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Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 85 Part 2

Chapter 85. 2 Unique game (3)

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With the servers gone, Zhongyi also agreed not to go around capturing little blocks for power generation anymore. The situation was temporarily resolved like that.

They saved the remaining little blocks. To be safe, they chose to take Baiyu with them to prevent him from becoming a backup server.

Zhongyi didn’t show any reaction to this. He waved his hand and said that Baiyu, who can no longer serve as a server, held no value for him. Keeping him here would only be a waste of power.

Baiyu seemed to have completely given up. He stared blankly at Zhongyi, his eyes filled with astonishment. The person who had made promises of eternal love with him just yesterday was now capable of speaking these words devoid of any emotion, even displaying a hint of disdain in his gaze.

He was dragged away from this place by Luo Shanyu, too weak to even resist.

“Are you okay?” Lin Yan looked at Baiyu’s lifeless eyes in the car, a little worried that he might take it badly.

Baiyu replied, “I’m fine.”

“Are you a character from the second dimension?” Lin Zhaohe asked.

“Hmm,” Baiyu softly replied, “I am a kind of mechanical being from the second dimension.”

He had fused from a sci-fi novel. In that novel, they were a very unique group, composed of a special silicon-based structure that could store vast amounts of data. When he fused into this world, he hadn’t had a chance to properly interact with it before being captured by humans and used to store data in his body.

Baiyu didn’t find anything wrong with this situation. His way of thinking differed from humans, but the one thing they had in common was that he possessed emotions just like them.

Shi Zhongyi was the only human he could have close contact with. Although their initial interactions were filled with coldness from Zhongyi, as time passed, the two of them gradually developed affection through their intimate connection.

Unfortunately, this budding affection was ruthlessly severed by Lin Zhaohe and their group.

“Did he never love me at all?” Baiyu couldn’t believe it. It completely shattered his understanding of the world. “Were all those words just lies?”

Lin Zhaohe patted his shoulder and comforted him, “The unfortunate start of a person’s life is when they believe in the promises and oaths of men.”

Baiyu: “……”

“That’s right, don’t trust men,” Lin Yan said.

“But you can trust me,” Luo Shanyu shamelessly added.

“Trust you?” Lin Yan sneered. “Trust that you’ll cut off power lines?”

Luo Shanyu: “I can’t be electrocuted anyway…”

Lin Yan: “Yeah, you can’t be electrocuted. At most, just electro-dumb.”

In the original story, Luo Shanyu had been electrocuted before, and it wasn’t a light shock. It nearly fried his brain. Even after that experience, he still hadn’t learned his lesson. You could praise him for thinking with his butt.

Baiyu sat there lost in thought. Lin Zhaohe thought he was feeling sad and didn’t want to disturb him. On the other hand, Little Red Square in his arms woke up, rubbing its eyes and confusedly stating that it had a terrible nightmare. It dreamt of being thrown into a large pit and instantly eliminated.

Lin Zhaohe gently stroked the bow on its head, comforting it by saying it was all just a nightmare and that the people who captured the little blocks had been punished. From now on, they would be safe.

Little Red Square became happy at this news.

Baiyu remained in a daze for a while before suddenly speaking up, “You’re looking for servers, aren’t you?”

Lin Zhaohe replied, “Yes, we are. Do you have a way to help?”

Baiyu said, “Of course I have a way…” When they first met, he seemed weak and frail, but now he sat up straight, his eyes filled with fiery determination. “Although I can’t locate other servers, I can find the positions of a few of my fellow beings who fused with me.”

Lin Zhaohe and Zhuang Lao exchanged glances.

“Are you willing to help us, then?” Lin Zhaohe asked.

“Why wouldn’t I be willing?” Baiyu sneered. “He showed no mercy, so why should I show any kindness? Did he really think I was a helpless little victim with no means of resistance?”

Lin Zhaohe observed his ferocious expression and thought that Shi Zhongyi had made a mistake. The most terrifying thing in the world was when love turned into hatred. Judging by Baiyu’s expression, it was clear that if causing trouble for Shi Zhongyi was possible, he would do anything.

Lin Zhaohe hesitated, but in the end, said nothing. He sighed and thought about yet another person trapped by their emotions.

With the matter resolved here, Lin Yan also planned to leave. Luo Shanyu looked at him with deep reluctance. “Miss, could you leave me your contact information before you go? Even if you don’t leave your contact information, at least let me know your name.”

There was no way Lin Yan would expose his identity. He couldn’t possibly say to Luo Shanyu, “I am your beloved Brother Lin Yan.” So, with a cold and ruthless manner, he refused Luo Shanyu’s request, stating that he was already a married man and advised him not to harbor any unrealistic fantasies.

Luo Shanyu, shamelessly, said it didn’t matter. He claimed that he could change Lin Yan’s marital status from married to widowed.

Mr. Li couldn’t bear it any longer. Pointing outside, he suggested they step outside and have a fight.

Luo Shanyu replied, “Sure, why not?”

Win the fight, go to jail. Lose the fight, end up in the hospital. Lin Yan was fed up with the two of them causing a headache. He didn’t bother to persuade them any further. He opened the door and asked them to fight somewhere far away, so as not to damage nearby buildings.

Mr. Li eagerly prepared to go outside with Luo Shanyu, cracking his knuckles.

At that moment, Lin Zhaohe was discussing Baiyu’s future residence. Baiyu needed a significant amount of electricity to sustain his life. Zhuang Lao suggested letting him stay at the company, with the electricity bills reimbursed. However, Lin Zhaohe wondered if that would be inhumane. After all, they had rescued Baiyu, so they should provide him with a proper place to live. There were a few vacant apartments nearby. Should they tidy one up for him?

Lin Zhaohe asked Baiyu for his opinion. Baiyu, whose demeanor had changed significantly from when they first met, stood in the corridor with an icy expression, arms crossed, lost in thought. Upon hearing Lin Zhaohe’s question, he coldly replied, “I don’t care. What are they doing?” He gestured downstairs.

Lin Zhaohe looked downstairs and saw several men with crew cuts doing squats. It appeared that Gu Xuyu, with his dignified and refined appearance, was supervising them. No, wait, that wasn’t Gu Xuyu. It was Gu Jueyu. He looked completely different from their initial encounter, almost devoid of his charming demeanor. Now, he stood expressionless, holding a whip, and when any man performed the squats slowly, he would lash out at them without a word.

Lin Zhaohe: “……”

Was this going from one extreme to another?

Lin Zhaohe had no choice but to give a brief introduction to Gu Jueyu and his several scumbag disciples. Of course, he wasn’t familiar with the details, but he emphasized Gu Jueyu’s process of striving for self-improvement. Baiyu listened with a furrowing brow. He couldn’t help but ask Lin Zhaohe why humans were so fickle and heartless. They could express love one day and act as if they didn’t know each other the next.

Lin Zhaohe: “Humans have both good and bad traits. It’s normal.”

Baiyu: “Is this considered normal, too?”

Lin Zhaohe: “Well, it’s not exactly normal, but let’s just say you had bad luck.” He glanced at Lin Yan and noticed that something was off with his complexion. He asked if he felt unwell.

“I have a headache,” Lin Yan, his face pale as paper, replied, shaking his head. “You guys go ahead and chat. I’ll go inside and rest for a while.”

“Is he okay?” Lin Zhaohe expressed concern.

“He’s fine,” Zhuang Lao assured him. “So, you’ll stay in the apartment. I’ll provide you with a significant amount of electricity to trace the whereabouts of your fellow clansmen. I hope you find them soon.”

Baiyu coldly remarked, “The sooner I can disappoint Shi Zhongyi, the better.”

Observing Baiyu’s expression, Lin Zhaohe inexplicably recalled a book title in his mind— “The Chronicles of My Self-Empowerment and Triumph Over Scumbags After Being Abandoned by a Fickle Man.”

Baiyu had no idea what Lin Zhaohe was thinking. He stared at Gu Jueyu’s tormented disciples, and sparks seemed to ignite in his white eyes. He was probably imagining how, given the chance, he would make Shi Zhongyi suffer more than these people. He wanted to show him what true pain meant!

Suddenly, without any apparent reason, the scene transformed from a sci-fi tale to a revenge-driven story. Lin Zhaohe was at a loss for words.

Over there, Mr. Li and Luo Shanyu quickly settled their fight and returned together. Their faces didn’t look too good. Luo Shanyu had a torn ear, while Mr. Li had lost a row of teeth. They both glared at each other with a mix of hatred and frustration, as if wanting to eliminate the other but unable to do so.

“Where’s my little baby?” Mr. Li asked.

“Not feeling well. He went inside to rest,” Lin Zhaohe replied.

“Not feeling well?” Mr. Li immediately became anxious upon hearing this, wanting to hurry inside and check on him. Luo Shanyu followed closely behind, anxiously saying, “What happened to my future wife…?”

The two of them entered the room one after the other. After a moment, a thunderous roar reverberated from inside.

Lin Zhaohe was startled by the sound. Luo Shanyu’s bellow echoed through the entire building, filled with boundless anger. He shouted, “Lin Yan!!! What have you done to my wife?!”

Lin Zhaohe shivered all over and looked at Zhuang Lao. “No way!” What a coincidence, did Lin Yan just change back?

Zhuang Lao shrugged innocently. “It’s about time, I suppose.”

Lin Zhaohe: “What should we do then?”

Zhuang Lao: “What do you mean, ‘what should we do’?”

Lin Zhaohe: “Well… if Luo Shanyu finds out that Lin Yan is the girl he likes…”

Zhuang Lao, enjoying the spectacle, laughed and said, “What’s the big deal? A good brother is there for you as a woman when you need one.”

Lin Zhaohe: “……” It made some sense, but not entirely.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 85 Part 2

Safety Manual Labor Tips with a Twist of 2D Chapter 85 Part 2

Chapter 85. 2 Unique game (3)

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With the servers gone, Zhongyi also agreed not to go around capturing little blocks for power generation anymore. The situation was temporarily resolved like that.

They saved the remaining little blocks. To be safe, they chose to take Baiyu with them to prevent him from becoming a backup server.

Zhongyi didn't show any reaction to this. He waved his hand and said that Baiyu, who can no longer serve as a server, held no value for him. Keeping him here would only be a waste of power.

Baiyu seemed to have completely given up. He stared blankly at Zhongyi, his eyes filled with astonishment. The person who had made promises of eternal love with him just yesterday was now capable of speaking these words devoid of any emotion, even displaying a hint of disdain in his gaze.

He was dragged away from this place by Luo Shanyu, too weak to even resist.

"Are you okay?" Lin Yan looked at Baiyu's lifeless eyes in the car, a little worried that he might take it badly.

Baiyu replied, "I'm fine."

"Are you a character from the second dimension?" Lin Zhaohe asked.

"Hmm," Baiyu softly replied, "I am a kind of mechanical being from the second dimension."

He had fused from a sci-fi novel. In that novel, they were a very unique group, composed of a special silicon-based structure that could store vast amounts of data. When he fused into this world, he hadn't had a chance to properly interact with it before being captured by humans and used to store data in his body.

Baiyu didn't find anything wrong with this situation. His way of thinking differed from humans, but the one thing they had in common was that he possessed emotions just like them.

Shi Zhongyi was the only human he could have close contact with. Although their initial interactions were filled with coldness from Zhongyi, as time passed, the two of them gradually developed affection through their intimate connection.

Unfortunately, this budding affection was ruthlessly severed by Lin Zhaohe and their group.

"Did he never love me at all?" Baiyu couldn't believe it. It completely shattered his understanding of the world. "Were all those words just lies?"

Lin Zhaohe patted his shoulder and comforted him, "The unfortunate start of a person's life is when they believe in the promises and oaths of men."

Baiyu: "......"

"That's right, don't trust men," Lin Yan said.

"But you can trust me," Luo Shanyu shamelessly added.

"Trust you?" Lin Yan sneered. "Trust that you'll cut off power lines?"

Luo Shanyu: "I can't be electrocuted anyway..."

Lin Yan: "Yeah, you can't be electrocuted. At most, just electro-dumb."

In the original story, Luo Shanyu had been electrocuted before, and it wasn't a light shock. It nearly fried his brain. Even after that experience, he still hadn't learned his lesson. You could praise him for thinking with his butt.

Baiyu sat there lost in thought. Lin Zhaohe thought he was feeling sad and didn't want to disturb him. On the other hand, Little Red Square in his arms woke up, rubbing its eyes and confusedly stating that it had a terrible nightmare. It dreamt of being thrown into a large pit and instantly eliminated.

Lin Zhaohe gently stroked the bow on its head, comforting it by saying it was all just a nightmare and that the people who captured the little blocks had been punished. From now on, they would be safe.

Little Red Square became happy at this news.

Baiyu remained in a daze for a while before suddenly speaking up, "You're looking for servers, aren't you?"

Lin Zhaohe replied, "Yes, we are. Do you have a way to help?"

Baiyu said, "Of course I have a way..." When they first met, he seemed weak and frail, but now he sat up straight, his eyes filled with fiery determination. "Although I can't locate other servers, I can find the positions of a few of my fellow beings who fused with me."

Lin Zhaohe and Zhuang Lao exchanged glances.

"Are you willing to help us, then?" Lin Zhaohe asked.

"Why wouldn't I be willing?" Baiyu sneered. "He showed no mercy, so why should I show any kindness? Did he really think I was a helpless little victim with no means of resistance?"

Lin Zhaohe observed his ferocious expression and thought that Shi Zhongyi had made a mistake. The most terrifying thing in the world was when love turned into hatred. Judging by Baiyu's expression, it was clear that if causing trouble for Shi Zhongyi was possible, he would do anything.

Lin Zhaohe hesitated, but in the end, said nothing. He sighed and thought about yet another person trapped by their emotions.

With the matter resolved here, Lin Yan also planned to leave. Luo Shanyu looked at him with deep reluctance. "Miss, could you leave me your contact information before you go? Even if you don't leave your contact information, at least let me know your name."

There was no way Lin Yan would expose his identity. He couldn't possibly say to Luo Shanyu, "I am your beloved Brother Lin Yan." So, with a cold and ruthless manner, he refused Luo Shanyu's request, stating that he was already a married man and advised him not to harbor any unrealistic fantasies.

Luo Shanyu, shamelessly, said it didn't matter. He claimed that he could change Lin Yan's marital status from married to widowed.

Mr. Li couldn't bear it any longer. Pointing outside, he suggested they step outside and have a fight.

Luo Shanyu replied, "Sure, why not?"

Win the fight, go to jail. Lose the fight, end up in the hospital. Lin Yan was fed up with the two of them causing a headache. He didn't bother to persuade them any further. He opened the door and asked them to fight somewhere far away, so as not to damage nearby buildings.

Mr. Li eagerly prepared to go outside with Luo Shanyu, cracking his knuckles.

At that moment, Lin Zhaohe was discussing Baiyu's future residence. Baiyu needed a significant amount of electricity to sustain his life. Zhuang Lao suggested letting him stay at the company, with the electricity bills reimbursed. However, Lin Zhaohe wondered if that would be inhumane. After all, they had rescued Baiyu, so they should provide him with a proper place to live. There were a few vacant apartments nearby. Should they tidy one up for him?

Lin Zhaohe asked Baiyu for his opinion. Baiyu, whose demeanor had changed significantly from when they first met, stood in the corridor with an icy expression, arms crossed, lost in thought. Upon hearing Lin Zhaohe's question, he coldly replied, "I don't care. What are they doing?" He gestured downstairs.

Lin Zhaohe looked downstairs and saw several men with crew cuts doing squats. It appeared that Gu Xuyu, with his dignified and refined appearance, was supervising them. No, wait, that wasn't Gu Xuyu. It was Gu Jueyu. He looked completely different from their initial encounter, almost devoid of his charming demeanor. Now, he stood expressionless, holding a whip, and when any man performed the squats slowly, he would lash out at them without a word.

Lin Zhaohe: "......"

Was this going from one extreme to another?

Lin Zhaohe had no choice but to give a brief introduction to Gu Jueyu and his several scumbag disciples. Of course, he wasn't familiar with the details, but he emphasized Gu Jueyu's process of striving for self-improvement. Baiyu listened with a furrowing brow. He couldn't help but ask Lin Zhaohe why humans were so fickle and heartless. They could express love one day and act as if they didn't know each other the next.

Lin Zhaohe: "Humans have both good and bad traits. It's normal."

Baiyu: "Is this considered normal, too?"

Lin Zhaohe: "Well, it's not exactly normal, but let's just say you had bad luck." He glanced at Lin Yan and noticed that something was off with his complexion. He asked if he felt unwell.

"I have a headache," Lin Yan, his face pale as paper, replied, shaking his head. "You guys go ahead and chat. I'll go inside and rest for a while."

"Is he okay?" Lin Zhaohe expressed concern.

"He's fine," Zhuang Lao assured him. "So, you'll stay in the apartment. I'll provide you with a significant amount of electricity to trace the whereabouts of your fellow clansmen. I hope you find them soon."

Baiyu coldly remarked, "The sooner I can disappoint Shi Zhongyi, the better."

Observing Baiyu's expression, Lin Zhaohe inexplicably recalled a book title in his mind— "The Chronicles of My Self-Empowerment and Triumph Over Scumbags After Being Abandoned by a Fickle Man."

Baiyu had no idea what Lin Zhaohe was thinking. He stared at Gu Jueyu's tormented disciples, and sparks seemed to ignite in his white eyes. He was probably imagining how, given the chance, he would make Shi Zhongyi suffer more than these people. He wanted to show him what true pain meant!

Suddenly, without any apparent reason, the scene transformed from a sci-fi tale to a revenge-driven story. Lin Zhaohe was at a loss for words.

Over there, Mr. Li and Luo Shanyu quickly settled their fight and returned together. Their faces didn't look too good. Luo Shanyu had a torn ear, while Mr. Li had lost a row of teeth. They both glared at each other with a mix of hatred and frustration, as if wanting to eliminate the other but unable to do so.

"Where's my little baby?" Mr. Li asked.

"Not feeling well. He went inside to rest," Lin Zhaohe replied.

"Not feeling well?" Mr. Li immediately became anxious upon hearing this, wanting to hurry inside and check on him. Luo Shanyu followed closely behind, anxiously saying, "What happened to my future wife...?"

The two of them entered the room one after the other. After a moment, a thunderous roar reverberated from inside.

Lin Zhaohe was startled by the sound. Luo Shanyu's bellow echoed through the entire building, filled with boundless anger. He shouted, "Lin Yan!!! What have you done to my wife?!"

Lin Zhaohe shivered all over and looked at Zhuang Lao. "No way!" What a coincidence, did Lin Yan just change back?

Zhuang Lao shrugged innocently. "It's about time, I suppose."

Lin Zhaohe: "What should we do then?"

Zhuang Lao: "What do you mean, 'what should we do'?"

Lin Zhaohe: "Well... if Luo Shanyu finds out that Lin Yan is the girl he likes..."

Zhuang Lao, enjoying the spectacle, laughed and said, "What's the big deal? A good brother is there for you as a woman when you need one."

Lin Zhaohe: "......" It made some sense, but not entirely.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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