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The Salted Fish Has Gotten Over It Chapter 8

Chapter 8

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Jiang Juan didn’t find the stroll very enjoyable.

After walking a few steps, he didn’t feel like moving anymore. The Imperial Garden, the mountain rock landscapes, Jiang Juan just glanced at them from afar and that was enough for him. He didn’t feel like wandering around to experience them firsthand.

Seeing his listless expression, Chief Steward Wang hurriedly approached and inquired, “Your Royal Consort, is your health not well?”

Of course, Jiang Juan couldn’t tell the truth – he felt tired and bored, so he just nodded, “I’m feeling a bit unwell.”

Chief Steward Wang quickly escorted him to rest in the pavilion.

The pavilion was surrounded by a lake on three sides, with emerald green lotus leaves floating on the surface. Jiang Juan leaned on the railing, enjoying the breeze. It wasn’t too hot yet, and the natural breeze felt very comfortable.

But he wondered what he would do when summer arrived. No cola, and certainly no air conditioning.

With this thought, Jiang Juan felt a bit down again. He let his hand hang down, resting his head on his arm. The oversized sleeves were blown up by the wind, revealing a small section of his wrist. It should have been snow-white, but unfortunately, it bore several red marks.


“Hey, you—”

Xue Congyun had spent the entire morning searching and finally caught Jiang Juan alone. He swaggered into the pavilion, intending to put on a show, but as soon as he lowered his head, he was startled.

Jiang Juan’s skin was fair, but those red marks were alarming, as if he had been subjected to some kind of abuse. Congyun’s tone changed abruptly, “What happened to your hand?”

After speaking, he remembered something and said cautiously, “I’m just asking, it shouldn’t be me who did it. But later, you mustn’t tell Fifth Brother about this—Chief Steward Wang, you have to testify for me too.”

It’s no wonder he overreacted. Considering Jiang Juan’s malicious thoughts and how harshly he was dealt with last night, Xue Congyun was forced to be cautious.

“I have met the Sixth Prince,” Chief Steward Wang bowed and said with a smile, “Sixth Prince, you’re thought too much.”  

Jiang Juan was still feeling down—he had lost air conditioning and cola in the summer, and for now, he didn’t want to pay attention to Xue Congyun. Xue Congyun endured for quite a while, feeling inexplicably uneasy seeing Jiang Juan’s gloomy expression. He asked, “Hey, what’s wrong? Are you upset?”

He was afraid of being misunderstood as the one who caused it, just asking casually, absolutely no other intentions.

Jiang Juan glanced at him slowly.  

As one of the main characters, the Sixth Prince is a lively presence in the story, specifically included to lighten the mood. He’s actually a bit naive and doesn’t have much cunning. Jiang Juan doesn’t dislike him; he even finds him somewhat amusing.

Because of this, although Jiang Juan doesn’t really want to interact with the main characters group, he still acknowledges Xue Congyun. He brushed it off, saying, “I’m feeling a bit unwell.”

Xue Congyun responded with an “Oh.” He had heard from his brother that Jiang Juan had a heart condition. Xue Congyun continued, “And what about your hand? You weren’t bullied, were you?”


He didn’t say anything, and Jiang Juan himself had forgotten about it. Jiang Juan lowered his head; his hand and wrist were red, looking quite painful, but in reality, he didn’t feel much anymore. Jiang Juan shook his head, “No, I wasn’t.”

Xue Congyun, however, wasn’t quite convinced. How could he be sitting here looking so gloomy if he hadn’t been bullied?

Although Xue Congyun usually acted clueless, he had a strong sense of justice. So he said firmly, “Brother Nian said it himself. You invited him to the lake that day, it was premeditated.”


“I don’t think you’re stupid either,” Xue Congyun looked at Jiang Juan curiously, “I’ve been asking you for so long, what’s the matter—although I also dislike you, I keep my public and private matters separate. If you’ve really been bullied, I can reluctantly help you out.”

Jiang Juan: “…”

Thank you.

Do the protagonist shou know you’re such a softie?

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Juan truthfully said, “It was His Highness who accidentally pinched me.”

Xue Congyun remained quiet for a few seconds, then tactfully changed his tune, “….Well, let’s just pretend nothing happened.”

Just a moment ago, he was the epitome of righteousness, but upon hearing it was Xue Fangli, he turned into a timid quail. Jiang Juan couldn’t help but laugh.

Xue Congyun also had his pride. He felt a bit embarrassed and angry, raising his head to glare, but when he met Jiang Juan’s smiling eyes, his own anger subsided first. 

Damn, he looks really good.

He already looks like a celestial being, and when he smiles, he looks even better.

No, this won’t do.

He can’t be swayed by looks.

The real beauty is his Brother Nian, beautiful inside and out, with both appearance and virtue. Jiang Juan is just superficial; he’s a false beauty.

Xue Congyun struggled against his feelings.  

After a good while, Xue Congyun finally put on a serious face and awkwardly brought up the main topic, “Hey, how’s that clam bird I sent?”

Jiang Juan: “?”

Clam bird? What clam bird?

He looked puzzled, so Xue Congyun reminded him, “The token I sent, carved with a little sparrow, looks and feels like a pearl.”

Jiang Juan: “Ah?” 

Xue Congyun endured and endured, “The one my Fifth Brother gave you last night. Didn’t he instruct to send all the gifts to your place? I sent my clam bird along with them.”

Jiang Juan fell into silence. How should he respond? The gifts were too abundant, he hadn’t even finished reading the gift list, let alone noticed anything about a clam bird. Jiang Juan hadn’t paid attention to it at all.

However, out of social courtesy, Jiang Juan still cooperatively said, “I remember now.”


Xue Congyun stared at him with eager anticipation, his eyes urging Jiang Juan for a response, but Jiang Juan had nothing more to add. Xue Congyun, unwilling to give up, hinted at him, “Don’t you have anything to say?”

Jiang Juan was completely confused, “Say what?”

Of course, he should have praised it to the skies!

Xue Congyun’s vanity wasn’t satisfied. He took a deep breath and began to put on a sour face again, “A country bumpkin like you probably hasn’t seen such fine things before, right?”

Jiang Juan hadn’t even seen the clam bird, so he had no basis for comparison. Hesitating for a few seconds, he calmly said, “…You’re right.”

Xue Congyun: “?”

Hesitation, damn it, how dare you hesitate!

Forget about celestial beings; Xue Congyun felt like even if the god himself came, he’d still be irritated by Jiang Juan’s hesitation.

“Do you know how difficult it is to raise this clam bird?” Xue Congyun’s emotions rose, “Fishermen put the token inside a clam shell and it takes many years before they can raise it to look like a pearl. There are only a few of them in the whole world!”


Jiang Juan: “Ah, I see. I understand now.”

Xue Congyun: “…”

Feeling like he had been fooled again.

The more Xue Congyun thought about it, the angrier he became. He had finally managed to obtain this treasure and handed it over, only for the other party not to recognize its worth, not even to give a single compliment, but instead just brush him off.

“My clam bird might not be considered a valuable item, then what do you consider valuable?” Xue Congyun was increasingly irritated, “Forget it, even if you’ve seen something more precious than the clam bird, I have something even better than that.”  

“Just you wait!”

After holding it in for so long, Xue Congyun squeezed out three words from between his teeth. He had so many treasures in his warehouse; he refused to believe he couldn’t find something even better to send to Jiang Juan, to broaden this country bumpkin’s horizons.

His damn competitiveness!

Xue Congyun stormed off with determination, completely forgetting his initial intention of confronting Jiang Juan—his plan now was to touch his claim bird one last time, maybe even tuck in a few more treasures.


Jiang Juan sighed. He couldn’t get angry with Xue Congyun; if he went along with him, he’d still get angry. Was the Sixth Prince turning into a pufferfish spirit, being grumpy all the time?

Ignoring him, Jiang Juan quietly enjoyed the breeze for a while. Feeling that it was time to leave, he prepared to go back. But today seemed particularly unfortunate for him. Just as he walked away from Xue Congyun, he ran into Marquis Anping.

Jiang Juan: “…”

Oh, what bad luck.

He had intended to pretend he hadn’t seen him and just walk past, but Marquis Anping stopped him, “Your Royal Consort.” 


Jiang Juan had no choice but to stop and greet him, “Marquis.”

Marquis Anping looked at him with a complicated expression.

During their private meeting with Emperor Hongxing, he had become distracted because of Jiang Juan, and he hadn’t insisted on Emperor Hongxing arranging a marriage for him.

He thought, perhaps it was guilt.

In the past, when they met, Jiang Juan would nervously lower his head, cautiously approach him, and try to please him. Compared to his polite yet distant attitude now, it was like two different people.


If it weren’t for the fact that he still possessed the jade pendant and had witnessed his interactions with Prince Li, he would have thought that Jiang Juan had finally given up or let go completely.

Yes, that was because of Prince Li.

Even the Empress Dowager couldn’t provoke him in his presence, let alone Jiang Juan. He feared him, dared not to offend him in the slightest, and certainly couldn’t reveal any affection towards himself. It was only natural.

After a moment of silence, Marquis Anping asked Jiang Juan in a low voice, “Do you resent me?”

This marriage should have fallen on Jiang Nian’s shoulders. Marquis Anping and Minister Jiang had worked together on it, and the Eldest Prince had also lent a hand, which eventually persuaded Emperor Hongxing to change his mind and choose Jiang Juan.


He knew Jiang Juan had feelings for him, but he also knew there was nothing he could do about it.

“No, not at all.”

How could Jiang Juan resent Marquis Anping? If it weren’t for them, Jiang Juan wouldn’t have married Prince Li, and wouldn’t have become a salted fish. He sincerely said, “I even wanted to thank you.”

The answer was unexpected. Marquis Anping frowned upon hearing it, then said firmly, “You resent me.”


Jiang Juan: “?”

He didn’t, really didn’t.

Jiang Juan gave Marquis Anping a puzzled look, not wanting to deal with him anymore, and tried to leave, but Marquis Anping grabbed his wrist.

Marquis Anping pursed his lips.

Jiang Juan’s expression just now somehow made him annoyed.

Such clarity, yet so indifferent.


Unlike his previous gloominess, it was evident that Marquis Anping didn’t detect any hint of affection in Jiang Juan’s eyes, only a desire to avoid him at all costs.

Jiang Juan instinctively struggled, and Marquis Anping realized his mistake. He let go, but then grabbed Jiang Juan’s sleeve instead. Jiang Juan’s wrist was exposed, marked with alarming red fingerprints.

Marquis Anping paused, “Was it His Highness’s doings?”

Jiang Juan ignored him, “Let go.”  

If Marquis Anping had only speculated before, now he was completely certain.

Jiang Juan wasn’t living well in Prince Li Residence.

It was easy to understand. Prince Li was that kind of person—cruel by nature, fond of tormenting others.

His unfounded anger dissipated, and Marquis Anping felt guilty. “I’m sorry that you have to marry into Prince Li Residence.”

Jiang Juan replied, “…..No, it’s not your fault.”


His scalp tingled, not knowing what Marquis Anping was doing. He just found the man clingy and annoying, always circling around the same idea.

—”You’re just venting, I don’t believe it.”

But Jiang Juan wasn’t really angry. He had changed his mindset, and having died once, he cherished his life and knew that getting angry wasn’t worth it. What would he do if he got sick from anger?

After some thought, Jiang Juan said earnestly, “Marquis, you haven’t wronged me, really. His Highness is gentle and refined, quite different from the rumors. He has treated me well, and being able to enter Prince Li Residence is my good fortune.” 

What kind of person Prince Li was, Marquis Anping knew all too well. He had dealt with Prince Li enough to understand what a dangerous and cruel man he was.

“You don’t have to do this. Prince Li is reckless and ruthless. What kind of person he is, I know better than you.”

But seeing is believing, and Jiang Juan had interacted with Xue Fangli before. He didn’t want to continue this back-and-forth with Marquis Anping. Trying once more to withdraw his hand, he cautioned, “Marquis, be careful with your words.”

Marquis Anping stared at him for a while, thinking he was just afraid. “Jiang Juan, you—”

“I, no matter what, can’t compare to Marquis Anping, in discussing merits and faults behind someone’s back.”

A man’s faint voice came, sounding tired and indifferent. Marquis Anping’s expression changed.

After a pause, Xue Fangli continued in a leisurely manner, “Marquis, after saying so much, how could you forget? The Third Young Master is the Royal Consort I officially married.”

Marquis Anping froze.


Xue Fangli looked at him and seemingly kindly reminded, “Marquis, your hand.”

Marquis Anping neither released nor kept holding Jiang Juan’s hand, feeling unlucky either way.

Running into Marquis Anping and getting caught by Xue Fangli on the spot, would His Highness misunderstand?

Thinking like this, Jiang Juan glanced at him several times, his eyes glistening.

What’s with the coquettish look?  


Xue Fangli glanced at him, naturally noticing Jiang Juan’s subtle movements. He frowned, then finally spoke again.

“I am reckless and ruthless. Marquis, you should be more cautious in the future,” Xue Fangli said with a slow smile. “If there’s another incident, I might just take your whole hand.”

His tone was casual, as if he were making a harmless joke, but Marquis Anping knew Xue Fangli was serious.

He was warning himself.

Marquis Anping lowered his head and replied, “Understood.”

A smile played at the corner of Xue Fangli’s lips. After a while, he leisurely remarked, “Marquis, do you know how to address the Third Young Master properly?”

Marquis Anping didn’t understand his intention, so he replied calmly, “…..Your Royal Consort”

“So Marquis knew,” Xue Fangli teased, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. “Then why did I hear you call the Third Young Master by his given name earlier?” 


“They say Marquis has had the privilege of receiving guidance from Mr. Bai, showing a certain level of elegance and etiquette in his conduct. Yet, when Marquis encounters Third Young Master, not only does he address him directly by name, but also persistently entangles himself. Is this what Marquis considers gentlemanly conduct?”

Xue Fangli’s smile remained, but his eyes carried a chill.

Marquis Anping knew that Xue Fangli was using this as an excuse to insult him, but he was powerless to do anything about it. When Prince Li acted recklessly, even the current Emperor couldn’t intervene. He could only endure it, unable to resist.

After a moment of silence, Marquis Anping said, “I have offended. I hope Your Highness and the Royal Consort can forgive me.”

Xue Fangli raised his eyes, looking at him with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile, evidently unsatisfied.

Seeing this, Marquis Anping gritted his teeth, raised both hands to his forehead, and deeply bowed, performing a formal bow. “I hope… Your Highness and the Royal Consort can forgive me.”

Xue Fangli glanced at Jiang Juan, gesturing for him to speak.


Jiang Juan: “…It’s, it’s okay.”

He was mature enough to choose forgiveness.

In reality, Jiang Juan dared not not forgive. He felt very conflicted right now.

Marquis Anping was a main character, after all. But lying low like a salted fish, having someone to support him, felt so blissful, truly blissful.

Xue Fangli nodded, not sparing another glance for Marquis Anping, and simply said to Jiang Juan, “Let’s go back to the residence.”

Jiang Juan asked, “Do we not need to go back to see His Majesty anymore?”

Xue Fangli responded with a simple “Hmm” and started walking, prompting Jiang Juan to quickly follow suit.

Marquis Anping stood up, silently watching the two figures departing into the distance, a hint of coldness flashing in his restrained expression.

Prince Li.

Let’s see how much longer you can be arrogant.

As for Jiang Juan, he couldn’t blame him for being upset with him. After all, he owed him something in the end. 

He would do his best to make amends for his deep feelings.

If Jiang Juan knew Marquis Anping’s thoughts, he would probably flee the capital overnight. But Jiang Juan didn’t know yet. Carriages were not allowed in the Imperial City, so he and Xue Fangli were still walking on the road, Jiang Juan absentmindedly recalling the plot.

About Prince Li’s death, there was a passage in the book that described it.


——”That night, Prince Li stayed at a remote country manor. In the middle of the night, he suffered a sudden illness, coughing up blood incessantly. The imperial physicians accompanying him hurriedly arrived, but they were unable to do anything. Before dawn, news of Prince Li’s death had already reached the capital. The Emperor, upon hearing this, was furious, suspending court for three days and ordering the execution of over a hundred people.”

Why were so many people executed? Was it simply displaced anger, or…

Jiang Juan pondered seriously, when suddenly Xue Fangli asked him, “What are you thinking about?”


His train of thought was interrupted, and Jiang Juan instinctively responded, “Thinking about you…”

… Your death.

Fortunately, he snapped out of it just in time, and Jiang Juan didn’t finish the second half of his sentence. Xue Fangli raised an eyebrow, asking with interest, “Oh? What are you thinking about me?”

“But about what Marquis Anping said,” Xue Fangli continued, “that I am reckless and cruel.”  

Jiang Juan glanced at him strangely, “Your Highness is not like that, why would you think so?”

Xue Fangli asked casually, “You don’t believe him?”

Jiang Juan immediately shook his head, “I only believe in Your Highness.”

After a moment of thought, he lifted his head, his eyelashes fluttering a few times, and his soft lips curved upwards slightly. He smiled, his eyes twinkling, “Just like how Your Highness believed in me before.”

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The Salted Fish Has Gotten Over It Chapter 8

The Salted Fish Has Gotten Over It Chapter 8

Chapter 8

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Jiang Juan didn't find the stroll very enjoyable.

After walking a few steps, he didn't feel like moving anymore. The Imperial Garden, the mountain rock landscapes, Jiang Juan just glanced at them from afar and that was enough for him. He didn't feel like wandering around to experience them firsthand.

Seeing his listless expression, Chief Steward Wang hurriedly approached and inquired, "Your Royal Consort, is your health not well?"

Of course, Jiang Juan couldn't tell the truth - he felt tired and bored, so he just nodded, "I'm feeling a bit unwell."

Chief Steward Wang quickly escorted him to rest in the pavilion.

The pavilion was surrounded by a lake on three sides, with emerald green lotus leaves floating on the surface. Jiang Juan leaned on the railing, enjoying the breeze. It wasn't too hot yet, and the natural breeze felt very comfortable.

But he wondered what he would do when summer arrived. No cola, and certainly no air conditioning.

With this thought, Jiang Juan felt a bit down again. He let his hand hang down, resting his head on his arm. The oversized sleeves were blown up by the wind, revealing a small section of his wrist. It should have been snow-white, but unfortunately, it bore several red marks.


"Hey, you—"

Xue Congyun had spent the entire morning searching and finally caught Jiang Juan alone. He swaggered into the pavilion, intending to put on a show, but as soon as he lowered his head, he was startled.

Jiang Juan's skin was fair, but those red marks were alarming, as if he had been subjected to some kind of abuse. Congyun's tone changed abruptly, "What happened to your hand?"

After speaking, he remembered something and said cautiously, "I'm just asking, it shouldn’t be me who did it. But later, you mustn't tell Fifth Brother about this—Chief Steward Wang, you have to testify for me too."

It's no wonder he overreacted. Considering Jiang Juan's malicious thoughts and how harshly he was dealt with last night, Xue Congyun was forced to be cautious.

"I have met the Sixth Prince," Chief Steward Wang bowed and said with a smile, "Sixth Prince, you're thought too much.”  

Jiang Juan was still feeling down—he had lost air conditioning and cola in the summer, and for now, he didn't want to pay attention to Xue Congyun. Xue Congyun endured for quite a while, feeling inexplicably uneasy seeing Jiang Juan's gloomy expression. He asked, "Hey, what's wrong? Are you upset?"

He was afraid of being misunderstood as the one who caused it, just asking casually, absolutely no other intentions.

Jiang Juan glanced at him slowly.  

As one of the main characters, the Sixth Prince is a lively presence in the story, specifically included to lighten the mood. He's actually a bit naive and doesn't have much cunning. Jiang Juan doesn't dislike him; he even finds him somewhat amusing.

Because of this, although Jiang Juan doesn't really want to interact with the main characters group, he still acknowledges Xue Congyun. He brushed it off, saying, “I’m feeling a bit unwell."

Xue Congyun responded with an "Oh." He had heard from his brother that Jiang Juan had a heart condition. Xue Congyun continued, "And what about your hand? You weren't bullied, were you?"


He didn't say anything, and Jiang Juan himself had forgotten about it. Jiang Juan lowered his head; his hand and wrist were red, looking quite painful, but in reality, he didn't feel much anymore. Jiang Juan shook his head, "No, I wasn't."

Xue Congyun, however, wasn't quite convinced. How could he be sitting here looking so gloomy if he hadn't been bullied?

Although Xue Congyun usually acted clueless, he had a strong sense of justice. So he said firmly, "Brother Nian said it himself. You invited him to the lake that day, it was premeditated."


"I don't think you're stupid either," Xue Congyun looked at Jiang Juan curiously, "I've been asking you for so long, what's the matter—although I also dislike you, I keep my public and private matters separate. If you've really been bullied, I can reluctantly help you out."

Jiang Juan: "..."

Thank you.

Do the protagonist shou know you're such a softie?

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Juan truthfully said, "It was His Highness who accidentally pinched me."

Xue Congyun remained quiet for a few seconds, then tactfully changed his tune, “….Well, let's just pretend nothing happened."

Just a moment ago, he was the epitome of righteousness, but upon hearing it was Xue Fangli, he turned into a timid quail. Jiang Juan couldn't help but laugh.

Xue Congyun also had his pride. He felt a bit embarrassed and angry, raising his head to glare, but when he met Jiang Juan's smiling eyes, his own anger subsided first. 

Damn, he looks really good.

He already looks like a celestial being, and when he smiles, he looks even better.

No, this won't do.

He can't be swayed by looks.

The real beauty is his Brother Nian, beautiful inside and out, with both appearance and virtue. Jiang Juan is just superficial; he's a false beauty.

Xue Congyun struggled against his feelings.  

After a good while, Xue Congyun finally put on a serious face and awkwardly brought up the main topic, "Hey, how's that clam bird I sent?"

Jiang Juan: "?"

Clam bird? What clam bird?

He looked puzzled, so Xue Congyun reminded him, "The token I sent, carved with a little sparrow, looks and feels like a pearl."

Jiang Juan: "Ah?" 

Xue Congyun endured and endured, "The one my Fifth Brother gave you last night. Didn't he instruct to send all the gifts to your place? I sent my clam bird along with them."

Jiang Juan fell into silence. How should he respond? The gifts were too abundant, he hadn't even finished reading the gift list, let alone noticed anything about a clam bird. Jiang Juan hadn't paid attention to it at all.

However, out of social courtesy, Jiang Juan still cooperatively said, "I remember now."


Xue Congyun stared at him with eager anticipation, his eyes urging Jiang Juan for a response, but Jiang Juan had nothing more to add. Xue Congyun, unwilling to give up, hinted at him, "Don't you have anything to say?"

Jiang Juan was completely confused, "Say what?"

Of course, he should have praised it to the skies!

Xue Congyun's vanity wasn't satisfied. He took a deep breath and began to put on a sour face again, "A country bumpkin like you probably hasn't seen such fine things before, right?"

Jiang Juan hadn't even seen the clam bird, so he had no basis for comparison. Hesitating for a few seconds, he calmly said, "…You're right."

Xue Congyun: "?"

Hesitation, damn it, how dare you hesitate!

Forget about celestial beings; Xue Congyun felt like even if the god himself came, he'd still be irritated by Jiang Juan's hesitation.

"Do you know how difficult it is to raise this clam bird?” Xue Congyun's emotions rose, "Fishermen put the token inside a clam shell and it takes many years before they can raise it to look like a pearl. There are only a few of them in the whole world!"


Jiang Juan: "Ah, I see. I understand now."

Xue Congyun: "..."

Feeling like he had been fooled again.

The more Xue Congyun thought about it, the angrier he became. He had finally managed to obtain this treasure and handed it over, only for the other party not to recognize its worth, not even to give a single compliment, but instead just brush him off.

"My clam bird might not be considered a valuable item, then what do you consider valuable?" Xue Congyun was increasingly irritated, "Forget it, even if you've seen something more precious than the clam bird, I have something even better than that."  

"Just you wait!"

After holding it in for so long, Xue Congyun squeezed out three words from between his teeth. He had so many treasures in his warehouse; he refused to believe he couldn't find something even better to send to Jiang Juan, to broaden this country bumpkin's horizons.

His damn competitiveness!

Xue Congyun stormed off with determination, completely forgetting his initial intention of confronting Jiang Juan—his plan now was to touch his claim bird one last time, maybe even tuck in a few more treasures.


Jiang Juan sighed. He couldn't get angry with Xue Congyun; if he went along with him, he'd still get angry. Was the Sixth Prince turning into a pufferfish spirit, being grumpy all the time?

Ignoring him, Jiang Juan quietly enjoyed the breeze for a while. Feeling that it was time to leave, he prepared to go back. But today seemed particularly unfortunate for him. Just as he walked away from Xue Congyun, he ran into Marquis Anping.

Jiang Juan: "..."

Oh, what bad luck.

He had intended to pretend he hadn't seen him and just walk past, but Marquis Anping stopped him, "Your Royal Consort." 


Jiang Juan had no choice but to stop and greet him, "Marquis."

Marquis Anping looked at him with a complicated expression.

During their private meeting with Emperor Hongxing, he had become distracted because of Jiang Juan, and he hadn't insisted on Emperor Hongxing arranging a marriage for him.

He thought, perhaps it was guilt.

In the past, when they met, Jiang Juan would nervously lower his head, cautiously approach him, and try to please him. Compared to his polite yet distant attitude now, it was like two different people.


If it weren't for the fact that he still possessed the jade pendant and had witnessed his interactions with Prince Li, he would have thought that Jiang Juan had finally given up or let go completely.

Yes, that was because of Prince Li.

Even the Empress Dowager couldn't provoke him in his presence, let alone Jiang Juan. He feared him, dared not to offend him in the slightest, and certainly couldn't reveal any affection towards himself. It was only natural.

After a moment of silence, Marquis Anping asked Jiang Juan in a low voice, "Do you resent me?"

This marriage should have fallen on Jiang Nian's shoulders. Marquis Anping and Minister Jiang had worked together on it, and the Eldest Prince had also lent a hand, which eventually persuaded Emperor Hongxing to change his mind and choose Jiang Juan.


He knew Jiang Juan had feelings for him, but he also knew there was nothing he could do about it.

"No, not at all."

How could Jiang Juan resent Marquis Anping? If it weren't for them, Jiang Juan wouldn't have married Prince Li, and wouldn't have become a salted fish. He sincerely said, "I even wanted to thank you."

The answer was unexpected. Marquis Anping frowned upon hearing it, then said firmly, "You resent me."


Jiang Juan: "?"

He didn't, really didn't.

Jiang Juan gave Marquis Anping a puzzled look, not wanting to deal with him anymore, and tried to leave, but Marquis Anping grabbed his wrist.

Marquis Anping pursed his lips.

Jiang Juan's expression just now somehow made him annoyed.

Such clarity, yet so indifferent.


Unlike his previous gloominess, it was evident that Marquis Anping didn't detect any hint of affection in Jiang Juan's eyes, only a desire to avoid him at all costs.

Jiang Juan instinctively struggled, and Marquis Anping realized his mistake. He let go, but then grabbed Jiang Juan's sleeve instead. Jiang Juan's wrist was exposed, marked with alarming red fingerprints.

Marquis Anping paused, "Was it His Highness’s doings?”

Jiang Juan ignored him, "Let go."  

If Marquis Anping had only speculated before, now he was completely certain.

Jiang Juan wasn't living well in Prince Li Residence.

It was easy to understand. Prince Li was that kind of person—cruel by nature, fond of tormenting others.

His unfounded anger dissipated, and Marquis Anping felt guilty. “I’m sorry that you have to marry into Prince Li Residence.”

Jiang Juan replied, “…..No, it's not your fault."


His scalp tingled, not knowing what Marquis Anping was doing. He just found the man clingy and annoying, always circling around the same idea.

—"You're just venting, I don't believe it."

But Jiang Juan wasn't really angry. He had changed his mindset, and having died once, he cherished his life and knew that getting angry wasn't worth it. What would he do if he got sick from anger?

After some thought, Jiang Juan said earnestly, "Marquis, you haven't wronged me, really. His Highness is gentle and refined, quite different from the rumors. He has treated me well, and being able to enter Prince Li Residence is my good fortune." 

What kind of person Prince Li was, Marquis Anping knew all too well. He had dealt with Prince Li enough to understand what a dangerous and cruel man he was.

"You don't have to do this. Prince Li is reckless and ruthless. What kind of person he is, I know better than you."

But seeing is believing, and Jiang Juan had interacted with Xue Fangli before. He didn't want to continue this back-and-forth with Marquis Anping. Trying once more to withdraw his hand, he cautioned, "Marquis, be careful with your words."

Marquis Anping stared at him for a while, thinking he was just afraid. "Jiang Juan, you—"

"I, no matter what, can't compare to Marquis Anping, in discussing merits and faults behind someone's back."

A man's faint voice came, sounding tired and indifferent. Marquis Anping's expression changed.

After a pause, Xue Fangli continued in a leisurely manner, "Marquis, after saying so much, how could you forget? The Third Young Master is the Royal Consort I officially married."

Marquis Anping froze.


Xue Fangli looked at him and seemingly kindly reminded, "Marquis, your hand."

Marquis Anping neither released nor kept holding Jiang Juan's hand, feeling unlucky either way.

Running into Marquis Anping and getting caught by Xue Fangli on the spot, would His Highness misunderstand?

Thinking like this, Jiang Juan glanced at him several times, his eyes glistening.

What's with the coquettish look?  


Xue Fangli glanced at him, naturally noticing Jiang Juan's subtle movements. He frowned, then finally spoke again.

"I am reckless and ruthless. Marquis, you should be more cautious in the future," Xue Fangli said with a slow smile. "If there's another incident, I might just take your whole hand."

His tone was casual, as if he were making a harmless joke, but Marquis Anping knew Xue Fangli was serious.

He was warning himself.

Marquis Anping lowered his head and replied, “Understood.”

A smile played at the corner of Xue Fangli's lips. After a while, he leisurely remarked, "Marquis, do you know how to address the Third Young Master properly?"

Marquis Anping didn't understand his intention, so he replied calmly, “…..Your Royal Consort”

"So Marquis knew," Xue Fangli teased, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. "Then why did I hear you call the Third Young Master by his given name earlier?" 


"They say Marquis has had the privilege of receiving guidance from Mr. Bai, showing a certain level of elegance and etiquette in his conduct. Yet, when Marquis encounters Third Young Master, not only does he address him directly by name, but also persistently entangles himself. Is this what Marquis considers gentlemanly conduct?"

Xue Fangli's smile remained, but his eyes carried a chill.

Marquis Anping knew that Xue Fangli was using this as an excuse to insult him, but he was powerless to do anything about it. When Prince Li acted recklessly, even the current Emperor couldn't intervene. He could only endure it, unable to resist.

After a moment of silence, Marquis Anping said, "I have offended. I hope Your Highness and the Royal Consort can forgive me."

Xue Fangli raised his eyes, looking at him with a smile that wasn't quite a smile, evidently unsatisfied.

Seeing this, Marquis Anping gritted his teeth, raised both hands to his forehead, and deeply bowed, performing a formal bow. "I hope... Your Highness and the Royal Consort can forgive me."

Xue Fangli glanced at Jiang Juan, gesturing for him to speak.


Jiang Juan: "...It's, it's okay."

He was mature enough to choose forgiveness.

In reality, Jiang Juan dared not not forgive. He felt very conflicted right now.

Marquis Anping was a main character, after all. But lying low like a salted fish, having someone to support him, felt so blissful, truly blissful.

Xue Fangli nodded, not sparing another glance for Marquis Anping, and simply said to Jiang Juan, "Let's go back to the residence.”

Jiang Juan asked, "Do we not need to go back to see His Majesty anymore?"

Xue Fangli responded with a simple "Hmm" and started walking, prompting Jiang Juan to quickly follow suit.

Marquis Anping stood up, silently watching the two figures departing into the distance, a hint of coldness flashing in his restrained expression.

Prince Li.

Let's see how much longer you can be arrogant.

As for Jiang Juan, he couldn't blame him for being upset with him. After all, he owed him something in the end. 

He would do his best to make amends for his deep feelings.

If Jiang Juan knew Marquis Anping's thoughts, he would probably flee the capital overnight. But Jiang Juan didn't know yet. Carriages were not allowed in the Imperial City, so he and Xue Fangli were still walking on the road, Jiang Juan absentmindedly recalling the plot.

About Prince Li’s death, there was a passage in the book that described it.


——"That night, Prince Li stayed at a remote country manor. In the middle of the night, he suffered a sudden illness, coughing up blood incessantly. The imperial physicians accompanying him hurriedly arrived, but they were unable to do anything. Before dawn, news of Prince Li's death had already reached the capital. The Emperor, upon hearing this, was furious, suspending court for three days and ordering the execution of over a hundred people."

Why were so many people executed? Was it simply displaced anger, or...

Jiang Juan pondered seriously, when suddenly Xue Fangli asked him, "What are you thinking about?"


His train of thought was interrupted, and Jiang Juan instinctively responded, "Thinking about you..."

... Your death.

Fortunately, he snapped out of it just in time, and Jiang Juan didn't finish the second half of his sentence. Xue Fangli raised an eyebrow, asking with interest, "Oh? What are you thinking about me?"

"But about what Marquis Anping said," Xue Fangli continued, "that I am reckless and cruel."  

Jiang Juan glanced at him strangely, “Your Highness is not like that, why would you think so?"

Xue Fangli asked casually, "You don't believe him?"

Jiang Juan immediately shook his head, "I only believe in Your Highness.”

After a moment of thought, he lifted his head, his eyelashes fluttering a few times, and his soft lips curved upwards slightly. He smiled, his eyes twinkling, "Just like how Your Highness believed in me before."

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can’t wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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  1. cynd1972 says:

    Hello ! The link to chapter 9 is broken :(
    Help me to continue this nice story, please!

    1. Ciacia says:

      Hi, it should be fixed! Thank you!

      1. Cynd1972 says:

        Thank you ! And thank you for translating this novel ????

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