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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 148

Chapter 148

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Lu Qian turned to look at his Eldest Brother in surprise. “Eldest Brother, how did you come?”

“I almost got bumped by you just now,” Lu Jinan said with smile.

“Who bumped into you? Who dares to bump into Big Brother?” The thief shouting thief. The lemon sprout growled fiercely at the surrounding air.

Lu Jinan didn’t fall for it, waved to his tough Seventh Brother, signaling him to come and face his fate.

Lu Qian immediately turned back nervously, glancing at the little reader-in-waiting.

Xue Yao nodded solemnly and let the cub go for a dynamic lesson.

How could he send his eldest brother flying? There was too much lemon juice. It needed to be squeezed out a bit, or it would become uncontrollable!

Even the little reader-in-waiting didn’t cover for him.

Lu Qian, feeling dejected, stood up and moved step by step toward Eldest Brother. Looking up, he imitated Eldest Brother’s forgiving tone from the past. “Seventh Brother is still young.”

Lu Jinan raised his hand and began educating his beloved youngest brother, “So many chairs! You don’t! Have to sit! At Eldest Brother’s seat! Alright?”

Lu Qian looked at Eldest Brother in disbelief, clutching his head, and hurriedly reminded, “Old Seventh is about to cry!”

Lu Jinan pursed his lips, continuing the fierce rhythm. “So big already! Still! Snatching food like this!”

“Aiya! Indeed!” Xue Yao couldn’t take it anymore, stepped in between the two, gently patting Lu Qian’s shoulder. “You can’t do this next time, understand?”

“And you too!” Lu Jinan raised his hand and smacked the back of Xue Yao’s head. “Always! Defending him! Defending him! Defending him! Spoiling Seventh Brother! “


Xue Yao, holding the back of his head, tearyfully looked at Lu Jinan.

Didn’t we agree to only hit the younger brother’s head? Why hit the brother’s attendant too?

Where was the Male God’s etiquette and demeanor?

Surprisingly, it hurt so much!

Shouldn’t have come to defend him in the first place!

“Eldest Brother! Don’t hit Yaoyao.” Lu Qian stepped forward, pointing to his own head firmly. “Hit here!”

Lu Jinan glared and slapped!

“Eldest Brother, be gentle…”

After a moment, the Seventh Prince with a wrapped head and the little reader-in-waiting sat obediently by the table for questioning.

“What’s the rush?” Lu Jinan asked Seventh Brother.

Lu Qian glanced at the vinegar dish on the table and honestly replied, “Find the crab vinegar within ten peeled shrimps, and Yaoyao gives a kiss on your grandpa’s cheek.”

Xue Yao’s mind buzzed. Under the table, he frantically kicked the lemon sprout’s legs!

Could you mention such an intimate game in front of your eldest brother?

Lu Qian turned to look at his fiancee, who was constantly teasing him with his toes, and chuckled softly. “Wait for a moment, Eldest Brother is asking questions.”

Xue Yao, face turning pale: “……”

Lu Jinan didn’t quite understand. He looked at Seventh Brother, then at Xue Yao. “What kiss on the cheek?”

“Nothing!” Xue Yao hurriedly answered.

“Ten shrimp, kiss on the face. Five shrimp, kiss…” Lu Qian turned to look at his less cooperative fiancee.

“What’s going on?” Lu Jinan’s gaze turned serious.

“Nothing, Your Highness, he…”

“Xue Yao.” Lu Jinan interrupted his explanation, “You step aside for a moment.”

What was bound to happen would happen sooner or later.

As Xue Yao walked out the door, he consoled himself repeatedly.

Fortunately, he had already taught Lu Qian beforehand. If someone asked, he could just say it was a game. In the capital, how many officials and noble ladies had played with male companions? Although the imperial family hadn’t, Lu Qian was young, just following the trend for some amusement. It shouldn’t be a big deal, right?

Having said that, the eldest brother shouldn’t be overly concerned about the youngest brother’s peculiar preferences, right?

In the quiet room, Lu Jinan went beyond the expected. “After playing, what then? How much has Xue Yao done for you? Considering how you treat him, what will happen to him after playing? Have you thought about it?”

“Marriage proposal.” Lu Qian smiled eagerly. “Three rituals and six etiquettes. Your grandpa will marry Yaoyao officially.”


It was the first time Xue Yao was notified by a eunuch to return home for “rest” for a few days.

Since the farewell after the wedding banquet, the lemon sprout hadn’t been seen again.

Something must have gone wrong. Lu Qian must have told Lu Jinan something.

He was worried about the whole marriage affair again.

Xue Yao had told Lu Qian countless times that a proper marriage was impossible.

He didn’t need a formal status. Even if they were together, understanding each other was enough.

“What if Yaoyao runs away with someone?” Lu Qian would always answer this question very seriously, “Your grandpa needs the law for protection.”

Xue Yao would burst into laughter every time, unable to control himself. This Long Aotian was so serious, as if afraid of being dumped by him.

Incredibly adorable, Xue Yao couldn’t bring himself to correct Lu Qian’s silly ideas during the few times before. He didn’t expect trouble to arise so quickly.

Two days passed, and there was no news from the palace.

Xue Yao felt like he had waited for half a century. He didn’t know how long he had to “rest” before he could enter the palace and see his fiance. He couldn’t wait a moment longer.

In times like these, Lu Qian was usually less patient than him. It didn’t mean Xue Yao didn’t care. He just had a better ability to endure.

He could endure not just because of his personality but also because he had a trick up his sleeve — he always wanted to prove that Lu Qian cared more than him.

The more anxious Lu Qian became, the more mischievously satisfied Xue Yao felt.

Because of this relationship, Xue Yao was much more passive than Lu Qian. If he stopped loving, he couldn’t just casually leave Lu Qian. However, if Lu Qian stopped loving, he had to sensibly step aside. So, he welcomed rather than resisted, not playing hard to get but wanting to appear somewhat compelled. This way, when he eventually left, it wouldn’t seem so miserable.

Love was truly a strange thing, not entirely like the burden-free nature of familial bonds.

In the face of someone willing to risk their life, love still made him assertive and proud. Even if he left with a broken heart, he wanted to leave an elegant and composed figure for his beloved to see.

Look at Xue Yao, still holding his value, still worth Lu Qian falling in love with ten times over.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Xue Yao couldn’t recall what had happened during those three days.

His maternal grandfather talked to him, but he couldn’t remember what was said.

Every day, he either stared blankly on the bed or by the window, occasionally lost in thought at the dining table.

Finally, a bit of news arrived.

The warm baby came in person.

Xue Yao felt uneasy. If they were going to notify him about entering the palace, it wouldn’t be the prince coming to inform him. If the prince came to see him, it would undoubtedly be to console and comfort him.

Bad news was the only reason for consolation and comfort.

As he expected, the warm baby, besides reassuring him, delicately informed him that being an attendant might not be possible anymore. However, they would arrange another position for him, and he could choose whatever he wanted.

Of course, a bit of self-awareness dictated that he shouldn’t choose a job close to Lu Qian.

Wanting more information from the warm baby, Xue Yao desperately pretended to be indifferent.

The warm baby was easily deceived. After chatting for a while and seeing Xue Yao’s apparent indifference, he genuinely began to express his own concerns.

He mentioned Seventh Brother being too unruly. Although Eldest Brother allowed him to do as he pleased and dismissed the matter, Seventh Brother insisted on proclaiming three rituals and six etiquettes, causing trouble. Now even ministers in the court were aware of it.

Xue Yao couldn’t bear to listen any longer. His hands were shaking badly. Making an excuse to leave, he hid away to take deep breaths, trying to calm himself.

He wrote a letter for the warm baby to deliver to Lu Qian.

The letter was sharp, every word a reminder of the consequences of being too lenient with Lu Qian before. This kid didn’t realize how serious it could get.

In the letter, Xue Yao said: Since your eldest brother disagrees, the previous agreement is canceled. Do not escalate the situation.

His letter was written as if he were an outsider, particularly calm and heartless.

After finishing, he forgot everything, afraid to imagine how angry Lu Qian would be upon reading it.

He figured his first love had probably come to an end. It was like fireworks — brilliant and fleeting enough to reminisce about for a lifetime. Perhaps, after this, he wouldn’t seek a new lover.

The next evening, exhausted but unable to sleep, he lay on the bed, staring blankly with open eyes.

Tap, tap.”

The window made two tapping sounds.

Every romantic cell within Xue Yao conjured up all the images of secret lovers at that moment.

Like a rabbit, he hopped out of bed and ran barefoot to open the window, turning to face the east.

“This—way— Silly Yaoyao.” A familiar, low voice came from the west, carrying a hint of laziness.

Xue Yao discovered for the first time that Lu Qian’s voice was so pleasant, each word hitting his heart, sending shivers down his spine.

Suddenly turning his head, he saw Lu Qian standing outside the window. One hand rested on the windowsill, the other behind his back. Under the moonlight, he tilted his head, pursed his lips, and gazed at him.

Just restraining the impulse to express his emotions and hug consumed all his attention. So, forgive Xue Yao for starting to ask a silly question, “Did you come alone?”

“What else?” the lemon sprout raised an eyebrow. “Yaoyao wants to see someone else?”

“Then come in and sit.” Xue Yao gestured toward the room, signaling Lu Qian to quickly climb in through the window.

Unable to wait, he didn’t want to go around and open the door.

Lu Qian chuckled, lowered his head, and brought his hand from behind, revealing three candied haws. He stood up, solemnly handing two to Xue Yao.

These two were meant for Yaoyao to feed His Highness. The one in His Highness’ hand was for feeding Yaoyao.

Taking the candied haws, Xue Yao complained, “Couldn’t you buy four?”

“Yaoyao eats slowly.” 

To finish at the same time, Yaoyao needed one, and he needed two.

Through the window, they fed each other candied haws.

After eating one, Xue Yao’s nose felt sour, and he couldn’t swallow anymore.

Lu Qian waited for him to chew slowly, then spoke softly, “Your grandpa burned that letter.”

Xue Yao looked up at him.

“No worries. Everything is fine in the palace” Lu Qian took a step closer, looking at Xue Yao seriously through the window. “Wait for your grandpa to come and marry you.”

“Isn’t being together like this enough?” Xue Yao urged, “If you want to get married, we can secretly go through the ceremony, without letting them know.”

“Your grandpa wants the whole world to know.”

“You’re being disobedient.”

“Just this once, then listen to Yaoyao in the future.”

Xue Yao turned his head away, unwilling to compromise.

“Your grandpa is leaving,” Lu Qian bid farewell.

Xue Yao hastily turned back to look at him. “Why don’t you come in and sit for a while?”

Lu Qian, pleased by the reluctance on his fiancee’s face, smiled and shook his head, still stepping back, preparing to leave.

Not knowing how this rascal became so heartless, Xue Yao suddenly reached through the window, grabbed the front of Lu Qian’s clothes, pulled him abruptly close, stood on his tiptoes, and kissed him on the mouth. Losing control, he trembled, pleading in a shaky voice, “Come in and sit… Seventh Lord?”

In the next instant, Lu Qian wrapped his arm around Xue Yao’s lower back, dragged him out through the window, and forcefully pressed him against the mottled gray wall, biting and nibbling.

For the first time, he allowed Lu Qian to explore his mouth passionately.

Until breathless, still dizzy, he let Lu Qian continue to take, as if releasing a lifetime of madness.

Xue Yao, sandwiched between Lu Qian’s chest and the gray wall, feeling it wasn’t tight enough, reached out to hug Lu Qian’s lower back tightly.


He heard a low hum from Lu Qian. The lower back he held tightly suddenly pushed forward, as if trying to avoid his pressure.

Comprehension finally made Xue Yao instantly sober, realizing the reason for all the abnormalities—

Lu Qian would never willingly leave after just seeing him.


Xue Yao reached out to touch Lu Qian’s lower back, and indeed, Lu Qian straightened up, turned away, and grabbed his hand, preventing him from touching.

Xue Yao lifted his head and saw the slight frown on Lu Qian’s forehead. Clearly, he was enduring pain.

“Did you get punished?” Xue Yao’s voice trembled, “Let me see…”

Lu Qian took a step back. “Your grandpa has to go.”

“You say there’s no need to worry?” Xue Yao went mad, trying to tear at Lu Qian’s clothes to see his injuries. However, Lu Qian pressed him against the wall again, unable to move. Helplessly, he asked, “Does it hurt?”

“Hurts.” Lu Qian’s eyes flashed with anger. “After reading Yaoyao’s letter, your grandpa almost choked with pain.”

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 148

The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 148

Chapter 148

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Lu Qian turned to look at his Eldest Brother in surprise. "Eldest Brother, how did you come?"

"I almost got bumped by you just now," Lu Jinan said with smile.

"Who bumped into you? Who dares to bump into Big Brother?" The thief shouting thief. The lemon sprout growled fiercely at the surrounding air.

Lu Jinan didn't fall for it, waved to his tough Seventh Brother, signaling him to come and face his fate.

Lu Qian immediately turned back nervously, glancing at the little reader-in-waiting.

Xue Yao nodded solemnly and let the cub go for a dynamic lesson.

How could he send his eldest brother flying? There was too much lemon juice. It needed to be squeezed out a bit, or it would become uncontrollable!

Even the little reader-in-waiting didn't cover for him.

Lu Qian, feeling dejected, stood up and moved step by step toward Eldest Brother. Looking up, he imitated Eldest Brother's forgiving tone from the past. "Seventh Brother is still young."

Lu Jinan raised his hand and began educating his beloved youngest brother, "So many chairs! You don't! Have to sit! At Eldest Brother's seat! Alright?"

Lu Qian looked at Eldest Brother in disbelief, clutching his head, and hurriedly reminded, "Old Seventh is about to cry!"

Lu Jinan pursed his lips, continuing the fierce rhythm. "So big already! Still! Snatching food like this!"

"Aiya! Indeed!" Xue Yao couldn't take it anymore, stepped in between the two, gently patting Lu Qian's shoulder. "You can't do this next time, understand?"

"And you too!" Lu Jinan raised his hand and smacked the back of Xue Yao's head. "Always! Defending him! Defending him! Defending him! Spoiling Seventh Brother! "


Xue Yao, holding the back of his head, tearyfully looked at Lu Jinan.

Didn't we agree to only hit the younger brother's head? Why hit the brother's attendant too?

Where was the Male God's etiquette and demeanor?

Surprisingly, it hurt so much!

Shouldn't have come to defend him in the first place!

"Eldest Brother! Don't hit Yaoyao." Lu Qian stepped forward, pointing to his own head firmly. "Hit here!"

Lu Jinan glared and slapped!

"Eldest Brother, be gentle..."

After a moment, the Seventh Prince with a wrapped head and the little reader-in-waiting sat obediently by the table for questioning.

"What's the rush?" Lu Jinan asked Seventh Brother.

Lu Qian glanced at the vinegar dish on the table and honestly replied, "Find the crab vinegar within ten peeled shrimps, and Yaoyao gives a kiss on your grandpa's cheek."

Xue Yao's mind buzzed. Under the table, he frantically kicked the lemon sprout's legs!

Could you mention such an intimate game in front of your eldest brother?

Lu Qian turned to look at his fiancee, who was constantly teasing him with his toes, and chuckled softly. "Wait for a moment, Eldest Brother is asking questions."

Xue Yao, face turning pale: "......"

Lu Jinan didn't quite understand. He looked at Seventh Brother, then at Xue Yao. "What kiss on the cheek?"

"Nothing!" Xue Yao hurriedly answered.

"Ten shrimp, kiss on the face. Five shrimp, kiss..." Lu Qian turned to look at his less cooperative fiancee.

"What's going on?" Lu Jinan's gaze turned serious.

"Nothing, Your Highness, he..."

"Xue Yao." Lu Jinan interrupted his explanation, "You step aside for a moment."

What was bound to happen would happen sooner or later.

As Xue Yao walked out the door, he consoled himself repeatedly.

Fortunately, he had already taught Lu Qian beforehand. If someone asked, he could just say it was a game. In the capital, how many officials and noble ladies had played with male companions? Although the imperial family hadn't, Lu Qian was young, just following the trend for some amusement. It shouldn't be a big deal, right?

Having said that, the eldest brother shouldn't be overly concerned about the youngest brother's peculiar preferences, right?

In the quiet room, Lu Jinan went beyond the expected. "After playing, what then? How much has Xue Yao done for you? Considering how you treat him, what will happen to him after playing? Have you thought about it?"

"Marriage proposal." Lu Qian smiled eagerly. "Three rituals and six etiquettes. Your grandpa will marry Yaoyao officially."


It was the first time Xue Yao was notified by a eunuch to return home for "rest" for a few days.

Since the farewell after the wedding banquet, the lemon sprout hadn't been seen again.

Something must have gone wrong. Lu Qian must have told Lu Jinan something.

He was worried about the whole marriage affair again.

Xue Yao had told Lu Qian countless times that a proper marriage was impossible.

He didn't need a formal status. Even if they were together, understanding each other was enough.

"What if Yaoyao runs away with someone?" Lu Qian would always answer this question very seriously, "Your grandpa needs the law for protection."

Xue Yao would burst into laughter every time, unable to control himself. This Long Aotian was so serious, as if afraid of being dumped by him.

Incredibly adorable, Xue Yao couldn't bring himself to correct Lu Qian's silly ideas during the few times before. He didn't expect trouble to arise so quickly.

Two days passed, and there was no news from the palace.

Xue Yao felt like he had waited for half a century. He didn't know how long he had to "rest" before he could enter the palace and see his fiance. He couldn't wait a moment longer.

In times like these, Lu Qian was usually less patient than him. It didn't mean Xue Yao didn't care. He just had a better ability to endure.

He could endure not just because of his personality but also because he had a trick up his sleeve — he always wanted to prove that Lu Qian cared more than him.

The more anxious Lu Qian became, the more mischievously satisfied Xue Yao felt.

Because of this relationship, Xue Yao was much more passive than Lu Qian. If he stopped loving, he couldn't just casually leave Lu Qian. However, if Lu Qian stopped loving, he had to sensibly step aside. So, he welcomed rather than resisted, not playing hard to get but wanting to appear somewhat compelled. This way, when he eventually left, it wouldn't seem so miserable.

Love was truly a strange thing, not entirely like the burden-free nature of familial bonds.

In the face of someone willing to risk their life, love still made him assertive and proud. Even if he left with a broken heart, he wanted to leave an elegant and composed figure for his beloved to see.

Look at Xue Yao, still holding his value, still worth Lu Qian falling in love with ten times over.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Xue Yao couldn't recall what had happened during those three days.

His maternal grandfather talked to him, but he couldn't remember what was said.

Every day, he either stared blankly on the bed or by the window, occasionally lost in thought at the dining table.

Finally, a bit of news arrived.

The warm baby came in person.

Xue Yao felt uneasy. If they were going to notify him about entering the palace, it wouldn't be the prince coming to inform him. If the prince came to see him, it would undoubtedly be to console and comfort him.

Bad news was the only reason for consolation and comfort.

As he expected, the warm baby, besides reassuring him, delicately informed him that being an attendant might not be possible anymore. However, they would arrange another position for him, and he could choose whatever he wanted.

Of course, a bit of self-awareness dictated that he shouldn't choose a job close to Lu Qian.

Wanting more information from the warm baby, Xue Yao desperately pretended to be indifferent.

The warm baby was easily deceived. After chatting for a while and seeing Xue Yao's apparent indifference, he genuinely began to express his own concerns.

He mentioned Seventh Brother being too unruly. Although Eldest Brother allowed him to do as he pleased and dismissed the matter, Seventh Brother insisted on proclaiming three rituals and six etiquettes, causing trouble. Now even ministers in the court were aware of it.

Xue Yao couldn't bear to listen any longer. His hands were shaking badly. Making an excuse to leave, he hid away to take deep breaths, trying to calm himself.

He wrote a letter for the warm baby to deliver to Lu Qian.

The letter was sharp, every word a reminder of the consequences of being too lenient with Lu Qian before. This kid didn't realize how serious it could get.

In the letter, Xue Yao said: Since your eldest brother disagrees, the previous agreement is canceled. Do not escalate the situation.

His letter was written as if he were an outsider, particularly calm and heartless.

After finishing, he forgot everything, afraid to imagine how angry Lu Qian would be upon reading it.

He figured his first love had probably come to an end. It was like fireworks — brilliant and fleeting enough to reminisce about for a lifetime. Perhaps, after this, he wouldn't seek a new lover.

The next evening, exhausted but unable to sleep, he lay on the bed, staring blankly with open eyes.

"Tap, tap."

The window made two tapping sounds.

Every romantic cell within Xue Yao conjured up all the images of secret lovers at that moment.

Like a rabbit, he hopped out of bed and ran barefoot to open the window, turning to face the east.

"This—way— Silly Yaoyao." A familiar, low voice came from the west, carrying a hint of laziness.

Xue Yao discovered for the first time that Lu Qian's voice was so pleasant, each word hitting his heart, sending shivers down his spine.

Suddenly turning his head, he saw Lu Qian standing outside the window. One hand rested on the windowsill, the other behind his back. Under the moonlight, he tilted his head, pursed his lips, and gazed at him.

Just restraining the impulse to express his emotions and hug consumed all his attention. So, forgive Xue Yao for starting to ask a silly question, "Did you come alone?"

"What else?" the lemon sprout raised an eyebrow. "Yaoyao wants to see someone else?"

"Then come in and sit." Xue Yao gestured toward the room, signaling Lu Qian to quickly climb in through the window.

Unable to wait, he didn't want to go around and open the door.

Lu Qian chuckled, lowered his head, and brought his hand from behind, revealing three candied haws. He stood up, solemnly handing two to Xue Yao.

These two were meant for Yaoyao to feed His Highness. The one in His Highness' hand was for feeding Yaoyao.

Taking the candied haws, Xue Yao complained, "Couldn't you buy four?"

"Yaoyao eats slowly." 

To finish at the same time, Yaoyao needed one, and he needed two.

Through the window, they fed each other candied haws.

After eating one, Xue Yao's nose felt sour, and he couldn't swallow anymore.

Lu Qian waited for him to chew slowly, then spoke softly, "Your grandpa burned that letter."

Xue Yao looked up at him.

"No worries. Everything is fine in the palace" Lu Qian took a step closer, looking at Xue Yao seriously through the window. "Wait for your grandpa to come and marry you."

"Isn't being together like this enough?" Xue Yao urged, "If you want to get married, we can secretly go through the ceremony, without letting them know."

"Your grandpa wants the whole world to know."

"You're being disobedient."

"Just this once, then listen to Yaoyao in the future."

Xue Yao turned his head away, unwilling to compromise.

"Your grandpa is leaving," Lu Qian bid farewell.

Xue Yao hastily turned back to look at him. "Why don't you come in and sit for a while?"

Lu Qian, pleased by the reluctance on his fiancee's face, smiled and shook his head, still stepping back, preparing to leave.

Not knowing how this rascal became so heartless, Xue Yao suddenly reached through the window, grabbed the front of Lu Qian's clothes, pulled him abruptly close, stood on his tiptoes, and kissed him on the mouth. Losing control, he trembled, pleading in a shaky voice, "Come in and sit... Seventh Lord?"

In the next instant, Lu Qian wrapped his arm around Xue Yao's lower back, dragged him out through the window, and forcefully pressed him against the mottled gray wall, biting and nibbling.

For the first time, he allowed Lu Qian to explore his mouth passionately.

Until breathless, still dizzy, he let Lu Qian continue to take, as if releasing a lifetime of madness.

Xue Yao, sandwiched between Lu Qian's chest and the gray wall, feeling it wasn't tight enough, reached out to hug Lu Qian's lower back tightly.


He heard a low hum from Lu Qian. The lower back he held tightly suddenly pushed forward, as if trying to avoid his pressure.

Comprehension finally made Xue Yao instantly sober, realizing the reason for all the abnormalities—

Lu Qian would never willingly leave after just seeing him.


Xue Yao reached out to touch Lu Qian's lower back, and indeed, Lu Qian straightened up, turned away, and grabbed his hand, preventing him from touching.

Xue Yao lifted his head and saw the slight frown on Lu Qian's forehead. Clearly, he was enduring pain.

"Did you get punished?" Xue Yao's voice trembled, "Let me see..."

Lu Qian took a step back. "Your grandpa has to go."

"You say there's no need to worry?" Xue Yao went mad, trying to tear at Lu Qian's clothes to see his injuries. However, Lu Qian pressed him against the wall again, unable to move. Helplessly, he asked, "Does it hurt?"

"Hurts." Lu Qian's eyes flashed with anger. "After reading Yaoyao's letter, your grandpa almost choked with pain."

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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