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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 55

Chapter 55

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The Sixth Prince rarely had the opportunity to leave the palace, so the bustling streets of Jinling City brought a sense of novelty to him.

The clothing and conversational style of the men, women, and children in the streets differed significantly from the commoners in the capital.

The cries of the street vendors had an amusing and peculiar sound, saying something like “Sweet as a lost soul.”

A eunuch explained to the Sixth Prince in the capital’s dialect that the vendor was boasting that his oranges were so sweet that they could steal one’s soul.

The Sixth Prince was amused by the shameless bragging of the vendor and decided to buy a few oranges to see just how sweet they really were.

Pedestrians, carriages, and palanquins caused a traffic jam. The disguised eunuchs and guards, fearing that His Highness might be disturbed, surrounded him, carefully pushing through the crowd.

However, the Sixth Prince couldn’t wait and passed through the two attendants, quickly heading toward the vendor’s stall.

Just three or four steps away, he suddenly heard an old man’s cry, and the Sixth Prince turned around, seeing a cart loaded with sacks coming straight towards him!

“Your Highness…” the eunuchs almost cried out.

Fortunately, the Sixth Prince reacted swiftly, and before the cart collided with him, he spun around and evaded it.

“Young Master! Are you unhurt, Young Master?” The eunuch hastily rushed forward to protect his lord, then turned to scold the old man, “You fool, are you blind? Were you in a hurry to be reborn? You just bumped into our young lord! Your whole family’s lives wouldn’t be enough to compensate for that!”

The elderly cart-pusher set down his cart and hurried over, smacking himself hard on the cheek. “This old man deserves to die! Deserves to die!”

“Ah! Grandpa, please stop.” The Sixth Prince quickly restrained the old man’s hand and reassured him, “It’s alright, no one got hurt. I see you have a different accent, are you here in Jinling from far away to do business?”

The old man nodded and humbly replied, “The young master is joking. Us farmers don’t dabble in business. It’s just that this year’s harvest was good, and we have surplus grain. So, I picked the best rice to sell at a low price to the grain shop’s big boss here in Jinling. I’ll trade it for a few pounds of meat to take back home and preserve!”

The Sixth Prince, curious, peered at the cart, which was loaded with dozens of sacks in disarray, and asked, “Are all these sacks filled with rice? How much money can you get from the grain shop?”

The old man responded, “Not much, I can only get a few coins. This rice, at the grain shop, they sell it for over six hundred copper coins per stone, but I’ll sell it to the grain shop for just five hundred copper coins!”

The Sixth Prince looked puzzled. “At such a fair price, why don’t you set up a stall on the streets and sell to the common folks in the city?”

“I’ve been selling as I traveled all along. I’ve sold quite a bit already. To get rid of the rest, it’ll take at least seven or eight days, and food is expensive in the city. Besides, there’s nowhere to stay, so I’ll just sell it cheaply to the grain shop’s proprietor.”

The Sixth Prince’s eyes sparkled as he walked over to the cart and looked at the sacks. “Open the bags, let me have a look. If it’s good rice, I’ll buy it all. That way, you won’t have to push the cart any further.”

The old man was momentarily taken aback, then quickly and gratefully opened the sacks of rice, displaying them to the Sixth Prince. “Our rice has no flaws at all! Even the shop manager could sell it as premium quality. Just look at the sheen!”

The Sixth Prince scooped up a handful and examined it closely. Indeed, it glistened and was of excellent quality. Considering the price, it was likely the grain shop’s wholesale rate, the lowest available. With delight, he instructed his eunuch, “Settle with him. I want all the rice from this cart.”


Xue Yao, with a cold expression, had already been discussing with the procurement eunuch in the corner of the grain shop. He spoke softly, “Since His Highness dispatched me and Respected Elder here to scout this out together, we shouldn’t make unilateral decisions. If you insist on not accepting these fifty thousand stones of grain, we will return and seek a decision from the Crown Prince.”

Respected Elder Liu also wore an unpleasant expression. He had nearly twenty years of experience in procurement. How could he have misjudged the grain prices?

He thought Xue Yao was being shortsighted, getting overly excited at a small advantage. He couldn’t fathom how Xue Yao hoped to gain favor with Consort Xi and the Seventh Prince this way.

This grain acquisition was a royal matter. Otherwise, they would have drawn from the imperial granary directly.

The one million taels were drawn from the Inner Treasury, the Emperor’s personal treasury, separate from the state funds. If they bought at a loss, there was no reimbursement available.

That was why the Emperor sent an experienced procurement eunuch to assist the Crown Prince, fearing he might make an expensive mistake. Now, Xue Yao was causing trouble.

Fifty thousand stones of grain at the price of five hundred and seventy copper coins each added up to a significant deficit, likely costing them two to three thousand taels of silver, a sum hard to bear.

Respected Elder Liu served the Emperor, while Xue Yao was aligned with the Crown Prince.

Though both were working for the Crown Prince’s benefit, in practice, Xue Yao’s influence was noticeably lesser than Respected Elder Liu’s.

So, Respected Elder Liu, his patience worn thin, coldly said, “If the young master insists on buying, he should pay from his own purse! This price is truly too high. I must check prices at other grain shops first. In a significant transaction, it’s best to work with one to gain maximum benefits, not to haggle here and there!”

Xue Yao had no intention of arguing with him, as long as he didn’t unilaterally decide to reject it on behalf of the Crown Prince.

The two of them then went their separate ways.

Xue Yao turned back, chatted with the shop manager for a while, and offered apologies for Respected Elder Liu’s abrupt and arrogant tone, assuring him that he would persuade his lord to purchase this batch of grain.

The manager was somewhat surprised and couldn’t help but say, “I quoted five hundred and seventy copper coins, with twenty percent of it being premium-grade grain. It’s nearly at cost price. To put it flatteringly, I intend to make friends with you, noble gentlemen, hoping for future interactions.”

“I understand.” Xue Yao knew the manager was speaking the truth. The price indeed had very little profit margin, especially when they could sell at a high price.

The manager leaned in and asked, “The gentleman who just left seemed to find the price too high. May I inquire how much grain your lord intends to purchase?”

Xue Yao looked at the manager and solemnly replied, “If you sincerely befriend us, I won’t deceive you. Our lord intends to purchase enough grain for a two-year reserve. Moreover, this isn’t a one-time transaction. We’ll return every autumn to collect provisions. If our lord values your sincerity, perhaps we’ll establish a long-term partnership, designating your grain shop as our exclusive supplier.”

The manager’s eyes widened instantly!

Xue Yao smiled, picked up his tea, and took a sip.

The manager took quite some time to recover from his surprise. He lowered his head in thought for a moment and nervously looked at Xue Yao. “Thank you for sharing such a business opportunity, my friend. I’d like to ask for a favor. Please don’t spread this to other grain shops for now. This fifty thousand stones of grain, we can discuss the price further. We’re willing to give it to you at cost price, with no profit at all. We only hope that your lord will buy more than thirty percent of the grain from our shop when he collects provisions next year.”


The Crown Prince had already found a suitable courtyard in Jiangnan to rent.

When Xue Yao returned to report, he discovered that Respected Elder Liu had already briefed the Crown Prince on the situation.

After they had separated, Respected Elder Liu had visited two grain shops.

Upon learning that both shops had no surplus grain, Respected Elder Liu returned and suggested that the Crown Prince depart for Zhejiang immediately.

Xue Yao had initially intended to send Respected Elder Liu away and report the emergency situation separately.

However, since Respected Elder Liu served the Emperor, and the Crown Prince couldn’t overtly distrust him, Xue Yao had no choice but to report the situation in person.

“It’s possible that the Zhejiang merchants rushed to collect the grain ahead of us, likely to inflate the grain prices. Someone must have leaked the news that we needed a substantial amount of grain,” Xue Yao honestly shared his speculation.

The Crown Prince showed no change in his expression upon hearing the news, indicating that he had received the information in advance from Respected Elder Liu.

Indeed, Respected Elder Liu immediately chuckled and said, “Your Highness, see how this young man got scared? In the future, as he continues to serve Your Highness, he’ll need more seasoning.”

Xue Yao guessed that Respected Elder Liu must have said something to Crown Prince and asked, “Does Respected Elder mean that the Zhejiang merchants inflating grain prices is of no great concern?”

The smirk on Respected Elder Liu’s Buddha-like face revealed a mix of sarcasm and disdain. He cleared his throat and explained, “We’ve just inquired with other grain shops, and there are more than one Zhejiang merchants coming to collect grains, at least seven of them. Even if they intend to inflate grain prices, they must still be able to sell it! Jiangnan is not as dry as the north. Storing grain for an additional year would lead to considerable spoilage. These Zhejiang merchants have taken in so much grain. Their urgency to sell is far greater than ours. If we just hold them off for a while, they’ll be eager to sell, regardless of whether they plan to inflate prices. They might even sell at a loss!”

Upon hearing this, Xue Yao’s forehead practically broke into a sweat.

Respected Elder Liu’s words made perfect sense. He indeed possessed significant experience.

If Xue Yao hadn’t read the novel, he would have undoubtedly believed Respected Elder Liu. It was no wonder the Crown Prince was taken in by his words.

When it came to negotiating and price pressure in procurement, the Crown Prince had zero experience. The eunuch the Emperor assigned to him was loyal and knowledgeable in this field, naturally earning the Crown Prince’s trust.

“The situation is definitely not that simple,” Xue Yao said, wiping away the sweat from his forehead and looking concernedly at the Crown Prince. “Your Highness, even if the Zhejiang merchants can’t inflate grain prices, the purchase price for mid-quality grain will likely not be lower than five hundred copper coins. Ming Fang Grain Shop offered us eighty percent mid-quality rice and twenty percent premium rice for five hundred and forty copper coins, almost without any profit. Acquiring it is sure to be a good deal.”

“Five hundred and forty copper coins?” The Crown Prince turned to Respected Elder Liu.

Respected Elder Liu chuckled and asked Xue Yao, “How did it become five hundred and forty copper coins? That’s another thirty copper coins less? See, as we’ve said before, grain merchants will compete to offer favorable terms. He hasn’t even tried bargaining, yet he already brought it down by thirty copper coins. If Master Xue shows a bit more patience, it’s only a matter of time before it comes down to five hundred copper coins.”

In a fit of anger, Xue Yao turned to the plump eunuch. “Respected Elder, this price was negotiated in earnest with the manager, not him lowering it to seize the business. You’ve also visited other grain shops, and you know that Jinling’s grain shops have been emptied by Zhejiang merchants. Their stock is barely enough to be sold sporadically until next year, so who would be willing to give us fifty thousand stones of grain at cost price? The prices they’ve sold to Zhejiang merchants are twenty copper coins higher than this! Do you think the Zhejiang merchants, who are stockpiling at high prices, would be willing to sell to us at a loss? Furthermore, it’s a question of whether those Zhejiang merchants can afford it, or whether it’s the disaster-stricken people who can afford it! Do we have the confidence to compete with them?”

“You…” Respected Elder Liu was left dumbfounded by his words, his face flushed with embarrassment, unable to respond.

“Well said,” the Crown Prince stood up, and with a hint of a smile in his phoenix-like eyes, he looked at Xue Yao. “You’re young, but your thinking is remarkably thorough. I trust your judgment. Go and collect the funds, then arrange to obtain those fifty thousand stones of grain.”

Respected Elder Liu wanted to protest, but couldn’t find the words.

“Many thanks for Your Highness’ trust!” Xue Yao bowed respectfully. Just as he turned to leave, he saw the Sixth Prince enter the hall with an excited expression.

“Eldest Brother! Eldest Brother! Look at what I’ve bought!” The Sixth Prince turned and eagerly gestured for his attendants to bring in the low-priced grain he had purchased. He gleefully informed the Crown Prince, “There are a total of thirty bags of mid-quality rice here. They were selling for six hundred and fifty copper coins at the market. Can you guess how much I paid?”

The Crown Prince wasn’t particularly interested in thirty bags of rice, but he didn’t want to dampen his younger brother’s enthusiasm. So, he pretended to be curious and said, “How much?”

“Take a guess!” The Sixth Prince was immensely pleased.

The Crown Prince, with a resigned smile, casually guessed, “Six hundred copper coins?”

“Less!” The Sixth Prince was so happy he could almost wag his tail.

“Still less?” Crown Prince was genuinely impressed by his younger brother’s bargaining skills. “Five hundred and eighty copper coins?”

Surely it couldn’t be lower than the price that Xue Yao had worked so hard to negotiate, right?

The Sixth Prince couldn’t wait to reveal the truth. “Only five hundred copper coins flat!”

As the words fell, the hall was so quiet one could hear a pin drop.

The Crown Prince hadn’t expected his younger brother to purchase the grain at a price lower than Xue Yao.

Out of courtesy and decorum, the Crown Prince refrained from glancing at Xue Yao’s expression.

However, Respected Elder Liu couldn’t help but laugh and slyly quipped, “It seems that we’ll have to send the Sixth Prince to negotiate for prices over in Zhejiang!”

Xue Yao’s face turned pale, and he approached the Sixth Prince, scarcely believing what he was hearing. “Your Highness, where did you manage to purchase such low-priced grain?”

The Sixth Prince couldn’t contain his joy and eagerly explained, “It’s quite a story, really. I was walking in the market when a cart recklessly veered towards me, but I managed to dodge it. Ha-ha, you won’t believe it, but the cart was filled with rice – rice brought in by farmers from out of town, intending to sell it to grain shops at a discount. I figured since they were selling to grain shops, it had to be cheaper than what the grain shops would resell it for, so I just took it all!”

“Aiya!” Respected Elder Liu clapped his hands and praised, “The Sixth Prince is indeed blessed by good fortune! The price of five hundred copper coins is truly ideal!”

Xue Yao felt a moment of dizziness and cast his gaze between the Sixth Prince and the Crown Prince, ultimately turning to scrutinize the grain the Sixth Prince had acquired.

Just as the Crown Prince was about to speak, Xue Yao suddenly rushed over to the grain, crouched down, and untied the sacks, grabbing a handful of rice to inspect it closely under the light.

Respected Elder Liu, understanding that Xue Yao was doubting the quality of the rice, immediately stepped forward to inspect it with a smug look on his face. “Indeed, it is mid-quality rice!”

The Sixth Prince smiled at Xue Yao and reassured him, “Don’t worry, I decided to buy it only after checking it thoroughly!”

Xue Yao remained silent, seemingly possessed, as he frantically dug into the bags of rice. Then, he abruptly stood up, anxiously scanning the area as if searching for something.

“A’Yao?” The Sixth Prince, observing Xue Yao’s change in complexion, approached him with a concerned tone. “What’s wrong?”

Xue Yao waved his hand, holding his breath, unable to speak. He turned and grabbed a teacup from the coffee table, and with a loud crash, he threw it to the ground.

“What are you doing?” Respected Elder Liu was taken aback.

The guards standing outside the hall immediately tightened their grips on their swords, ready to respond.

Paying no attention to the bewildered expressions of the Crown Prince and the Sixth Prince, Xue Yao bent down, picked up a piece of shattered porcelain, and then turned to slash open the bottom of one of the rice bags.

There was a clattering sound as the rice from the bag’s bottom spilled out.

The Crown Prince lowered his head and, to his astonishment, found that the rice flowing from the bottom of the bag was entirely different from the rice he had scooped from the top.

It was all moldy and infested with black, discolored worms!

Xue Yao, finally releasing a pent-up breath, sat down on the ground and, with a weary smile, explained to the Sixth Prince, “Your Highness, farmers from the countryside transporting grain to Jinling wouldn’t offer such a huge bargain. That deceitful farmer must have noticed your noble attire and intentionally tried to swindle you.”

The Sixth Prince, blushing, rushed over and took the porcelain shard from Xue Yao’s hand, then proceeded to cut open the bottom of the remaining bags of rice.

As expected, the rice at the bottom of those sacks was a mixture of stones, soil, moldy grains, and worms.

The Sixth Prince realized he had been deceived, and his eyes reddened with anxiety. He turned to the Crown Prince and stammered, “Eldest Brother… I…”

“What’s wrong with you? Still believing everyone’s words?” The Crown Prince, not displaying his usual strict demeanor, playfully raised his hand and lightly pointed at his younger brother. “You’re just like when you were a child. Fortunately, you didn’t spend much money. It’s only thirty bags of rice, and half of them are good. It’s not a substantial loss, and it will be charged to me. Don’t feel uncomfortable about such a minor matter. Learn from the experience.”

Respected Elder Liu, having been put in his place by Xue Yao, felt too embarrassed to boast further. He lowered his head and walked away, instructing his men to remove the rice.

It was truly unexpected that Xue Yao had such skills. He suspected foul play when the Sixth Prince mentioned it and promptly sliced open the bags to uncover the deceit.

Xue Yao exhibited remarkable determination, not at all like a pampered seventeen-year-old young master.


Thank god this didn’t drag out. But poor sixth prince.

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The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 55

The Tyrant’s Cannon Fodder Male Empress Chapter 55

Chapter 55

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The Sixth Prince rarely had the opportunity to leave the palace, so the bustling streets of Jinling City brought a sense of novelty to him.

The clothing and conversational style of the men, women, and children in the streets differed significantly from the commoners in the capital.

The cries of the street vendors had an amusing and peculiar sound, saying something like "Sweet as a lost soul."

A eunuch explained to the Sixth Prince in the capital's dialect that the vendor was boasting that his oranges were so sweet that they could steal one's soul.

The Sixth Prince was amused by the shameless bragging of the vendor and decided to buy a few oranges to see just how sweet they really were.

Pedestrians, carriages, and palanquins caused a traffic jam. The disguised eunuchs and guards, fearing that His Highness might be disturbed, surrounded him, carefully pushing through the crowd.

However, the Sixth Prince couldn't wait and passed through the two attendants, quickly heading toward the vendor's stall.

Just three or four steps away, he suddenly heard an old man's cry, and the Sixth Prince turned around, seeing a cart loaded with sacks coming straight towards him!

"Your Highness..." the eunuchs almost cried out.

Fortunately, the Sixth Prince reacted swiftly, and before the cart collided with him, he spun around and evaded it.

"Young Master! Are you unhurt, Young Master?" The eunuch hastily rushed forward to protect his lord, then turned to scold the old man, "You fool, are you blind? Were you in a hurry to be reborn? You just bumped into our young lord! Your whole family's lives wouldn't be enough to compensate for that!"

The elderly cart-pusher set down his cart and hurried over, smacking himself hard on the cheek. "This old man deserves to die! Deserves to die!"

"Ah! Grandpa, please stop." The Sixth Prince quickly restrained the old man's hand and reassured him, "It's alright, no one got hurt. I see you have a different accent, are you here in Jinling from far away to do business?"

The old man nodded and humbly replied, "The young master is joking. Us farmers don't dabble in business. It's just that this year's harvest was good, and we have surplus grain. So, I picked the best rice to sell at a low price to the grain shop's big boss here in Jinling. I'll trade it for a few pounds of meat to take back home and preserve!"

The Sixth Prince, curious, peered at the cart, which was loaded with dozens of sacks in disarray, and asked, "Are all these sacks filled with rice? How much money can you get from the grain shop?"

The old man responded, "Not much, I can only get a few coins. This rice, at the grain shop, they sell it for over six hundred copper coins per stone, but I'll sell it to the grain shop for just five hundred copper coins!"

The Sixth Prince looked puzzled. "At such a fair price, why don't you set up a stall on the streets and sell to the common folks in the city?"

"I've been selling as I traveled all along. I've sold quite a bit already. To get rid of the rest, it'll take at least seven or eight days, and food is expensive in the city. Besides, there's nowhere to stay, so I'll just sell it cheaply to the grain shop's proprietor."

The Sixth Prince's eyes sparkled as he walked over to the cart and looked at the sacks. "Open the bags, let me have a look. If it's good rice, I'll buy it all. That way, you won't have to push the cart any further."

The old man was momentarily taken aback, then quickly and gratefully opened the sacks of rice, displaying them to the Sixth Prince. "Our rice has no flaws at all! Even the shop manager could sell it as premium quality. Just look at the sheen!"

The Sixth Prince scooped up a handful and examined it closely. Indeed, it glistened and was of excellent quality. Considering the price, it was likely the grain shop's wholesale rate, the lowest available. With delight, he instructed his eunuch, "Settle with him. I want all the rice from this cart."


Xue Yao, with a cold expression, had already been discussing with the procurement eunuch in the corner of the grain shop. He spoke softly, "Since His Highness dispatched me and Respected Elder here to scout this out together, we shouldn't make unilateral decisions. If you insist on not accepting these fifty thousand stones of grain, we will return and seek a decision from the Crown Prince."

Respected Elder Liu also wore an unpleasant expression. He had nearly twenty years of experience in procurement. How could he have misjudged the grain prices?

He thought Xue Yao was being shortsighted, getting overly excited at a small advantage. He couldn't fathom how Xue Yao hoped to gain favor with Consort Xi and the Seventh Prince this way.

This grain acquisition was a royal matter. Otherwise, they would have drawn from the imperial granary directly.

The one million taels were drawn from the Inner Treasury, the Emperor's personal treasury, separate from the state funds. If they bought at a loss, there was no reimbursement available.

That was why the Emperor sent an experienced procurement eunuch to assist the Crown Prince, fearing he might make an expensive mistake. Now, Xue Yao was causing trouble.

Fifty thousand stones of grain at the price of five hundred and seventy copper coins each added up to a significant deficit, likely costing them two to three thousand taels of silver, a sum hard to bear.

Respected Elder Liu served the Emperor, while Xue Yao was aligned with the Crown Prince.

Though both were working for the Crown Prince's benefit, in practice, Xue Yao's influence was noticeably lesser than Respected Elder Liu's.

So, Respected Elder Liu, his patience worn thin, coldly said, "If the young master insists on buying, he should pay from his own purse! This price is truly too high. I must check prices at other grain shops first. In a significant transaction, it's best to work with one to gain maximum benefits, not to haggle here and there!"

Xue Yao had no intention of arguing with him, as long as he didn't unilaterally decide to reject it on behalf of the Crown Prince.

The two of them then went their separate ways.

Xue Yao turned back, chatted with the shop manager for a while, and offered apologies for Respected Elder Liu's abrupt and arrogant tone, assuring him that he would persuade his lord to purchase this batch of grain.

The manager was somewhat surprised and couldn't help but say, "I quoted five hundred and seventy copper coins, with twenty percent of it being premium-grade grain. It's nearly at cost price. To put it flatteringly, I intend to make friends with you, noble gentlemen, hoping for future interactions."

"I understand." Xue Yao knew the manager was speaking the truth. The price indeed had very little profit margin, especially when they could sell at a high price.

The manager leaned in and asked, "The gentleman who just left seemed to find the price too high. May I inquire how much grain your lord intends to purchase?"

Xue Yao looked at the manager and solemnly replied, "If you sincerely befriend us, I won't deceive you. Our lord intends to purchase enough grain for a two-year reserve. Moreover, this isn't a one-time transaction. We'll return every autumn to collect provisions. If our lord values your sincerity, perhaps we'll establish a long-term partnership, designating your grain shop as our exclusive supplier."

The manager's eyes widened instantly!

Xue Yao smiled, picked up his tea, and took a sip.

The manager took quite some time to recover from his surprise. He lowered his head in thought for a moment and nervously looked at Xue Yao. "Thank you for sharing such a business opportunity, my friend. I'd like to ask for a favor. Please don't spread this to other grain shops for now. This fifty thousand stones of grain, we can discuss the price further. We're willing to give it to you at cost price, with no profit at all. We only hope that your lord will buy more than thirty percent of the grain from our shop when he collects provisions next year."


The Crown Prince had already found a suitable courtyard in Jiangnan to rent.

When Xue Yao returned to report, he discovered that Respected Elder Liu had already briefed the Crown Prince on the situation.

After they had separated, Respected Elder Liu had visited two grain shops.

Upon learning that both shops had no surplus grain, Respected Elder Liu returned and suggested that the Crown Prince depart for Zhejiang immediately.

Xue Yao had initially intended to send Respected Elder Liu away and report the emergency situation separately.

However, since Respected Elder Liu served the Emperor, and the Crown Prince couldn't overtly distrust him, Xue Yao had no choice but to report the situation in person.

"It's possible that the Zhejiang merchants rushed to collect the grain ahead of us, likely to inflate the grain prices. Someone must have leaked the news that we needed a substantial amount of grain," Xue Yao honestly shared his speculation.

The Crown Prince showed no change in his expression upon hearing the news, indicating that he had received the information in advance from Respected Elder Liu.

Indeed, Respected Elder Liu immediately chuckled and said, "Your Highness, see how this young man got scared? In the future, as he continues to serve Your Highness, he'll need more seasoning."

Xue Yao guessed that Respected Elder Liu must have said something to Crown Prince and asked, "Does Respected Elder mean that the Zhejiang merchants inflating grain prices is of no great concern?"

The smirk on Respected Elder Liu's Buddha-like face revealed a mix of sarcasm and disdain. He cleared his throat and explained, "We've just inquired with other grain shops, and there are more than one Zhejiang merchants coming to collect grains, at least seven of them. Even if they intend to inflate grain prices, they must still be able to sell it! Jiangnan is not as dry as the north. Storing grain for an additional year would lead to considerable spoilage. These Zhejiang merchants have taken in so much grain. Their urgency to sell is far greater than ours. If we just hold them off for a while, they'll be eager to sell, regardless of whether they plan to inflate prices. They might even sell at a loss!"

Upon hearing this, Xue Yao's forehead practically broke into a sweat.

Respected Elder Liu's words made perfect sense. He indeed possessed significant experience.

If Xue Yao hadn't read the novel, he would have undoubtedly believed Respected Elder Liu. It was no wonder the Crown Prince was taken in by his words.

When it came to negotiating and price pressure in procurement, the Crown Prince had zero experience. The eunuch the Emperor assigned to him was loyal and knowledgeable in this field, naturally earning the Crown Prince's trust.

"The situation is definitely not that simple," Xue Yao said, wiping away the sweat from his forehead and looking concernedly at the Crown Prince. "Your Highness, even if the Zhejiang merchants can't inflate grain prices, the purchase price for mid-quality grain will likely not be lower than five hundred copper coins. Ming Fang Grain Shop offered us eighty percent mid-quality rice and twenty percent premium rice for five hundred and forty copper coins, almost without any profit. Acquiring it is sure to be a good deal."

"Five hundred and forty copper coins?" The Crown Prince turned to Respected Elder Liu.

Respected Elder Liu chuckled and asked Xue Yao, "How did it become five hundred and forty copper coins? That's another thirty copper coins less? See, as we've said before, grain merchants will compete to offer favorable terms. He hasn't even tried bargaining, yet he already brought it down by thirty copper coins. If Master Xue shows a bit more patience, it's only a matter of time before it comes down to five hundred copper coins."

In a fit of anger, Xue Yao turned to the plump eunuch. "Respected Elder, this price was negotiated in earnest with the manager, not him lowering it to seize the business. You've also visited other grain shops, and you know that Jinling's grain shops have been emptied by Zhejiang merchants. Their stock is barely enough to be sold sporadically until next year, so who would be willing to give us fifty thousand stones of grain at cost price? The prices they've sold to Zhejiang merchants are twenty copper coins higher than this! Do you think the Zhejiang merchants, who are stockpiling at high prices, would be willing to sell to us at a loss? Furthermore, it's a question of whether those Zhejiang merchants can afford it, or whether it's the disaster-stricken people who can afford it! Do we have the confidence to compete with them?"

"You..." Respected Elder Liu was left dumbfounded by his words, his face flushed with embarrassment, unable to respond.

"Well said," the Crown Prince stood up, and with a hint of a smile in his phoenix-like eyes, he looked at Xue Yao. "You're young, but your thinking is remarkably thorough. I trust your judgment. Go and collect the funds, then arrange to obtain those fifty thousand stones of grain."

Respected Elder Liu wanted to protest, but couldn't find the words.

"Many thanks for Your Highness' trust!" Xue Yao bowed respectfully. Just as he turned to leave, he saw the Sixth Prince enter the hall with an excited expression.

"Eldest Brother! Eldest Brother! Look at what I've bought!" The Sixth Prince turned and eagerly gestured for his attendants to bring in the low-priced grain he had purchased. He gleefully informed the Crown Prince, "There are a total of thirty bags of mid-quality rice here. They were selling for six hundred and fifty copper coins at the market. Can you guess how much I paid?"

The Crown Prince wasn't particularly interested in thirty bags of rice, but he didn't want to dampen his younger brother's enthusiasm. So, he pretended to be curious and said, "How much?"

"Take a guess!" The Sixth Prince was immensely pleased.

The Crown Prince, with a resigned smile, casually guessed, "Six hundred copper coins?"

"Less!" The Sixth Prince was so happy he could almost wag his tail.

"Still less?" Crown Prince was genuinely impressed by his younger brother's bargaining skills. "Five hundred and eighty copper coins?"

Surely it couldn't be lower than the price that Xue Yao had worked so hard to negotiate, right?

The Sixth Prince couldn't wait to reveal the truth. "Only five hundred copper coins flat!"

As the words fell, the hall was so quiet one could hear a pin drop.

The Crown Prince hadn't expected his younger brother to purchase the grain at a price lower than Xue Yao.

Out of courtesy and decorum, the Crown Prince refrained from glancing at Xue Yao's expression.

However, Respected Elder Liu couldn't help but laugh and slyly quipped, "It seems that we'll have to send the Sixth Prince to negotiate for prices over in Zhejiang!"

Xue Yao's face turned pale, and he approached the Sixth Prince, scarcely believing what he was hearing. "Your Highness, where did you manage to purchase such low-priced grain?"

The Sixth Prince couldn't contain his joy and eagerly explained, "It's quite a story, really. I was walking in the market when a cart recklessly veered towards me, but I managed to dodge it. Ha-ha, you won't believe it, but the cart was filled with rice – rice brought in by farmers from out of town, intending to sell it to grain shops at a discount. I figured since they were selling to grain shops, it had to be cheaper than what the grain shops would resell it for, so I just took it all!"

"Aiya!" Respected Elder Liu clapped his hands and praised, "The Sixth Prince is indeed blessed by good fortune! The price of five hundred copper coins is truly ideal!"

Xue Yao felt a moment of dizziness and cast his gaze between the Sixth Prince and the Crown Prince, ultimately turning to scrutinize the grain the Sixth Prince had acquired.

Just as the Crown Prince was about to speak, Xue Yao suddenly rushed over to the grain, crouched down, and untied the sacks, grabbing a handful of rice to inspect it closely under the light.

Respected Elder Liu, understanding that Xue Yao was doubting the quality of the rice, immediately stepped forward to inspect it with a smug look on his face. "Indeed, it is mid-quality rice!"

The Sixth Prince smiled at Xue Yao and reassured him, "Don't worry, I decided to buy it only after checking it thoroughly!"

Xue Yao remained silent, seemingly possessed, as he frantically dug into the bags of rice. Then, he abruptly stood up, anxiously scanning the area as if searching for something.

"A'Yao?" The Sixth Prince, observing Xue Yao's change in complexion, approached him with a concerned tone. "What's wrong?"

Xue Yao waved his hand, holding his breath, unable to speak. He turned and grabbed a teacup from the coffee table, and with a loud crash, he threw it to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Respected Elder Liu was taken aback.

The guards standing outside the hall immediately tightened their grips on their swords, ready to respond.

Paying no attention to the bewildered expressions of the Crown Prince and the Sixth Prince, Xue Yao bent down, picked up a piece of shattered porcelain, and then turned to slash open the bottom of one of the rice bags.

There was a clattering sound as the rice from the bag's bottom spilled out.

The Crown Prince lowered his head and, to his astonishment, found that the rice flowing from the bottom of the bag was entirely different from the rice he had scooped from the top.

It was all moldy and infested with black, discolored worms!

Xue Yao, finally releasing a pent-up breath, sat down on the ground and, with a weary smile, explained to the Sixth Prince, "Your Highness, farmers from the countryside transporting grain to Jinling wouldn't offer such a huge bargain. That deceitful farmer must have noticed your noble attire and intentionally tried to swindle you."

The Sixth Prince, blushing, rushed over and took the porcelain shard from Xue Yao's hand, then proceeded to cut open the bottom of the remaining bags of rice.

As expected, the rice at the bottom of those sacks was a mixture of stones, soil, moldy grains, and worms.

The Sixth Prince realized he had been deceived, and his eyes reddened with anxiety. He turned to the Crown Prince and stammered, "Eldest Brother... I..."

"What's wrong with you? Still believing everyone's words?" The Crown Prince, not displaying his usual strict demeanor, playfully raised his hand and lightly pointed at his younger brother. "You're just like when you were a child. Fortunately, you didn't spend much money. It's only thirty bags of rice, and half of them are good. It's not a substantial loss, and it will be charged to me. Don't feel uncomfortable about such a minor matter. Learn from the experience."

Respected Elder Liu, having been put in his place by Xue Yao, felt too embarrassed to boast further. He lowered his head and walked away, instructing his men to remove the rice.

It was truly unexpected that Xue Yao had such skills. He suspected foul play when the Sixth Prince mentioned it and promptly sliced open the bags to uncover the deceit.

Xue Yao exhibited remarkable determination, not at all like a pampered seventeen-year-old young master.


Thank god this didn't drag out. But poor sixth prince.

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