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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 140

Chapter 140

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“If you agree to a bet, you must accept to lose.” When Lu Qian turned around, he wore a look of defeat like an injured critter, with long lashes half covering his absent-minded eyes. The sense of loss seemed to shatter even the reflection of the little reader-in-waiting in his eyes. “Your Highness can’t compare to Sixth Brother.”

“What do you mean, can’t compare! Where is Your Highness’ spirit? Did you lose because you shot the arrow too slowly?” Xue Yao saw the cub lose his usual confidence and pride for the first time. He felt a sour ache swirling in his heart. He raised his hand and pinched the cub’s disappointed face. “In the future, let’s practice coordination frequently. We will get better. Your Highness is very talented. You won’t be inferior to anyone, understand?”

“Can even surpass him?” Lu Qian tilted his head in confusion, looking at the little reader-in-waiting. “Your Highness can’t even match Sixth Brother halfway.”

Xue Yao was taken aback, about to retort, but saw Lu Qian frown and decisively say, “Having lost Yaoyao, no more shooting arrows from now on.”

“Don’t say such things!” Xue Yao’s heart felt like it was twisted. His hands subconsciously lifted to protect the wounded cub.

Lu Qian’s eyes flashed with a sharp light, accurately seizing the moment. He lowered his head, allowing Yaoyao to smoothly embrace him.

“Practice a few more times, and it will be fine. I can practice retrieving arrows. Your Highness’ arrow release speed is not slow. With some practice, it’ll be even faster.” Xue Yao hugged the disappointed youth tightly. “No more of these discouraging words, understand?”

“Yaoyao comes to comfort tonight.”

“Alright, alright. Tonight, I’ll comfort Your Highness to sleep. Don’t be sad. Your Highness needs to cheer up.”

On the archery field, Lu Xiao was still delighted with his heroic performance.

Just now, Hero Gu, who was watching from the side, generously praised the little trickster.

Lu Xiao, brimming with pride, asked Hero Gu, “What do you think are the areas I need to strengthen in my archery?”

When asked this way, the little warm baby actually hoped to hear the answer, “None, you’re already invincible.”

But in the martial world, people often sought guidance from Hero Gu. Taking it seriously, he raised an eyebrow and earnestly advised the little trickster, “Your accuracy and speed are good, but you need a stronger bow. The one you have is too strained on the battlefield, not penetrating even leather armor at a slightly greater distance. Plus, it’s heavily affected by the wind, and the speed isn’t fast enough. A tiny difference could introduce variables.”

On the side, Lu Xiao’s reader-in-waiting wore a face of terror, discreetly signaling to Hero Gu—please, stop talking!

His Highness was just being polite. He didn’t actually want any advice!

“Is that so?” Lu Xiao glared at this boastful fellow, eager to dampen his spirit. “How about we have a little competition?”

Gu Qingyuan grinned. “Shooting pigeons again? After all those shots, can you finish them alone? How about we shoot the same one, the first to hit wins. That’s the only way to see the advantage of a strong bow.”

Lu Xiao accepted the challenge, ready to redeem himself this time. Before the pigeons were released, he had already readied his bow and arrow, while the one surnamed Gu seemed lazy and unhurried.

However, when the pigeons were released, Gu Qingyuan’s arrow speed was not slower than Lu Xiao’s.

The two arrows almost left their bows simultaneously.

“Swoosh, swoosh,” two sharp sounds echoed—

Due to the double thrust force, Gu Qingyuan’s arrow hit the pigeon before Lu Xiao’s!

Lu Xiao’s arrow was a step slower, only piercing the air above the pigeon.

This couldn’t be!

Lu Xiao, still in the archery stance, stared dumbfounded.

Gu Qingyuan didn’t show any triumph.

For a master of his caliber, defeating a young prince who had never seen combat was a foregone conclusion. Unlike his scheming Junior Brother, who just deliberately missed two arrows. He wondered what evil thoughts he had in mind.

“See that?” Gu Qingyuan earnestly advised the little trickster, “With this type of bow, even if you shoot accurately at a longer distance, I can easily block or dodge. You must strengthen your arm training, or you should practice crossbow, not bow.”


Lu Xiao’s inner turmoil was about to explode. He glared at Gu Qingyuan with nostrils practically spouting flames, eyes full of defiance. “Your household is so poor. How do you even have spare money for archery practice?”

“Oh, Gu used to be a tutor for a wealthy young master. Initially, I taught martial arts. In order to make a living, I also practiced archery at his residence.” Gu Qingyuan took a deep breath, sounding weathered. “But it was of no use. My life is destined to be confined to a corner. Any skill is in vain.”

Lu Xiao was startled. “Smack!” He covered his mouth!

Here it was again!

“Pfft…” Gu Qingyuan quickly turned away to suppress his laughter.

Xue Yao, with the pitiful Long Aotian in tow, returned to the archery field. Seeing the warm baby covering his mouth with a sorrowful look, he hurriedly approached to inquire about the situation.

Seeing his Junior Brother return, Gu Qingyuan also walked up, calling him aside, asking why he had shot two arrows off-target earlier.

Lu Qian leaned in, whispered something to Gu Qingyuan, who raised an eyebrow and pointed at his Junior Brother, laughing and saying a few words.

While comforting the warm baby, Xue Yao looked at the distance with confusion. The pair of martial brothers there exchanged sly fist bumps.

There was a feeling that these two martial brothers were a bit off, but he didn’t think much of it. He obediently stayed in Lu Qian’s residence to sleep at night.

Xue Yao hadn’t soothed the cub to sleep for a long time, mainly because this chubby cub didn’t need anyone to lull him to sleep when he was little.

Eating and sleeping were two things Lu Qian never needed external assistance for.

But today was different. The frustrated cub insisted on being held. He lay down for a while but refused to sleep, insisting on cuddling with Yaoyao.

Xue Yao was unwilling to agree. The cub was still in the infatuation stage. Sleeping together was absolutely not allowed. So, Xue Yao sat by the bedside, comforting Lu Qian until he became more lively.

After two days of poor sleep, Xue Yao himself felt tired. He said, “Your Highness, I need to rest,” but Lu Qian patted the space beside him, urging him to rest there.

Smiling and shaking his head, Xue Yao stood up, but Lu Qian grabbed his hand. He scowled at Lu Qian, telling him to behave.

Lu Qian closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep, holding onto Xue Yao’s hand. He was acting like a little rascal.

In the quiet bedroom, only Xue Yao struggled, pulling like playing tug-of-war, nearly pulling Lu Qian off the bed, their hands still intertwined.

“Your Highness, stop playing around.” Xue Yao’s voice was soft. He couldn’t bring himself to be harsh with Lu Qian.

Lu Qian, still feigning sleep, let himself be pulled to the edge of the bed intentionally. He clearly told Xue Yao, “One more pull, and your grandpa will fall off. If you’re willing to let your grandpa fall, go ahead and keep pulling.”

Xue Yao was helpless, but he wouldn’t give up. So, with one hand holding onto Lu Qian, he continued pulling with the other.

One, two, three—exerting force!

After a few strokes, the hand that was pressed on Lu Qian’s chest gradually accelerated and fluctuated. It was able to feel Lu Qian’s increasingly intense heartbeat.

Xue Yao’s hand, pressed against Lu Qian’s chest, recoiled like an electric shock. His own heart started pounding wildly, and his cheeks to the roots of his ears felt like they were emitting steam.

Normally, anyone would know at this point that the mischievous cub pretending to sleep had something naughty in mind. However, Xue Yao wasn’t angry, or rather, he couldn’t bring himself to be angry with Lu Qian.

His love for this little rascal was too accommodating, interpreting even such rudeness as a form of dedication.

Whose fault was it? Blame himself for raising this cub so waywardly. Otherwise, could he bear to blame Lu Qian? He was still feeling tender towards him. Thus, his threatening words sounded soft. “Your Highness, with you like this, dare I stay in the palace in the future?”

Lu Qian, still stubbornly feigning sleep, breathed heavily. Just like when he insisted on taking another sip from the milk pot as a child, now he pursed his lips protectively.

But Lu Qian’s hand loosened.

Closing his eyes, he let the little reader-in-waiting go because he was afraid there might not be a next time.

Xue Yao felt like he might be the most spineless person in the world. When Lu Qian released his hand, his heart softened, almost lying down next to Lu Qian and praising him for being sensible.

Thankfully, the remaining shreds of reason covered his mouth. He silently left the sleeping chamber, going to rest in the adjoining room alone.

The intense activity before sleep, after two days of poor rest, quickly sent Xue Yao into a deep slumber.

In the middle of the night, he felt himself being shifted around.

Xue Yao groggily opened his eyes, realizing he seemed to be lying in a warm embrace.

Xue Yao grunted twice.

The person holding him immediately set him aside, pretending as if nothing had happened.

Xue Yao vaguely made out the mischievous point of that cub’s chin, shining like white jade in the darkness, captivatingly pure.

“Your Highness…” Xue Yao mumbled, half in a dream, unsure if he was asleep or awake.

“Mm,” the person softly responded.

“How did you end up in my room…” Xue Yao murmured, “You should leave.”

The cub brought his cheek close to Xue Yao’s lips. “Kiss.”

Xue Yao, half-asleep, lifted his face, and his lips obediently brushed against the cub’s cheek before parting.

After a while, the naughty cub still lay there motionless.

“Didn’t we agree you’d leave after a kiss?”

“No, just wanted Yaoyao’s kiss.”

“……” Xue Yao fell back asleep, still in disbelief.

【Congratulations, Host. The Tyrant’s Fluttering Heart Quest progress has surpassed 80%. Keep up the good work!】

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 140

The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 140

Chapter 140

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"If you agree to a bet, you must accept to lose." When Lu Qian turned around, he wore a look of defeat like an injured critter, with long lashes half covering his absent-minded eyes. The sense of loss seemed to shatter even the reflection of the little reader-in-waiting in his eyes. "Your Highness can't compare to Sixth Brother."

"What do you mean, can't compare! Where is Your Highness' spirit? Did you lose because you shot the arrow too slowly?" Xue Yao saw the cub lose his usual confidence and pride for the first time. He felt a sour ache swirling in his heart. He raised his hand and pinched the cub's disappointed face. "In the future, let's practice coordination frequently. We will get better. Your Highness is very talented. You won't be inferior to anyone, understand?"

"Can even surpass him?" Lu Qian tilted his head in confusion, looking at the little reader-in-waiting. "Your Highness can't even match Sixth Brother halfway."

Xue Yao was taken aback, about to retort, but saw Lu Qian frown and decisively say, "Having lost Yaoyao, no more shooting arrows from now on."

"Don't say such things!" Xue Yao's heart felt like it was twisted. His hands subconsciously lifted to protect the wounded cub.

Lu Qian's eyes flashed with a sharp light, accurately seizing the moment. He lowered his head, allowing Yaoyao to smoothly embrace him.

"Practice a few more times, and it will be fine. I can practice retrieving arrows. Your Highness' arrow release speed is not slow. With some practice, it'll be even faster." Xue Yao hugged the disappointed youth tightly. "No more of these discouraging words, understand?"

"Yaoyao comes to comfort tonight."

"Alright, alright. Tonight, I'll comfort Your Highness to sleep. Don't be sad. Your Highness needs to cheer up."

On the archery field, Lu Xiao was still delighted with his heroic performance.

Just now, Hero Gu, who was watching from the side, generously praised the little trickster.

Lu Xiao, brimming with pride, asked Hero Gu, "What do you think are the areas I need to strengthen in my archery?"

When asked this way, the little warm baby actually hoped to hear the answer, "None, you're already invincible."

But in the martial world, people often sought guidance from Hero Gu. Taking it seriously, he raised an eyebrow and earnestly advised the little trickster, "Your accuracy and speed are good, but you need a stronger bow. The one you have is too strained on the battlefield, not penetrating even leather armor at a slightly greater distance. Plus, it's heavily affected by the wind, and the speed isn't fast enough. A tiny difference could introduce variables."

On the side, Lu Xiao's reader-in-waiting wore a face of terror, discreetly signaling to Hero Gu—please, stop talking!

His Highness was just being polite. He didn't actually want any advice!

"Is that so?" Lu Xiao glared at this boastful fellow, eager to dampen his spirit. "How about we have a little competition?"

Gu Qingyuan grinned. "Shooting pigeons again? After all those shots, can you finish them alone? How about we shoot the same one, the first to hit wins. That's the only way to see the advantage of a strong bow."

Lu Xiao accepted the challenge, ready to redeem himself this time. Before the pigeons were released, he had already readied his bow and arrow, while the one surnamed Gu seemed lazy and unhurried.

However, when the pigeons were released, Gu Qingyuan's arrow speed was not slower than Lu Xiao's.

The two arrows almost left their bows simultaneously.

"Swoosh, swoosh," two sharp sounds echoed—

Due to the double thrust force, Gu Qingyuan's arrow hit the pigeon before Lu Xiao's!

Lu Xiao's arrow was a step slower, only piercing the air above the pigeon.

This couldn't be!

Lu Xiao, still in the archery stance, stared dumbfounded.

Gu Qingyuan didn't show any triumph.

For a master of his caliber, defeating a young prince who had never seen combat was a foregone conclusion. Unlike his scheming Junior Brother, who just deliberately missed two arrows. He wondered what evil thoughts he had in mind.

"See that?" Gu Qingyuan earnestly advised the little trickster, "With this type of bow, even if you shoot accurately at a longer distance, I can easily block or dodge. You must strengthen your arm training, or you should practice crossbow, not bow."


Lu Xiao's inner turmoil was about to explode. He glared at Gu Qingyuan with nostrils practically spouting flames, eyes full of defiance. "Your household is so poor. How do you even have spare money for archery practice?"

"Oh, Gu used to be a tutor for a wealthy young master. Initially, I taught martial arts. In order to make a living, I also practiced archery at his residence." Gu Qingyuan took a deep breath, sounding weathered. "But it was of no use. My life is destined to be confined to a corner. Any skill is in vain."

Lu Xiao was startled. "Smack!" He covered his mouth!

Here it was again!

"Pfft..." Gu Qingyuan quickly turned away to suppress his laughter.

Xue Yao, with the pitiful Long Aotian in tow, returned to the archery field. Seeing the warm baby covering his mouth with a sorrowful look, he hurriedly approached to inquire about the situation.

Seeing his Junior Brother return, Gu Qingyuan also walked up, calling him aside, asking why he had shot two arrows off-target earlier.

Lu Qian leaned in, whispered something to Gu Qingyuan, who raised an eyebrow and pointed at his Junior Brother, laughing and saying a few words.

While comforting the warm baby, Xue Yao looked at the distance with confusion. The pair of martial brothers there exchanged sly fist bumps.

There was a feeling that these two martial brothers were a bit off, but he didn't think much of it. He obediently stayed in Lu Qian's residence to sleep at night.

Xue Yao hadn't soothed the cub to sleep for a long time, mainly because this chubby cub didn't need anyone to lull him to sleep when he was little.

Eating and sleeping were two things Lu Qian never needed external assistance for.

But today was different. The frustrated cub insisted on being held. He lay down for a while but refused to sleep, insisting on cuddling with Yaoyao.

Xue Yao was unwilling to agree. The cub was still in the infatuation stage. Sleeping together was absolutely not allowed. So, Xue Yao sat by the bedside, comforting Lu Qian until he became more lively.

After two days of poor sleep, Xue Yao himself felt tired. He said, "Your Highness, I need to rest," but Lu Qian patted the space beside him, urging him to rest there.

Smiling and shaking his head, Xue Yao stood up, but Lu Qian grabbed his hand. He scowled at Lu Qian, telling him to behave.

Lu Qian closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep, holding onto Xue Yao's hand. He was acting like a little rascal.

In the quiet bedroom, only Xue Yao struggled, pulling like playing tug-of-war, nearly pulling Lu Qian off the bed, their hands still intertwined.

"Your Highness, stop playing around." Xue Yao's voice was soft. He couldn't bring himself to be harsh with Lu Qian.

Lu Qian, still feigning sleep, let himself be pulled to the edge of the bed intentionally. He clearly told Xue Yao, "One more pull, and your grandpa will fall off. If you're willing to let your grandpa fall, go ahead and keep pulling."

Xue Yao was helpless, but he wouldn't give up. So, with one hand holding onto Lu Qian, he continued pulling with the other.

One, two, three—exerting force!

After a few strokes, the hand that was pressed on Lu Qian's chest gradually accelerated and fluctuated. It was able to feel Lu Qian's increasingly intense heartbeat.

Xue Yao's hand, pressed against Lu Qian's chest, recoiled like an electric shock. His own heart started pounding wildly, and his cheeks to the roots of his ears felt like they were emitting steam.

Normally, anyone would know at this point that the mischievous cub pretending to sleep had something naughty in mind. However, Xue Yao wasn't angry, or rather, he couldn't bring himself to be angry with Lu Qian.

His love for this little rascal was too accommodating, interpreting even such rudeness as a form of dedication.

Whose fault was it? Blame himself for raising this cub so waywardly. Otherwise, could he bear to blame Lu Qian? He was still feeling tender towards him. Thus, his threatening words sounded soft. "Your Highness, with you like this, dare I stay in the palace in the future?"

Lu Qian, still stubbornly feigning sleep, breathed heavily. Just like when he insisted on taking another sip from the milk pot as a child, now he pursed his lips protectively.

But Lu Qian's hand loosened.

Closing his eyes, he let the little reader-in-waiting go because he was afraid there might not be a next time.

Xue Yao felt like he might be the most spineless person in the world. When Lu Qian released his hand, his heart softened, almost lying down next to Lu Qian and praising him for being sensible.

Thankfully, the remaining shreds of reason covered his mouth. He silently left the sleeping chamber, going to rest in the adjoining room alone.

The intense activity before sleep, after two days of poor rest, quickly sent Xue Yao into a deep slumber.

In the middle of the night, he felt himself being shifted around.

Xue Yao groggily opened his eyes, realizing he seemed to be lying in a warm embrace.

Xue Yao grunted twice.

The person holding him immediately set him aside, pretending as if nothing had happened.

Xue Yao vaguely made out the mischievous point of that cub's chin, shining like white jade in the darkness, captivatingly pure.

"Your Highness..." Xue Yao mumbled, half in a dream, unsure if he was asleep or awake.

"Mm," the person softly responded.

"How did you end up in my room..." Xue Yao murmured, "You should leave."

The cub brought his cheek close to Xue Yao's lips. "Kiss."

Xue Yao, half-asleep, lifted his face, and his lips obediently brushed against the cub's cheek before parting.

After a while, the naughty cub still lay there motionless.

"Didn't we agree you'd leave after a kiss?"

"No, just wanted Yaoyao's kiss."

"......" Xue Yao fell back asleep, still in disbelief.

【Congratulations, Host. The Tyrant's Fluttering Heart Quest progress has surpassed 80%. Keep up the good work!】

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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