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Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 85

Chapter 85.1 Unique game (3)

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Zhuang Lao swiftly kicked the severed high-voltage wire away, preventing it from falling to the ground and avoiding a calamitous scenario of everyone getting electrocuted in the room.

This guy, Luo Shanyu, always took advantage of his powerful abilities and never considered the consequences. Fortunately, Lin Yan was there to clean up after him in the original story, or else he would have caused the deaths of numerous people.

At that moment, he remained unchanged. After cutting the cable and carrying the person, the alarm blared as soon as the cable snapped, and the entrance door instantly locked.

“Please be gentle,” Lin Yan observed the weakened state of the person, afraid that Luo Shanyu’s rough treatment might lead to his untimely demise.

Luo Shanyu mumbled something to himself.

Lin Zhaohe, standing beside him, overheard: Why do you remind me so much of my friend?

This friend clearly referred to Lin Yan.

However, it was well-known that Lin Yan never used foul language, and the person in front of Luo Shanyu was a petite girl. It was unclear what he was reminded of, but Luo Shanyu coughed awkwardly and shifted his gaze away from Lin Yan. “Okay, okay, I got it. No need to yell at me.”

Lin Yan couldn’t help but feel helpless, thinking that after so many years, Luo Shanyu hadn’t made any progress. He always acted so rudely, and it only took a moment of inattention for him to cause a big mess.

The sounding alarm quickly attracted the security guards. Dozens of heavily armed individuals appeared outside, led by a tall man. Upon entering and seeing the severed cable and the struggling person in Luo Shanyu’s hands, his expression instantly changed.

“A’Shi…” The white-haired man, captured by Luo Shanyu, showed a glimmer of delight upon seeing the newcomer. He tried hard to break free from Luo Shanyu’s grasp, but their difference in strength rendered his struggles futile. Feeling wronged, he shouted, “Zhongyi, why did you take so long? They’ve been bullying me!”

“Release the person.” Zhongyi raised his heavy weapon and issued a cold warning.

Releasing the person was out of the question. Luo Shanyu displayed a contemptuous expression and said, “What? Are you planning to shoot at us? This person in my hand is as light as a feather. If you were to shoot, it might not be me who ends up injured.”

Since this person was the server, all the game data must be stored within him.

Little did they know, Zhongyi wasn’t falling for their trick. He sneered and loaded the cannon-shaped weapon in his hand. Red energy gathered at the muzzle, accompanied by a piercing hum. In the next moment, an energy bomb shot out of the barrel, heedlessly exploding in the midst of the group.

If that explosion had hit, considering the power of the cannon, it was likely that everyone on this floor would have been buried alongside it. The faces of the onlookers displayed surprise, as they hadn’t expected Zhongyi to resort to such a self-destructive act.

They were no pushovers either. Mr. Li had a quick reaction and immediately transformed his shape. Opening his large mouth, he swallowed the projectile in a single gulp. A muffled boom followed, and Mr. Li let out a long burp. Black smoke emanated from his mouth as he spat and grumbled, “That tasted damn awful…”

“Have you gone mad, A’Shi?” The white-haired individual never anticipated that Zhongyi would truly act upon it. Everyone was left dumbfounded. “Do you really want to kill me?”

Zhongyi calmly responded, “Baiyu, it’s for your own good.”

Baiyu questioned, “For… my own good?”

Zhongyi didn’t provide an answer. He realized that his previous attack had been easily neutralized, and he also recognized that the individuals before him were not to be underestimated. Judging by their appearance, they all seemed to have come from the world of two-dimensional characters, which was quite ironic. While humans were making every effort to merge the two dimensions, it was the people from the two-dimensional realm who were obstructing it.

“Let’s cease the hostilities.” After carefully assessing the strengths of both sides, Zhongyi made a very wise decision. He lowered his weapon and stated, “I am no match for you.”

There was no need for further confrontation, but Lin Zhaohe remained cautious. He observed Zhongyi and asked, “Are you a person from the three-dimensional world?”

Zhongyi nodded and said, “Hmm.”

“Why would you do such a thing?” Lin Zhaohe asked. “Fusion is inherently uncontrollable. By creating a fusion subject that is completely uncontrollable, aren’t you afraid of unexpected consequences?”

Zhongyi replied coldly, “Do you have any better solutions, then?”

Lin Zhaohe was at a loss for words.

“This is the optimal choice among many options,” Zhongyi said. “Cutting off the cables here would be meaningless. Baiyu is just a backup server. There are servers like this located all over the world. You can’t destroy them all.”

Upon hearing this, the others were not very surprised, but Baiyu became the most unable to accept it. His eyes widened, filled with a sense of betrayal and pain. Trembling, he asked, “A’Shi, so I was just your backup option?”

Zhongyi remained silent in response.

“So, there are many others like me?” Baiyu murmured, his voice dazed. “No wonder, no wonder you would take direct action… You really never loved me.”

He stopped struggling and was held by Luo Shanyu like a soulless puppet.

Everyone wore somewhat awkward expressions upon hearing this, realizing that they had unwittingly gotten involved in someone’s emotional dispute. At the moment, it seemed that Zhongyi was truly despicable. Not only did he not take Baiyu seriously and attack directly, but he also openly mentioned the existence of countless backups in the world, with Baiyu being just one of them.

“What a scumbag,” Luo Shanyu shook his head in disbelief.

Mr. Li agreed, “Indeed.”

Zhongyi didn’t really care. Let him be called despicable. It wouldn’t cost him anything. He shrugged and said, “You’ve cut off the cables, and Baiyu is useless now. You can leave.”

Baiyu burst into tears upon hearing this. “Why are you so indifferent, A’Shi? Were all the things you promised me just lies?” Did his sacrifice of being trapped here as a data storage device have no meaning at all?

Zhongyi remained expressionless as he said, “When you can no longer serve, nothing matters anymore.”

The others looked at Zhongyi with disdain, thinking that his character was extremely poor. He killed people and still had a heart as cold as ice.

“Don’t go around capturing little blocks in the future,” Lin Zhaohe warned. “Otherwise, don’t blame us for not being polite to you.”

Zhongyi replied, “No need. He’s gone, and we don’t need that much power anymore.”

Zhuang Lao calmly stated, “Hand over the locations of the other servers. I don’t want to resort to violence against you.”

“How could I possibly know the locations of the other servers?” Zhongyi looked at Zhuang Lao, and upon seeing his face, his gaze subtly changed. It was as if he was assessing something. His eyebrows suddenly furrowed, and he said, “It’s you…? We’ve met before.”

Zhuang Lao responded, “Hmm?”

“You probably don’t remember me,” Zhongyi said, “but I remember your speech at the meeting where the God Creation Plan was proposed. Your words left a deep impression on me.”

Zhuang Lao shook his head, claiming he had no recollection.

“I’m just a nameless nobody, so it’s normal not to remember me,” Zhongyi said. “Why would the opposition, so obsessed with the 2D world, oppose it?”

Zhuang Lao replied, “It’s precisely because it’s from the 2D world that we know how unreliable that plan is.”

Zhongyi laughed indifferently. “Reliable or not, it’s still a solution. It’s better than the slow death we’re experiencing now.”

Zhuang Lao responded, “Different paths.”

Lin Zhaohe, standing nearby, keenly caught onto the crucial term—the God Creation Plan. He looked at Zhuang Lao, using his eyes to inquire about what it meant.

Before Zhuang Lao could speak, Zhongyi took the initiative, his tone carrying a hint of mockery. “Perhaps you all think creating a large-scale online game is crazy. In reality, this is a compromised result. The initial plan was a hundred times crazier than this.”

Lin Zhaohe asked, “What do you mean?”

Zhongyi explained, “As the name suggests, the God Creation Plan aims to create a deity capable of saving the world.”

Lin Zhaohe’s eyes widened slightly. “No way—” He understood Zhongyi’s meaning, but his initial reaction was that it was impossible. The idea was too terrifying. It was essentially gambling with the future of humanity.

“Why not?” Zhongyi asked. “Why must you deny it? It might be a good method.”

Lin Zhaohe didn’t answer.

“Imagine if there were a work of art where the protagonist was perfectly good, compassionate towards humanity, and possessed immense power to fulfill people’s desires,” Zhongyi said. “Creating such a deity wouldn’t it be the best way to save humanity?”

“But how can you be certain that this deity won’t turn out to be another Lin Yan?” Lin Yan spoke softly, his tone unchanged as if discussing someone else’s matter. “People’s love bestowed great power upon him, but with that power, he committed deeds that everyone witnessed. You want to create a perfect deity, but have you ever considered what would happen if such a deity loses control?”

Zhongyi agreed, “Indeed, the God Creation Plan was vetoed due to the existence of Lin Yan.”

Lin Yan’s existence instilled fear in everyone regarding the 2D world. People no longer dared to create a deity that would have complete control because they couldn’t bear the consequences of losing control.

Lin Yan was the prime example. In the original work, he was so virtuous that even if the whole world betrayed him, he wouldn’t lose faith in humanity. However, a person like him committed such insane acts. Therefore, who could guarantee that their revered deity wouldn’t become mad?

After the God Creation Plan was rejected, people proposed a milder plan. As a result, the large-scale online game “Earth Online” was launched. It featured numerous characters, and even if successful fusion occurred, they would balance each other out, preventing one faction from becoming too dominant.

Every NPC within the game was designed with an extremely friendly disposition towards humans. The monsters and survival environment were also crafted to ensure that once fused, they would provide significant assistance to humanity.

This method was a milder version of the God Creation Plan, at least ensuring that if an NPC went out of control, it would still be within the realm of salvaging.

However, with a large number of people, it also meant that power would be dispersed, and the deity that could have completely changed the world would no longer exist.

Zhongyi spoke with a tinge of sadness in his voice, clearly disappointed that the God Creation Plan didn’t pass the proposal. Compared to that, the alternative of a large-scale online game seemed far from capturing the essence.

Lin Zhaohe never expected them to be so extreme, and he couldn’t imagine what the scene would be like if the God Creation Plan had been approved.

People from all over the world reading the same book, all liking the same character, placing all their love and desires onto one character. The kind of power this character would possess once fused with the third dimension was unimaginable.

They would become a unique deity in the world. Just the thought of it sent shivers down one’s spine.

Somehow, Lin Zhaohe reflexively glanced at Zhuang Lao, wanting to see his reaction.

Zhuang Lao’s face didn’t show much change in expression. He had known about this plan long ago, even being one of its opponents. His deep black eyes held little emotion, calm and still like a profound well. “This plan should have never existed.”

Zhongyi laughed. “I actually think it’s a good idea, but it’s not like you can just shut down all the servers worldwide after all the hard work you’ve put into it.”

Zhuang Lao replied, “We have to try.”

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 85

Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 85

Chapter 85.1 Unique game (3)

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Zhuang Lao swiftly kicked the severed high-voltage wire away, preventing it from falling to the ground and avoiding a calamitous scenario of everyone getting electrocuted in the room.

This guy, Luo Shanyu, always took advantage of his powerful abilities and never considered the consequences. Fortunately, Lin Yan was there to clean up after him in the original story, or else he would have caused the deaths of numerous people.

At that moment, he remained unchanged. After cutting the cable and carrying the person, the alarm blared as soon as the cable snapped, and the entrance door instantly locked.

"Please be gentle," Lin Yan observed the weakened state of the person, afraid that Luo Shanyu's rough treatment might lead to his untimely demise.

Luo Shanyu mumbled something to himself.

Lin Zhaohe, standing beside him, overheard: Why do you remind me so much of my friend?

This friend clearly referred to Lin Yan.

However, it was well-known that Lin Yan never used foul language, and the person in front of Luo Shanyu was a petite girl. It was unclear what he was reminded of, but Luo Shanyu coughed awkwardly and shifted his gaze away from Lin Yan. "Okay, okay, I got it. No need to yell at me."

Lin Yan couldn't help but feel helpless, thinking that after so many years, Luo Shanyu hadn't made any progress. He always acted so rudely, and it only took a moment of inattention for him to cause a big mess.

The sounding alarm quickly attracted the security guards. Dozens of heavily armed individuals appeared outside, led by a tall man. Upon entering and seeing the severed cable and the struggling person in Luo Shanyu's hands, his expression instantly changed.

"A'Shi..." The white-haired man, captured by Luo Shanyu, showed a glimmer of delight upon seeing the newcomer. He tried hard to break free from Luo Shanyu's grasp, but their difference in strength rendered his struggles futile. Feeling wronged, he shouted, "Zhongyi, why did you take so long? They've been bullying me!"

"Release the person." Zhongyi raised his heavy weapon and issued a cold warning.

Releasing the person was out of the question. Luo Shanyu displayed a contemptuous expression and said, "What? Are you planning to shoot at us? This person in my hand is as light as a feather. If you were to shoot, it might not be me who ends up injured."

Since this person was the server, all the game data must be stored within him.

Little did they know, Zhongyi wasn't falling for their trick. He sneered and loaded the cannon-shaped weapon in his hand. Red energy gathered at the muzzle, accompanied by a piercing hum. In the next moment, an energy bomb shot out of the barrel, heedlessly exploding in the midst of the group.

If that explosion had hit, considering the power of the cannon, it was likely that everyone on this floor would have been buried alongside it. The faces of the onlookers displayed surprise, as they hadn't expected Zhongyi to resort to such a self-destructive act.

They were no pushovers either. Mr. Li had a quick reaction and immediately transformed his shape. Opening his large mouth, he swallowed the projectile in a single gulp. A muffled boom followed, and Mr. Li let out a long burp. Black smoke emanated from his mouth as he spat and grumbled, "That tasted damn awful..."

"Have you gone mad, A'Shi?" The white-haired individual never anticipated that Zhongyi would truly act upon it. Everyone was left dumbfounded. "Do you really want to kill me?"

Zhongyi calmly responded, "Baiyu, it's for your own good."

Baiyu questioned, "For... my own good?"

Zhongyi didn't provide an answer. He realized that his previous attack had been easily neutralized, and he also recognized that the individuals before him were not to be underestimated. Judging by their appearance, they all seemed to have come from the world of two-dimensional characters, which was quite ironic. While humans were making every effort to merge the two dimensions, it was the people from the two-dimensional realm who were obstructing it.

"Let's cease the hostilities." After carefully assessing the strengths of both sides, Zhongyi made a very wise decision. He lowered his weapon and stated, "I am no match for you."

There was no need for further confrontation, but Lin Zhaohe remained cautious. He observed Zhongyi and asked, "Are you a person from the three-dimensional world?"

Zhongyi nodded and said, "Hmm."

"Why would you do such a thing?" Lin Zhaohe asked. "Fusion is inherently uncontrollable. By creating a fusion subject that is completely uncontrollable, aren't you afraid of unexpected consequences?"

Zhongyi replied coldly, "Do you have any better solutions, then?"

Lin Zhaohe was at a loss for words.

"This is the optimal choice among many options," Zhongyi said. "Cutting off the cables here would be meaningless. Baiyu is just a backup server. There are servers like this located all over the world. You can't destroy them all."

Upon hearing this, the others were not very surprised, but Baiyu became the most unable to accept it. His eyes widened, filled with a sense of betrayal and pain. Trembling, he asked, "A'Shi, so I was just your backup option?"

Zhongyi remained silent in response.

"So, there are many others like me?" Baiyu murmured, his voice dazed. "No wonder, no wonder you would take direct action... You really never loved me."

He stopped struggling and was held by Luo Shanyu like a soulless puppet.

Everyone wore somewhat awkward expressions upon hearing this, realizing that they had unwittingly gotten involved in someone's emotional dispute. At the moment, it seemed that Zhongyi was truly despicable. Not only did he not take Baiyu seriously and attack directly, but he also openly mentioned the existence of countless backups in the world, with Baiyu being just one of them.

"What a scumbag," Luo Shanyu shook his head in disbelief.

Mr. Li agreed, "Indeed."

Zhongyi didn't really care. Let him be called despicable. It wouldn't cost him anything. He shrugged and said, "You've cut off the cables, and Baiyu is useless now. You can leave."

Baiyu burst into tears upon hearing this. "Why are you so indifferent, A'Shi? Were all the things you promised me just lies?" Did his sacrifice of being trapped here as a data storage device have no meaning at all?

Zhongyi remained expressionless as he said, "When you can no longer serve, nothing matters anymore."

The others looked at Zhongyi with disdain, thinking that his character was extremely poor. He killed people and still had a heart as cold as ice.

"Don't go around capturing little blocks in the future," Lin Zhaohe warned. "Otherwise, don't blame us for not being polite to you."

Zhongyi replied, "No need. He's gone, and we don't need that much power anymore."

Zhuang Lao calmly stated, "Hand over the locations of the other servers. I don't want to resort to violence against you."

"How could I possibly know the locations of the other servers?" Zhongyi looked at Zhuang Lao, and upon seeing his face, his gaze subtly changed. It was as if he was assessing something. His eyebrows suddenly furrowed, and he said, "It's you...? We've met before."

Zhuang Lao responded, "Hmm?"

"You probably don't remember me," Zhongyi said, "but I remember your speech at the meeting where the God Creation Plan was proposed. Your words left a deep impression on me."

Zhuang Lao shook his head, claiming he had no recollection.

"I'm just a nameless nobody, so it's normal not to remember me," Zhongyi said. "Why would the opposition, so obsessed with the 2D world, oppose it?"

Zhuang Lao replied, "It's precisely because it's from the 2D world that we know how unreliable that plan is."

Zhongyi laughed indifferently. "Reliable or not, it's still a solution. It's better than the slow death we're experiencing now."

Zhuang Lao responded, "Different paths."

Lin Zhaohe, standing nearby, keenly caught onto the crucial term—the God Creation Plan. He looked at Zhuang Lao, using his eyes to inquire about what it meant.

Before Zhuang Lao could speak, Zhongyi took the initiative, his tone carrying a hint of mockery. "Perhaps you all think creating a large-scale online game is crazy. In reality, this is a compromised result. The initial plan was a hundred times crazier than this."

Lin Zhaohe asked, "What do you mean?"

Zhongyi explained, "As the name suggests, the God Creation Plan aims to create a deity capable of saving the world."

Lin Zhaohe's eyes widened slightly. "No way—" He understood Zhongyi's meaning, but his initial reaction was that it was impossible. The idea was too terrifying. It was essentially gambling with the future of humanity.

"Why not?" Zhongyi asked. "Why must you deny it? It might be a good method."

Lin Zhaohe didn't answer.

"Imagine if there were a work of art where the protagonist was perfectly good, compassionate towards humanity, and possessed immense power to fulfill people's desires," Zhongyi said. "Creating such a deity wouldn't it be the best way to save humanity?"

"But how can you be certain that this deity won't turn out to be another Lin Yan?" Lin Yan spoke softly, his tone unchanged as if discussing someone else's matter. "People's love bestowed great power upon him, but with that power, he committed deeds that everyone witnessed. You want to create a perfect deity, but have you ever considered what would happen if such a deity loses control?"

Zhongyi agreed, "Indeed, the God Creation Plan was vetoed due to the existence of Lin Yan."

Lin Yan's existence instilled fear in everyone regarding the 2D world. People no longer dared to create a deity that would have complete control because they couldn't bear the consequences of losing control.

Lin Yan was the prime example. In the original work, he was so virtuous that even if the whole world betrayed him, he wouldn't lose faith in humanity. However, a person like him committed such insane acts. Therefore, who could guarantee that their revered deity wouldn't become mad?

After the God Creation Plan was rejected, people proposed a milder plan. As a result, the large-scale online game "Earth Online" was launched. It featured numerous characters, and even if successful fusion occurred, they would balance each other out, preventing one faction from becoming too dominant.

Every NPC within the game was designed with an extremely friendly disposition towards humans. The monsters and survival environment were also crafted to ensure that once fused, they would provide significant assistance to humanity.

This method was a milder version of the God Creation Plan, at least ensuring that if an NPC went out of control, it would still be within the realm of salvaging.

However, with a large number of people, it also meant that power would be dispersed, and the deity that could have completely changed the world would no longer exist.

Zhongyi spoke with a tinge of sadness in his voice, clearly disappointed that the God Creation Plan didn't pass the proposal. Compared to that, the alternative of a large-scale online game seemed far from capturing the essence.

Lin Zhaohe never expected them to be so extreme, and he couldn't imagine what the scene would be like if the God Creation Plan had been approved.

People from all over the world reading the same book, all liking the same character, placing all their love and desires onto one character. The kind of power this character would possess once fused with the third dimension was unimaginable.

They would become a unique deity in the world. Just the thought of it sent shivers down one's spine.

Somehow, Lin Zhaohe reflexively glanced at Zhuang Lao, wanting to see his reaction.

Zhuang Lao's face didn't show much change in expression. He had known about this plan long ago, even being one of its opponents. His deep black eyes held little emotion, calm and still like a profound well. "This plan should have never existed."

Zhongyi laughed. "I actually think it's a good idea, but it's not like you can just shut down all the servers worldwide after all the hard work you've put into it."

Zhuang Lao replied, "We have to try."

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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