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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 101

Chapter 101: An Bu’s Faked Death Again

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Slowly opening his sore eyes, Jian Ningxuan woke up from a daze, finding himself lying in a hospital room with a breathing mask on his face, his throat feeling a stabbing pain. Memories slowly resurfaced—Starry Sky Restaurant, the fire, thick smoke…

【Mr. Jian, wait for me.】


Jian Ningxuan sat up suddenly, removed the oxygen mask, and quickly scanned the room. On the other two beds laid two unfamiliar foreigners, presumably also customers dining at the Starry Sky Restaurant that day?

What about Bubu? Is she okay?

Jian Ningxuan searched his body and couldn’t find his wallet and phone. As he was about to open the bedside drawer, his gaze suddenly fixed on his hand—a sapphire ring was prominently placed on his ring finger.

The Eye of Cupid, the antique ring he specifically bought to propose to An Bu.

【Mr. Jian, I do.】

In the darkness shrouded by thick smoke, this voice echoed faintly in his ears.

Jian Ningxuan’s expression went blank. An Bu had really risked entering the scene of the fire… At that time, the restaurant’s entrance was blocked from the outside, and the corridor was filled with fire. For An Bu to enter the restaurant, she had to forcibly break down the door under the burning flames. Ordinary people wouldn’t be able to endure it, but An Bu couldn’t feel the pain. To save him, she could have bravely rushed into the fire despite the danger.

With trembling fingers, Jian Ningxuan opened the drawer, found his phone, and, holding onto a glimmer of hope, dialed the familiar number.

【Sorry, the subscriber you are dialing is not available, please try again later…】

Upon hearing this cold prompt, Jian Ningxuan felt a chill in his body.

“Sir, are you okay?” A nurse entered the room, seeing Jian Ningxuan awake, and asked with concern.

Jian Ningxuan snapped back and urgently asked in E-language, “Where are the other survivors of the Starry Sky Restaurant fire?”

The nurse pointed to the other two patients in the beds and said with a sad tone, “They are all here. There are only three survivors, and unfortunately, 26 others did not make it.”

Jian Ningxuan’s fingers holding the phone turned white due to excessive force. After a long while, he asked with difficulty, “And… the deceased? Where are they?”

“They are currently in the morgue, waiting for their families to claim them.” The nurse looked at him sympathetically, probably guessing that he had lost relatives or friends in the fire. “Do you want me to take you there to have a look?”

“Thank you.”

Jian Ningxuan followed the nurse to the morgue. The nurse informed him that over a dozen deceased had already been taken away by their families. The remaining eight bodies still unclaimed mostly had identification cards, and the police had already contacted their families.

The victims of this fire were mostly wealthy businessmen and celebrities, causing a great sensation in the outside world. The M-country police took it very seriously, and during Jian Ningxuan’s one-day unconsciousness, they had launched a thorough investigation and quickly identified the suspects.

Walking into the morgue with heavy steps, Jian Ningxuan looked at each shrouded body. His heart seemed to be tightly gripped, and fear spread through his body along with a chilling sensation.

The nurse uncovered the white cloth covering the bodies, allowing him to identify the deceased.

These deceased individuals all died from smoke inhalation and toxic gases, so their bodies were relatively intact, and there were no horrific signs of death.

After identifying the first seven, none were the person Jian Ningxuan was looking for. There was only one left. The nurse hesitated and said, “The death scene of this deceased is a bit strange. Her ID card and phone were burned, making it impossible to identify her. I don’t know if she’s the one you’re looking for, but be prepared mentally.”

Jian Ningxuan had a premonition that the person lying in front of him right now was his Bubu…

When the white cloth was lifted, Jian Ningxuan saw a person with 80% burns all over her body, with blurred facial features, yellowed hair, shriveled and cracked muscles, curled up like a baby. Despite Jian Ningxuan’s denial, the sapphire ring on her finger clearly proved her identity.


Tears overflowed from Jian Ningxuan’s eyes, and his soul seemed to be pulled away.

“The fire didn’t reach the restaurant, so there shouldn’t have been any burn victims like this, but I heard that when the firefighters arrived, the restaurant door had already been smashed open. They speculate that the person who smashed the restaurant door is this deceased individual. Is she the person you were looking for?” 

The nurse turned her head and saw the expression on the man next to her, immediately closing her mouth. 

Jian Ningxuan stood stiffly beside An Bu’s body, his brain already losing the ability to think. 

I’m so cold, Bu Bu… 

Jian Ningxuan slowly lifted his hand, wanting to touch her face, but his vision blurred, a feeling of suffocation surged through him, and the next moment, he blacked out and collapsed to the ground.

【Mr. Jian, are you happy hearing my voice?】

【Mr. Jian, are you looking for your poop-scooping official?】

【Mr. Jian, wait for me.】

【Mr. Jian, I do…】

Jian Ningxuan opened his eyes, and tears kept falling from the corners of his eyes.

After an unknown period, he gradually regained his composure. However, his eyes were lifeless. He took out his phone and made a call to his assistant, asking him to come and help handle the aftermath.

Half an hour later, the assistant hurried over, his face filled with relief and lament.

He had booked the Starry Sky Restaurant for Jian Ningxuan. When he learned about the fire, he was almost scared to death. Fortunately, Jian Ningxuan was safe; otherwise, he would undoubtedly have faced the wrath of the Jian family.

“Get ready; I’m taking Bubu back to the country.” Jian Ningxuan’s tone was calm and indifferent.

“Has Miss An arrived?” The assistant didn’t know that An Bu had already “passed away” in the fire.

Jian Ningxuan didn’t answer, leading him to the morgue.

The assistant saw the big characters “morgue” and widened his eyes, looking at Jian Ningxuan in horror. An Bu was also in the restaurant at that time? And she even met with a disaster?

Heavens, could it be so cruel? Last time, when An Bu faked her death, the boss was almost rendered speechless. Now, experiencing this sorrow again, could the boss endure it?

Guided by the morgue staff, Jian Ningxuan walked towards the bed where An Bu’s body was supposed to be placed. After walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped, his gaze narrowed, and he noticed that the bed was empty. The body that should have been lying there was nowhere to be seen.

“Where is the person?” Jian Ningxuan looked at the staff coldly.

The staff stared at the empty bed in astonishment, completely unaware of how the body on it could have disappeared.

“Wait a moment; let me check the surveillance.” The staff quickly entered the temporary break room next door, accessed the surveillance footage, and found that there was a thirty-minute blackout two hours ago. It was unclear whether someone had tampered with it.

He broke out in a cold sweat. Losing a body was a major work mistake, and it couldn’t be justified to the hospital or the deceased’s family.

“Sir, may I ask who you are to the deceased? Can you provide her identity information to help us find her?” The staff nervously asked.

An Bu’s ID card and phone were burned in the fire, so the hospital had not confirmed her identity.

Jian Ningxuan stared at him for a long time. Suddenly, a strange light flashed in his originally dull eyes.

The body disappeared… An Bu had done the same last time, and although it seemed unbelievable, Jian Ningxuan faintly felt that his Bubu might not be dead yet.

Having lived together for so long, he had long noticed many anomalies about An Bu but had never spoken about it. However, after experiencing several dangers and her resurrection last time, he believed that An Bu might possess self-healing or resurrection abilities.

With this thought, a new hope ignited in Jian Ningxuan’s heart.

“Sir?” The staff asked again, “Can you provide the deceased’s identity information?”

Jian Ningxuan indifferently said, “I’m sorry, I might have mistaken the person.”

After saying this, he turned and walked out of the morgue.

The assistant followed him, puzzled, and cautiously asked, “Boss, did you really mistake the person? Is Miss An okay?”

“She’s fine.” She must be fine! Jian Ningxuan firmly believed, “Get the discharge procedures ready.”

In the upcoming time, he would devote all his efforts to find An Bu. After the last “false death,” An Bu had lost some memories. Jian Ningxuan estimated that it might be the same this time. If she really had amnesia, being penniless, she might encounter unknown dangers in a completely unfamiliar environment.

Surrounded by endless darkness, An Bu returned to the consciousness space of the Book of Life and Death. Memories were fragmented, chaotic, as if her personality had split, making it difficult to sort out.

The data of the Book of Life and Death reorganized once again. Strange yet familiar names passed before her eyes, and the numbers representing life force and death energy were rapidly changing.

After an unknown period, the flowing data gradually stopped. When the reorganization was complete, An Bu first checked the death energy: 6,791,765, listing the increase in each increment. Compared to the initial value, it had increased by more than 60,000.

Then she looked at the life force, surprisingly finding it had reached: 3,927,315, an increase of over 3 million. Moreover, these over 3 million were all destiny life force. How could this be possible?

She quickly checked the details and found that these over 3 million were gained within a day, all coming from a man named “Jian Ningxuan.”

Was Jian Ningxuan a big shot? How could saving his life result in such a high life force? Was he a legendary nine-life good person?

An Bu found the name somewhat familiar but didn’t think too deeply. She had saved too many people, and most of them were just chance encounters with no further communication.

However, this person piqued An Bu’s interest because of his astonishing life force, helping her complete half of the resurrection process at once.

If there was a chance, she would like to get to know him. If he encountered a life-threatening situation again, she could help him, and perhaps she would immediately become a person.

Just as she was fantasizing, a flash of white light passed, and An Bu woke up from deep sleep.

Opening her eyes, she saw a dismal white environment. It took her two seconds to realize that a white cloth covered her head. An Bu listened to the sounds outside, confirmed that no one was there, and then reached out to pull the white cloth down. Glancing around, she immediately understood where she was.

The morgue, a place she visited once or twice every year.

An Bu sat up, seeing her skin burned to an unbearable state. There was no emotional reaction in her heart.

Burned to death, frozen to death, fallen to death, stabbed to death, shot to death, blown up to death… What kind of death had she not experienced? She had long become indifferent to it.

There were no lights in the morgue, only a few beams of light coming in through the cracks. An Bu closed her eyes and spent a few hundred points of ordinary life force, slowly repairing her body.

The visible burns on her body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the skin was wrinkled and dull, lacking the previous plumpness and luster due to severe dehydration and malnutrition.

Ten minutes later, An Bu restored her body to a state where she could be seen by others. She moved her somewhat stiff limbs and then flipped off the bed, searching for clothes she could wear. Her dress was already burned to tatters, exposing everything that shouldn’t be exposed.

There were no suitable clothes in the morgue, so An Bu cautiously pushed open the door of the adjacent temporary rest room, made sure the staff wasn’t there, and immediately ran in. She found a white lab coat to put on. Seeing a pair of flip-flops in the corner, she didn’t hesitate to pick them up. She also tore off the number tag hanging on her toes.

At this moment, she caught sight of the surveillance screen on the table, switched to the footage of when she woke up, and completely deleted it. Then, she checked the registration information of the deceased and found that her registered information was: Unidentified, pending verification.

Perfect! No need to report her death.

An Bu wandered around the lounge, making sure she hadn’t missed anything, and then quietly left.

The morgue was in a relatively secluded location, with limited surveillance. An Bu, dressed in a white lab coat and wearing flip-flops, might have looked a bit peculiar, but she didn’t attract too much attention.

About an hour after she left the hospital, Jian Ningxuan, accompanied by his assistant, arrived at the morgue and discovered her disappearance.

While his assistant helped him with the discharge process, Jian Ningxuan used the assistant’s computer to access the hospital’s surveillance. However, there was no trace of An Bu.

An Bu deliberately avoided the surveillance, wearing the white lab coat and appearing slender. With a somewhat long and messy hairstyle, she blended in with the medical staff. Even Jian Ningxuan, who was very familiar with her, would find it difficult to identify her in numerous surveillance images.

However, Jian Ningxuan was not discouraged. Knowing An Bu disliked hospitals, if she truly revived, she would definitely leave. To find her, he needed to expand the search range as much as possible.

At this moment, An Bu had completely forgotten Jian Ningxuan. When she walked out of the hospital and saw the flickering lights in the night, her eyes revealed a pleasant surprise.

She could distinguish colors! Although her color perception was weak, it was no longer just black, white, and gray.

This was clearly the result of a significant increase in life force.

Thanks to the great god Jian Ningxuan! Regardless of who he was, An Bu was willing to worship him anytime.

Now that her vision has improved, what about her sense of taste?

An Bu couldn’t wait to indulge in a feast!

With a thought, two identity cards and a bank card appeared in her hand. The Book of Life and Death could generate any documents for her, and for all documents with passwords, the Book of Life and Death would set the password to 000000 after regeneration.

These were her current identities that she hadn’t destroyed yet. One was labeled “Gu An,” and the other was labeled “An Bu.”

After some thought, An Bu put away the identity card belonging to “An Bu” and decided to temporarily use the identity of “Gu An.” This identity had been used for twenty or thirty years, indicating good confidentiality. Using it for transactions should help avoid many troubles. The crucial point was that An Bu’s identity did not have a bank card! (Her bank card was in the hands of the cat master.)

With money in hand, An Bu first wanted to buy a few sets of clothes from the store, then get her hair done, find a hotel, and order a delicious meal…

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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 101

My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 101

Chapter 101: An Bu's Faked Death Again

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Slowly opening his sore eyes, Jian Ningxuan woke up from a daze, finding himself lying in a hospital room with a breathing mask on his face, his throat feeling a stabbing pain. Memories slowly resurfaced—Starry Sky Restaurant, the fire, thick smoke...

【Mr. Jian, wait for me.】


Jian Ningxuan sat up suddenly, removed the oxygen mask, and quickly scanned the room. On the other two beds laid two unfamiliar foreigners, presumably also customers dining at the Starry Sky Restaurant that day?

What about Bubu? Is she okay?

Jian Ningxuan searched his body and couldn't find his wallet and phone. As he was about to open the bedside drawer, his gaze suddenly fixed on his hand—a sapphire ring was prominently placed on his ring finger.

The Eye of Cupid, the antique ring he specifically bought to propose to An Bu.

【Mr. Jian, I do.】

In the darkness shrouded by thick smoke, this voice echoed faintly in his ears.

Jian Ningxuan's expression went blank. An Bu had really risked entering the scene of the fire... At that time, the restaurant's entrance was blocked from the outside, and the corridor was filled with fire. For An Bu to enter the restaurant, she had to forcibly break down the door under the burning flames. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to endure it, but An Bu couldn't feel the pain. To save him, she could have bravely rushed into the fire despite the danger.

With trembling fingers, Jian Ningxuan opened the drawer, found his phone, and, holding onto a glimmer of hope, dialed the familiar number.

【Sorry, the subscriber you are dialing is not available, please try again later...】

Upon hearing this cold prompt, Jian Ningxuan felt a chill in his body.

"Sir, are you okay?" A nurse entered the room, seeing Jian Ningxuan awake, and asked with concern.

Jian Ningxuan snapped back and urgently asked in E-language, "Where are the other survivors of the Starry Sky Restaurant fire?"

The nurse pointed to the other two patients in the beds and said with a sad tone, "They are all here. There are only three survivors, and unfortunately, 26 others did not make it."

Jian Ningxuan's fingers holding the phone turned white due to excessive force. After a long while, he asked with difficulty, "And… the deceased? Where are they?"

"They are currently in the morgue, waiting for their families to claim them." The nurse looked at him sympathetically, probably guessing that he had lost relatives or friends in the fire. "Do you want me to take you there to have a look?"

"Thank you."

Jian Ningxuan followed the nurse to the morgue. The nurse informed him that over a dozen deceased had already been taken away by their families. The remaining eight bodies still unclaimed mostly had identification cards, and the police had already contacted their families.

The victims of this fire were mostly wealthy businessmen and celebrities, causing a great sensation in the outside world. The M-country police took it very seriously, and during Jian Ningxuan's one-day unconsciousness, they had launched a thorough investigation and quickly identified the suspects.

Walking into the morgue with heavy steps, Jian Ningxuan looked at each shrouded body. His heart seemed to be tightly gripped, and fear spread through his body along with a chilling sensation.

The nurse uncovered the white cloth covering the bodies, allowing him to identify the deceased.

These deceased individuals all died from smoke inhalation and toxic gases, so their bodies were relatively intact, and there were no horrific signs of death.

After identifying the first seven, none were the person Jian Ningxuan was looking for. There was only one left. The nurse hesitated and said, "The death scene of this deceased is a bit strange. Her ID card and phone were burned, making it impossible to identify her. I don't know if she's the one you're looking for, but be prepared mentally."

Jian Ningxuan had a premonition that the person lying in front of him right now was his Bubu...

When the white cloth was lifted, Jian Ningxuan saw a person with 80% burns all over her body, with blurred facial features, yellowed hair, shriveled and cracked muscles, curled up like a baby. Despite Jian Ningxuan's denial, the sapphire ring on her finger clearly proved her identity.


Tears overflowed from Jian Ningxuan's eyes, and his soul seemed to be pulled away.

"The fire didn't reach the restaurant, so there shouldn't have been any burn victims like this, but I heard that when the firefighters arrived, the restaurant door had already been smashed open. They speculate that the person who smashed the restaurant door is this deceased individual. Is she the person you were looking for?" 

The nurse turned her head and saw the expression on the man next to her, immediately closing her mouth. 

Jian Ningxuan stood stiffly beside An Bu's body, his brain already losing the ability to think. 

I'm so cold, Bu Bu... 

Jian Ningxuan slowly lifted his hand, wanting to touch her face, but his vision blurred, a feeling of suffocation surged through him, and the next moment, he blacked out and collapsed to the ground.

【Mr. Jian, are you happy hearing my voice?】

【Mr. Jian, are you looking for your poop-scooping official?】

【Mr. Jian, wait for me.】

【Mr. Jian, I do...】

Jian Ningxuan opened his eyes, and tears kept falling from the corners of his eyes.

After an unknown period, he gradually regained his composure. However, his eyes were lifeless. He took out his phone and made a call to his assistant, asking him to come and help handle the aftermath.

Half an hour later, the assistant hurried over, his face filled with relief and lament.

He had booked the Starry Sky Restaurant for Jian Ningxuan. When he learned about the fire, he was almost scared to death. Fortunately, Jian Ningxuan was safe; otherwise, he would undoubtedly have faced the wrath of the Jian family.

"Get ready; I'm taking Bubu back to the country." Jian Ningxuan's tone was calm and indifferent.

"Has Miss An arrived?" The assistant didn't know that An Bu had already "passed away" in the fire.

Jian Ningxuan didn't answer, leading him to the morgue.

The assistant saw the big characters "morgue” and widened his eyes, looking at Jian Ningxuan in horror. An Bu was also in the restaurant at that time? And she even met with a disaster?

Heavens, could it be so cruel? Last time, when An Bu faked her death, the boss was almost rendered speechless. Now, experiencing this sorrow again, could the boss endure it?

Guided by the morgue staff, Jian Ningxuan walked towards the bed where An Bu's body was supposed to be placed. After walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped, his gaze narrowed, and he noticed that the bed was empty. The body that should have been lying there was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is the person?" Jian Ningxuan looked at the staff coldly.

The staff stared at the empty bed in astonishment, completely unaware of how the body on it could have disappeared.

"Wait a moment; let me check the surveillance." The staff quickly entered the temporary break room next door, accessed the surveillance footage, and found that there was a thirty-minute blackout two hours ago. It was unclear whether someone had tampered with it.

He broke out in a cold sweat. Losing a body was a major work mistake, and it couldn't be justified to the hospital or the deceased's family.

"Sir, may I ask who you are to the deceased? Can you provide her identity information to help us find her?" The staff nervously asked.

An Bu's ID card and phone were burned in the fire, so the hospital had not confirmed her identity.

Jian Ningxuan stared at him for a long time. Suddenly, a strange light flashed in his originally dull eyes.

The body disappeared... An Bu had done the same last time, and although it seemed unbelievable, Jian Ningxuan faintly felt that his Bubu might not be dead yet.

Having lived together for so long, he had long noticed many anomalies about An Bu but had never spoken about it. However, after experiencing several dangers and her resurrection last time, he believed that An Bu might possess self-healing or resurrection abilities.

With this thought, a new hope ignited in Jian Ningxuan's heart.

"Sir?" The staff asked again, "Can you provide the deceased's identity information?"

Jian Ningxuan indifferently said, "I'm sorry, I might have mistaken the person."

After saying this, he turned and walked out of the morgue.

The assistant followed him, puzzled, and cautiously asked, "Boss, did you really mistake the person? Is Miss An okay?"

"She's fine." She must be fine! Jian Ningxuan firmly believed, "Get the discharge procedures ready."

In the upcoming time, he would devote all his efforts to find An Bu. After the last "false death," An Bu had lost some memories. Jian Ningxuan estimated that it might be the same this time. If she really had amnesia, being penniless, she might encounter unknown dangers in a completely unfamiliar environment.

Surrounded by endless darkness, An Bu returned to the consciousness space of the Book of Life and Death. Memories were fragmented, chaotic, as if her personality had split, making it difficult to sort out.

The data of the Book of Life and Death reorganized once again. Strange yet familiar names passed before her eyes, and the numbers representing life force and death energy were rapidly changing.

After an unknown period, the flowing data gradually stopped. When the reorganization was complete, An Bu first checked the death energy: 6,791,765, listing the increase in each increment. Compared to the initial value, it had increased by more than 60,000.

Then she looked at the life force, surprisingly finding it had reached: 3,927,315, an increase of over 3 million. Moreover, these over 3 million were all destiny life force. How could this be possible?

She quickly checked the details and found that these over 3 million were gained within a day, all coming from a man named "Jian Ningxuan."

Was Jian Ningxuan a big shot? How could saving his life result in such a high life force? Was he a legendary nine-life good person?

An Bu found the name somewhat familiar but didn't think too deeply. She had saved too many people, and most of them were just chance encounters with no further communication.

However, this person piqued An Bu's interest because of his astonishing life force, helping her complete half of the resurrection process at once.

If there was a chance, she would like to get to know him. If he encountered a life-threatening situation again, she could help him, and perhaps she would immediately become a person.

Just as she was fantasizing, a flash of white light passed, and An Bu woke up from deep sleep.

Opening her eyes, she saw a dismal white environment. It took her two seconds to realize that a white cloth covered her head. An Bu listened to the sounds outside, confirmed that no one was there, and then reached out to pull the white cloth down. Glancing around, she immediately understood where she was.

The morgue, a place she visited once or twice every year.

An Bu sat up, seeing her skin burned to an unbearable state. There was no emotional reaction in her heart.

Burned to death, frozen to death, fallen to death, stabbed to death, shot to death, blown up to death... What kind of death had she not experienced? She had long become indifferent to it.

There were no lights in the morgue, only a few beams of light coming in through the cracks. An Bu closed her eyes and spent a few hundred points of ordinary life force, slowly repairing her body.

The visible burns on her body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the skin was wrinkled and dull, lacking the previous plumpness and luster due to severe dehydration and malnutrition.

Ten minutes later, An Bu restored her body to a state where she could be seen by others. She moved her somewhat stiff limbs and then flipped off the bed, searching for clothes she could wear. Her dress was already burned to tatters, exposing everything that shouldn't be exposed.

There were no suitable clothes in the morgue, so An Bu cautiously pushed open the door of the adjacent temporary rest room, made sure the staff wasn't there, and immediately ran in. She found a white lab coat to put on. Seeing a pair of flip-flops in the corner, she didn't hesitate to pick them up. She also tore off the number tag hanging on her toes.

At this moment, she caught sight of the surveillance screen on the table, switched to the footage of when she woke up, and completely deleted it. Then, she checked the registration information of the deceased and found that her registered information was: Unidentified, pending verification.

Perfect! No need to report her death.

An Bu wandered around the lounge, making sure she hadn't missed anything, and then quietly left.

The morgue was in a relatively secluded location, with limited surveillance. An Bu, dressed in a white lab coat and wearing flip-flops, might have looked a bit peculiar, but she didn't attract too much attention.

About an hour after she left the hospital, Jian Ningxuan, accompanied by his assistant, arrived at the morgue and discovered her disappearance.

While his assistant helped him with the discharge process, Jian Ningxuan used the assistant's computer to access the hospital's surveillance. However, there was no trace of An Bu.

An Bu deliberately avoided the surveillance, wearing the white lab coat and appearing slender. With a somewhat long and messy hairstyle, she blended in with the medical staff. Even Jian Ningxuan, who was very familiar with her, would find it difficult to identify her in numerous surveillance images.

However, Jian Ningxuan was not discouraged. Knowing An Bu disliked hospitals, if she truly revived, she would definitely leave. To find her, he needed to expand the search range as much as possible.

At this moment, An Bu had completely forgotten Jian Ningxuan. When she walked out of the hospital and saw the flickering lights in the night, her eyes revealed a pleasant surprise.

She could distinguish colors! Although her color perception was weak, it was no longer just black, white, and gray.

This was clearly the result of a significant increase in life force.

Thanks to the great god Jian Ningxuan! Regardless of who he was, An Bu was willing to worship him anytime.

Now that her vision has improved, what about her sense of taste?

An Bu couldn't wait to indulge in a feast!

With a thought, two identity cards and a bank card appeared in her hand. The Book of Life and Death could generate any documents for her, and for all documents with passwords, the Book of Life and Death would set the password to 000000 after regeneration.

These were her current identities that she hadn't destroyed yet. One was labeled "Gu An," and the other was labeled "An Bu."

After some thought, An Bu put away the identity card belonging to "An Bu" and decided to temporarily use the identity of "Gu An." This identity had been used for twenty or thirty years, indicating good confidentiality. Using it for transactions should help avoid many troubles. The crucial point was that An Bu's identity did not have a bank card! (Her bank card was in the hands of the cat master.)

With money in hand, An Bu first wanted to buy a few sets of clothes from the store, then get her hair done, find a hotel, and order a delicious meal…

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