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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind

The Daily Life of a Depressed Salted Fish Chapter 11

The Imperial Study soon filled with the sound of rustling papers.

King Dingnan glanced at Yin Wuzhi, then again at Yin Wuzhi. After a night, the swelling on his face had mostly subsided, though the split on his lip hadn’t fully healed.

While stamping the memorials, Yin Wuzhi listened carefully to their discussions, his expression focused and serious.

King Dingnan raised his chin slightly and stretched his neck, trying to discreetly peer into Yin Wuzhi’s collar.

Yin Wuzhi noticed: “?”

King Dingnan retracted his neck and straightened his face to regain his composure. “What happened to your face?” he asked.

He hadn’t avoided the matter deliberately. The fact that the emperor had brought Yin Wuzhi into the palace was already widely known. If Yin Wuzhi could prove he was being mistreated, the court officials could unite to rescue him from his plight.

The others turned to look as well.

Yin Wuzhi answered truthfully, “I was pushing the emperor on a swing and accidentally flung him off, so Empress Dowager Yao punished me.”

Everyone: “!”

King Dingnan broke into a cold sweat.

Before they could bombard him with questions, Qi Hanmiao interjected, “Fortunately, His Highness is skilled in martial arts and caught His Majesty in time. It was just a fright.”

The tension in the room eased.

King Dingnan, still shaken, looked at Yin Wuzhi’s face again and found it somewhat exasperating. “It seems you didn’t get punished too harshly!”

If it had been anyone else, they might have already lost their head.

As the afternoon approached, Jiang Wu awoke in his dragon bed, “Hungry.”

A figure appeared, lifting him from the bed. A young eunuch quickly stepped forward, asking eagerly, “Your Majesty, shall we prepare a meal?”

“Just porridge, nothing else.”

He wasn’t interested in eating much anyway. Every time they laid out a full table, it was a waste of effort and food.

The eunuch hesitated for a moment, “Only porridge?”

The next instant, he felt a cold, piercing gaze fall upon him, and he quickly lowered his head, “Yes, I’ll prepare it right away.”

Sixteen gently placed Jiang Wu onto a chair, and maids immediately stepped forward to help him wash up, while a eunuch knelt by his side, massaging his arms and legs with just the right amount of pressure.

Jiang Wu squinted at the sunlight outside and said slowly, “The weather’s nice today.”

Everyone hurriedly moved him from the shadows into the sunlight.

Back in the Imperial Study, Grand Preceptor Wen couldn’t sit still anymore. “It’s nearly noon already. His Majesty said he would discuss matters with us, so why hasn’t he arrived?”

Because you’re nearly finished with the matters already. Yin Wuzhi stood silently to the side, listening as Qi Hanmiao responded, “His Majesty caught a cold and is unwell. He may need to sleep a little longer.”

“This old man will go see him.”

Grand Preceptor Wen, ten years older than Prime Minister Chen, had served under three emperors. Once the Crown Prince’s tutor, he had held the position of Prime Minister and had also taught Jiang Wu and the other princes. Now in his advanced age, he held a ceremonial title, no longer participating in court affairs but still highly revered. It was said that he had always been fond of Jiang Wu, and it seemed the rumors were true.

King Dingnan, calculating internally, thought that with the Grand Preceptor present, there might be a chance to persuade Jiang Wu to pardon Yin Wuzhi.

He immediately said, “Your subject will go see His Majesty as well!”

Prime Minister Chen, thinking that the Grand Preceptor had more prestige, figured it was wise to follow his lead.

Slowly, he adjusted his attire and stepped forward.

Qiu Shangshu, who was absorbed in reviewing official documents, “…”

If I don’t go, will it seem disrespectful to the emperor? Will people think I’m just pretending to be busy to curry favor and climb higher?

Reluctantly, he put down the documents and hurriedly caught up.

When the group requested an audience, Jiang Wu was eating porridge. By the time they were ushered into the hall to pay their respects, he was still eating.

He managed to free his mouth long enough to say, “Rise.”

Grand Preceptor Wen stood up, looked at Jiang Wu’s face, and hesitated. “Your Majesty, have you lost weight?”

Upon hearing this, Qi Hanmiao’s face filled with sorrow. “Only eating plain porridge—how could he not lose weight?”

Prime Minister Chen glanced at the empty table and, with a slightly concerned expression, asked, “Just this?”



“Because…” Qi Hanmiao certainly couldn’t say it was because His Majesty was too lazy. He paused and said, “I’ve heard there’s been constant rainfall in the south. His Majesty is fasting and praying for the people’s well-being.”

King Dingnan seemed doubtful.

“If you don’t believe me, you can ask the young lord shizi.”

Qi Hanmiao looked at Yin Wuzhi, who had no choice but to confirm the truth. “Indeed, aside from porridge, His Majesty only had a bowl of medicine for his cold last night.”

The group was silently astonished.

Qiu Shangshu sighed. “I never imagined His Majesty was fasting and praying for the nation’s welfare. We were too narrow-minded, even misjudging him yesterday.”

The others: “?”

You don’t have to be that honest.

Jiang Wu, having no idea why they had come, was focused solely on his meal.

Grand Preceptor Wen furrowed his brow as he looked at his student for a while, then said, “When I return today, I too shall fast and eat only porridge to pray for the people in the south.”

Qiu Shangshu: “I shall decree my entire household to fast, as a show of gratitude to the heavens.”

Prime Minister Chen: “As the Chief Minister, it is my duty.”

King Dingnan, his heart moved and unable to hide his admiration, solemnly added, “I will do the same.”

He then pulled Yin Wuzhi forward by the arm. “It is our family’s fortune that my son is so trusted by His Majesty and able to remain by his side. He will fast as long as His Majesty fasts.”

Yin Wuzhi: “…”

Finally, Jiang Wu finished his porridge and raised his head, his expression indifferent. “Have the memorials been reviewed?”

Qiu Shangshu replied, “Most of them have been sorted. I’ve carefully selected a few that require Your Majesty’s personal attention, and the rest we have handled to lighten Your Majesty’s burden.”

Jiang Wu clearly felt the pressure ease. “Then carry on with your work and finish quickly. The sooner it’s done, the sooner you may return home.”

As for the rest, Jiang Wu glanced at Yin Wuzhi. “I’m not feeling well lately. Yin Shu will handle the remaining documents on my behalf. I hope you all will generously offer him your guidance.”

Seeing their expressions change, Jiang Wu weakly coughed twice and reassured them, “Afterward, I will personally review and approve everything.”

He already looked deathly pale, and with his current sickly appearance, it seemed as though he were on the verge of collapse.

Grand Preceptor Wen’s eyes suddenly reddened, and he quickly lowered his head to hide his sudden wave of sorrow. “This minister understands, Your Majesty.”

He was the first to leave, followed closely by Prime Minister Chen, who expressed his concern. “Grand Preceptor, do you think Yin Shu can…?”

“The heavens are jealous of talent,” said Grand Preceptor Wen, wiping away a tear once they had exited. “How has His Majesty become so thin in just a month?”

Of course, not eating properly will make you that thin.

Yin Wuzhi followed behind, his face cold.

Prime Minister Chen said, “These past few days, we’ve only seen His Majesty a few times in Chengde Hall, and I blamed him for neglecting court duties so soon after ascending the throne. He would even doze off on the throne… It seems I misjudged him.”

Qiu Shangshu added, “Prime Minister, don’t blame yourself. The throne is high and far from us, and we dare not look directly at the emperor. It’s no wonder we didn’t notice his condition.”

King Dingnan nodded silently.

Grand Preceptor Wen stopped, his aged eyes looking between King Dingnan and Yin Wuzhi. “To be honest, I once suspected His Majesty had ulterior motives for bringing this young lord into the palace. But now, it’s clear he values Yin Shu’s abilities and doesn’t want anyone to know about his own condition.”

Although none of them spoke plainly, it was as if Jiang Wu had some grave illness.

A withered hand rested on Yin Wuzhi’s arm as Grand Preceptor Wen gazed at him. “Since His Majesty holds you in such high regard, you must not disappoint him.”

“…” Yin Wuzhi coldly replied, “Understood.”

“We old men won’t be by His Majesty’s side forever. The future of the realm will rest in the hands of you younger men. Chen Ying.”


“Your son works at the Ministry of Justice, right?” asked Grand Preceptor Wen. “You must mentor him well. He and Yin Shu will one day be the emperor’s right and left hands.”


“Good.” Grand Preceptor Wen, quite pleased, patted Yin Wuzhi’s hand. “Now, come along and see how we old bones serve the emperor.”

Yin Wuzhi finally understood.

This was the incapable emperor’s clever plan.

Had he really calculated everything so perfectly, forcing them into these roles?

There was no way all the documents could be handled in a single day.

Perhaps it was Jiang Wu’s near-death appearance that had scared these men. Even King Dingnan had, in the end, earnestly taught Yin Wuzhi how to handle state affairs for the emperor.

Qi Hanmiao even noticed that, when these old ministers—including King Dingnan—got frustrated with their lessons, they’d often swat someone on the head with whatever was in their hands.

Yin Wuzhi, his face icy, pretended not to see it.

After having shared the “Emperor’s meal” together, Qi Hanmiao considerately arranged for people to escort everyone back home.

Yin Wuzhi, who had endured an entire day of being lectured, wasted no time in leaving the Imperial Study and headed swiftly to the Emperor’s bedchamber. Jiang Wu had already finished bathing and was sitting there, letting the palace maids warm his hair with a hand furnace.

Their eyes met, and Yin Wuzhi coldly said, “This minister wants to go home.”

“Did they teach you?” Jiang Wu asked.

“They did.” Yin Wuzhi replied, “This minister wants to go home.”

“Did you learn?”

“I did.” Yin Wuzhi repeated, “This minister wants to go home.”


“Because these are Your Majesty’s affairs,” Yin Wuzhi’s voice was chilling. “Everyone already helped Your Majesty with a lot today, but this isn’t something that should be taken for granted. In the end, one must handle their own responsibilities. And just because Your Majesty enjoys eating porridge, it doesn’t mean others do too.”

Jiang Wu said, “You can eat something else.”

King Dingnan had already stated he would follow the Emperor’s example, so Yin Wuzhi wasn’t going to easily defy his father. He insisted, “This minister wants to go home.”

“Do you miss your mother?”

Irritated, Yin Wuzhi snapped, “Do you even understand? Why should I be the one handling your affairs?”

Jiang Wu understood.

Yin Wuzhi, like him, didn’t want to deal with imperial documents.

After some thought, Jiang Wu realized that if he were in Yin Wuzhi’s position, he wouldn’t want to do someone else’s work either.

Jiang Wu said, “Do you want to focus on your own duties?”

“Exactly.” Yin Wuzhi, sensing that the incapable emperor had finally understood, calmed down and said, “Your humble servant wishes to return to the military camp and train the troops for Your Majesty, to defend against external threats.”

Jiang Wu remembered that Yin Wuzhi had been summoned to the palace under the pretense of serving him, and always making him work wasn’t fair. It was time to let him do his own things.

He said, “Go take a bath.”

Yin Wuzhi: “?”

“In this weather, three days without bathing would be uncomfortable, right?”

Yin Wuzhi was adaptable. When conditions allowed, he would bathe daily. In the army, when that wasn’t possible, he could manage a month without it.

For the past few days, he’d been trailing behind Jiang Wu like a servant. Now, was he finally being treated like a person?

Yin Wuzhi hesitated and asked, “After I bathe, will Your Majesty let me go home?”

“Go.” Jiang Wu didn’t elaborate, so Yin Wuzhi had no choice but to obey. “Yes.”

This would likely be his last night in the palace. Soaking in the warm water of the bathhouse, Yin Wuzhi’s gaze fell on the dragon-shaped faucet.

His slender fingers, pale yet strong, slipped through the warm water. Perhaps it was the steam fogging his mind, or maybe the comfort was just too relaxing.

In a daze, he imagined a figure appearing in the pool.

On the night he first arrived, Jiang Wu had been gently guided into the bath by maids. Standing in the pool, the water reached just below his waist, revealing two exquisitely enticing dimples on his lower back.

The figure in the pool turned its head to look at him. The sightless eyes, bathed in mist, seemed otherworldly and pure.

Yin Wuzhi’s pupils darkened. Suddenly, he plunged his entire head underwater.

…After tonight, he would be free of that lazy ghost.

We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
The Daily Life of a Depressed Salted Fish

The Daily Life of a Depressed Salted Fish

Status: Ongoing
Jiang Wu is a wandering soul who has roamed the earth for a thousand years. One day, he finds himself in a body, reincarnated as a historically infamous and deposed emperor who was beheaded after a coup. Jiang Wu: Hmm... Being an emperor, a position he finds nightmarish, Jiang Wu, with his depressed outlook on life, just wants to hand over the throne and quickly return to his ghostly state. To speed up the rebellion of the Yin family, he summons the Yin family's eldest son to the palace to serve him. Immediately, the court is filled with outrage, and the Yin family almost storms the palace to skin him alive. That night, Jiang Wu lazily demands humiliating tasks from the fiercely glaring Yin Wuzhi: "Hold me, feed me, and lull me to sleep." Finished, he sends Yin Wuzhi off to review documents. The next day, the humiliation continues: "Hold me, push me on a swing, lift me up high." Finished, he sends Yin Wuzhi off to review documents. On the third day, the demands escalate: "Hold me, kiss me, and squat down to listen to what I have to say." Yin Wuzhi, staring at the lazy, slumped figure on the couch: .....  This is too much!!! If this Laozi doesn't kill you, I won't be called Yin Wuzhi!!! He furiously reviews documents.jpg Then, a year passes, two years pass, and despite Jiang Wu's daily humiliations and forcing Yin Wuzhi to review documents, the throne becomes more secure, the people grow richer, and the empire prospers year by year. Gloomy Critic: ...  According to my fate, I should have met my end by now, so why is everything still fine? Trying it out myself.jpg Yin Wuzhi... Yin Wuzhi is going mad.


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