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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 124

Chapter 124

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“I have my own limits,” Xie Duo said, looking steadily at Han Jiao. “Xiaobai, you excel in governing, while I am skilled in political strategy. I cannot escape this fate. I can only settle here. This place is not just my home, but it will also be your future home. When you ask me what I want to do, I simply wish to secure a peaceful future for our family.”

Han Jiao’s confusion deepened as he looked at Xie Duo.

Had Prince Yan’s faction truly become such a threat to Xie Duo?

With the Crown Prince’s position now set, even though Prince Yan may feel disappointed, he might have quietly communicated with Senior Minister Xu, seeking his dedicated support for Xie Duo.

Even if Senior Minister Xu harbored ambitions, he was like a tree without roots. His sole way forward was to compete with Senior Minister Li for the trust of the future ruler.

But now, Xie Duo was secretly eliminating Senior Minister Xu’s followers, which truly baffled Han Jiao.

There was indeed no sign of Prince Yan attempting to seize the throne. Considering the bond between the two brothers, Xie Duo shouldn’t have such suspicions.

Moreover, Xie Duo’s methods against Prince Yan’s faction were even more extreme.

When he dismantled the Second Prince’s faction before, Xie Duo quietly fanned the flames of internal strife within the Second Prince’s faction, causing mutual suspicion and accusations among the followers, ultimately leaving them vulnerable to Xie Duo’s control.

He effortlessly eroded trust and loyalty within the Second Prince’s faction without making a sound.

With such ingenious political tactics, Xie Duo played it like a game and even generously promoted some of the Second Prince’s followers afterward. So why did he seem to want to root them out completely when it came to Prince Yan?

With Xie Duo’s political talents, he shouldn’t have continued suppressing one faction while allowing Senior Minister Li’s influence to grow.

Even though Prince Duan had withdrawn, did Xie Duo really trust Senior Minister Li more than his own sixth brother?

Han Jiao gazed at Xie Duo and whispered, “With you here, I don’t believe anyone can disturb the peace of our home.”

Xie Duo smiled. “In that case, trust me.”

“Of course, I trust you,” Han Jiao replied anxiously. “But… do we really need to treat Prince Yan as an imaginary enemy? You know more about what kind of person he is than I do.”

Xie Duo, with a hint of disappointment, lowered his eyes and shook his head. “I don’t know. I used to think highly of myself, but it’s only when you stumble that you realize the situation is more perilous than you imagine.”

“What peril?” Han Jiao asked urgently. “Is it because you’re worried about the Emperor’s illness? Xie Duo, you have me, your Mother Empress, your Sixth and Seventh brothers. They are your closest family, and their feelings won’t change with your position. They won’t grow distant from you.”

Xie Duo, upon hearing this, had a moment of vacancy in his eyes. He turned to look at the bright blue sky beyond the palace walls, a childlike, lost expression briefly crossing his face.

“Your Highness? Your Highness?” Han Jiao took a step closer, cradling Xie Duo’s face. “What’s wrong with you? You’re worrying me, Xie Duo! Why have you been acting so strangely lately?”

Xie Duo regained his composure, his hand holding Han Jiao’s left hand pressed against his cheek. He spoke softly, “I used to think that many people loved me because I was a powerful figure. I believed that power and status were things that ordinary people desired. I always knew what I wanted and what I excelled at. I never wanted to be tainted by external things. But these days, I’ve started to realize that I didn’t care about these things before because I’ve had them since childhood. They make up the ‘Ninth Prince Xie Duo.’ If I were to lose all of this, who would I be? As a person who indulges in merriment and is of no use, why should I be able to preserve others’ feelings for me? And you, Han Jiao, if I were nobody, would you still like me a bit?”

Han Jiao’s eyes welled up. He hugged Xie Duo tightly, shouting, “I will always, always, always like you a bit! You are not made up of power and status! You’re an amazing cuju player and a warrior skilled in battle!”

Xie Duo embraced him back, but he didn’t reply.

Han Jiao chose not to plead with him anymore to spare Prince Yan’s faction.

He couldn’t bring himself to say it.

For some reason, Xie Duo suddenly seemed very insecure. He was eradicating Prince Yan’s faction not to target Prince Yan, but to protect himself.

Han Jiao felt that Xie Duo had lost complete confidence in their friendship with him and his brothers.

At this point, if he were to repeatedly implore Xie Duo to spare Prince Yan’s faction, Han Jiao worried that Xie Duo might lose trust in him as well.

Take it slow…

Han Jiao could be considered a kind of amateur psychologist, and in such a situation, he knew that showing his own anxiety would only push Xie Duo to extremes.

But how could he take it slow?

He was very worried that Xie Duo might, like in the novel, move on to the next step and sever the connection between Prince Yan and Senior Minister Xu, ultimately causing Liu Tong’s demise.

That would mean all of Han Jiao’s previous efforts had been in vain, with the two brothers treading the same path as in the novel.

After much thought, Han Jiao felt that Xie Duo couldn’t be pressured at the moment. He needed to find an alternative solution.

Like disrupting Liu Tong’s fate.

He decided that he would persuade Liu Tong to voluntarily resign and return to his hometown.

This would prevent Xie Duo from taking action against him and Prince Yan from losing hope and retaliating.

Let Han Jiao be the villain. He believed neither Xie Duo nor Xie Guang would stoop to compete with a minor Hanlin Academy official like him.

The problem was not as easy as he had initially thought. Liu Tong had a narrow-minded personality. He had been resentful previously because Prince Yan favored Han Jiao and often snubbed him privately.

While Han Jiao wasn’t particularly magnanimous, he secretly enjoyed this and didn’t get angry. He played dumb, putting on a smiling face whenever they crossed paths.

Liu Tong not only failed to appreciate Han Jiao’s generosity but also assumed the airs of Prince Yan’s teacher, treating Han Jiao like a servant.

Han Jiao didn’t mind. In the role of an advisor, competence was the key. This wasn’t a matter of vying for favor like concubines as there was no pecking order here. Prince Yan’s favor was earned through his own talents, and Han Jiao was deserving of it.

Looking back now, he was glad he hadn’t made a fuss earlier. It pays to avoid offending people, otherwise approaching Liu Tong now for negotiations would be a futile endeavor.

Liu Tong was a man concerned about his pride. Han Jiao’s threats and coercion would only backfire.

On second thought, the current situation might be just right – a slight element of competition, a softer approach from Han Jiao, and someone like Liu Tong, who was full of scholarly airs, might be more patient and willing to listen.

After leaving the palace, Han Jiao bought a reasonably modest gift and visited Liu Tong’s residence.

He didn’t want to appear neglectful or excessively obsequious. When discussing matters with Liu Tong, it was essential to maintain an equal relationship, neither ingratiating nor demeaning.

Surprisingly, Liu Tong’s mansion was even larger than Han Jiao’s. Given his modest income as an official for over a decade, he shouldn’t have such wealth. It was likely provided by Prince Yan.

This indicated that Prince Yan had treated him well, explaining Liu Tong’s fear of Han Jiao usurping his position.

Liu Tong was greatly surprised by Han Jiao’s visit, knowing that Han Jiao had already abandoned Prince Yan, a small tree, and fully aligned himself with the Crown Prince, a much larger tree.

Because of this, Liu Tong had no shortage of character assassinations against Han Jiao in front of Prince Yan. He felt a mix of relief for having Han Jiao out of his way as a formidable competitor and jealousy at Han Jiao’s effortless maneuvering among the three Crown Prince candidates.

Liu Tong had been navigating the political arena for many years and had encountered quite a few cunning courtiers. However, most of them could only demonstrate their talents to gain favor with a single master. He had never seen a courtier so highly regarded by multiple masters.

Han Jiao was indeed an enigmatic figure. Prince Yan, Prince Duan, and Prince Ling all favored him, and it was said that he even facilitated reconciliation between Prince Duan and Prince Yan.

Even though this young man was an opportunist, he was an astonishing talent.

So, Liu Tong was both envious and admiring from the bottom of his heart. Han Jiao’s proactive visit left him pleasantly surprised. He greeted him as if they were lifelong friends reuniting after thirty years.

Liu Tong’s warmth put Han Jiao at ease. Since the other party was showing goodwill, Han Jiao reciprocated and referred to Liu Tong as “Elder” for the first time.

In the past, he had always called him “Master Liu,” while Liu Tong had addressed him as Han Jiao. Today, he made an exception, calling him “Brother Xiaobai.”

They exchanged pleasantries, feigning affection and expressing nonexistent longing for each other. Liu Tong then instructed his servants to prepare a feast for their distinguished guest.

Han Jiao started to feel a bit uneasy about Liu Tong’s warmth. Could this fellow be attempting to befriend him to get closer to the Crown Prince and lay the foundation for his own future?

Unfortunately for him, Han Jiao was there to persuade him to resign from his position.

Han Jiao’s choice of a gift was perfectly appropriate, setting the tone of equality between them. During the banquet, Liu Tong’s attitude towards him matched his expectations.

Initially, Han Jiao spoke in cliches about the unpredictability of life and the inscrutable nature of rulers’ hearts. He then went on to sincerely praise Liu Tong’s accomplishments.

Later, he commended Liu Tong for his loyalty, emphasizing that individuals with such temperament were the most trustworthy and honorable. Liu Tong had undoubtedly been Prince Yan’s most trusted confidant for many years.

These words of flattery were the foundation for what he was about to discuss, but Liu Tong remained unaware of the underlying motive. He was quite pleased and continuously proposed toasts to Han Jiao.

Han Jiao had the habit of not drinking alcohol, which could indeed cause misunderstandings, especially as the centuries-old tradition of drinking at the table still held sway. Refusing a drink could easily be seen as arrogance and disdain.

To prevent Liu Tong from misconstruing his intentions, Han Jiao earnestly described his embarrassing habit of crying loudly when drunk. He confessed that after just one glass of alcohol, he would be bedridden for three days. He had even taken leave from work for three days recently because he had a half glass of wine at Prince Yan’s residence.

As there were princes present at that feast, it was an honest statement, and Liu Tong believed him. He allowed Han Jiao to toast with tea instead.

Seeing Liu Tong’s face reddening after a few drinks, Han Jiao was concerned that he might blackout like himself, and promptly turned to the main subject.

Han Jiao set his tea cup down, wearing an expression of sorrow, and spoke in a deep voice, “To be honest, although I’ve known Elder Liu for less than a year, I’ve long admired your virtuous character. You’ve dedicated nearly twenty years of your life for the sake of Prince Yan. I’ve always felt sorry for you.”

This remark struck a nerve with Liu Tong, and what was even more disheartening was that although his official position might be minor, as the Crown Prince’s future teacher, he would undoubtedly rise to greater heights. But now, with the sudden emergence of the Ninth Prince, his entire life had seemingly gone to waste, and his future had lost all hope.

“The timing and fate indeed.” Liu Tong set down his wine glass and sighed. “In truth, I’ve long admired Brother Xiaobai but regretted my lack of eloquence. In the court, it’s individuals like Brother Xiaobai, who possess both eloquence and talent, that can see the path ahead.”

Han Jiao asked with a serious tone, “Forgive my audacity, but what are your future plans, Elder?”

This question hit home.

Liu Tong avoided Han Jiao’s inquiring gaze, smiled bitterly, and shook his head. “As the saying goes, ‘The white bones of King Zhao entwine with creeping grass, who else can sweep the golden terrace?’ My career has reached its end. But being able to henceforth focus solely on learning and assist Prince Yan in scholarly pursuits might not be considered a misfortune.”

“Elder, you’re mistaken,” Han Jiao responded seriously. “Although the Crown Prince is young, his knowledge is not inferior to Prince Yan, and he is more resolute and decisive by nature. He has a keen eye for talent and learning even in the minutiae.”

Liu Tong didn’t understand the implication behind Han Jiao’s words and didn’t dare hope for it. He held back his excitement and looked at Han Jiao earnestly. “What do you mean, Brother Xiaobai?”

Han Jiao turned to look at a nearby attendant with a serious expression.

Liu Tong immediately understood and hastily signaled for the attendant to withdraw, leaving just the two of them in the hall to discuss confidential matters.

After the door was closed, Han Jiao leaned in close to Liu Tong and whispered, “To be frank, my visit today is to alleviate the concerns of the Crown Prince.”

Liu Tong asked with surprise, “What concerns does the Crown Prince have?”

He wanted to ask, “What does this have to do with me?” With Senior Minister Xu, Senior Minister Li, and other cunning old foxes around him, why would Prince Yan’s attendant come up with a solution for the Crown Prince?

“The Crown Prince’s concern lies in suddenly assuming governance without any established support within the court, leaving him uncertain about whom he can trust.”

Liu Tong was puzzled about why Han Jiao had come to discuss this matter with him. Nevertheless, he displayed an expression of concern for the Crown Prince’s predicament. “A ruler’s intentions are inscrutable. Indeed, the Crown Prince is unprepared and needs to patiently cultivate his own trusted advisors. It’s fortunate that he has Brother Xiaobai by his side, who can help alleviate the Crown Prince’s worries.”

Han Jiao shook his head. “Please, Elder, consider this. I am the appointed advisor to Prince Ling and a long-serving official under Prince Yan. If the Crown Prince, newly in power, promotes his own teacher, it will surely raise suspicions. Similar to your need to avoid drawing attention while serving under Prince Yan for many years, my career still has a long path ahead. Currently, as a fifth-ranking official, I lack the authority to participate in any significant state affairs and am unable to assist the Crown Prince.”

Liu Tong wore a troubled expression. “Indeed, this is a predicament. I am willing to help the Crown Prince, but it appears I have even less of a role to play now.”

Seeing Liu Tong’s eager and curious expression, Han Jiao decided it was the right time to unveil his trump card and said in a serious tone, “Elder, you can.”

With sparkling eyes, Liu Tong asked with trembling excitement, “I implore my dear Brother to explain.”

Han Jiao took a deep breath and expressed his concerns, “Recently, I have been frequently at the Crown Prince’s side and have often seen him troubled, sighing and saying, ‘If only I had a wise scholar like Liu Tong, who can provide such loyal and insightful counsel to my brother, why should I worry about the lack of capable advisors in the court?'”

Liu Tong was struck by these words as if by a thunderbolt, leaving him trembling all over.

He stared at Han Jiao in a daze for a long time and then asked with a trembling voice, “Is the Crown Prince truly saying such things?”

Han Jiao frowned. “Do you think I would dare to fabricate such words from the Crown Prince? But we must keep this conversation strictly confidential. Otherwise, both of us will lose the Crown Prince’s trust.”

“I understand!” Liu Tong now regarded Han Jiao as a true brother. He sighed, his eyes filled with sorrow. “While the Crown Prince used to be somewhat playful, he possesses extraordinary talent and quick-thinking. He’s also a brilliant military strategist. Truly, it’s a divine mandate, and we must not go against it. For the sake of the people, I am willing to serve the rightful ruler…”

Han Jiao hadn’t expected Liu Tong to be so straightforward. He thought Liu would have to put on a show of polite refusal, indicating his unwavering loyalty to Prince Yan.

Liu Tong was being too eager, but that suited Han Jiao’s purpose. He no longer needed to beat around the bush and went straight to the point, “My purpose in coming here is to ask you, Elder, to step forward for our rightful ruler, our nation, and the well-being of all.”

Liu Tong became so moved that his eyes turned red. “Whatever the Crown Prince commands, I shall follow even if it means laying down my life!”

Liu Tong was genuinely excited and thrilled. However, he still wondered why Han Jiao had come to discuss this matter. If the Crown Prince wanted to promote him, why not do it directly?

Then, it dawned on Liu Tong. Han Jiao, often by the Crown Prince’s side, had likely guessed the Crown Prince’s intentions and decided to inform him beforehand as a personal favor, ensuring he had someone looking out for him in the court.

Liu Tong became even more certain about this matter, as the Crown Prince did indeed lack trusted advisors in the court due to his inexperience.

Han Jiao noticed that Liu Tong had taken the bait, so he unleashed the second part of his plan.

He looked at Liu Tong with a furrowed brow and said, “Even though the Crown Prince wishes to promote you, he’s concerned about your past association with Senior Minister Xu. You have been known as the most trusted confidant of Prince Yan, with your influence extending far and wide. If the Crown Prince directly promotes you, there’s a risk that it could be misinterpreted by Prince Yan’s faction. They might think the Crown Prince has allied with Prince Yan or is being influenced by him. In the worst-case scenario, it could lead to turmoil within the court. As the Emperor is still recovering from an illness, a sudden upheaval in the court might spiral out of control, with no one capable of restoring order.”

Liu Tong appeared somewhat disappointed. “What… what should we do then?”

Han Jiao reached out and firmly grasped his wrist, looking resolute. “Are you willing to trust me, Elder?”

“I’m willing to form a bond as strong as brothers with you. Through the hardships ahead, you and I will support each other.”

Han Jiao nodded. “Elder, you have one clear path to resolve this situation.”

“Please, share your guidance.”

“Resign from your office and return to your hometown.” 

Liu Tong was stunned.

“This action would demonstrate your loyalty to Prince Yan and sever your connections with both factions. In just a few years, the Crown Prince will undoubtedly call upon you to return to service. By then, you’ll serve the Crown Prince with unwavering devotion, free from the suspicions of Prince Yan’s faction.”

Liu Tong’s mind worked slowly. His expression shifted from “Are you trying to fool me?” to “This makes sense” and finally settled on “What a clever way to turn adversity into advantage.”

Regaining his composure, Liu Tong expressed his gratitude to Han Jiao, “I wonder how I can repay your guidance.”

“Since Elder is willing to acknowledge me as your brother, from now on, we can navigate this journey together. Helping you is helping myself, so there’s no need to speak of repaying debts.”

Liu Tong was deeply grateful but struggled to find words to express his feelings.

Han Jiao reminded him once more, “What we’ve discussed today must remain a secret from others. If it gets out, both our careers will be ruined.”

Liu Tong expressed his gratitude, swearing his utmost loyalty.

Although it seemed pitiful to see Liu Tong helping count the money after he had been sold, it should be noted that in the novel, he died on the way to exile.

Han Jiao helped him resign from his official post. Although it wasn’t entirely for the purpose of saving his life, it at least indirectly saved his life, so there was no indebtedness.

As for whether the Crown Prince would reinstate him two years later, Han Jiao had plenty of ideas to make that happen.

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 124

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 124

Chapter 124

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"I have my own limits," Xie Duo said, looking steadily at Han Jiao. "Xiaobai, you excel in governing, while I am skilled in political strategy. I cannot escape this fate. I can only settle here. This place is not just my home, but it will also be your future home. When you ask me what I want to do, I simply wish to secure a peaceful future for our family."

Han Jiao's confusion deepened as he looked at Xie Duo.

Had Prince Yan's faction truly become such a threat to Xie Duo?

With the Crown Prince's position now set, even though Prince Yan may feel disappointed, he might have quietly communicated with Senior Minister Xu, seeking his dedicated support for Xie Duo.

Even if Senior Minister Xu harbored ambitions, he was like a tree without roots. His sole way forward was to compete with Senior Minister Li for the trust of the future ruler.

But now, Xie Duo was secretly eliminating Senior Minister Xu's followers, which truly baffled Han Jiao.

There was indeed no sign of Prince Yan attempting to seize the throne. Considering the bond between the two brothers, Xie Duo shouldn't have such suspicions.

Moreover, Xie Duo's methods against Prince Yan's faction were even more extreme.

When he dismantled the Second Prince's faction before, Xie Duo quietly fanned the flames of internal strife within the Second Prince's faction, causing mutual suspicion and accusations among the followers, ultimately leaving them vulnerable to Xie Duo's control.

He effortlessly eroded trust and loyalty within the Second Prince's faction without making a sound.

With such ingenious political tactics, Xie Duo played it like a game and even generously promoted some of the Second Prince's followers afterward. So why did he seem to want to root them out completely when it came to Prince Yan?

With Xie Duo's political talents, he shouldn't have continued suppressing one faction while allowing Senior Minister Li's influence to grow.

Even though Prince Duan had withdrawn, did Xie Duo really trust Senior Minister Li more than his own sixth brother?

Han Jiao gazed at Xie Duo and whispered, "With you here, I don't believe anyone can disturb the peace of our home."

Xie Duo smiled. "In that case, trust me."

"Of course, I trust you," Han Jiao replied anxiously. "But... do we really need to treat Prince Yan as an imaginary enemy? You know more about what kind of person he is than I do."

Xie Duo, with a hint of disappointment, lowered his eyes and shook his head. "I don't know. I used to think highly of myself, but it's only when you stumble that you realize the situation is more perilous than you imagine."

"What peril?" Han Jiao asked urgently. "Is it because you're worried about the Emperor's illness? Xie Duo, you have me, your Mother Empress, your Sixth and Seventh brothers. They are your closest family, and their feelings won't change with your position. They won't grow distant from you."

Xie Duo, upon hearing this, had a moment of vacancy in his eyes. He turned to look at the bright blue sky beyond the palace walls, a childlike, lost expression briefly crossing his face.

"Your Highness? Your Highness?" Han Jiao took a step closer, cradling Xie Duo's face. "What's wrong with you? You're worrying me, Xie Duo! Why have you been acting so strangely lately?"

Xie Duo regained his composure, his hand holding Han Jiao's left hand pressed against his cheek. He spoke softly, "I used to think that many people loved me because I was a powerful figure. I believed that power and status were things that ordinary people desired. I always knew what I wanted and what I excelled at. I never wanted to be tainted by external things. But these days, I've started to realize that I didn't care about these things before because I've had them since childhood. They make up the 'Ninth Prince Xie Duo.' If I were to lose all of this, who would I be? As a person who indulges in merriment and is of no use, why should I be able to preserve others' feelings for me? And you, Han Jiao, if I were nobody, would you still like me a bit?"

Han Jiao's eyes welled up. He hugged Xie Duo tightly, shouting, "I will always, always, always like you a bit! You are not made up of power and status! You're an amazing cuju player and a warrior skilled in battle!"

Xie Duo embraced him back, but he didn't reply.

Han Jiao chose not to plead with him anymore to spare Prince Yan's faction.

He couldn't bring himself to say it.

For some reason, Xie Duo suddenly seemed very insecure. He was eradicating Prince Yan's faction not to target Prince Yan, but to protect himself.

Han Jiao felt that Xie Duo had lost complete confidence in their friendship with him and his brothers.

At this point, if he were to repeatedly implore Xie Duo to spare Prince Yan's faction, Han Jiao worried that Xie Duo might lose trust in him as well.

Take it slow...

Han Jiao could be considered a kind of amateur psychologist, and in such a situation, he knew that showing his own anxiety would only push Xie Duo to extremes.

But how could he take it slow?

He was very worried that Xie Duo might, like in the novel, move on to the next step and sever the connection between Prince Yan and Senior Minister Xu, ultimately causing Liu Tong's demise.

That would mean all of Han Jiao's previous efforts had been in vain, with the two brothers treading the same path as in the novel.

After much thought, Han Jiao felt that Xie Duo couldn't be pressured at the moment. He needed to find an alternative solution.

Like disrupting Liu Tong's fate.

He decided that he would persuade Liu Tong to voluntarily resign and return to his hometown.

This would prevent Xie Duo from taking action against him and Prince Yan from losing hope and retaliating.

Let Han Jiao be the villain. He believed neither Xie Duo nor Xie Guang would stoop to compete with a minor Hanlin Academy official like him.

The problem was not as easy as he had initially thought. Liu Tong had a narrow-minded personality. He had been resentful previously because Prince Yan favored Han Jiao and often snubbed him privately.

While Han Jiao wasn't particularly magnanimous, he secretly enjoyed this and didn't get angry. He played dumb, putting on a smiling face whenever they crossed paths.

Liu Tong not only failed to appreciate Han Jiao's generosity but also assumed the airs of Prince Yan's teacher, treating Han Jiao like a servant.

Han Jiao didn't mind. In the role of an advisor, competence was the key. This wasn't a matter of vying for favor like concubines as there was no pecking order here. Prince Yan's favor was earned through his own talents, and Han Jiao was deserving of it.

Looking back now, he was glad he hadn't made a fuss earlier. It pays to avoid offending people, otherwise approaching Liu Tong now for negotiations would be a futile endeavor.

Liu Tong was a man concerned about his pride. Han Jiao's threats and coercion would only backfire.

On second thought, the current situation might be just right – a slight element of competition, a softer approach from Han Jiao, and someone like Liu Tong, who was full of scholarly airs, might be more patient and willing to listen.

After leaving the palace, Han Jiao bought a reasonably modest gift and visited Liu Tong's residence.

He didn't want to appear neglectful or excessively obsequious. When discussing matters with Liu Tong, it was essential to maintain an equal relationship, neither ingratiating nor demeaning.

Surprisingly, Liu Tong's mansion was even larger than Han Jiao's. Given his modest income as an official for over a decade, he shouldn't have such wealth. It was likely provided by Prince Yan.

This indicated that Prince Yan had treated him well, explaining Liu Tong's fear of Han Jiao usurping his position.

Liu Tong was greatly surprised by Han Jiao's visit, knowing that Han Jiao had already abandoned Prince Yan, a small tree, and fully aligned himself with the Crown Prince, a much larger tree.

Because of this, Liu Tong had no shortage of character assassinations against Han Jiao in front of Prince Yan. He felt a mix of relief for having Han Jiao out of his way as a formidable competitor and jealousy at Han Jiao's effortless maneuvering among the three Crown Prince candidates.

Liu Tong had been navigating the political arena for many years and had encountered quite a few cunning courtiers. However, most of them could only demonstrate their talents to gain favor with a single master. He had never seen a courtier so highly regarded by multiple masters.

Han Jiao was indeed an enigmatic figure. Prince Yan, Prince Duan, and Prince Ling all favored him, and it was said that he even facilitated reconciliation between Prince Duan and Prince Yan.

Even though this young man was an opportunist, he was an astonishing talent.

So, Liu Tong was both envious and admiring from the bottom of his heart. Han Jiao's proactive visit left him pleasantly surprised. He greeted him as if they were lifelong friends reuniting after thirty years.

Liu Tong's warmth put Han Jiao at ease. Since the other party was showing goodwill, Han Jiao reciprocated and referred to Liu Tong as "Elder" for the first time.

In the past, he had always called him "Master Liu," while Liu Tong had addressed him as Han Jiao. Today, he made an exception, calling him "Brother Xiaobai."

They exchanged pleasantries, feigning affection and expressing nonexistent longing for each other. Liu Tong then instructed his servants to prepare a feast for their distinguished guest.

Han Jiao started to feel a bit uneasy about Liu Tong's warmth. Could this fellow be attempting to befriend him to get closer to the Crown Prince and lay the foundation for his own future?

Unfortunately for him, Han Jiao was there to persuade him to resign from his position.

Han Jiao's choice of a gift was perfectly appropriate, setting the tone of equality between them. During the banquet, Liu Tong's attitude towards him matched his expectations.

Initially, Han Jiao spoke in cliches about the unpredictability of life and the inscrutable nature of rulers' hearts. He then went on to sincerely praise Liu Tong's accomplishments.

Later, he commended Liu Tong for his loyalty, emphasizing that individuals with such temperament were the most trustworthy and honorable. Liu Tong had undoubtedly been Prince Yan's most trusted confidant for many years.

These words of flattery were the foundation for what he was about to discuss, but Liu Tong remained unaware of the underlying motive. He was quite pleased and continuously proposed toasts to Han Jiao.

Han Jiao had the habit of not drinking alcohol, which could indeed cause misunderstandings, especially as the centuries-old tradition of drinking at the table still held sway. Refusing a drink could easily be seen as arrogance and disdain.

To prevent Liu Tong from misconstruing his intentions, Han Jiao earnestly described his embarrassing habit of crying loudly when drunk. He confessed that after just one glass of alcohol, he would be bedridden for three days. He had even taken leave from work for three days recently because he had a half glass of wine at Prince Yan's residence.

As there were princes present at that feast, it was an honest statement, and Liu Tong believed him. He allowed Han Jiao to toast with tea instead.

Seeing Liu Tong's face reddening after a few drinks, Han Jiao was concerned that he might blackout like himself, and promptly turned to the main subject.

Han Jiao set his tea cup down, wearing an expression of sorrow, and spoke in a deep voice, "To be honest, although I've known Elder Liu for less than a year, I've long admired your virtuous character. You've dedicated nearly twenty years of your life for the sake of Prince Yan. I've always felt sorry for you."

This remark struck a nerve with Liu Tong, and what was even more disheartening was that although his official position might be minor, as the Crown Prince's future teacher, he would undoubtedly rise to greater heights. But now, with the sudden emergence of the Ninth Prince, his entire life had seemingly gone to waste, and his future had lost all hope.

"The timing and fate indeed." Liu Tong set down his wine glass and sighed. "In truth, I've long admired Brother Xiaobai but regretted my lack of eloquence. In the court, it's individuals like Brother Xiaobai, who possess both eloquence and talent, that can see the path ahead."

Han Jiao asked with a serious tone, "Forgive my audacity, but what are your future plans, Elder?"

This question hit home.

Liu Tong avoided Han Jiao's inquiring gaze, smiled bitterly, and shook his head. "As the saying goes, 'The white bones of King Zhao entwine with creeping grass, who else can sweep the golden terrace?' My career has reached its end. But being able to henceforth focus solely on learning and assist Prince Yan in scholarly pursuits might not be considered a misfortune."

"Elder, you're mistaken," Han Jiao responded seriously. "Although the Crown Prince is young, his knowledge is not inferior to Prince Yan, and he is more resolute and decisive by nature. He has a keen eye for talent and learning even in the minutiae."

Liu Tong didn't understand the implication behind Han Jiao's words and didn't dare hope for it. He held back his excitement and looked at Han Jiao earnestly. "What do you mean, Brother Xiaobai?"

Han Jiao turned to look at a nearby attendant with a serious expression.

Liu Tong immediately understood and hastily signaled for the attendant to withdraw, leaving just the two of them in the hall to discuss confidential matters.

After the door was closed, Han Jiao leaned in close to Liu Tong and whispered, "To be frank, my visit today is to alleviate the concerns of the Crown Prince."

Liu Tong asked with surprise, "What concerns does the Crown Prince have?"

He wanted to ask, "What does this have to do with me?" With Senior Minister Xu, Senior Minister Li, and other cunning old foxes around him, why would Prince Yan's attendant come up with a solution for the Crown Prince?

"The Crown Prince's concern lies in suddenly assuming governance without any established support within the court, leaving him uncertain about whom he can trust."

Liu Tong was puzzled about why Han Jiao had come to discuss this matter with him. Nevertheless, he displayed an expression of concern for the Crown Prince's predicament. "A ruler's intentions are inscrutable. Indeed, the Crown Prince is unprepared and needs to patiently cultivate his own trusted advisors. It's fortunate that he has Brother Xiaobai by his side, who can help alleviate the Crown Prince's worries."

Han Jiao shook his head. "Please, Elder, consider this. I am the appointed advisor to Prince Ling and a long-serving official under Prince Yan. If the Crown Prince, newly in power, promotes his own teacher, it will surely raise suspicions. Similar to your need to avoid drawing attention while serving under Prince Yan for many years, my career still has a long path ahead. Currently, as a fifth-ranking official, I lack the authority to participate in any significant state affairs and am unable to assist the Crown Prince."

Liu Tong wore a troubled expression. "Indeed, this is a predicament. I am willing to help the Crown Prince, but it appears I have even less of a role to play now."

Seeing Liu Tong's eager and curious expression, Han Jiao decided it was the right time to unveil his trump card and said in a serious tone, "Elder, you can."

With sparkling eyes, Liu Tong asked with trembling excitement, "I implore my dear Brother to explain."

Han Jiao took a deep breath and expressed his concerns, "Recently, I have been frequently at the Crown Prince's side and have often seen him troubled, sighing and saying, 'If only I had a wise scholar like Liu Tong, who can provide such loyal and insightful counsel to my brother, why should I worry about the lack of capable advisors in the court?'"

Liu Tong was struck by these words as if by a thunderbolt, leaving him trembling all over.

He stared at Han Jiao in a daze for a long time and then asked with a trembling voice, "Is the Crown Prince truly saying such things?"

Han Jiao frowned. "Do you think I would dare to fabricate such words from the Crown Prince? But we must keep this conversation strictly confidential. Otherwise, both of us will lose the Crown Prince's trust."

"I understand!" Liu Tong now regarded Han Jiao as a true brother. He sighed, his eyes filled with sorrow. "While the Crown Prince used to be somewhat playful, he possesses extraordinary talent and quick-thinking. He's also a brilliant military strategist. Truly, it's a divine mandate, and we must not go against it. For the sake of the people, I am willing to serve the rightful ruler..."

Han Jiao hadn't expected Liu Tong to be so straightforward. He thought Liu would have to put on a show of polite refusal, indicating his unwavering loyalty to Prince Yan.

Liu Tong was being too eager, but that suited Han Jiao's purpose. He no longer needed to beat around the bush and went straight to the point, "My purpose in coming here is to ask you, Elder, to step forward for our rightful ruler, our nation, and the well-being of all."

Liu Tong became so moved that his eyes turned red. "Whatever the Crown Prince commands, I shall follow even if it means laying down my life!"

Liu Tong was genuinely excited and thrilled. However, he still wondered why Han Jiao had come to discuss this matter. If the Crown Prince wanted to promote him, why not do it directly?

Then, it dawned on Liu Tong. Han Jiao, often by the Crown Prince's side, had likely guessed the Crown Prince's intentions and decided to inform him beforehand as a personal favor, ensuring he had someone looking out for him in the court.

Liu Tong became even more certain about this matter, as the Crown Prince did indeed lack trusted advisors in the court due to his inexperience.

Han Jiao noticed that Liu Tong had taken the bait, so he unleashed the second part of his plan.

He looked at Liu Tong with a furrowed brow and said, "Even though the Crown Prince wishes to promote you, he's concerned about your past association with Senior Minister Xu. You have been known as the most trusted confidant of Prince Yan, with your influence extending far and wide. If the Crown Prince directly promotes you, there's a risk that it could be misinterpreted by Prince Yan's faction. They might think the Crown Prince has allied with Prince Yan or is being influenced by him. In the worst-case scenario, it could lead to turmoil within the court. As the Emperor is still recovering from an illness, a sudden upheaval in the court might spiral out of control, with no one capable of restoring order."

Liu Tong appeared somewhat disappointed. "What... what should we do then?"

Han Jiao reached out and firmly grasped his wrist, looking resolute. "Are you willing to trust me, Elder?"

"I'm willing to form a bond as strong as brothers with you. Through the hardships ahead, you and I will support each other."

Han Jiao nodded. "Elder, you have one clear path to resolve this situation."

"Please, share your guidance."

"Resign from your office and return to your hometown." 

Liu Tong was stunned.

"This action would demonstrate your loyalty to Prince Yan and sever your connections with both factions. In just a few years, the Crown Prince will undoubtedly call upon you to return to service. By then, you'll serve the Crown Prince with unwavering devotion, free from the suspicions of Prince Yan's faction."

Liu Tong's mind worked slowly. His expression shifted from "Are you trying to fool me?" to "This makes sense" and finally settled on "What a clever way to turn adversity into advantage."

Regaining his composure, Liu Tong expressed his gratitude to Han Jiao, "I wonder how I can repay your guidance."

"Since Elder is willing to acknowledge me as your brother, from now on, we can navigate this journey together. Helping you is helping myself, so there's no need to speak of repaying debts."

Liu Tong was deeply grateful but struggled to find words to express his feelings.

Han Jiao reminded him once more, "What we've discussed today must remain a secret from others. If it gets out, both our careers will be ruined."

Liu Tong expressed his gratitude, swearing his utmost loyalty.

Although it seemed pitiful to see Liu Tong helping count the money after he had been sold, it should be noted that in the novel, he died on the way to exile.

Han Jiao helped him resign from his official post. Although it wasn't entirely for the purpose of saving his life, it at least indirectly saved his life, so there was no indebtedness.

As for whether the Crown Prince would reinstate him two years later, Han Jiao had plenty of ideas to make that happen.

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