the virtual world.

Second Commandment Guild.

Liu Yun sat here somewhat uneasily. She had been invited by the guild leader to explain what had happened in the S-level dungeon.

Ji Yuanzhi had numerous responsibilities and little time to share his gaming experiences in detail.

Liu Yun observed the real head of the virtual world’s second-largest organization. He wore a funny yet eerie smiling mask, slightly lowered his head, and was examining information about the players who died in the same instance as Wen Shi.

Being in the same space as this person for too long could feel oppressive. She quickly recounted the events, and as she was about to finish, she saw a familiar figure walking towards the door.

Ji Yuanzhi had recently returned to the virtual world and had some guild matters to attend to. Upon hearing that Liu Yun had arrived, he stopped by to take a look.

As if knowing who the newcomer was, the guild leader didn’t even lift his head as he said, “Seems like you’re right. This Pei Wenwei has quite a talent for winning people’s hearts.”

In just two days, he managed to gain the favor of numerous NPCs.

Ji Yuanzhi pondered and said, “It’s not entirely as simple as it seems. He did put in some effort during the process.”

The guild leader’s hand paused as he flipped through the documents. “To have such scheming at barely twenty years old, we should be cautious, shouldn’t we?”

Ji Yuanzhi shook his head and offered a different perspective. “Being scheming might come from experiencing a lot of hardships. As long as he’s not harming anyone, it’s all good.”

The guild leader looked at the list of dead players who were in the same instance as Pei Wenwei. He teased, “So, he’s a good person?”

Ji Yuanzhi adjusted his glasses and casually responded with a nonchalant “Hmm.”


The guild leader fell silent for a moment, then suddenly asked, “Heard you and Pei Wenwei went back to the real world?”

Ji Yuanzhi nodded.

“How long were you gone?”

“Around a dozen hours.”

“…Mad, in just a dozen hours, your opinion changed?”

Liu Yun, who had been silently listening to their conversation, was surprised. “You went back to the real world?”

“Pei Wenwei was concerned about his safety in the real world, so he wanted me to accompany him.”

Liu Yun had been saved by Wen Shi before, so she had a favorable impression. Hearing this, she couldn’t help but frown. “He trusts people too easily.”

Ji Yuanzhi, thinking of the child who could be coaxed into becoming an adopted son with a name, agreed with a deep understanding. “Exactly.”

The guild leader: “……”


End Volume 2: Heartthrob

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Matryoshka Off-Limits

Matryoshka Off-Limits

Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: , , Native Language: Chinese
Due to past experiences, Wen Shi has become distrustful of others. He now believes that the only person he can trust in this world is himself. **** Wen Shi unexpectedly got pulled into an infinite game. 【Congratulations to the player for awakening the ‘I Am Who I Am’ skill.” I Am Who I Am: Spend one hundred points to summon another ‘me’ from a parallel world once.】 Wen Shi replied indifferently, “Summoning someone to their death?” Until—— On the night of the horror castle, the castle owner insisted on finding the most perfect bride, eliminating one player every night until then. The once unremarkable story took a drastic turn when Wen Shi summoned a girl with a long sword. The girl affectionately called Wen Shi “Little Brother” while holding the sword’s tip to the castle owner’s forehead. On that day, the castle owner became completely terrified of marriage. In the bloody dormitory, Wen Shi accidentally summoned a sickly heartthrob. The sickly heartthrob knocked on every door with a smile at the indescribable residents. “Would you take care of me?” On the night of Ghost Festival, when the gates of the netherworld were opened and the night was filled with spirits, Wen Shi and the summoned zombie stared at each other. Wen Shi: “Come, follow my lead. The night of the hundred ghosts is dangerous. We should be cautious.” Zombie: “H-hundred households’ meals smell delicious.” Wen Shi: “Survive!” Angry Zombie: “H-hungry, f-food, not picky!” **** No friends? We can be your friends. No family? We can be your family. Wen Shi rediscovered the warmth of humanity and met a romantic love. After dating for a while, Wen Shi shyly said, “My family would like to meet you.” The fierce antisocial Boss at level ten asked, “How many?” “Just a few.”


  1. Lilian_Cho says:

    This is so, so good. Thank you for translating the first two volumes!

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