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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 106

Chapter 106

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Xue Yao couldn’t tell the reason for the slight unhappiness on the now-slimmed chubby face.

As the chubby cub’s adolescence approached, Xue Yao noticed that this fellow seemed more concerned about his image than he was in his younger years.

So… perhaps…

“Of course, Your Highness’ Tai Chi Mental Cultivation Technique is also impressive, in its own way,” Xue Yao cautiously complimented with a touch of flattery.

​【Lu Qian’s sense of security +2】​

Xue Yao breathed a sigh of relief. The alarm was lifted.

The chubby cub unexpectedly encountered the Sword Saint. It was truly unbelievable twist of fate.

In the novel, Lu Qian didn’t take part in this war. Upon learning of the deaths of his Father Emperor and the Crown Prince, he was imprisoned in the palace by Consort Tong. Later, with the help of Fourth Zhang, he escaped the palace and actively went to Baixing Mountain to seek a master and learn martial arts.

In this life, the Sword Saint surprisingly descended the mountain in search of disciples. Indeed, it was a destined master-disciple relationship.

According to the novel, Lu Qian was able to master swordsmanship in just two and a half years, and thereafter continued to grow stronger each year. He was on the verge of becoming the top-tier Long Aotian. Xue Yao was excited beyond measure.

In this life, the Crown Prince didn’t die in battle, sparing the chubby cub from the burdens of state affairs. Even if his personality was a bit more like husky, it shouldn’t have too much of an impact… right?

However, the Third Prince didn’t ascend to the throne, and the chubby cub didn’t go into hiding. Did this mean the group of concubines that Prince Ning encountered during his exile in the previous life had no role to play?

Xue Yao also had an ultimate quest, 【Make the Cold-Blooded Tyrant’s Heart Flutter】. Without the harem, how could he accomplish this quest?

As Xue Yao pinched His Highness’ cheek, he pondered silently. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the elderly man with white hair and a youthful face staring at him intently.

Who was this old man?

Xue Yao recalled and realized he was the head of some martial arts sect.

“You’re that Yaoyao, aren’t you?” The sect master stared at Xue Yao.

Xue Yao immediately withdrew his cheek-pinching hand and sat upright with courtesy. “Does Elder recognize me?”

“According to Lu Qian, you persuaded him to apprentice under the Sword Saint.”

“Ah, that’s right.” Xue Yao smiled. “We’ve long admired the Sword Saint’s name. Upon learning of the venerable Sword Saint…”

The sect master promptly interrupted Xue Yao, raising a hand. “Alright, now you make him apprentice under me too. This boy is single-minded. He’ll only accept the master you ask him to. I heard he’s got exceptional aptitude, so I’ll make an exception and take him in. My Qinglong Staff Technique is no less renowned than Old Qiu’s! I had retired from the martial arts world, but seeing this boy’s extraordinary potential, I’ll make an exception and accept him as a disciple.”

“To apprentice under you?” Xue Yao lowered his gaze to the broken cane in Sect Master Xu’s hand…

“What’s with that disdainful look?” Sect Master Xu tapped his crutch. “We don’t usually carry proper weapons when going out! Understand? This crutch is not our sect’s weapon!”

Xue Yao didn’t mind His Highness learning an additional “skill,” but he asked, “Can His Highness really apprentice under two experts?”

The Sword Saint raised an eyebrow. “It doesn’t matter. I’m just afraid Lu Qian might struggle with two different martial arts. Sword and staff techniques have distinct foundations, with little overlap. It’s not something an ordinary person can endure.”

Sect Master Xu said, “I don’t mind either. Just consider it a favor to the brat.”

“Won’t the sword and staff clash? Will practicing staff techniques affect His Highness’ swordsmanship?”

“No, only the risk of depleted energy and lack of precision in learning both.”

Sect Master Xu enthusiastically promoted himself, “Our Qinglong Sect’s inner energy is pure Yang. The more you practice, the more energetic you become. Unlike those sword sects that exhaust their energy without returning to Yang, they need a good rest after a tough battle. We, on the other hand, only get more spirited with each fight!”

“Then why is your hair all white at such a young age?”

“You’re just nitpicking, aren’t you!” Sect Master Xu erupted in anger, waving his cane. “I’m ninety-seven years old! Can I still have a head full of dark hair?”

“You’re ninety-seven!” Xue Yao looked at the old man’s face in shock. He looked to be in his thirties or forties!

“Hmph.” Sect Master Xu raised his proud head. “How about it? Couldn’t tell, right?”

The Sword Saint, with a decade-long habit of teasing his old rival, cut in, “Looks at most ninety-six.”

“Your Highness!” Xue Yao turned to Lu Qian. “Quickly apprentice yourself to this master!”

Lu Qian hesitated, casting a somewhat disdainful glance at Sect Master Xu.

“Please, Master, accept this bow from your disciple!” Xue Yao raised his hand, forcefully making the chubby cub bow to the gentleman.

Well, now the chubby cub had one more skilled master than in the previous life!

However, in the last life, Prince Ning seemed to possess some special constitution, what  Fourth Zhang called the “innate constitution,” the strongest among this type of constitution.

Practicing swordsmanship just happened to be able to draw out the excess yang energy in His Highness’ body. If he were to practice the Qinglong staff internal martial art, which absorbed yang energy, would the excess yang energy in His Highness’ body have nowhere to go?

As the boat docked, Xue Yao put a stop to his random thoughts, focusing solely on exchanging the fifth cub back with complete mustaches and tails.

Initially concerned about being deceived by the Khitans, having two martial arts experts along eased his amxiety. Now, he didn’t need to worry too much.

The two martial arts masters had initially planned to forcefully retrieve or snatch the Fifth Prince using their skills. With the hostage exchange, it became more straightforward. They were not afraid to bring a few children into the enemy camp, that was how bold and resolute they were.

The remaining Khitan forces had long safely withdrawn from the battlefield. Waiting on the riverbank for the hostage exchange were only the remnants of two Khitan camps and one commander.

The first envoy sent by the Khitans to the Qi army camp had yet to return, and the second envoy had crossed the river just two days ago without any news of his return.

They had initially thought the Great Qi army had abandoned their Fifth Prince, breaking their promise and killing their last royal heir. Unexpectedly, a group of “old, weak, and wounded” individuals arrived, returning their Khitan Prince.

Due to their utter defeat, the Khitan commander had no intention of provoking further. Seeing the prince return unharmed, without a word, he led the group to meet their Fifth Prince.

Approaching the tent where the Fifth Prince was confined, behind thick felt curtains, Xue Yao heard the prince reciting poetry.

“Pouring a cup of turbid wine, my home a thousand miles away. I have not yet engraved my name, and there’s no plan to return…

“Lifting my eyes, I howl at the sky, with a strong and impassioned spirit. Thirty accomplishments turn to dust, on the cloud and moon’s journey of eight thousand miles…”

“Hurry up and take him away,” the Khitan General urged Xue Yao and the others with his eyes.

“How can the Fifth Prince’s voice be so hoarse!” Xue Yao protested angrily. “You’re mistreating the hostage!”

The Khitan General looked expressionless. “Talk non-stop for eight hours every day, see if your throat won’t get hoarse.”

Xue Yao had no response. Despite his Fifth Cub’s tendency to chatter, this was the enemy camp. The Fifth Prince couldn’t possibly chat so amicably with the enemy, talking non-stop for eight hours every day.

In reality, the Fifth Prince truly had no one to chat with in this military camp.

It was speculated that Father Emperor intended to sacrifice him and severe the Khitan royal bloodline. Hence, the Fifth Prince treated each day as if it were the moment of sacrifice, roaring passionate last words anytime, anywhere.

The purpose was twofold: to bolster his own courage and to leave behind an image of the unyielding bravery of the Great Qi imperial family for the enemy.

Unexpectedly, half a month passed, and the Khitan forces still hadn’t taken action. The Fifth Prince had almost lost his voice from constant shouting. Fortunately, Xue Yao arrived in time, avoiding an awkward situation.

When Xue Yao lifted the curtain, he almost didn’t recognize the rough-looking man sitting cross-legged on the carpet, eyes closed, and a scruffy beard on his face.

“To live as a hero, to die as…” The Fifth Prince heard someone lifting the curtain to enter but continued reciting his heroic last words with closed eyes.

“Fifth Brother?” Lu Qian was the first to recognize his big brother.

The Fifth Prince paused, keeping his eyes closed in silence for a moment. Then, he forced a bitter smile. “Another hallucination? Seventh Brother, if you can hear, take care of Consort Hui for Fifth Brother in the future. From now on, Fifth Brother can’t…” He choked.

The Fifth Prince’s words were cut off as the Seventh Prince covered his mouth. “Let’s talk later, Fifth Brother. They’re about to break camp.”

It truly was the voice of the Seventh Brother!

Opening his eyes, the Fifth Prince slowly raised his tearful gaze, looking at Seventh Brother with longing.

Seventh Brother seemed to have slimmed down a bit from memory, his features appearing more spirited than before.

“Seventh Brother! Is it really you?” The Fifth Prince leaped up, gripping Old Seventh’s arm. “Are you here to take Fifth Brother away?”

“No, just came for a family visit. Just taking a look and then leave,” the Seventh Prince replied with a cold expression.

Seeing the foolish Fifth Brother’s face gradually turning pale, the Seventh Prince stopped joking and spoke seriously, “The Khitan Prince we got talks less than Big Brother. This deal seems pretty good, but—”

The Fifth Prince stared blankly at his younger brother.

“But he doesn’t know Fifth Brother’s favorite ‘Full River Red’. As for Consort Hui, it’s better for Big Brother to take care of her yourself.”

Xue Yao approached, tidying up the messy bun on the Fifth Prince’s head. With teary eyes, he whispered, “We should go back now, Your Highness. Everyone is waiting for you.”

Faced with over half a month of impending death, the Fifth Prince had been brave, but at this heroic conclusion, he burst into tears.

With an arm around each of them, he embraced Xue Yao and the Seventh Prince, sobbing and complaining, “Why did you both take so long!”

Exiting the tent, the Fifth Prince noticed that Xue Yao and his brother hadn’t brought any guards. Just the two of them, foolishly coming to exchange hostages.

On closer inspection, the two old men who had been following them didn’t seem to be Khitans.

“You brought two old men here to exchange me?” The Fifth Prince couldn’t believe it.

“This is the Sword Saint!” Xue Yao reminded with a serious expression.

Ahem! Ahem!” Sect Master Xu raised his head proudly, reminding Xue Yao not to forget to introduce him.

“The Sword Saint that Fourth Zhang mentioned, whose swordsmanship has reached the transcendent realm!” Xue Yao, completely focused on praising the Sword Saint, entirely ignored Sect Master Xu.

Lu Qian had to step in and provide additional introductions on behalf of the little reader-in-waiting. He raised his hand to present Sect Master Xu to the Fifth Prince, “A big grandpa.”

Sect Master Xu replied, “I am truly grateful to you!”

“Sword Saint?!” The Fifth Prince, like many ordinary people, selectively pretended not to see Sect Master Xu. He turned to the Sword Saint in amazement and exclaimed, “You truly are the Sword Saint!”

The Sword Saint modestly shook his head and sighed. “Just a minor reputation. Are you Lu Qian’s elder brother? Your recitation just now was powerful, truly befitting a strong and upright man of Great Qi.”

The Fifth Prince seized the opportunity to showcase himself. To leave a good impression on the Sword Saint, he cleared his throat, assumed a profound air, and patted Seventh Brother’s shoulder. With a rhythmic tone, he began, “My younger brother once asked me: Fifth Brother, do you think life is more important or the glory of our homeland? I told him at that time—”

“Your grandpa never asked him such nonsense,” the Seventh Prince interrupted, uncooperative with the Fifth Prince’s performance.

“Let’s cross the river and return to camp first,” Xue Yao, worried that the Fifth Prince might suddenly become loquacious, quickly interrupted, “It’s safer to discuss matters after meeting the Crown Prince.”

“Eldest Brother has already returned?” The Fifth Prince breathed a sigh of relief. “I was worried that if Eldest Brother returned to the palace, Third Brother would cause trouble.”

“Return to the palace?” Lu Qian looked at his elder brother with confusion. “Wasn’t Eldest Brother captured while crossing the river?”

The Fifth Prince leaned in to the Seventh Prince’s ear and asked, “It’s a long story. Is Father Emperor recovered?”

“Not quite,” Lu Qian whispered to the Fifth Prince. “Father Emperor has been sleeping most of the days recently.”

The Fifth Prince frowned. “Possibly caught a cold. We need to return to the palace and let him recuperate.”

The brothers’ expressions turned somber. Without much talk, they bowed their heads and quickly left the Khitan camp.


As they exited the camp, the group heard the voice of the Khitan Prince from behind.

Turning around, they saw the Khitan Prince hurrying toward Xue Yao, holding something tightly in his hand.

“Can you tell me your name?” The Khitan Prince stared at Xue Yao with a serious expression.

“No.” Lu Qian stepped forward, shielding the little reader-in-waiting behind him, glaring defiantly at the little Khitan Prince. “The next meeting will be a farewell forever. Yaoyao has no need to remember the name of someone on the verge of death.”

Xue Yao was astonished, looking at the back of the chubby cub in disbelief.

Where did the chubby cub learn to be so fiercely confrontational? Was it those unscrupulous merchants?

“Your name is Yaoyao?” The Khitan Prince tilted his head, looking at Xue Yao behind Lu Qian. He extended a wolf fang with a totem carved on it. “Take it. I owe you a life. In the future, if you encounter difficulties, you can bring it to find me.”

“No need,” Xue Yao politely smiled. “Let’s each take what we need. No one owes anyone any favors.”

The Khitan Prince refused to retract the offer, silently insisting that he accept the wolf fang.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 106

The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 106

Chapter 106

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Xue Yao couldn't tell the reason for the slight unhappiness on the now-slimmed chubby face.

As the chubby cub's adolescence approached, Xue Yao noticed that this fellow seemed more concerned about his image than he was in his younger years.

So... perhaps...

"Of course, Your Highness' Tai Chi Mental Cultivation Technique is also impressive, in its own way," Xue Yao cautiously complimented with a touch of flattery.

​【Lu Qian's sense of security +2】​

Xue Yao breathed a sigh of relief. The alarm was lifted.

The chubby cub unexpectedly encountered the Sword Saint. It was truly unbelievable twist of fate.

In the novel, Lu Qian didn't take part in this war. Upon learning of the deaths of his Father Emperor and the Crown Prince, he was imprisoned in the palace by Consort Tong. Later, with the help of Fourth Zhang, he escaped the palace and actively went to Baixing Mountain to seek a master and learn martial arts.

In this life, the Sword Saint surprisingly descended the mountain in search of disciples. Indeed, it was a destined master-disciple relationship.

According to the novel, Lu Qian was able to master swordsmanship in just two and a half years, and thereafter continued to grow stronger each year. He was on the verge of becoming the top-tier Long Aotian. Xue Yao was excited beyond measure.

In this life, the Crown Prince didn't die in battle, sparing the chubby cub from the burdens of state affairs. Even if his personality was a bit more like husky, it shouldn't have too much of an impact... right?

However, the Third Prince didn't ascend to the throne, and the chubby cub didn't go into hiding. Did this mean the group of concubines that Prince Ning encountered during his exile in the previous life had no role to play?

Xue Yao also had an ultimate quest, 【Make the Cold-Blooded Tyrant's Heart Flutter】. Without the harem, how could he accomplish this quest?

As Xue Yao pinched His Highness' cheek, he pondered silently. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the elderly man with white hair and a youthful face staring at him intently.

Who was this old man?

Xue Yao recalled and realized he was the head of some martial arts sect.

"You're that Yaoyao, aren't you?" The sect master stared at Xue Yao.

Xue Yao immediately withdrew his cheek-pinching hand and sat upright with courtesy. "Does Elder recognize me?"

"According to Lu Qian, you persuaded him to apprentice under the Sword Saint."

"Ah, that's right." Xue Yao smiled. "We've long admired the Sword Saint's name. Upon learning of the venerable Sword Saint..."

The sect master promptly interrupted Xue Yao, raising a hand. "Alright, now you make him apprentice under me too. This boy is single-minded. He'll only accept the master you ask him to. I heard he's got exceptional aptitude, so I'll make an exception and take him in. My Qinglong Staff Technique is no less renowned than Old Qiu's! I had retired from the martial arts world, but seeing this boy's extraordinary potential, I'll make an exception and accept him as a disciple."

"To apprentice under you?" Xue Yao lowered his gaze to the broken cane in Sect Master Xu's hand...

"What's with that disdainful look?" Sect Master Xu tapped his crutch. "We don't usually carry proper weapons when going out! Understand? This crutch is not our sect's weapon!"

Xue Yao didn't mind His Highness learning an additional "skill," but he asked, "Can His Highness really apprentice under two experts?"

The Sword Saint raised an eyebrow. "It doesn't matter. I'm just afraid Lu Qian might struggle with two different martial arts. Sword and staff techniques have distinct foundations, with little overlap. It's not something an ordinary person can endure."

Sect Master Xu said, "I don't mind either. Just consider it a favor to the brat."

"Won't the sword and staff clash? Will practicing staff techniques affect His Highness' swordsmanship?"

"No, only the risk of depleted energy and lack of precision in learning both."

Sect Master Xu enthusiastically promoted himself, "Our Qinglong Sect's inner energy is pure Yang. The more you practice, the more energetic you become. Unlike those sword sects that exhaust their energy without returning to Yang, they need a good rest after a tough battle. We, on the other hand, only get more spirited with each fight!"

"Then why is your hair all white at such a young age?"

"You're just nitpicking, aren't you!" Sect Master Xu erupted in anger, waving his cane. "I'm ninety-seven years old! Can I still have a head full of dark hair?"

"You're ninety-seven!" Xue Yao looked at the old man's face in shock. He looked to be in his thirties or forties!

"Hmph." Sect Master Xu raised his proud head. "How about it? Couldn't tell, right?"

The Sword Saint, with a decade-long habit of teasing his old rival, cut in, "Looks at most ninety-six."

"Your Highness!" Xue Yao turned to Lu Qian. "Quickly apprentice yourself to this master!"

Lu Qian hesitated, casting a somewhat disdainful glance at Sect Master Xu.

"Please, Master, accept this bow from your disciple!" Xue Yao raised his hand, forcefully making the chubby cub bow to the gentleman.

Well, now the chubby cub had one more skilled master than in the previous life!

However, in the last life, Prince Ning seemed to possess some special constitution, what  Fourth Zhang called the "innate constitution," the strongest among this type of constitution.

Practicing swordsmanship just happened to be able to draw out the excess yang energy in His Highness' body. If he were to practice the Qinglong staff internal martial art, which absorbed yang energy, would the excess yang energy in His Highness' body have nowhere to go?

As the boat docked, Xue Yao put a stop to his random thoughts, focusing solely on exchanging the fifth cub back with complete mustaches and tails.

Initially concerned about being deceived by the Khitans, having two martial arts experts along eased his amxiety. Now, he didn't need to worry too much.

The two martial arts masters had initially planned to forcefully retrieve or snatch the Fifth Prince using their skills. With the hostage exchange, it became more straightforward. They were not afraid to bring a few children into the enemy camp, that was how bold and resolute they were.

The remaining Khitan forces had long safely withdrawn from the battlefield. Waiting on the riverbank for the hostage exchange were only the remnants of two Khitan camps and one commander.

The first envoy sent by the Khitans to the Qi army camp had yet to return, and the second envoy had crossed the river just two days ago without any news of his return.

They had initially thought the Great Qi army had abandoned their Fifth Prince, breaking their promise and killing their last royal heir. Unexpectedly, a group of "old, weak, and wounded" individuals arrived, returning their Khitan Prince.

Due to their utter defeat, the Khitan commander had no intention of provoking further. Seeing the prince return unharmed, without a word, he led the group to meet their Fifth Prince.

Approaching the tent where the Fifth Prince was confined, behind thick felt curtains, Xue Yao heard the prince reciting poetry.

"Pouring a cup of turbid wine, my home a thousand miles away. I have not yet engraved my name, and there's no plan to return...

"Lifting my eyes, I howl at the sky, with a strong and impassioned spirit. Thirty accomplishments turn to dust, on the cloud and moon's journey of eight thousand miles..."

"Hurry up and take him away," the Khitan General urged Xue Yao and the others with his eyes.

"How can the Fifth Prince's voice be so hoarse!" Xue Yao protested angrily. "You're mistreating the hostage!"

The Khitan General looked expressionless. "Talk non-stop for eight hours every day, see if your throat won't get hoarse."

Xue Yao had no response. Despite his Fifth Cub's tendency to chatter, this was the enemy camp. The Fifth Prince couldn't possibly chat so amicably with the enemy, talking non-stop for eight hours every day.

In reality, the Fifth Prince truly had no one to chat with in this military camp.

It was speculated that Father Emperor intended to sacrifice him and severe the Khitan royal bloodline. Hence, the Fifth Prince treated each day as if it were the moment of sacrifice, roaring passionate last words anytime, anywhere.

The purpose was twofold: to bolster his own courage and to leave behind an image of the unyielding bravery of the Great Qi imperial family for the enemy.

Unexpectedly, half a month passed, and the Khitan forces still hadn't taken action. The Fifth Prince had almost lost his voice from constant shouting. Fortunately, Xue Yao arrived in time, avoiding an awkward situation.

When Xue Yao lifted the curtain, he almost didn't recognize the rough-looking man sitting cross-legged on the carpet, eyes closed, and a scruffy beard on his face.

"To live as a hero, to die as..." The Fifth Prince heard someone lifting the curtain to enter but continued reciting his heroic last words with closed eyes.

"Fifth Brother?" Lu Qian was the first to recognize his big brother.

The Fifth Prince paused, keeping his eyes closed in silence for a moment. Then, he forced a bitter smile. "Another hallucination? Seventh Brother, if you can hear, take care of Consort Hui for Fifth Brother in the future. From now on, Fifth Brother can't..." He choked.

The Fifth Prince's words were cut off as the Seventh Prince covered his mouth. "Let's talk later, Fifth Brother. They're about to break camp."

It truly was the voice of the Seventh Brother!

Opening his eyes, the Fifth Prince slowly raised his tearful gaze, looking at Seventh Brother with longing.

Seventh Brother seemed to have slimmed down a bit from memory, his features appearing more spirited than before.

"Seventh Brother! Is it really you?" The Fifth Prince leaped up, gripping Old Seventh's arm. "Are you here to take Fifth Brother away?"

"No, just came for a family visit. Just taking a look and then leave," the Seventh Prince replied with a cold expression.

Seeing the foolish Fifth Brother's face gradually turning pale, the Seventh Prince stopped joking and spoke seriously, "The Khitan Prince we got talks less than Big Brother. This deal seems pretty good, but—"

The Fifth Prince stared blankly at his younger brother.

"But he doesn't know Fifth Brother's favorite 'Full River Red'. As for Consort Hui, it's better for Big Brother to take care of her yourself."

Xue Yao approached, tidying up the messy bun on the Fifth Prince's head. With teary eyes, he whispered, "We should go back now, Your Highness. Everyone is waiting for you."

Faced with over half a month of impending death, the Fifth Prince had been brave, but at this heroic conclusion, he burst into tears.

With an arm around each of them, he embraced Xue Yao and the Seventh Prince, sobbing and complaining, "Why did you both take so long!"

Exiting the tent, the Fifth Prince noticed that Xue Yao and his brother hadn't brought any guards. Just the two of them, foolishly coming to exchange hostages.

On closer inspection, the two old men who had been following them didn't seem to be Khitans.

"You brought two old men here to exchange me?" The Fifth Prince couldn't believe it.

"This is the Sword Saint!" Xue Yao reminded with a serious expression.

"Ahem! Ahem!" Sect Master Xu raised his head proudly, reminding Xue Yao not to forget to introduce him.

"The Sword Saint that Fourth Zhang mentioned, whose swordsmanship has reached the transcendent realm!" Xue Yao, completely focused on praising the Sword Saint, entirely ignored Sect Master Xu.

Lu Qian had to step in and provide additional introductions on behalf of the little reader-in-waiting. He raised his hand to present Sect Master Xu to the Fifth Prince, "A big grandpa."

Sect Master Xu replied, "I am truly grateful to you!"

"Sword Saint?!" The Fifth Prince, like many ordinary people, selectively pretended not to see Sect Master Xu. He turned to the Sword Saint in amazement and exclaimed, "You truly are the Sword Saint!"

The Sword Saint modestly shook his head and sighed. "Just a minor reputation. Are you Lu Qian's elder brother? Your recitation just now was powerful, truly befitting a strong and upright man of Great Qi."

The Fifth Prince seized the opportunity to showcase himself. To leave a good impression on the Sword Saint, he cleared his throat, assumed a profound air, and patted Seventh Brother's shoulder. With a rhythmic tone, he began, "My younger brother once asked me: Fifth Brother, do you think life is more important or the glory of our homeland? I told him at that time—"

"Your grandpa never asked him such nonsense," the Seventh Prince interrupted, uncooperative with the Fifth Prince's performance.

"Let's cross the river and return to camp first," Xue Yao, worried that the Fifth Prince might suddenly become loquacious, quickly interrupted, "It's safer to discuss matters after meeting the Crown Prince."

"Eldest Brother has already returned?" The Fifth Prince breathed a sigh of relief. "I was worried that if Eldest Brother returned to the palace, Third Brother would cause trouble."

"Return to the palace?" Lu Qian looked at his elder brother with confusion. "Wasn't Eldest Brother captured while crossing the river?"

The Fifth Prince leaned in to the Seventh Prince's ear and asked, "It's a long story. Is Father Emperor recovered?"

"Not quite," Lu Qian whispered to the Fifth Prince. "Father Emperor has been sleeping most of the days recently."

The Fifth Prince frowned. "Possibly caught a cold. We need to return to the palace and let him recuperate."

The brothers' expressions turned somber. Without much talk, they bowed their heads and quickly left the Khitan camp.


As they exited the camp, the group heard the voice of the Khitan Prince from behind.

Turning around, they saw the Khitan Prince hurrying toward Xue Yao, holding something tightly in his hand.

"Can you tell me your name?" The Khitan Prince stared at Xue Yao with a serious expression.

"No." Lu Qian stepped forward, shielding the little reader-in-waiting behind him, glaring defiantly at the little Khitan Prince. "The next meeting will be a farewell forever. Yaoyao has no need to remember the name of someone on the verge of death."

Xue Yao was astonished, looking at the back of the chubby cub in disbelief.

Where did the chubby cub learn to be so fiercely confrontational? Was it those unscrupulous merchants?

"Your name is Yaoyao?" The Khitan Prince tilted his head, looking at Xue Yao behind Lu Qian. He extended a wolf fang with a totem carved on it. "Take it. I owe you a life. In the future, if you encounter difficulties, you can bring it to find me."

"No need," Xue Yao politely smiled. "Let's each take what we need. No one owes anyone any favors."

The Khitan Prince refused to retract the offer, silently insisting that he accept the wolf fang.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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