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Matryoshka Off-Limits Chapter 77 Part 2

Chapter 77.2 Crimson Sunset Expedition

Opening his eyes again, he was startled by the identical figure before him.

Familiar lighting, the dressing mirror on the wall. After two seconds, he realized he had returned to the hotel.

Thanks to these past two days of rest, the person in the mirror no longer had dark circles. Wen Shi touched the pendant hanging on his collarbone. Jian Qingrong’s taste was on point. The pendant was finely crafted, with a silver border.

He pulled out a chair and sat down, sending a message to Ji Yuanzhi:

Asking for a quick way to earn points.

Wen Shi had burned through points quite recklessly. The points used to activate【One Strike Flattens All】were almost equivalent to a single instance’s settlement, yet he couldn’t stop using it. Firstly, the move was indeed powerful, and secondly, he needed to accumulate usage to exchange for “Grand Swordmanship” for Xie Tangyan.

A daily saying: this damn heartless capitalist of a game.

Five minutes later, just as Wen Shi was about to order food over the phone since Ji Yuanzhi hadn’t replied yet, he received a call from Ji Yuanzhi. On the other end of the line, Ji Yuanzhi got straight to the point, “There’s an opportunity recently, but it’s quite risky.”

Wen Shi’s determination shone through, “For money, people die. For food, birds perish!”

“……” Ji Yuanzhi fell silent for a moment. “It’s a standalone.”

“Standalone” wasn’t referring to a rare book. Wen Shi had read about it in the “Virtual World Guide” before. Endgame for second round, standalone for third round.

It meant that after the second-round endgame, if it returned into an endgame state, it would be referred to as “standalone.”

More than the danger of a standalone, Wen Shi was more concerned about one thing, “Players don’t have the initiative to choose which instance to participate in.”

“The leader of the First Commandment Guild has a way to bring people in. He’s currently meeting with the guild leader to discuss it in detail. If you can convince him, you can go in with them.”

“What kind of instance requires such a big fuss?” Wen Shi chuckled. “Could it be he wants to persuade your leader to go into the instance together?”


The definite answer wiped the smile off Wen Shi’s face, prompting further inquiry.

“It’s a thirty-player team battle instance. After two rounds, sixty players died, but the instance somehow remains open.”

After a moment of silence, Wen Shi let out a bitter laugh. “I think I’ll try to find another way.”

He still valued his life.

Just before ending the call, Wen Shi casually asked, “For an instance with such a high fatality rate, how much is the usual settlement?”

“Around twenty to thirty thousand.”

Wen Shi brought the communicator back to his face, “Where are they meeting? I’ll go now.”


Important discussions always took place in the guild. Wen Shi couldn’t enter on his own, so the hotel staff led him to an impressive building’s entrance, where he waited for Ji Yuanzhi to meet him.

The area around the guild’s building was eerily quiet. Since the territory was pretty much taken over by Second Commandment, no one dared to trespass.

Wen Shi didn’t have to wait long for Ji Yuanzhi.

“Are they willing to see me? If not, I can leave a message on the bulletin board.”

Wen Shi was always adaptable, considering the leaders were discussing serious matters. It would seem strange for a rookie like him to suddenly request to join.

As they walked, Wen Shi asked while Ji Yuanzhi remained silent. At a corner, Ji Yuanzhi pushed open the first door, revealing a masked man sitting with a man and a woman.

The woman was yawning, appearing half-asleep. Upon closer inspection, Wen Shi realized it wasn’t sleepiness but extreme physical weakness that she was bravely enduring. The other man had eyes that exuded a deep affection, as if legends of devoted dogs had come to life. His high brow and deep-set eyes radiated calmness, carrying a sense of indulgence.

Between the two, one was the guild leader, and the other had to hold a significant position as well. Without this premise, Wen Shi might have been deceived by the man’s endlessly gentle exterior, forming a pleasant initial impression.

The man greeted first, “Hello, I’m Li Nan, the leader of First Commandment Guild.” He then introduced the woman, “This is Qi Qi, the vice leader.”

He lacked any airs, which made Wen Shi all the more cautious. He extended his hand in a tentative handshake, “Pei Wenwei.”

“Ji Yuanzhi holds you in high regard. He said you can catch opponents off-guard and even lead a group to unexpected victories.”

Wen Shi modestly waved his hand, “That’s an exaggeration.”

“Let’s get to the point.” The masked man at the head of the table tapped the armrest, his question carrying a palpable weight. “Since it’s a team battle instance, there’s a chance we might end up on opposing sides. Your proactive invitation to me seems a bit hard to justify, doesn’t it?”

The question was posed unhurriedly yet held significant pressure. Li Nan responded calmly, “That’s why I’m here. Qi Qi has already looked into it. In this team battle instance, all the players who enter together are on the same side.”

Despite the mask worn by the Second Commandment Guild’s leader, it was oddly perceptible that a frown might have formed beneath it.

Not to mention him, Wen Shi felt his breath hitch. A united player front meant that something else stood on the opposite side of that front. Monsters, perhaps? No matter how you looked at it, the whole situation was perplexing.

The masked man inquired further, “What else did she find out?”

Calmly observing, Wen Shi noted that Qi Qi’s skills were undoubtedly divination. To rise to vice leader of the largest guild, her level was likely higher than even Zhou Xiaochun’s.

At this point, Li Nan slowly spoke two words, “The key.”

Leaving the instance required collecting three keys. The previously serene hall of five people fell into a hushed silence.

Finally, Wen Shi understood the expressions of others when he mentioned the lead about Frank Hospital in the graveyard. He couldn’t decide whether he should continue listening.

Li Nan continued without any concealment, “I’ve come to discuss cooperation with you, as I have some understanding of your character. Let’s make it clear from the start. Whichever side obtains a key will need to pay the other side an additional sixty thousand points.”

This was to avoid pointless infighting.

“Alright.” The masked man agreed quite readily.

“I have a seven-person team item here. We’ll each bring one person. Besides Pei Wenwei, there are two slots left. I plan to invite Xiao Min from Deep Space Guild and Qian Laiye from Nightingale Guild.”

The masked man pondered for a moment, but didn’t raise any objections.

Without unnecessary pleasantries, Li Nan stood up. “Based on the situation in the previous two rounds, this instance reabsorbs players every seven days. It’s been only four days since the last round ended. We’ll meet in the square at 11:00 AM the day after tomorrow.”

Qi Qi practically clung to Li Nan as they left. Divination backlash had significantly harmed her body.

After the two had gone some distance, Wen Shi expressed his surprise at how smoothly things had gone. “Giving me a slot for free?”

Instances with keys were rarely encountered. Shouldn’t they bring their own people?

The masked man’s voice was solemn, “Variable.”

Wen Shi acknowledged the gap in his thinking compared to the guild leaders, and he didn’t hide this fact. He humbly looked towards Ji Yuanzhi.

“Qi Qi’s divination results probably aren’t favorable,” Ji Yuanzhi analyzed. “Xiao Min and Qian Laiye aren’t particularly powerful players, but their quick thinking is an advantage. They share similarities with you in that they often take unconventional paths. The bolder the player, the more likely they become the breakthrough point. That’s the variable. Coupled with the strength of the guild leader, Li Nan intends to revitalize the stagnant situation through this approach.”

The power of decision always lay with the individual. Ji Yuanzhi disliked making decisions for others, so when Wen Shi asked, he didn’t hide the news about the standalone instance. Standing in the perspective of a friend, Ji Yuanzhi offered a simple reminder, “Think carefully before you act.”

He then turned to the masked man and reassured him, “Go with peace of mind. The guild has my support.”

Guild leader: “……”

He certainly wouldn’t give up the key. This instance was a must-go. But in comparison to the previous sentence, why did it sound so awkward?

A guild couldn’t have too many leaders. Both sides could only send one. First Commandment was the same, and Li Nan wouldn’t bring Qi Qi.

The masked man and Ji Yuanzhi needed to discuss the chosen participants. There wasn’t much point for Wen Shi to stay here, so he prepared to leave. Just before he departed, he looked at the guild leader of Second Commandment and asked, “May I know your name?”

The masked man pondered over the selection, not looking up at him, and answered casually, “Yu Xingzhou.”

Exiting the guild building, Wen Shi went straight to the square.

Things were different now. He was about to enter the instance alongside the guild leaders of two major guilds. If anyone wanted to grab him and interrogate him like before, the guilds wouldn’t ignore it. With safety guaranteed, Wen Shi lingered a while longer in the square, standing before the large projection screen, watching the ongoing instance match.

One of the matches was particularly conspicuous, and even the player numbers had turned gray. They had transformed into a cold string of digits.

At the top was the instance’s name. Wen Shi squinted his eyes and read it aloud:

“Crimson Sunset Expedition.”

In the virtual world, where mist lingered year-round, the sun was about to set, making the darkness arrive even earlier. The blood-red afterglow barely pierced through the clouds, casting a bone-chilling feeling over the square.

Wen Shi gazed silently at the projection screen. All he could do was to try his best to survive and not let his own player number turn gray.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Two days later, close to midnight, the virtual world’s square was filled with people. Considering the time, the standalone instance would open again tonight. Curiosity abounded as they wondered who would join the game this time.

“Oh, damn.” Silence was shattered by a curse.

Not just him, but many people arriving echoed the same exclamation. Rubbing their eyes to confirm, they saw at the front of the square, the guild leaders of First Commandment and Second Commandment standing together in conversation.

Players exchanged puzzled looks. The leaders of these major guilds wouldn’t simply show up for fun. There was only one possibility: these two intended to enter the instance.

“Do you think they might…” someone murmured, “want to enter the standalone?”

Players couldn’t choose their instances, but as the top two guilds, they usually had some special methods.

“I’m more curious about how wherever something strange happens, Pei Wenwei is there.”

Focused on the big shots earlier, the people realized, after his comment, that Wen Shi was standing shoulder-to-shoulder with them. He was busy wolfing a chocolate bar.


With ten minutes left until midnight, news of the collaboration between the two guild leaders spread rapidly.

Many skilled players, upon receiving the news, snapped out of their daze, contemplating what treasure this instance held that could prompt such a gathering of talents. Some even considered entering the instance at midnight, though the probability was low. However, timing it right might give them a slim chance at entering the standalone.

Regardless of what others were thinking, in the square, Li Nan remained indifferent, focused on his watch, counting down the time.

In the last ten seconds, Wen Shi heard the system notification sound.

【Player 366633 invites you to a multi-player team using an item. Do you accept?】


【Awaiting confirmation from other members.】

【Team formation is successful.】

【Player 366633 uses a ticket item. This instance is directed to Crimson Sunset Expedition.】

【Crimson Sunset Expedition: Medium-sized team battle instance.

Number of Players: 30

Initial Faction: All players belong to the same faction.

Story Synopsis: This is a high-end travel group specifically designed for successful individuals. The participants who sign up for this tour have achieved various levels of success in life. Success often leads people to lose their sense of humility. They validate the saying: “Above others, below none.” The Crimson Sunset Expedition is tailor-made for successful people to rediscover their true selves during their journey!

This tour ensures a dreamlike journey for its passengers, from boarding the train to reaching the destination. To show appreciation to both new and returning friends, the Crimson Sunset Expedition has added a new tourist attraction this year!

Character Identity: You are named Aaron. After participating in a thrilling and heart-stirring dating show, you unexpectedly receive news about your missing relative. It turns out that you are the legitimate heir of Frank Hospital! To reclaim the hospital, you start building your team and send the host undercover to the frontlines. Now, you are no longer alone. You have comrades, friends, and admirers with mysterious intentions. After leaving Sealed Coffin Village, you’ve become a bit conceited. To regain your perspective, you deliberately joined the Crimson Sunset Expedition, a travel group that claims to help all participants rediscover their initial aspirations.

Note: Make sure not to board the wrong train once you enter the station. You need to board the green carriage with the colored flag.

Note: From the moment you enter the station until the train reaches the destination, all players’ skills will be locked.】

Wen Shi’s eye twitched as he read through the description. Despite knowing that this background was created by a game, he couldn’t help but mutter a comment. Instead of being conceited, the most fatal part of this character setup was the recklessness. Why sign up for a travel group for no reason?

Locked skills meant he needed to use his summoning skills in advance. Essential combination package for summoning: game recommendations.

As per usual, Wen Shi voiced his request, and this time, the system responded with a different notification sound:

“In this round, the involvement of your parallel world self may not necessarily be a good thing. Player, please consider carefully.”

It was the first time the game issued such a warning.

Wen Shi fell silent for a moment. In the previous summoning instances, he had at least learned one thing: his parallel world selves also faced challenges. With the premise of offering them a way out, the game required everyone to help each other. Wen Shi wasn’t sure how much longer he could last in the instance, but if he stopped summoning, another version of himself in a parallel world would continue to face the predicament.

He wouldn’t make decisions for others.

In this aspect, Wen Shi and Ji Yuanzhi shared a high degree of similarity.

“Can you help me convey a message? Just ask if they want to meet me.”

Wen Shi disliked lying to his own people, and he believed the same was true on the other side.

In the blink of an eye, the system’s icy prompt rang out once again: “The other side really wants to meet you.”

Without hesitation, Wen Shi responded, “Summon.”

【’I Am Who I Am’ skill activated, recommended points for this summon: fifty.】

【Target object has sent an item for you to receive. Do you accept? Shipping fee: ten points.】

Seriously? Even sucking this little bit of blood!

Wen Shi took a deep breath and said, “Accept.”

As soon as he spoke, a chilly object appeared in his hand. At the same time, the instance began to load, and the world plunged into complete darkness.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
Matryoshka Off-Limits

Matryoshka Off-Limits

Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: , , Native Language: Chinese
Due to past experiences, Wen Shi has become distrustful of others. He now believes that the only person he can trust in this world is himself. **** Wen Shi unexpectedly got pulled into an infinite game. 【Congratulations to the player for awakening the ‘I Am Who I Am’ skill.” I Am Who I Am: Spend one hundred points to summon another ‘me’ from a parallel world once.】 Wen Shi replied indifferently, “Summoning someone to their death?” Until—— On the night of the horror castle, the castle owner insisted on finding the most perfect bride, eliminating one player every night until then. The once unremarkable story took a drastic turn when Wen Shi summoned a girl with a long sword. The girl affectionately called Wen Shi “Little Brother” while holding the sword’s tip to the castle owner’s forehead. On that day, the castle owner became completely terrified of marriage. In the bloody dormitory, Wen Shi accidentally summoned a sickly heartthrob. The sickly heartthrob knocked on every door with a smile at the indescribable residents. “Would you take care of me?” On the night of Ghost Festival, when the gates of the netherworld were opened and the night was filled with spirits, Wen Shi and the summoned zombie stared at each other. Wen Shi: “Come, follow my lead. The night of the hundred ghosts is dangerous. We should be cautious.” Zombie: “H-hundred households’ meals smell delicious.” Wen Shi: “Survive!” Angry Zombie: “H-hungry, f-food, not picky!” **** No friends? We can be your friends. No family? We can be your family. Wen Shi rediscovered the warmth of humanity and met a romantic love. After dating for a while, Wen Shi shyly said, “My family would like to meet you.” The fierce antisocial Boss at level ten asked, “How many?” “Just a few.”


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