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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 130

Chapter 130

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Upon hearing this question, the frightened gatekeeper tearfully informed Xue Yao, “Quite fierce!”

Xue Yao knew that this old man’s personality wasn’t actually fierce. He was not the kind of person who bullied others with his power. He was simply putting on an air of authority as an elder.

In the gatekeeper’s eyes, not bowing to His Highness was considered being fierce. If one didn’t bow, be prepared for trouble.

Xue Yao patted the tearful gatekeeper’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, Prince Ning is very forgiving.” This was a lie.

“Even if he gets upset, I’ll smooth things over later.” This was the truth.

Xue Yao entered the main hall where Grandfather Zhou Chong was briefing Lu Qian on recent matters, mainly addressing the lingering issues caused by the Tong family’s supporters over the past year.

After Zhou Chong briefly outlined the problems, Prince Ning nodded and asked, “How does the senior official view this?”

Subsequently, Zhou Chong cautiously shared his perspective and proposed solutions. Prince Ning then asked him, “How does Prime Minister Yang view this?” Zhou Chong proceeded to share the thoughts and opinions of his superior.

If their views aligned, Prince Ning would inquire about the support of his eldest brother, Prince Rui.

This was truly a foretaste of the essence of Tai Chi politics — not listening to one-sided opinions. If one could not see the overall situation, then the order would come out of their control.

If there was a problem, deal with it yourselves. The master wouldn’t offer any opinions.

As Zhou Chong spoke, he noticed Prince Ning’s quiet gaze suddenly shift from passive to active. Swiftly, he stood up, taking a couple of steps towards the door, as if eagerly anticipating someone’s arrival.

Hurriedly, Zhou Chong also stood up, turning to follow Prince Ning’s gaze. It turned out Xue Yao had returned.

Zhou Chong confirmed then and there that Prince Ning’s sudden visit was indeed to spend time with his grandson.

Prince Ning’s initial purpose in entering was without any underlying tones.

“Your Highness, why have you come? Is there an urgent matter? I was planning to visit the palace in a couple of days.” Xue Yao walked briskly to Lu Qian.

In the silent room, both Zhou Chong and the maids were pale-faced.

What did Xue Yao mean by addressing the future ruler as “you”?

Did he hurt his head or something?

“Your grandpa came to check on you,” Lu Qian said.

The collective breath held in the room was suddenly released. This young Prince Ning seemed less concerned about trivial matters than the rumors suggested, didn’t he?

Xue Yao was delighted. He also wanted to act a bit rebellious but couldn’t bring himself to leave. With a smiling face, he walked behind Lu Qian and sat down.

He took a seat right where Lu Qian had just been, on the chair with two cushions.

Zhou Chong’s face turned pale again.

This grandson really knew how to pick a chair. Prince Ning was still standing, and he chose the comfortable spot to sit down?

Did he just knock his head outside? He never acted so presumptuously on normal days.

“Stand up!” Zhou Chong, for the first time, scolded his grandson in a low voice. Even in private, he wouldn’t usually get so angry with Xue Yao. “What kind of behavior is this?”

Startled, Xue Yao stood up with a snap. Only then did he realize his actions were impulsive. Seeing Lu Qian made his guard completely vanish, unaware that he had just behaved disrespectfully in front of his grandfather.

Getting scolded by his grandfather for the first time, Xue Yao blushed, bowed his head, bent his knees slightly, and walked past Lu Qian to apologize to his grandfather.

“What’s wrong with you, child? Seeing His Highness made you lose your wits?” Zhou Chong’s words were a protective scolding, turning his grandson’s rudeness into a compliment for the prince.

Was it because he was his own grandson, or was it because he was afraid of His Highness’ wrath?

Xue Yao intended to follow his grandfather’s lead and shower Lu Qian with some exaggerated compliments. However, Lu Qian suddenly walked up to him, knelt on one knee, and reached to lift the hem of Xue Yao’s pants.

“Your Highness, what are you doing? Please get up…” Xue Yao bent down to pull Lu Qian. However, Lu Qian remained motionless, lifting the wide leg of Xue Yao’s pants to his thigh.

Xue Yao’s knee had a prominent swelling, without any bruising, indicating an abnormal congestion and swelling.

Xue Yao himself was startled.

He had kneeled on a cushion all night, but he didn’t expect his knee to react so poorly. Even though he couldn’t feel it in the middle of the night, he could hardly walk straight now.

After greeting everyone just now, Xue Yao found a place to sit. In a relaxed state, it was an instinctive plea for help from his legs.

Initially unaware, when he walked in front of Lu Qian with bent knees, Lu Qian quickly sensed that something was wrong.

“What happened to your leg?” Lu Qian, kneeling on one knee, looked up at him. The slightly angered expression in his eyes was no less imposing than anyone standing and speaking.

“Burned some paper while kneeling,” Xue Yao bent down again to help him up.

When Lu Qian stood up, he casually lifted Xue Yao and asked, “Where’s the bed?”

“It’s fine! I just need to sit for a while.” Xue Yao pushed the rebellious brat’s shoulder, blushing as much as his knee.

The rebellious child actually lifted him, and now Xue Yao didn’t dare to look at his grandfather’s expression.

Both inside and outside the court, there were rumors that Prince Ning favored Grandfather Zhou’s grandson. The method of this favoritism remained unknown.

Today, Prince Ning showed up at the door and demonstrated it live, leaving the maids in the Zhou residence blushing.

It was the first time the maids had seen such an exceptionally handsome young man, and he was actually the future emperor. He looked like a graceful young man, but he was actually strong and powerful. He picked up their young master without even breathing hard.

Such a man exceeded the imagination of the girls. Under their blank, staring faces, their minds were replacing Xue Yao’s face with their own.

The girls with injured knee accepted it completely, even imagining it as a scraped and bleeding knee. Subsequently, they could picture the follow-up scene of the young man bandaging it for them.

Such a grand scene left the maids collectively frozen. Only Grandfather Zhou personally led Prince Ning to the backyard and saw his grandson off to the east wing to rest.

Lu Qian placed Xue Yao on the bed, but he quickly sat up restlessly.

“It’s just a bit swollen. A compress will do. No need to kneel all night tomorrow. Just kneel a few times when burning paper.”

“Not even once, lie down and don’t move.” The rebellious brat, now devoid of the previous days’ obedience, became stern again.

“It’s already better.” Xue Yao rolled up his pants, showing Lu Qian the knee that had already reduced swelling with a few rubs. “It was a bit sore, but I don’t feel anything now. I’ll take a few steps for you to see.”

As he spoke, he agilely leaped off the bed like a rabbit but was caught by Lu Qian by the back of his neck, making him retreat.

Lu Qian sat on the edge of the bed, placing the little reader-in-waiting on his lap.

The young man exuded a sunny aura. His focused peach blossom eyes had an affectionate gaze that seemed contrary to Lu Qian’s personality.

For a moment, Xue Yao’s mind went blank, as if encountering those eyes in a different lifetime.

In the previous life, he exchanged glances with the Prince Ning in the novel Long Aotian through the pages of the book.

Xue Yao remembered feeling a sense of understanding towards Prince Ning while reading, as if he could comprehend his character.

Understanding his indifference, understanding his decisive actions, understanding the loneliness under his emotionless gaze that didn’t sway with joy or sorrow, creating a sense of isolation from the world.

This kind of understanding made the Xue Yao of the past feel as if he had merged into Lu Qian’s serene world. As the first person to enter this world, Xue Yao felt a mixture of embarrassment, excitement, and inexplicable anticipation.

At this very moment, the sense of closeness from the previous life suddenly emerged. Xue Yao looked at Lu Qian as he slowly approached…

As if instinctively responding, Xue Yao also moved forward slowly, meeting him halfway.

Then, Xue Yao suddenly pecked Lu Qian on the cheek, like a little bird picking at grains, and happily lowered his head. “Many thanks, Your Highness, for coming to see me.”

Lu Qian, just about to stick his tongue out, froze.

Suppressing his excitement, Xue Yao pursed his lips and lifted his head, only to see the rebellious brat sticking out a small section of his tongue like a husky.

Xue Yao couldn’t resist the cuteness. He reached up to rub Lu Qian’s face. He thought, Long Aotian must have been spoiled to become this adorable, even sticking out a little tongue.

How could Long Aotian be so cute?

If he could keep his Long Aotian at home and play with him after busy days, that would be perfect.

But he knew that having Lu Qian stay at a minister’s house would invite gossip. Before it got dark, he had to send Lu Qian back to the palace.

Walking all the way, he escorted the rebellious brat to the main gate of the Zhou residence.

“Your grandmother reincarnated to be someone else’s child,” Lu Qian suddenly said. “Just like Father Emperor. Life is tough when you’re sick or injured, so you reincarnate into a new person. That’s what Eldest Brother said.”

Xue Yao was surprised.

It was the first time he heard the chubby cub comforting someone.

In theory, the rebellious brat couldn’t empathize with sadness from others’ emotions. How did he suddenly know how to comfort people?

Truly a surprising transformation.

“I know, Grandma has reincarnated to enjoy her blessings. She was so old. It’s a joyful departure,” Xue Yao said with a smile.

“Then, Yaoyao, don’t be sad.”

“I’m not sad.”

Lu Qian turned his head to look at him.

Those perceptive eyes made Xue Yao feel guilty.

“Why do you lie?” 

“I didn’t lie to you.” Xue Yao insisted.

Lu Qian frowned.

Xue Yao immediately yielded, “I just can’t bear to let go…”

“Let your grandpa hug you.” Lu Qian opened his wide sleeves, welcoming the little reader-in-waiting.

Xue Yao laughed. “Are you asking me to hug you?”

Lu Qian said seriously, “It’s a reward for you. Even Eldest Brother wants to hug, but your grandpa won’t allow it.”

“Hahahaha…” Xue Yao accepted the reward, embracing the rebellious brat tightly at the quiet entrance of the alley, bidding a reluctant farewell.

Lu Qian seemed to have an endless supply of vitality. Just seeing him could charge Xue Yao for two or three days, bringing enough happiness to keep his mood clear for the same duration.

After handling the funeral affairs, Xue Yao continued to accompany Lu Qian in the palace as usual.

Old Fifth claimed he secretly went to the Marquis’ residence to wait for a chance encounter and saw his prospective bride.

The prospective bride was younger than imagined, with an apple-like face, round eyes, and a slightly startled expression even when expressionless. A petite lady, she strolled through the market with two maids, unafraid of encountering inappropriate men.

Xue Yao teased with a wink, “Your Highness, can’t resist the urge to protect your future wife, huh?”

“Who wants to protect that little girl?” Old Fifth scoffed.

Old Sixth asked, “Is she shorter than Eldest Sister-in-law?”

“Yes, she’s smaller than Eldest Sister-in-law. How could a young girl have such a big frame?” Old Fifth immediately defended, willing to tarnish his eldest brother’s wife’s image to praise his future daughter-in-law. He turned to Seventh Brother for confirmation, “Would you want a tall girl for your wife?”

Lu Qian thought seriously, then turned to look at Xue Yao, thinking he might be a bit tall.

However, he still turned back to Old Fifth and described his little reader-in-waiting’s advantages, “Soft to the touch and knows how to wiggle.”

“Hahahaha…” Xue Yao laughed along with the rebellious brat’s joke and pplayfully wiggled his hips, challenging Old Fifth, “How does this servant compare to the Marquis’ young lady?”

“Why are you wiggling for Big Brother!” Lu Qian immediately became unhappy, pulling his little reader-in-waiting to face him.

Xue Yao laughed apologetically, “My mistake, Your Highness! I apologize!”

Old Sixth stared at Seventh Brother’s expression, puzzled, carefully examining it.

Seventh Brother’s eyes revealed a petty protectiveness, devoid of any trace of jest.

This sudden thunderbolt left him stunned for a moment. His gaze slowly shifted from Seventh Brother’s face to Xue Yao’s. In Xue Yao’s crescent-shaped eyes, there was an unmistakable and restrained affection.

He felt his blood freeze instantly.

During the lunchtime meal, he pulled his Seventh Brother to a corner of the corridor and earnestly warned, “Seventh Brother, you can’t play such jokes with A’Yao in the future.”

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 130

The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 130

Chapter 130

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Upon hearing this question, the frightened gatekeeper tearfully informed Xue Yao, "Quite fierce!"

Xue Yao knew that this old man's personality wasn't actually fierce. He was not the kind of person who bullied others with his power. He was simply putting on an air of authority as an elder.

In the gatekeeper's eyes, not bowing to His Highness was considered being fierce. If one didn't bow, be prepared for trouble.

Xue Yao patted the tearful gatekeeper's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Prince Ning is very forgiving." This was a lie.

"Even if he gets upset, I'll smooth things over later." This was the truth.

Xue Yao entered the main hall where Grandfather Zhou Chong was briefing Lu Qian on recent matters, mainly addressing the lingering issues caused by the Tong family's supporters over the past year.

After Zhou Chong briefly outlined the problems, Prince Ning nodded and asked, "How does the senior official view this?"

Subsequently, Zhou Chong cautiously shared his perspective and proposed solutions. Prince Ning then asked him, "How does Prime Minister Yang view this?" Zhou Chong proceeded to share the thoughts and opinions of his superior.

If their views aligned, Prince Ning would inquire about the support of his eldest brother, Prince Rui.

This was truly a foretaste of the essence of Tai Chi politics — not listening to one-sided opinions. If one could not see the overall situation, then the order would come out of their control.

If there was a problem, deal with it yourselves. The master wouldn't offer any opinions.

As Zhou Chong spoke, he noticed Prince Ning's quiet gaze suddenly shift from passive to active. Swiftly, he stood up, taking a couple of steps towards the door, as if eagerly anticipating someone's arrival.

Hurriedly, Zhou Chong also stood up, turning to follow Prince Ning's gaze. It turned out Xue Yao had returned.

Zhou Chong confirmed then and there that Prince Ning's sudden visit was indeed to spend time with his grandson.

Prince Ning's initial purpose in entering was without any underlying tones.

"Your Highness, why have you come? Is there an urgent matter? I was planning to visit the palace in a couple of days." Xue Yao walked briskly to Lu Qian.

In the silent room, both Zhou Chong and the maids were pale-faced.

What did Xue Yao mean by addressing the future ruler as "you"?

Did he hurt his head or something?

"Your grandpa came to check on you," Lu Qian said.

The collective breath held in the room was suddenly released. This young Prince Ning seemed less concerned about trivial matters than the rumors suggested, didn't he?

Xue Yao was delighted. He also wanted to act a bit rebellious but couldn't bring himself to leave. With a smiling face, he walked behind Lu Qian and sat down.

He took a seat right where Lu Qian had just been, on the chair with two cushions.

Zhou Chong's face turned pale again.

This grandson really knew how to pick a chair. Prince Ning was still standing, and he chose the comfortable spot to sit down?

Did he just knock his head outside? He never acted so presumptuously on normal days.

"Stand up!" Zhou Chong, for the first time, scolded his grandson in a low voice. Even in private, he wouldn't usually get so angry with Xue Yao. "What kind of behavior is this?"

Startled, Xue Yao stood up with a snap. Only then did he realize his actions were impulsive. Seeing Lu Qian made his guard completely vanish, unaware that he had just behaved disrespectfully in front of his grandfather.

Getting scolded by his grandfather for the first time, Xue Yao blushed, bowed his head, bent his knees slightly, and walked past Lu Qian to apologize to his grandfather.

"What's wrong with you, child? Seeing His Highness made you lose your wits?" Zhou Chong's words were a protective scolding, turning his grandson's rudeness into a compliment for the prince.

Was it because he was his own grandson, or was it because he was afraid of His Highness' wrath?

Xue Yao intended to follow his grandfather's lead and shower Lu Qian with some exaggerated compliments. However, Lu Qian suddenly walked up to him, knelt on one knee, and reached to lift the hem of Xue Yao's pants.

"Your Highness, what are you doing? Please get up..." Xue Yao bent down to pull Lu Qian. However, Lu Qian remained motionless, lifting the wide leg of Xue Yao's pants to his thigh.

Xue Yao's knee had a prominent swelling, without any bruising, indicating an abnormal congestion and swelling.

Xue Yao himself was startled.

He had kneeled on a cushion all night, but he didn't expect his knee to react so poorly. Even though he couldn't feel it in the middle of the night, he could hardly walk straight now.

After greeting everyone just now, Xue Yao found a place to sit. In a relaxed state, it was an instinctive plea for help from his legs.

Initially unaware, when he walked in front of Lu Qian with bent knees, Lu Qian quickly sensed that something was wrong.

"What happened to your leg?" Lu Qian, kneeling on one knee, looked up at him. The slightly angered expression in his eyes was no less imposing than anyone standing and speaking.

"Burned some paper while kneeling," Xue Yao bent down again to help him up.

When Lu Qian stood up, he casually lifted Xue Yao and asked, "Where's the bed?"

"It's fine! I just need to sit for a while." Xue Yao pushed the rebellious brat's shoulder, blushing as much as his knee.

The rebellious child actually lifted him, and now Xue Yao didn't dare to look at his grandfather's expression.

Both inside and outside the court, there were rumors that Prince Ning favored Grandfather Zhou's grandson. The method of this favoritism remained unknown.

Today, Prince Ning showed up at the door and demonstrated it live, leaving the maids in the Zhou residence blushing.

It was the first time the maids had seen such an exceptionally handsome young man, and he was actually the future emperor. He looked like a graceful young man, but he was actually strong and powerful. He picked up their young master without even breathing hard.

Such a man exceeded the imagination of the girls. Under their blank, staring faces, their minds were replacing Xue Yao's face with their own.

The girls with injured knee accepted it completely, even imagining it as a scraped and bleeding knee. Subsequently, they could picture the follow-up scene of the young man bandaging it for them.

Such a grand scene left the maids collectively frozen. Only Grandfather Zhou personally led Prince Ning to the backyard and saw his grandson off to the east wing to rest.

Lu Qian placed Xue Yao on the bed, but he quickly sat up restlessly.

"It's just a bit swollen. A compress will do. No need to kneel all night tomorrow. Just kneel a few times when burning paper."

"Not even once, lie down and don't move." The rebellious brat, now devoid of the previous days' obedience, became stern again.

"It's already better." Xue Yao rolled up his pants, showing Lu Qian the knee that had already reduced swelling with a few rubs. "It was a bit sore, but I don't feel anything now. I'll take a few steps for you to see."

As he spoke, he agilely leaped off the bed like a rabbit but was caught by Lu Qian by the back of his neck, making him retreat.

Lu Qian sat on the edge of the bed, placing the little reader-in-waiting on his lap.

The young man exuded a sunny aura. His focused peach blossom eyes had an affectionate gaze that seemed contrary to Lu Qian's personality.

For a moment, Xue Yao's mind went blank, as if encountering those eyes in a different lifetime.

In the previous life, he exchanged glances with the Prince Ning in the novel Long Aotian through the pages of the book.

Xue Yao remembered feeling a sense of understanding towards Prince Ning while reading, as if he could comprehend his character.

Understanding his indifference, understanding his decisive actions, understanding the loneliness under his emotionless gaze that didn't sway with joy or sorrow, creating a sense of isolation from the world.

This kind of understanding made the Xue Yao of the past feel as if he had merged into Lu Qian's serene world. As the first person to enter this world, Xue Yao felt a mixture of embarrassment, excitement, and inexplicable anticipation.

At this very moment, the sense of closeness from the previous life suddenly emerged. Xue Yao looked at Lu Qian as he slowly approached...

As if instinctively responding, Xue Yao also moved forward slowly, meeting him halfway.

Then, Xue Yao suddenly pecked Lu Qian on the cheek, like a little bird picking at grains, and happily lowered his head. "Many thanks, Your Highness, for coming to see me."

Lu Qian, just about to stick his tongue out, froze.

Suppressing his excitement, Xue Yao pursed his lips and lifted his head, only to see the rebellious brat sticking out a small section of his tongue like a husky.

Xue Yao couldn't resist the cuteness. He reached up to rub Lu Qian's face. He thought, Long Aotian must have been spoiled to become this adorable, even sticking out a little tongue.

How could Long Aotian be so cute?

If he could keep his Long Aotian at home and play with him after busy days, that would be perfect.

But he knew that having Lu Qian stay at a minister's house would invite gossip. Before it got dark, he had to send Lu Qian back to the palace.

Walking all the way, he escorted the rebellious brat to the main gate of the Zhou residence.

"Your grandmother reincarnated to be someone else's child," Lu Qian suddenly said. "Just like Father Emperor. Life is tough when you're sick or injured, so you reincarnate into a new person. That's what Eldest Brother said."

Xue Yao was surprised.

It was the first time he heard the chubby cub comforting someone.

In theory, the rebellious brat couldn't empathize with sadness from others' emotions. How did he suddenly know how to comfort people?

Truly a surprising transformation.

"I know, Grandma has reincarnated to enjoy her blessings. She was so old. It's a joyful departure," Xue Yao said with a smile.

"Then, Yaoyao, don't be sad."

"I'm not sad."

Lu Qian turned his head to look at him.

Those perceptive eyes made Xue Yao feel guilty.

"Why do you lie?" 

"I didn't lie to you." Xue Yao insisted.

Lu Qian frowned.

Xue Yao immediately yielded, "I just can't bear to let go..."

"Let your grandpa hug you." Lu Qian opened his wide sleeves, welcoming the little reader-in-waiting.

Xue Yao laughed. "Are you asking me to hug you?"

Lu Qian said seriously, "It's a reward for you. Even Eldest Brother wants to hug, but your grandpa won't allow it."

"Hahahaha..." Xue Yao accepted the reward, embracing the rebellious brat tightly at the quiet entrance of the alley, bidding a reluctant farewell.

Lu Qian seemed to have an endless supply of vitality. Just seeing him could charge Xue Yao for two or three days, bringing enough happiness to keep his mood clear for the same duration.

After handling the funeral affairs, Xue Yao continued to accompany Lu Qian in the palace as usual.

Old Fifth claimed he secretly went to the Marquis' residence to wait for a chance encounter and saw his prospective bride.

The prospective bride was younger than imagined, with an apple-like face, round eyes, and a slightly startled expression even when expressionless. A petite lady, she strolled through the market with two maids, unafraid of encountering inappropriate men.

Xue Yao teased with a wink, "Your Highness, can't resist the urge to protect your future wife, huh?"

"Who wants to protect that little girl?" Old Fifth scoffed.

Old Sixth asked, "Is she shorter than Eldest Sister-in-law?"

"Yes, she's smaller than Eldest Sister-in-law. How could a young girl have such a big frame?" Old Fifth immediately defended, willing to tarnish his eldest brother's wife's image to praise his future daughter-in-law. He turned to Seventh Brother for confirmation, "Would you want a tall girl for your wife?"

Lu Qian thought seriously, then turned to look at Xue Yao, thinking he might be a bit tall.

However, he still turned back to Old Fifth and described his little reader-in-waiting's advantages, "Soft to the touch and knows how to wiggle."

"Hahahaha..." Xue Yao laughed along with the rebellious brat's joke and pplayfully wiggled his hips, challenging Old Fifth, "How does this servant compare to the Marquis' young lady?"

"Why are you wiggling for Big Brother!" Lu Qian immediately became unhappy, pulling his little reader-in-waiting to face him.

Xue Yao laughed apologetically, "My mistake, Your Highness! I apologize!"

Old Sixth stared at Seventh Brother's expression, puzzled, carefully examining it.

Seventh Brother's eyes revealed a petty protectiveness, devoid of any trace of jest.

This sudden thunderbolt left him stunned for a moment. His gaze slowly shifted from Seventh Brother's face to Xue Yao's. In Xue Yao's crescent-shaped eyes, there was an unmistakable and restrained affection.

He felt his blood freeze instantly.

During the lunchtime meal, he pulled his Seventh Brother to a corner of the corridor and earnestly warned, "Seventh Brother, you can't play such jokes with A'Yao in the future."

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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