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Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 84 Part 2

Chapter 84.2 Unique game (2)

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“If they’re generating power here, it means the server must be nearby,” analyzed Lin Zhaohe. “It’s truly a case of finding something effortlessly after treading on iron shoes for so long!”

Zhuang Lao said, “The server must be in the vicinity. Let’s search for it.”

The server was the core of the proponents, heavily guarded in its surroundings. The group decided to find someone and simply ask for information.

Luo Shanyu, eager and ready, volunteered, claiming to be skilled in interrogation.

Lin Yan softly said, “What you do is not interrogation, it’s torture.”

Luo Shanyu replied, “Oh? So, you enjoy reading my novels too?”

Lin Yan didn’t dare to speak, vaguely indicating that he used to be a fan of the novels.

Hearing this, Luo Shanyu narrowed his eyes and stared at Lin Yan for a while, making Lin Yan’s back feel a bit chilly. Finally, Luo Shanyu said, “I see. So, are you my fan or Lin Yan’s?”

Lin Yan couldn’t possibly claim to be a fan of himself and quickly stated that he was merely an avid reader.

Luo Shanyu said, “Something’s not right. Do you dislike Lin Yan?”

Lin Yan himself remained silent.

Luo Shanyu continued, “No worries, I dislike Lin Yan too.”

Mr. Li sarcastically interjected, “I’m not so sure about that.”

Damn, he really despised Lin Yan. He wanted to marry him straight away and start a life together. People nowadays would say they hated someone but their bodies were honest and longing for them.

“What ‘not so sure’?” Luo Shanyu sneered, “Lin Yan, that hypocrite! Advising me to be kind to this world while being the first to act. I think he’s lost his mind. When he wakes up, he’ll regret it so much that he’ll commit seppuku.”

Upon hearing his words, Lin Zhaohe suddenly understood why Luo Shanyu wanted to do good deeds—because he was afraid of Lin Yan’s regret.

From Luo Shanyu’s perspective, there must be a reason that drove Lin Yan to such extreme actions. While he claimed to dislike Lin Yan, deep down, he still did what Lin Yan wanted to do—protecting this world.

In a sense, Luo Shanyu even feared that if he followed Lin Yan and together they destroyed the world, Lin Yan would one day regain clarity and regret it, unable to forgive himself.

This thought forced Luo Shanyu to not tread the same path as Lin Yan and proved that he understood Lin Yan very well.

Even without knowing there were two Lin Yans, he still made the right choice.

“Perfect timing, someone’s here,” Luo Shanyu said, and right then, a member of the proponents approached. He swiftly knocked the person unconscious and dragged them to a secluded corner. With two slaps to wake them up, his actions and expressions were extremely rough and fierce, leaving the newly awakened person stunned.

“Where is your server located?” Luo Shanyu pressed the gun against the person’s temple, speaking harshly.

The person trembled and stammered, “Wh-what are you talking about? I don’t understand.”

“Don’t f*cking play dumb with me,” Luo Shanyu said, “I have a bad temper. You have one minute to remember the location of your damn server at your home—”

“Who are you?” The person was on the verge of tears.

“Me?” Luo Shanyu pointed to the group of people standing behind him. “We are the parents of the little blocks.”

The person: “……” These little blocks have parents? What does that mean? Are you the game developers?

“You’ve killed so many little blocks. We’re here to right the wrongs and give you a chance to repent,” Luo Shanyu said. “Quickly, where is the server?”

With a mournful face, the person claimed they didn’t know where the server was. It was guarded by the most formidable person here, and they hadn’t even seen what it looked like, let alone its location.

“Oh? The most formidable person?” Lin Zhaohe’s eyes lit up. “What does he look like?”

The person nervously pulled out their phone and flipped through the photo album, then handed a picture to Lin Zhaohe.

Lin Zhaohe glanced at Luo Shanyu.

Luo Shanyu: “What does that look mean?”

Lin Zhaohe: “You should understand.”

Luo Shanyu: “……”

A few minutes later, the person in the photo appeared before them—it was Luo Shanyu.

The abducted member of the proponent faction never anticipated such a bizarre turn of events. Their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets, and they were about to say something when Luo Shanyu swiftly knocked them unconscious with a chop.

“Let’s go,” Luo Shanyu straightened his clothes and said.

The crowd followed behind him, taking advantage of his false bravado.

It must be said that this approach worked like a charm. It seemed that this person held considerable influence within the organization. As they walked down the street, even those who dared to look at his face quickly lowered their heads and politely greeted him. No one even questioned the unfamiliar individuals following behind him.

“Is this person really that formidable?” Lin Zhaohe muttered.

“He probably has some skills, but I’m not sure which work he’s from,” Lin Yan whispered.

“Doesn’t matter,” Luo Shanyu didn’t care at all. With his entourage, he continued down the path, heading towards the heavily guarded areas.

Before long, they breached the defenses and entered the core area. However, Lin Zhaohe found it a bit strange that there weren’t many characteristics of 2D characters inside. Most of the people were locals with black hair and black eyes.

The group made their way unhindered until they reached the bottom floor. There was only one room in the entire bottom floor, with a massive machine next to it, collecting the electricity generated by the little blocks. Behind the machine was a heavily guarded room, and without a doubt, it contained something of great importance.

However, when Luo Shanyu tried to enter, he was stopped by someone outside. The person hesitated and whispered softly, “Mr. Shi, do you want to go in?”

Luo Shanyu replied, “Yes, open the door.”

“But he’s currently eating inside,” the person said. “Entering now might disrupt his operations.”

“Do I need your explanation?” Luo Shanyu, who already had a bad temper, turned ice-cold at the skepticism. In truth, he didn’t mind fighting his way in. With his current strength, there weren’t many people who could truly defeat him.

Intimidated by Luo Shanyu’s gaze, the person swallowed the words they wanted to say and obediently pressed a button on the door, opening the iron gate in front of them.

They successfully infiltrated the facility without firing a single bullet. Lin Zhaohe felt quite relieved.

As they entered the room, they didn’t see the expected giant server but rather a young individual dressed in hospital clothes, sitting at a table and leisurely eating.

At first glance, it was evident that this person wasn’t from the real world.

The person was completely white, from his hair to his eyelashes and even his pupils. There wasn’t a trace of color on his body. The white hospital gown made him appear as if he were about to disappear, exuding an ethereal beauty.

With his head lowered, he slowly used the fork in his hand to spear the blueberries on the plate. The round blueberries slipped off the fork a few times, but he persisted stubbornly, refusing to give up and continuing to use the fork until he finally succeeded in lifting one to his mouth. He chewed it slowly and deliberately.

Lin Zhaohe didn’t recognize his identity as a 2D character, and neither did the others. When the white individual heard footsteps, he looked up and saw Luo Shanyu and the others behind him. He spoke calmly, “Why did you bring so many people in?”

No one said a word as they approached the person.

As they approached, Lin Zhaohe noticed that a thick cable was connected to the back of the person, inserted into his lower spine. He could see the point where flesh and cable intertwined, firmly immobilizing him. It was clear what purpose he served.

“The server?” Lin Zhaohe asked.

“Definitely,” Luo Shanyu unsheathed his sword. If they killed this 2D character in front of them, that online game, whatever it was, would be shut down immediately.

“Wait,” Lin Yan said, “There’s no need to kill him. We just need to take him with us.”

“Kill me?” The white person blinked innocently, his expression portraying vulnerability. “Why would you kill me? Have I done something wrong?”

“You haven’t done anything wrong. You were simply manipulated by bad people,” Lin Yan explained.

“Bad people?” The white person replied, “But you want to kill me. Shouldn’t you be the bad ones?” His logic was flawless, leaving no room for rebuttal.

However, if they were to follow Luo Shanyu’s approach, they would indeed resemble unlikeable villains.

“Are you going to kill me too, A’Shi?” The white person looked at Luo Shanyu. “No, you’re not A’Shi.”

Luo Shanyu couldn’t be bothered with idle talk and swung his sword, cutting off the cable behind the person before anyone could react.

In the next moment, he paid the price for his lack of common sense. His body began to emit smoke from the electric shock. Fortunately, his physical resilience allowed him to withstand the shock without being instantly killed.

Lin Yan was furious at this action and scolded, “Luo Shanyu, are you thinking with your a**hole? Who would use a sword to cut a high-voltage cable? If someone gets electrocuted, who will be responsible?”

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 84 Part 2

Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 84 Part 2

Chapter 84.2 Unique game (2)

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"If they're generating power here, it means the server must be nearby," analyzed Lin Zhaohe. "It's truly a case of finding something effortlessly after treading on iron shoes for so long!"

Zhuang Lao said, "The server must be in the vicinity. Let's search for it."

The server was the core of the proponents, heavily guarded in its surroundings. The group decided to find someone and simply ask for information.

Luo Shanyu, eager and ready, volunteered, claiming to be skilled in interrogation.

Lin Yan softly said, "What you do is not interrogation, it's torture."

Luo Shanyu replied, "Oh? So, you enjoy reading my novels too?"

Lin Yan didn't dare to speak, vaguely indicating that he used to be a fan of the novels.

Hearing this, Luo Shanyu narrowed his eyes and stared at Lin Yan for a while, making Lin Yan's back feel a bit chilly. Finally, Luo Shanyu said, "I see. So, are you my fan or Lin Yan's?"

Lin Yan couldn't possibly claim to be a fan of himself and quickly stated that he was merely an avid reader.

Luo Shanyu said, "Something's not right. Do you dislike Lin Yan?"

Lin Yan himself remained silent.

Luo Shanyu continued, "No worries, I dislike Lin Yan too."

Mr. Li sarcastically interjected, "I'm not so sure about that."

Damn, he really despised Lin Yan. He wanted to marry him straight away and start a life together. People nowadays would say they hated someone but their bodies were honest and longing for them.

"What 'not so sure'?" Luo Shanyu sneered, "Lin Yan, that hypocrite! Advising me to be kind to this world while being the first to act. I think he's lost his mind. When he wakes up, he'll regret it so much that he'll commit seppuku."

Upon hearing his words, Lin Zhaohe suddenly understood why Luo Shanyu wanted to do good deeds—because he was afraid of Lin Yan's regret.

From Luo Shanyu's perspective, there must be a reason that drove Lin Yan to such extreme actions. While he claimed to dislike Lin Yan, deep down, he still did what Lin Yan wanted to do—protecting this world.

In a sense, Luo Shanyu even feared that if he followed Lin Yan and together they destroyed the world, Lin Yan would one day regain clarity and regret it, unable to forgive himself.

This thought forced Luo Shanyu to not tread the same path as Lin Yan and proved that he understood Lin Yan very well.

Even without knowing there were two Lin Yans, he still made the right choice.

"Perfect timing, someone's here," Luo Shanyu said, and right then, a member of the proponents approached. He swiftly knocked the person unconscious and dragged them to a secluded corner. With two slaps to wake them up, his actions and expressions were extremely rough and fierce, leaving the newly awakened person stunned.

"Where is your server located?" Luo Shanyu pressed the gun against the person's temple, speaking harshly.

The person trembled and stammered, "Wh-what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Don't f*cking play dumb with me," Luo Shanyu said, "I have a bad temper. You have one minute to remember the location of your damn server at your home—"

"Who are you?" The person was on the verge of tears.

"Me?" Luo Shanyu pointed to the group of people standing behind him. "We are the parents of the little blocks."

The person: "......" These little blocks have parents? What does that mean? Are you the game developers?

"You've killed so many little blocks. We're here to right the wrongs and give you a chance to repent," Luo Shanyu said. "Quickly, where is the server?"

With a mournful face, the person claimed they didn't know where the server was. It was guarded by the most formidable person here, and they hadn't even seen what it looked like, let alone its location.

"Oh? The most formidable person?" Lin Zhaohe's eyes lit up. "What does he look like?"

The person nervously pulled out their phone and flipped through the photo album, then handed a picture to Lin Zhaohe.

Lin Zhaohe glanced at Luo Shanyu.

Luo Shanyu: "What does that look mean?"

Lin Zhaohe: "You should understand."

Luo Shanyu: "......"

A few minutes later, the person in the photo appeared before them—it was Luo Shanyu.

The abducted member of the proponent faction never anticipated such a bizarre turn of events. Their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets, and they were about to say something when Luo Shanyu swiftly knocked them unconscious with a chop.

"Let's go," Luo Shanyu straightened his clothes and said.

The crowd followed behind him, taking advantage of his false bravado.

It must be said that this approach worked like a charm. It seemed that this person held considerable influence within the organization. As they walked down the street, even those who dared to look at his face quickly lowered their heads and politely greeted him. No one even questioned the unfamiliar individuals following behind him.

"Is this person really that formidable?" Lin Zhaohe muttered.

"He probably has some skills, but I'm not sure which work he's from," Lin Yan whispered.

"Doesn't matter," Luo Shanyu didn't care at all. With his entourage, he continued down the path, heading towards the heavily guarded areas.

Before long, they breached the defenses and entered the core area. However, Lin Zhaohe found it a bit strange that there weren't many characteristics of 2D characters inside. Most of the people were locals with black hair and black eyes.

The group made their way unhindered until they reached the bottom floor. There was only one room in the entire bottom floor, with a massive machine next to it, collecting the electricity generated by the little blocks. Behind the machine was a heavily guarded room, and without a doubt, it contained something of great importance.

However, when Luo Shanyu tried to enter, he was stopped by someone outside. The person hesitated and whispered softly, "Mr. Shi, do you want to go in?"

Luo Shanyu replied, "Yes, open the door."

"But he's currently eating inside," the person said. "Entering now might disrupt his operations."

"Do I need your explanation?" Luo Shanyu, who already had a bad temper, turned ice-cold at the skepticism. In truth, he didn't mind fighting his way in. With his current strength, there weren't many people who could truly defeat him.

Intimidated by Luo Shanyu's gaze, the person swallowed the words they wanted to say and obediently pressed a button on the door, opening the iron gate in front of them.

They successfully infiltrated the facility without firing a single bullet. Lin Zhaohe felt quite relieved.

As they entered the room, they didn't see the expected giant server but rather a young individual dressed in hospital clothes, sitting at a table and leisurely eating.

At first glance, it was evident that this person wasn't from the real world.

The person was completely white, from his hair to his eyelashes and even his pupils. There wasn't a trace of color on his body. The white hospital gown made him appear as if he were about to disappear, exuding an ethereal beauty.

With his head lowered, he slowly used the fork in his hand to spear the blueberries on the plate. The round blueberries slipped off the fork a few times, but he persisted stubbornly, refusing to give up and continuing to use the fork until he finally succeeded in lifting one to his mouth. He chewed it slowly and deliberately.

Lin Zhaohe didn't recognize his identity as a 2D character, and neither did the others. When the white individual heard footsteps, he looked up and saw Luo Shanyu and the others behind him. He spoke calmly, "Why did you bring so many people in?"

No one said a word as they approached the person.

As they approached, Lin Zhaohe noticed that a thick cable was connected to the back of the person, inserted into his lower spine. He could see the point where flesh and cable intertwined, firmly immobilizing him. It was clear what purpose he served.

"The server?" Lin Zhaohe asked.

"Definitely," Luo Shanyu unsheathed his sword. If they killed this 2D character in front of them, that online game, whatever it was, would be shut down immediately.

"Wait," Lin Yan said, "There's no need to kill him. We just need to take him with us."

"Kill me?" The white person blinked innocently, his expression portraying vulnerability. "Why would you kill me? Have I done something wrong?"

"You haven't done anything wrong. You were simply manipulated by bad people," Lin Yan explained.

"Bad people?" The white person replied, "But you want to kill me. Shouldn't you be the bad ones?" His logic was flawless, leaving no room for rebuttal.

However, if they were to follow Luo Shanyu's approach, they would indeed resemble unlikeable villains.

"Are you going to kill me too, A'Shi?" The white person looked at Luo Shanyu. "No, you're not A'Shi."

Luo Shanyu couldn't be bothered with idle talk and swung his sword, cutting off the cable behind the person before anyone could react.

In the next moment, he paid the price for his lack of common sense. His body began to emit smoke from the electric shock. Fortunately, his physical resilience allowed him to withstand the shock without being instantly killed.

Lin Yan was furious at this action and scolded, "Luo Shanyu, are you thinking with your a**hole? Who would use a sword to cut a high-voltage cable? If someone gets electrocuted, who will be responsible?"

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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