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Transmigrated Into The High-Risk Profession Life As A Master Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Lanting Phoenix, My Boat Cannot Dock…..

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Sage Shen’s imposing presence was unparalleled, even the ferocious water demon, who treated human lives like grass, retreated in his presence.

The lotus in the filthy water continued to grow wildly, quickly spreading toward the water demon’s boat. The water demon, with a gloomy expression, used his pole to propel himself backward.

Shen Gurong swung his sword again.

In Shen Fengxue’s hands, the sword Lin Xiachun could unleash a flurry of frost and killing intent with a casual wave, but in Shen Gurong’s use, the sword’s intent was gentle as the spring breeze, swaying like rain, without a trace of coldness.

With a crisp sound, the sword’s intent, enveloped in the pitch-black sewage, cut off a section of the water demon’s pole.

The water demon’s expression was grim as he stared fixedly at Shen Gurong, yet, forced by Shen Gurong’s still lingering sharp pressure, he retreated with his boat, abandoning even the broken pole.

The severed section of the pole had not yet fallen into the water when it was swiftly wrapped up by the petals of a lotus, which then plunged it into the water.

The next moment, the lotus, as if it had come to life, emerged from beneath Shen Gurong’s feet, swaying left and right, presenting the piece of the pole to Shen Gurong.

With a cold expression, Shen Gurong raised his hand to receive the small section of the pole, tossing it to Wen Liubing without a glance.

The pole seemed to possess some strange power, but Shen Gurong didn’t know how to use it, so he pretended to be profound and gave it to Wen Liubing, leaving his disciple to figure it out.

He lowered his eyes to the lotus that seemed to be performing a dance. Even though he was almost accustomed to this world, seeing this almost human-like lotus was still quite exhilarating.

Wen Liubing, having stepped off the swaying boat, looked much better. He stood up, stepped on the lotus, and caught the pole.

“Master,” Wen Liubing carefully examined the pole and said truthfully, “This doesn’t seem to have any use.”

Shen Gurong: “…”

The scene became somewhat awkward.

Wen Liubing, being very straightforward, didn’t understand how to consider his master’s feelings. He always believed that “everything Master does has its reason,” so he didn’t notice Shen Gurong’s embarrassment and continued to ask, “Does Master have some other ingenious use for this pole?”

Shen Gurong thought expressionlessly, [To shut your mouth with it.]

Mu Zhe: “…”

Wen Liubing, not paying attention to anyone else’s expressions, continued, “Master?”

Mu Zhe thought, it’s really kind of Master not to have expelled you from the sect all these years.

Seeing that Shen Gurong was about to start inventing new insults, Mu Zhe coughed lightly and said, “Senior Brother, the urgent task now is to subdue the water demon.”

The water demon seemed wary of Shen Gurong, who had suddenly regained his spiritual power, but was also unwilling to let him go easily. Holding most of the broken pole, the demon stood on the dilapidated little boat at a distance, watching them coldly.

Wen Liubing never allowed others to interfere in his affairs too much, and he had long disliked Mu Zhe. Hearing this, he shot Mu Zhe a cold look as sharp as a knife, saying, “I don’t need your reminder.”

Mu Zhe seemed startled, his shoulders trembling slightly.

Shen Gurong, seeing this by chance, immediately frowned. He quickly walked over on the lotus to Mu Zhe’s side, shielding him behind him while glaring coldly at Wen Liubing.

Wen Liubing immediately said, “I didn’t do anything.”

Just as he finished speaking, Mu Zhe wrapped his arms around Shen Gurong’s waist, burying his small face in Shen Gurong’s chest, as if he were very frightened.

Shen Gurong’s gaze became even harsher.

Wen Liubing: “…”

Wen Liubing, angered to the point of turning pale, gave Mu Zhe’s back a fierce glare before expressionlessly taking his sword to fight the water demon.

Xue Manzhuang had already flown back. Circling a few times, he was about to land on Shen Gurong’s shoulder when Shen Gurong unceremoniously slapped him away. Xue Manzhuang had no choice but to perch on a lotus, chirping pitifully.

The water demon lightly tapped the water with his pole, causing ripples to spread. He seemed to realize something and frowned: “The phoenix has recognized its master…”

Shen Gurong, unable to use his spiritual power within the water demon’s barrier, had borrowed the spiritual power from the phoenix’s recognition contract for that momentary intimidating aura.

Realizing this, the water demon sneered and stirred the water with his pole. Countless vengeful spirits emerged from the water, forming a dense wall in the air to block Wen Liubing, who was approaching on the lotus.

Wen Liubing slashed with his sword, creating a sharp opening in the wall of vengeful spirits. Then, his spiritual power exploded, annihilating all the vengeful spirits.

But as the vengeful spirits dissipated like rain, the water demon and his boat, which had been not far away, vanished without a trace.

Wen Liubing’s pupils contracted. Reacting quickly, he instinctively swung his sword backward. The sword intent, infused with the power of the Godhood Stage, swept across the dark water, making it boil.

With a thunderous explosion, the sword intent narrowly missed Shen Gurong, exploding just behind him.

Black water droplets splattered everywhere, drenching Shen Gurong, even dripping onto his long white hair.

Startled, Shen Gurong shivered slightly, bending down to protect Mu Zhe’s small body beneath him.

When the black rain stopped, Shen Gurong, still shaken, thought: [Rebellious disciple, are you finally trying to kill your master?!]

The rebellious disciple hurriedly stepped across the scattered lotus leaves and called out urgently, “Master, watch your step!”

Just those four words made Shen Gurong feel a creepy sensation extending from his feet up to his calves. Without thinking, he picked up Mu Zhe and struck out with his spiritual power at his feet.

Lin Xiachun had already dissipated from his hand at some point.

Xue Manzhuang, still in its infant form, had very little usable spiritual power left. The two sword strikes Shen Gurong had made earlier had nearly depleted Xue Manzhuang’s remaining spiritual power, so this strike had little effect, merely shattering the lotus on the water surface.

The water demon’s sinister face emerged from the surface of the water.

He was pushing his boat and somehow managed to submerge himself underwater.

The water demon seemed to merge seamlessly with the inky water, only his white eyes visible through the thin layer of water, staring intently at Shen Gurong.

Shen Gurong almost screamed in shock but barely managed to hold it in to avoid embarrassment.

He quickly retreated a few steps as the surrounding lotus plants began to wither slowly, leaving no place to step.

Seeing that Shen Gurong was about to fall into the water, Wen Liubing quickly tossed the half-section of the pole he was holding.

At the moment it touched the water, the pole transformed into a small boat.

Without thinking, Shen Gurong threw Mu Zhe onto the boat. Just as he was about to jump onto it himself, he watched in astonishment as the boat, along with the bewildered Mu Zhe, suddenly vanished from the water’s surface.

Shen Gurong: “…”

Was he cursed today?

The pole transformed into a small boat, forcibly transporting Mu Zhe out of the water demon’s barrier, leaving the remaining two and a phoenix in dire straits.

Xue Manzhuang was fine, having space to fly around. Even if he got lost in the thick fog, he could just fly around for a while and find his way back.

However, with Shen Gurong’s spiritual power dissipating, the lotus flowers withered rapidly, leaving the two of them with nowhere to stand within moments.

Shen Gurong landed gracefully on the last lotus flower, his robes fluttering as he frowned at Wen Liubing. “You mentioned earlier that you have a way to break the water demon’s barrier. What is it?”

Wen Liubing, avoiding looking at the water, held the Lanting Sword in his hand. His eyes were cold as he slightly rotated the blade. “Kill him, and we can get out.”

Shen Gurong: “…”

Had his disciple always been this reckless? How had he not gotten himself killed all these years?

“All the ghost cultivators from Dongting are wicked,” Wen Liubing said coldly. “This water demon, enlightened by someone, escaped from Dongting. On his way to Chaoliren Peak, he already killed several people. Even if we capture him and return him to Dongting, he won’t escape death.”

Shen Gurong remained silent.

Seeing Shen Gurong deep in thought, Wen Liubing’s icy expression softened slightly. He respectfully handed his own life-bound sword to Shen Gurong. “Master, please take this sword.”

Shen Gurong frowned slightly. “Hmm?”

“Your Lin Xiachun is not at hand, and your spiritual power is too weak right now. You need a divine weapon to protect yourself.”

Shen Gurong was taken aback. Lin Xiachun?

Wasn’t the sword he held earlier Shen Fengxue’s life-bound sword, Lin Xiachun? How was it not at hand?

He tilted his head, thinking, and staggered as the last lotus flower underfoot seemed about to wither and turn to ashes.

As the last bit of footing began to disappear, Shen Gurong felt a sudden panic. He suddenly recalled Shen Fengxue’s earlier words.

[You need to learn how to survive on your own.]

Survive on his own…

Shen Gurong suddenly felt a bit lost.

Ever since he arrived in this world, he had relied either on Xi Guxing or Shen Fengxue. He even hesitated to easily crush the Epidemic Demon that had possessed Mu Zhe.

In this water demon’s barrier, if he didn’t kill the water demon, it would mean his death.

If he died, could he still go home?

As this thought crossed Shen Gurong’s mind, a chill ran through his entire body.

This was a thought he had never dared to entertain since coming here. He feared he wouldn’t be able to return home, to see his parents, his brothers, and his sister.

The fear of this possibility was so overwhelming that when Shen Gurong had the thought of “not being able to go home,” his heart ached, and his hand instinctively gripped Wen Liubing’s Lanting Sword tightly.

He looked down at the withering lotus beneath his feet, and whatever thoughts crossed his mind, he suddenly thrust the sword into the water.

The pitch-black water seemed to be composed of countless vengeful spirits. As the sharp blade pierced through, he heard a cacophony of agonized screams. Countless hands emerged, struggling to grab his feet and drag him into the endless abyss.

Shen Gurong thought to himself, “I’m not here to die.”

He closed his eyes slightly, ignoring the shadow-like ghost hands reaching for his legs.

Although Shen Fengxue’s memories were fragmented, the instinct to fight ghost cultivators remained.

Shen Gurong rummaged through those memories for a moment and finally found a solution in a corner of his mind.

He suddenly opened his eyes and called out to the flying Xue Manzhuang, “Xue Manzhuang, come here.”

Xue Manzhuang, holding no grudges, immediately flew back when he heard the beautiful man call him, chirping obediently.

Shen Gurong asked, “Can you still use phoenix fire?”

Xue Manzhuang tilted his head slightly, chirping in confusion.

Shen Gurong said, “Fire.”

Xue Manzhuang finally understood. Closing his eyes tightly and straining for a while, he managed to produce a small wisp of phoenix fire from his beak.

Shen Gurong: “…”

Although Xue Manzhuang was an adult, he was forced back into his infant form and couldn’t produce much phoenix fire.

Shen Gurong suddenly felt a sense of irony; every cause has its effect, and now he faced the consequences.

The water demon was too cunning, navigating the water with his boat. Despite Wen Liubing’s cultivation, he couldn’t locate the demon’s hiding place.

Wen Liubing noticed Shen Gurong discussing Phoenix Fire with Xue Manzhuang and raised an eyebrow slightly, “Master wants to use fire to fight the water demon?”

Shen Gurong nodded, “Although it looks like water under our feet, it’s actually a dark river formed by countless resentful spirits.”

The Phoenix Fire can burn everything in the world, and it’s especially effective against sinister entities.

When Xue Manzhuang heard Shen Gurong praising his fire, he immediately jumped up and down, joyfully pestering Shen Gurong to spit fire.

After struggling for a long time, he finally managed to produce a ball of Phoenix Fire in his palm. Seeing him so hoarse, as if he was about to vomit out his organs, even Shen Gurong, who usually disliked Xue Manzhuang, couldn’t help but feel a bit sympathetic.

“Stop it.” Shen Gurong, rarely, patted Xue Manzhuang’s head, “This should be enough.”

Xue Manzhuang, who was barely alive, was suddenly patted on the head and stood frozen for a moment. Then, he immediately jumped up, chirping and wanting to spit more fire for the beautiful Shen.

Shen Gurong patted his head twice more and said, “Stay quietly on my shoulder.”

Xue Manzhuang instantly fell silent, squatting on Shen Gurong’s left shoulder with a joyful expression, his little head swaying from side to side.

Shen Gurong ignored him and suspended the Phoenix Fire on the Lanting Sword, then let Wen Liubing control the spiritual sword like water.

Wen Liubing nodded and controlled the reluctant spiritual sword to plunge into the water with a swoosh, starting to fly around in search of the water ghost.

The water demon’s barrier was like a long river. The Lanting Sword, carrying the Phoenix Fire, moved straight ahead. The resentful spirits, fearing both the spiritual sword and the Phoenix Fire, screamed and avoided them.

In just a moment, a wail came from not far away. Then the Lanting Sword emerged from the water, bringing with it a trail of ghostly energy, and returned to Wen Liubing’s hand.

The Phoenix Fire’s power was immense, severely injuring the water demon in an instant.

The boat, carrying the water demon, slowly floated up from the water.

The water demon, covered in blood, clung to the edge of the boat, still glaring fiercely at Shen Gurong.

Using the last of his spiritual power, Shen Gurong waved his hand, spreading a path of lotus flowers on the water.

Just as he was about to step forward, Wen Liubing stopped him, “Master, water demons are cunning, you must be careful.”

Shen Gurong ignored him and stepped onto the lotus path, his white hair fluttering gently in an invisible breeze.

He walked slowly forward, reaching the edge of the water demon’s broken boat, looking down at the wretched creature with a hint of pity in his eyes.

The water demon seemed to sense something and suddenly let out a sinister laugh, “Who would have thought that the great Sage Shen, who killed countless ghost cultivators with one sword, could have a heart of compassion? Truly eye-opening.”

Shen Gurong replied calmly, “I don’t pity you. I pity those innocent people you killed.”

“Innocent?” the water demon sneered, “Are there any innocent people in this world? If you hadn’t blinded me back then, they wouldn’t have died by my hands.”

Shen Gurong was unmoved by his words and simply said, “Nonsense.”

Another cluster of Phoenix Fire touched the water demon, gradually burning away his body formed of sinister energy. Perhaps because he had already died once, there was no fear of death on his face; instead, he looked even more crazed.

“Lord Nan Yang protected you for so many years, even trading with the Yao Clan and making that hundred-year pact,” the water demon said hoarsely. “But Shen Fengxue, you left Liren Peak…”

Shen Gurong was taken aback and frowned at him.

The water demon suddenly burst into loud laughter, “My boat can’t reach the shore, and neither can you.”

Shen Gurong thought this was nonsensical, as if the water demon were speaking in riddles.

He was about to ask further when he saw the water demon pressing a hand against the boat’s edge, attempting to force himself into the water.

Wen Liubing, quick to react, swung the Lanting Sword. There was a sharp sound in the void, and Shen Gurong felt something rush past his ear.

When he looked again, Wen Liubing’s Lanting Sword had pinned the water demon firmly to the boat’s edge. The water demon stared at him with wide, ghostly eyes, filled with a fierce glare.

Shen Gurong: “…”

Wen Liubing stepped quickly across the lotus path, saying in a deep voice, “The water demon is an earth-bound wraith. It cannot leave the boat and water, or it will become a mindless evil spirit.”

The water demon, already pierced through the heart by the Phoenix Fire and the Lanting Sword, had its ghostly energy completely dissipated, staring into the seemingly eternal darkness with eyes wide open in death.

In its eyes, there seemed to be both reluctance and relief.

Wen Liubing explained briefly, then walked up to Shen Gurong, only to notice that his master was now covered in filthy black blood.

It had all splashed out when Wen Liubing struck with his sword.

Shen Gurong stood there, his eyes wide and vacant, his once pristine green robes now glaringly dirty.

Shen Fengxue had always been immaculate in his green robes, as dignified as an immortal. Even in a downpour, he wouldn’t let a single drop of rain touch his clothes.

Wen Liubing had never seen his master in such a disheveled state and was surprised. He asked, puzzled, “Master, why are you covered in so much blood?”

Shen Gurong: “…”

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Transmigrated Into The High-Risk Profession Life As A Master Chapter 26

Transmigrated Into The High-Risk Profession Life As A Master Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Lanting Phoenix, My Boat Cannot Dock…..

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Sage Shen's imposing presence was unparalleled, even the ferocious water demon, who treated human lives like grass, retreated in his presence.

The lotus in the filthy water continued to grow wildly, quickly spreading toward the water demon’s boat. The water demon, with a gloomy expression, used his pole to propel himself backward.

Shen Gurong swung his sword again.

In Shen Fengxue's hands, the sword Lin Xiachun could unleash a flurry of frost and killing intent with a casual wave, but in Shen Gurong's use, the sword's intent was gentle as the spring breeze, swaying like rain, without a trace of coldness.

With a crisp sound, the sword's intent, enveloped in the pitch-black sewage, cut off a section of the water demon’s pole.

The water demon’s expression was grim as he stared fixedly at Shen Gurong, yet, forced by Shen Gurong's still lingering sharp pressure, he retreated with his boat, abandoning even the broken pole.

The severed section of the pole had not yet fallen into the water when it was swiftly wrapped up by the petals of a lotus, which then plunged it into the water.

The next moment, the lotus, as if it had come to life, emerged from beneath Shen Gurong's feet, swaying left and right, presenting the piece of the pole to Shen Gurong.

With a cold expression, Shen Gurong raised his hand to receive the small section of the pole, tossing it to Wen Liubing without a glance.

The pole seemed to possess some strange power, but Shen Gurong didn't know how to use it, so he pretended to be profound and gave it to Wen Liubing, leaving his disciple to figure it out.

He lowered his eyes to the lotus that seemed to be performing a dance. Even though he was almost accustomed to this world, seeing this almost human-like lotus was still quite exhilarating.

Wen Liubing, having stepped off the swaying boat, looked much better. He stood up, stepped on the lotus, and caught the pole.

"Master," Wen Liubing carefully examined the pole and said truthfully, "This doesn't seem to have any use."

Shen Gurong: "..."

The scene became somewhat awkward.

Wen Liubing, being very straightforward, didn't understand how to consider his master's feelings. He always believed that "everything Master does has its reason," so he didn't notice Shen Gurong's embarrassment and continued to ask, "Does Master have some other ingenious use for this pole?"

Shen Gurong thought expressionlessly, [To shut your mouth with it.]

Mu Zhe: "..."

Wen Liubing, not paying attention to anyone else's expressions, continued, "Master?"

Mu Zhe thought, it's really kind of Master not to have expelled you from the sect all these years.

Seeing that Shen Gurong was about to start inventing new insults, Mu Zhe coughed lightly and said, "Senior Brother, the urgent task now is to subdue the water demon.”

The water demon seemed wary of Shen Gurong, who had suddenly regained his spiritual power, but was also unwilling to let him go easily. Holding most of the broken pole, the demon stood on the dilapidated little boat at a distance, watching them coldly.

Wen Liubing never allowed others to interfere in his affairs too much, and he had long disliked Mu Zhe. Hearing this, he shot Mu Zhe a cold look as sharp as a knife, saying, "I don't need your reminder."

Mu Zhe seemed startled, his shoulders trembling slightly.

Shen Gurong, seeing this by chance, immediately frowned. He quickly walked over on the lotus to Mu Zhe's side, shielding him behind him while glaring coldly at Wen Liubing.

Wen Liubing immediately said, "I didn't do anything."

Just as he finished speaking, Mu Zhe wrapped his arms around Shen Gurong's waist, burying his small face in Shen Gurong's chest, as if he were very frightened.

Shen Gurong's gaze became even harsher.

Wen Liubing: "..."

Wen Liubing, angered to the point of turning pale, gave Mu Zhe's back a fierce glare before expressionlessly taking his sword to fight the water demon.

Xue Manzhuang had already flown back. Circling a few times, he was about to land on Shen Gurong's shoulder when Shen Gurong unceremoniously slapped him away. Xue Manzhuang had no choice but to perch on a lotus, chirping pitifully.

The water demon lightly tapped the water with his pole, causing ripples to spread. He seemed to realize something and frowned: "The phoenix has recognized its master..."

Shen Gurong, unable to use his spiritual power within the water demon’s barrier, had borrowed the spiritual power from the phoenix's recognition contract for that momentary intimidating aura.

Realizing this, the water demon sneered and stirred the water with his pole. Countless vengeful spirits emerged from the water, forming a dense wall in the air to block Wen Liubing, who was approaching on the lotus.

Wen Liubing slashed with his sword, creating a sharp opening in the wall of vengeful spirits. Then, his spiritual power exploded, annihilating all the vengeful spirits.

But as the vengeful spirits dissipated like rain, the water demon and his boat, which had been not far away, vanished without a trace.

Wen Liubing's pupils contracted. Reacting quickly, he instinctively swung his sword backward. The sword intent, infused with the power of the Godhood Stage, swept across the dark water, making it boil.

With a thunderous explosion, the sword intent narrowly missed Shen Gurong, exploding just behind him.

Black water droplets splattered everywhere, drenching Shen Gurong, even dripping onto his long white hair.

Startled, Shen Gurong shivered slightly, bending down to protect Mu Zhe's small body beneath him.

When the black rain stopped, Shen Gurong, still shaken, thought: [Rebellious disciple, are you finally trying to kill your master?!]

The rebellious disciple hurriedly stepped across the scattered lotus leaves and called out urgently, "Master, watch your step!"

Just those four words made Shen Gurong feel a creepy sensation extending from his feet up to his calves. Without thinking, he picked up Mu Zhe and struck out with his spiritual power at his feet.

Lin Xiachun had already dissipated from his hand at some point.

Xue Manzhuang, still in its infant form, had very little usable spiritual power left. The two sword strikes Shen Gurong had made earlier had nearly depleted Xue Manzhuang's remaining spiritual power, so this strike had little effect, merely shattering the lotus on the water surface.

The water demon’s sinister face emerged from the surface of the water.

He was pushing his boat and somehow managed to submerge himself underwater.

The water demon seemed to merge seamlessly with the inky water, only his white eyes visible through the thin layer of water, staring intently at Shen Gurong.

Shen Gurong almost screamed in shock but barely managed to hold it in to avoid embarrassment.

He quickly retreated a few steps as the surrounding lotus plants began to wither slowly, leaving no place to step.

Seeing that Shen Gurong was about to fall into the water, Wen Liubing quickly tossed the half-section of the pole he was holding.

At the moment it touched the water, the pole transformed into a small boat.

Without thinking, Shen Gurong threw Mu Zhe onto the boat. Just as he was about to jump onto it himself, he watched in astonishment as the boat, along with the bewildered Mu Zhe, suddenly vanished from the water's surface.

Shen Gurong: "..."

Was he cursed today?

The pole transformed into a small boat, forcibly transporting Mu Zhe out of the water demon's barrier, leaving the remaining two and a phoenix in dire straits.

Xue Manzhuang was fine, having space to fly around. Even if he got lost in the thick fog, he could just fly around for a while and find his way back.

However, with Shen Gurong's spiritual power dissipating, the lotus flowers withered rapidly, leaving the two of them with nowhere to stand within moments.

Shen Gurong landed gracefully on the last lotus flower, his robes fluttering as he frowned at Wen Liubing. "You mentioned earlier that you have a way to break the water demon’s barrier. What is it?"

Wen Liubing, avoiding looking at the water, held the Lanting Sword in his hand. His eyes were cold as he slightly rotated the blade. "Kill him, and we can get out."

Shen Gurong: "..."

Had his disciple always been this reckless? How had he not gotten himself killed all these years?

"All the ghost cultivators from Dongting are wicked," Wen Liubing said coldly. "This water demon, enlightened by someone, escaped from Dongting. On his way to Chaoliren Peak, he already killed several people. Even if we capture him and return him to Dongting, he won't escape death."

Shen Gurong remained silent.

Seeing Shen Gurong deep in thought, Wen Liubing's icy expression softened slightly. He respectfully handed his own life-bound sword to Shen Gurong. "Master, please take this sword."

Shen Gurong frowned slightly. "Hmm?"

"Your Lin Xiachun is not at hand, and your spiritual power is too weak right now. You need a divine weapon to protect yourself."

Shen Gurong was taken aback. Lin Xiachun?

Wasn't the sword he held earlier Shen Fengxue's life-bound sword, Lin Xiachun? How was it not at hand?

He tilted his head, thinking, and staggered as the last lotus flower underfoot seemed about to wither and turn to ashes.

As the last bit of footing began to disappear, Shen Gurong felt a sudden panic. He suddenly recalled Shen Fengxue's earlier words.

[You need to learn how to survive on your own.]

Survive on his own...

Shen Gurong suddenly felt a bit lost.

Ever since he arrived in this world, he had relied either on Xi Guxing or Shen Fengxue. He even hesitated to easily crush the Epidemic Demon that had possessed Mu Zhe.

In this water demon’s barrier, if he didn't kill the water demon, it would mean his death.

If he died, could he still go home?

As this thought crossed Shen Gurong's mind, a chill ran through his entire body.

This was a thought he had never dared to entertain since coming here. He feared he wouldn't be able to return home, to see his parents, his brothers, and his sister.

The fear of this possibility was so overwhelming that when Shen Gurong had the thought of "not being able to go home," his heart ached, and his hand instinctively gripped Wen Liubing's Lanting Sword tightly.

He looked down at the withering lotus beneath his feet, and whatever thoughts crossed his mind, he suddenly thrust the sword into the water.

The pitch-black water seemed to be composed of countless vengeful spirits. As the sharp blade pierced through, he heard a cacophony of agonized screams. Countless hands emerged, struggling to grab his feet and drag him into the endless abyss.

Shen Gurong thought to himself, "I'm not here to die."

He closed his eyes slightly, ignoring the shadow-like ghost hands reaching for his legs.

Although Shen Fengxue's memories were fragmented, the instinct to fight ghost cultivators remained.

Shen Gurong rummaged through those memories for a moment and finally found a solution in a corner of his mind.

He suddenly opened his eyes and called out to the flying Xue Manzhuang, "Xue Manzhuang, come here."

Xue Manzhuang, holding no grudges, immediately flew back when he heard the beautiful man call him, chirping obediently.

Shen Gurong asked, "Can you still use phoenix fire?"

Xue Manzhuang tilted his head slightly, chirping in confusion.

Shen Gurong said, "Fire."

Xue Manzhuang finally understood. Closing his eyes tightly and straining for a while, he managed to produce a small wisp of phoenix fire from his beak.

Shen Gurong: "..."

Although Xue Manzhuang was an adult, he was forced back into his infant form and couldn't produce much phoenix fire.

Shen Gurong suddenly felt a sense of irony; every cause has its effect, and now he faced the consequences.

The water demon was too cunning, navigating the water with his boat. Despite Wen Liubing's cultivation, he couldn't locate the demon's hiding place.

Wen Liubing noticed Shen Gurong discussing Phoenix Fire with Xue Manzhuang and raised an eyebrow slightly, “Master wants to use fire to fight the water demon?”

Shen Gurong nodded, “Although it looks like water under our feet, it’s actually a dark river formed by countless resentful spirits.”

The Phoenix Fire can burn everything in the world, and it’s especially effective against sinister entities.

When Xue Manzhuang heard Shen Gurong praising his fire, he immediately jumped up and down, joyfully pestering Shen Gurong to spit fire.

After struggling for a long time, he finally managed to produce a ball of Phoenix Fire in his palm. Seeing him so hoarse, as if he was about to vomit out his organs, even Shen Gurong, who usually disliked Xue Manzhuang, couldn’t help but feel a bit sympathetic.

“Stop it.” Shen Gurong, rarely, patted Xue Manzhuang’s head, “This should be enough.”

Xue Manzhuang, who was barely alive, was suddenly patted on the head and stood frozen for a moment. Then, he immediately jumped up, chirping and wanting to spit more fire for the beautiful Shen.

Shen Gurong patted his head twice more and said, “Stay quietly on my shoulder.”

Xue Manzhuang instantly fell silent, squatting on Shen Gurong’s left shoulder with a joyful expression, his little head swaying from side to side.

Shen Gurong ignored him and suspended the Phoenix Fire on the Lanting Sword, then let Wen Liubing control the spiritual sword like water.

Wen Liubing nodded and controlled the reluctant spiritual sword to plunge into the water with a swoosh, starting to fly around in search of the water ghost.

The water demon’s barrier was like a long river. The Lanting Sword, carrying the Phoenix Fire, moved straight ahead. The resentful spirits, fearing both the spiritual sword and the Phoenix Fire, screamed and avoided them.

In just a moment, a wail came from not far away. Then the Lanting Sword emerged from the water, bringing with it a trail of ghostly energy, and returned to Wen Liubing’s hand.

The Phoenix Fire’s power was immense, severely injuring the water demon in an instant.

The boat, carrying the water demon, slowly floated up from the water.

The water demon, covered in blood, clung to the edge of the boat, still glaring fiercely at Shen Gurong.

Using the last of his spiritual power, Shen Gurong waved his hand, spreading a path of lotus flowers on the water.

Just as he was about to step forward, Wen Liubing stopped him, “Master, water demons are cunning, you must be careful.”

Shen Gurong ignored him and stepped onto the lotus path, his white hair fluttering gently in an invisible breeze.

He walked slowly forward, reaching the edge of the water demon’s broken boat, looking down at the wretched creature with a hint of pity in his eyes.

The water demon seemed to sense something and suddenly let out a sinister laugh, “Who would have thought that the great Sage Shen, who killed countless ghost cultivators with one sword, could have a heart of compassion? Truly eye-opening.”

Shen Gurong replied calmly, “I don’t pity you. I pity those innocent people you killed.”

“Innocent?” the water demon sneered, “Are there any innocent people in this world? If you hadn’t blinded me back then, they wouldn’t have died by my hands.”

Shen Gurong was unmoved by his words and simply said, “Nonsense.”

Another cluster of Phoenix Fire touched the water demon, gradually burning away his body formed of sinister energy. Perhaps because he had already died once, there was no fear of death on his face; instead, he looked even more crazed.

“Lord Nan Yang protected you for so many years, even trading with the Yao Clan and making that hundred-year pact,” the water demon said hoarsely. “But Shen Fengxue, you left Liren Peak…”

Shen Gurong was taken aback and frowned at him.

The water demon suddenly burst into loud laughter, “My boat can’t reach the shore, and neither can you.”

Shen Gurong thought this was nonsensical, as if the water demon were speaking in riddles.

He was about to ask further when he saw the water demon pressing a hand against the boat’s edge, attempting to force himself into the water.

Wen Liubing, quick to react, swung the Lanting Sword. There was a sharp sound in the void, and Shen Gurong felt something rush past his ear.

When he looked again, Wen Liubing’s Lanting Sword had pinned the water demon firmly to the boat’s edge. The water demon stared at him with wide, ghostly eyes, filled with a fierce glare.

Shen Gurong: “...”

Wen Liubing stepped quickly across the lotus path, saying in a deep voice, “The water demon is an earth-bound wraith. It cannot leave the boat and water, or it will become a mindless evil spirit.”

The water demon, already pierced through the heart by the Phoenix Fire and the Lanting Sword, had its ghostly energy completely dissipated, staring into the seemingly eternal darkness with eyes wide open in death.

In its eyes, there seemed to be both reluctance and relief.

Wen Liubing explained briefly, then walked up to Shen Gurong, only to notice that his master was now covered in filthy black blood.

It had all splashed out when Wen Liubing struck with his sword.

Shen Gurong stood there, his eyes wide and vacant, his once pristine green robes now glaringly dirty.

Shen Fengxue had always been immaculate in his green robes, as dignified as an immortal. Even in a downpour, he wouldn’t let a single drop of rain touch his clothes.

Wen Liubing had never seen his master in such a disheveled state and was surprised. He asked, puzzled, “Master, why are you covered in so much blood?”

Shen Gurong: “...”

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  1. midori says:

    the translation is so good! thank uu

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