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Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 84

Chapter 84.1 Unique game (2)

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Lin Zhaohe, with two mischievous children in the back seat, followed Mr. Li’s directions and quickly found the van that had taken away Little Red Square’s friends, on the roadside.

Lin Zhaohe, who caught up with the mastermind, wanted to get off the car and catch the people inside the van immediately, but Zhuang Lao stopped him. “Don’t rush, let’s follow them and see what these people are up to.” What made them want to capture so many blocks?

Considering Zhuang Lao’s reasoning, Lin Zhaohe asked him to park the car on the side of the road and observe the van’s movements from a distance. In just a short while, the group caught another unsuspecting little blue square. It was evident that these people had been here before and anticipated that the little blue square would come down from the building. Seizing the opportunity while the blue block was unaware, they grabbed a sack and swiftly made their way up, covering the little blue square entirely. In one seamless action, they dragged the sack back to the van. The entire process took less than five minutes, and the pedestrians on the roadside remained oblivious to the heinous kidnapping that had occurred.

After bringing the little blue square into the van, it drove forward and left the city.

The group couldn’t get too close, so they could only follow from a distance, observing as the van made various turns and headed towards a more secluded fusion zone.

After leaving Min’an Street, the surroundings became increasingly complex.

The van continued to drive deep into the fusion zone until it finally stopped in front of a tall, desolate building. Lin Zhaohe recognized this building—it was a well-known, large warehousing supermarket in the area. However, it was now completely abandoned. Surprisingly, it showed minimal signs of fusion on its exterior.

Once the van stopped, four people got out, each carrying a large sack on their back. From the shape of the sacks, it seemed they contained a significant number of blocks.

The four individuals lacked vigilance and remained oblivious to the group tailing them. They carried the sacks into the warehouse. Lin Zhaohe signaled Zhuang Lao with a glance, and they quickly caught up.

There were guards stationed near the warehouse. Lin Zhaohe pondered quietly about how to sneak inside when Luo Shanyu charged forward, swiftly incapacitating the guards one by one. Observing his agile movements, Lin Zhaohe wondered if, in the absence of Lin Yan, he might have resorted to eliminating the guards instead of merely subduing them.

The warehouse guards were not overly watchful. After dealing with the few individuals at the entrance, the rescue group successfully blended into the interior.

Upon arrival, Lin Zhaohe was greeted by the sound of sobbing, reminiscent of children’s cries. The cries echoed relentlessly, sending chills down his spine. Even the people inside seemed perturbed, angrily berating the sobbing individuals, threatening to silence them completely. Clutching Little Red Square in his arms, Lin Zhaohe felt the tiny block shivering with fear.

Lin Zhaohe gently caressed its head, offering comfort while surveying the scene. He saw spacious racks and wooden crates scattered across the warehouse floor. The racks held an array of plastic-wrapped blocks, each color carefully organized and interspersed within the crates. Subsequently, the crates were transported on a conveyor belt, disappearing into the depths of the warehouse.

Lin Zhaohe and his companions stealthily infiltrated the premises, discreetly following the conveyor belt. Eventually, they reached a point where all the crates were being loaded onto an elevator. The elevator descended into the underground, carrying an abundance of crates.

Initially intending to follow the elevator, Lin Zhaohe was stopped by Zhuang Lao. Zhuang Lao sensed a considerable number of armed guards below. Making a hasty approach would likely to raise the alarm.

At this moment, Lin Zhaohe had realized that these individuals stealing the blocks were clearly not doing it for furniture. No furniture factory would be so heavily guarded.

So, besides being used for furniture, what else could the little blocks be used for? Lin Zhaohe looked at the nervous Little Red Square in his arms, lost in thought.

Miraculously, Little Red Square understood what Lin Zhaohe wanted to say from his puzzled expression. With itd watery eyes wide open, it said in a plaintive tone, “We can be useful.”

Lin Zhaohe: “Like what?”

Little Red Square: “Like… being waiters.”

Lin Zhaohe: “No place would hire a fifty-centimeter tall waiter.”

Upon hearing this, Little Red Square shed tears of despair, claiming that they were indeed fifty centimeters tall.

Mr. Li chimed in, saying it would be about the same height as the shoe-changing stool at his home.

Little Red Square: “……” Humans can be so unreasonable.

After joking around, it was time to think about how to infiltrate. The group quickly came up with a plan. They took out some blocks from the crates and hid themselves at the bottom to evade inspection. Luo Shanyu and Mr. Li didn’t fully agree with this method. Both hot-tempered individuals thought it was unnecessary trouble and preferred to charge in directly.

Lin Yan, still in hus female form, was no longer as easygoing. Upon hearing their conversation, he rolled her eyes and bluntly said, “If you won’t hide, then get lost.”

Mr. Li had no choice but to squeeze himself into a crate, feeling miserable and pitiful. With his long limbs, he curled up inside. “Baby, I’ll hide in here, alright? Don’t be angry, be careful not to harm our baby.”

Luo Shanyu looked at Lin Yan’s abdomen with an expression of disbelief.

Lin Yan angrily gave Mr. Li a hit and exclaimed, “Stop talking bullshit!”

Mr. Li proudly said, “Wife, this time I want a girl.”

Luo Shanyu narrowed his eyes shamelessly and said, “I like boys too.”

Lin Yan: “What’s wrong with you two?”

Lin Zhaohe listened nearby and thought to himself that it was fortunate to have Luo Shanyu around. Otherwise, Lin Yan would have beaten Mr. Li to a pulp long ago.

Everyone hid inside the boxes and were transported underground with the conveyor belt, then further into the depths.

Lin Zhaohe initially thought they would be transported to the underground level, but to his surprise, the elevator continued downwards for over twenty meters before stopping. People were moving around everywhere, all dressed in identical uniforms. Lin Zhaohe peered through the gaps and recognized a familiar pattern on the chest of those uniforms. He remembered where he had seen it—the desktop icon of that online game on Gu Xuyu’s computer screen!

These people were somehow related to the proponents? Lin Zhaohe was taken aback and instantly became alert.

Finally, they were delivered to a massive room filled with identical wooden boxes, each containing blocks of various colors. Once the door was closed, gas was sprayed into the air, causing the struggling blocks to cease their movements, closing their eyes and going still.

Little Red Square in Lin Zhaohe’s arms was the same. Muttering how tired it was, it closed its eyes and passed out. When it fainted, even its limbs curled up into its body, making it look similar to an ordinary matching block puzzle piece.

Lin Zhaohe had been worried that he might also faint, but when he covered his mouth and nose, he didn’t feel anything. He concluded that this gas didn’t pose much harm to humans.

Zhuang Lao’s voice came from outside. “It’s clear, come out.”

Everyone crawled out of the boxes. Just as Lin Zhaohe emerged, a loud “bang” reverberated through the ground, causing it to tremble. It seemed like something had suddenly exploded, startling Lin Zhaohe.

“What was that?” Lin Yan trembled in fear.

“Baby, don’t be scared, I’m here,” Mr. Li got too into character and reached out to embrace Lin Yan, but he pushed him away with a warning look, indicating that acting was just acting and not to get too carried away. Mr. Li pretended not to notice and said, “Wife, you’re getting fiercer with me, but I like you that way.”

Lin Yan completely ignored the melodramatic Mr. Li. “These people are definitely connected to the supporters. The emblem on their uniforms bears the logo of that online game!”

“I noticed too. Could this be their base?” Lin Zhaohe said. “I never expected them to be collecting blocks.”

“What do we do now? Should we contact for backup?” Lin Yan looked at Zhuang Lao.

“I’ve sent a message over there,” Zhuang Lao said. “Let’s sneak in and take a look.”

Although it appeared heavily guarded, the few people here were no ordinary individuals. Luo Shanyu eagerly wanted to show off and suggested getting some uniforms and passes. Before leaving, he turned his head and glanced at Lin Yan, suddenly furrowing his brow.

Lin Yan’s heart trembled at his gaze, and his immediate thought was whether he had recognized him.

Luo Shanyu: “Um… I don’t even know your name yet.”

Lin Yan let out a sigh of relief.

Luo Shanyu: “Why are you so nervous?”

“Whether my wife is nervous or not is not your business,” Mr. Li angrily retorted. “Are you entitled to ask for my wife’s name?”

Luo Shanyu sneered. “I won’t argue with you here. Once we’re out, I’ll find an opportunity to kill this guy.” Mr. Li stared back at Luo Shanyu, clearly having the same thought.

The two stared at each other, sparks flying in the air.

Another loud “bang” sounded abruptly, catching Lin Zhaohe off guard and making him tremble.

“Stop arguing,” Lin Yan said. “Hurry up and find some uniforms. We need to go and see what’s going on.”

“Alright, my wife,” Mr. Li obediently agreed.

Only a few minutes passed, and they managed to obtain the uniforms, driven by their competitiveness.

They quickly changed into the uniforms and left the warehouse.

Lin Zhaohe remembered the rough direction from which the sound had come and followed it. Soon, they came across a huge transparent glass panel. The glass was square-shaped and resembled a television screen. It was heavily guarded around the edges, so they didn’t dare to get too close.

“What is this thing?” 

Lin Zhaohe also furrowed his brow, wondering what they were up to. The sounds they heard earlier came from here? If someone didn’t know better, they would think there had been a massive explosion…

Just as they were pondering, numerous colorful blocks suddenly fell from the top of the glass.

“Little blocks!” Lin Yan exclaimed. “Why are they throwing them into the glass?”

Lin Zhaohe suddenly understood something and exclaimed in astonishment, “No way…”

Clearly, his guess was close to the mark. At first glance, all the blocks seemed to be randomly placed inside the screen, in a messy manner, without any disappearing. However, as the last block was inserted, a chain reaction occurred instantly.

Starting from the first row, countless blocks continuously collided with others of the same color. When three of them touched, they would disappear. And as a certain number of blocks disappeared in succession, blue electric currents surged and crackled inside the glass screen.

“Good, Amazing, Excellent…” Colorful English words appeared out of thin air above the glass. The appearance of “Unbelievable” marked the moment when the score for the match-three game reached its highest level.

With a loud bang, accompanied by a dazzling surge of electricity, it raced to the top of the screen and was then collected by something, restoring everything to calm.

The group was left dumbfounded, their eyes filled with astonishment. No one had imagined that Block Crush could also serve as a power source.

Safe, environmentally friendly, and pollution-free, each unit of electricity only required 0.1 little block.

For humans, it was tolerable, but for the little blocks, it was an outright bloodless massacre. Countless adorable, life-loving, and polite Little Red Squares were kidnapped here, arranged neatly, and transformed into human power generators.

“It’s so cruel.” Lin Yan was shocked by the malicious intent of humans.

“Very clever,” remarked Luo Shanyu, a member of the evil chaotic faction. “No need for a facility or energy source. Just capture a few little blocks, and you can fulfill the server’s needs… Such ingenuity is the reason for their success.”

Everyone turned to look at him, wondering which side he truly belonged to, given his joyful praise.

“I was joking,” Luo Shanyu laughed with feigned righteousness.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 84

Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 84

Chapter 84.1 Unique game (2)

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Lin Zhaohe, with two mischievous children in the back seat, followed Mr. Li's directions and quickly found the van that had taken away Little Red Square's friends, on the roadside.

Lin Zhaohe, who caught up with the mastermind, wanted to get off the car and catch the people inside the van immediately, but Zhuang Lao stopped him. "Don't rush, let's follow them and see what these people are up to." What made them want to capture so many blocks?

Considering Zhuang Lao's reasoning, Lin Zhaohe asked him to park the car on the side of the road and observe the van's movements from a distance. In just a short while, the group caught another unsuspecting little blue square. It was evident that these people had been here before and anticipated that the little blue square would come down from the building. Seizing the opportunity while the blue block was unaware, they grabbed a sack and swiftly made their way up, covering the little blue square entirely. In one seamless action, they dragged the sack back to the van. The entire process took less than five minutes, and the pedestrians on the roadside remained oblivious to the heinous kidnapping that had occurred.

After bringing the little blue square into the van, it drove forward and left the city.

The group couldn't get too close, so they could only follow from a distance, observing as the van made various turns and headed towards a more secluded fusion zone.

After leaving Min'an Street, the surroundings became increasingly complex.

The van continued to drive deep into the fusion zone until it finally stopped in front of a tall, desolate building. Lin Zhaohe recognized this building—it was a well-known, large warehousing supermarket in the area. However, it was now completely abandoned. Surprisingly, it showed minimal signs of fusion on its exterior.

Once the van stopped, four people got out, each carrying a large sack on their back. From the shape of the sacks, it seemed they contained a significant number of blocks.

The four individuals lacked vigilance and remained oblivious to the group tailing them. They carried the sacks into the warehouse. Lin Zhaohe signaled Zhuang Lao with a glance, and they quickly caught up.

There were guards stationed near the warehouse. Lin Zhaohe pondered quietly about how to sneak inside when Luo Shanyu charged forward, swiftly incapacitating the guards one by one. Observing his agile movements, Lin Zhaohe wondered if, in the absence of Lin Yan, he might have resorted to eliminating the guards instead of merely subduing them.

The warehouse guards were not overly watchful. After dealing with the few individuals at the entrance, the rescue group successfully blended into the interior.

Upon arrival, Lin Zhaohe was greeted by the sound of sobbing, reminiscent of children's cries. The cries echoed relentlessly, sending chills down his spine. Even the people inside seemed perturbed, angrily berating the sobbing individuals, threatening to silence them completely. Clutching Little Red Square in his arms, Lin Zhaohe felt the tiny block shivering with fear.

Lin Zhaohe gently caressed its head, offering comfort while surveying the scene. He saw spacious racks and wooden crates scattered across the warehouse floor. The racks held an array of plastic-wrapped blocks, each color carefully organized and interspersed within the crates. Subsequently, the crates were transported on a conveyor belt, disappearing into the depths of the warehouse.

Lin Zhaohe and his companions stealthily infiltrated the premises, discreetly following the conveyor belt. Eventually, they reached a point where all the crates were being loaded onto an elevator. The elevator descended into the underground, carrying an abundance of crates.

Initially intending to follow the elevator, Lin Zhaohe was stopped by Zhuang Lao. Zhuang Lao sensed a considerable number of armed guards below. Making a hasty approach would likely to raise the alarm.

At this moment, Lin Zhaohe had realized that these individuals stealing the blocks were clearly not doing it for furniture. No furniture factory would be so heavily guarded.

So, besides being used for furniture, what else could the little blocks be used for? Lin Zhaohe looked at the nervous Little Red Square in his arms, lost in thought.

Miraculously, Little Red Square understood what Lin Zhaohe wanted to say from his puzzled expression. With itd watery eyes wide open, it said in a plaintive tone, "We can be useful."

Lin Zhaohe: "Like what?"

Little Red Square: "Like... being waiters."

Lin Zhaohe: "No place would hire a fifty-centimeter tall waiter."

Upon hearing this, Little Red Square shed tears of despair, claiming that they were indeed fifty centimeters tall.

Mr. Li chimed in, saying it would be about the same height as the shoe-changing stool at his home.

Little Red Square: "......" Humans can be so unreasonable.

After joking around, it was time to think about how to infiltrate. The group quickly came up with a plan. They took out some blocks from the crates and hid themselves at the bottom to evade inspection. Luo Shanyu and Mr. Li didn't fully agree with this method. Both hot-tempered individuals thought it was unnecessary trouble and preferred to charge in directly.

Lin Yan, still in hus female form, was no longer as easygoing. Upon hearing their conversation, he rolled her eyes and bluntly said, "If you won't hide, then get lost."

Mr. Li had no choice but to squeeze himself into a crate, feeling miserable and pitiful. With his long limbs, he curled up inside. "Baby, I'll hide in here, alright? Don't be angry, be careful not to harm our baby."

Luo Shanyu looked at Lin Yan's abdomen with an expression of disbelief.

Lin Yan angrily gave Mr. Li a hit and exclaimed, "Stop talking bullshit!"

Mr. Li proudly said, "Wife, this time I want a girl."

Luo Shanyu narrowed his eyes shamelessly and said, "I like boys too."

Lin Yan: "What's wrong with you two?"

Lin Zhaohe listened nearby and thought to himself that it was fortunate to have Luo Shanyu around. Otherwise, Lin Yan would have beaten Mr. Li to a pulp long ago.

Everyone hid inside the boxes and were transported underground with the conveyor belt, then further into the depths.

Lin Zhaohe initially thought they would be transported to the underground level, but to his surprise, the elevator continued downwards for over twenty meters before stopping. People were moving around everywhere, all dressed in identical uniforms. Lin Zhaohe peered through the gaps and recognized a familiar pattern on the chest of those uniforms. He remembered where he had seen it—the desktop icon of that online game on Gu Xuyu's computer screen!

These people were somehow related to the proponents? Lin Zhaohe was taken aback and instantly became alert.

Finally, they were delivered to a massive room filled with identical wooden boxes, each containing blocks of various colors. Once the door was closed, gas was sprayed into the air, causing the struggling blocks to cease their movements, closing their eyes and going still.

Little Red Square in Lin Zhaohe's arms was the same. Muttering how tired it was, it closed its eyes and passed out. When it fainted, even its limbs curled up into its body, making it look similar to an ordinary matching block puzzle piece.

Lin Zhaohe had been worried that he might also faint, but when he covered his mouth and nose, he didn't feel anything. He concluded that this gas didn't pose much harm to humans.

Zhuang Lao's voice came from outside. "It's clear, come out."

Everyone crawled out of the boxes. Just as Lin Zhaohe emerged, a loud "bang" reverberated through the ground, causing it to tremble. It seemed like something had suddenly exploded, startling Lin Zhaohe.

"What was that?" Lin Yan trembled in fear.

"Baby, don't be scared, I'm here," Mr. Li got too into character and reached out to embrace Lin Yan, but he pushed him away with a warning look, indicating that acting was just acting and not to get too carried away. Mr. Li pretended not to notice and said, "Wife, you're getting fiercer with me, but I like you that way."

Lin Yan completely ignored the melodramatic Mr. Li. "These people are definitely connected to the supporters. The emblem on their uniforms bears the logo of that online game!"

"I noticed too. Could this be their base?" Lin Zhaohe said. "I never expected them to be collecting blocks."

"What do we do now? Should we contact for backup?" Lin Yan looked at Zhuang Lao.

"I've sent a message over there," Zhuang Lao said. "Let's sneak in and take a look."

Although it appeared heavily guarded, the few people here were no ordinary individuals. Luo Shanyu eagerly wanted to show off and suggested getting some uniforms and passes. Before leaving, he turned his head and glanced at Lin Yan, suddenly furrowing his brow.

Lin Yan's heart trembled at his gaze, and his immediate thought was whether he had recognized him.

Luo Shanyu: "Um... I don't even know your name yet."

Lin Yan let out a sigh of relief.

Luo Shanyu: "Why are you so nervous?"

"Whether my wife is nervous or not is not your business," Mr. Li angrily retorted. "Are you entitled to ask for my wife's name?"

Luo Shanyu sneered. "I won't argue with you here. Once we're out, I'll find an opportunity to kill this guy." Mr. Li stared back at Luo Shanyu, clearly having the same thought.

The two stared at each other, sparks flying in the air.

Another loud "bang" sounded abruptly, catching Lin Zhaohe off guard and making him tremble.

"Stop arguing," Lin Yan said. "Hurry up and find some uniforms. We need to go and see what's going on."

"Alright, my wife," Mr. Li obediently agreed.

Only a few minutes passed, and they managed to obtain the uniforms, driven by their competitiveness.

They quickly changed into the uniforms and left the warehouse.

Lin Zhaohe remembered the rough direction from which the sound had come and followed it. Soon, they came across a huge transparent glass panel. The glass was square-shaped and resembled a television screen. It was heavily guarded around the edges, so they didn't dare to get too close.

"What is this thing?" 

Lin Zhaohe also furrowed his brow, wondering what they were up to. The sounds they heard earlier came from here? If someone didn't know better, they would think there had been a massive explosion...

Just as they were pondering, numerous colorful blocks suddenly fell from the top of the glass.

"Little blocks!" Lin Yan exclaimed. "Why are they throwing them into the glass?"

Lin Zhaohe suddenly understood something and exclaimed in astonishment, "No way..."

Clearly, his guess was close to the mark. At first glance, all the blocks seemed to be randomly placed inside the screen, in a messy manner, without any disappearing. However, as the last block was inserted, a chain reaction occurred instantly.

Starting from the first row, countless blocks continuously collided with others of the same color. When three of them touched, they would disappear. And as a certain number of blocks disappeared in succession, blue electric currents surged and crackled inside the glass screen.

"Good, Amazing, Excellent..." Colorful English words appeared out of thin air above the glass. The appearance of "Unbelievable" marked the moment when the score for the match-three game reached its highest level.

With a loud bang, accompanied by a dazzling surge of electricity, it raced to the top of the screen and was then collected by something, restoring everything to calm.

The group was left dumbfounded, their eyes filled with astonishment. No one had imagined that Block Crush could also serve as a power source.

Safe, environmentally friendly, and pollution-free, each unit of electricity only required 0.1 little block.

For humans, it was tolerable, but for the little blocks, it was an outright bloodless massacre. Countless adorable, life-loving, and polite Little Red Squares were kidnapped here, arranged neatly, and transformed into human power generators.

"It's so cruel." Lin Yan was shocked by the malicious intent of humans.

"Very clever," remarked Luo Shanyu, a member of the evil chaotic faction. "No need for a facility or energy source. Just capture a few little blocks, and you can fulfill the server's needs... Such ingenuity is the reason for their success."

Everyone turned to look at him, wondering which side he truly belonged to, given his joyful praise.

"I was joking," Luo Shanyu laughed with feigned righteousness.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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