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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 108

Chapter 108

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After returning home, Xie Xiu was lost in thought by himself until midnight before he finally went to sleep. The next day, he invited Senior Minister Li to dine together in the evening.

Just as usual, Senior Minister Li brought with him several types of flowers and plants to the Prince Duan’s residence.

When he handed them to Prince Duan, he noticed that Xie Xiu took them without examining closely and had a eunuch take them.

This subtle unusual behavior was enough to make Senior Minister Li keenly aware that a change was coming.

But he didn’t show any difference. After sitting down, he proceeded to review Xie Xiu’s work as usual.

Once the dishes were served, the master and student fell into silence and began to eat in earnest.

This was the rule set by Senior Minister Li. When they had guests, they could engage in conversation, but when dining privately, they had to focus.

The standard for being focused was being able to taste each bite of food without distraction.

Just this seemingly insignificant habit, when practiced over the long term, could calm the restlessness in one’s heart.

After nearly seven years of adherence, Xie Xiu could maintain a state of calm during almost every meal. However, today, he couldn’t savor the food no matter what.

“If there’s something important, Your Highness, please put down your chopsticks, speak, and then continue eating.” Senior Minister Li put down his chopsticks first and kindly looked at Xie Xiu.

Xie Xiu also put down his chopsticks, lowered his head, but dared not look at Senior Minister Li.

He had a thought in his mind, something he really wanted to say, but he felt that Senior Minister Li wouldn’t like the idea.

Xie Xiu found it hard to understand other people’s feelings, and most of the time, he didn’t consider how others might feel when he spoke. But today was different. He had to break his past promise to Senior Minister Li.

“Will you be angry with me, Master?” Xie Xiu asked nervously with his head down.

Senior Minister Li didn’t question why he asked this and calmly and firmly replied, “No, I won’t.”

“What if I go against our previous agreement?”

“Then please tell me your reasons.”

“Would you accept any reasons, no matter what they are?”

“I will judge right from wrong for Your Highness, but I won’t interfere with your decisions.”

“And you won’t get angry?”

Senior Minister Li smiled. “You never used to ask the same question twice.”

Xie Xiu lifted his head and looked at Senior Minister Li, gathering courage. “I want… Master, please assist my Sixth Brother as the Crown Prince.”

Thinking he would be scolded for saying this, Xie Xiu was surprised to see Senior Minister Li still looking kindly at him. “Your Highness, what’s your reason?”

Xie Xiu’s hands, hidden under the table, clenched into fists as he replied softly, “Master, I don’t understand politics. Let me save time to make more tools that can benefit the people more than being the heir.”

“Your Highness can entrust all governance to me.”

Xie Xiu lowered his head and said with sadness, “That would be too tiring for you, Master. I can’t bear it.”

Senior Minister Li gazed silently at the child he had cared for for eight years. After a while, he spoke gently, “Has Your Highness made up your mind?”

Xie Xiu nodded slowly.

“Is there anything else of importance, Your Highness?”

Xie Xiu quickly shook his head.

“Very well, then please continue your meal and set aside your thoughts.”

Xie Xiu raised his head in surprise. “Master, do you agree?”

Senior Minister Li looked up at him. “I accept Your Highness’ decision to relinquish the heir’s position. As for who I will assist in the future, it’s not up to me or Your Highness. So, there’s no need to dwell on it.”

Xie Xiu tilted his head in confusion. “Then who gets to decide?”

“That can’t be decided now,” Senior Minister Li said solemnly. “Your Highness’ choice to step back at this moment might be a blessing in disguise. For seven years, the master has shielded the disciple from this storm. It’s time for you to retire gracefully.”

Xie Xiu gazed at Senior Minister Li in confusion.

Senior Minister Li smiled affectionately at Xie Xiu. “Please, continue your meal, Your Highness. The food will get cold.”


Over the next two months, the court witnessed several changes in official positions, mostly concerning rewards and punishments for the events of the Luozhou war and the Tatar invasion.

If the prior reshuffling of two court members was a warning to Senior Minister Xu, these two months of consecutive changes in high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Works indicated an intention to hold the entire Prince Yan’s faction accountable.

The swift order for the Luozhou war came from the Emperor himself. Prince Yan’s faction believed the Emperor wouldn’t openly vent his anger on Senior Minister Xu. However, that cursed military commander in Hanzhou, Xue Qi, had somehow climbed to his position through Senior Minister Xu’s connections.

With this revelation, the Emperor had ample reasons to deal with Prince Yan’s faction.

Inside Prince Yan’s faction, anxiety spread, while on the Emperor’s side, actions temporarily came to a halt.

The calm before the storm lasted for five days, and the anxious members of Prince Yan’s faction were surprised by the proclamation of the Crown Prince.

The one declared as Crown Prince was not Prince Yan or Prince Duan, but rather Prince Ling Xie Duo, who was known for saving the nation in times of crisis.

After the proclamation was read during the court meeting, Han Jiao was left in shock.

The timing of the Crown Prince proclamation had been moved up more than six years ahead of schedule.

It was too sudden.

In the novel, Xie Duo became the Crown Prince after Prince Yan’s faction had already been defeated. But now, the Emperor had only suppressed a small portion of Prince Yan’s faction before suddenly making Xie Duo the heir. Wasn’t he worried about both factions uniting against him?

Han Jiao turned pale with astonishment.

However, the things he feared didn’t happen.

Though the court fell into a moment of stunned silence, soon enough, the Crown Prince was wholeheartedly embraced by Prince Duan’s faction, led by Senior Minister Li, who bowed in unison and voiced their support.

Following that, several high-ranking members of Prince Yan’s faction also stepped forward to express their support. Surprisingly, more and more members of Prince Yan’s faction joined in, praising Prince Ling’s remarkable efforts in saving the country.

Gradually, people came to their senses, and the court erupted into joyous celebration and praise.

Although Senior Minister Xu led a portion of Prince Yan’s faction and didn’t oppose, they remained silent without uttering a word of resistance.

Amidst the jubilation that felt like a dream, Han Jiao, bewildered, eagerly waited for the morning court and hurriedly sought counsel from Elder Lin.

Everything was far from normal. Prince Yan’s faction and Prince Duan’s faction showed no resistance.

According to the ancestral traditions of Great Chu, during times of national crisis, an Imperial Prince with military achievements can be chosen as the Crown Prince, regardless of birth order.

However, the crisis at present had seemingly passed. Both Prince Yan’s faction and Prince Duan’s faction could have used this tradition to oppose the choice of the heir, yet there was no bloodshed or chaos in the court today.

What could be the reason behind this?

Elder Lin provided some answers.

“Prince Yan’s faction, who is now implicated in the deaths of 18,000 soldiers due to General Xue Qi, has already faced discreet repercussions from the Emperor. The remaining members are naturally in a state of unease and would rather jump to Prince Duan’s faction to save themselves. However, Prince Duan’s faction cannot accept these people. The Emperor’s decision to make the Ninth Prince the Crown Prince at this time is likely to encourage Prince Yan’s faction to search for a new camp. Their active support for Prince Ling not only helps them escape the precarious situation in the Prince Yan’s faction but also secures them a place in the winning side, which will likely lead to many of them pledging allegiance.”

Han Jiao furrowed his brow and nodded. “What about Prince Duan’s faction? How did they…?”

Elder Lin shook his head. “I can’t quite figure that out either. Senior Minister Li has always been unpredictable in his actions. Seeing Prince Duan’s faction’s readiness today, it appears they were prepared in advance.”

Han Jiao couldn’t shake his deep unease. “As for Senior Minister Xu’s expression, it doesn’t seem like he accepted it as calmly as Senior Minister Li.”

Elder Lin sighed. “Since the proclamation has been issued, it must have gone through court deliberation. As for Senior Minister Xu…” He slowly stroked his beard and sighed. “We’ll see how he proceeds step by step.”

They didn’t have to wait long, just an hour later, some astonishing news reached the Hanlin Academy.

After the Crown Prince proclamation was read in Nansan Hall, Prince Ling knelt in silence and refused to accept the decree.

Han Jiao had been left dizzy by the sudden event of the early proclamation. It was only now that he realized that the big boss was surely even less inclined to accept this unexpected decree.

Xie Duo had no desire to become the Emperor. Han Jiao was certain that even if Prince Yan and Prince Duan both renounced the throne, Prince Ling would never be willing to take on the arduous role.

Given the current situation, Xie Duo’s promotion due to his military achievements must be a significant blow to Prince Yan.

Prince Yan would likely become the first eldest son in Great Chu’s history to lose the position of Crown Prince due to the inability to achieve military success.

Subsequently, there were continuous reports from the eunuchs who had received silver rewards.

Three quarters past the hour of the Goat, Prince Ling was taken to Xiyuan Hall by the Emperor.

At the next quarter of the hour of the Goat, the Emperor’s anger was evident.

At the start of the hour of the Monkey, Prince Ling was punished, and the Empress hurried to Xiyuan Hall to intercede.

By the end of the hour of the Monkey, Prince Ling and the Empress left Xiyuan Hall.

After that, there was no more news.

Han Jiao quickly left. Handing over a coin, asked the eunuch how Prince Ling’s injuries were.

The eunuch politely declined the reward and gave him information for free, “His Highness walked out of Xiyuan Hall by himself.”

Han Jiao breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the Emperor wouldn’t actually harm his beloved son.

Soon, it was the end of the school day, and with no summons to Nansan Hall, Han Jiao couldn’t visit. He had to wait until the next day during his teaching session to have a detailed conversation with Xie Duo.

After leaving the palace, he gradually regained his composure. Han Jiao didn’t return home. Instead, he rode his donkey straight to Prince Yan’s residence.

At this critical moment, Prince Yan undoubtedly needed guidance even more than the big boss.

However, the news of the Crown Prince’s proclamation had already reached Prince Yan’s residence. The stubborn and face-conscious iron-headed kid refused to see anyone again. No matter how Han Jiao tried to send a message, the eunuchs at Prince Yan’s residence helplessly asked him to visit in a few days.

This matter had kept Han Jiao awake all night, and the next day, he rushed to the palace. Only during the teaching session did he find out that Xie Duo was under house arrest by the Emperor and was not allowed to receive visitors, not even his brothers, Xie Jing and Xie An.

Han Jiao felt like he was suddenly trapped in a hopeless situation.

After enduring five days, he not only didn’t see the big boss and the iron-headed kid but also missed the morning court session.

The Emperor had caught a cold and was bedridden, unable to attend court.

Rumors spread among the court that Prince Ling’s actions had made the Emperor ill.

This news gave Prince Yan’s faction a glimmer of hope. With Prince Ling in no condition to rule, they hoped the furious Emperor would reconsider and name a new heir.

Both Prince Duan’s faction and Prince Yan’s faction lacked military achievements. Now that the decree had been issued, they were stuck. If there was a change, the only option was to select Prince Yan as the heir.

Previously, Han Jiao had thought about guiding Xie Duo’s interest in politics during these six years before he became Crown Prince, letting Prince Yan see his brother’s true abilities. He believed this would make sense later if this issue ever arose.

However, he hadn’t expected this situation to happen so suddenly. Now, Xie Duo couldn’t possibly accept such an arrangement. Han Jiao actually hoped the Emperor would see reason, spare Xie Duo, and simply name Prince Yan as the Crown Prince, which would make everyone happy.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 108

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 108

Chapter 108

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After returning home, Xie Xiu was lost in thought by himself until midnight before he finally went to sleep. The next day, he invited Senior Minister Li to dine together in the evening.

Just as usual, Senior Minister Li brought with him several types of flowers and plants to the Prince Duan's residence.

When he handed them to Prince Duan, he noticed that Xie Xiu took them without examining closely and had a eunuch take them.

This subtle unusual behavior was enough to make Senior Minister Li keenly aware that a change was coming.

But he didn't show any difference. After sitting down, he proceeded to review Xie Xiu's work as usual.

Once the dishes were served, the master and student fell into silence and began to eat in earnest.

This was the rule set by Senior Minister Li. When they had guests, they could engage in conversation, but when dining privately, they had to focus.

The standard for being focused was being able to taste each bite of food without distraction.

Just this seemingly insignificant habit, when practiced over the long term, could calm the restlessness in one's heart.

After nearly seven years of adherence, Xie Xiu could maintain a state of calm during almost every meal. However, today, he couldn't savor the food no matter what.

"If there's something important, Your Highness, please put down your chopsticks, speak, and then continue eating." Senior Minister Li put down his chopsticks first and kindly looked at Xie Xiu.

Xie Xiu also put down his chopsticks, lowered his head, but dared not look at Senior Minister Li.

He had a thought in his mind, something he really wanted to say, but he felt that Senior Minister Li wouldn't like the idea.

Xie Xiu found it hard to understand other people's feelings, and most of the time, he didn't consider how others might feel when he spoke. But today was different. He had to break his past promise to Senior Minister Li.

"Will you be angry with me, Master?" Xie Xiu asked nervously with his head down.

Senior Minister Li didn't question why he asked this and calmly and firmly replied, "No, I won't."

"What if I go against our previous agreement?"

"Then please tell me your reasons."

"Would you accept any reasons, no matter what they are?"

"I will judge right from wrong for Your Highness, but I won't interfere with your decisions."

"And you won't get angry?"

Senior Minister Li smiled. "You never used to ask the same question twice."

Xie Xiu lifted his head and looked at Senior Minister Li, gathering courage. "I want... Master, please assist my Sixth Brother as the Crown Prince."

Thinking he would be scolded for saying this, Xie Xiu was surprised to see Senior Minister Li still looking kindly at him. "Your Highness, what's your reason?"

Xie Xiu's hands, hidden under the table, clenched into fists as he replied softly, "Master, I don't understand politics. Let me save time to make more tools that can benefit the people more than being the heir."

"Your Highness can entrust all governance to me."

Xie Xiu lowered his head and said with sadness, "That would be too tiring for you, Master. I can't bear it."

Senior Minister Li gazed silently at the child he had cared for for eight years. After a while, he spoke gently, "Has Your Highness made up your mind?"

Xie Xiu nodded slowly.

"Is there anything else of importance, Your Highness?"

Xie Xiu quickly shook his head.

"Very well, then please continue your meal and set aside your thoughts."

Xie Xiu raised his head in surprise. "Master, do you agree?"

Senior Minister Li looked up at him. "I accept Your Highness' decision to relinquish the heir's position. As for who I will assist in the future, it's not up to me or Your Highness. So, there's no need to dwell on it."

Xie Xiu tilted his head in confusion. "Then who gets to decide?"

"That can't be decided now," Senior Minister Li said solemnly. "Your Highness' choice to step back at this moment might be a blessing in disguise. For seven years, the master has shielded the disciple from this storm. It's time for you to retire gracefully."

Xie Xiu gazed at Senior Minister Li in confusion.

Senior Minister Li smiled affectionately at Xie Xiu. "Please, continue your meal, Your Highness. The food will get cold."


Over the next two months, the court witnessed several changes in official positions, mostly concerning rewards and punishments for the events of the Luozhou war and the Tatar invasion.

If the prior reshuffling of two court members was a warning to Senior Minister Xu, these two months of consecutive changes in high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Works indicated an intention to hold the entire Prince Yan's faction accountable.

The swift order for the Luozhou war came from the Emperor himself. Prince Yan's faction believed the Emperor wouldn't openly vent his anger on Senior Minister Xu. However, that cursed military commander in Hanzhou, Xue Qi, had somehow climbed to his position through Senior Minister Xu's connections.

With this revelation, the Emperor had ample reasons to deal with Prince Yan's faction.

Inside Prince Yan's faction, anxiety spread, while on the Emperor's side, actions temporarily came to a halt.

The calm before the storm lasted for five days, and the anxious members of Prince Yan's faction were surprised by the proclamation of the Crown Prince.

The one declared as Crown Prince was not Prince Yan or Prince Duan, but rather Prince Ling Xie Duo, who was known for saving the nation in times of crisis.

After the proclamation was read during the court meeting, Han Jiao was left in shock.

The timing of the Crown Prince proclamation had been moved up more than six years ahead of schedule.

It was too sudden.

In the novel, Xie Duo became the Crown Prince after Prince Yan's faction had already been defeated. But now, the Emperor had only suppressed a small portion of Prince Yan's faction before suddenly making Xie Duo the heir. Wasn't he worried about both factions uniting against him?

Han Jiao turned pale with astonishment.

However, the things he feared didn't happen.

Though the court fell into a moment of stunned silence, soon enough, the Crown Prince was wholeheartedly embraced by Prince Duan's faction, led by Senior Minister Li, who bowed in unison and voiced their support.

Following that, several high-ranking members of Prince Yan's faction also stepped forward to express their support. Surprisingly, more and more members of Prince Yan's faction joined in, praising Prince Ling's remarkable efforts in saving the country.

Gradually, people came to their senses, and the court erupted into joyous celebration and praise.

Although Senior Minister Xu led a portion of Prince Yan's faction and didn't oppose, they remained silent without uttering a word of resistance.

Amidst the jubilation that felt like a dream, Han Jiao, bewildered, eagerly waited for the morning court and hurriedly sought counsel from Elder Lin.

Everything was far from normal. Prince Yan's faction and Prince Duan's faction showed no resistance.

According to the ancestral traditions of Great Chu, during times of national crisis, an Imperial Prince with military achievements can be chosen as the Crown Prince, regardless of birth order.

However, the crisis at present had seemingly passed. Both Prince Yan's faction and Prince Duan's faction could have used this tradition to oppose the choice of the heir, yet there was no bloodshed or chaos in the court today.

What could be the reason behind this?

Elder Lin provided some answers.

"Prince Yan's faction, who is now implicated in the deaths of 18,000 soldiers due to General Xue Qi, has already faced discreet repercussions from the Emperor. The remaining members are naturally in a state of unease and would rather jump to Prince Duan's faction to save themselves. However, Prince Duan's faction cannot accept these people. The Emperor's decision to make the Ninth Prince the Crown Prince at this time is likely to encourage Prince Yan's faction to search for a new camp. Their active support for Prince Ling not only helps them escape the precarious situation in the Prince Yan's faction but also secures them a place in the winning side, which will likely lead to many of them pledging allegiance."

Han Jiao furrowed his brow and nodded. "What about Prince Duan's faction? How did they...?"

Elder Lin shook his head. "I can't quite figure that out either. Senior Minister Li has always been unpredictable in his actions. Seeing Prince Duan's faction's readiness today, it appears they were prepared in advance."

Han Jiao couldn't shake his deep unease. "As for Senior Minister Xu's expression, it doesn't seem like he accepted it as calmly as Senior Minister Li."

Elder Lin sighed. "Since the proclamation has been issued, it must have gone through court deliberation. As for Senior Minister Xu..." He slowly stroked his beard and sighed. "We'll see how he proceeds step by step."

They didn't have to wait long, just an hour later, some astonishing news reached the Hanlin Academy.

After the Crown Prince proclamation was read in Nansan Hall, Prince Ling knelt in silence and refused to accept the decree.

Han Jiao had been left dizzy by the sudden event of the early proclamation. It was only now that he realized that the big boss was surely even less inclined to accept this unexpected decree.

Xie Duo had no desire to become the Emperor. Han Jiao was certain that even if Prince Yan and Prince Duan both renounced the throne, Prince Ling would never be willing to take on the arduous role.

Given the current situation, Xie Duo's promotion due to his military achievements must be a significant blow to Prince Yan.

Prince Yan would likely become the first eldest son in Great Chu's history to lose the position of Crown Prince due to the inability to achieve military success.

Subsequently, there were continuous reports from the eunuchs who had received silver rewards.

Three quarters past the hour of the Goat, Prince Ling was taken to Xiyuan Hall by the Emperor.

At the next quarter of the hour of the Goat, the Emperor's anger was evident.

At the start of the hour of the Monkey, Prince Ling was punished, and the Empress hurried to Xiyuan Hall to intercede.

By the end of the hour of the Monkey, Prince Ling and the Empress left Xiyuan Hall.

After that, there was no more news.

Han Jiao quickly left. Handing over a coin, asked the eunuch how Prince Ling's injuries were.

The eunuch politely declined the reward and gave him information for free, "His Highness walked out of Xiyuan Hall by himself."

Han Jiao breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the Emperor wouldn't actually harm his beloved son.

Soon, it was the end of the school day, and with no summons to Nansan Hall, Han Jiao couldn't visit. He had to wait until the next day during his teaching session to have a detailed conversation with Xie Duo.

After leaving the palace, he gradually regained his composure. Han Jiao didn't return home. Instead, he rode his donkey straight to Prince Yan's residence.

At this critical moment, Prince Yan undoubtedly needed guidance even more than the big boss.

However, the news of the Crown Prince's proclamation had already reached Prince Yan's residence. The stubborn and face-conscious iron-headed kid refused to see anyone again. No matter how Han Jiao tried to send a message, the eunuchs at Prince Yan's residence helplessly asked him to visit in a few days.

This matter had kept Han Jiao awake all night, and the next day, he rushed to the palace. Only during the teaching session did he find out that Xie Duo was under house arrest by the Emperor and was not allowed to receive visitors, not even his brothers, Xie Jing and Xie An.

Han Jiao felt like he was suddenly trapped in a hopeless situation.

After enduring five days, he not only didn't see the big boss and the iron-headed kid but also missed the morning court session.

The Emperor had caught a cold and was bedridden, unable to attend court.

Rumors spread among the court that Prince Ling's actions had made the Emperor ill.

This news gave Prince Yan's faction a glimmer of hope. With Prince Ling in no condition to rule, they hoped the furious Emperor would reconsider and name a new heir.

Both Prince Duan's faction and Prince Yan's faction lacked military achievements. Now that the decree had been issued, they were stuck. If there was a change, the only option was to select Prince Yan as the heir.

Previously, Han Jiao had thought about guiding Xie Duo's interest in politics during these six years before he became Crown Prince, letting Prince Yan see his brother's true abilities. He believed this would make sense later if this issue ever arose.

However, he hadn't expected this situation to happen so suddenly. Now, Xie Duo couldn't possibly accept such an arrangement. Han Jiao actually hoped the Emperor would see reason, spare Xie Duo, and simply name Prince Yan as the Crown Prince, which would make everyone happy.

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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