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Ninth Imperial Glorious Phoenix Chapter 75

Chapter 75: This Isn’t Right

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She could act more fragile, pitiful, driven to despair, and helpless. Shen Ruilin would surely help her! That’s settled! Mingzhu immediately rushed to instruct the maids to open the wardrobe and carefully selected a set of pale white dress. After putting it on, she looked at herself in the mirror from different angles, “How does it look?”

Su Lan guessed she wanted to wear it for Shen Ruilin and advised, “Miss, brighter colors would suit you better.”

Mingzhu smiled. How could she pretend to be weak like that? That’s enough. After sitting for a while longer and seeing that it was almost time, she got up and headed out. “The moonlight tonight is lovely. I’m going out for a walk to clear my mind.”

Su Mei and Su Lan exchanged glances, then quickly bowed their heads and silently went to fetch a lantern and a cloak. Mingzhu glanced at the moon and said, “No need for a lantern! Let’s walk in the moonlight.” With that, she led the way outside.

The mistress and servants quietly left the house, crossed a long flower path, and stood under a grape arbor. Before they could admire the moon’s shape, Su Mei suddenly slapped herself hard on the face, startling Mingzhu, who was contemplating mischief, “What are you doing? You scared me!”

Su Mei complained, “There are too many mosquitoes under this grape arbor. Let’s go somewhere else to enjoy the moon. Otherwise, if they bite you, Miss, you’ll get covered in bumps, and then you’ll suffer.”

“No, I like it here.” Mingzhu glanced at Su Mei and said, “If you’re really afraid of mosquitoes, have the maids bring some mugwort to repel them.”

Su Mei was delighted with the suggestion and said, “Miss, you’re so considerate.”

“Shh…” Mingzhu raised her finger to silence her, listening intently to the sounds coming from the other side of the wall. The grape arbor was next to the courtyard where Fu Cong and the others had been feasting earlier, and they could clearly hear the noises from inside. 

They heard Fu Third Master loudly exclaim, “Ruilin, my good brother, let’s have another drink, no, three more! You’re a good man, not minding my nagging…”

Mingzhu chuckled. Third Brother, despite being thought of as aloof, had some self-awareness, knowing that his family didn’t treat him well and complained about his nagging and idleness.

Then they heard the eldest brother sternly reprimanding, “Enough, Third Brother! Ruilin has come from afar with sincerity. Are you going to force him to get drunk and be unable to get up for days? “

Father’s calm voice followed, “Escort Young Master to the guest room to rest, and take good care of him. Don’t neglect him.”

Then came the sound of tables and chairs being moved, along with servants’ voices of persuasion. Gradually, everyone dispersed, and all sounds ceased. Mingzhu tightly pursed her lips, her heart feeling tormented. Should she go or should she not? Should she not go, or should she go? 

A voice inside her said she must go. If she didn’t, she would be at the mercy of the Empress Dowager to marry that disgusting person, Yuwen Long. If she didn’t go, she would miss out on a reliable man like Shen Ruilin, miss out on the opportunity for the Shen family to ally with the Fu family, and miss out on a powerful support and strength.

Another voice whispered, “This isn’t right.” She only knew that Shen Ruilin treated her extremely well, but she didn’t know if he harbored romantic feelings for her. If it was just sibling affection, wouldn’t it not only ruin their friendship but also be highly embarrassing? Well, embarrassment was secondary; she had already faced plenty of humiliation. But if he were to discern her feelings, would he become disgusted and disdainful?

However, if she didn’t try, how would she know the outcome? He might not love her, but as long as they could work together and live happily, wouldn’t that be enough? How many couples in the world lived like this? Talking about love and affection couldn’t fill one’s stomach. Putting too much emphasis on that was just inviting trouble. If he were to fancy another woman in the future, she would graciously accommodate him.

Standing under the grape arbor until her hair tips were soaked with dew, she finally made up her mind. With the determination of a warrior, she straightened her chest and walked confidently towards the guest room. 

Su Lan and Su Mei didn’t know what she was up to, but knowing her penchant for trouble, they couldn’t help but worry, “Miss, what are you going to do?”

Mingzhu replied, “I suddenly remembered something important that I must discuss with Cousin.”

Su Lan advised, “It’s late at night. His Lord must probably be asleep already. Why not wait until tomorrow?”

Mingzhu shook her head, “No, I must speak with him now. I might forget after tonight.” While speaking, she continued towards the guest room, refusing to heed their advice.

Su Lan and Su Mei exchanged glances, feeling a headache coming on. Though they feared Mingzhu, they were also afraid of getting into trouble because of her. 

Su Mei attempted to persuade, “Miss, whatever you need to do, just let us do it for you. The attendants in the guest room may be rough; we’re afraid they might offend you.”

Mingzhu coldly looked at the two of them, “Have you both forgotten about Geng Momo’s matter? Have you also forgotten what I said at the Jade Emperor Temple before?”

Su Mei and Su Lan dared not speak. Su Mei was about to make up an excuse to leave and inform someone, but before she could start, Mingzhu said, “No one is allowed to leave. If anyone disobeys me, they’ll be immediately dismissed.” She added with a smile, “Don’t worry, I know you’re both loyal. Even if I can’t keep you here, Madam or some of the sisters-in-law may accommodate you.”

Who would dare keep someone she didn’t want? It was just a warning to be careful. Su Mei and Su Lan could only suppress their thoughts and decide to take it one step at a time, hoping Mingzhu wouldn’t cause too much trouble.

Outside the guest room, Su Lan went in first to find out which room Shen Ruilin was staying in, then found an excuse to enter and dismiss the attendants inside, as well as Shen Ruilin’s personal servant. After confirming there was no one around, she invited Mingzhu in. 

Mingzhu immediately stepped into the courtyard and walked straight to the door, knocking lightly, “Shen Ruilin, are you inside?”

After a while with no response, she asked again, “Shen Ruilin? Are you there? Come out, I have something to tell you.”

Still no answer from inside the room, and no one came to open the door. Mingzhu thought Shen Ruilin was probably too drunk. She pushed the door harder after knocking again, and it swung open. 

Mingzhu thought the attendants were careless to leave the door unlocked, but it worked in her favor. As she peered inside, she saw darkness and smelled a strong scent of alcohol. After a moment’s thought, she decided to go in and said loudly, “Shen Ruilin, I’m coming in. You’re not dead drunk, are you?”

As she walked in, Su Lan hurriedly grabbed her, wearing a pleading expression, “Miss, this isn’t appropriate.” Despite being childhood friends, they weren’t blood siblings, and with their ages now, they should avoid certain interactions.

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Ninth Imperial Glorious Phoenix

Ninth Imperial Glorious Phoenix

Score 6.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2016 Native Language: Chinese
She was originally the daughter of a powerful official, the niece of the empress dowager, showered with countless favors; but she fell in love with the one who brought her endless misery, and could only choose to perish with him. Now, Fu Mingzhu has the chance to be reborn. Let’s see how she will clear her past shame, confront her enemies, and bravely annul her marriage. She vows to rise above all and overturn the heavens and earth!


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