The Salted Fish Has Gotten Over It Chapter 31

Chapter 31

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Marquis Anping stared at Jiang Juan, baffled and unsure of what to say.

His Highness is not well; you shouldn’t yell at him.

Paper mache of a prince, and he can still yell at him?

Marquis Anping: ???

The more he thought about it, the more bizarre it seemed, and his expression grew increasingly complex. Unable to contain himself, he said, “Do you know —“

“I’m fine.”

Jiang Juan’s defense of him left Marquis Anping stunned, and even Xue Fangli was caught off guard.

Having someone standing in front of him was a rather novel experience for him, and Xue Fangli didn’t mind at all. He even lifted his lips slightly and said slowly, “Let him shout. I don’t mind.”

“Your Highness is just too good-tempered.”

Upon learning of the prince’s background, in Jiang Juan’s eyes, His Highness was a frail, helpless, and terminally ill person. Now, hearing him say that he didn’t mind, Jiang Juan was filled with pity and looked at Marquis Anping with a condemning gaze.

Marquis Anping: “…”

What is Prince Li up to?

Marquis Anping couldn’t understand, but he was deeply shocked. He tried to endure it, but couldn’t hold back any longer. He sneered, “Good temper? If His Highness really had a good temper, would he have resorted to violence in the bookstore?”

Marquis Anping, aware of Prince Xue’s true nature and having heard the people traveling with him making fun of Jiang Juan, though unsure of what exactly Xue Fangli had reported, was convinced that the person who had committed the violence must be Xue Fangli.

Jiang Juan didn’t see it that way. He didn’t want to provoke Marquis Anping, but he also didn’t want His Highness to be slandered. Jiang Juan said earnestly, “His Highness was just trying to help by reporting to the authorities.”

Marquis Anping: “…”

He just wanted to ask Jiang Juan one thing.

What did Prince Li give you to drink?

In any case, Marquis Anping retained some degree of reason. He moved his lips but didn’t say anything. Instead, Xue Fangli lightly laughed and said, “If he doesn’t believe it, it doesn’t matter.”

As he spoke, several soldiers brought out a few people, all of whom looked crazy, covered in blood, far from their usual lofty demeanor. Marquis Anping was horrified. “What happened?”

The lead soldier replied, “A man named Li Ming suddenly went mad and attacked several people with a knife.”

Li Ming was frivolous but quite loyal. Marquis Anping asked in shock, “How could this happen?”

As they hadn’t yet interrogated him, the soldiers didn’t know the reason. They just shook their heads. Then the lead soldier turned to Xue Fangli and thanked him with a strange expression, “Thank you, Your Highness, for reporting. If you had come a moment later, it might have turned into a tragedy.”

Xue Fangli smiled faintly. “It’s what I should do.”

The soldiers: “…..”

 The atmosphere felt awkward for a moment, then chuckled nervously and dragged the people away.

Jiang Juan asked Marquis Anping, “Did you hear that? His Highness was just being kind and reported the incident.”

Marquis Anping: “…Mm.”

Jiang Juan then slowly added, “It seems like you owe His Highness an apology.”


“I don’t care about my reputation.”

Xue Fangli scoffed lightly. He looked down at Jiang Juan and asked, “Shall we continue looking around?”

Jiang Juan looked up at him, still feeling a deep pity for His Highness. He sighed and said, “Never mind, let’s go.”

Xue Fangli acknowledged with a soft “Mm” and walked alongside Jiang Juan. From start to finish, Jiang Juan did not spare another glance at Marquis Anping.

Before this moment, Marquis Anping had always believed Jiang Juan was infatuated with him, even feeling troubled by his persistent affection. But now, seeing Jiang Juan completely ignore him, Marquis Anping felt a strange emptiness inside.

Nearly overcome with resentment and unwillingness, he asked, “If that’s the case, why do you still keep our token of affection?”

Token of affection? What token?

Jiang Juan was stunned, “I…”

Xue Fangli lifted his eyelids, and when Marquis Anping met his gaze, he felt a sudden alarm, as if he was being stared down by a dangerous beast. The immense pressure made him stiffen, and he said, “I overstepped.”

“Let’s go.”

Xue Fangli said, not pausing for a moment as he strode away. Jiang Juan hurried to catch up with him, leaving his conversation with Marquis Anping unfinished.

Meanwhile, another carriage stopped outside the bookstore.

“Second Young Master, please be careful.”

Jiang Nian stepped out of the carriage, holding an ancient book. He looked up, gazing intently at the bookstore, and recalled memories from his past life.

No one knew that this bookstore belonged to the Lou family of Jiangnan.

The Lou family had been merchants for generations, known as the wealthiest family in Jiangnan. A local nursery rhyme went: “Above is the old heaven, below is Lou’s millions. Even if it doesn’t rain for three years, Lou’s old grain will still be in abundance.” This spoke of the Lou family’s immense wealth.

The current head of the family’s businesses was Lou Ruyue. His story was quite legendary; in his youth, he was passionate about literature and had considerable talent. However, feeling that he could no longer advance his literary skills, he abandoned literature for commerce and disappeared from the literary world.

In Jiang Nian’s past life, the chaos in the world was not only due to political upheaval but also natural disasters. Marquis Anping’s rise to the throne and his ability to win the people’s hearts were largely due to Lou Ruyue.

During times of famine, he opened the family granaries under the name of Marquis Anping to distribute food.

As for Lou Ruyue’s love for ancient books, Jiang Nian knew about it because in his previous life, Marquis Anping had once visited Prince Li Residence, taking all the ancient books from there and giving them to Lou Ruyue.

In this life, knowing what he did, Jiang Nian, despite being aligned with Marquis Anping, decided to take action himself after testing the waters and discovering that Marquis Anping was still unaware of this fact. Even though he was not the Prince Li’s Royal Consort in this life, he had gone to great lengths to collect this set of ancient books. It was worth it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Nian’s lips curved into a slight smile. His maid, Dian Cui, glanced at him and sighed, “Young Master is truly handsome.”

She then remembered something and, with a cheerful smile, said, “Young Master, yesterday Young Master Gu mentioned that the master painter Yang Liusheng is coming to the capital. Is that true?”

This renowned painter only painted beauties. Dian Cui added, “If he comes to the capital, he will surely want to see you, as you are considered the most beautiful person in the capital.”

Jiang Nian shook his head with a smile. “He might not think much of me.”

The young master, at first glance, was only moderately attractive and somewhat plain. Dian Cui had been disappointed by this, thinking that the title of the most beautiful person in the capital was unmerited. However, after some guidance from the other maids in the mansion, she had come to understand.

Imitating their words, Dian Cui said, “Young Master has an aesthetic beauty that requires refined taste to appreciate. If he doesn’t see it, then it’s his lack of aesthetic sense.”

Jiang Nian just smiled and said nothing more. Dian Cui was about to say something else when she caught sight of a young man in the corner of her eye.

He was dressed in light-colored clothes and wore a waist-length veiled hat.

As the wind seemed to pick up, the gauze veil lifted slightly, revealing part of the young man’s face, which was truly ethereal and beautiful.

Dian Cui was stunned.

So beautiful.

No, this won’t do.

How could she, after spending so much time with the second young master and developing a refined taste, still be so shallow as to be captivated by such superficial beauty?

Dian Cui struggled internally.

But he was really so beautiful.

And… why did he seem a bit familiar?

Dian Cui was filled with doubt and wanted to turn back for another look, but the young man’s face was already hidden behind the gauze veil, leaving her feeling a pang of regret.

At that moment, Jiang Nian also entered the bookstore.


Seeing Marquis Anping, he called out in surprise. Marquis Anping turned around and forced a smile, “Xiao Nian, what brings you here?”

Jiang Nian replied, “I acquired an old book and heard this bookstore has many collections, so I wanted to come and exchange it.”

Marquis Anping nodded, “I’m leaving now.”

Jiang Nian hesitated for a moment but ultimately didn’t call him back, just smiled, “Alright, take care on your way.”

Marquis Anping left with large strides, while Jiang Nian approached the bookstore’s shopkeeper and explained his purpose, “Could this set of old books be exchanged for other ancient texts in your collection?”

The shopkeeper glanced at the book, “Annotations of the Deer Spring Classic,” and waved his hand, “Our master already has a copy of this. If you have any other ancient texts, feel free to come and exchange them.”

Jiang Nian could only agree reluctantly, “Alright.”

Jiang Nian came with the old book in his arms, but left empty-handed. He handed the book to Dian Cui, walking ahead with a furrowed brow.

In his previous life, Marquis Anping had obtained the ancient texts from Prince Li.

Now, where could he find more ancient texts?

Regardless, Lou Ruoyue had to be won over.

Jiang Juan sat in the carriage.

He carefully placed the tea cup down and leaned on the table, gazing at it.

Xue Fangli glanced down at him a few times, then picked up the tea cup and asked, with a tone devoid of emotion, “Do you really like this tea cup so much?”

This time, Jiang Juan spoke the truth. “Yes, it’s very beautiful and very difficult to make.”

Xue Fangli toyed with it a bit, speaking nonchalantly, “It’s not bad.”

Previously, Xue Fangli’s highest praise for anything had been “acceptable.” This was the first time he said “not bad,” so upon hearing this, Jiang Juan generously offered, “Do you like it too, Your Highness? If so, you can keep it.”

Xue Fangli paused, “And what about you?”

Jiang Juan was content just being able to touch it. He shook his head, “I don’t mind.”

Xue Fangli didn’t respond immediately. After a long silence, he finally asked, in a very calm tone, “Are you like this with everything?”

“Saying you like something, but then giving it away. Do you truly like it, or are you just placating me?”

Jiang Juan was taken aback.

He did genuinely like it, but Jiang Juan also truly had little desire for material possessions.

Before transmigrating into the book, Jiang Juan’s heart condition had been so severe that his family had received numerous critical illness notices, enough to bind into a book. He had accepted early on that he wouldn’t live long and had learned not to cling to possessions; merely looking at things was enough for him.

However, this tea cup was something His Highness had specially exchanged for him. Saying he liked it but then suggesting His Highness keep it could indeed make it seem as if he didn’t actually like it.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Juan explained to Xue Fangli, “I used to be very ill…”

“I liked many things, but no matter how much I liked them, I could only look at them. When I was very sick, I couldn’t even lift them, and later, I knew I wouldn’t be able to take them with me. So, I felt like having them or not having them was about the same.”

Jiang Juan was very optimistic by nature, and speaking about these things didn’t bother him. However, Xue Fangli’s grip on his hand tightened suddenly.

Xue Fangli had known about Jiang Juan’s frail health since the day they got married, especially since his heart condition often flared up. But this was the first time he heard even a hint of it from Jiang Juan himself.

Too weak to lift, too weak to take away.

As Xue Fangli breathed in the faintly sweet scent from the young man, an overwhelming sense of irritation rose within him.

At this moment, Jiang Juan was still leaning on the table, the veil not yet removed. The light gauze draped down, pooling around his elbows like mist. His pale wrist was faintly visible, as delicate as a glass beauty, fragile and breakable.

After gazing at him for a long time, Xue Fangli finally set down the tea cup. He brushed aside the layer of gauze, then grasped Jiang Juan’s chin, forcing him to look up and meet his eyes.

“What you like is yours,” Xue Fangli said slowly. “Even if you can’t lift it, I will hold it for you.”

After a pause, Xue Fangli asked him, “That tea cup—you fear you won’t be able to lift it in the future and don’t want it. But what about the token from Marquis Anping?”

Lowering his eyes, Xue Fangli’s expression darkened, “What token are you holding on to?”

“The things I give you, you can easily dismiss, but why do you keep something from Marquis Anping?”

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